Posters by Łukasz Byrski
The language in which the talismans and amulets were made is that of ghosts and spirits and is kn... more The language in which the talismans and amulets were made is that of ghosts and spirits and is known only to initiated Daoist masters [Eberhard 2001:15]. It is an independent form of language outside Chinese and the written characters used in that ghost speech are also very special. They resemble the Chinese script and similarly take a vertical rather than horizontal form. Sometimes they are simply old or deformed Chinese characters of the ordinary writing system, while at other times completely invented signs. They were written in a "free" style, not restricted by the rules of traditional Chinese calligraphy or treated in an extremely flexible way. In the text Baopuzi written by Ge Hong (281-361 CE) there was even a dictionary of them. It was also believed that these talismans evoked whatever condition was expressed on them and this is the reason why there are so many different "magical" variants of the signs fú (福; "good fortune") and shòu(壽; " [long] life") [Legaz 1975:29]. Other things written on talismans and amulets included the names of protective spirits or spells to hurt, kill or expel demons. Their look and methods of preparation varied accordingly to the purpose in which they were used but most of them were written on strips of paper, as it was easily obtainable and the cheapest media in China available in five basic colours: red, yellow, blue, white and black. The characters of this "magical script" could not be written like ordinary ones and special conditions had to be fulfilled for the purpose of giving them a magical function, for example: it has to be written in a secluded and clean place, in ritual purity, at night time, in perfect accordance with the phases of the moon or the precise hour of the day, Another thing which was important was careful control of breathing when drawing the signs on the talisman/amulet. However, it was believed that the magic power of these objects existed thanks to the p e r m a n e nt p r e se nc e of s p ir it s ins id e t hem and t hat is w hy communication between the Dao priest and the spirits did not need any medium as the talisman itself to serve this function. In Daofa Huiyuan(道法會元; "Corpus of Daoist Ritual") the special conditions for m a k i n g a n a m u l e t a r e d e s c r i b e d i n t h e s e w o r d s :
Papers by Łukasz Byrski
"Fúsāng Tree and the Expeditions to the Islands of Immortals According to Chinese Mythology and H... more "Fúsāng Tree and the Expeditions to the Islands of Immortals According to Chinese Mythology and Historiography"
The article is devoted to the issue of the presence of a tree called Fúsāng (扶桑) in Chinese mythology and historiography. There are quotations of accounts about it, as well as descriptions of the country in which this tree was supposed to be located, sometimes referred to by the same name. These documents point to the evolution of the conceptualization of the above-mentioned elements, and their later reception among Western scholars suggests, inter alia, to the posibility of reading sources about Fúsāng tree as evidence of Chinese expeditions to the North America in the 5th century.
"Monumental Inscriptions in the Cuneiform Cultural Circle and Their “Propaganda” Influence"
Anc... more "Monumental Inscriptions in the Cuneiform Cultural Circle and Their “Propaganda” Influence"
Ancient Mesopotamia is one of the places where monumental art and writing were born. It is the latter that has special meaning in that case. In this study a typological classification was made based on the content of the inscription supported by examples from the entire chronological span of this civilization: from ancient Sumer to the Persian Achaemenid domination, which show its extraordinary cultural continuity. The main problem here, however, is the question about the possibility of a “propagandistic” impact of the written word on communities in which most people are deprived of reading skills.
Key words: monumental inscriptions, stelae, ancient, Mesopotamia, Syria, Iran, Darius I, propaganda
When thinking about scientific knowledge in the ancient times we usually tend to dismiss it as a ... more When thinking about scientific knowledge in the ancient times we usually tend to dismiss it as a real "science" because of lack of modern methodology in it. Surprisingly for today's society some of the early complex cultures were not so far from our in seeking the knowledge and understanding of their own history and language and manipulate them for a purpose. Sometimes they even created "scientific disciplines" very close to modern classifications but with very different and unexpected for us goals set before them. In Mesopotamia Akkadians who inherited written culture from Sumerians were facing probably for the first time in human history the problem of translating from completely different language compiling first dictionaries and looking into the differences between their own words and those of other people. Ancient Chinese wondered about the origin of written signs and old objects found accidentally during some ground works. Even more – some of them falsified these artefacts to sold it to unknowing collectors. Ancient Egyptians were doing systematic restorations of monuments of the ancestors and preserving written texts. This paper will examine what all that tells us about those cultures, how these "sciences" influenced them and how this interaction is different in modern culture.
ancient, Mesopotamia, China, Egypt, history, filology, archaeology, falsifaction, restoration, science
Древне науке: разумевање историје и језика у древним цивилизацијама
Када размишљамо о научним сазнањима у древним временима, обично га одбацујемо као стварну "науку" због недостатка модерне методологије у њој. Изненађујуће за данашње друштво неке од раних сложених култура нису биле толико далеко од нашег у потрази за знањем и разумевањем њихове историје и језика и манипулисати њима за сврху. Понекад су чак створили "научне дисциплине" веома близу савремених класификација, али са веома различитим и неочекиваним циљевима пред нама. У Месопотамији Акађани који су наследили писмену културу Сумераца су се највероватније суочили са проблемом превођења са потпуно другачијег језика у првобитне рјечнике и гледајући у разлике између својих речи и оних других људи. Древни Кинези су се питали о пореклу писаних знакова и старих предмета случајно пронађених у неким земљаним радовима. Још више - неки од њих су фалсификовали ове артефакте да би их продали необзирним колекционарима. Древни Египћани су вршили систематске рестаурације споменика предака и очувања писаних текстова. Овај рад ће испитати шта све то говори о тим културама, како су те "науке" утицале на њих и како је ова интеракција у савременој култури другачија.
Кључне речи:
античко време, Месопотамија, Кина, Египат, историја, филологија, археологија, фалсификовање, рестаурација, наука
Religion of the Ancient Egyptians is a long forgotten system of beliefs and therefore all the kno... more Religion of the Ancient Egyptians is a long forgotten system of beliefs and therefore all the knowledge of it is based on reconstructions. For these reconstructions it is possible to use some pieces of original literary sources where some of their beliefs were captured in the living form. This paper will give examples of the communication between living people and the dead or with the gods and explain how elements that could be now understood as fantastic were in fact not considered as such by the ancients. The selection of the examples include both the later demotic stories written on papyri – like “Setne and Naneferkaptah” or “Si-Osire” and earlier surviving on stone carved steles such as “Dream Stele” or “Famine Stele”.
key words:
Egypt, ancient, religion, literature, afterlife
Религија древних Египћана је давно заборављени систем веровања и зато се сво знање о томе заснива на реконструкцијама. За ове реконструкције могуће је употребити неке делове оригиналних литерарних извора где су нека од њихових веровања сачувана у живој форми. Овај чланак даје примере комуникације између живих људи и мртвих или са боговима и појашњава како елементи који се сада могу схватити као фантастични у ствари нису били сматрани као такви од стане древних људи. Избор примере долази из оба, из каснијих демотских прича написаних на папирусу као што су "Сетне и Нанеферкаптах" или "Си-Осире" и ранијих сачуваних на урезаним каменим стелама као што су "Стела Сна" или "Стела Глади".
кључне речи:
Египат, древни, религија, литература, загробни живот
In complex writing systems - in other words those that employ not only phonetic signs like alphab... more In complex writing systems - in other words those that employ not only phonetic signs like alphabet – there are instances when different function and idea behind these methods of record keeping are well visible. Some would argue that this would mean they are not fully writing as it is claimed that they should record sounds of some particular language. The examples of such interesting instances include situations when the iconographic element is in the role of sign of writing (e.g. offering scene from the tomb of Senbi at Meir, Egypt) or when the name of object the hieroglyph describe is simply drawing of it without any indication of phonetics or language whatsoever (e.g. statue with hieroglyphic Luwian inscription from Maraş, Turkey or Maya jade pectoral from Nakum, Guatemala).
Key words: hieroglyphs, writing systems, ancient, Egypt, Anatolia, Mesoamerica, Egyptian, Luwian, Maya.
U složenim sistemima pisanja - drugim rečima onima koji se sluze ne samo fonetskim znakovima kao što je alfabet - postoje primeri kada su različite funkcije i ideja iza ove metode vođenja evidencije dobro vidljive. Neki bi rekli ipak da bi to značilo da nisu u potpunosti pisani, jer se tvrdi da bi trebalo da predstavljaju zvukove nekog konkretnog jezika. Primeri takvih zanimljivih slučajeva uključuju situacije kada ikonografski element služi kao znak pisanja (npr. scena sa nadgrobnog spomenika Senbi iz Meira, Egipat) ili kada je ime objekta koje hijeroglif opisuje jednostavno crtež bez ikakvih naznaka fonetike ili jezika (npr. kip s hijeroglifskim luvijskim natpisima iz Maraša, Turska, ili majanskim pektoralom od žada iz Nakuma, Gvatemala).
Ključne reči: hijeroglifi, pisanje sistema, drevni, Egipat, Anadolija, Srednja Amerika, egipatski, luvijski, majanski.
Many ancient civilizations explained the beginning of writing by action of some deity but not only that connects writing with religion. By analyzing the characters of scripts which are not alphabetical it can be observed that religious ideas also shaped them. As good example depiction of star or other celestial bodies can be used. Ideogram of star is present in the written evidence left by the great civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, Indus Valley, Central Mexico and the Maya. Over time these characters evolved both semantically and visually. Beside semantic level in which star is connected to the sky, there are also other less direct meanings of this symbol – like association with gods, goddesses or with the divinity of kings. Star-ideograms had sometimes few different variants of graphic form, which could – but not necessarily – modify their basic meaning. Because understanding of the term of a “star” in each writing system was influenced by religious beliefs it is useful – in cases where there are existing written sources – to show also their relation to mythology and to present corresponding myth.
celestial bodies, stars, ancient religions, writing systems, Eastern cultures, Mesoamerican cultures
Throughout the history many different concepts concerning afterlife have been developed. Especial... more Throughout the history many different concepts concerning afterlife have been developed. Especially the spiritual forms that are leaving the body after the death of a person. The term “soul” is not very precise in that context and this paper is trying to explain definitions of a “soul” based on the variety of examples from history of human beliefs. It is obvious that simple and single definition cannot be formulated for all different kinds of religions but the classification of at least some elements would be very helpful for studying the matter further. The source material taken into consideration include Siberian shamanism, ancient Egyptian religion, Mesopotamian and Anatolian concepts, as well as the Chinese and the Maya beliefs.
Key words: Ancient religions, Egypt, Bible, soul
The Problem of Cultural and Religious Knowledge
in Translating Ancient Texts
(Проблем знања о ... more The Problem of Cultural and Religious Knowledge
in Translating Ancient Texts
(Проблем знања о култури и религији при превођењу
древних текстова)
Among vocabularies of different languages of the ancient world existed many words that either are not understood today or their meaning is misinterpreted or simplified for translation purposes. This paper is tracing several examples of this problem coming from different cultural circles. The main focus however is especially in the context of religion or belief in magic. This is legitimate method when speaking of cultural translations as religious terms are part of the wider cultural background. The problem with explaining ancient languages is connected in most part with limited knowledge of the culture - including religion - of the peoples that lived thousands of years ago. It can be seen on the example of terms like: „soul“ which in Christian tradition is understood as singular but in many other ancient cultures is not. In ancient Egyptian religion we can find terms: „ba“ and „ka“ that both are often (mis)translated - for instance into English - as a single „soul“. The situation is even more complicated as ancient Egyptian anthropology is more complex and lists as many as 9 element that combined together become human being. Similar problem concerns Chinese and ancient Maya beliefs from pre-Colubian Mesoamerica. This is only one example of troubles that translator of ancient languages can encounter during his work. It shows well how translating through the prism of original culture is important for the right understanding of the written sources.
Ancient religions, magic, (mis)translations, ancient Egypt, Chinese religions, German beliefs, Slavic beliefs, etymology
ABSTRACT: Ancient Egyptians developed many different concepts concerned with the creation of the ... more ABSTRACT: Ancient Egyptians developed many different concepts concerned with the creation of the world. There were three main centres of teological thought: the city called Heliopolis by the Greeks which was the place of solar cult, Memphis where the main temple of god Ptah was situated and Hermopolis in which general idea was that four pairs of gods contributed to the creation under the common name of Ogdoad (“the Eight”). This article discuss all three concepts of creation on the basis of other studies and original sources from the ancient Egyptian literature, especially “Bremner-Rhind Papyrus” and the “Shabaka Stone”. Other myths related with the topic but with less influence and not so well documented are mentioned here too.
KEY WORDS: Egypt, creation, primordial mound, word, cosmogony, Atum-Ra-Khepri, Ptah, Ogdoad, Amun
"The Man and his Place in the Realm of Nature According to Animal Fables from Different Cultures"... more "The Man and his Place in the Realm of Nature According to Animal Fables from Different Cultures"
This paper is an attempt to search for some of the fable motifs connected with the man and his relations to the realm of animals and nature. Discussed is the shortened history of his type of literary form in antiquity and its genesis. Typical features of the animal fable and differences between similar literary genres in different cultural circles were also among the discussed matter. Not less attention was devoted to borrowings between different collections of animal fables.
There were many different manifestations of magic involving written signs in... more ABSTRACT
There were many different manifestations of magic involving written signs in ancient civilisations. Ancient Egyptians used writing as an art form and also in magical practices, but the most extraordinary are the examples of hieroglyphic mutilation similar to execration magic. In opposition to this, Mesopotamia was a place where single wedges of script were not considered to cause a magical effect when they were not intentionally composed as a spells. The Maya glyphs were a polyvalent writing system in which one sign could have been depicted as the head or full body of the creature or human being. The Chinese Daoists believed that talismans and amulets written with special characters were inhabited by the spirits. The Germanic people used runic magic on the basis of the acrophony principle in their writing system. They believed that they could summon the power of the gods through rituals involving the carving of runes. All these examples suggest either a belief in the force hidden in the single characters of the script or that the signs were treated as living beings. This preliminary comparison of magical practices with connection to different forms of writing is an attempt to answer the question if the category of the magic of single characters of the script can be established on the basis of similarities between these cases.
magical script, writing systems, mutilation of signs, Egyptian hieroglyphs, Maya hieroglyphs, Chinese talismans, Daoist ritual, runic magic, Norse literature, magical amulets
"City and the urban area in non-alphabetical writing systems"
This article follows the modern ... more "City and the urban area in non-alphabetical writing systems"
This article follows the modern definition of a city and tests its accuracy to the ancient times in different civilizations. The comparison of terms used by the ancients to depict settlements that are contemporary understood as cities or villages is an other important matter of this discussion. In those selected civilizations – when the writing systems were created – signs of scripts also were shaped by the urban surroundings. Here the similarities and differences between them are discussed in more detail. All of this information provide us with a new definition of an ancient city that may but not have to be convergent with modern one.
"The Idea of the Divine King in Pharaonic Egypt and Pre-Colonial Africa in Comparative View"
"Military Aspect of the Classic Maya Civilization in the Light of Selected Epigraphic Sources"
... more "Military Aspect of the Classic Maya Civilization in the Light of Selected Epigraphic Sources"
Knowledge about military techniques shaped views on Classic Maya civilization for years. Only in the last decade of the 20th century researchers began to understand some of the aspects of Maya warfare. It was made possible only by cracking the Maya writing system - what really started in 1952 with the work of Soviet linguist Yuri Knorosov – and then realizing the fact that most of the stone inscriptions depicted conflicts between city-states of Maya area. Iconography, including the famous paintings of Bonampak, found its confirmation in written hieroglyphic sources. That in turn caught attention of archaeologists, who started exploration of Maya sites with the main focus on remains of fortifications and evidence of intentional destruction. All of this lead to a creation of completely new picture of Maya civilization at its highest peak of development – in the Classic Period (ca. 150/250-950 AD).
"A Soul Immortalized in Stone - The Meaning of a Name in Ancient Egyptian Beliefs"
For the anc... more "A Soul Immortalized in Stone - The Meaning of a Name in Ancient Egyptian Beliefs"
For the ancient Egyptians “the name” (ran) was of a significant importance in both their lifetime and in the afterlife, because it had a different meaning than the term we use in western culture nowadays. The omnipresent ran - with its many meanings - interweaves with diverse elements of an Egyptian culture and
social life, such as: magic (heka), anthropology (or: the Egyptian concept of a human being), the concept of a soul, creative power of gods’ words or politics, internal affairs of a royal court, internal conflicts within the state and at last with everyday life. The dual nature of that idea is evident: “secret name” vs. public
name, which are in fact the same thing as a part of human being and its identity. This concept is entirely Egyptian. None of other ancient civilizations has developed or adapted such sophisticated a thought concerning “the name”.
"The Divine Origins of the Writing Systems in Indo-European Legends – Selected Examples"
This ... more "The Divine Origins of the Writing Systems in Indo-European Legends – Selected Examples"
This article present an issue of the supernatural roots of the script that is evident in the indigenous literary sources of ancient and medieval Indo-Europeans. The examples chosen for the discussion come from Iran, the British Isles, Caucasus and an area of Middle-Eastern Europe influenced by the Byzantine Empire.
Comparison between written sources preserved by Persian, Celtic, Armenian and Slavonic peoples show that there are some similarities in those traditions. The comments from an outsiders visiting some of the places inhabited by discussed Indo-Europeans also can shed some light on this topic. Finally all gathered information can lead to forming a preliminary classification and typology of presented legends based on similarities shared by some of them.
Thesis Chapters by Łukasz Byrski
"The Function of the Monumental Inscriptions in Selected Ancient Civilizations "
The paper: ... more "The Function of the Monumental Inscriptions in Selected Ancient Civilizations "
The paper: Inskrypcje monumentalne w kręgu kulturowym pisma klinowego i ich „propagandowe” oddziaływanie [w:] Dyskursy imperiów, red. M. Nawrocki, Kraków 2018, pp. 53-72 is related to Mesopotamian materials in this thesis.
Artykuł: Inskrypcje monumentalne w kręgu kulturowym pisma klinowego i ich „propagandowe” oddziaływanie [w:] Dyskursy imperiów, red. M. Nawrocki, Kraków 2018, ss. 53-72 nawiązuje do materiałów dotyczących Mezopotamii zawartych w tej pracy.
Posters by Łukasz Byrski
Papers by Łukasz Byrski
The article is devoted to the issue of the presence of a tree called Fúsāng (扶桑) in Chinese mythology and historiography. There are quotations of accounts about it, as well as descriptions of the country in which this tree was supposed to be located, sometimes referred to by the same name. These documents point to the evolution of the conceptualization of the above-mentioned elements, and their later reception among Western scholars suggests, inter alia, to the posibility of reading sources about Fúsāng tree as evidence of Chinese expeditions to the North America in the 5th century.
Ancient Mesopotamia is one of the places where monumental art and writing were born. It is the latter that has special meaning in that case. In this study a typological classification was made based on the content of the inscription supported by examples from the entire chronological span of this civilization: from ancient Sumer to the Persian Achaemenid domination, which show its extraordinary cultural continuity. The main problem here, however, is the question about the possibility of a “propagandistic” impact of the written word on communities in which most people are deprived of reading skills.
Key words: monumental inscriptions, stelae, ancient, Mesopotamia, Syria, Iran, Darius I, propaganda
ancient, Mesopotamia, China, Egypt, history, filology, archaeology, falsifaction, restoration, science
Древне науке: разумевање историје и језика у древним цивилизацијама
Када размишљамо о научним сазнањима у древним временима, обично га одбацујемо као стварну "науку" због недостатка модерне методологије у њој. Изненађујуће за данашње друштво неке од раних сложених култура нису биле толико далеко од нашег у потрази за знањем и разумевањем њихове историје и језика и манипулисати њима за сврху. Понекад су чак створили "научне дисциплине" веома близу савремених класификација, али са веома различитим и неочекиваним циљевима пред нама. У Месопотамији Акађани који су наследили писмену културу Сумераца су се највероватније суочили са проблемом превођења са потпуно другачијег језика у првобитне рјечнике и гледајући у разлике између својих речи и оних других људи. Древни Кинези су се питали о пореклу писаних знакова и старих предмета случајно пронађених у неким земљаним радовима. Још више - неки од њих су фалсификовали ове артефакте да би их продали необзирним колекционарима. Древни Египћани су вршили систематске рестаурације споменика предака и очувања писаних текстова. Овај рад ће испитати шта све то говори о тим културама, како су те "науке" утицале на њих и како је ова интеракција у савременој култури другачија.
Кључне речи:
античко време, Месопотамија, Кина, Египат, историја, филологија, археологија, фалсификовање, рестаурација, наука
key words:
Egypt, ancient, religion, literature, afterlife
Религија древних Египћана је давно заборављени систем веровања и зато се сво знање о томе заснива на реконструкцијама. За ове реконструкције могуће је употребити неке делове оригиналних литерарних извора где су нека од њихових веровања сачувана у живој форми. Овај чланак даје примере комуникације између живих људи и мртвих или са боговима и појашњава како елементи који се сада могу схватити као фантастични у ствари нису били сматрани као такви од стане древних људи. Избор примере долази из оба, из каснијих демотских прича написаних на папирусу као што су "Сетне и Нанеферкаптах" или "Си-Осире" и ранијих сачуваних на урезаним каменим стелама као што су "Стела Сна" или "Стела Глади".
кључне речи:
Египат, древни, религија, литература, загробни живот
Key words: hieroglyphs, writing systems, ancient, Egypt, Anatolia, Mesoamerica, Egyptian, Luwian, Maya.
U složenim sistemima pisanja - drugim rečima onima koji se sluze ne samo fonetskim znakovima kao što je alfabet - postoje primeri kada su različite funkcije i ideja iza ove metode vođenja evidencije dobro vidljive. Neki bi rekli ipak da bi to značilo da nisu u potpunosti pisani, jer se tvrdi da bi trebalo da predstavljaju zvukove nekog konkretnog jezika. Primeri takvih zanimljivih slučajeva uključuju situacije kada ikonografski element služi kao znak pisanja (npr. scena sa nadgrobnog spomenika Senbi iz Meira, Egipat) ili kada je ime objekta koje hijeroglif opisuje jednostavno crtež bez ikakvih naznaka fonetike ili jezika (npr. kip s hijeroglifskim luvijskim natpisima iz Maraša, Turska, ili majanskim pektoralom od žada iz Nakuma, Gvatemala).
Ključne reči: hijeroglifi, pisanje sistema, drevni, Egipat, Anadolija, Srednja Amerika, egipatski, luvijski, majanski.
Many ancient civilizations explained the beginning of writing by action of some deity but not only that connects writing with religion. By analyzing the characters of scripts which are not alphabetical it can be observed that religious ideas also shaped them. As good example depiction of star or other celestial bodies can be used. Ideogram of star is present in the written evidence left by the great civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, Indus Valley, Central Mexico and the Maya. Over time these characters evolved both semantically and visually. Beside semantic level in which star is connected to the sky, there are also other less direct meanings of this symbol – like association with gods, goddesses or with the divinity of kings. Star-ideograms had sometimes few different variants of graphic form, which could – but not necessarily – modify their basic meaning. Because understanding of the term of a “star” in each writing system was influenced by religious beliefs it is useful – in cases where there are existing written sources – to show also their relation to mythology and to present corresponding myth.
celestial bodies, stars, ancient religions, writing systems, Eastern cultures, Mesoamerican cultures
Key words: Ancient religions, Egypt, Bible, soul
in Translating Ancient Texts
(Проблем знања о култури и религији при превођењу
древних текстова)
Among vocabularies of different languages of the ancient world existed many words that either are not understood today or their meaning is misinterpreted or simplified for translation purposes. This paper is tracing several examples of this problem coming from different cultural circles. The main focus however is especially in the context of religion or belief in magic. This is legitimate method when speaking of cultural translations as religious terms are part of the wider cultural background. The problem with explaining ancient languages is connected in most part with limited knowledge of the culture - including religion - of the peoples that lived thousands of years ago. It can be seen on the example of terms like: „soul“ which in Christian tradition is understood as singular but in many other ancient cultures is not. In ancient Egyptian religion we can find terms: „ba“ and „ka“ that both are often (mis)translated - for instance into English - as a single „soul“. The situation is even more complicated as ancient Egyptian anthropology is more complex and lists as many as 9 element that combined together become human being. Similar problem concerns Chinese and ancient Maya beliefs from pre-Colubian Mesoamerica. This is only one example of troubles that translator of ancient languages can encounter during his work. It shows well how translating through the prism of original culture is important for the right understanding of the written sources.
Ancient religions, magic, (mis)translations, ancient Egypt, Chinese religions, German beliefs, Slavic beliefs, etymology
KEY WORDS: Egypt, creation, primordial mound, word, cosmogony, Atum-Ra-Khepri, Ptah, Ogdoad, Amun
This paper is an attempt to search for some of the fable motifs connected with the man and his relations to the realm of animals and nature. Discussed is the shortened history of his type of literary form in antiquity and its genesis. Typical features of the animal fable and differences between similar literary genres in different cultural circles were also among the discussed matter. Not less attention was devoted to borrowings between different collections of animal fables.
There were many different manifestations of magic involving written signs in ancient civilisations. Ancient Egyptians used writing as an art form and also in magical practices, but the most extraordinary are the examples of hieroglyphic mutilation similar to execration magic. In opposition to this, Mesopotamia was a place where single wedges of script were not considered to cause a magical effect when they were not intentionally composed as a spells. The Maya glyphs were a polyvalent writing system in which one sign could have been depicted as the head or full body of the creature or human being. The Chinese Daoists believed that talismans and amulets written with special characters were inhabited by the spirits. The Germanic people used runic magic on the basis of the acrophony principle in their writing system. They believed that they could summon the power of the gods through rituals involving the carving of runes. All these examples suggest either a belief in the force hidden in the single characters of the script or that the signs were treated as living beings. This preliminary comparison of magical practices with connection to different forms of writing is an attempt to answer the question if the category of the magic of single characters of the script can be established on the basis of similarities between these cases.
magical script, writing systems, mutilation of signs, Egyptian hieroglyphs, Maya hieroglyphs, Chinese talismans, Daoist ritual, runic magic, Norse literature, magical amulets
This article follows the modern definition of a city and tests its accuracy to the ancient times in different civilizations. The comparison of terms used by the ancients to depict settlements that are contemporary understood as cities or villages is an other important matter of this discussion. In those selected civilizations – when the writing systems were created – signs of scripts also were shaped by the urban surroundings. Here the similarities and differences between them are discussed in more detail. All of this information provide us with a new definition of an ancient city that may but not have to be convergent with modern one.
Knowledge about military techniques shaped views on Classic Maya civilization for years. Only in the last decade of the 20th century researchers began to understand some of the aspects of Maya warfare. It was made possible only by cracking the Maya writing system - what really started in 1952 with the work of Soviet linguist Yuri Knorosov – and then realizing the fact that most of the stone inscriptions depicted conflicts between city-states of Maya area. Iconography, including the famous paintings of Bonampak, found its confirmation in written hieroglyphic sources. That in turn caught attention of archaeologists, who started exploration of Maya sites with the main focus on remains of fortifications and evidence of intentional destruction. All of this lead to a creation of completely new picture of Maya civilization at its highest peak of development – in the Classic Period (ca. 150/250-950 AD).
For the ancient Egyptians “the name” (ran) was of a significant importance in both their lifetime and in the afterlife, because it had a different meaning than the term we use in western culture nowadays. The omnipresent ran - with its many meanings - interweaves with diverse elements of an Egyptian culture and
social life, such as: magic (heka), anthropology (or: the Egyptian concept of a human being), the concept of a soul, creative power of gods’ words or politics, internal affairs of a royal court, internal conflicts within the state and at last with everyday life. The dual nature of that idea is evident: “secret name” vs. public
name, which are in fact the same thing as a part of human being and its identity. This concept is entirely Egyptian. None of other ancient civilizations has developed or adapted such sophisticated a thought concerning “the name”.
This article present an issue of the supernatural roots of the script that is evident in the indigenous literary sources of ancient and medieval Indo-Europeans. The examples chosen for the discussion come from Iran, the British Isles, Caucasus and an area of Middle-Eastern Europe influenced by the Byzantine Empire.
Comparison between written sources preserved by Persian, Celtic, Armenian and Slavonic peoples show that there are some similarities in those traditions. The comments from an outsiders visiting some of the places inhabited by discussed Indo-Europeans also can shed some light on this topic. Finally all gathered information can lead to forming a preliminary classification and typology of presented legends based on similarities shared by some of them.
Thesis Chapters by Łukasz Byrski
The paper: Inskrypcje monumentalne w kręgu kulturowym pisma klinowego i ich „propagandowe” oddziaływanie [w:] Dyskursy imperiów, red. M. Nawrocki, Kraków 2018, pp. 53-72 is related to Mesopotamian materials in this thesis.
Artykuł: Inskrypcje monumentalne w kręgu kulturowym pisma klinowego i ich „propagandowe” oddziaływanie [w:] Dyskursy imperiów, red. M. Nawrocki, Kraków 2018, ss. 53-72 nawiązuje do materiałów dotyczących Mezopotamii zawartych w tej pracy.
The article is devoted to the issue of the presence of a tree called Fúsāng (扶桑) in Chinese mythology and historiography. There are quotations of accounts about it, as well as descriptions of the country in which this tree was supposed to be located, sometimes referred to by the same name. These documents point to the evolution of the conceptualization of the above-mentioned elements, and their later reception among Western scholars suggests, inter alia, to the posibility of reading sources about Fúsāng tree as evidence of Chinese expeditions to the North America in the 5th century.
Ancient Mesopotamia is one of the places where monumental art and writing were born. It is the latter that has special meaning in that case. In this study a typological classification was made based on the content of the inscription supported by examples from the entire chronological span of this civilization: from ancient Sumer to the Persian Achaemenid domination, which show its extraordinary cultural continuity. The main problem here, however, is the question about the possibility of a “propagandistic” impact of the written word on communities in which most people are deprived of reading skills.
Key words: monumental inscriptions, stelae, ancient, Mesopotamia, Syria, Iran, Darius I, propaganda
ancient, Mesopotamia, China, Egypt, history, filology, archaeology, falsifaction, restoration, science
Древне науке: разумевање историје и језика у древним цивилизацијама
Када размишљамо о научним сазнањима у древним временима, обично га одбацујемо као стварну "науку" због недостатка модерне методологије у њој. Изненађујуће за данашње друштво неке од раних сложених култура нису биле толико далеко од нашег у потрази за знањем и разумевањем њихове историје и језика и манипулисати њима за сврху. Понекад су чак створили "научне дисциплине" веома близу савремених класификација, али са веома различитим и неочекиваним циљевима пред нама. У Месопотамији Акађани који су наследили писмену културу Сумераца су се највероватније суочили са проблемом превођења са потпуно другачијег језика у првобитне рјечнике и гледајући у разлике између својих речи и оних других људи. Древни Кинези су се питали о пореклу писаних знакова и старих предмета случајно пронађених у неким земљаним радовима. Још више - неки од њих су фалсификовали ове артефакте да би их продали необзирним колекционарима. Древни Египћани су вршили систематске рестаурације споменика предака и очувања писаних текстова. Овај рад ће испитати шта све то говори о тим културама, како су те "науке" утицале на њих и како је ова интеракција у савременој култури другачија.
Кључне речи:
античко време, Месопотамија, Кина, Египат, историја, филологија, археологија, фалсификовање, рестаурација, наука
key words:
Egypt, ancient, religion, literature, afterlife
Религија древних Египћана је давно заборављени систем веровања и зато се сво знање о томе заснива на реконструкцијама. За ове реконструкције могуће је употребити неке делове оригиналних литерарних извора где су нека од њихових веровања сачувана у живој форми. Овај чланак даје примере комуникације између живих људи и мртвих или са боговима и појашњава како елементи који се сада могу схватити као фантастични у ствари нису били сматрани као такви од стане древних људи. Избор примере долази из оба, из каснијих демотских прича написаних на папирусу као што су "Сетне и Нанеферкаптах" или "Си-Осире" и ранијих сачуваних на урезаним каменим стелама као што су "Стела Сна" или "Стела Глади".
кључне речи:
Египат, древни, религија, литература, загробни живот
Key words: hieroglyphs, writing systems, ancient, Egypt, Anatolia, Mesoamerica, Egyptian, Luwian, Maya.
U složenim sistemima pisanja - drugim rečima onima koji se sluze ne samo fonetskim znakovima kao što je alfabet - postoje primeri kada su različite funkcije i ideja iza ove metode vođenja evidencije dobro vidljive. Neki bi rekli ipak da bi to značilo da nisu u potpunosti pisani, jer se tvrdi da bi trebalo da predstavljaju zvukove nekog konkretnog jezika. Primeri takvih zanimljivih slučajeva uključuju situacije kada ikonografski element služi kao znak pisanja (npr. scena sa nadgrobnog spomenika Senbi iz Meira, Egipat) ili kada je ime objekta koje hijeroglif opisuje jednostavno crtež bez ikakvih naznaka fonetike ili jezika (npr. kip s hijeroglifskim luvijskim natpisima iz Maraša, Turska, ili majanskim pektoralom od žada iz Nakuma, Gvatemala).
Ključne reči: hijeroglifi, pisanje sistema, drevni, Egipat, Anadolija, Srednja Amerika, egipatski, luvijski, majanski.
Many ancient civilizations explained the beginning of writing by action of some deity but not only that connects writing with religion. By analyzing the characters of scripts which are not alphabetical it can be observed that religious ideas also shaped them. As good example depiction of star or other celestial bodies can be used. Ideogram of star is present in the written evidence left by the great civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, Indus Valley, Central Mexico and the Maya. Over time these characters evolved both semantically and visually. Beside semantic level in which star is connected to the sky, there are also other less direct meanings of this symbol – like association with gods, goddesses or with the divinity of kings. Star-ideograms had sometimes few different variants of graphic form, which could – but not necessarily – modify their basic meaning. Because understanding of the term of a “star” in each writing system was influenced by religious beliefs it is useful – in cases where there are existing written sources – to show also their relation to mythology and to present corresponding myth.
celestial bodies, stars, ancient religions, writing systems, Eastern cultures, Mesoamerican cultures
Key words: Ancient religions, Egypt, Bible, soul
in Translating Ancient Texts
(Проблем знања о култури и религији при превођењу
древних текстова)
Among vocabularies of different languages of the ancient world existed many words that either are not understood today or their meaning is misinterpreted or simplified for translation purposes. This paper is tracing several examples of this problem coming from different cultural circles. The main focus however is especially in the context of religion or belief in magic. This is legitimate method when speaking of cultural translations as religious terms are part of the wider cultural background. The problem with explaining ancient languages is connected in most part with limited knowledge of the culture - including religion - of the peoples that lived thousands of years ago. It can be seen on the example of terms like: „soul“ which in Christian tradition is understood as singular but in many other ancient cultures is not. In ancient Egyptian religion we can find terms: „ba“ and „ka“ that both are often (mis)translated - for instance into English - as a single „soul“. The situation is even more complicated as ancient Egyptian anthropology is more complex and lists as many as 9 element that combined together become human being. Similar problem concerns Chinese and ancient Maya beliefs from pre-Colubian Mesoamerica. This is only one example of troubles that translator of ancient languages can encounter during his work. It shows well how translating through the prism of original culture is important for the right understanding of the written sources.
Ancient religions, magic, (mis)translations, ancient Egypt, Chinese religions, German beliefs, Slavic beliefs, etymology
KEY WORDS: Egypt, creation, primordial mound, word, cosmogony, Atum-Ra-Khepri, Ptah, Ogdoad, Amun
This paper is an attempt to search for some of the fable motifs connected with the man and his relations to the realm of animals and nature. Discussed is the shortened history of his type of literary form in antiquity and its genesis. Typical features of the animal fable and differences between similar literary genres in different cultural circles were also among the discussed matter. Not less attention was devoted to borrowings between different collections of animal fables.
There were many different manifestations of magic involving written signs in ancient civilisations. Ancient Egyptians used writing as an art form and also in magical practices, but the most extraordinary are the examples of hieroglyphic mutilation similar to execration magic. In opposition to this, Mesopotamia was a place where single wedges of script were not considered to cause a magical effect when they were not intentionally composed as a spells. The Maya glyphs were a polyvalent writing system in which one sign could have been depicted as the head or full body of the creature or human being. The Chinese Daoists believed that talismans and amulets written with special characters were inhabited by the spirits. The Germanic people used runic magic on the basis of the acrophony principle in their writing system. They believed that they could summon the power of the gods through rituals involving the carving of runes. All these examples suggest either a belief in the force hidden in the single characters of the script or that the signs were treated as living beings. This preliminary comparison of magical practices with connection to different forms of writing is an attempt to answer the question if the category of the magic of single characters of the script can be established on the basis of similarities between these cases.
magical script, writing systems, mutilation of signs, Egyptian hieroglyphs, Maya hieroglyphs, Chinese talismans, Daoist ritual, runic magic, Norse literature, magical amulets
This article follows the modern definition of a city and tests its accuracy to the ancient times in different civilizations. The comparison of terms used by the ancients to depict settlements that are contemporary understood as cities or villages is an other important matter of this discussion. In those selected civilizations – when the writing systems were created – signs of scripts also were shaped by the urban surroundings. Here the similarities and differences between them are discussed in more detail. All of this information provide us with a new definition of an ancient city that may but not have to be convergent with modern one.
Knowledge about military techniques shaped views on Classic Maya civilization for years. Only in the last decade of the 20th century researchers began to understand some of the aspects of Maya warfare. It was made possible only by cracking the Maya writing system - what really started in 1952 with the work of Soviet linguist Yuri Knorosov – and then realizing the fact that most of the stone inscriptions depicted conflicts between city-states of Maya area. Iconography, including the famous paintings of Bonampak, found its confirmation in written hieroglyphic sources. That in turn caught attention of archaeologists, who started exploration of Maya sites with the main focus on remains of fortifications and evidence of intentional destruction. All of this lead to a creation of completely new picture of Maya civilization at its highest peak of development – in the Classic Period (ca. 150/250-950 AD).
For the ancient Egyptians “the name” (ran) was of a significant importance in both their lifetime and in the afterlife, because it had a different meaning than the term we use in western culture nowadays. The omnipresent ran - with its many meanings - interweaves with diverse elements of an Egyptian culture and
social life, such as: magic (heka), anthropology (or: the Egyptian concept of a human being), the concept of a soul, creative power of gods’ words or politics, internal affairs of a royal court, internal conflicts within the state and at last with everyday life. The dual nature of that idea is evident: “secret name” vs. public
name, which are in fact the same thing as a part of human being and its identity. This concept is entirely Egyptian. None of other ancient civilizations has developed or adapted such sophisticated a thought concerning “the name”.
This article present an issue of the supernatural roots of the script that is evident in the indigenous literary sources of ancient and medieval Indo-Europeans. The examples chosen for the discussion come from Iran, the British Isles, Caucasus and an area of Middle-Eastern Europe influenced by the Byzantine Empire.
Comparison between written sources preserved by Persian, Celtic, Armenian and Slavonic peoples show that there are some similarities in those traditions. The comments from an outsiders visiting some of the places inhabited by discussed Indo-Europeans also can shed some light on this topic. Finally all gathered information can lead to forming a preliminary classification and typology of presented legends based on similarities shared by some of them.
The paper: Inskrypcje monumentalne w kręgu kulturowym pisma klinowego i ich „propagandowe” oddziaływanie [w:] Dyskursy imperiów, red. M. Nawrocki, Kraków 2018, pp. 53-72 is related to Mesopotamian materials in this thesis.
Artykuł: Inskrypcje monumentalne w kręgu kulturowym pisma klinowego i ich „propagandowe” oddziaływanie [w:] Dyskursy imperiów, red. M. Nawrocki, Kraków 2018, ss. 53-72 nawiązuje do materiałów dotyczących Mezopotamii zawartych w tej pracy.
Właściwa część pracy została opublikowana jako artykuł: Militarny aspekt cywilizacji Majów w świetle wybranych źródeł epigraficznych, "Studenckie Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego", nr 5/2012, ss. 95-118 (zobacz w artykułach powyżej).
Do pracy nawiązuje artykuł: Początki pisma w wierzeniach i źródłach pisanych [w:] Słowa nieulotne - pismo w kulturach świata, red. D. Kossowska-Janik, A. Twardokęs, Warszawa 2020, ss. 54-69