Showing posts with label flowers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flowers. Show all posts

23 May 2018

Summer is coming

Photos of today's poppy in the field by MyGuy.

03 August 2017

Last Sunday on the Mainau

Got bored watching hubby with the camera, so shot some pics with the mobile.

This is one of MyGuy's pictures of a passion flower.

21 April 2017

Reminder of Spring

Since the snow has come back here a little reminder of spring.

11 April 2017

Monday morning scale victory

I actually was down to 65.1kg yesterday morning. Slowly creeping closer to 64kg which is my current goal at 1,64 m.

02 November 2016

Lovely Flowers away from home

We went away for the weekend and MyGuy had them put this lovely bouquet in our room.

12 October 2016


Just another Dahlia, because I love the photos my guy takes.

20 September 2016

Pre-Anniversary Bouquet

As we plan on being away on our Anniversary I bought some flowers for the week before for us to enjoy. We had sunflowers in our wedding, so this is a reminder of the day for us.

14 September 2016


Early morning pictures of the sunflower field near our home.

12 September 2016


We went for a spontaneous trip to Heitersheim this week-end. On Saturday we went to the Kurpark in Bad Krozingen and MyGuy took some wonderful pictures of the dahlias while I sat and knitted on my latest shawl. I finally finished darning in the ends on my Greyhound on Sunday. Now it needs a bath and a stretch.

31 August 2016


Just another rose picture because the roses are still blooming like there is no fall coming.

30 August 2016

06 July 2016

Just a note

I didn't go for a run yesterday, but went to do some errands on the bike, so got some km in.

07 October 2015

Flowers in Bad Krozingen

MyGuy had a lot of fun taking pictures of the flowers in the park in Bad Krozingen with dew still on them.