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This paper sheds light on the reasons for the sudden rise of women in party politics and political representation in Spain. Structural explanations and the conditioning influence of the electoral system are reviewed before focusing on... more
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      Political PartiesWomen and PoliticsLeft Wing Parties
The main social challenges faced by European societies are said to be similar to those that confront all industrial societies, at least at the macro-level: the new labour order, the ageing of populations, the trend towards migration and... more
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      Politics Of Social PolicyEuropean UnionEU Law (EU legal order: EU legal sources, institutions, remedies, relations with national laws); General Principles of EU Law; EU Migration and Asylum Law, EU Antidiscrimination Law, EU Fundamental Rights and links with the ECHR
The extensive research on European integration so far offers little to explain the effect of EU social policies on integration between member-states. Starting from the premise that there is a parallel process of social integration... more
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      European integrationEuropean Social Policy
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Regional integration processes can learn from the particularities of the European Union’s social dimension, despite its apparent inconsistencies and sui generis form of development. The article provides a comprehensive retrospective... more
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      Social PolicyEuropean integrationEuropean Union
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    • Spanish, history, society and politics
This is a proposal for a new electoral system that combines valuable features of the Single Member Plurality (SMP, First-past-the-post) system and of the proportional representation systems that ensure a closer correlation of each party's... more
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    • Electoral Systems
Although the EU launched its first citizenship programme in 1992 with considerable fanfare, arguably nothing much changed for employees who had already moved to another member-state. True, the system of aggregation of entitlements and... more
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      European Union CitizenshipElectoral BehaviorEuropean Union PoliticsEuropean Law, free movement & competition law
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      UnemploymentEmploymentWomen and WorkPart Time Employment
The paper discusses several cases of 'state feminism' - such as Sweden, Norway, Egypt, Turkey, Greece, and Spain. It shows that the term is used in such a variety of contexts and to refer to such contrasting and even contradictory... more
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Spain’s democratization process has mainly been described as a settlement between political elites in which civil society organizations played little part. Yet the literature on Eastern European democratization sets great store by the... more
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      Spanish HistoryElites (Political Science)Political ElitesDemocratisation
This chapter draws together the themes guiding the development of "reconciliation policies", the set of employment dispositions and laws designed to make having a family life/becoming parents more compatible with holding down a job. This... more
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      Social PolicyGender EqualityWork Life Balance
This report is a call to those seeking to capture a picture of Social Europe to better reflect Europe's diversity and the claims of numerically important social sectors such as women, carers, ethnic minorities, disabled people, Muslims,... more
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      European integrationDiversity & Inclusion
Political citizenship is probably the dimension of citizenship that is most familiar to us, at least in its conventional meaning of nationality and the right to vote. Yet feminist critiques have moved the discussion of citizenship beyond... more
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      Political ScienceEuropean PoliticsEthnic minoritiesGender and Politics
El capítulo desarrolla una fuerte crítica a los enfoques elitistas que interpretan a la transición española como un pacto entre élites. Propone que la transición due co-construida por fuerzas opuestas en un proceso de lucha política... more
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      Social MovementsDemocratic Transitions
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      Cold WarAmerican Foreign PolicyHistory of American Foreign RelationsCold War International Relations
This paper accounts and examines the causes of the Second World War (1939-1945) from a European and Pacific contextual perspective
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      Second World WarSecond World War (History)WarfareNazi Germany
This paper looks at the history, different types and purpose of the NGO within today's complex globalised world.
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      International DevelopmentNon-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)International Aid and DevelopmentDevelopment Agencies, Governance, Aid Management, Local Governments, Decentralization, Urban Quality, Corporate Social Responsibility, Youth Development and Participation, Policy Making, International Development Organizations
In this paper,  look at the relative strengths and weaknesses of Direct and In-direct Democracy, with reference to historical cases and modern day examples.
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      Athenian DemocracyDemocracyDirect DemocracyDirect Democracy in the Ancient Greek City Especially Athens and the Igbo Tradionalan Political System
Looking at historical and qualitative examples of nonviolent struggles and their respective outcomes, with reference to the empirical, theoretical and quantitative debate.
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesNonviolenceNonviolent Civil ResistanceGandhian Studies