mandag 19. november 2007

Which one?

I have finished this stitchery from Crab Apple Hill. The patterns says it's a pillow, but I want to make it in to a little wall quilt. You can see the pillow here.
So the question is: How shall I frame it? I have made some options, and I need your help to decide! So please leave a comment, telling me your opinion! The six options you see here, are those I liked best. Making a decision is not always that easy! If you have any other suggestions, you are welcome to let me know! #1


Thank you!

SSCS and Four Seasons Quilt Swap

Dear Secret Santa!
Please don't post any photo of my present before christmas eve! That is because I want to feel the excitement of not knowing, until then! Thank you!
I also have to tell that I have signed up for the Four Seasons Quilt Swap! It has been fun to follow many of you out there, making quilts for the Fall swap! Many beautiful quilts has been made, and sent all over the world!

onsdag 14. november 2007

PIF and some finishes

Pay it forward update:
I now have three great ladies, who have signed up for the PIF, and want's to play along!
If you want to play, and send someone a handmade surprice, please just jump over to one of them, and join!

I saw this sign on May Britt's blog today, and found that may be I was one of the first to leave a comment on this post, so I thought, why not play along! And so I did! I've seen PIF's on other blogs, but never early enough to sign up, until now!

So this is how it goes...

It’s the Pay It Forward Exchange. It’s based of the concept of the movie “Pay it Forward” where acts or deeds of kindness are done without expecting something in return, just passing it on, with hope that the recipients of the acts of kindness are passed on. You all know I’m already a PIF type of person. So here’s how it works. I will make and send a handmade gift to the first 3 people who leave a comment to this post on my blog requesting to join this PIF exchange. I do not know what that gift will be yet, and it won’t be sent this month, probably not next month, but it will be sent (within 6 months) and that’s a promise! What YOU have to do in return, then, is pay it forward by making the same promise on your blog.

Then to a couple of finishes. I made this tablerunner for the class I was teaching in october. I finally got the binding on! It is quite long, nearly 69 inches, and fits my eatingtable perfect. And of course all of you can see that the flowers are red poinsettias?!? LOL!

I had to make another make-up purse, because I forgot to write down all the measurements when I was working on the first one! I never learn! May be this one will become a christmas present. Who knows!

torsdag 8. november 2007

Children, pillows.....

Sorry ladies, I know I haven't been blogging much lately! But there has been to much to do, and to much to think of on the home front. Our 18 year old son called and wanted to move home. He dropped out of school last week, said he needed a break until next fall, so......
We picked him up last week-end at school, and moved him home. It has taken a few days to get him settled. Had to do a "serial moving" of rooms on the first floor before he could move in! Almost done!
That's why I don't have anything new to show you today. What I want to show you, is two pillows I made last fall. The first one is made of pink and brown fabrics. I was inspired by a wallquilt my friend Rannveig, made! You see a little glimpse of the quilt above the pillow. The pillow isn't big, only 25cm x 50cm. This is the same pillow, made in different colours, red, beige and black! I made this one for christmas. Yes, I know, this is not christmas colours, but I decorate my kitchen, eating and tv- room(it is one open, big room) in these colours, and it blends in perfectly!
The dark brown and the black fabric used in these pillows, are like fake suede leather. It makes a special touch!

Finally I will give you a few words I got in september, sailing with "Hurtigruta". They goes like this:

Courage is not allways a roar,
sometimes it is the quiet voice
at the end of the day, that say:

I will try again tomorrow.....