University of Lugano
Istituto di Studi Italiani
Il saggio si rivolge a chiunque voglia esplorare un campo di ricerca affascinante e tuttora poco noto in Italia: la (s)cortesia storica. Preceduto da un’introduzione teorica, in cui si presentano le innovazioni più recenti nei campi della... more
Historical (Im) Politeness Research panel 21 Politeness and Style in The Betrothed (I promessi sposi, 1840): An Italian Novel by Alessandro Manzoni PATERNOSTER, ANNICK Università della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano, University of Leeds;... more
This article explores evaluations of impoliteness and over-politeness in crime novel dialogues, in reference to the Pragmatics of Politeness and the Discursive Model (Watts, 2003, 2005, 2010; Locher and Watts, 2005). Metapragmatic... more
This study examines evaluative adjectives and politeness evaluators in 9 popular etiquette books published in turn-of-the-century Italy between 1877-1914, with the aim to determine the values that are involved in the judgement of... more
This contribution focuses on one particular politeness formula for requests, fare la carità di 'be so good as to (give)'. The aim of the paper was to reconstruct the meanings and contexts for the usage of fare la carità di in... more
Within a digital corpus of 20 Italian post-unification conduct books (1860 to 1900), UAM CorpusTool is used to perform a manual annotation of 13 emotive rhetorical figures as indices of “shown” emotion (émotion montrée, Micheli 2014). The... more
Baldassare Castiglione, an Italian courtier and diplomat for the dukes of Urbino and for the Roman Curia, is the author of The Book of the Courtier (Il libro del cortegiano), a courtesy book examining social interaction between gentleman,... more
Si indaga la cortesia di avvicinamento in due personaggi dei Promessi Sposi, Federigo Borromeo, nell’incontro con l’innominato (cap. XXIII), e Bortolo, nel dialogo con Renzo (cap. XVII). I brani, che contengono, nei commenti... more
This contribution discusses the interconnectedness between social indexing and moral evaluations of fashion in Italian turn-of-the-century etiquette books. In conduct books of the 1860s and 1870s fashion rules aim at achieving... more
The article aims to define the model of the young woman promoted by conduct literature texts in the period from Unification to after the Great War. Conduct manuals (galatei) in the post-Unification period, which particularly flourished in... more