

Showing posts with label Fundraisers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fundraisers. Show all posts

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Hannity Freedom Concert in Tulsa: Tulsa World Shame on You

Sean Hannity's Freedom Concert in Tulsa last night was great success. In fact, of the eight concerts, Tulsa was the first to sell-out. Col. Olie North started the Freedom Alliance project to send children of deceased and permanently disabled Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Guardsmen and Marines to college with Freedom Alliance scholarships, and other support.  To date, the project has issued $3 million dollars for scholarships and has $15 million in trust to grow to be there for the future youngest children of those whose fathers and mother will not come home. The Tulsa World, which never misses an opportunity to shame itself over the slightest sign of patriotism, gets it wrong again.

Sean Hannity and Charlie Daniels

Hannity's Freedom Concerts are just one of the fundraising opportunities for Freedom Alliance. The concerts are responsible for $10 million of the $15 million held in trust. The Freedom Concerts are a project of The Freedom Alliance, founded by Colonel Oliver North. The Alliance does incur the cost of providing transportation for our troops, their families and the families of the scholarship recipients. The costs are paid out of The Alliance programming budget. Neither North or Hannity receive "a salary or stipend" for their participation. Sean and Jill Hannity have personally donated over $1 million. Yet the bitter Liberal loons drone on.

Sean Hannity

Most of you know that I have no respect for my local newspaper, the Tulsa World. If you were listening to Sean's radio show yesterday from Tulsa, you know that this utterly-liberal paper did a hit piece on Hannity and the concert, both before and after the event.

James D. Watts, Jr. (no relation to J.D. Watts, the former Congressman - that we know of) who is the "World Scene Writer," correctly titles his piece "A concert with an attitude." The concert definitely has an "attitude," of 1) support for the troops and their families, 2) a deep love for America, 3) a deep appreciation for patriotism, 4) a strong belief in America's exceptionalism and 5) and unwavering support for American sovereignty.

J. D. Watts, Jr. the writer, slammed the Lynyrd Skynyrd band for their patriotism and loving their "God and Guns." Many years ago, the Lynyrd Skynyrd band were a bit rebellious and outspoken as opponents of handguns. Today, Lynyrd Skynyrd's career is soaring, and through the band's tribulations of losing their front man Rickey Van Zandt to a plane crash many years ago, disbanding for a decade, coming back together, losing other band members to heart attack and cancer, they have emerged as passionate supporters of our troops, AND of the United States of America AND the U.S. Constitution.

Lynyrd Skynyrd: Mark Sparky Matejka, Rickey Medlocke and Gary Rossington 
Lynyrd Skynyrd: Johnny Van Zandt

The same criticism of Charlie Daniels. Many years ago Charlie sang of getting "stoned in the morning" and "drunk in the afternoon." Today Charlie Daniels is talking about the common sense way to eliminate criminals - see that video below.

Charlie Daniels Band: Pat McDonald Drummer

Writer Watts talks about "The controversy." 1) the concert portion of the evening gets most of the time, but Sean gets "most of the attention," and 2) a "conservative blogger, Debbie Schlussel" has accused Hannity of benefiting personally from the concerts (I believe she accuses North of the same).

Olie North

The president of Freedom Alliance, Thomas Kilgannon, sent a letter in March to members of Friends of Freedom Alliance, in answer to Schlussel's charges, and said Hannity "does not use any Freedom Alliance Funds or Concert funds in any way."
Kilgannon's letter went on to say that "In 2008, Freedom Alliance spent a total of $6,745,717. Of that 79 percent ($5,317,970) was spent on Program Activities, 14 percent ($945,950) was spent on Fundraising (and) 7 percent ($481,797) was spent on Management." 
The organization's IRS Form 990 for 2008 states that it gave out 167 scholarships totaling $802,250, and 429 Cash Assistance grants to wounded servicemen and women, totaling $266,651. 
Of those 167 scholarships, only one - worth $1,500 - went to an Oklahoma student (the grants are listed only by the name of the college, in this case, the University of Oklahoma). 
If this charity was Left-leaning, you can bet not a dime of Freedom Alliance proceeds would go to an Oklahoma military family...the one state with every single country voting a majority for John McCain - and the only state where Obama didn't win a single county. Hubby and I, living here in Oklahoma, bought tickets priced just under the VIP seats. We had second row, left of stage, great seats. After paying the $125 ticket price ($146 with tax), we donated separately to Freedom Alliance.

CNS quotes Freedom Alliance:
Hannity “pays for all his own transportation, hotels, and all related expenses for himself and his family and friends and staff,” and that he “does not use any Freedom Alliance Funds or [Freedom] Concert funds in any way, period.
Hannity is a conservative. In New York he can register as a Conservative. His concert promotes conservative thought. Maybe Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow, or Ed Schultz have personally given $1+ million for military scholarships?  Just asking...

The Freedom Alliance is accused of not paying for a full-four year scholarships.
We analyze the specific needs of each applicant in granting scholarships and consider many factors including whether the student is receiving other aid and what need the student has demonstrated.  Our scholarships are renewable for four years of undergraduate study if the recipient maintains a 2.0 grade point average.  The scholarships typically run up to $6,000 per year so some students cumulatively receive as much as $24,000 toward their college experience.  We are fortunate to assist these students who could not otherwise afford college without the scholarships.  
Tulsa World writer James D. Watts, Jr's article was typical Liberal drivel. We had a great event come to Tulsa and he did his best to discredit it. Once again, Mr. Watts, if you have participated in helping children of Military deceased or permanently injured get to college, just tell us about it. Why would you report what a blogger said when there are facts to dispute it? Oh yes...because you are a Liberal. We won't hold our breaths waiting for a Liberal event to support the troops or express any kind of patriotism.

Today, the day after the concert, a photo of Hannity and Charlie Daniels is published in The World with the title: "Freedom Concert: Republicans Gather." Darn right most of us were Republicans - but probably not all. Daylight will never dawn on a headline declaring Democrats gathered for a patriotic salute to the troops and the exceptionalism of America. Not going to happen. The photo accompanied Randy Krehbiel's piece claiming that the show "lured: Hannity fans. "Lured?" What an ugly and dishonest word. Is there an ounce of decency or honesty anywhere in the World offices?

On stage last night were two Obama supporters: Oklahoma Sooner coach, Barry Switzer - sounding like a true conservative, supported Democrat candidate for Governor, Jari Askins.  J.C. Watts, former OU quarterback, who led the Sooners to two National Championships and went on to be a Republican Congressman astonishingly also voted for Obama. From listening to Hannity's interviews with Watts, he was overwhelmed at the thought that a Black man might be president. From interviews, I doubt he will vote for Obama in 2012.  No matter how he votes, Sean Hannity is huge fan of pastor J.C. Watts.

J. C. Watts and Barry Switzer

Hannity threw out small, wussy footballs throughout the evening. The crowd loved it. Sean has developed quite a throwing arm. When J.C. Watts came to the stage, Hannity said they had a challenge going between the two of them: the longest ball of three tries wins. The winner donates $1,000. J.C. lost. When Switzer took the stage he defended his star quarterback saying Watts could chuck the ball out of the arena - and said he thought the contest was "fixed."

As I search the web for Liberal or Democrat charities supporting the military, I come up with zero. In the first place, Liberals believe government should take care of our charitable needs, and when Liberals do donate it is overwhelmingly for environmental, abortion and family planning, AIDs, animal protection, and civil rights disguised as "population planning." Yes, Hollywood shows up in places where there are foreign wars going on. They entertain the troops - an important mission. I just don't think they raise much money for the needs of the families of our military. I will gladly correct this if someone can point me to proof that Liberals raise money for Military families.

Michael W. Smith

Christian singer and songwriter Michael W. Smith spoke and sang. He told a couple of stories about George W. Bush. Smith sang at the 2000 inaugural, and was a visitor in the Oval Office. He started his program with the audience singing America the Beautiful. Michael introduced his wife, along with Jill Hannity. Sean said his "family" was there, and his son went on stage with him to pass the wussy footballs to Dad, and he threw a few himself. He is a sweet little replica of Sean. I'll only post a photo to show you the resemblance, even without seeing his face.

Sean Hannity's Son

Three recipients of scholarships were introduced, along with the Gold Star parents of a soldier who lost his life in Fallujah, Iraq.  I can't remember the name, I believe the last name was "Vincent." I hate it when I can't remember things like that.

There were so many highlights of the night. One was an awesome drum solo by Charlie Daniels' drummer, Pat McDonald - about a 5 minute solo. The second video below is of a similar McDonald's solo at California's Alameda Country Fair.

The evening was definitely a concert. None of the acts cheated the ticket holders. The reverb shook the floor from the time the first instrument was plucked. I could feel at the crown of my head - the entire night. This was my first time to see Lynyrd Skynyrd live. Rickey Medlocke didn't disappoint. See the photo above - see Medlocke's foot at about Van Zandt's waist - not bad for a 60-year-old. Van Zandt's voice was in fine form. Charlie Daniels will turn 74 in October and his voice is still extraordinarily strong. Olie talked about the troops, the many embeds he has had with them, and the times he has been asked by a dying Soldier, Sailor or Marine to "take care of my family."

A blog of the Tulsa World "lured" an abundance of pissy comments. On intimation is that not all that many attended the even at Tulsa's new Bank of Oklahoma (BOK) Center. I don't know how many were there but the room was full, with the exception of the seats directly behind the stage. The BOK holds about 17,000 for basketball games.

I get all of my news from the InterWeb. Hubby reads the Tulsa World for local sports and coming events. He never reads the editorials. Tulsa is a very conservative, extraordinarily beautiful city, which we consider a Nation's best-kept secret - yet we are plagued with this scummy newspaper.

Many thanks to Tulsa's KRMG radio, morning talker Joe Kelly and "most popular sports guy and charitable fund-raiser around," Rick Corey, for sponsoring this wonderful event. KRMG in Tulsa is the radio home of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Neal Boortz and Michael Savage. Laura Ingraham would be on KRMG if there was a daytime slot to fit into. I suggest Neal and his Liberal newser (Cox Radio Washington correspondent) Jaimie Dupree move on along and let Laura move in. My apologies to photographers everywhere. These are poor specimens except for the one I borrowed (see below) but remember the lights were strobing and the floor trembling and every opportunity for a great shot was interrupted by the onstage videographer stepping right in my viewfinder.

Charlie Daniels A Simple Man at the Grand Ole Opry (video)
Pat McDonald Drum Solo (video)

Photo of Pat McDonald courtesy of Pen and Paige.

Posted by Maggie @ Maggie's Notebook

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Absurd Quote of the Day: Obamas "Rare" Bow to Hollywood

An online site reporting yesterday that Obama would appear at a fundraiser with Hollywood moguls, said his appearance would be "a rare bow" to Hollywood. I have to ask if writer Ira Teinowitz lives on this planet. Ira, just google the Hollywood types routinely invited to the White House to lobby or enjoy taxpayer cocktails...please. See a George Clooney video below.


However, the event for Obama last night was likely an uncomfortable moment for some, as Hollywood has been silently falling away from their support of The One, or have they? Perhaps an example: co-host of the event Barbra Streisand was a no-show.

Here is a partial list of Hollywood, Music, TV, Sports and Writer-types publicly supporting this president.

May the list live in infamy as Obama goes down in flames:

Halle Berry, Alec Baldwin, Jennifer aniston, Jessica Alba, Ben Affleck, Jennifer Garner, Matthew Broderick, Sarah Jessica Parker, Kirsten Dunst, Matt Damon, Ted Danson, Larry David, Renee Zellweger, Jodie Foster, George Clooney, Garry Marshall, Michael Moore, Bill Cosby, Kevin Costner, Daniel Craig, Jaime Lee Curtis, Sean Penn, Will Smith, Scarlett Johannson, Angeline Jolie, Brad Pitt, Celine Dion, Bob Dylan, Andy Griffith, Melanie Griffith, Danny Glover, Jay-Z and Beyonce, Dennis Quaid, Cindy Crawford, J.J. Abrams, Woody Allen, Spike Lee, Allison Krauss, Billy Joel, Sugar Ray Leonard, Christie Brinkley, Oprah, Rob Reiner, Lindsay Lohan, Barbara Streisand, Josh Brolin, Steven Spielberg, Leonardo DiCapro, Jennifer Lopez, Dave Matthews, Tim McGraw, Faith Hill, Justin Timberlake, Pearl Jam, Coldplay, Merle Haggard, 50 Cent, Christian Applegate, Pierce Brosnan, Stevie Wonder, Diane Keaton, Jason Alexander, Will Ferrell, Judd Apatow, Robert Redford, Ron Howard, Magic Johnson, Sarah Silverman, Jamie Foxx, Ashton Kutcher, Demi Moore, George Lopez, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Tobey Maguire, Julianne Moore, Eddie Murphy, Edward Norton, Al Pacino, Tyra Banks, Perez Hilton, Howard Stern, Gwyneth Paltrow, Chris Rock, Susan Saradon, Martin Sheen, Kathy Griffin, Jon Stewart, Alicia Keys, Carol King, Wanda Sykes, Russell Brank, Margaret Cho, Ben Stiller, Meryl Streep, Donald Sutherland, Burt Bacharach, Jimmy Buffet, Natalie Cole, Charlize Theron, M. Night Shyamalan, Stephen King, Garrison Keillor, Toni Morrison, Christopher Hitchens, Hulk Hogan,J.K. Rowling, Kareen Abdul-Jabbar, Charles Barkley, Michael Jordan, Craig Robinson, Emmitt Smith, Quentin Tarantino, Marisa Tomei, Kathleen Turner, Denzel Washington, James Whitmore, Forest Whitaker, Debra Winger, Henry Winkler, Afre Woodard, Jennifer Hudson, the Late Dennis Hopper, Valerie Harper, Harry Connick, Jr.,  Pete Carroll, Sheryl Crow, Tom Hanks, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Kal Penn, Jack Black, Ellen Burstyn, don Cheadle, John Cleese, James Cromwell, Larry David, Laura Dern, Cameron Diaz, Danny Devito, Robert De Niro, Ashley Judd, Natalie Portman, Sidney Poitier, Queen Latifah, Caroline Kennedy, and Julie Nixon Eisenhower.

There are so many more. Check them out here.

Watch this video of George Clooney making a fool of himself. Like everyone in Hollywood, it's all about how things look.

George Clooney on Barack Obama (video)

Babs Streisand No-Show Co-Host of Obama Fundraiser

Obama was the star at a Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee fundraiser, and Babs Streisand and hubby James Brolin, who were loudly-announced co-hosts, were a no-show. Same with Jeffrey Katzenberg. Obama said the idea of the soiree was to "reward" those who took the tough votes. Video below.

James Brolin and Barbra Streisand

Reports are mixed about the cost. Politico says the cost to co-host was $30,400 per couple, but CBS says the cost to attend was $30,400 per couple. The high dollar price gets the couple a photo taken with Obama.

Labor Secretary Hilda Solis was one of the celebrity co-hosts.  Did taxpayers fund the Solis opportunity to mix with Steven Spielberg and Judd Apatow, as well as have a photo taken with BO? I can come to close to guaranteeing that Solis didn't pay the fee out of her own pocket.

But, of course, the big news is that Babs didn't show - she who has taken every opportunity to cozy up to Democrat presidents - stayed home. Now that the news is out that Obama stole the election from Streisand's favorite, Hillary Clinton, maybe Babs has had enough. I know I've had enough of Barbra and James Brolin. Take a look at this 2007 video of Brolin laughing about 9/11 and some interesting commentary on Hillary Clinton.

Barbara Streisand's Husband, James Brolin on 9/11 (video)

Are you aware of the weekly Ten Buck Friday Poll? You can leave your nomination for constitutional conservatives to be entered in the poll. The winner each week receives donations from Ten Buck Friday participating bloggers and readers. Please leave nominations for next week's Ten Buck Friday poll in comments on any page in my blog, or follow the link on the poll, found in my lefthand sidebar, to comments and post your nomination.

Counting this week's poll, we have 11 more weeks to election day, November 2nd.

Please help us find constitutional conservatives around the country, and then support them with your donation each week. See the poll below.

Posted by Maggie @ Maggie's Notebook

Friday, August 6, 2010

Ann Coulter Keynotes GOProud Homocon Fundraiser

GOProud is a group of gay conservatives in Washington D.C. Ann Coulter was asked to give the keynote address and she accepted. The fundraiser known as Homocon is scheduled for September 25th. The location has not been announced.

Ann Coulter

The group says the event is a party, it is about having fun - there will be no "fun-police."
“I’m so tickled that she agreed to do it,” Jimmy LaSalvia, executive director of GOProud told The Daily Caller. “Think about it: She’s hilarious, she’s provocative and, honestly, our folks just love her.”
LaSalvia said Coulter was the only person the group asked to headline the party, and she immediately agreed.
“Of course I’ll do it,” Coulter wrote to GOProud when they asked her to join the event. “I’m the right-wing Judy Garland!”
GOProud used that quip to advertise the event, adding, “our gays are more macho than their straights!” which Coulter wrote in a 2005 article comparing liberals and conservatives.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Sarah Palin on Troopathon Video

Troopathon is underway and Sarah Palin was one of the Troopathon video guests. See that video below.

Troopathon 2010

Have your sent your care package yet? I know these are tough time, but if you can help this outstanding effort, please do. Go to Troopathon 2010 or better yet, help fellow blogger The Lonely Conservative who is Standing for our Soldiers on the Hot Air Troopathon team again this year. Last year The Hot Air Steamers raised $16,000 for our troops overseas. It takes no more than 3 minutes to have a package on its way.

It is all streaming live at Troopathon 2010. In the meantime, this video is Sarah talking to Troopathon host Melanie Morgan.

Sarah Palin on Troopathon (video)

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