
Showing posts with the label Jerusalem

Cold weekend in Jerusalem

We spend a weekend in Jerusalem - city I always feel like a tourist in it. One hour of driving from Tel Aviv - and everything is changing - the landscape, the architecture, the people and even the air (freezing!). I love the variety of this city, the sense of many layers of history and holy spirit that hover over it. One of my "must" places to visit and sketch is Mahane Yehuda market - big and vibrant area full of vendors and food stalls. I love to sit on the bar of one of the coffee shops, observing the human ocean moving all the time, trying to absorb the movement, sounds and smells and put it all on paper.  here is another sketch did there few month earlier: Here is my attempt to capture the view from the window - one hour of meditation, watching how everything is changing during the sunset...  At the evening we went to the Yellow Submarine, great place to see some music performances: And the next morning, before leaving, we had a breakfast in Tmol Shilshom...

Day in Jerusalem

Last week a I had errands in Jerusalem and was lucky to spend some time at Machane Yehuda Market. Visiting Jerusalem, which is only one hour drive from my house, always feels to me visiting very far land. This city is not like any place, it has so many levels in any aspect, so each time I touch it, it feels like a magic, something I will never get to know, but it always will magnet me. I think I can seat and absorb its citizens for a hours, but at some level I feel pity not trying to capture them in my sketchbook. So I did, sitting at one of the pubs in the middle of the market. people are buying food for the holidays  I love to sketch Hassidim in their fur hats it's tradition to eat (and sleep) in nicely decorated Sukkah (kind of tent) during the Sukkot holidays

Trainmen of Jerusalem

Friday morning of the middle of August. Streets of Jerusalem are hot and blinding. Movement of people holding drawing pads flows to the direction of Clal building. After while they spread out at the train station and start to draw the surroundings. It looks like a beginning of the regular sketchcrawl, but still, around of 30 people, mostly not from Jerusalem, took trouble and went up to the capital at the morning of this very summery Friday, and are sketching with a lot of energy among the burning Jerusalem crowd. It was very special and exiting meeting, an initiative of the organizers of "Outline - Illustration and Words in Jerusalem." We came to draw toward the group exhibition "The Trainmen" - cooperation with City Pass - the light rail in Jerusalem. This time the exhibition will not be displayed in the gallery, but will be integrated into the urban space - our drawings will be printed enlarged and displayed at the light rail stations, which fits perfectly the ...

Feeling like a tourist in Jerusalem.

Last Friday I joined newborn Jerusalem USk branch for a sketchcrawl. Every time I visit Jerusalem I feel like a tourist, this city is so different from every place in Israel, it has a plenty of levels, each time it shows me his different side. The skechcrawl was at very colorful part of Jerusalem - Nachlaot Neighborhood  and it was fun to meet new sketchers. Here what I managed to sketch. I loved colorful lamps decorating  pedestrian street and couldn't help not to draw it.  I did this sketch trying to capture other sketchers sketching :) Various public filled Zion Square  There were a group of teenagers dancing and trying to  fund-raise money for something. group of young people smoking Shisha amazing girl-violinist playing at the Zion Square people passing by and listening to the music religions Jews offering to put Tefillin   two religious Jews It was a great sketching-trip - feeling a tourist sharpe...

Hanukkah Candle Lighting Tour in Jerusalem

Hanukkah's holidays are over - a lot of family meetings, tasty food and light, of course. Last Saturday we've took a trek through the burning oil laps in the Old City of Jerusalem. The experience was magnified with the special atmosphere of Jerusalem,the glowing candles in the darkness of the night. Here are some photos and sketches. selling pomegranate juice near walls of the Old City

Travelling through time and place

Every time I visit Jerusalem I feel I bit aboard. I wouldn't even start to write about this mysterious full of contrasts city. It take me to different places over the globe and to different times during the history. I was too lazy to stop and sketch on a street, but took a lot of photographs .  Here are some sketches I did, mostly while stopped to eat, of course ;-)