Lothar Thiel
Intercultural education is very important to me (among other things, I have been running the intercultural youth magazine trait d'union since 1999). I write essays and literature and I paint. I am interested in social issues and questions of aesthetics, which I enjoy discussing with others, even if I am not online all the time.
Address: München-Schwabing, Germany
Address: München-Schwabing, Germany
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Papers by Lothar Thiel
Planned as a clarification of the essay "Is art the revelation of the unspeakable?" the following text quickly grew into its second part.
Content: In addition to intended and accidental elements, a work of art can also contain externalizations of internal states of the person who created it. However, it cannot be concluded from this that a revelation of the unspeakable takes place through art. For if revelation were understood as the disclosure of the truth of the externalized mental state through the means of linguistic terminology, its unspeakability would prove to be non-permanent. If the revelation of the unspeakable is only to take place in its encounter with the recipient's feelings, which vibrate in the same frequency range, it is more likely that the work draws the viewer into its mystery.
Presumably, the rational interpretation of areas of the inner life of an artist externalized by art and the emotional resonance between the work and its viewer are by no means mutually exclusive, but make up - even without the unspeakable revealed - to a large extent what is called enjoyment of art.
The Leonardo da Vinci programme was a European Commission funding programme focused on the teaching and training needs of those involved in vocational education and training (VET). The programme was part of the European Commission's Lifelong Learning Programme 2007-2013.
The project “Intercultural Driving Licence | Vocational” being coordinated by the Izmir Governorship (Turkey) was a non-profit teamwork of experts from six different countries (Austria, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Spain and Turkey) and various social sectors, doing research and exchanging their knowledge and points of view about the most important aspects of intercultural competence (ICC), like methods of ICC learning/training, its evaluation and certification. They also investigated opportunities concerning sponsoring and implementation of intercultural competence within different reference systems, especially the European Qualifications Framework (EQF).
The outcomes of the Icudriving Projects are available here: http://www.icudriving.org/outcomes.html
There were no co-authors, but the text was discussed by the members of the Bilbao Icudriving Team (BIT), a group of teachers of the German School in Bilbao (Deutsche Schule Bilbao / DSB) and also parents (of DSB students) who worked as experts at the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA, Bilbao), the Universidad de Deusto/Bilbao, the DEKRA University of Berlin and at Coach Culture, Bilbao.
The Icudriving project is designed to be followed by other European projects concerning ICC and integration of migrants.
Planned as a clarification of the essay "Is art the revelation of the unspeakable?" the following text quickly grew into its second part.
Content: In addition to intended and accidental elements, a work of art can also contain externalizations of internal states of the person who created it. However, it cannot be concluded from this that a revelation of the unspeakable takes place through art. For if revelation were understood as the disclosure of the truth of the externalized mental state through the means of linguistic terminology, its unspeakability would prove to be non-permanent. If the revelation of the unspeakable is only to take place in its encounter with the recipient's feelings, which vibrate in the same frequency range, it is more likely that the work draws the viewer into its mystery.
Presumably, the rational interpretation of areas of the inner life of an artist externalized by art and the emotional resonance between the work and its viewer are by no means mutually exclusive, but make up - even without the unspeakable revealed - to a large extent what is called enjoyment of art.
The Leonardo da Vinci programme was a European Commission funding programme focused on the teaching and training needs of those involved in vocational education and training (VET). The programme was part of the European Commission's Lifelong Learning Programme 2007-2013.
The project “Intercultural Driving Licence | Vocational” being coordinated by the Izmir Governorship (Turkey) was a non-profit teamwork of experts from six different countries (Austria, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Spain and Turkey) and various social sectors, doing research and exchanging their knowledge and points of view about the most important aspects of intercultural competence (ICC), like methods of ICC learning/training, its evaluation and certification. They also investigated opportunities concerning sponsoring and implementation of intercultural competence within different reference systems, especially the European Qualifications Framework (EQF).
The outcomes of the Icudriving Projects are available here: http://www.icudriving.org/outcomes.html
There were no co-authors, but the text was discussed by the members of the Bilbao Icudriving Team (BIT), a group of teachers of the German School in Bilbao (Deutsche Schule Bilbao / DSB) and also parents (of DSB students) who worked as experts at the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA, Bilbao), the Universidad de Deusto/Bilbao, the DEKRA University of Berlin and at Coach Culture, Bilbao.
The Icudriving project is designed to be followed by other European projects concerning ICC and integration of migrants.