The purpose of this mini-research is to find out the use of learning media for Android-based Acqu... more The purpose of this mini-research is to find out the use of learning media for Android-based Acquired Knowledge Systems Inc. (AKSI) applications can improve accounting learning achievement in students of class XII Accounting class of Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan University, Post-secondary (AKL 1 SMK N 1 Kebumen). This research is qualitative. Data collection techniques include interviews, observation, and documentation analysis. The data analysis technique used qualitative descriptive analysis, including data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The study findings are as follows. 1) The teachers' observations about using learning media for Android-based AKSI applications in learning activities indicate that they have implemented the learning process well. 2) The results of interviews with students have shown that: a) the learning process using the Android-based AKSI application media has been implemented well; b) student motivation has increased so that students feel their value increases. 3) The results of the analysis of the value documentation indicate an increase in accounting learning achievement by students, namely, a) before the use of teaching media Android-based AKSI applications are an average of class 66 with students who complete grades above Minimum Completeness Criteria (MCC) 16, b) after the use of learning media android-based AKSI Applications the average quality achieved by 75 with students who scored above MCC 23, then increased again the grade average value to 79 with students who achieved grades above MCC to 26.
The purpose of this PKM activity is for the resulting product to have a wider market, so that the... more The purpose of this PKM activity is for the resulting product to have a wider market, so that the Product has a brand and pirt permit so that it can be marketed to the supermarket, so that the resulting product has an elegant packaging and attracts consumers to buy the product and the resulting product has a better quality is not easily musty, oily and melempem. The methods used are superstition, training, mentoring and evaluation. From the results of this activity obtained the quality of the product no longer smells musty, not greasy and does not melt because it uses a spiner machine and impulse sealer. PKM partners already have packaging and brand products and household industrial products (PIRT) numbers so that products can have a wider market, one of which is supermarkets. To be able to obtain pirt number PKM partners must follow the training conducted by the Pekanbaru Health Office. Participants will get a certificate of counseling and then for health center.
Being an entrepreneur, working alone, managing, managing, and being responsible for the business,... more Being an entrepreneur, working alone, managing, managing, and being responsible for the business, offers great personal challenges because individuals work with others, prefer to be employees, and work for others. The milineal era is now the time for young people to have creative and innovative thinking, with this background, it is necessary to conduct research on the factors that influence entrepreneurial interest (case study of youth farmer groups in Makmur Okura village, Rumbai Coastal District. This study aims to determine the factors that influence interest in entrepreneurship in the group of farmers in the prosperous village of Okura, Rumbai Peisisr District. The population in this study were all members of the youth farmer groups in Makmur Okura Village, Rumbai Pesisir sub-district. As for data collection techniques using questionnaires, documentation, interviews. The analytical method used is multiple linear regression. The results of this study, that Self-Esteem, Personal Challenges, Desire to Become the Boss, Innovation, Leadership, Flexibility, Finance, and the Environment together (simultaneously) have a significant effect on Entrepreneurial Interest. This is indicated by the F test with a significance level of 0,000 <0.05 and a calculated F value of 2.046> 2.040, which means H1 is accepted H0 is rejected. In this study shows the value of R Square of 0.438 or 43.8%, meaning that the eight variables (X) contributed 43.8% to the variable (Y). Partially the results of the study show that Self-Esteem (X1), personal challenges (X2), desire to be bosses (X3), flexibility (X6), and environment (X8) partially have significant and positive influence on entrepreneurial interest, while for the innovation variable (X4), Leadership (X5) and finance (X7) have a negative and significant influence on entrepreneurial interest, which means lack of innovation, decreased leadership, and lack of finance in this case affect the decline of entrepreneurial interest in the youth groups of farmers in the village of Makmur, Rumbai Pesisir District.
Melalui program Ipteks bagi Masyarakat (IbM) Kemenristekdikti 2017, tim PPM Universitas Lancang K... more Melalui program Ipteks bagi Masyarakat (IbM) Kemenristekdikti 2017, tim PPM Universitas Lancang Kuning telah membantu kelompok tani sari buah dan ladang sari dalam peningkatan pendapatannya.Usaha kedua kelompok mitra tersebut memproduksi olahan kerupuk dan awal mulanya kedua usaha kelompok mitra tersebut berproduksi secara konvensional, kemasannya tidak menarik serta tidak memiliki izin produksi sebagai usaha kecil rumahan. Tujuan dan target PPM ini adalah kelompok mitra dapat menjadi lebih kreatif , inovatif serta dapat membantu masyarakat terutama bagi ibu ibu rumah tangga yang ada didalam kelompok mitra mampu meningkatan pendapatannya melalui diversifikasi produk olahannya,membuat kemasan menjadi menarik, serta adanya izin Produksi Pangan Industri Rumah Tangga (PPIRT). Metode yang digunakan dengan pelatihan , konseling manajemen usaha , membuat desain kemasan, serta mengurus PPIRT. Hasil dari PPM adalah produk yang dihasilkan oleh kelompok mitra memiliki nama produk , nomor PPIRT serta kemasan yang lebih menarik untuk dapat dipasarkan ke minimarket, dengan peningkatan omzet penjualan hampir 50%.
Saham sebagai salah satu instrumen aset keuangan diperdagangkan oleh perusahaan dalam pasar modal... more Saham sebagai salah satu instrumen aset keuangan diperdagangkan oleh perusahaan dalam pasar modal yang merupakan wadah jual beli instrumen keuangan jangka panjang. Disamping itu, pasar modal merupakan salah satu fasilitas untuk menyalurkan dana dari investor kepada peusahaan. Dengan menginvestasikan kelebihan dana yang dimiliki, investor berharap mendapatkan imbalan dari penyerahan dana tersebut. Investasi adalah komitmen atas sejumlah dana atau sumber daya lainnya yang dilakukan dengan tujuan memperoleh sejumlah keuntungan sesuai dengan yang diharapkan. Oleh karena itu, sebelum melakukan keputusan investasi, investor perlu melihat dan menganalisa laporan keuangan perusahaan yang bersangkutan. Pada prinsipnya, semakin baik perusahaan dalam menghasilkan keuntungan, maka akan meningkatkan pula harga saham. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh rasio keuangan yang diwakili oleh Return On Asset (ROA), Return On Equity (ROE), dan Economic Value Added (EVA), terhadap harga saham seara parsial maupun simultan. Sampel dari penelitian ini yaitu perusahaan-perusahan batubara yang terdaftar di BEI selama periode 2010-2012. Untuk mengetahui pengaruh rasio profitabilitas (ROA, ROE), dan EVA terhadap harga saham, penulis menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif dan analisis kuantitatif dengan menggunakan regresi linier berganda. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Return On Asset (ROA) berpengaruh signifikan terhadap harga saham, sedangkan Return on Equity (ROE) berpengaruh negatif signifikan terhadap harga saham. Economic Value Added (EVA) tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap harga saham. Kata Kunci : Return On Asset, Return On Equity, Economic Value Added , dan harga saham
This study is a literature study that aims to analyze the relevance of the concept of education i... more This study is a literature study that aims to analyze the relevance of the concept of education in higher education based on local excellence to development and economic growth in Riau. To analyze the concept of education in universities in reducing unemployment in Riau. To analyze the concept of education in higher education based on local excellence for regional development in Riau. The result of this study is that the concept of education based on local excellence only reaches the level of primary and secondary education. The concept of education can be directed to the concept of education based on local excellence. So far, universities in Riau have only included Entrepreneurship Education (EE) courses into the curriculum and implemented the independent campus program issued by the government.
This study is the extension of the previous studies about the benefits of schooling, which emphas... more This study is the extension of the previous studies about the benefits of schooling, which emphasizes on the married women in Indonesia. Previous research found that the return on education of the married women is declining when the level of education increases. It needs more assessment since there are some unobserved variables which are potential to explain the return on schooling. This research is important since their involvement in labor markets is increasing. This study uses 2014 Susenas data to calculate and analyze the return on schooling for the married women. It will use the Mincerian model, adding more variables to the model such as control variable are characteristics individual variable, household characteristics and job characteristics husband of respondents. The hypothesis is that the marriage provides higher returns if the externalities due to marriage is valued. Externality (impact) because the variable of marriage significantly influences the return of female labor. Indonesia aged 15-64 years are: Number of children under five, education of respondents as well as husbands, respondent's working hours and husbands, main workers / respondent professionals, Respondent's work sector or husband, respondent's education level and husband, Age of first married respondent, married long Positive and negative externalities (impacts) affect return to education.
This preliminary studies aimed to examine potency the area to explore as ecotourism base tropical... more This preliminary studies aimed to examine potency the area to explore as ecotourism base tropical forest, coastal area, agrotourisme and cuotural tourism. Thestudy indicates that the concession has the potential to be an ecotourism area, which contributes to companies, governments and communities. Tourism objects include 1) tropical forest; Sumatran tiger conservation area, primate habitat area (gibbon, ungko, monkey), bird habitat (hornbill, punai, bayan, magpie, parrots), tropical forest biodiversity, tropical forest bee farming, tropical forest nursery area, traditional forest harvesting method etc. 2) coastal area; biodiversity of mangrove forest, biodiversity of coastal biota, wild crocodile viewing, tourism of fireflies, mangrove forest walk, planting mangrove activities, mangrove nursery, fishing etc. 3) The agroforestry and silvofishery programs of the company will contribute to the ecotourism program. Agroforestry objects include; viewing agrucutural area, planting, harvesting, cooking and eating some tropical fruit. Silvofishery objects are; viewing shrimp and fish pond area, harvesting, cooking and eating shrimp and some fishes. In addition, local culture can be part of the tourism object, among others; culinary tour, art and culture community presentation, and Malay kampong culture.
This research was conducted to see how the company's financial condition before and after the lau... more This research was conducted to see how the company's financial condition before and after the launch of the satellite. Where for Bank Rakyat Indonesia, Tbk, one of the strategies used is to invest in technology, namely by launching a satellite called BRIsat. With the launch of BRISat, it can help BRI in providing the best service. And also by having its own satellite, BRI can expand its service coverage to remote areas and maximize services. In its development, of course, it is hoped that there will be differences in the company's performance before and after the launch of the satellite. From the results of testing 9 hypotheses using SPSS, only 4 hypothesis tests were accepted. Namely on the variables ROE, BOPO, CAR, and DER. The other variables are QR, LDR, LAR, ROA, and NPM variables whose test results are not accepted. So it can be concluded as a whole that BRI's technology investment through BRISat has the most influence on bank management in managing capital, the efficiency of a bank's management performance and bank distribution in carrying out its operational activities, affects the adequacy of a bank's capital, and affects debt and equity.
Bantan District is one of the rice-producing areas in the Bengkalis archipelago, with an area of ... more Bantan District is one of the rice-producing areas in the Bengkalis archipelago, with an area of 49,500 (ha), an area planted with rice of 1,425 (ha) and a total harvest of 5,785 tons based on data from the Bengkalis district agriculture service in 2012. So that the potential for grain or morning husks produced is also very large and so far only sold in the form of ordinary husks, this should be used as roasted husks which have a higher selling value. For this reason, coaching is needed in making roasted husks so that it becomes a product that has a high selling value, because the market is also high in Bengkalis. This roasted husk can be used as a mixture of soil in polybags so that it is fertile and loose. As well as used for plantation crops in the fields.
ADPEBI International Journal of Business and Social Science
Objectives – The article aims to analyze whether the Economic Transformation carried out by Indon... more Objectives – The article aims to analyze whether the Economic Transformation carried out by Indonesia will be able to get Indonesia out of the Middle Income Trap (MIT). And whether through economic transformation is able to realize a Golden Indonesia 2045. Methodology- In this study, the method used is descriptive and literature study where in descriptive analysis data and information will be displayed by comparing several countries that were originally included in middle-income countries such as Malaysia, China and Thailand as well as high-income countries such as Japan and South Korea. The data and information collected are taken from 1970-2021 from various sources. In this study, the method used is descriptive and literature study where in descriptive analysis data and information will be displayed by comparing several countries that were originally included in middle-income countries such as Malaysia, China and Thailand as well as high-income countries such as Japan and South Ko...
Dengan berbagai alat pendeteksi kebangkrutan menghasilkan bermacam model prediksi kebangkrutan ya... more Dengan berbagai alat pendeteksi kebangkrutan menghasilkan bermacam model prediksi kebangkrutan yang berguna untuk perbaikan serta mengantisipasi terjadinya kebangkrutan. Alat pendeteksi kebangrutan yang digunakan yaitu model Altman Z-Score, Analisis kebangkrutan tersebut dikenal karena caranya yang mudah dipahami serta keakuratan dalam menentukan prediksi kebangkrutan pun cukup akurat. Meningkatnya aktivitas pada industri properti dapat dijadikan petunjuk mulai membaiknya atau bangkitnya kembali kegiatan ekonomi. Hal ini dapat dilihat ketika semakin meningkat permintaan produk properti. early warning system yang bisa mendeteksi potensi kebangkrutan sejak awal, manajemen akan sangat terbantu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis Financial Distress pada PT. Binakarya Jaya Abadi Tbk. Perusahaan ini bergerak dalam bidang Property and Real Estate. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan yaitu metode deskriptif dengan menggunakan model Altman Z-Score. Dengan menggunakan da...
PEKBIS ( Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi Dan Bisnis ), Apr 25, 2019
The Aneka Rasa Krupuk effort of Sari buah group is a farmer group business located in the Lembah ... more The Aneka Rasa Krupuk effort of Sari buah group is a farmer group business located in the Lembah Sari area of Rumbai Peisisir District, which all members consist of housewives who make home-based business such as snack making. Sari buah Farmer Group is chaired by Mrs. Sutarti who makes processed sweet potato crackers and banana crackers, the processed can only be marketed or based on one's order. In the way of farmers group effort conventionally and manually, starting from production process until its sale. Every day the farmer group always produce in large quantity but, in the planning of sale not yet arranged well and not yet have good profit plan, this is found at the time of preliminary survey, hence the required analysis of Break Even Point. Break even point analysis is a matter of concern in company management as it is part of cost analysis. Sales volume, profit. The purpose of research to know the break even point as profit planning, while the type and source of data using secondary data, secondary data can be obtained from the record of costs, sales, through documents owned by farmer group sari buah. Metode research with the method of calculating break even point in mathematically using both units in Rupiah and in Units. Based on data analysis conducted at farmer group Sari buah of Lembah sari sub district of Rumbai Pesisir, hence the conclusion that determining break Eve Point (BEP) for every company, including small industry is one of the planning that need to be done by business owner. to achieve a break even point of sale in rupiah production of krupuk group of sari buah farmers must be able to sell the same product with Rp. 19,647,000 in each month or more of the sale. And to reach a unit that can be sold to cracker yam group sari buah farms do not suffer losses, it must be able to sell 767 kg in each month.
Tujuan jangka panjang dalam penelitian ini adalah menganalisis Pembangunan Ketenagakerjaan di Pro... more Tujuan jangka panjang dalam penelitian ini adalah menganalisis Pembangunan Ketenagakerjaan di Provinsi Riau. Menganalisis Indeks Ketenagakerjaan di Provinsi Riau. Memberikan saran untuk kebijakan pembangunan ketenagakerjaan, baik untuk daerah maupun untuk Provinsi dalam hal ini melalui berbagai kebijakan ketenagakerjaan. Tujuan khusus yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah: Perlu adanya stimulasi yang mampu mendorong pertumbuhan pembangunanan ketenagekerjaan khususnya penyediaan lapangan kerja, peningkatan daya beli dan mengurangi tingkat pengangguran.Perlu adanya pola pengaturan untuk pembangunanan ketenagakerjaan agar dapat berkembang menjadi lebih baik sehingga mampu mengatasi masalah ketenagekerjaan di Provinsi Riau.Agar adanya campur tangan pemerintah dalam pembangunan ketenagakerjaan sehingga dapat mengurangi pengangguran. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisa deskriptif kualitatif yaitu melalui: Tahap pertama untuk menganalisis pembangunaan ketenag...
bentuk plagiarisme dan penyalahgunaan hak kekayaan intelektual akibat diterbitkannya paper pengab... more bentuk plagiarisme dan penyalahgunaan hak kekayaan intelektual akibat diterbitkannya paper pengabdian masyarakat ini sepenuhnya menjadi tanggung jawab penulis.
ADPEBI International Journal of Business and Social Science
The purpose of this study is to see the relationship between fiscal decentralization and unemploy... more The purpose of this study is to see the relationship between fiscal decentralization and unemployment in Indonesia, in this study uses panel data from 2017-2021. Where the results show that fiscal decentralization has a relationship with unemployment, but on the other hand, the level of civility and regional dependence to reduce unemployment has a negative impact, but the allocation of APBD funds is by existing regulations but still needs supervision from the central government and the area itself. Each region should seek to increase investment to reduce unemployment so that it can create jobs.
ADPEBI International Journal of Business and Social Science
The existence of a waste processing site is very urgent because what is currently happening is a ... more The existence of a waste processing site is very urgent because what is currently happening is a landfill that accumulates waste. Then there was the waste bank as one of the waste processing sites in Pematang Pudu Village, Mandau District, Bengkalis Regency. But it has not been able to optimally manage waste, where the population of Mandau District is 150,806 people while Pematang Pudu Village is 29,986 people and the potential for waste is 15 tons per day. So far, only 0.5 tons of waste banks can manage per day. So it is necessary to make a breakthrough by building TPS3R which has a larger capacity, at least 2 tons per day. This capacity can continue to be developed and be able to create job opportunities for the community.
The study aims to analyze regional financial independence, regional financial capabilities, and t... more The study aims to analyze regional financial independence, regional financial capabilities, and their impact on economic growth in Riau province. To analyze it, it uses the calculation of the ratio of financial independence and the ratio of regional financial capabilities and uses the degree of fiscal decentralization, while the economic growth rate uses the PDRB of Riau province. Data was used in 2017-2022 with data processing using the Stata 15 application. From the analysis, the level of financial independence in Riau province for 2017-2019 is very low with an instructive relationship pattern, meaning that the central government is dominant in financial independence when compared to the role of the Riau provincial government itself. In 2020-2022, the ratio of financial independence of the Riau province is low with a pattern of constructive relations, meaning that the role of the central government is slightly reduced and the role of the central government, in this case, is only a...
The purpose of this mini-research is to find out the use of learning media for Android-based Acqu... more The purpose of this mini-research is to find out the use of learning media for Android-based Acquired Knowledge Systems Inc. (AKSI) applications can improve accounting learning achievement in students of class XII Accounting class of Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan University, Post-secondary (AKL 1 SMK N 1 Kebumen). This research is qualitative. Data collection techniques include interviews, observation, and documentation analysis. The data analysis technique used qualitative descriptive analysis, including data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The study findings are as follows. 1) The teachers' observations about using learning media for Android-based AKSI applications in learning activities indicate that they have implemented the learning process well. 2) The results of interviews with students have shown that: a) the learning process using the Android-based AKSI application media has been implemented well; b) student motivation has increased so that students feel their value increases. 3) The results of the analysis of the value documentation indicate an increase in accounting learning achievement by students, namely, a) before the use of teaching media Android-based AKSI applications are an average of class 66 with students who complete grades above Minimum Completeness Criteria (MCC) 16, b) after the use of learning media android-based AKSI Applications the average quality achieved by 75 with students who scored above MCC 23, then increased again the grade average value to 79 with students who achieved grades above MCC to 26.
The purpose of this PKM activity is for the resulting product to have a wider market, so that the... more The purpose of this PKM activity is for the resulting product to have a wider market, so that the Product has a brand and pirt permit so that it can be marketed to the supermarket, so that the resulting product has an elegant packaging and attracts consumers to buy the product and the resulting product has a better quality is not easily musty, oily and melempem. The methods used are superstition, training, mentoring and evaluation. From the results of this activity obtained the quality of the product no longer smells musty, not greasy and does not melt because it uses a spiner machine and impulse sealer. PKM partners already have packaging and brand products and household industrial products (PIRT) numbers so that products can have a wider market, one of which is supermarkets. To be able to obtain pirt number PKM partners must follow the training conducted by the Pekanbaru Health Office. Participants will get a certificate of counseling and then for health center.
Being an entrepreneur, working alone, managing, managing, and being responsible for the business,... more Being an entrepreneur, working alone, managing, managing, and being responsible for the business, offers great personal challenges because individuals work with others, prefer to be employees, and work for others. The milineal era is now the time for young people to have creative and innovative thinking, with this background, it is necessary to conduct research on the factors that influence entrepreneurial interest (case study of youth farmer groups in Makmur Okura village, Rumbai Coastal District. This study aims to determine the factors that influence interest in entrepreneurship in the group of farmers in the prosperous village of Okura, Rumbai Peisisr District. The population in this study were all members of the youth farmer groups in Makmur Okura Village, Rumbai Pesisir sub-district. As for data collection techniques using questionnaires, documentation, interviews. The analytical method used is multiple linear regression. The results of this study, that Self-Esteem, Personal Challenges, Desire to Become the Boss, Innovation, Leadership, Flexibility, Finance, and the Environment together (simultaneously) have a significant effect on Entrepreneurial Interest. This is indicated by the F test with a significance level of 0,000 <0.05 and a calculated F value of 2.046> 2.040, which means H1 is accepted H0 is rejected. In this study shows the value of R Square of 0.438 or 43.8%, meaning that the eight variables (X) contributed 43.8% to the variable (Y). Partially the results of the study show that Self-Esteem (X1), personal challenges (X2), desire to be bosses (X3), flexibility (X6), and environment (X8) partially have significant and positive influence on entrepreneurial interest, while for the innovation variable (X4), Leadership (X5) and finance (X7) have a negative and significant influence on entrepreneurial interest, which means lack of innovation, decreased leadership, and lack of finance in this case affect the decline of entrepreneurial interest in the youth groups of farmers in the village of Makmur, Rumbai Pesisir District.
Melalui program Ipteks bagi Masyarakat (IbM) Kemenristekdikti 2017, tim PPM Universitas Lancang K... more Melalui program Ipteks bagi Masyarakat (IbM) Kemenristekdikti 2017, tim PPM Universitas Lancang Kuning telah membantu kelompok tani sari buah dan ladang sari dalam peningkatan pendapatannya.Usaha kedua kelompok mitra tersebut memproduksi olahan kerupuk dan awal mulanya kedua usaha kelompok mitra tersebut berproduksi secara konvensional, kemasannya tidak menarik serta tidak memiliki izin produksi sebagai usaha kecil rumahan. Tujuan dan target PPM ini adalah kelompok mitra dapat menjadi lebih kreatif , inovatif serta dapat membantu masyarakat terutama bagi ibu ibu rumah tangga yang ada didalam kelompok mitra mampu meningkatan pendapatannya melalui diversifikasi produk olahannya,membuat kemasan menjadi menarik, serta adanya izin Produksi Pangan Industri Rumah Tangga (PPIRT). Metode yang digunakan dengan pelatihan , konseling manajemen usaha , membuat desain kemasan, serta mengurus PPIRT. Hasil dari PPM adalah produk yang dihasilkan oleh kelompok mitra memiliki nama produk , nomor PPIRT serta kemasan yang lebih menarik untuk dapat dipasarkan ke minimarket, dengan peningkatan omzet penjualan hampir 50%.
Saham sebagai salah satu instrumen aset keuangan diperdagangkan oleh perusahaan dalam pasar modal... more Saham sebagai salah satu instrumen aset keuangan diperdagangkan oleh perusahaan dalam pasar modal yang merupakan wadah jual beli instrumen keuangan jangka panjang. Disamping itu, pasar modal merupakan salah satu fasilitas untuk menyalurkan dana dari investor kepada peusahaan. Dengan menginvestasikan kelebihan dana yang dimiliki, investor berharap mendapatkan imbalan dari penyerahan dana tersebut. Investasi adalah komitmen atas sejumlah dana atau sumber daya lainnya yang dilakukan dengan tujuan memperoleh sejumlah keuntungan sesuai dengan yang diharapkan. Oleh karena itu, sebelum melakukan keputusan investasi, investor perlu melihat dan menganalisa laporan keuangan perusahaan yang bersangkutan. Pada prinsipnya, semakin baik perusahaan dalam menghasilkan keuntungan, maka akan meningkatkan pula harga saham. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh rasio keuangan yang diwakili oleh Return On Asset (ROA), Return On Equity (ROE), dan Economic Value Added (EVA), terhadap harga saham seara parsial maupun simultan. Sampel dari penelitian ini yaitu perusahaan-perusahan batubara yang terdaftar di BEI selama periode 2010-2012. Untuk mengetahui pengaruh rasio profitabilitas (ROA, ROE), dan EVA terhadap harga saham, penulis menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif dan analisis kuantitatif dengan menggunakan regresi linier berganda. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Return On Asset (ROA) berpengaruh signifikan terhadap harga saham, sedangkan Return on Equity (ROE) berpengaruh negatif signifikan terhadap harga saham. Economic Value Added (EVA) tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap harga saham. Kata Kunci : Return On Asset, Return On Equity, Economic Value Added , dan harga saham
This study is a literature study that aims to analyze the relevance of the concept of education i... more This study is a literature study that aims to analyze the relevance of the concept of education in higher education based on local excellence to development and economic growth in Riau. To analyze the concept of education in universities in reducing unemployment in Riau. To analyze the concept of education in higher education based on local excellence for regional development in Riau. The result of this study is that the concept of education based on local excellence only reaches the level of primary and secondary education. The concept of education can be directed to the concept of education based on local excellence. So far, universities in Riau have only included Entrepreneurship Education (EE) courses into the curriculum and implemented the independent campus program issued by the government.
This study is the extension of the previous studies about the benefits of schooling, which emphas... more This study is the extension of the previous studies about the benefits of schooling, which emphasizes on the married women in Indonesia. Previous research found that the return on education of the married women is declining when the level of education increases. It needs more assessment since there are some unobserved variables which are potential to explain the return on schooling. This research is important since their involvement in labor markets is increasing. This study uses 2014 Susenas data to calculate and analyze the return on schooling for the married women. It will use the Mincerian model, adding more variables to the model such as control variable are characteristics individual variable, household characteristics and job characteristics husband of respondents. The hypothesis is that the marriage provides higher returns if the externalities due to marriage is valued. Externality (impact) because the variable of marriage significantly influences the return of female labor. Indonesia aged 15-64 years are: Number of children under five, education of respondents as well as husbands, respondent's working hours and husbands, main workers / respondent professionals, Respondent's work sector or husband, respondent's education level and husband, Age of first married respondent, married long Positive and negative externalities (impacts) affect return to education.
This preliminary studies aimed to examine potency the area to explore as ecotourism base tropical... more This preliminary studies aimed to examine potency the area to explore as ecotourism base tropical forest, coastal area, agrotourisme and cuotural tourism. Thestudy indicates that the concession has the potential to be an ecotourism area, which contributes to companies, governments and communities. Tourism objects include 1) tropical forest; Sumatran tiger conservation area, primate habitat area (gibbon, ungko, monkey), bird habitat (hornbill, punai, bayan, magpie, parrots), tropical forest biodiversity, tropical forest bee farming, tropical forest nursery area, traditional forest harvesting method etc. 2) coastal area; biodiversity of mangrove forest, biodiversity of coastal biota, wild crocodile viewing, tourism of fireflies, mangrove forest walk, planting mangrove activities, mangrove nursery, fishing etc. 3) The agroforestry and silvofishery programs of the company will contribute to the ecotourism program. Agroforestry objects include; viewing agrucutural area, planting, harvesting, cooking and eating some tropical fruit. Silvofishery objects are; viewing shrimp and fish pond area, harvesting, cooking and eating shrimp and some fishes. In addition, local culture can be part of the tourism object, among others; culinary tour, art and culture community presentation, and Malay kampong culture.
This research was conducted to see how the company's financial condition before and after the lau... more This research was conducted to see how the company's financial condition before and after the launch of the satellite. Where for Bank Rakyat Indonesia, Tbk, one of the strategies used is to invest in technology, namely by launching a satellite called BRIsat. With the launch of BRISat, it can help BRI in providing the best service. And also by having its own satellite, BRI can expand its service coverage to remote areas and maximize services. In its development, of course, it is hoped that there will be differences in the company's performance before and after the launch of the satellite. From the results of testing 9 hypotheses using SPSS, only 4 hypothesis tests were accepted. Namely on the variables ROE, BOPO, CAR, and DER. The other variables are QR, LDR, LAR, ROA, and NPM variables whose test results are not accepted. So it can be concluded as a whole that BRI's technology investment through BRISat has the most influence on bank management in managing capital, the efficiency of a bank's management performance and bank distribution in carrying out its operational activities, affects the adequacy of a bank's capital, and affects debt and equity.
Bantan District is one of the rice-producing areas in the Bengkalis archipelago, with an area of ... more Bantan District is one of the rice-producing areas in the Bengkalis archipelago, with an area of 49,500 (ha), an area planted with rice of 1,425 (ha) and a total harvest of 5,785 tons based on data from the Bengkalis district agriculture service in 2012. So that the potential for grain or morning husks produced is also very large and so far only sold in the form of ordinary husks, this should be used as roasted husks which have a higher selling value. For this reason, coaching is needed in making roasted husks so that it becomes a product that has a high selling value, because the market is also high in Bengkalis. This roasted husk can be used as a mixture of soil in polybags so that it is fertile and loose. As well as used for plantation crops in the fields.
ADPEBI International Journal of Business and Social Science
Objectives – The article aims to analyze whether the Economic Transformation carried out by Indon... more Objectives – The article aims to analyze whether the Economic Transformation carried out by Indonesia will be able to get Indonesia out of the Middle Income Trap (MIT). And whether through economic transformation is able to realize a Golden Indonesia 2045. Methodology- In this study, the method used is descriptive and literature study where in descriptive analysis data and information will be displayed by comparing several countries that were originally included in middle-income countries such as Malaysia, China and Thailand as well as high-income countries such as Japan and South Korea. The data and information collected are taken from 1970-2021 from various sources. In this study, the method used is descriptive and literature study where in descriptive analysis data and information will be displayed by comparing several countries that were originally included in middle-income countries such as Malaysia, China and Thailand as well as high-income countries such as Japan and South Ko...
Dengan berbagai alat pendeteksi kebangkrutan menghasilkan bermacam model prediksi kebangkrutan ya... more Dengan berbagai alat pendeteksi kebangkrutan menghasilkan bermacam model prediksi kebangkrutan yang berguna untuk perbaikan serta mengantisipasi terjadinya kebangkrutan. Alat pendeteksi kebangrutan yang digunakan yaitu model Altman Z-Score, Analisis kebangkrutan tersebut dikenal karena caranya yang mudah dipahami serta keakuratan dalam menentukan prediksi kebangkrutan pun cukup akurat. Meningkatnya aktivitas pada industri properti dapat dijadikan petunjuk mulai membaiknya atau bangkitnya kembali kegiatan ekonomi. Hal ini dapat dilihat ketika semakin meningkat permintaan produk properti. early warning system yang bisa mendeteksi potensi kebangkrutan sejak awal, manajemen akan sangat terbantu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis Financial Distress pada PT. Binakarya Jaya Abadi Tbk. Perusahaan ini bergerak dalam bidang Property and Real Estate. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan yaitu metode deskriptif dengan menggunakan model Altman Z-Score. Dengan menggunakan da...
PEKBIS ( Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi Dan Bisnis ), Apr 25, 2019
The Aneka Rasa Krupuk effort of Sari buah group is a farmer group business located in the Lembah ... more The Aneka Rasa Krupuk effort of Sari buah group is a farmer group business located in the Lembah Sari area of Rumbai Peisisir District, which all members consist of housewives who make home-based business such as snack making. Sari buah Farmer Group is chaired by Mrs. Sutarti who makes processed sweet potato crackers and banana crackers, the processed can only be marketed or based on one's order. In the way of farmers group effort conventionally and manually, starting from production process until its sale. Every day the farmer group always produce in large quantity but, in the planning of sale not yet arranged well and not yet have good profit plan, this is found at the time of preliminary survey, hence the required analysis of Break Even Point. Break even point analysis is a matter of concern in company management as it is part of cost analysis. Sales volume, profit. The purpose of research to know the break even point as profit planning, while the type and source of data using secondary data, secondary data can be obtained from the record of costs, sales, through documents owned by farmer group sari buah. Metode research with the method of calculating break even point in mathematically using both units in Rupiah and in Units. Based on data analysis conducted at farmer group Sari buah of Lembah sari sub district of Rumbai Pesisir, hence the conclusion that determining break Eve Point (BEP) for every company, including small industry is one of the planning that need to be done by business owner. to achieve a break even point of sale in rupiah production of krupuk group of sari buah farmers must be able to sell the same product with Rp. 19,647,000 in each month or more of the sale. And to reach a unit that can be sold to cracker yam group sari buah farms do not suffer losses, it must be able to sell 767 kg in each month.
Tujuan jangka panjang dalam penelitian ini adalah menganalisis Pembangunan Ketenagakerjaan di Pro... more Tujuan jangka panjang dalam penelitian ini adalah menganalisis Pembangunan Ketenagakerjaan di Provinsi Riau. Menganalisis Indeks Ketenagakerjaan di Provinsi Riau. Memberikan saran untuk kebijakan pembangunan ketenagakerjaan, baik untuk daerah maupun untuk Provinsi dalam hal ini melalui berbagai kebijakan ketenagakerjaan. Tujuan khusus yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah: Perlu adanya stimulasi yang mampu mendorong pertumbuhan pembangunanan ketenagekerjaan khususnya penyediaan lapangan kerja, peningkatan daya beli dan mengurangi tingkat pengangguran.Perlu adanya pola pengaturan untuk pembangunanan ketenagakerjaan agar dapat berkembang menjadi lebih baik sehingga mampu mengatasi masalah ketenagekerjaan di Provinsi Riau.Agar adanya campur tangan pemerintah dalam pembangunan ketenagakerjaan sehingga dapat mengurangi pengangguran. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisa deskriptif kualitatif yaitu melalui: Tahap pertama untuk menganalisis pembangunaan ketenag...
bentuk plagiarisme dan penyalahgunaan hak kekayaan intelektual akibat diterbitkannya paper pengab... more bentuk plagiarisme dan penyalahgunaan hak kekayaan intelektual akibat diterbitkannya paper pengabdian masyarakat ini sepenuhnya menjadi tanggung jawab penulis.
ADPEBI International Journal of Business and Social Science
The purpose of this study is to see the relationship between fiscal decentralization and unemploy... more The purpose of this study is to see the relationship between fiscal decentralization and unemployment in Indonesia, in this study uses panel data from 2017-2021. Where the results show that fiscal decentralization has a relationship with unemployment, but on the other hand, the level of civility and regional dependence to reduce unemployment has a negative impact, but the allocation of APBD funds is by existing regulations but still needs supervision from the central government and the area itself. Each region should seek to increase investment to reduce unemployment so that it can create jobs.
ADPEBI International Journal of Business and Social Science
The existence of a waste processing site is very urgent because what is currently happening is a ... more The existence of a waste processing site is very urgent because what is currently happening is a landfill that accumulates waste. Then there was the waste bank as one of the waste processing sites in Pematang Pudu Village, Mandau District, Bengkalis Regency. But it has not been able to optimally manage waste, where the population of Mandau District is 150,806 people while Pematang Pudu Village is 29,986 people and the potential for waste is 15 tons per day. So far, only 0.5 tons of waste banks can manage per day. So it is necessary to make a breakthrough by building TPS3R which has a larger capacity, at least 2 tons per day. This capacity can continue to be developed and be able to create job opportunities for the community.
The study aims to analyze regional financial independence, regional financial capabilities, and t... more The study aims to analyze regional financial independence, regional financial capabilities, and their impact on economic growth in Riau province. To analyze it, it uses the calculation of the ratio of financial independence and the ratio of regional financial capabilities and uses the degree of fiscal decentralization, while the economic growth rate uses the PDRB of Riau province. Data was used in 2017-2022 with data processing using the Stata 15 application. From the analysis, the level of financial independence in Riau province for 2017-2019 is very low with an instructive relationship pattern, meaning that the central government is dominant in financial independence when compared to the role of the Riau provincial government itself. In 2020-2022, the ratio of financial independence of the Riau province is low with a pattern of constructive relations, meaning that the role of the central government is slightly reduced and the role of the central government, in this case, is only a...
Papers by sri maryanti