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The philosophy of religion, a term popularized in the 19th century by Hegel, aims to explore the truth about God through philosophical inquiry. While Western thought has often seen a conflict between religion and philosophy, Islamic thought tends to adopt a more harmonious relationship as exemplified by kalam, which utilizes philosophical methods to justify belief. The philosophy of religion is characterized as a rational discipline that examines the essence and concepts of religion, accommodating multiple traditions and philosophical schools, ultimately showing the interplay between faith and reason.

Arefe Satılmışoğlu Philosophy of Religion WHAT IS THE PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION? Philosophy of religion was actually a term that was not in use until the 19th century. It is known that Hegel was the first to use this expression. According to he, the main purpose of philosophy in religion is to reach the truth. This is actually nothing but God. In other words, philosophy is a wisdom that is not related to the world. When explaining religion, it explains itself, and when explaining itself, it also explains religion. Along with thinking about the philosophy of religion in this way, Hegel actually laid the foundations of this field. However, the fact that religion is a subject of philosophical study is not something that comes with Hegel. In the historical process, it is possible to see this phenomenon in theistic or non-theistic religions before Hegel. For this reason, it can be based on the Middle Ages and more ancient times. However, in the modern period of western thought in general, this phenomenon has emerged more prominently. When we approach from Western thought, it is seen that religion-philosophy conflict also shows its existence. This phenomenon can be back to the early ages of Christianity. In the early days, a view based on fideism (faithism) was dominant. It was a question of believing in matters that could not be explained by reason. In such an environment, it is possible that religion started to conflict with philosophy. However, when the subject is approached from the point of view of Islamic thought, it becomes more difficult to talk about such a conflict phenomenon.1 The reason is that Islam has exhibited an attitude based on reasoning. For this reason, it is difficult to talk about a philosophy-religion conflict in Islam. The fact that it makes use of the methods of philosophy the science of kalam also can be a proof for us. The difference between philosophy of religion and kalam is the Islamic sources and approaches used by kalam. The purpose of kalam is to find answers like philosophy, but differently it defends belief and aims to justify it. The similarities in terms of the methods they use also bring them closer to each other. As a result, it is more possible to say that the conflict between religion and philosophy may have occurred between a certain philosophical approach and a religious understanding, not directly between Islamic thought and philosophy. For example, we can see an example of this in al-Ghazali's criticisms of philosophers. However, as it will be noticed at this point, we can say that this conflict is a conflict of philosophical intuitions and a religious perspective of Ghazali rather than religion-philosophy conflict.2 In fact, al-Ghazali has advanced his foundations on a philosophical level. As it is seen, the conflict can be both on a philosophical level and on a religious level. But based on this, I think that we cannot say that philosophy of religion is only a product of such conflicts. Because, if philosophy had not accepted religion as a field of criticism for itself and had not taken it into consideration, it would not have been possible for a discipline like the philosophy of religion to emerge. 1 Reçber, Mehmet Sait vd. (ed.). Din Felsefesi El Kitabı. (Ankara: Grafiker Yayınları, 2019), 13-15. 2 Reçber, Mehmet Sait vd. (ed.). Din Felsefesi El Kitabı, 18-20. 1 The philosophy of religion both tries to justify the existence of God and the perceptions based on them with philosophical methods, and also includes sceptical approaches that try to refute them. That is, philosophy of religion is not a branch of religious teaching. An atheist, agnostic, etc. can also philosophize on religion. Therefore, the philosophy of religion is actually a branch of philosophy, not theology. It deals with the phenomenon of religion in a rational way. First of all, it tries to define and explain religion. First of all, it tries to define and explain religion. It then examines basic religious concepts. For example, god, revelation, prophet, faith etc. While doing these, it tries to focus on a wide area, from the most primitive religions to the most advanced religious structures, rather than focusing on a single religion. The methods he uses should be rational, objective, consistent and comprehensive. It has existed by including different intuitions and traditions about philosophical understanding. In addition, the existence of continental European philosophy and analytical philosophy is also a factor here. Because while analytic philosophy plays an active role in philosophy departments, continental Europe has mostly been involved in studies in theology departments. As a result, these two approaches in the philosophy of religion were seen as necessary but insufficient in the development of this field. We can say that their coexistence is complementary in terms of religion and philosophy.3 The main topics are metaphysics, cosmology, epistemology. It deals with and questions many issues such as the purpose and nature of the universe, the place and purpose of man in the world, the ways of reaching supernatural truths, and the spiritual problems that humanity is experiencing. It examines many issues such as how meaningful religious provisions are within the framework of language and logic, how consistent is the relationship of morality, art, science with religion, and what is the meaning and importance of religious symbols. In this respect, we can say that it is one of the basic building blocks that counts important contributions to theology. In line with all these, the primary purpose of the philosophy of religion is to try to evaluate religious beliefs by looking at them objectively from the outside. We can say that evaluating the philosophical reliability of religion, using broad and specific methods while doing this, and introducing new theories are among the aims of the philosophy of religion. Just as theology is based directly on religion, the philosophy of religion is based on rationalism as well. Since it deals with the phenomenon of religion, it is more comprehensive than theology in general. It questions the act of believing and tries to internalize it. It does not have a problem of reinforcing an existing belief. As a result of the questions asked within the scope of the philosophy of religion studies, various proofs of god, new religious-philosophical interpretations and understandings, new theories about the universe and the current order, different approaches to the metaphysical world have emerged and have begun to be systematized over time. Ontological argument, cosmological argument, order argument, problem of evil can be given as examples. Again, beliefs such as pantheism, atheism, deism, panentheism are the beliefs that have the opportunity to be discussed and examined thanks to this field.4 3 Peterson, Michael. et al., Reason and Religious Belief: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013), 10-11 4 Peterson, Michael. et al., Reason and Religious Belief, 8-9 2 As a result, we can say that philosophy of religion is critical thinking on religious beliefs and perceptions of religion. It examines the rationality of religion and the activity of theology within religion. For this reason, religious or non-religious thinkers are interested in the philosophy of religion. While a religious theologian looks at religious beliefs from within, a non-religious thinker approaches religious beliefs with a broader critical thinking. Although the philosophy of religion is about religion, it is not a religious thought either. So we can conclude that natural theology and philosophy of religion are inseparable. The methods he uses and the ways of accessing information also form the basis of this feature. BIBLIOGRAPHY - Michael Peterson, et al., Reason and Religious Belief: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. - Reçber, Mehmet Sait vd. (ed.). Din Felsefesi El Kitabı. Ankara: Grafiker Yayınları, 4. Baskı, 2019. 3