Papers by Zrinka Kolakovic

Factors contributing to prefixation of biaspectual verbs in Croatian, 2021
One of the distinctive features of Slavic verbs is their aspectual morphology: typically each fin... more One of the distinctive features of Slavic verbs is their aspectual morphology: typically each finite and non-finite form of a verb has a constant aspectual value: either perfective (PFV) or imperfective (IPFV). Nevertheless, in all Slavic languages, besides these prototypical verbs with only one assigned aspectual value, there are also verbs with underspecified aspectual value, usually called biaspectual verbs (BVs). As argued in the literature, on the sentence level such verbs have the potential to express both aspectual values, PFV and IPFV, without any further aspectual affixation. However, some scholars assert that the intended aspectual value of such verbs can rarely be unambiguously signaled. To resolve the ambiguous aspectual value, native speakers often provide additional context signals or derive a new aspectually defined verb to indicate the intended aspectual value. The latter possibility has been addressed in numerous papers, but mainly with the goal of detecting the (most common) prefixes used in this process. This study aimed to examine the patterns behind BV prefixation in Croatian. In order to detect factors with a statistically significant impact on prefixation of BVs in Croatian, a random stratified sample of 237 Croatian BVs (BVs of Slavic origin and biaspectual borrowings) was compiled. The data regarding the existence of perfective derivatives were extracted from three different corpora of contemporary Croatian and one subcorpus: the Croatian National Corpus, the Croatian Language Repository, and the Croatian Web Corpus and its subcorpus Forum, and afterwards analyzed using R software with the help of the lme4 package. The results obtained with the generalized linear mixed model revealed five factors statistically significant for prefixation of BVs in Croatian, which can be attributed to the lexical (semantical), morphological and sociolinguistic domains.
Zeitschrift für Slavische Philologie Jahrgang 74 (2018), Ausgabe 1, 2018

Jezikoslovlje, 2020
Even aspectologists themselves (e.g. Janda 2007a; 2007b; 2008; Zaliznjak et al. 2010; Gorbova 201... more Even aspectologists themselves (e.g. Janda 2007a; 2007b; 2008; Zaliznjak et al. 2010; Gorbova 2011) admit that the term “aspectual pair” is rather notoriously controversial. In the Croatian tradition, its controversiality can perhaps be best observed in the very description of aspectual pairs. On the one hand, the basic criterion for the formation of aspectual pairs is that the verbs in opposition should have identical meanings. On the other hand, the verification process of this lexical identity focuses wholly on the form of the derivative, i.e. its word-formation pattern, and not its lexical content. According to this way of thinking derivatives formed by suffixation (with semelfactive -nu- suffixed derivatives as the exceptions) are considered to be lexically identical with their base verbs. In contrast, it is claimed that prefixation always introduces shifts in lexical meaning, and therefore prefixed derivatives are not considered to be true aspectual pairs of their imperfective base verbs (cf. Silić 1978: 46–49). Following the views of some German aspectologists who predominantly deal with Russian, this paper seeks to show that morphology, i.e. word-formation patterns, cannot be used as the only criterion in the process of verifying semantic equivalence of a (I)PFV derivative and its base verb (cf. Maslov 1948: 305). Accordingly, it considers other criteria, such as the actional properties of verbs (lexical aspect), and complementary sentential and textual aspectual functions (cf. Lehmann 2009a). An additional objective of this paper it to raise awareness that verbs have different actional properties (lexical aspect) and consequently cannot form the same types of opposition (cf. Breu 1980; 1985; 1994; Janda 2007a; 2007b; 2008; Lehmann 1981; 1984; 1988; 2009a). Finally, it attempts to establish all the negative consequences of the morphological approach to aspectual pairs, which still prevails in Croatian linguistics, for aspect as a grammatical category.
XVI международный съезд славистов в Белграде 2018 г. Тематический блок: Модальные предикаты в славянских языках: исторические и актуальные процессы (16 str), 2018
Jazykovedný časopis, 2017
In the paper, we discuss the phenomenon of clitic climbing out of finite
da2-complements in conte... more In the paper, we discuss the phenomenon of clitic climbing out of finite
da2-complements in contemporary Serbian. Scholars’ opinions on the acceptability and occurrence of this construction, based on a handful of self-made examples, vary considerably. Expanding on the assumption that the correctness of the phenomenon has often been denied due to its rareness we employ large corpora to examine the problem. We focus on possible constraints arising from the syntactic properties of clause-embedding predicates.

Due to the complexity of learning in general, as well as second language
learning, it is very im... more Due to the complexity of learning in general, as well as second language
learning, it is very important for language teachers to create a classroom
environment where their students can achieve their maximum during the
given period. The first part of this paper gives an overview of the literature
dealing with the differences between cognitive and learning style, as well as
learning strategies. It was found that learners achieve the best results in
learning when learning circumstances are appropriate to their cognitive and
learning styles. Language learners are found to be influenced by different
methods of learning not only by their cognitive styles, but depending on their
age. Research in SLA associated with the styles and learning strategies did
not confirm that all relevant differentiations for learning in general play an
important role in language learning (e.g. field-dependence research in SLA is
not conclusive). However, findings are useful for language teachers, hence
they should, among other things, be instructed to identify the cognitive style
and learning style typical of their students, to offer them a variety of appropriate activities. Therefore the second and the third part of the paper
offer some basic characteristics of analytic and global cognitive styles, as
well as audio, visual and kinaesthetic learning styles, along with some useful
activities for Croatian L2 learners with each of them.
Rad se bavi e-učenjem hrvatskoga kao inoga jezika, odnosno njegovim pojedinim glotodidaktičkim pr... more Rad se bavi e-učenjem hrvatskoga kao inoga jezika, odnosno njegovim pojedinim glotodidaktičkim principima. U uvodnome se dijelu određuju nazivi novi mediji, informacijske i komunikacijske tehnologije i e-učenje. Zatim se na primjerima različitih oblika e-učenja hrvatskoga jezika raspravlja o izazovima koje e-učenje jezika postavlja pred sudionike nastavnoga procesa, kao i pred stručanjake koji se nastavom bave na teorijskoj razini.
CMLC-5+BigNLP, 2017
Complex linguistic phenomena, such as
Clitic Climbing in Bosnian, Croatian and
Serbian, are oft... more Complex linguistic phenomena, such as
Clitic Climbing in Bosnian, Croatian and
Serbian, are often described intuitively,
only from the perspective of the main tendency.
In this paper, we argue that web
corpora currently offer the best source
of empirical material for studying Clitic
Climbing in BCS. They thus allow the
most accurate description of this phenomenon,
as less frequent constructions
can be tracked only in big, well-annotated
data sources. We compare the properties
of web corpora for BCS with traditional
sources and give examples of studies on
CC based on web corpora. Furthermore,
we discuss problems related to web corpora
and suggest some improvements for
the future.

Lahor, 2013
Prvi dio rada donosi iscrpne povijesne i statističke podatke kojima se u Nje-mačkoj prati iznimno... more Prvi dio rada donosi iscrpne povijesne i statističke podatke kojima se u Nje-mačkoj prati iznimno velika skupina nasljednih govornika, potomaka i samih iseljenika iz zemalja bivše Jugoslavije. Time se nastoji skrenuti pozornost na važnost istraživanja nasljednih jezika te skupine govornika u Njemač-koj te k tomu dobiti sredstvo s pomoću kojega će se moći oblikovati što jasniji i potpuniji okvir za istraživanje formalnih jezičnih struktura nasljed-noga bosanskoga, hrvatskoga i srpskoga jezika govornika druge generacije.U drugome se dijelu rada izlaže taj prvi okvir koji je nastao na temelju re-zultata dobivenih pilot-istraživanjem, odnosno analizom vođenih razgovora i eseja nasljednih govornika u Njemačkoj. Rad još jednom potvrđuje da su za konačni izgled nasljednoga jezika, u ovome slučaju hrvatskoga, bosanskoga i srpskoga, podjednako važna oba čimbenika: jezično nazadovanje i prijenos iz dominantnoga jezika.
Conference presentations by Zrinka Kolakovic
Reviews by Zrinka Kolakovic
Review of Lidija Cvikić (2007) Drugi jezik hrvatski. Zagreb: Profil.
Review of Zsolt Lengyel & Judit Navracsics (2007) Second Language Lexical Processes, London: Mult... more Review of Zsolt Lengyel & Judit Navracsics (2007) Second Language Lexical Processes, London: Multilingual Matters.
Hrvatska matica iseljenika, Sveučilište u Zagrebu i Sveučilišni računski centar (Srce) započeli s... more Hrvatska matica iseljenika, Sveučilište u Zagrebu i Sveučilišni računski centar (Srce) započeli su 2008. godine projekt izrade e-tecaja hrvatskoga jezika za početnu razinu učenja (HiT–1). Na temelju ankete u kojoj je sudjelovalo više od 700 zainteresiranih korisnika utvrđene su potrebe za takvom vrstom tečaja. Promotivni je tečaj održan u proljeće 2011. Redoviti tečajevi počeli su od jeseni 2011.
U Zagrebu je 12. veljače 2008. u prostorijama Ureda za međunarodnu suradnju Sveučilišta u Zagrebu... more U Zagrebu je 12. veljače 2008. u prostorijama Ureda za međunarodnu suradnju Sveučilišta u Zagrebu održan međunarodni znanstveno-stručni kolokvij Položaj hrvatskoga i makedonskoga jezika u obrazovnom sustavu višejezičnih sredina. Na skupu se govorilo o hrvatskome i makedonskome jeziku u odnosu prema drugim službenim i manjinskim jezicima u matičnim državama, o njihovome položaju u obrazovnome sustavu, o poučavanju nastavnika tih jezika kao J2 te o školovanju manjina.
Books by Zrinka Kolakovic

10.5281/zenodo.5792972, 2022
This collective monograph is the first data-oriented, empirical in-depth study of the system of c... more This collective monograph is the first data-oriented, empirical in-depth study of the system of clitics on Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian. It fills the gap between the theoretical and normative literature by including solid data on variation found in dialects and spoken language and obtained from massive Web Corpora and speakers’ acceptability judgements. The authors investigate three primary sources of variation: inventory, placement and morphonological processes. A separate part of the book is dedicated to the phenomenon of clitic climbing, the major challenge for any syntactic theory. The theory of complexity serves as the explanation for the very diverse constraints on clitic climbing established in the empirical studies. It allows to construct a series of hierarchies where the factors relevant for predicting clitic climbing interact with each other. Thus, the study pushes our understanding of clitics away from fine-grained descriptions and syntactic generalisations towards a probabilistic modelling of syntax.
Papers by Zrinka Kolakovic
da2-complements in contemporary Serbian. Scholars’ opinions on the acceptability and occurrence of this construction, based on a handful of self-made examples, vary considerably. Expanding on the assumption that the correctness of the phenomenon has often been denied due to its rareness we employ large corpora to examine the problem. We focus on possible constraints arising from the syntactic properties of clause-embedding predicates.
learning, it is very important for language teachers to create a classroom
environment where their students can achieve their maximum during the
given period. The first part of this paper gives an overview of the literature
dealing with the differences between cognitive and learning style, as well as
learning strategies. It was found that learners achieve the best results in
learning when learning circumstances are appropriate to their cognitive and
learning styles. Language learners are found to be influenced by different
methods of learning not only by their cognitive styles, but depending on their
age. Research in SLA associated with the styles and learning strategies did
not confirm that all relevant differentiations for learning in general play an
important role in language learning (e.g. field-dependence research in SLA is
not conclusive). However, findings are useful for language teachers, hence
they should, among other things, be instructed to identify the cognitive style
and learning style typical of their students, to offer them a variety of appropriate activities. Therefore the second and the third part of the paper
offer some basic characteristics of analytic and global cognitive styles, as
well as audio, visual and kinaesthetic learning styles, along with some useful
activities for Croatian L2 learners with each of them.
Clitic Climbing in Bosnian, Croatian and
Serbian, are often described intuitively,
only from the perspective of the main tendency.
In this paper, we argue that web
corpora currently offer the best source
of empirical material for studying Clitic
Climbing in BCS. They thus allow the
most accurate description of this phenomenon,
as less frequent constructions
can be tracked only in big, well-annotated
data sources. We compare the properties
of web corpora for BCS with traditional
sources and give examples of studies on
CC based on web corpora. Furthermore,
we discuss problems related to web corpora
and suggest some improvements for
the future.
Conference presentations by Zrinka Kolakovic
Reviews by Zrinka Kolakovic
Books by Zrinka Kolakovic
da2-complements in contemporary Serbian. Scholars’ opinions on the acceptability and occurrence of this construction, based on a handful of self-made examples, vary considerably. Expanding on the assumption that the correctness of the phenomenon has often been denied due to its rareness we employ large corpora to examine the problem. We focus on possible constraints arising from the syntactic properties of clause-embedding predicates.
learning, it is very important for language teachers to create a classroom
environment where their students can achieve their maximum during the
given period. The first part of this paper gives an overview of the literature
dealing with the differences between cognitive and learning style, as well as
learning strategies. It was found that learners achieve the best results in
learning when learning circumstances are appropriate to their cognitive and
learning styles. Language learners are found to be influenced by different
methods of learning not only by their cognitive styles, but depending on their
age. Research in SLA associated with the styles and learning strategies did
not confirm that all relevant differentiations for learning in general play an
important role in language learning (e.g. field-dependence research in SLA is
not conclusive). However, findings are useful for language teachers, hence
they should, among other things, be instructed to identify the cognitive style
and learning style typical of their students, to offer them a variety of appropriate activities. Therefore the second and the third part of the paper
offer some basic characteristics of analytic and global cognitive styles, as
well as audio, visual and kinaesthetic learning styles, along with some useful
activities for Croatian L2 learners with each of them.
Clitic Climbing in Bosnian, Croatian and
Serbian, are often described intuitively,
only from the perspective of the main tendency.
In this paper, we argue that web
corpora currently offer the best source
of empirical material for studying Clitic
Climbing in BCS. They thus allow the
most accurate description of this phenomenon,
as less frequent constructions
can be tracked only in big, well-annotated
data sources. We compare the properties
of web corpora for BCS with traditional
sources and give examples of studies on
CC based on web corpora. Furthermore,
we discuss problems related to web corpora
and suggest some improvements for
the future.