Thursday, July 30, 2009

Show Us Your Life

Happy Friday! Show Us Your Life Friday is back again! We are continuing on Part 2 of Weddings. I don't have many pictures that we scanned onto my computer of the actual wedding party and it's a little late to be working on it right now. So, I apologize. I really do have some cute ones.

We got married on August 6th, 2005. Once I got my dress, it was smooth sailing and one of the best days of my life. Since we are HUGE Alabama fans and my favorite color is red, I had to go with red bridesmaids dresses. I couldn't tell you all of the flowers in the bouquets, just that there were some red berries and gerber daisies. I couldn't tell you about all of the songs, but my bridesmaids walked down the aisle to Canon in D and John's pastor sang "Surely the Presence of the Lord is in This Place" and "The Lord's Prayer" while we lit the Unity candle. I just remember how nervous I was during the ceremony and that my sister and mother-in-law were sobbing loud enough to make me look at both of the them and almost lose it.

I'm sure most of you had to go through Pre-marital counseling through the church before you could get married there as well as we did. Our Pastor assured us with every meeting about how important it was to say the correct name. He told us a story of how when he and his wife were married their Pastor said the wrong name. He also said he made a point to say the correct name whenever he married a couple.

He pronounced us, "Mr. and Mrs. John McMichaels Jr".

Can you guess what?

That ain't our name.

We also have some comedians in our family because when Joseph and Tracie were doing their rehearsal last Friday their Pastor pronounced them "Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brian McMichaels".

Oh, the comedy. Someone should be doing stand up.

This is our entire wedding party. My sister was my maid of honor, but she liked to refer to herself as the "old maid". I also had my cousin, but most of my bridesmaids were friends from high school. We are all still really close.

Here is a picture of John's family. Tracie just joined us this past weekend, but of course when this picture was taken, we didn't know she exsisted. Sorry, Trace.

Friday, July 24, 2009


I have just downloaded a blog writer app to my iPhone. I am so stinkin' excited. I hope it's all I dreamed it could be! Have a great weekend!

Show Us Your Life- Wedding Dress!

I am super excited about Show Us Your Wedding. I loved my wedding. Not just the man that I married, but planning it with him and every detail. Now, my wedding dress story is one of horrors. Your absolute WORST nightmare as a bride. I shutter to think about it again, actually. We started my dress search in January with our wedding being in August, was a quite reasonable timeframe. My mother, MIL, and I went looking for THE dress. We found it at a shop in Hartselle and fell in love. I knew that I had a specific dress in mind for my bridesmaids and I was going to have a hard time finding it in a store and knew I was probably going to have them made. So, we ended up at Hancock fabrics to look for patterns and fabric. We stumbled across a pattern for my wedding dress. What?!?? We could have this made and save a fortune! What a hairbrained idea that was! Don't Do It, Gurl! Anyway, we asked an employee if she knew of anyone that made dresses that she could recommend. As it happens, she did and she was in the store right then! It was fate, wasn't it? Anyway, she thought she could make all(8) of my bridesmaids dress and my dress. Okay, great! Anyway, May rolled around and I went and got fitted and so did everyone else. I went several more times to get fitted over the course of the summer and was losing weight rapidly to which I told her. Anyway, two weeks before the wedding, NO ONE had their dresses. And the dress maker's nephew dies and she has to go to Chicago to the funeral. She assured me that all the dresses were pretty much finished and everyone could come for their final fitting when she got back. Well, my bridesmaids didn't get the message. Every time they called her husband would tell everyone, "She just went to the store, she'll be back in a minute." What?!!? She is out of the state. I don't think she will be back in a "minute". Anyway, two nights before the wedding everyone was at my house and the dress maker decides to come down ( at 11:00, no less) and make sure everyone's dress fits. She brings everyone's dress but MINE. Not only is everyone's dress disorganized and no one knows who's dress is who's, half of them don't fit. Two of my bridesmaids go and get the rest of the dresses the day of the rehearsal. Everyone's but MINE. She promises to show up at the rehearsal to give it to me. In my meantime, Mom calls JCrew and they happen to have a wedding dress similar and in a size 8. I was bordering at the time around a size 2 or 4. Mom asked if they would hold it "Just in case". On the way to the rehearsal dinner, I talk to the DM and she says that she will come to my house after the dinner and give me my dress. She swears its finished. I call her after the dinner. No answer. I call her numerous times and leave her dirty messages. No answer. I finally leave a message that says, "Keep the dress, I have a back up plan and she is a sorry excuse for a human." I get a call around 2:30 saying she had finished the dress and she was coming to give it to me. I told her that I would call her when I woke up and she could bring it then. I get ANOTHER call around 6:45 saying she had JUST finished the dress and I could come and get it. Umm.. no, You can bring it to me, IT IS MY WEDDING DAY. My mom is running down the hall, putting clothes on, saying she is going to get it. The DM held the dress hostage until my step-dad paid up ANOTHER $400. Niiice. I finally got the dress in my hands around 8:30 on the day of my wedding. I cried tears of joy. The dress, was two sizes too big and two inches short. Thank God my mom knows how to sew. She fixed it so it was okay. But really, what the lessoned learned? ALWAYS BUY YOUR DRESS! Learn from this horror story. Unless, you or a close family member are a dress maker... DON'T DO IT, GURL!

Anyway, here is my dress. Just how I wanted it. Simple, Candlelight white strapless with covered buttons down the back. I loved it once I actually had it. :)

My Dad and I dancing

John and I

My brother-in-law, Andy

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

My Favorite Recipe

Good Morning! I thought long and hard about if I was going to link up to MckLinky's recipe blog hop. You see, I love to cook, and it would be very hard to single out ONE recipe and declare it my favorite! It might hurt the other recipes feelings. I even thought about doing one for each type meal. But then I realized that I have two small children and a brother-in-law getting married this week, and frankly, I like my sleep. Besides, I needed one with pictures. So, it needed to be easy to make. And really, it's the easiest thing to make, it's delicious, and Addison loves it. It's a hat trick of breakfast goodness. I call it my Breakfast Parfait. All you need is, some fruit of your liking. I prefer strawberries or blueberries, or a combination of the two. Some vanilla yogurt and some granola. Now, I will say, that I am a HUGE fan of granola. Philly shook his head and laughed the day in Whole Foods when I insisted on purchasing something I had never even tried before( like he does with most of my "granola" ways, but that is a WHOLE NOTHER POST). But, at the time, I was 8 months pregnant, and a force to be reckoned with. Anyway, I loved it. He loved it. Addison loved it. It is Whole Foods own brand of French Almond Vanilla. In my opinion, THE GRANOLA IS KEY. It has to be delicious and nice and crunchy. I have tried several different kinds and nothing compares to Whole Foods. Which, really stinks, because the closest Whole Foods to us is about 45 minutes without any traffic. Anyway, back to the recipe.

I also feel that the layering technique is important. The fruit goes first. I always start with the strawberries.

Throw in some blueberries, if your feeling funky. Philly and Addison do not care for the blueberries, but to each his own.

I love this yogurt. It's Yoplus Vanilla yogurt. I also love the Silk Vanilla Soy Yogurt, since I am not supposed to have diary.

I am running low on my granola. You know it's a problem when you put off your two- year old because you are trying to ration it for yourself. I probably shouldn't admit that. But, I hate to share.

Top as much or a little granola as you want. Me, I like a good amount of crunch. You can always go back and add more.

This is super easy and my two year old loves it. The real test is, if you can eat it, while holding your six month old and blogging about the recipe while your two year old runs circles around the dining room proclaiming, " I want some! I want some!"
Yes, I passed this test too. :)

MckLinky Blog Hop

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sunday Breakfast at The All Steak

We have been absent from our usual Sunday morning routine. Which is, breakfast at the All Steak. Addison squeals every time we pass the building in town and tells everyone, " That All Steak, french toast, sooo good!" I thought I would try out my new lens and get some snap shots of the family. These are straight out of the camera. :)

Addison taking a picture of me with her camera phone.

Many of you probably don't know the story of the dimple doll. For Addison's first Christmas, her Aunt Sa-Sa searched high and low for the perfect gift. She wanted something extremely girlie but soft, so she could play with it. She had secret dreams that this present would be one that Addison would carry everywhere with her and never leave at home. She finally found what she was looking for in a catalog. A soft doll with a hand painted face. She quickly ordered it and was very pleased with herself. The Hinson's L-O-V-E Christmas. They long to find perfect gifts, often going a little over the top. With the present came, Sa-Sa was so excited. She ripped the box open, only to find that the doll, that she had so lovingly searched for, was about 4 inches tall. It was the tiniest doll you have ever seen. She was a little disappointed. She thought the doll to be in the height-range of a Barbie doll, but instead, it was more like the Little People. Addison did love it though. She played with it for several months. And when it came time to clean out her toy box a few months ago, it lay on the bottom. So, I thought I would put it in the yard sale for some other little child to enjoy. I packed it up and put a price tag on it. But, when it came time to actually put it out. I couldn't. It held so many memories for me of my eldest. So, I took it and I put it in Claire's diaper bag. And it's made it's appearance again.

Anxiously awaiting our French toast.

I have just noticed that pink blur. Do you see it? It's Claire pacifier that she dropped out of her mouth. But, guess what? I caught it while I was taking this picture. That, my friend, is a true talent.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Show Us Where You Live Children's Parties!

This week, Kelly is venturing into children's birthday parties. Now, it's been a while since I have participated in her blog hop type thing, but, I made time this week. I need some good ideas for Addy's upcoming 3rd birthday, which will be our first "school" party. It's just been family and godparents. Addison's first birthday was EXTREMELY overwhelming for me. I had NO idea what went into it and just the sheer stress involved. Since her birthday is in October, we had to plan around football season, and I thought it would be a good idea to time it with the Alabama football game. Needless to say, I had ZERO help from my husband, because, as I learned early on in our relationship, Alabama Football comes first. So, I don't have too many pics from the party, and what pics I am in, I am in complete frazzle mode.

I spent an entire afternoon making this sign, but it is totally reusable. It's out of scrapbook paper, and although you may not be able to see, it says, "Happy Birthday".

The "Showbiz" cake is a tradition in my family. My mom makes these for every birthday, so of course it had to be the cake Addison played in!

Feeding Sa-Sa some delicious cake!

Addison's 2nd birthday was a little bit better. Her birthday actually fell on a Saturday, so Sarah, the kids, and I met BoomPa and GiGi at the pumpkin patch and enjoyed the day there. We had her party on a Sunday, which worked out great for everyone involved. It was a Princess theme, so everyone wore hats and crowns.

John picking out his bite of cake that he wanted.

Only my daughter would participate in an impromtu football game in the front yard in satin bloomers, a t-shirt and tennis shoes. She loves playing with all those boys. Probably because she can boss them around and they do whatever she wants.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Blog Hoppin'

This weeks Blog Hop is 3 Things You Didn't Know About Me! I don't know about y'all, but I LOVE the MckLinky. It's awesome. You know it must be, when you find yourself describing it to your sister over the phone.
Anyway, on to 3 Things You Didn't Know About Me!

1. I LOVE to cook. I just can hardly find the time to do it anymore with two small children. It is a disaster when I try it.

2. I am currently working on my photography website. I FINALLY bit the bullet and am going to try my hand professionally at photography.

3. I LOVE LOVE LOVE to make my girls clothes and matching hair bows. Or maybe you already knew that. Especially if you checked out THIS post.

Thanks for stopping by, and I hope y'all have a GREAT Tuesday! Harry Potter comes out at midnight, after all!

MckLinky Blog Hop

Sunday, July 12, 2009

A Breast Milk Mystery

Last night, Philly and I ventured out to a wedding party for some friends. I think it basically turned into a mini class reunion for him, but anyway, one of our friends Leslie said she wanted my help with a breast milk mystery. I was intrigued. She asked if I ever sent a bottle with Claire to the nursery. Every day, I replied. She asked me if I remembered dropping our children off at the nursery at the gym a few weeks ago at the same time. I did. I also remembered that she was called out of the gym not long after to go get her daughter. She said when she got there that the nursery worker said, "She just won't quit crying, we tried to give her her bottle, but it didn't seem to help." Leslie informed her that her daughter didn't take a bottle. The nursery worker was stunned. She pulled out the Medela bottle and Leslie just shook her head. Her daughter had drank someone else's bottle. Specifically, someone else's breast milk. Leslie was at first, horrified. Then she thought about it, and decided that anyone that would get up early and pump a bottle of breast milk for the child to go to the gym nursery was probably an OK person. Can you guess who's breast milk was given to Leslie's daughter? That's right. You guessed it. MINE. Glad I could help a friend in need. REALLY glad I knew the person. Not so glad that no one in the nursery told me about the incident.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Blog Hop!

I love a good blog hop, don't you? Well, this one is very simple. You post your favorite photo with a caption! Brent Riggs and his wife have started a MckLinky that is sort of like Mr. Linky, but better! I have many favorite photos of my girls, but I will only do one of each.
This first one is of Addison. She is our spunky, full of live, twoHALF year old. I can't tell you the feelings I have when I look at this picture, because it totally captures her mischievousness. (Is that a word?)

This second picture is of our little Claire bear. It was her 4 month photo shoot that I did, and she is just so smiley. Plus, I just LOVE a good black and white photo.

/p>MckLinky Blog Hop

Friday, July 3, 2009

See You On the Flip Side...

My husband has requested that I stay off of the internet for a few days. Apparently, I am addicted to the internet. He threatened to remove my battery from my laptop or steal my mouse from my desk top. I shall see you in a few days!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

New Addition!

You may or may not have noticed a new addition to the blog. It's my Etsy Shop! I have been throwing this idea around for a while, since I love to make hair bows for the girls. I finally bit the bullet and set it all up. If you see something you like ( or don't like) let me know! Lots of new things to come!