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This paper analyzes the impact that social public policies might have had on the economic growth of Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Mexico, and Venezuela during the period of 1980 to 2010. It also examines the hypothesis of... more
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By means of an economic convergence index and the analysis of correlations between several macroeconomic aggregates, this paper approaches the problem of economic convergence among country members of the Pacific Alliance and MERCOSUR.... more
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      Macroeconomics (Business cycles, Nominal and real rigidities, DSGE models)Social Policy & DevelopmentVenezuelan Economy
This paper estimates the GDP gap in Venezuela by means of the structural VAR methodology and the Blanchard and Quah decomposition for the period 1999:1-2010:4. We use quarterly data for the inflation rate, real GDP, unemployment rate, and... more
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Given the lack of consensus on the impact of financial innovations on money demand, this paper investigates on the stability of the long-run demand for real balances in Venezuela facing financial innovations for the period 1984Q1- 2008Q4... more
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This paper presents a theoretical model of aggregate supply and demand that helps explain the propagation effects of economic policy and the terms of trade on macroeconomic aggregates in a small open economy with two sectors and under a... more
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This paper studies the link between savings and international trade as determinants of investment in some Latin American countries during 1951-2000 using the panel data technique. The empirical results show that investment rate... more
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This paper presents a theoretical model of aggregate supply and demand in a small economy with two productive sectors, under a flexible exchange regime and imperfect capital mobility. Only one of the production sectors is assumed to... more
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El presente trabajo utiliza la técnica de Growth Accounting para determinar las fuentes del crecimiento económico de Venezuela durante 1950-2002. Los resultados empíricos muestran que aun cuando el stock neto de capital creció a una tasa... more
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This paper studies how the socialpolitical and judicial factors have affected private investment in Venezuela and Latin America for the period 1995-2003 by means of panel data analysis. In the case of Venezuela, there is evidence that the... more
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This paper presents an evaluation of how feasible would the establishment of a monetary union amongst the South American countries considering the methodology of the macroeconomic convergence degree. The empirical results indicate that a... more
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This paper studies the relationship between social-political and judicial factors and private investment in Latin America during 1995-2003 by means of panel data analysis. The empirical evidence suggests that investment rate... more
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El presente trabajo examina los costos y beneficios de diferentes alternativas de unificación monetaria y los compara con los correspondientes costos y beneficios de mantener la discrecionalidad de una política monetaria independiente... more
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This paper uses a Cholesky Factorization in a var analysis to investigate the relative importance of foreign and domestic shocks in the Venezuelan economy during the 1960:i-2004:ii period. The economy is assumed to be driven by foreign... more
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El presente análisis examina la factibilidad de adoptar una moneda común, o mantener un régimen monetario independiente, para los países sudamericanos desde la perspectiva de dos metodologías diferentes: los criterios de convergencia... more
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Este trabajo presenta un análisis de las ventajas y desventajas para que los países miembros de UNASUR adopten el sucre, la moneda virtual del ALBA (Alternativa Bolivariana para las Américas) bien como moneda virtual o como moneda común,... more
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This paper presents an aggregate demand and supply model for the Venezuelan economy assuming two productive sectors (oil and non-oil), a fixed exchange rate regime and cero capital mobility. This model helps explain the impacts that... more
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      Business CyclesLatin American EconomiesTwo sector-models
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      Economic integrationLatin AmericaPacific Alliance
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      Latin American StudiesOptimum Currency AreasPacific Alliance
This paper analyzes the convergence hypothesis and the impact of social policy on the economic growth of the six largest countries in Latin America between 1980 and 2010. Results suggest that social public policies have positively... more
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      Social PolicyEconomic GrowthLatin America
This paper studies the relationship between the size of the fiscal multiplier and the degree of capital mobility in some Latin American countries. The Mundell (1963) and Fleming (1962) model establishes that this effect might be very... more
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      Fiscal policyLatin AmericaCapital mobilityFiscal Multipliers