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      International LawHabeas CorpusGlobal War on TerrorUS constitution
The emerging discourse on human security is challenging the legal and political dichotomy between national and international security. While these concepts focus on States’ interests and needs, the contemporary policy debate on human... more
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      Humanitarian InterventionHuman Security
Human security is the cornerstone of R2P doctrine. Its Legalization in the international legal system is still far from happening and, if so, it would produce significant political consequences. Yet, looking at the EU strategy in the 2011... more
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      DemocratizationDemocracyEU External Action
Il volume affianca alla parte più prettamente “istituzionale” (fonti del diritto, Istituzioni, sistema giudiziario dell’Unione, adattamento e teoria generale del rapporto tra Stato membro ed organizzazione internazionale, storia... more
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      European integrationEuropean LawEuropean Foreign PolicyEuropean Union
La vicenda della Enrica Lexie e, per quello che qui interessa, dei due Fucilieri della Marina Militare italiana assoggettati illegittimamente dall’India alla propria giurisdizione penale richiama l’applicazione, in ordine decrescente di... more
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      ImmunityUnclos 1982
La vicenda della Enrica Lexie e, per quello che qui interessa, dei due Fucilieri della Marina Militare italiana assoggettati illegittimamente dall’India alla propria giurisdizione penale richiama l’applicazione, in ordine decrescente di... more
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      ImmunityUnclos 1982
Con il ritorno dei Marò in India, la conseguente “liberazione” del nostro Ambasciatore e l’imminente (così pare, perlomeno) costituzione della Special Court che, come previsto dalla sentenza 18 gennaio 2013 della Corte suprema indiana,... more
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      ImmunityPolitics and International relationsDiplomacy and international relationsUnclos 1982
La Supreme Court del Regno Unito (già House of Lords) ha emesso il 19 febbraio 2014 una significativa decisione [R (on the application of EM (Eritrea)) v. Secretary of State for the Home Department, (2014) UKSC 12] circa l’obbligo degli... more
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      European Immigration and Asylum LawReturn MigrationDublin Regulation
The notion of security is gradually changing in Europe. Since the end of the Cold War, the traditional state-centric notions of security (international security and state security) have been challenged by new paradigms whose referent is... more
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      European Convention of Human RightsHuman Rights, Terrorism and National SecurityEuropean courtsState Security Challenges In the Context of Globalization, Transnationalism, and Polyethnicity
on il ritorno dei Marò in India, la conseguente "liberazione" del nostro Ambasciatore e l'imminente (così pare, perlomeno) costituzione della Special Court che, come previsto dalla sentenza 18 gennaio 2013 della Corte suprema indiana,... more
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To begin with, the article studies the 1950 USC Eisentrager decision (no habeas corpus for German prisoners detained by American military authorities at Landsberg in occupied Germany), the 2004 USC Rasul (aliens detained at Guantanamo... more
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Instead of focusing on Security Council enlargement, an alternative reform strategy is proposed aimed at strengthening the compliance with the rule of law on behalf of the Security Council. By way of a step-by-step approach, the... more
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Actas de la XXIV Jornadas de la Asociación Española de Profesores de Derecho internacional y Relaciones Internacionales, Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, Universidad de Córdoba, 20-22 ottobre 2011
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      European UnionEuropean Union LawInternational Refugee LawSchengen
A Treatise of International Law (2nd Edition)
12 Chapters
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      Sovereign ImmunityInternational law, international relations, human rights law, international humanitarian law, international organisations, law and politicsUse of force in international law and international relationsInternational Environmental Law and Policy
Manuale di Diritto dell'Unione europea, Settembre 2015
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      European LawEuropean Security and Defence PolicyEuropean Immigration and Asylum LawEuropean Union Law
CONTENTS: 1. La Brexit. – 2. I nuovi Regolamenti CEPOL ed Europol. La proposta di Direttiva ECRIS. – 3. La proposta di modifica dell’art. 8, par. 2, del Codice Frontiere Schengen. Lo European Travel Document e la lista europea dei «Paesi... more
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      European UnionEuropean Immigration and Asylum LawEuropean area of freedom, security and justiceDublin Regulation
SOMMARIO: 1. Fondamento nel Trattato di Maastricht della strategia globale per la democrazia e prassi attuativa in Libia ed Ucraina. – 2. Non conformità al diritto internazionale vigente di tale prassi attuativa. – 3. La European Union... more
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      European StudiesDemocratizationEuropean Foreign PolicyHumanitarian Intervention
If we compare American and European legal systems, differences are essentially due to the different way of dealing with the culture of security and the relationship between politics and law. Today, that gap is narrowing because Europe is... more
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      Asylum LawAsylumImmigration And Integration In EuropeEuropean Foreign Policy
When in 2004 the European Union admitted ten new Member States, it also got in touch with several new neighbors. Accordingly, EU Institutions launched the European Neighborhood Policy (ENP) in order to institutionalize EU relations with... more
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    • European Union