Mei 2023 - Vol 1 No 1 (2023) by Mu'ashir (Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi Islam)

This research is entitled the implementation of the Journalistic Code of Ethics (KEJ) on the Faja... more This research is entitled the implementation of the Journalistic Code of Ethics (KEJ) on the portal in reporting on COVID-19. By using descriptive qualitative research type. Data collection methods are observation, interviews, and documentation. Interviews and documentation were conducted with editors, reporters Data analysis was carried out in three stages, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that journalists in reporting on Covid-19 are appropriate and apply a journalistic code of ethics. This is evidenced by the writing of the identity of the victim of the Covid-19 virus which was published with the permission of the patient himself. The researcher concludes that the implementation of the Journalistic Code of Ethics has objectively been carried out as it should be for media journalists, even though it is not optimal, but basically journalists are required to always carry out the demands of the Journalistic Code of Ethics, especially Article 2. This is evidenced by an attitude that has fulfilled the elements -Elements of the Journalistic Code of Ethics especially those contained in article 2. The leadership should also conduct periodic evaluations of journalists deployed in the regions. This is done to strengthen the journalists of the portal in carrying out the journalistic profession based on the applicable journalistic code of ethics

The Jimpitan film is one of the films that won the ACFFest event organized by the Corruption Era... more The Jimpitan film is one of the films that won the ACFFest event organized by the Corruption Eradication Commission. The Jimpitan film contains a story that represents the value of anti-corruption through the story of a farmer's struggle to replace the people's jimpitan rice. The focus of this study is to find out how the framing of anti-corruption values in the Jimpitan film. The anti-corruption value indicators are taken from the Nine Anti-Corruption Values formulated by the Corruption Eradication Commission. This research is a qualitative type of library research with Framing Analysis theory from Zong dang Pan & Gerald M. Kosicki. The results of the study show that the Jimpitan film contains four anticorruption values, namely responsibility, simplicity, independence and courage. This value is conveyed by the author through character building, storytelling and describing the efforts made by Poniman in replacing jimpitan rice.

Children's interest in using modern games is very strong, making children less interested in trad... more Children's interest in using modern games is very strong, making children less interested in traditional games. The way that can be done to preserve traditional games is to socialize traditional games. One of the effective socialization today is to disseminate it using communication media, namely films. The method used in this research is to use qualitative research methods. The results showed that the content of the movie "Mak Cepluk" contains cultural preservation content, especially in the game of pletokan. The two elements that make up the movie are narrative and cinematic elements, the narrative elements in the movie "Mak Cepluk" contain a coherent story and contain elements of traditional games clearly. From the cinematic elements, the efforts to preserve the traditional game of pletokan are well depicted from shooting techniques, composition, editing techniques, and movie continuity.

Public communication is one of the efforts to provide information to the public in order to minim... more Public communication is one of the efforts to provide information to the public in order to minimize public miscommunication. This study aims to find out how public communication is carried out by the government and investors, in this case, BPI (Bhimasena Power Indonesia) regarding the scope of the PLTU in the Batang region. The scope of PLTU development concerns how the raw materials are used and the safety and welfare of the surrounding community. Research using field research method with a descriptive approach. The main source of information is the results of interviews. While the data analysis technique that the author uses is data reduction then presenting the data and the last is concluding. The results of the author's research show that investors' efforts to socialize the establishment of PLTU are not easy. There are many objections from the community, both fighting for environmental health and land acquisition by the PLTU. The government and investors are trying to educate the public. Coal fuel is not without impact, but this impact can be minimized by having a good living culture and good management of coal waste by BPI. The efforts of the government and BPI in educating the public are carried out using an individual approach (presence at community forums) and also through the media, by providing information, complaints, and education services (in the form of comics). This aims to make it easier for the public to understand the intent and purpose of the establishment of the PLTU.

Perubahahan sosial yang diakibatkan oleh perkembangan teknologi dan perubahan gaya hidup menimbul... more Perubahahan sosial yang diakibatkan oleh perkembangan teknologi dan perubahan gaya hidup menimbulkan problem sosial yang semakin konpleks. Aktivitas dakwah harus mampu menjawab perubahan sosial ini supaya tetap ajaran Islam dapat disampaikan sesuai dengan perkembangan zaman. Hal ini berarti pula bahwa keharusan adanya perubahan pola dan model dakwah terutama bagi generasi milenial. Artikel ini bertujuan memaparkan upaya aktualisasi metode dakwah milenial dalam menjawab tantangan perubahan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan pustaka. Pengumpulan data melalui studi dokumen tentang dakwah di era milenial kemudian dianalisis dengan analisis interaktif Miles dan Huberman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode dakwah yang dilakukan oleh para da’i sudah menampakkan beragam metode yang aktual. Metode dakwah digital menjadi salah satu metode aktual yang banyak dilakukan untuk menangkap sasaran generasi milenial. Selain dakwah digital, metode dakwah tradisional dan struktural masih sangat penting untuk dilakukan. Konten dakwah milenial perlu disajikan lebih menarik, interaktif, dan kontekstual sehingga tujuan dakwah dapat terwujud dengan baik.

Childfree melnjadi selbuaih isu yang hangait dipelrbincangkan khususnya di meldia sosial masyarak... more Childfree melnjadi selbuaih isu yang hangait dipelrbincangkan khususnya di meldia sosial masyarakait Indonelsia. Salaih satu konteln krelator belrnama Gita Savitri Delvi melbahas melngelnai anak Gita sav melngungkapkan bahwa dirinya melmilih untuk childfrele. Belbelrapa ada yang melndukung kelputusan Gita namun tak banyak juga yang melnayatakan tidak seltuju. hadirnya felnomelna childfrelel ini pada dasarnya tidak telrlelpas dari adanya pelrulbahan cara pandang masyarakat telrhadap pelrkawinan. Lalul bagaimana jika pasangan yang suldah melnikah malah melmilih ulntulk tidak melmiliki anak dalam pelrnikahannya apabila ditinjaul dari pelrspelktif pandangan agama Islam. Jelnis pelnellitian dalam pelnellitian ini adalah pelnellitian kulalitaitif dan menggunakan pelnellitian pulstaka (litelratulrel relselarch). Pelndelkatan yang pelnullis gulnakan dalam pelnellitian ini adalah pelndelkatan normatif dan sosiologis. Telknik analisis data pada pelnellitian ini adalah delskriptif kulalitatif. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa Melmiliki keltulrulnan adalah selbulah anjulran dalam Islam bulkanlah selbulah kelwajiban. Ayat al-qulr’an melnganjulrkan manulsia ulntulk melmiliki keltulrulnan yang sah dari hasil pelrnikahan. Hal ini dikatakan dalam Al-Qulr’an ulntulk melncapai pelrnikahan yang sakinah, mawaddah, warahmah. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi dalam pengembangan penelitian terkait pernikahan sukarela tanpa anak di Indonesia.

The authority of digital public discourse indirectly impacts one's religious point of view, the p... more The authority of digital public discourse indirectly impacts one's religious point of view, the phenomenon of digital religion has caused mainstream Islamic websites to strive for the dominance of the public digital mass. This paper will examine the phenomenon of competition among mainstream Islamic websites and mainstream non-affiliated websites in seizing public digital dominance. Data Reportal on Digital Indonesia 2023 put Indonesia as the largest internet users in the world, with a population of around 277,7 million with a total active internet user of 212,9 million, internet penetration stood at 77,0 percent. Indonesia also home to 167,0 million social media users equating to 60,4 percent of the total population. Total of 352,8 million cellular mobile connections were active in Indonesia, this figure equivalent to 128,0 percent of the total population. The paper elaborates the prevalent competition between Islamic media using a phenomenological approach based on digital data and a variety of digital analysis tools. This study demonstrates how the intensity of contestation persists and has subsequently created digital communities with divergent religious viewpoints that have subconsciously created social segmentation that strengthens group exclusivism.
November 2023 - Vol 1 No 2 (2023) by Mu'ashir (Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi Islam)

The digital era has brought significant changes in the lives of rural communities, including in S... more The digital era has brought significant changes in the lives of rural communities, including in Sukolilo Pati village. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method to describe the current phenomenon. The article outlines the challenges and opportunities faced by village communities in the face of digital technology development. Limited internet access, the potential for economic empowerment, improved access to information and education, and the role of technology in health and public services are the main focus of the discussion. In addition, this article examines the impact of social and cultural changes that occur due to the development of digital technology, including adjustments to social norms and traditional attitudes in rural communities. With this understanding, the importance of technological accessibility and efforts to equalize internet access in villages, as well as the social changes therein, become important topics of discussion to ensure that the full benefits and vigilance of the digital era can be felt by all rural communities.

Social media is one of the online media that can be used to interact. One of the social media tha... more Social media is one of the online media that can be used to interact. One of the social media that exists and is fast growing is TikTok social media. The number of TikTok accounts that are used to sway and indulge, it turns out that there is a TikTok account that contains Islamic da'wah and enters FYP (for your page), namely the Aswaja Hijrah Tiktok account with 493,000 followers which is more than other da'wah accounts. This study uses quantitative methods and aims to find out whether there is a significant influence of Aswaja Hijrah account TikTok content on the spiritual development of adolescents. The results showed that based on the results of the T test, it was known that the significant value of the influence of TikTok content of the aswaja hijrah account (X) on adolescent spirituality (Y) was 0.000 < 0.05 and t count 13.945 > t table 1.966 then H0 was rejected and H1 was accepted. It can be concluded that there is a significant influence of Aswaja Hijrah's TikTok content on teenagers' spirituality. The amount of TikTok content contributed by Aswaja Hijrah Account in influencing adolescent spirituality was 32.8% while the remaining 57.3% was influenced by other variables.

This study aims to develop teaching materials for writing lecture texts for high school students ... more This study aims to develop teaching materials for writing lecture texts for high school students in Semarang City. The method used is Research and Development (R&D) to produce teaching materials for writing lecture texts using the brainstorming method. Data were collected through interviews, questionnaires, and documentation. The results showed that the results of expert validation obtained a score of 80.75, which means that the teaching materials for writing lecture texts with the brainstorming method are suitable for use. The average value of the limited trial results of writing lecture texts at MA AL Asror Semarang and MA Riyadussholihin was 91.25. Based on the results of the overall assessment, an average score of 4.03 was obtained with a feasibility level of 80.65% categorized as "good", the presentation aspect of the book obtained an average score of 4.07 with a feasibility level of 81.4% categorized as "good", the language aspect obtained an average score of 4.08 with a feasibility level of 81.6% categorized as "good", and the graphical aspect the average score obtained was 4.09 with a feasibility level of 81.8% categorized as "good". Thus it can be concluded that the textbook developed is declared "feasible" for use.
Digital literacy is a form of ability to obtain, understand and use information derived from vari... more Digital literacy is a form of ability to obtain, understand and use information derived from various sources. People are faced by very rapid technological developments so they are required to sort and choose information that suits reality. Many people are hesitant about various kinds of media information so that they are not sure that the news is true or not so digital literacy is needed. This study used qualitative research, data obtained through observation, documentation and interviews. The results of research on the digital literacy skills of YPMI Al-Firdaus Semarang students can be seen from the ability to use the website and social media of pesantren.

YouTube is a medium that has been successfully used as a place for preaching. One of them is KH S... more YouTube is a medium that has been successfully used as a place for preaching. One of them is KH Said Aqil Siradj's religious moderation preaching. The aim of this research is to analyze the use of content on NU Online You Tube with the figure KH Said Aqil Siradj because he is the Chairman of PBNU who is a leader in strengthening religious moderation. This research is a type of qualitative research using library or library research methods. This method can be used as a reference and grouping data such as books, articles and also information that supports this research. You Tube is the main source in this research which can be a reference for updates, a theoretical basis, and also additional references. The research results show that KH Said Aqil Siradj in his preaching on YouTube contains a message of religious moderation by prioritizing the pillars of harmony, non-violence and religious communities.

Polio is a disease that attacks the nerves and the worst impact can cause permanent paralysis. Po... more Polio is a disease that attacks the nerves and the worst impact can cause permanent paralysis. Polio was found in children as young as 4 years old in Karawang. This has caused the West Java region to be declared an Extraordinary Event (KLB). Because of this, the West Java Health Office held a National Immunization Week to prevent transmission to other children. In the implementation at Posyandu Mawar 22 children who are immunized have not reached the desired target. The purpose of this study was to determine the communication strategy of Posyandu cadres in socializing the National Immunization Week program at Posyandu Mawar 22 Sukatani. The research method used is descriptive qualitative method. Based on the results of research and discussion conducted by researchers, the communication strategy used by Posyandu cadres is that first the cadres get training or direction regarding what the PIN program is and also determine the target audience for the socialization of the PIN program, compiling messages for socialization in the form of what the PIN program is, how important the PIN program is to do, the socialization method is carried out directly or by intermediary whatsapp media, and for the media used is an online poster.
This article will discuss the mapping of religious hoaxes. The prevalence of fake news has reinfo... more This article will discuss the mapping of religious hoaxes. The prevalence of fake news has reinforced the responsibility of the media to provide good content to their readers. One form of liability: Online media verify fact-checking columns. This study aims to identify a mapping of religious hoaxes that can serve as a basis for the process of predicting and managing hoaxes. Using content analysis, content types, dis/misinformation types, tools, channels, objects, and clarification models will be mapped As a result, mapping religious hoaxes in and includes: video is one of the tools that are widely used to manipulate information. The highest dissemination channel is through Facebook social media. The most common types of hoaxes are misleading content and false context.
Mei 2024 - Vol 2 No 1 (2024) by Mu'ashir (Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi Islam)

Thomas Khun in his book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions argues that the paradigm shift fr... more Thomas Khun in his book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions argues that the paradigm shift from the old paradigm to the new paradigm produces scientific breakthroughs that are revolutionary, both partially and thoroughly. The paradigm shift occurs in several stages before the new paradigm replaces the previous paradigm. Islam continues to spread its teachings through various means, including utilizing electronic media such as radio and television. The shift to digital da'wah media affects the way da'wah activists organize, distribute and manage religious messages. This research is library research, which is research that uses literature in the form of books, articles, and the like. The result of this article is that a shift in the point of view or paradigm of da'wah media will occur when digital da'wah media proves to be more effective in achieving da'wah goals and can well meet the needs of the audience. This new paradigm is the result of the application of information and communication technology that is more interactive, participatory and decentralized in the dissemination of religious messages.
Communication strategy patterns are needed and have an important role in dealing with people in m... more Communication strategy patterns are needed and have an important role in dealing with people in mental disorders. This study aims to identify themselves from ODGJ who are still and return to their families and bring people with mental disorders for treatment at RSJ / RSUD so that they can get a decent place in the Social Rehabilitation Center. This research uses qualitative methods with S-R (Stimulus-Response) Communication Theory that develops from psychological disciplines. As a result, communication strategies using stimulus responses are successfully used in communicating with ODGJ using internal and external stimuli as well as affective, cognitive and psychomotor responses.
This Process of information disclosure is very easy to be used by extremist Islam. They aggressiv... more This Process of information disclosure is very easy to be used by extremist Islam. They aggressively spread propaganda through social media, both in text to audio-visual. This has triggered unrest for the public by looking at the phenomenon that is happening right now, because social media is currently not friendly and leads to wrong understanding. This has become an urgent need for the community, given the extreme upheaval of Islamic extremism to surface to look for pilgrims. This researcher wants to explore the process of making da’wah conten through social media, as well as knowing the standards used in making da’wah content, with the hope that the public will be able to choose correctly which media propagate the noble values of Islam by emanating respect for the people.

Religious practices and community social interactions give birth to many events that have differe... more Religious practices and community social interactions give birth to many events that have different meanings for each person. Revealing the hidden meaning of an event, especially from the perspective of the person experiencing it, can be done with a phenomenological approach. The purpose of this research is to explain the contribution of Husserl's phenomenological approach to the development of Islamic da'wah.. This research is a literature research on Husserl's phenomenological concept and how to apply it in da'wah. Data were collected from various documents related to the main topic, both from print and electronic sources. Miles & Huberman's qualitative interactive analysis was used to analyze the data through the stages of data presentation, data reduction, and conclusion drawing. The results showed that basically phenomenological studies attempt to find the meaning or value of a phenomenon with two main things in focus, namely textural description and structural description. Textural description is about what is experienced, while structural description is related to how the context influences the subject in experiencing and interpreting the phenomenon. Husserl's phenomenological approach is one of the right approaches in examining social and religious phenomena and then conveying the content of da'wah in accordance with existing phenomena in the perspective of Islamic teachings so as to provide a holistic understanding of the phenomenon.
This research examines the important role of digital technology, especially YouTube Studio Al-Fus... more This research examines the important role of digital technology, especially YouTube Studio Al-Fusha TV, in spreading Islamic da'wah in the modern era. Using qualitative methods with a case study approach, this research analyzes Al-Fusha TV content to understand the use of digital technology in da'wah. This research aims to explore the role of digital technology, especially the YouTube Studio Al-Fusha TV platform, in spreading Islamic da'wah in the modern era. The results show that YouTube Studio Al-Fusha TV is effective in spreading the message of Islamic da'wah to a wider audience, with diverse content such as interpretations of the Koran, hadith studies, and religious discussions.
This research examines the influence of Ustaz Abdul Somad's (UAS) moderate preaching on religious... more This research examines the influence of Ustaz Abdul Somad's (UAS) moderate preaching on religious tolerance in Indonesia, in the context of globalization and the digital revolution 4.0. This research uses a qualitative content analysis method of UAS's preaching content on social media such as TikTok and YouTube. The results show that UAS's moderate da'wah strengthens religious tolerance in Indonesia, increases understanding of inclusive and tolerant Islam, reduces negative stereotypes, and encourages interfaith dialog. It also reduces the potential for conflict and increases social harmony. Despite the challenges, UAS has positive implications in building a harmonious society that respects diversity.
Mei 2023 - Vol 1 No 1 (2023) by Mu'ashir (Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi Islam)
November 2023 - Vol 1 No 2 (2023) by Mu'ashir (Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi Islam)
Mei 2024 - Vol 2 No 1 (2024) by Mu'ashir (Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi Islam)