Papers by Sergio Muratore
Rivista Italiana di Ornitologia - Research in Ornithology, 93 (1): 65-66, 2023
This short report describes two cases of predation carried out by Merlin Falco columbarius in ope... more This short report describes two cases of predation carried out by Merlin Falco columbarius in open sea, highlighting the ability of this species to feed during active migration.
Alula, 2023
Late record of Red-breasted Flycatcher Ficedula parva on Ventotene Island (LT). On 5 and 6 Decemb... more Late record of Red-breasted Flycatcher Ficedula parva on Ventotene Island (LT). On 5 and 6 December 2018, a juvenile Red-breasted Flycatcher was observed on Ventotene island (LT). The record is one of the few in December in Italy.
Wetlands Ecology and Management, 2023
We compared a set of uni-varied diversity metrics of a guild of water-related birds (hereafter ’w... more We compared a set of uni-varied diversity metrics of a guild of water-related birds (hereafter ’waterbirds’) before and after a wetland restoration
carried out on uncultivated (reclaimed) lands. Over a period of five years, we observed a restart of seasonal waterbirds dynamics after wetland restoration by flooding of abandoned croplands, with a significant
increase in all metrics of diversity, more evident in autumn–winter periods. Seasonal thresholds were evident before (2017–2018) and after (2018–2019) the flooding. These dynamics appeared irregular, probably for a different inter-annual suitability of the flooded meadows due to local ecological factors (e.g., change in meteorological regime and in rush-bed vegetation cover). Rarefaction curves, both for richness and diversity, showed how the waterbird community moved towards a greater complexity. Flooded meadow restoration, particularly favoured wintering
species in Mediterranean sites, which explained the strong fluctuations in total abundance. At the species level, Northern Lapwing (Vanellus vanellus), absent before restoration, was the most abundant species
after flooding, using flooded meadows with its gregarious behaviour. This ‘crowding’ may be explained also for a lack of similar habitats in the surrounding. Other dominant species (Anas platyrhynchos, Ardea cinerea, Egretta garzetta) showed a significant increase after restoration. Standardized before-after monitoring on medium term time periods seem suitable to evidence inter-annual season dynamics in diversity metrics of waterbird assemblages.
Gli Uccelli d'Italia, 2022
Noteworthy breeding waterbirds at the Tarquinia Salt Pans (VT): 2022. We report data regarding si... more Noteworthy breeding waterbirds at the Tarquinia Salt Pans (VT): 2022. We report data regarding six breeding waterbirds in Tarquinia Salt Pans during 2022: Common Shelduck Tadorna tadorna, Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus, Pied Avocet Recurvirostra avoset- ta, Black-headed Gull Chroicocephalus ridibundus, Little Tern Sternula albifrons and Common Tern Sterna hirundo. We compare data with previous years (2015-2017) period May-August. We underline the target species and breeding parameters.
Gli Uccelli d'Italia, 2022
First breeding attempt of Black-headed Gull Chroicocephalus ridibundus in Latium (Tarquinia Salt ... more First breeding attempt of Black-headed Gull Chroicocephalus ridibundus in Latium (Tarquinia Salt pans, Viterbo). A nest of Black-headed Gull Chroicocephalus ridibundus has been detected for the first time in Latium at the State Nature Reserve "Tarquinia salt pans" (Viterbo). This short note reports data obtained during the 2022 breeding season. The nest was located along an embankment bordered by evaporation tanks and ponds and close to a shrub of Arthrocnemum macrostachyum. Eggs laying occurred probably in the first week of June and eggs were incubated almost since 27 th of June with adult mobbing researchers and other birds. The 15 th of July the nest was deserted and eggs were missing without finding any proof or signs of predation.
Gli Uccelli d'Italia, 2022
Birds of the Marangone valley (Tolfa hills, Rome): a biodiversity hot spot. We investigated the b... more Birds of the Marangone valley (Tolfa hills, Rome): a biodiversity hot spot. We investigated the bird community in Marangone valley (Tolfa hills, Rome, Italy). We detected a high density of breeding raptors and other birds of European conservation concern. Thus, we strongly reccomend the conservation of the habitats of this natural area.
First data of Blyth's Pipit Anthus godlewskii in Latium. On 19 January 2019, an individual from B... more First data of Blyth's Pipit Anthus godlewskii in Latium. On 19 January 2019, an individual from Blyth's Pipit was observed in the municipality of Santa Marinella (Rome). The data was approved by the Italian Ornithological Commission and this is the first for Lazio, the third for Italy and the first for the winter season.
Alula, 2020
The Red-crested Pochard Netta rufina in the Torre Flavia wetland (Latium, central Italy): apparen... more The Red-crested Pochard Netta rufina in the Torre Flavia wetland (Latium, central Italy): apparent increase in occasional occurrences. Only occasional observations of Red-crested Pochard are available for Torre Flavia wetland. However, since 2016 more records have been obtained. In order to define the presence of this species in recent years, field, bibliographic, and web searches have been carried out. In the period January 2016-June 2020, a total of 157 records were collected from > 30 ornithologists. In 2016 and 2017 the species was observed in the breeding period with a maximum number of six individuals. The presence of local suitable ecological features (reedbeds with Phragmites australis, ponds with heterogeneous depths), and the periods of observation (March-June) could suggest a probable nesting.
Il sistema ambientale della Tenuta di Castel Porziano. IV, 2021
The role of Castelporziano Estate in the regional conservation of Kentish Plover Charadrius alexa... more The role of Castelporziano Estate in the regional conservation of Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus (Latium Central Italy). The coast of the Presidential Estate of Castelporziano is an important source area for Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus in Latium. The species was studied in this site since the '90 while the sampling rate was recently increased in the last four years (2017/2020), in order to have more details on the reproductive ecology of the species. During the study period the nesting couples in the Estate have varied from 5 to 6 (average 5.5, sd 0.57), covering a significative percentage of nesting pairs in the whole region (from 26.3% to 42.8%). Nevertheless we observed a collapse of the hatching success rate (from 69.23% in 2017 to 12.50% in 2020) as well the final fledging success rate (from 46.15% in 2017 to 4.16% in 2020), despite strongly consistent with regional trend. Compared to other regional sites, we observed a higher percentage of egg losses due to predation by Carnivora (mainly Vulpes vulpes). Foxes have learned new strategies to prey on nests protected by cages. Furthermore during the four years the distance from the shoreline steadily decreased (in 2017 average 84.25 metres, sd 30.64; in 2020 average 33.22 metres, sd 15.26), exposing some nests to sea-storms and indirect anthropic disturbances. This study confirmed the role of Castelporziano for the protection strategy of the species, stressing that in natural protected beaches are necessary different conservation strategies to protect nesting plovers compared to more anthropized areas as well a better communication and cooperation with local stake-holders as well a better strategy and cooperation in cleaning methods during the whole breeding season.
Natural History Sciences. Atti Soc. it. Sci. nat. Museo civ. Stor. nat. Milano, 2021
Here we present the checklist of the vertebrates of the "Palude di Torre Flavia", a protected are... more Here we present the checklist of the vertebrates of the "Palude di Torre Flavia", a protected area in Tyrrhenian central Italy (Special Protection Area according to the Directive 2009/147/EC). To draw up the checklist, we collated all the records found in the literature, in private collections, and in the website database, as well as sporadic historical observations. We obtained evidence documented between 1981 and 2020 for 291 taxa of which 259 native, 26 allochthonous and 6 domesticated species in 5 classes: 5 actinopterygians (4 native species and 1 allochtonous), 2 amphibians, 20 reptiles (11 native species and 9 allochthonous; the last being all freshwater terrapins), 244 birds (including 14 non-native taxa and 6 domestic forms) and 20 mammals (including 2 allochthonous). Forty-three species are listed as of conservation concern on a national scale. The area has shown to be an important biodiversity hotspot, and a major stopover site for migrating birds. Further research should be focused on some still poorly investigated taxonomic groups, in particular: Actinopterygii, Amphibia Salamandridae, Carnivora Mustelidae, and Chiroptera.
Uccelli d'Italia, 2018
Riassunto – La Tenuta di Castelporziano, con uno degli ultimi paesaggi dunali intatti in Italia, ... more Riassunto – La Tenuta di Castelporziano, con uno degli ultimi paesaggi dunali intatti in Italia, ospita una importante quota (>30%) della esigua popolazione riproduttiva di Fratino nel Lazio. Durante
la stagione riproduttiva 2018 sono state adottate strategie di conservazione proteggendo con apposite gabbie l’82% dei nidi. È stata studiata e adottata per la prima volta una nuova tecnica di gabbia a
scatola. Il successo di schiusa pari al 57.1% è più elevato rispetto alla media laziale (31.5%). Le alte
densità di predatori naturali (volpi e mustelidi) hanno tuttavia permesso l’involo di soli 7 juvenes su
11 deposizioni. La protezione dei nidi (gabbie) andrà studiata, modificata e resa più efficace alle risposte dei mammiferi predatori. Lo studio nel 2019 andrà rivisto con l’utilizzo di fototrappole, finti nidi e possibilmente tecniche di cattura e inanellamento.
Abstract – Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus in the Castelporziano Presidential Park (Rome):
monitoring and conservation. Castelporziano Presidential Park, one of the last natural sandy beaches
with primary dunes in Italy, hosts >30% of Kentish Plover’s population in Latium. During the repro-
ductive season 2018 the 82% of clutches were protected with anti-predator cages. A new type of cage
(box-cage) and technique was adopted for the first time. Eggs hatched (% of eggs laid) were 57.1%.
Nevertheless fledged young were only 7 (11 clutches) due to high mammals predators (Foxes and
Mustelids). The efficiency of cages needs to be tested and adapted to the strategy of Mammal predators. For the breeding season 2019 study should be implemented with camera traps, simulated clutches
and possibly captures and ringing.
Uccelli d'Italia, 2018
Riassunto – Abbiamo elaborato la check-list e il ciclo annuale degli uccelli del Monumento natura... more Riassunto – Abbiamo elaborato la check-list e il ciclo annuale degli uccelli del Monumento natura-
le “La Frasca”, indagato dal 2011 al 2018. L’area ha dimostrato di essere un’importante stazione di
Abstract – The birds of “La Frasca” Nature Monument: check-list and annual cycle. We compiled
the check-list and the annual cycle of the birds of “La Frasca” Nature Monument, investigated from
2011 to 2018. The area proved to be an important stopover site.
Alula, 2018
Birds nesting in a farmland mosaic of central Italy: Macchiatonda Nature Reserve (Lazio). The ter... more Birds nesting in a farmland mosaic of central Italy: Macchiatonda Nature Reserve (Lazio). The territories of breeding birds in Macchiatonda Nature Reserve were censused by mapping
method in spring 2013. On the whole 38 breeding species were observed. Emberiza calandra (1,68 cp/10 ha) and Cisticola juncidis (1,39 cp/10 ha) were the most abundant. Other 13 species were breeding near the reserve, using the area for feeding. The agricultural areas hosted most of species of conservation concern.
Alula, 2017
During the 2016 breeding season we recorded the 18 heronries present in Lazio (Central Italy; Fig... more During the 2016 breeding season we recorded the 18 heronries present in Lazio (Central Italy; Fig.1). We registered 7 species in the colonies with 1116 total pairs (Fig. 2). The estimated breeding pairs are (Tab. 1): Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis 483 in six sites, Grey Heron Ardea cinerea 249 in seven sites, Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax 187 in nine sites, White Egret Egretta garzetta 135 in seven sites, Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo 50 in one site, Purple Heron Ardea purpurea 11 in six sites and Squacco Heron Ardeola ralloides in only one site. All the species have increased in the medium period (2002-2016; Figg. 3, 4a-g) except for Squacco Heron: this species is probably in the first phase of colonization, given that its first know reproduction in Lazio occurred in 2011. Since 2009 the growth was 3120 % for Cattle Egret and 3013 % for Grey Heron, with a lower rate for Great Cormorant (1567 %), and Purple Heron (57 %). The percentage difference for White Egret (440 %) and Night Heron (156 %) is calculated from 2002. The current heronries are 18 compared to the 3 of 2002 and 12 of 2012. All the registered heronries are located at altitudes below 600 m a.s.l., 50 % of which are below 100 m a.s.l., in different habitat types (Tab. 4): stand of reedbeds of Phragmites australis with 5 species (Cattle Egret, White Egret, Night Heron, Grey and Purple Herons), hygrophilous wood of Populus and Salix with 5 species (Cattle Egret, White Egret, Night Heron, Grey Heron and Purple Heron), hygrophilous and nitrophilous riparian shrubs with 3 species (Grey, Night and Squacco Herons), riparian woods of Robinia pseudoacacia with 3 species (White Egret, Cattle Egret and Night Heron), stands of Eucalyptus spp. wood with only one species (Night Heron), pinewood of Pinus pinea and P. halepensis with 2 species (White Egret and Cattle Egret) and rupicolous stands of Quercus ilex with 4 species (Great Cormorant, White Egret, Night Heron and Cattle Egrets; this 27 habitat type is located in a lake islet). Three species have occupied five habitat types, one species four, while the other ones two.
Gli Uccelli d'Italia, 2017
Wintering new data on Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus in Latium (2016-17).
Along the coas... more Wintering new data on Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus in Latium (2016-17).
Along the coast of Latium the species regularly winter with dozens of individual (59-66). In this work we compared new information (2016-17) with previous data (1986-95; 2007-2009). Kentish Plover counts during IWC seems strongly inadequate in order to monitoring the species. During focusing monitoring we registered a decline in sites (-10%) and individuals (-15.4%). Kentish Plover was detected in 9 sites and 3 provinces
(1 Viterbo; 5 Rome and 3 Latina) strongly concentrating in 2 only sites in the Rome’s province (>70%).
An increasing sighting trend of flocks >10 individuals totalized 23%. The species was not recorded along the littoral of the Presidential Castelporziano Estate. Decrement was furthermore detected along the coast of Circeo National Park (PNC) but ,on the contrary, we had a southern contact along the beaches near Sperlonga -Lago Lungo (LT). Sex-ratio (% of males in the total) shows a predominance of females and some movements in December-January (sex ratio; December = 36.2; January 43.7). The abundance seems to be directly (but not linearly) proportional to distance from fresh water (R2 = 0,75; F = 12,23; P = 0,02) and inversely proportional to extension of the beaches (R2 = 0,96; F = 43,04; P = 0,02). The use of photography and the occurrence of some individuals with natural markers or rings confirmed the simultaneous presence, in the local wintering population, of sedentary (15-30 km) and long distance birds (1600 km). Plovers strongly utilizes some sites but with evidence of daily diurnal displacements of about 2-5 km. In two different cases we confirmed the nocturnal roosts use as follows: roof of cabin bathhouses (in the same diurnal site), sand island along internal course of river (at a distance of 1.3 km) and salt lake muds (PNC) with no more information. Wintering sites are highly ecologically important because of early nesting they can improve (March).
Key words: Kentish Plover, Charadrius alexandrinus, wintering, trend, sex-ratio, Latium, Tyrrhenian Sea, Central Italy.
Alula, 2016
Phenology of European shag in "La Frasca" coast (Civitavecchia, Rome).
The authors investigated ... more Phenology of European shag in "La Frasca" coast (Civitavecchia, Rome).
The authors investigated the presence of the European shag Phalacrocorax aristotelis Linnaeus, 1761, from August 2010 to April 2015 in "La Frasca" coast, observing its status changed from summer visitor to resident.
New breeding data on Common Tern in Latium. During the reproductive season 2016 we registered fou... more New breeding data on Common Tern in Latium. During the reproductive season 2016 we registered four pairs nesting at the Tarquinia Salt pans (VT). For the first time we had a hatching chick in in the last decade of July. The young fledged during the third decade of August. This is the first successful breeding attempt for Common Tern in Latium.
Negative trend of the Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus in Latium. The breeding population o... more Negative trend of the Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus in Latium. The breeding population of Kentish Plover was estimated and monitored for over 25 years along the Latium coast (overall length 299 km of which 236 sandy and 63 rocky beaches) that is heavily populated (1.8 millions of inhabitant in winter time and twice in summer can be estimated). The coast of Latium it is mainly occupied by beach resorts, private properties, campings and touristic harbors. The constant monitoring of the nesting sites throughout the years shows that the species is dramatically decreasing (36 pairs in 1993 and 11 pairs in 2016). In particular it seems close to the extinction, only 3-4 fledged juveniles/11 pairs were found during the 2016 breeding season (8,3% fledging success). Actually, the bad practice of mechanical beaches cleaning represent the main factor contrasting the breeding success of Kentish Plover. Eggs and chicks losses (75%) caused by anthropic factors and unfavorable management of the beaches represent a real obstacle to the settlement of this Plover along the coast (2016).
The birds of Macchiatonda Natural Reserve (Rome): check-list and comparative analysis with other ... more The birds of Macchiatonda Natural Reserve (Rome): check-list and comparative analysis with other wetlands along the thyrrenian littoral. We updated the check-list of the birds of “Macchiatonda” Nature Reserve (Rome, Italy), reviewing the observations from 1983 to 2015. The role of the reserve as stopover and wintering site was confirmed by the bird community composition. Then we compared Macchiatonda check-list to the ones of three nearby wetlands (“Palude di Torre Flavia”, Rome, “Vasche di Maccarese”, Rome, and “Saline di Tarquinia”, Viterbo) highlighting some particular characteristics of the four areas.
Papers by Sergio Muratore
carried out on uncultivated (reclaimed) lands. Over a period of five years, we observed a restart of seasonal waterbirds dynamics after wetland restoration by flooding of abandoned croplands, with a significant
increase in all metrics of diversity, more evident in autumn–winter periods. Seasonal thresholds were evident before (2017–2018) and after (2018–2019) the flooding. These dynamics appeared irregular, probably for a different inter-annual suitability of the flooded meadows due to local ecological factors (e.g., change in meteorological regime and in rush-bed vegetation cover). Rarefaction curves, both for richness and diversity, showed how the waterbird community moved towards a greater complexity. Flooded meadow restoration, particularly favoured wintering
species in Mediterranean sites, which explained the strong fluctuations in total abundance. At the species level, Northern Lapwing (Vanellus vanellus), absent before restoration, was the most abundant species
after flooding, using flooded meadows with its gregarious behaviour. This ‘crowding’ may be explained also for a lack of similar habitats in the surrounding. Other dominant species (Anas platyrhynchos, Ardea cinerea, Egretta garzetta) showed a significant increase after restoration. Standardized before-after monitoring on medium term time periods seem suitable to evidence inter-annual season dynamics in diversity metrics of waterbird assemblages.
la stagione riproduttiva 2018 sono state adottate strategie di conservazione proteggendo con apposite gabbie l’82% dei nidi. È stata studiata e adottata per la prima volta una nuova tecnica di gabbia a
scatola. Il successo di schiusa pari al 57.1% è più elevato rispetto alla media laziale (31.5%). Le alte
densità di predatori naturali (volpi e mustelidi) hanno tuttavia permesso l’involo di soli 7 juvenes su
11 deposizioni. La protezione dei nidi (gabbie) andrà studiata, modificata e resa più efficace alle risposte dei mammiferi predatori. Lo studio nel 2019 andrà rivisto con l’utilizzo di fototrappole, finti nidi e possibilmente tecniche di cattura e inanellamento.
Abstract – Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus in the Castelporziano Presidential Park (Rome):
monitoring and conservation. Castelporziano Presidential Park, one of the last natural sandy beaches
with primary dunes in Italy, hosts >30% of Kentish Plover’s population in Latium. During the repro-
ductive season 2018 the 82% of clutches were protected with anti-predator cages. A new type of cage
(box-cage) and technique was adopted for the first time. Eggs hatched (% of eggs laid) were 57.1%.
Nevertheless fledged young were only 7 (11 clutches) due to high mammals predators (Foxes and
Mustelids). The efficiency of cages needs to be tested and adapted to the strategy of Mammal predators. For the breeding season 2019 study should be implemented with camera traps, simulated clutches
and possibly captures and ringing.
le “La Frasca”, indagato dal 2011 al 2018. L’area ha dimostrato di essere un’importante stazione di
Abstract – The birds of “La Frasca” Nature Monument: check-list and annual cycle. We compiled
the check-list and the annual cycle of the birds of “La Frasca” Nature Monument, investigated from
2011 to 2018. The area proved to be an important stopover site.
method in spring 2013. On the whole 38 breeding species were observed. Emberiza calandra (1,68 cp/10 ha) and Cisticola juncidis (1,39 cp/10 ha) were the most abundant. Other 13 species were breeding near the reserve, using the area for feeding. The agricultural areas hosted most of species of conservation concern.
Along the coast of Latium the species regularly winter with dozens of individual (59-66). In this work we compared new information (2016-17) with previous data (1986-95; 2007-2009). Kentish Plover counts during IWC seems strongly inadequate in order to monitoring the species. During focusing monitoring we registered a decline in sites (-10%) and individuals (-15.4%). Kentish Plover was detected in 9 sites and 3 provinces
(1 Viterbo; 5 Rome and 3 Latina) strongly concentrating in 2 only sites in the Rome’s province (>70%).
An increasing sighting trend of flocks >10 individuals totalized 23%. The species was not recorded along the littoral of the Presidential Castelporziano Estate. Decrement was furthermore detected along the coast of Circeo National Park (PNC) but ,on the contrary, we had a southern contact along the beaches near Sperlonga -Lago Lungo (LT). Sex-ratio (% of males in the total) shows a predominance of females and some movements in December-January (sex ratio; December = 36.2; January 43.7). The abundance seems to be directly (but not linearly) proportional to distance from fresh water (R2 = 0,75; F = 12,23; P = 0,02) and inversely proportional to extension of the beaches (R2 = 0,96; F = 43,04; P = 0,02). The use of photography and the occurrence of some individuals with natural markers or rings confirmed the simultaneous presence, in the local wintering population, of sedentary (15-30 km) and long distance birds (1600 km). Plovers strongly utilizes some sites but with evidence of daily diurnal displacements of about 2-5 km. In two different cases we confirmed the nocturnal roosts use as follows: roof of cabin bathhouses (in the same diurnal site), sand island along internal course of river (at a distance of 1.3 km) and salt lake muds (PNC) with no more information. Wintering sites are highly ecologically important because of early nesting they can improve (March).
Key words: Kentish Plover, Charadrius alexandrinus, wintering, trend, sex-ratio, Latium, Tyrrhenian Sea, Central Italy.
The authors investigated the presence of the European shag Phalacrocorax aristotelis Linnaeus, 1761, from August 2010 to April 2015 in "La Frasca" coast, observing its status changed from summer visitor to resident.
carried out on uncultivated (reclaimed) lands. Over a period of five years, we observed a restart of seasonal waterbirds dynamics after wetland restoration by flooding of abandoned croplands, with a significant
increase in all metrics of diversity, more evident in autumn–winter periods. Seasonal thresholds were evident before (2017–2018) and after (2018–2019) the flooding. These dynamics appeared irregular, probably for a different inter-annual suitability of the flooded meadows due to local ecological factors (e.g., change in meteorological regime and in rush-bed vegetation cover). Rarefaction curves, both for richness and diversity, showed how the waterbird community moved towards a greater complexity. Flooded meadow restoration, particularly favoured wintering
species in Mediterranean sites, which explained the strong fluctuations in total abundance. At the species level, Northern Lapwing (Vanellus vanellus), absent before restoration, was the most abundant species
after flooding, using flooded meadows with its gregarious behaviour. This ‘crowding’ may be explained also for a lack of similar habitats in the surrounding. Other dominant species (Anas platyrhynchos, Ardea cinerea, Egretta garzetta) showed a significant increase after restoration. Standardized before-after monitoring on medium term time periods seem suitable to evidence inter-annual season dynamics in diversity metrics of waterbird assemblages.
la stagione riproduttiva 2018 sono state adottate strategie di conservazione proteggendo con apposite gabbie l’82% dei nidi. È stata studiata e adottata per la prima volta una nuova tecnica di gabbia a
scatola. Il successo di schiusa pari al 57.1% è più elevato rispetto alla media laziale (31.5%). Le alte
densità di predatori naturali (volpi e mustelidi) hanno tuttavia permesso l’involo di soli 7 juvenes su
11 deposizioni. La protezione dei nidi (gabbie) andrà studiata, modificata e resa più efficace alle risposte dei mammiferi predatori. Lo studio nel 2019 andrà rivisto con l’utilizzo di fototrappole, finti nidi e possibilmente tecniche di cattura e inanellamento.
Abstract – Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus in the Castelporziano Presidential Park (Rome):
monitoring and conservation. Castelporziano Presidential Park, one of the last natural sandy beaches
with primary dunes in Italy, hosts >30% of Kentish Plover’s population in Latium. During the repro-
ductive season 2018 the 82% of clutches were protected with anti-predator cages. A new type of cage
(box-cage) and technique was adopted for the first time. Eggs hatched (% of eggs laid) were 57.1%.
Nevertheless fledged young were only 7 (11 clutches) due to high mammals predators (Foxes and
Mustelids). The efficiency of cages needs to be tested and adapted to the strategy of Mammal predators. For the breeding season 2019 study should be implemented with camera traps, simulated clutches
and possibly captures and ringing.
le “La Frasca”, indagato dal 2011 al 2018. L’area ha dimostrato di essere un’importante stazione di
Abstract – The birds of “La Frasca” Nature Monument: check-list and annual cycle. We compiled
the check-list and the annual cycle of the birds of “La Frasca” Nature Monument, investigated from
2011 to 2018. The area proved to be an important stopover site.
method in spring 2013. On the whole 38 breeding species were observed. Emberiza calandra (1,68 cp/10 ha) and Cisticola juncidis (1,39 cp/10 ha) were the most abundant. Other 13 species were breeding near the reserve, using the area for feeding. The agricultural areas hosted most of species of conservation concern.
Along the coast of Latium the species regularly winter with dozens of individual (59-66). In this work we compared new information (2016-17) with previous data (1986-95; 2007-2009). Kentish Plover counts during IWC seems strongly inadequate in order to monitoring the species. During focusing monitoring we registered a decline in sites (-10%) and individuals (-15.4%). Kentish Plover was detected in 9 sites and 3 provinces
(1 Viterbo; 5 Rome and 3 Latina) strongly concentrating in 2 only sites in the Rome’s province (>70%).
An increasing sighting trend of flocks >10 individuals totalized 23%. The species was not recorded along the littoral of the Presidential Castelporziano Estate. Decrement was furthermore detected along the coast of Circeo National Park (PNC) but ,on the contrary, we had a southern contact along the beaches near Sperlonga -Lago Lungo (LT). Sex-ratio (% of males in the total) shows a predominance of females and some movements in December-January (sex ratio; December = 36.2; January 43.7). The abundance seems to be directly (but not linearly) proportional to distance from fresh water (R2 = 0,75; F = 12,23; P = 0,02) and inversely proportional to extension of the beaches (R2 = 0,96; F = 43,04; P = 0,02). The use of photography and the occurrence of some individuals with natural markers or rings confirmed the simultaneous presence, in the local wintering population, of sedentary (15-30 km) and long distance birds (1600 km). Plovers strongly utilizes some sites but with evidence of daily diurnal displacements of about 2-5 km. In two different cases we confirmed the nocturnal roosts use as follows: roof of cabin bathhouses (in the same diurnal site), sand island along internal course of river (at a distance of 1.3 km) and salt lake muds (PNC) with no more information. Wintering sites are highly ecologically important because of early nesting they can improve (March).
Key words: Kentish Plover, Charadrius alexandrinus, wintering, trend, sex-ratio, Latium, Tyrrhenian Sea, Central Italy.
The authors investigated the presence of the European shag Phalacrocorax aristotelis Linnaeus, 1761, from August 2010 to April 2015 in "La Frasca" coast, observing its status changed from summer visitor to resident.