
Showing posts with the label storytelling

Sketchcrawl to the Levinsky Market

It have been more than a year since I posted last time. I can say that it was a Corona year, but I was sketching not less than usually, so the real reason is that I was just being lazy to post and maybe felt that nowadays nobody reads blogs... I decided to back here for myself - keeping blog is a good way to document my sketching process.  I'm sharing here sketches from our last Sketchcrawl at Levinsky market - it was really fun to meet with the group, the atmosphere were so alive and the weather finally started to be less hot. I used my gouache portable set, barely moved from one spot all the three hours - endless amount of "models" just passed in front of me :) See you next time!

Cold weekend in Jerusalem

We spend a weekend in Jerusalem - city I always feel like a tourist in it. One hour of driving from Tel Aviv - and everything is changing - the landscape, the architecture, the people and even the air (freezing!). I love the variety of this city, the sense of many layers of history and holy spirit that hover over it. One of my "must" places to visit and sketch is Mahane Yehuda market - big and vibrant area full of vendors and food stalls. I love to sit on the bar of one of the coffee shops, observing the human ocean moving all the time, trying to absorb the movement, sounds and smells and put it all on paper.  here is another sketch did there few month earlier: Here is my attempt to capture the view from the window - one hour of meditation, watching how everything is changing during the sunset...  At the evening we went to the Yellow Submarine, great place to see some music performances: And the next morning, before leaving, we had a breakfast in Tmol Shilshom...

Moleskine from 2019

It's been a while since my last post here. Social networks took place of blogs, we use to share visuals instant with minimum words and to get immediate response. But I don't want to give up on blogging, keeping some chronological report on my stuff, something I can look back on. Recently, I scanned my moleskine sketchbook I finished in the last year (2019). I'm too lazy to scan my sketches right away, especially, after I already posted them "in process" on Instagram. But there is something nice in looking back at the whole sketchbook - the changes of subjects, mood and tools during the timeline...

Inktober harvest

This is my Inktober harvest. I didn't stick strict to the rules, but tried every time I sketched to use ink tools only. Forcing myself to use materials which usually aren't my first choice, feeling a bit uncomfortable, little by little expanding techniques and their possibilities, finding new ways to express what I see, was really fun and helpful. It also was very simplifying for my sketching process, because I'm not one-tool person and love to switch my tools often. I think it's very healthy to limit yourself from time to time, I'm thinking about doing in the future some Graphite-bruary or Gouache-vember ;)