Random Friday
I think I am going to keep riding on Rachel Sue's coattails. I am really liking this Random Friday thing. I like it because sometimes our minds just work like that. And I like the way she writes it. A lot of you asked me what the heck those pod things were from Wordless Wednesday. A couple of you gave some ideas. A carob tree. And itchy pods. The pods themselves can in fact cause itching...bad itching. So do not touch them. It took some searching...and because I can't let things go and I am a bit of dork... I give you the Brachychiton Populneus or Bottle Tree from the Sterculiaceae Family. You can learn more about that tree here. I think we should dub it the weird pod tree. It comes from the land down under. We also have Eucalyptus trees here. I was driving to pick up kids from school, and got behind a very scary driver. She kept drifting a bit and wasn't going much over 25 in 35 zone. It was a little old gr...