Tekinfo: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Industri dan Informasi
Tata letak produk di dalam gudang merupakan suatu perancangan untuk menempatkan fasilitas penyimp... more Tata letak produk di dalam gudang merupakan suatu perancangan untuk menempatkan fasilitas penyimpanan produk dengan melakukan analisa terhadap pergerakan produk untuk mewujudkan efisiensi dan efektivitas dalam proses operasional gudang mulai dari penerimaan, penyimpanan dan pengiriman produk ke konsumen. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada gudang bahan kemas pada PT.X. Permasalahan yang terjadi pada gudang bahan kemas ini terjadi pada saat melakukan penyimpanan produk, operator akan langsung menyimpan produk pada rak yang kosong. Selain itu penempatan produk yang terdapat dalam gudang ini ditempatkan tidak berdekatan dengan produk sejenisnya. Berdasarkan hal tersebut penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang tata letak gudang agar mempemudah operator dalam proses penerimaan, penyimpanan dan pengiriman produk di gudang, sehingga dapat meminimumkan jarak tempuh pemindahan produk. Pada penelitian pendekatan yang digunakan adalah metode Class Based Storage. Berdasarkan hasil dan pembahasan dip...
The most popular inventory model to determine production lot size is the Economic Production Quan... more The most popular inventory model to determine production lot size is the Economic Production Quantity (EPQ) model. It aids enterprises on how to minimize the total of production costs by reducing the inventory cost. However, the three main parameters in EPQ model, demand, set up cost, and holding cost, are not sufficient enough to solve current inventory issues. When an enterprise has two types of demand, continuous and discrete demands, the basic EPQ model would be no longer useful. Continuous demand comes from customers who want their demand to be fulfilled every time per unit time, while the fulfilment of discrete demand is at a fixed interval of time. Literature review is conducted to observe other formulations of EPQ model. As literature dealing with this problem cannot be found, this study aims to develop an EPQ model considering the two types of demand simultaneously. Therefore, this research proposes a modified EPQ model considering both continuous and discrete demands under...
Tekinfo: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Industri dan Informasi
PT XYZ merupakan salah satu perusahaan pengelola kelapa sawit di area Sumatera. Proporsi terbesar... more PT XYZ merupakan salah satu perusahaan pengelola kelapa sawit di area Sumatera. Proporsi terbesar bahan baku yang diolah berasal dari kebun inti. Sistem persediaan push system seperti ini mengakibatkan perusahaan melakukan produksi terus menerus, sehingga keandalan mesin menjadi sangat penting. Replenishment persediaan material & spare part yang mendukung aktivitas penggunaan mesin, tidak dapat dilakukan secara mendadak ketika dibutuhkan. Ketersediaan yang terlalu tinggi dapat mengakibatkan overstock yang berakitbat tingginya biaya simpan serta risiko penyimpanan produk bagi perusahaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menghitung jumlah minimal dan jumlah maksimal persediaan material dan sapre part yang memiliki tingkat stockout tertinggi pada gudang material di PT XYZ. Perhitungan dilakukan dengan metode Minimum-Maximum Stock Level (MMSL) pada material oxygen isi ulang, oli turalik, baut mur ¾ x 3” baja, baut mur ¾ x 4” baja , kawat las RB 26 dia. 3,2 mm, dan kawat las LB 52 U dia. 3,2 mm....
INVENTORY: Industrial Vocational E-Journal On Agroindustry
Bulk olein is one of the products produced by Palm Oil Processing Company. Bulk cooking oil contr... more Bulk olein is one of the products produced by Palm Oil Processing Company. Bulk cooking oil controls 75 percent of the production market share in Indonesia and about 77.5 percent of households in Indonesia use bulk cooking oil because the price is cheaper than packaged cooking oil. Demand for olein in the future is predicted to be continued to increase, so it is necessary to estimate future sales so that production activities become more effective and efficient. The method used in this study is the double moving average (DMA), which is one of the forecasting methods with data that has a trend. The calculation will be done by comparing the result of 3 moving, 4 moving and 5 moving. Forecasting error is calculated using mean absolute percentage error (MAPE). The calculation results show that the average MAPE from DMA with 5 moving has the smallest value. To verify these results, an analysis of the processed data was carried out, namely looking for data with the furthest distance from ...
International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences
Agroindustry investment issue arises when the natural dataset and economics analysis is not invol... more Agroindustry investment issue arises when the natural dataset and economics analysis is not involved in decision making. Similarly, investment in processing coconut yields into virgin coconut oil (VCO) provides a promising future by applying agriculture 4.0. This paper presents decision support system which provides investment decision toward new VCO agroindustries. The contribution lies in the improvement management system with observed several aspects before the investment is carried out. The approach combines nature dataset and economics analysis. The methods cover spatial analysis, location quotient, capacity production planning, and financial analysis. The result presents four study case of VCO investment in Pariaman districts in West Sumatera Indonesia, which decision about feasibility investment of VCO agroindustry in selected potential area. This DSS application permits the investor to be facilitated with an accurate and fast decision. Although, the DSS requires futures improvement with a fully online application without an overlay process. Keywords: decision support system; feasible investment; virgin coconut oil; agroindustry; capacity production planning.
Coconut is a superior commodity in Padang Pariaman Regency, which is spread in almost all distric... more Coconut is a superior commodity in Padang Pariaman Regency, which is spread in almost all districts. The area of the plantation of coconut is 40755 ha, with the level of productivity of 1,363 tons/ha are cultivated by 97094 farming families. The purpose of this study is to formulate a VCO industry development strategy and a partnership system for coconut farmers in Padang Pariaman area, that designed with a system approach through the integration of the coconut farming sub-system and coconut processing sub-system to maximize the profits from the coconut farming business and ensure the fulfillment of capacity VCO production. Determination of the VCO industry development strategy using SWOT analysis techniques. The strategy that can develop is a growth strategy through horizontal integration, namely establishing a partnership between the VCO industry and coconut farmers as suppliers of raw materials to ensure smooth production. The coconut farmer's partnership was designed through...
Abstrak . Cabai merah besar (Capsicum annum l.) salah satu produk pertanian hortikultura yang ban... more Abstrak . Cabai merah besar (Capsicum annum l.) salah satu produk pertanian hortikultura yang banyak diusahakan oleh petani. Sumatera Barat dengan konstribusinya sebesar 5,83% atau sebesar 58.064 ton per tahun menghasilkan sentra produksi cabai yang berasal dari beberapa daerah akan tetapi yang menghasilkan produksi cabai terbesar berada di Kabupaten Solok yaitu 19.325 ton. Namun ironisnya harga cabai sering mengalami fluktuasi yang tidak teratur. Suatu ketika cabai bisa mencapai harga yang sangat mahal, lalu harga akan sangat jatuh ketika panen melimpah. Beberapa petani bahkan sampai membuang cabai-cabai hasil panen yang masih bagus karena harga jual cabai pada panen raya sangat rendah. Untuk membantu para petani dalam mengatasi fluktuasi harga tersebut, perlu dilakukan upaya-upaya pemanfaatan cabai merah menjadi aneka produk melalui pengolahan cabai merah dalam bentuk bubuk dengan rasa original. Metode pelaksanaan yang dilakukan berupa penyuluhan kepada masyarakat tentang nilai ka...
The potential of coconut owned by Padang Pariaman Regency with production reaching 35,436 tons in... more The potential of coconut owned by Padang Pariaman Regency with production reaching 35,436 tons in an area of 40,755 hectares strongly supports the development of agroindustrials in the countryside. The development of rural industries will create new jobs so that the community economy will increase. Coconut has a lot of derivative products, one of which is cocofiber produced from coconut coir. Coconut coir itself is one of the remaining coconut products that can be processed so as to increase the value of the product. Location determination and financial analysis can help potential investors to make cocofiber agroindustry development decisions. The method used to determine the location of the factory is gravity location model (GLM), using data on the coordinate point of coconut IKM in Kab. Padang Pariaman. For financial analysis is calculated using Net Present Value (NPV) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR). Both of these methods are expected to illustrate whether the development plan ...
International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences
Agroindustry investment issue arises when the natural dataset and economics analysis is not invol... more Agroindustry investment issue arises when the natural dataset and economics analysis is not involved in decision making. Similarly, investment in processing coconut yields into virgin coconut oil (VCO) provides a promising future by applying agriculture 4.0. This paper presents decision support system which provides investment decision toward new VCO agroindustries. The contribution lies in the improvement management system with observed several aspects before the investment is carried out. The approach combines nature dataset and economics analysis. The methods cover spatial analysis, location quotient, capacity production planning, and financial analysis. The result presents four study case of VCO investment in Pariaman districts in West Sumatera Indonesia, which decision about feasibility investment of VCO agroindustry in selected potential area. This DSS application permits the investor to be facilitated with an accurate and fast decision. Although, the DSS requires futures improvement with a fully online application without an overlay process.
Keywords: decision support system; feasible investment; virgin coconut oil; agroindustry; capacity production planning.
The most popular inventory model to determine production lot size is Economic Production Quantity... more The most popular inventory model to determine production lot size is Economic Production Quantity (EPQ). It shows enterprise how to minimize total production cost by reducing inventory cost. But, three main parameters in EPQ which are demand, machine set up cost, and holding cost, are not suitable to solve issues nowadays. When enterprise has two types of demand, continue and discrete demand, the basic EPQ would be no longer useful. Demand continue comes from customer who wants their needs to be fullfilled everytime per unit time, while fullfillment of demand descrete is at a fixed interval of time. Literature review is done by writers to observe other formulation of EPQ model. As there is no other research can be found which adopt this topic, this study try to develop EPQ model considering two types of demand simoultaneously.
Tekinfo: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Industri dan Informasi
Tata letak produk di dalam gudang merupakan suatu perancangan untuk menempatkan fasilitas penyimp... more Tata letak produk di dalam gudang merupakan suatu perancangan untuk menempatkan fasilitas penyimpanan produk dengan melakukan analisa terhadap pergerakan produk untuk mewujudkan efisiensi dan efektivitas dalam proses operasional gudang mulai dari penerimaan, penyimpanan dan pengiriman produk ke konsumen. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada gudang bahan kemas pada PT.X. Permasalahan yang terjadi pada gudang bahan kemas ini terjadi pada saat melakukan penyimpanan produk, operator akan langsung menyimpan produk pada rak yang kosong. Selain itu penempatan produk yang terdapat dalam gudang ini ditempatkan tidak berdekatan dengan produk sejenisnya. Berdasarkan hal tersebut penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang tata letak gudang agar mempemudah operator dalam proses penerimaan, penyimpanan dan pengiriman produk di gudang, sehingga dapat meminimumkan jarak tempuh pemindahan produk. Pada penelitian pendekatan yang digunakan adalah metode Class Based Storage. Berdasarkan hasil dan pembahasan dip...
The most popular inventory model to determine production lot size is the Economic Production Quan... more The most popular inventory model to determine production lot size is the Economic Production Quantity (EPQ) model. It aids enterprises on how to minimize the total of production costs by reducing the inventory cost. However, the three main parameters in EPQ model, demand, set up cost, and holding cost, are not sufficient enough to solve current inventory issues. When an enterprise has two types of demand, continuous and discrete demands, the basic EPQ model would be no longer useful. Continuous demand comes from customers who want their demand to be fulfilled every time per unit time, while the fulfilment of discrete demand is at a fixed interval of time. Literature review is conducted to observe other formulations of EPQ model. As literature dealing with this problem cannot be found, this study aims to develop an EPQ model considering the two types of demand simultaneously. Therefore, this research proposes a modified EPQ model considering both continuous and discrete demands under...
Tekinfo: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Industri dan Informasi
PT XYZ merupakan salah satu perusahaan pengelola kelapa sawit di area Sumatera. Proporsi terbesar... more PT XYZ merupakan salah satu perusahaan pengelola kelapa sawit di area Sumatera. Proporsi terbesar bahan baku yang diolah berasal dari kebun inti. Sistem persediaan push system seperti ini mengakibatkan perusahaan melakukan produksi terus menerus, sehingga keandalan mesin menjadi sangat penting. Replenishment persediaan material & spare part yang mendukung aktivitas penggunaan mesin, tidak dapat dilakukan secara mendadak ketika dibutuhkan. Ketersediaan yang terlalu tinggi dapat mengakibatkan overstock yang berakitbat tingginya biaya simpan serta risiko penyimpanan produk bagi perusahaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menghitung jumlah minimal dan jumlah maksimal persediaan material dan sapre part yang memiliki tingkat stockout tertinggi pada gudang material di PT XYZ. Perhitungan dilakukan dengan metode Minimum-Maximum Stock Level (MMSL) pada material oxygen isi ulang, oli turalik, baut mur ¾ x 3” baja, baut mur ¾ x 4” baja , kawat las RB 26 dia. 3,2 mm, dan kawat las LB 52 U dia. 3,2 mm....
INVENTORY: Industrial Vocational E-Journal On Agroindustry
Bulk olein is one of the products produced by Palm Oil Processing Company. Bulk cooking oil contr... more Bulk olein is one of the products produced by Palm Oil Processing Company. Bulk cooking oil controls 75 percent of the production market share in Indonesia and about 77.5 percent of households in Indonesia use bulk cooking oil because the price is cheaper than packaged cooking oil. Demand for olein in the future is predicted to be continued to increase, so it is necessary to estimate future sales so that production activities become more effective and efficient. The method used in this study is the double moving average (DMA), which is one of the forecasting methods with data that has a trend. The calculation will be done by comparing the result of 3 moving, 4 moving and 5 moving. Forecasting error is calculated using mean absolute percentage error (MAPE). The calculation results show that the average MAPE from DMA with 5 moving has the smallest value. To verify these results, an analysis of the processed data was carried out, namely looking for data with the furthest distance from ...
International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences
Agroindustry investment issue arises when the natural dataset and economics analysis is not invol... more Agroindustry investment issue arises when the natural dataset and economics analysis is not involved in decision making. Similarly, investment in processing coconut yields into virgin coconut oil (VCO) provides a promising future by applying agriculture 4.0. This paper presents decision support system which provides investment decision toward new VCO agroindustries. The contribution lies in the improvement management system with observed several aspects before the investment is carried out. The approach combines nature dataset and economics analysis. The methods cover spatial analysis, location quotient, capacity production planning, and financial analysis. The result presents four study case of VCO investment in Pariaman districts in West Sumatera Indonesia, which decision about feasibility investment of VCO agroindustry in selected potential area. This DSS application permits the investor to be facilitated with an accurate and fast decision. Although, the DSS requires futures improvement with a fully online application without an overlay process. Keywords: decision support system; feasible investment; virgin coconut oil; agroindustry; capacity production planning.
Coconut is a superior commodity in Padang Pariaman Regency, which is spread in almost all distric... more Coconut is a superior commodity in Padang Pariaman Regency, which is spread in almost all districts. The area of the plantation of coconut is 40755 ha, with the level of productivity of 1,363 tons/ha are cultivated by 97094 farming families. The purpose of this study is to formulate a VCO industry development strategy and a partnership system for coconut farmers in Padang Pariaman area, that designed with a system approach through the integration of the coconut farming sub-system and coconut processing sub-system to maximize the profits from the coconut farming business and ensure the fulfillment of capacity VCO production. Determination of the VCO industry development strategy using SWOT analysis techniques. The strategy that can develop is a growth strategy through horizontal integration, namely establishing a partnership between the VCO industry and coconut farmers as suppliers of raw materials to ensure smooth production. The coconut farmer's partnership was designed through...
Abstrak . Cabai merah besar (Capsicum annum l.) salah satu produk pertanian hortikultura yang ban... more Abstrak . Cabai merah besar (Capsicum annum l.) salah satu produk pertanian hortikultura yang banyak diusahakan oleh petani. Sumatera Barat dengan konstribusinya sebesar 5,83% atau sebesar 58.064 ton per tahun menghasilkan sentra produksi cabai yang berasal dari beberapa daerah akan tetapi yang menghasilkan produksi cabai terbesar berada di Kabupaten Solok yaitu 19.325 ton. Namun ironisnya harga cabai sering mengalami fluktuasi yang tidak teratur. Suatu ketika cabai bisa mencapai harga yang sangat mahal, lalu harga akan sangat jatuh ketika panen melimpah. Beberapa petani bahkan sampai membuang cabai-cabai hasil panen yang masih bagus karena harga jual cabai pada panen raya sangat rendah. Untuk membantu para petani dalam mengatasi fluktuasi harga tersebut, perlu dilakukan upaya-upaya pemanfaatan cabai merah menjadi aneka produk melalui pengolahan cabai merah dalam bentuk bubuk dengan rasa original. Metode pelaksanaan yang dilakukan berupa penyuluhan kepada masyarakat tentang nilai ka...
The potential of coconut owned by Padang Pariaman Regency with production reaching 35,436 tons in... more The potential of coconut owned by Padang Pariaman Regency with production reaching 35,436 tons in an area of 40,755 hectares strongly supports the development of agroindustrials in the countryside. The development of rural industries will create new jobs so that the community economy will increase. Coconut has a lot of derivative products, one of which is cocofiber produced from coconut coir. Coconut coir itself is one of the remaining coconut products that can be processed so as to increase the value of the product. Location determination and financial analysis can help potential investors to make cocofiber agroindustry development decisions. The method used to determine the location of the factory is gravity location model (GLM), using data on the coordinate point of coconut IKM in Kab. Padang Pariaman. For financial analysis is calculated using Net Present Value (NPV) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR). Both of these methods are expected to illustrate whether the development plan ...
International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences
Agroindustry investment issue arises when the natural dataset and economics analysis is not invol... more Agroindustry investment issue arises when the natural dataset and economics analysis is not involved in decision making. Similarly, investment in processing coconut yields into virgin coconut oil (VCO) provides a promising future by applying agriculture 4.0. This paper presents decision support system which provides investment decision toward new VCO agroindustries. The contribution lies in the improvement management system with observed several aspects before the investment is carried out. The approach combines nature dataset and economics analysis. The methods cover spatial analysis, location quotient, capacity production planning, and financial analysis. The result presents four study case of VCO investment in Pariaman districts in West Sumatera Indonesia, which decision about feasibility investment of VCO agroindustry in selected potential area. This DSS application permits the investor to be facilitated with an accurate and fast decision. Although, the DSS requires futures improvement with a fully online application without an overlay process.
Keywords: decision support system; feasible investment; virgin coconut oil; agroindustry; capacity production planning.
The most popular inventory model to determine production lot size is Economic Production Quantity... more The most popular inventory model to determine production lot size is Economic Production Quantity (EPQ). It shows enterprise how to minimize total production cost by reducing inventory cost. But, three main parameters in EPQ which are demand, machine set up cost, and holding cost, are not suitable to solve issues nowadays. When enterprise has two types of demand, continue and discrete demand, the basic EPQ would be no longer useful. Demand continue comes from customer who wants their needs to be fullfilled everytime per unit time, while fullfillment of demand descrete is at a fixed interval of time. Literature review is done by writers to observe other formulation of EPQ model. As there is no other research can be found which adopt this topic, this study try to develop EPQ model considering two types of demand simoultaneously.
Papers by nurike oktavia
Keywords: decision support system; feasible investment; virgin coconut oil; agroindustry; capacity production planning.
Keywords: decision support system; feasible investment; virgin coconut oil; agroindustry; capacity production planning.