Friday, September 21, 2018


Hello. Nice People,

We buried my niece yesterday.  We grew up together, me and Pat. She was 76 years old. 18 months older than me.  Pat never was a picture of health. Since her twenties, she always had an issue. Sometimes more than one at a time.  And so we grew apart.

Pat married the love of her life, and they were the happiest couple on the face of the earth.  We lost Ron five years ago, and I believe she also died on that day.  Pat and Ron,  I think they are together in heaven.   Dancing to some 50s tunes and loving each other again.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Hello Nice People,
I finally found it.  My BLOG, that is.  Things have changed since I last was here.  I'll need some time to figure things out, like how to put in pictures.  And how to change my header.
I have had that picture of the school bus for years, so now its time to go.  be patient with me.

Thursday, March 31, 2016


Hello Nice People,

     Today is the last day of March,2016 .    the weather at the Shore has been quite warm for this month.  Joyce and Bunk were here yesterday.  We had a nice visit.  Joyce got up to see Benny.  I didn't tell him they were coming, so it was a good surprise.  I restocked him with goodies, soda and fruit, and of course his favorite cookies.  His feet and legs are so swollen with fluid, but I don't think that's going to see any improvement.  Not with his stubbornness.  After that, we went to Habachi for some lunch.

     My legs are giving me a lot of pain.  The Chiropractor suggested I go to  Neuro Physician.  I DID make an appointment....see what happens.

     I have been retired now four years.  It seems like yesterday that I went in and told Carmella I was retiring.  We both cried.  Carmella passed away the beginning of this month.  I had not seen her since that day, but it is hard to believe that she is gone.  Sal is retiring in June of this year.  I hope we do well at home together everyday.  There is  a lot of work around here.  I don't know if he is up to it.   

     My cyber friend, Linda, out in Washington State went in for back surgery on February 8.  Now she is in a nursing home.  she is pretty much confined to  a wheelchair.  I am praying she gets better.
I am gonna try to pop in here and catch up on news.  I just have to learn this Windows 8.  It  used to be so easy .

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Hello Nice People,

     March 5th, and we're having a snow day.  Schools are closed, offices are closed.  Its one of those days.  Predictions say 6 to 8 inches.  I'll be surprised to see 3, but that means it will be gone sooner.  Its a clam chowder day.  Sal makes the clam chowder, so that lets me off the hook.  I just look at him with kind of glazed eyes, and he thinks I dont know how to make it.  Thats the method behind my madness. 
      Ben is having issues with retaining water in his legs and feet.  Its not good at all.  I never saw feet so swollen, they actually look like balloons.  Monster feet is a good description.
I think its good that I am at the nursing home so much, a couple times a week, or more.  It kind of keeps them on their toes.  I know they are aware of the problem, but they were not being aggressive in the treatment.  He is so stubborn about listening and he doesnt understand the importance of keeping his feet up.  Since I brought it to their attention,  they have increased his diuretic meds and are battling him harder to keep his feet up. 


Sunday, March 1, 2015

Getting The Train Back On the Track

Hello, nice people

so much has changed on blogging.  I can't seem to get a handle on getting this train back on the track.  I will figure it out, after all, I figured it ouot the first time.

Today is March 1, 2015.  Its been a COLD winter!  Everyone is complaining about the snow.  Actually, we haven't had that much.  Its been about 5 small storms, thats all.  But it never goes away because of the low temps, that makes it seem like it is endless.

This is just a short post to get back into blogging.

Good night.

Thursday, April 17, 2014


Hello Nice People

     Today is Holy Thursday.  I loved the pictures on the news of Pope Francis washing the feet of women, men and handicapped.  Before him, Popes never washed the feet of women.  I don't know, is that a step forward?

     WWJD, WWYD (What would you do),  or, How did I get into this?!
I have a brother!  An 83 year old, stubborn batchelor.  Last June, he was put into a nursing home, which is a very nice place.  This came about after a fall in his grungy apartment.  Grungy, because he was no longer able to take care of IT or himself.  So he is definitly in a good place.  He is clean, has a clean bed and good food.  I found out about this turn of events from a family member.  Now, the elephant in the room here is that he had not spoken to me for 35 years.  He lived two small towns away and I would see him now and then, I even tried to talk to him a few times. With no success.  There never was a good reason for this.
      Here is where I took it upon myself to just go up, present myself to him and see how it plays out.  I walked into his room and said, "Do you know who I am?"     Nope. he went down a list of relatives, living and dead, so I finally said, "I'm Marlene, your sister."  I can understand him not recognizing me, 69 years old now and snow white hair.  Well, son of a gun, he accepted me.  Of course, I am not so stupid not to know that now he needs me.
     All relatives live 60-70 miles away, so there is really no one that can visit on a regular basis.  I live 6 blocks from the nursing home.
     Well, since then, I have become his regular visitor.  I make sure that I am there on Sundays and Wednesdays.  Now he has my phone number and he calls me.  "Are you coming up here today?"  So its now about 4 days a week.  I keep him in all his snacks and goodies:  Fruit, candy, cupcakes and soda.  When I go, I bring him his favorite meals:  Spaghetti and clams, subs, sandwiches, etc.
     Of course, HUbby------->, thats him over there on the couch,  feels that I am being taken advantage of.  I try to keep the whole thing low key with him, but I find him just shaking his head in a disgusted manner.  I can understand that he would be a little skeptical after being ignored for 35 years. 
I even find it embarassing that I am doing all of this after being ignored for 35 years.  Even the nurses tell him how lucky he is to have a good sister.
      I dont want this thing to get bigger and be a problem between Hubby and me.  And I can't very well stop visiting and buying.  Talk about being stuck between  a rock and a hard place.

      Wow, I need and answer.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


Hello Nice People

     Today is April 1, 2014.  April Fools Day.  Should AFD be capitalized?  Its not a holiday OR a holyday.  Its just something that someone, who knows who, started.  Why in April?  why not July, or January?   We need something to make us laugh in January.  Especially this past January.  It was a cold, long Winter.  I dont think its over yet. 

     I had a doctors apointment today withn Dr. Dowd.  She is the tiniest little person, good ole Dr. Dowd.  I dont think she weighs 80 pounds.  So, there I sit, on the examining table, all 280 pounds of me.  I feel like I am the Jolly Green Giant and she is the Lilliputin character from the fable that I forget the name of.  Dr Dowd has been my cardiologist for about 30 years.  In fact she said one time that I had been her patient so long that my file was the thickest one in the cabinet.  In other words, everyone that started way back with now dead.

     I am sure when I started, I was some what thinner.  I was never thin, but over the years, I have gained and lost and gained and lost AND gained and lost.  But now, that old nemisis. old age has set in.    You put the two together, weight and old age, and what you get is not good:  DIABETES!

      She is always so nice about my weight.  She never raises her voice or threatens me.  She never belittles me or gives me an ultimatum.  Maybe she should.  But she says that I am healthy, heartwise.  I guess all the meds she has me on are working.  I think they are what is keeping me alive.  But she and I both know that the weight is the root of my problems.  Like shortness of breath and DIABETES.
So on the way home,  I seriously thought about going back to WEIGHT WATCHERS.  God knows. I dont want to, but I am thinking about it.  So I will check out the new prices since the last time I failed at this diet thing.  Check out where they are located and sleep on it.  Decisions to come.