I've been thinking a little the last days. Thinking back, back to when I started quilting, and how I got started! I found this old Quiltmaker dated spring/summer '88, and it brought back some old memories! There were no photos of the quilts, only drawings, but very good drawings in colours! I don't know how many times I've been looking through this mag. I never made anything, guess it was too difficult!

My mother has never been quilting, and no one else in my family did. She always made our clothes when we were little, and dresses for herself, because it was cheaper than to by them.
I discovered patchwork and quilting in 86-87. A friend had made a few pictures using machine-appliqué. It looked fun! I wanted to try, but first I needed a sewingmachine!
My husband and I had been married only a few months. I had finished my studies and was working full time as a nurse. My husband had two more years of studies left. During his summer holidays he went far away to work, leaving me home working and feeling sorry and depressed because I couldn't go with him! So I did what women do when they feel sorry for themselves! I went shopping!
I had been tempted to buy me a sewingmachine for a long time, and now I did! I bought a Bernina, not very fancy or big, but good enough for me, and I knew it from my mother!
Patchwork and quilting were not very known in Norway, but it was coming. Then I discovered a shop offering patchwork fabrics and supplies. I was sold! It was a heaven in fabrics and colours! And they had classes! But I had to make a choice! I couldn't afford to both join a class and buy fabrics.... so, the descission wasn't very hard! If I wanted to sew, I needed fabrics, so I bought fabrics and skipped the class! I think they got tired of me in the shop, because I was always asking how do I do this, and how do I do that! I asked, got the answers, and went home to try! This is how I made this blanket. Yes, it is a patchworkblanket, because I didn't learn properly how to finish the quilt until later!
When I made this, I was thinking of making a tablecloth, but if I bought a little more fabric, I could make a big wallquilt! I made some more blocks and thought, well, if I could buy a little more fabric, I could make a bedcover! The end of this story is that I had enough fabric for the bedcover, a wallquilt, two small tablecloths and a tablerunner, and still have some fabrics left!! LOL!
The "blanket" is not very well made. There are a lot of thread-ends still to be cut off. Hmm! And look how I finished it! I am not very proud of that, but I didn't know better! Hopefully I have improved my skills since then. I have learned a lot, and thankfully I know there is still a lot to learn!
Are you still there? You haven't fall asleep yet? Good for me!
So, when I am surfing around looking and reading others blogs, I see a lot of wonderful works, and read both sad and happy stories. You may have a problem, and there is always some one out there who is able to help you solve it, or to give you the support you need, and to share both your happiness and sorrows.
When I am on my "trip around the world", I can't help myself thinking and wondering. Here we are, thousands of women, women from different coutries and culture. Women with a different childhood, religion, jobs and daily life, in different stages of life. But we all have ONE thing in common, the passion for quilting and all that that includes!
My question to you is, why did you start quilting? What got you started, and when? And why are you quilting today? It would have been so fun to know!
Please, leave a comment on this post and tell me! If you do, I will put you in the draw! Yes, I am having a giveway to celebrate my 50th post! (Hmmm, this is my 55th, but I don't mind!) May be I could challenge you to write a post on your blog, telling a little more and showing photos? If you do, please let me know, and I will put you in another draw! If you do both, you have a double chance to win! LOL!
I will do the drawing on monday the 4th of february.
Why am I quilting today? It gives me a lot. I have made friends I know I never would have made if it wasn't for the quilting! I have had the opportunity to meet a lot of new people, including you! I love to create, work with colours and fabrics, to see things grow from my hands! And it is FUN!
Take care, May Kristin
PS. You may also just comment, if you like!