Papers by Jagoda Večerina
El Prezente Journal for Sephardic Studies, 2017
Bohoreta is a versatile writer, playwright, poet, in her early creative phase a fierce supporter ... more Bohoreta is a versatile writer, playwright, poet, in her early creative phase a fierce supporter of Zionism as the only route of escape from meaninglessness of humiliation and degradation of the Jewish population. Later on she becomes more moderate and gradually advocates departure to Eretz Israel, on condition that beside the Hebrew language and Judeo-Spanish is proclaimed equivalent official language in a new state. She failed in her mission. Finally, in her recently discovered drama Escariño, she turns against Zionism and sends the message to her compatriots “Stay Here“. To resume: in this article I focused on Papo’s consideration of Zionism regarding three issues: first and foremost, emigration to Palestine, but also women’s emancipation and the question of language, the status of Judeo-Spanish as a Jewish language. Does she sound like a fair-minded, logical, mature person, or it is a symptom of desperation of a person aware that there is not going back in time. Is it an emotionally charged local patriotism, or the dominance of the ratio? Was it necessary to depart to a new country without thinking of the consequences? In her novel Morena written in 1924 Bohoreta predicted „muy preta“ /pitch black/ future, and taking the opposite view demands from the reader to come to terms with the effect the message produces, and simultaneously poses numerous questions which need to be answered.
Ruah Hadaša - Glasilo židovske vjerske zajednice Bet Israel, 2017
Minority languages in education and language learning: challenges and new perspectives, Belgrade: Faculty of philology, 2017
Because of geographic isolation, the language barrier (surrounded by local Serbo-Croatian populat... more Because of geographic isolation, the language barrier (surrounded by local Serbo-Croatian population and under the Turkish rule) and the fact that the Jewish community was educated in separate schools with no access for female children, the Judeo-Spanish language stayed preserved over the centuries in its original form.
When Austria-Hungary "liberated" Bosnia (1878), Bosnia opened up to other nations, public schools with equal access for girls and boys were established, and the official language of teaching at schools was Serbo-Croatian.
This opening of Bosnia and adoption of Western cultural achievement had a devastating effect on the native language of Sephardic Jews.
Aware of the danger of falling into oblivion of their language, Laura Papo Bohoreta (Sarajevo, 1891-1942), insisted on preserving the Judeo-Spanish language, her main aim was rescuing from decay not only the language, but also a rich Sephardic-Bosnian heritage.
Born in Zagreb, in the year 1996 she earned her MSc defending her maste... more JAGODA VEČERINA TOMAIĆ
Born in Zagreb, in the year 1996 she earned her MSc defending her master's thesis „Post-war French Chanson-child of existentialism“, and in the year 2014, guided by Dr. Eliezer Papo, she earned her PhD, her doctoral dissertation „Folklore in the Service of the Theatre and the Theatre in the Service of Folklore: Sephardic oral tradition, its place and role in the theatrical opus of Laura Papo Bohoreta“.As regards her publications, she has translated a dozen books and wrote numerous articles. Her area of scientific study is the Sephardic literature and culture, writing professional papers and giving lectures at home and abroad. In 2016 she wrote a book Bohoreta – the eldest daughter, about the life and the opus of Laura Papo Bohoreta. In 2017 she wrote two books: Sephardic Stories and Laura Papo Bohoreta en el confín de mundos, culturas y lenguas. She also participated in project book: From Auster to Boreas, 365 phrases. She works as a senior lecturer at the Centre for Foreign Languages and at the Department of Judaistics at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb.
Ruah Hadaša - Glasilo židovske vjerske zajednice Bet Israel, 2016
Ruah Hadaša - Glasilo židovske vjerske zajednice Bet Israel, 2016
Proučavajući opus sefardske književnice Laure Papo Bohorete pokušala sam analizirati njezine pret... more Proučavajući opus sefardske književnice Laure Papo Bohorete pokušala sam analizirati njezine pretenzije, te riješiti dilemu je li njezin primarni cilj bio edukativne i didaktičke prirode, te je sva svoja djela – prvenstveno dramska – pisala s namjerom prenošenja mlađim naraštajima sefardske kulture, tradicije i folklora u svrhu otimanja istih od zaborava, ili je, zahvaljujući svojoj velikoj erudiciji i poznavanju sefardskih narodnih običaja, inspirirana vlastitom, ali i sefardskom prošlošću, sadašnjošću i neizvjesnom budućnošću, jednostavno imala potrebu sve to prenijeti na papir, kao izraz književničke inspiracije. Analizirat ću folklorocentrizam u njezinome opusu i povezati ga s didaktičkim aspektom, kulturno-tradicijskim nasljeđem i smjestiti ga u kontekst vremena. Pokušat ću razložiti opsežno djelo Laure Papo Bohorete koja unatoč progresivnoj ekspanziji zapadnjačke kulture i običaja ustraje na židovsko-španjolskom jeziku, opisujući običnog, malog čovjeka, stiješnjenog između modernoga doba i tradicije. Ovaj je rad realiziran uz svesrdnu pomoć Dr. Eliezera Pape koji mi je, uz sugestije, savjete i kvalitetne diskusije velikodušno ustupio veliki broj tekstova, novopronađenih rukopisa Laure Papo Bohorete, ali i drugih materijala. Navest ću njegov rad „Entre la modernidad y la tradición, el feminismo y la patriarquia: Vida y obra de Laura Papo „Bohoreta“, primera dramaturga en lengua judeo-española“, Neue Romania 40 (2010), str. 97-117, koji mi je pružio veliki broj informacija o samoj autorici i njezinom ambivalentnom stavu prema tradicionalnim i modernim vrijednostima. Privela sam ovo istraživanje kraju uvjerena kako je kompletni Bohoretin literarni opus bio isključivo didaktičko-edukativnoga karaktera, s namjerom revitaliziranja starih sefardskih običaja, u vremenu u kojem su se oni polako, ali sigurno prepuštali zaboravu.
Abstracts by Jagoda Večerina
Ruah Hadaša - Glasilo židovske vjerske zajednice Bet Israel, 2017
by Eliezer Papo, Nenad Makuljevic, Jelena Erdeljan, Vuk Dautović, Filip Mitricevic, Milica Božić Marojević, Saša M Brajović, Angelina Bankovic, Haris Dajc, Łukasz Byrski, Jakov Đorđević, Sofija Grandakovska, Aleksandar Kadijevic, Maja Kaninska, Aleksandar Kadijevic, Danijela Stefanovic, Stevan/Daniel Milovanović/Perahya, Draginja Maskareli, Barbara Kristina Murovec, Nataša Mišković, Tijana Zebic-Bjelica, Ana Ciric Pavlovic, David Rotman, Milica Rožman, Svetlana Smolčić, Katja Smid, Isidora Stanković, Danka Spehar, Davor Stipić, Gordana Todoric, Katarzyna Taczyńska, Milena Ulcar, Jovana Tesic, Jagoda Večerina, Krinka Vidakovic-Petrov, Aleksandra Ilijevski, Milena Jokanovic (Gnjatovic), Zeljko Jovanovic, Radosav Mikic, Naomi Kojen, Vera Goseva, and Gordana Gorunović ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Creating Memories in Early Modern and Modern Art and Literature, 2017
Culture of remembrance is one of the central matters of our times, characterized by a wide range ... more Culture of remembrance is one of the central matters of our times, characterized by a wide range of memory-related phenomena, such as construction of artificial memories, mass media and production of mass memories or destruction of public memorials. Besides their obvious social and political importance, memories also pertain to the most intimate spheres of our individual lives and identities.
Conference Presentations by Jagoda Večerina
Laura Papo Bohoreta vive su obra, y su obra vive su vida. Las dos cosas se entrelazan a lo largo ... more Laura Papo Bohoreta vive su obra, y su obra vive su vida. Las dos cosas se entrelazan a lo largo de su existencia. Podemos también decir que la situación en Bosnia influyó en su obra y sus actividades, y al mismo tiempo, ella influenció considerablemente a la comunidad.
Papers by Jagoda Večerina
When Austria-Hungary "liberated" Bosnia (1878), Bosnia opened up to other nations, public schools with equal access for girls and boys were established, and the official language of teaching at schools was Serbo-Croatian.
This opening of Bosnia and adoption of Western cultural achievement had a devastating effect on the native language of Sephardic Jews.
Aware of the danger of falling into oblivion of their language, Laura Papo Bohoreta (Sarajevo, 1891-1942), insisted on preserving the Judeo-Spanish language, her main aim was rescuing from decay not only the language, but also a rich Sephardic-Bosnian heritage.
Born in Zagreb, in the year 1996 she earned her MSc defending her master's thesis „Post-war French Chanson-child of existentialism“, and in the year 2014, guided by Dr. Eliezer Papo, she earned her PhD, her doctoral dissertation „Folklore in the Service of the Theatre and the Theatre in the Service of Folklore: Sephardic oral tradition, its place and role in the theatrical opus of Laura Papo Bohoreta“.As regards her publications, she has translated a dozen books and wrote numerous articles. Her area of scientific study is the Sephardic literature and culture, writing professional papers and giving lectures at home and abroad. In 2016 she wrote a book Bohoreta – the eldest daughter, about the life and the opus of Laura Papo Bohoreta. In 2017 she wrote two books: Sephardic Stories and Laura Papo Bohoreta en el confín de mundos, culturas y lenguas. She also participated in project book: From Auster to Boreas, 365 phrases. She works as a senior lecturer at the Centre for Foreign Languages and at the Department of Judaistics at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb.
Abstracts by Jagoda Večerina
Conference Presentations by Jagoda Večerina
When Austria-Hungary "liberated" Bosnia (1878), Bosnia opened up to other nations, public schools with equal access for girls and boys were established, and the official language of teaching at schools was Serbo-Croatian.
This opening of Bosnia and adoption of Western cultural achievement had a devastating effect on the native language of Sephardic Jews.
Aware of the danger of falling into oblivion of their language, Laura Papo Bohoreta (Sarajevo, 1891-1942), insisted on preserving the Judeo-Spanish language, her main aim was rescuing from decay not only the language, but also a rich Sephardic-Bosnian heritage.
Born in Zagreb, in the year 1996 she earned her MSc defending her master's thesis „Post-war French Chanson-child of existentialism“, and in the year 2014, guided by Dr. Eliezer Papo, she earned her PhD, her doctoral dissertation „Folklore in the Service of the Theatre and the Theatre in the Service of Folklore: Sephardic oral tradition, its place and role in the theatrical opus of Laura Papo Bohoreta“.As regards her publications, she has translated a dozen books and wrote numerous articles. Her area of scientific study is the Sephardic literature and culture, writing professional papers and giving lectures at home and abroad. In 2016 she wrote a book Bohoreta – the eldest daughter, about the life and the opus of Laura Papo Bohoreta. In 2017 she wrote two books: Sephardic Stories and Laura Papo Bohoreta en el confín de mundos, culturas y lenguas. She also participated in project book: From Auster to Boreas, 365 phrases. She works as a senior lecturer at the Centre for Foreign Languages and at the Department of Judaistics at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb.
The memory and remembrance focused on transferring of knowledge in case of Bohoreta her plays, songs, novels, poems played the main role in preserving the language because Sephardic Jews, expelled from Spain and Portugal, lived in a complete linguistic isolation. On this particular occasion something will be said about the Sephardic Jews settled down in the territory of the Ottoman Empire, specifically in the areas of Bosnia, isolated environment from the first half of the 16th century. Isolation resulted with the intellectual stagnation of the Sephardic community, but helped them to preserve not only the language but also the Sephardic cultural traditions.
From the very beginning of their settlement in Bosnia until 1878, when the Austro-Hungarian army „liberated“ Bosnia and opened it to the West, institutions of learning admitted only men and were closed to women so they focused on oral tradition and particularly cultivated their memory. Their role in Sephardic community was important; thanks to them the language and Sephardic traditions were passed on to their children, daughters …...Thanks to the memory of these ordinary women, the language and cultural heritage has been preserved, transmitted to younger generations and practiced as the heritage of the Sephardic community in Bosnia.