Istanbul University
Theology (English)
Throughout history, the main purpose of people in every society has been to reach happiness and truth. In line with this purpose, humankind has also noticed the obstacles that are in front of it or that may be possible, and have sought... more
Bu çalışmada var olan iki örnek anlatımı ele alarak ve bunları mukayese ederek bir analiz yapmaya çalışacağız. Bu örnek anlatımı şu şekilde sıralayabiliriz: 1-) Kutadgu Bilig'deki dört temel karakterden dördüncüsü olan Odgurmuş... more
Terrorist organizations Neo-Kharijism and ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq Damascus) are organizations with extremist religious ideologies that are of great concern to the international community today. Neo-Kharijite is a modern... more
Character Types and Religion in Erich Fromm In this article, the social character types which was occured by Erich Fromm's character realizing and the concepts of "to
“People of the Book” (ahl al-kitāb) consists of Jews and Christians who, according to the Qur’ān, received revealed Scriptures; Torah and Gospel. For Muslims, all previous scriptures have exactly the same content with the revealed Qur’ān... more
Wuḑū’ is the purification of specific parts of the body which are particularly prescribed by the Law.
Al-Fiqh Al-Islami written by Muhammad Akram Nadwi is a collection of the fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) of Imam Abu Hanifa and his school of thought. The author, generally, follows traditional subdivision and ordering of topics regarding... more
Importance controversy of over whether the Quran is created or uncreated, it is explained from each main side of the debate.
The Sufi order known as Naqshbandi has been described as one of the fastest growing, long lasting and most important order in Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, the Balkans, South and Central Asia, Malaysia and Indonesia as well as in other parts of... more
This article seeks to examine the positions of both scholar regarding the issue of God’s knowledge by giving the core-ideas of Avicenna and main objections raised by Ghazālī for that ideas and lastly making the evaluation about... more
Al-Fiqh Al-Islami written by Muhammad Akram Nadwi is a collection of the fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) of Imam Abu Hanifa and his school of thought. This work covers rulings of Hanafi Fiqh alongside the examples from current day issues.... more
Al-Fiqh Al-Islami written by Muhammad Akram Nadwi is a collection of the fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) of Imam Abu Hanifa and his school of thought. This work covers rulings of Hanafi Fiqh alongside the examples from current day issues.... more
On sekizinci yüzyılın sonlarından başlayarak yirminci yüzyılın ortalarına kadar devam eden süreçte İslam dünyası batılı ülkeler tarafından işgale ve sömürgeciliğe maruz kalmıştır. Bu dönemde İslam toplumlarının hal-i pür melâlini telafi... more
Kahire Radyosu’nun ilk programı olan Arapların Sesi radyo programı döneminin en etkili medya araçlarından birisiydi. Arap dünyasında medya politikasının başlamasına sebep olan söz konusu radyonun verdiği mesajlar 1950’li yıllarda bölgede... more
Malezya Federal Anayasası, ülkenin İngiltere’den 1957 yılında bağımsızlığını kazandığı yıl yürürlüğe girmiştir. Anayasaya günümüz şeklini kazandıran arka plan ve etkiler ise oldukça karmaşık bir yapı arz etmektedir. Anayasanın oluşum... more