Sunday, December 13, 2015

Prize Winners Announced for the November Project Quilting Challenge

I have been with sponsoring Prizes for Project Quilting since Season Two!  Wow!  How time flies when you are having fun creating!

Project Quilting will be starting Season Seven in January of 2016!  Quilters from all over the world participate in creating beautiful quilts.  Kim inspires them to create fabulous quilts. It is amazing! 

During the past 8 months, for the Off Season Project Quilting Challenges, I sponsored with 2 prizes for 2 separate winners for every Challenge.

The first one is a “Quilting Gift Certificate” for $30.00 off the Quilting on a Baby size quilt or larger. (Baby, Lap, Twin. Full, Queen, or King) from me --- Marcia’s Crafty Sewing and Quilting.

The Gift Certificate is good for 4 months starting one month after the challenge ends.  Excluding the Month of December for using the gift certificate.

The quilting gift certificate is transferable to another person, so you can share it with a friend, if you’d like. 

I offer an estimate based on the size of the winner's quilt top, quilting choices, thread choices, and batting and if they would like to purchase backing fabric from me. Winner can send backing fabric and batting with their quilt top, but I do have it available. This way the winner has a good estimate of the value of your quilting prize.

Hop over to Persimon Dreams to see all the winners for the November Project Quilting Challenge.

Here is the link to a Review Post of all the beautiful quilts that were created in 2015 over the past 7 months for the special series of challenges.

Kim also shared about my sponsorship for the December Quilt Challenge.  I am sponsoring with 3 PDF Downloadable Patterns for 3 winners of the 3 Quilt Challenges.

Here are the six quilt patterns the winner will get to chose from:

  1. Summer Tomatoes Quilt Pattern – PDF
  2. Easy to Sew Quilt Pattern – PDF
  3. Textures Quilt Pattern – PDF
  4. Quilted Checkbook or Calendar Pattern – PDF
  5. Quilted Pocket Purse – PDF
  6. Turn a Quilt into a Bag Pattern – PDF
These PDF Downloadable Patterns are all available for purchase in my Craftsy Store all year round, 24 hours a day. 

Also, any of them are available in printed form.  Send me an email. [email protected] . I add $2.00 on for printing, plus shipping of $1.50 for US Shipping. 

Visit Marcia Wachuta - Crafty Sewing and Quilting's Craftsy Pattern Store »

I am sponsoring with 3 of my PDF Patterns. One for each of the different possible Project Quilting Challenges that you can participate in this month (December).  Kim's girls will draw the winners from the hat for these prizes.  Winners will be announced in January.

Hop over and check out this month's Project Quilting Challenge!



Join in the fun of trying to post every day in December!

Click here to check it out:

The 31 Day Blog Writing Challenge 

Friday, December 11, 2015

It's Potluck Season!

Do you need a dish to pass for a Potluck?

How about Cherry Coke Jello?

In May of 2012, I posted about my Mom's Cherry Coke Jello. I like to call it "Grandma Joanne's Cherry Coke Jello".  She has been making since I was a kid!

Click here for my 2012 Post --- Full Color photos on how to make it!

I will be making it this weekend for a "Potluck Get Together"!



My Blog Post have affiliate adds about Cooking, Sewing and Quilting just for you!


Sunday, December 6, 2015

So Many Design Possibilities for the Flocking North Paper Pieced Pattern by CC Quilting

I purchased a paper pieced pattern from CC Quilting on I made mine with scraps of blue from my donation quilt (see previous post)

I love all the blues!

It is for my Reward Sewing. 

 I am planning to make a Smart Phone Pocket Purse.

I will be sharing the tutorial on how to make it, next week.

These are photos before quilting.  I need to peel off the paper before quilting also.

I will quilt it this next week and share how I make my Smart Phone Pocket Purse.

I really had fun with the single photo by multiplying it and flipping them around.

Can you imagine a whole quilt?

The Pattern is a PDF Downloadable Pattern, but does NOT include paper piecing instructions.  But it includes the numbers for step by step sewing.  If you don't know how to paper piece, you can get instructions on YouTube.

Click here to purchase the PDF Pattern Flocking North from from CC Quilting.



If you are searching on social media you can find it under the hashtag:  #flockingnorthquilt or at CC Quilting on

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Four Daily Goals for December

Daisy from Ants to Sugar started a Daily Goal Challenge for December.  #atsdailygoals

Here's how it works:

You pick 4 daily goals ( anything ) and then make a sticker chart or something to reward yourself for meeting your goals each day.

I typed mine up and I posted it in my quilting room for a daily reminder.

I made a video scope too. Click here to see it.

Goal number One:  Drink more water! Why?  Because I feel better when I drink more water.

Goal Number Two:  Climb more stairs - 12 plus! I usually go up and down at least 10 times as I work in the lower level of our home.  It should be easy to get more than 12 everyday!

I started wearing a fitbit in the fall and I love it.  It makes me move more and I have lost 5 pounds! 

Goal Number Three:  Straighten something.  A drawer or a shelf. Just one thing, not a whole closet and not a whole dresser.  Just a small thing!  By the end of December, I should be all straighten up!

I dumped it out and lined it with batting and threw some of it away and took out what didn't belong in there.

It looks much better.

Goal Number Four:  Write a Blog Post every day. Click here to see the post from Day 1.

My goal is to post every day this month, but with sustainable interesting posts, not just a few photos and a couple words. 

I plan to share things I have set aside that I thought I did not have time to share. For example, some tutorials and sewing tips I have been meaning to share, and more up close photos of my quilting. I am working on updating my posts from the pasts and I will share those too.

My Reward:

I purchased a paper pieced pattern from C C Quilting on

Click here for the Link to the PDF Downloadable Pattern on

For my reward, I will take 30 minutes of sewing for me. You know, I call that Minutes for Me!

I have some end pieces of this beautiful blue fabrics from next year's Donations Quilt. I need to find some Minutes for Me to sew on this quilt too.

I decided my 30 minutes of sewing would be during the Evening World News as I usually just listen to that anyway.  I completed quite a bit of it yesterday and I finished it today. I will share it in a post later.

Thanks Daisy for starting the challenge.  We are to use the hashtag #atsdailygoals when sharing so others can find us and join in the fun.



Friday, December 4, 2015

Why Are We Making Bright and Colorful Hospice Quilts?

Candy and Debbie and Linda and I have made several beautiful quilts for Rainbow Hospice. Recently, we decided we need more "Bright and Colorful" Quilts. It cheers up the room of a Hospice patient.

I cut tons of 2 1/2 inch strips in bright colors and we combined it with some beautiful prints.

I quilted both of them with large Paisley Swirl Quilting with a Blue quilting thread. 

I selected Purple for the backing fabric. It works perfectly for both of them!

These quilts are placed on the beds of dying patients and they are enjoyed by the family members while they are with their family members for the end of life process.

Then they are given to a family member afterwards. We all hope that they are comforted by our quilts during and afterwards.  

My Dad died in 1996. Rainbow Hospice was fairly new and we were blessed to have them take care of him and us during the our time of need.

Over the years, starting back in 1996, I have been making comfort pillows  for Rainbow Hospice.  My kids and my Mom and I made them.  See the link for photos and how to make the comfort pillows.

I am sharing today, two quilts that were made by Candy and I. 

Whenever we make them I quilt/stitch in " Made with Love by ..... (Our Names - whoever contributed to that quilt).

Many friends have shared with us.

Our friend, LouAnn donated fabric and we added her name too.  

At a quilt retreat, last year, several people brought us their Orphan Quilt Blocks to add to a quilt. 

Some people brought us fabric and batting. 

All gifts are appreciated.

Do you want to help us by sending us Orphan Quilt Blocks, fabric for the quilt top and backing, or batting or money? Please send me an email at [email protected] and find our how you can help us give too.

We appreciated any contributions.  Thanks in advance. I will add your name to the stitching for that quilt or quilts. 

You can help us even if you are not a quilter.  Again, Thanks in advance.

Yes --- We use Quilt Patterns? 

The one with more Red and Orange is Pat Sloan's String Bean Quilt. Here is the link String Bean Quilt.

I used Pat Sloan's String Bean Quilt Pattern for a Hospice Quilt earlier this year.

Click here for that post to see the quilt up close.

The other one is a Post Card Pattern that Candy purchased and I will get that information and post it here later this week. Sorry I do not have it right now. Check back later in the week or email me if you are looking for it and I will email the information to you when I get it.

My Mom and I made a Passage Quilt for Rainbow Hospice. Click here to see that quilt.

Last year Candy and I made a Patriotic Passage Quilt for Rainbow Hospice. Click here to see that quilt.

I share to inspire you to create! 

I am not asking for a donation, but I am giving you the information, if you would like to team up with us and join in the fun of giving to others, to comfort others in their time of need, as we know how much it meant to us when we were in need.

According to the News, this week is the week for giving!

Enjoy your day!


31 Days of BLog Writing