Sunday, July 31, 2011

Hodgepodge Patchwork Bag - Project Quilting Entry - July 31, 2011

Here was the challenge:  Project QUILTING – Off Season Challenge: the Non-Quilt The off-season challenge came from – Kym of FabricFascination and Kimbuktu.   Here’s what she’s challenged us with:"I would like to do a Non-Quilt Quilt challenge.  The entries can be anything from a bag, to a sculpture, to a wearable, to an accessory, really anything as long as it is made of fabric and is three dimensional (not flat like a quilt).  The entry must also incorporate at least two items or textures that are not fabric."

I started with a bunch of assorted scraps of quilted rectangles and strips.  I stitched them together and zig zagged the raw edges to finish the seams. I stitched enough of them together to make a rectangle that measured 27" X 35".  Then I turned it into a bag.  Turn a Quilt into a Bag Post.
I will use my Hodgepodge Patchwork Bag for packing our dry food to go to our camper.
The items that are not fabric, but add texture, are the three crocheted doilies.  The larger one I made into a pocket for my notepad and pencil.  You have to have that along to write the shopping list for the next weekend.
Just a few photos of the construction of my bag. See link above for turning a quilt into a bag. Also more photos in the Photo Gallery of all the steps.

I am a saver. I love to find uses for discarded fabrics and discarded clothes.  About 6 years ago I started making quilted tote bags from fabric that I quilted on my long arm machine.  I even taught classes at a local craft shop.  When I would cut the kits from the quilted fabric there was always scraps and strips leftover.  I put them all into a big tote and saved them.  I am glad I did! They were perfect for this dimensional quilt challenge. The tote is still pretty full.  I'll bet, I can make at least 2 more Patchwork Bags! 

Thanks again to Project Quilting for inspiring me to create!

Just a reminder the big quilting campaign and giveaways at Sew We Quilt starts tomorrow, August 1st and continues for 3 months thru' the end of October. There's a link in my sidebar so you can hop over everyday to see what's up! 

Quilting Bloggers are all about sharing.  Sharing their gifts and talents with the world.  Sew We Quilt is really sharing the tools of the trade... Hop over and check it out!  
Share with one... Share with everyone...Enjoy your day!


Linked with:
Thrifty Things Friday - Oct. 13, 2011
Pearls and Lace Thursday - Oct. 13, 2011
Savvy Southern Style: WOW US Wednesdays - Oct. 26, 2011

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Memory Lane, Search Feature, and a Winner!

Thanks to all who played the game and entered the drawing.   I really enjoyed the comments on the old posts!  I love going down memory lane. 
I use the search feature, when I visit a new quilt or craft blog.  It allows me to randomly look at some of their previous posts.  Or if I am reading their post and they are talking about something in particular, I can search their blog for that item and read more about it.  If you want to add the Google Search Feature to your Blog -- Click on Design and Go to "Add a Gadget" and simply add it. I searched my blog for the word Purple and this is one of the posts it brought up:

Mar 13, 2011 I used orange and purple for my complimentary colors. Then I decided I needed extra borders to make it larger and added the strips in a log cabin fashion creating a step like design element to the sides of the bag. ...
The winner of the drawing is:


Lee wins a Quilting Gift Certificate for $20.00 off the quilting good for one year from Oct. 1, 2011 to October 1, 2012. Good on a Lap size quilt or larger.  If she books her quilting date in October of 2011, she will receive an EXTRA $10.00 off the quilting. That's a total of $30.00 off the quilting!

Lee searched for the word  "Sunflower" and found a 2010 post about my container garden and left this comment:
"Hi! I searched sunflower and got this post w/ your container garden! which is fun since I started some container gardening this summer! Have a great day!"

Remember the post about turning a quilt into a tote bag?  
In 2002 and 2003, I made several of those Raggy Sweatshirts for my Mom and friends and family.  One of them was too small, so my Mom never wore it.   She really liked it, but couldn't wear it. I decided to make it into a usable item.  I made a tote bag.  It is soft, light weight and durable.  On my personal quilt blog I am adding one at a time all the quilting, sewing, and craft projects I have created over the past 40 years.  From age 13 to 53. It is my way of going down memory lane.  It is kind of like an online scrapbook. Click on the link in the sidebar if you want to see what's up so far ---->

  Enjoy your weekend!  Marcia

Friday, July 29, 2011

FAQ's - Friday's Frequently Asked Questions about Backing Fabrics

One of the most frequently asked questions is:
Do you have backing fabric?  YES I carry 30 Extra Wide Fabrics in stock on my website

Along with that question, goes this one:  
Can I buy backing fabric from you if I am not having you quilt my quilt?  Yes!  Click on Extra Wide Fabrics and purchase it right now.  I ship out the fabric in less than 24 hours - priority mail in the US only. Contact me by email for shipping internationally.
A new question:
How wide is Extra Wide Fabric?  Some of the fabrics are 108" wide and some are 120" wide.  Each fabric is listed on the website with it's size.
You can order a sample pack of 30 - 5 inch squares of the Extra Wide Fabrics.  There is a link in the sidebar ---> 

What size should my quilt backing fabric measure if you are quilting my quilt?  It should be 6 inches bigger on all 4 sides.  That's 12 inches longer and 12 inches wider.

What if my backing fabric is too small? Click here to see how to add on strips to make it larger - Short Backing Fabric
Can you use backing fabric to make a quilt top or another sewing project?  Yes --- Here is a post about Extra Wide Fabrics - Not Just a Backing Fabric! I used two backing fabrics to make this quilted tote bag - the two black and white fabrics.

Thanks for all the questions.  Keep emailing your questions to [email protected] or leave your question in the comments.

Yesterday's post was about My First Quilt --- I made it in 1981. I took a trip down memory lane when I wrote that post...



Thursday, July 28, 2011

Thursday Thoughts - New Quilters and My First Quilt!

I have "new quilters" on my mind this week, as we as quilters and bloggers all post about helping Madamm Samm find all of the "Newbies"!  Tons of quilting prizes!  Calling all Wantobe Quilters! <---Click on it if you are Newbie! Also Click on the Link in the side bar too-->

Makes me think about when I started making quilts... It was 1981.  I was in my second year of marriage, 23 years old, and pregnant with my daughter, Jewels.  With the assistance of my mother-in-law, MaryAnn, we picked out the fabrics to make my first quilt.  I chose blues and yellows.  I was to choose several blue and yellow prints from light to dark. She told me the fun of making a quilt is choosing all the fabrics.  We shopped a couple different times for fabric.  It was fun!  I liked buying fabric!

I started sewing when I was 13, but I had never made a quilt.  I made clothes, curtains, pillowcases, and little tote bags.  I even made my own prom dresses in high school with a matching bow tie for my boyfriend.  All of those items, you buy one or two fabrics and then you sew the item.  This quilt making was cool ... I liked buying fabric! If you want to see more prom dresses and bow ties <--Click Here.

"Quilt as You Go" was the newest rage in quilting in 1981. I washed the fabrics and ironed them.  MaryAnn had me cut out cardboard templates for the pieces.  I would place the cardboard on the fabric and draw around the rectangle with a pencil and then cut out each piece with a scissors.  It took forever compared to today with rotary cutters!  But I was having fun with all the fabrics!

By the time I got around to starting to sew my first quilt, I was about 8 1/2 months pregnant and pretty uncomfortable.  We ended up sewing it together and taking turns.  We sewed it together pretty fast and kind of uneven, but it didn't matter is was looking great!  I loved seeing how the blocks were coming together and forming the log cabin. MaryAnn made curtains to match the quilt from the leftover fabrics.  I had bought way too much fabric...remember I really liked buying the fabric!  She also made three cool pillows to go with the quilt too.  Our bedroom looked so cool with the new quilt and everything matching!  There's my tiny Jewels all cuddled up under my first quilt. - Nov. 1981.

I was comforted by my first quilt for 22 years.  I washed it way too much and the fabric was  tearing, but I still loved it.  Finally in 2003, I washed it one last time and carefully folded it and hung it over the quilt rack in my bedroom.  I now enjoy looking at my first quilt.  I have fond memories of making it with my Mother-in-law.  We both share the "joy of sewing and quilting!" 

Look at the binding!  It was large and full of batting. 

Make your first quilt for you!  Years from now you will be glad you did.  I am.  Sweet memories of the good old days...30 years ago.



Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Wordless Wednesday - Whimsical Table Runner

Hodgepodge Patchwork Tuesday - Quilting Blog Game Day!

What's Quilting Game Day?  Do you like to play games? Everybody likes to play games...Do you want to play a simple seek and find quilting game?  YES!

We will be using the Google Blog Search in the right side bar. ----> 

I use my search feature when I am writing a post and I need to refer to an old post on a current post.  I wish every blogger had the Search Feature.  If you don't have it in your side bar.  Please consider adding it to your blog.  I love the search feature when I am out blog hopping!

First read the directions on this post and then play! YES there is a prize too!

Enter a word and click search.  Yes any word - Example a color or the words... heart or swirls or meandering or binding or quilt or bag.  Just choose a word.

Choose one of the posts that come up.  Read it and leave a comment about that post.  Some of the posts are really old.  Some of my first posts are pretty funny... I had no idea what I was doing.  I love to read your comments... tell me what you think.  Did you LOL at an old post?  Have you created something similar?  Did you make that quilt? Do you want to make that quilt or project?  Just leave a comment on that post to enter the drawing!

Then I will reply to your comment, so make sure you are not a non-reply-blogger... If you are, please leave me your email in your comment. If you don't know if you are --- Leave me your email, so I can contact you.

The Prize drawing has ended as of July 29, 2011 6pm CST.
You can still play the search game. Watch for another one soon...
What do you win?  I will enter you in the drawing to win a $20.00 gift certificate off the longarm free style quilting on a Lap size quilt or larger.  It will be good for one year from October 1, 2011 to October 1, 2012. Extra Bonus:  If you book your quilting date for October 2011, you will receive an EXTRA $10.00 off the quilting. That's a total of $30.00 off the quilting!

If you are one of the new Wantobe Quilters this would be a great prize to win for your first quilt project!

Drawing will be Friday, 6pm CST on July 29, 2011 and announced on Saturday morning, July 30th.
Are you ready to play the game?

Only takes a few minutes!  Have fun!


P.S.  Want a second chance in the drawing? 

Leave a comment on this post and share my "Seek and Find Game Giveaway" on your blog, Facebook, or Twitter. You can use either or both pictures in your share!  Please put the LINK where you shared this in your comment.

The Google Search is under the "Add a Gadget" part of your Blog Design.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Getting Up Close with My Quilting - Over All Feathering

Several quilts are featured today, with the "Over All Feathering Quilting".  I chose a variety of quilts to give you a nice display of how it looks with different quilt patterns and colors.  Next week, I plan to feature the feathering in borders and special sections on quilts. 

The first quilt has little clovers on it. The rest of the quilts are the meandering over all feathering. Some of the quilts have little single and double hearts incorporated into the feathering.

More photos in the Photo Gallery.

Enjoy your day!  Marcia