Papers by Roxanna Senyshyn-Ksenzenko
Journal of Transformative Education, 2019
This article examines a faculty professional development program aimed at engaging faculty in an ... more This article examines a faculty professional development program aimed at engaging faculty in an ongoing discussion about global awareness and the practices surrounding teaching and learning in a linguistically and culturally diverse classroom. The program is modeled on two key components: the engagement of undergraduate students and faculty in a structured dialogue outside the classroom and the contributions of experts to faculty discussions to locate and contextualize best practices. The initiative’s potential to affect faculty perspectives is explored through a transformative learning framework. Short-term and long-term assessments show that participants were motivated to improve and implement new instructional practices.
Language and Intercultural Communication, Nov 14, 2022
Journal of Transformative Education, 2019
This article examines a faculty professional development program aimed at engaging faculty in an ... more This article examines a faculty professional development program aimed at engaging faculty in an ongoing discussion about global awareness and the practices surrounding teaching and learning in a linguistically and culturally diverse classroom. The program is modeled on two key components: the engagement of undergraduate students and faculty in a structured dialogue outside the classroom and the contributions of experts to faculty discussions to locate and contextualize best practices. The initiative’s potential to affect faculty perspectives is explored through a transformative learning framework. Short-term and long-term assessments show that participants were motivated to improve and implement new instructional practices.
While the need to improve teacher preparation in response to linguistic and cultural diversity ha... more While the need to improve teacher preparation in response to linguistic and cultural diversity has been widely acknowledged, the learning process of teacher educators has not been widely discussed. This chapter presents findings from a self-study that examined practices aimed at preparing preservice teachers for linguistically and culturally diverse contexts through transformative intercultural learning. It exemplifies how Mezirow’s transformative learning theory can be put into practice by helping teacher educators reflect on their belief systems and practices. The findings show that disorienting dilemmas might challenge the validity of assumptions and lead to perspective transformation. It is evident that both teacher education process and intercultural learning share common ground in transformative learning. As researchers and educators continue to explore this relationship, particularly though self-study, it will lead to many insights about educational practice that is critical ...
Journal of Intercultural Communication Research
ABSTRACT Colleges and universities in the United States and in other countries are admitting and ... more ABSTRACT Colleges and universities in the United States and in other countries are admitting and educating an increasing number of international students. This trend creates both challenges and opportunities for modern higher education. While much of the early scholarship focused on understanding the various academic and social challenges faced by international students, both researchers and practitioners have recently shifted their focus to program development and assessment. This paper, then, examines a specialized first-year seminar course, which includes an out-of-class engagement component that allows international students to interact directly with host country peers. The course and the engagement component were designed to address the transitional academic and social needs of international students. More specifically, this is a report on a three-year study of cohorts of first-semester international students (N = 58) which examined the effectiveness of the specialized first-year seminar within a framework of intercultural communication. The results show that the program was not only a way to support students’ transition to the university, but also facilitated their development of intercultural communication competence.
Journal of Intercultural Communication Research
ABSTRACT Colleges and universities in the United States and in other countries are admitting and ... more ABSTRACT Colleges and universities in the United States and in other countries are admitting and educating an increasing number of international students. This trend creates both challenges and opportunities for modern higher education. While much of the early scholarship focused on understanding the various academic and social challenges faced by international students, both researchers and practitioners have recently shifted their focus to program development and assessment. This paper, then, examines a specialized first-year seminar course, which includes an out-of-class engagement component that allows international students to interact directly with host country peers. The course and the engagement component were designed to address the transitional academic and social needs of international students. More specifically, this is a report on a three-year study of cohorts of first-semester international students (N = 58) which examined the effectiveness of the specialized first-year seminar within a framework of intercultural communication. The results show that the program was not only a way to support students’ transition to the university, but also facilitated their development of intercultural communication competence.
Journal for Multicultural Education
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to report on a collaborative project and study implemented b... more Purpose The purpose of this paper is to report on a collaborative project and study implemented by two teacher educators in an elementary education program. To prepare teacher candidates for field experiences and practicum in a diverse (bilingual) urban school, the program uses coursework to impart asset-based pedagogies and practices. Design/methodology/approach In this mixed-method case study, this paper examined the awareness and perspectives of preservice teachers (n = 26) to cultural and linguistic diversity and relevant teaching and learning practices. In particular, this study gauged their engagement with multicultural children’s literature in a collaborative interclass activity. The data sources included beginning and end of semester survey responses, notes on participant interactions during the mid-semester collaborative interclass activity and participant retrospective reflections about the activity. Findings This paper found that teacher candidates showed increased awaren...
Review of Radical Political Economics
This dissertation is dedicated to my grandmother, Maria Bilyk, my parents, Nadia and Myron Senysh... more This dissertation is dedicated to my grandmother, Maria Bilyk, my parents, Nadia and Myron Senyshyn, and my sister, Maria Senyshyn, whose sustaining love and inspiration is my joy and my solace. iii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This manuscript represents the culmination of my doctoral career at UTK and I would like to express my sincere appreciation to those many people who have taught me, inspired me, challenged me, or supported me throughout this process. First and foremost, I would like to express my special gratitude to Dr. Patricia Davis-Wiley, my chairperson, who guided me through my entire doctoral program. She has been an excellent educator, a mentor, and a caring colleague and friend for the five-year journey. Whenever I needed her, she was always available, and I thank her for her enthusiasm, her tireless support, guidance, and thoughtfulness in assisting me in all the phases of the research and writing of this manuscript. Many thanks also to other members of my committee for taking the time to help me and guide my research and writing: to Dr. John Ray, especially for his advice and guidance on the study's methodology and data analyses; to Dr. Robert Maddox, for his advice and expertise on this study, his motivation, and his help with the instruments; and, to Dr. Jeffrey Aper, for challenging my ideas and assisting with the narration of the data analysis. Each committee member provided expertise in areas critical to the success of the study and I greatly appreciate all of their time and efforts. Also, I would like to thank all the 22 panelists who participated in the Delphi study. My research would not have happened without the generosity of their time and expertise. My sincere thanks to my friends and colleagues at the UTK Global Business Institute and iv Department of Management, College of Business Administration for their encouragement and support over the past several years. And finally, I wish to thank my fiancé, Sergey, for his love, his motivation, and his patience. I am grateful to him for always being there for me and helping me with every other aspects of my life. I also thank my family for their encouragement; their love and support were very important for me and were felt despite the great geographical distance separating us.
Intercultural Education, 2012
Communication Teacher, 2009
Objectives: The goal of the Intercultural Partnership Project is to introduce students to issues ... more Objectives: The goal of the Intercultural Partnership Project is to introduce students to issues surrounding language and cultural identity, with the ultimate goal of helping students see themselves as engaged participants, rather than observers, in a multicultural community. For students in the intercultural communication class, this goal echoes the overall purpose of the course. For students in the ESL class, this goal seeks to improve their communication skills through interaction with members of the target language community. Courses: An upper division intercultural communication course and an English as a second language (ESL) class that focuses on academic skill development, with an emphasis on written communication.
Intercultural Education
Abstract Fostering intercultural learning among preservice teachers has become increasingly impor... more Abstract Fostering intercultural learning among preservice teachers has become increasingly important. This article describes the results of a three-year study of semester-long projects in which cohorts of undergraduate education majors (N = 41) engaged with first-semester international students and were asked to reflect on becoming involved participants in a linguistically and culturally diverse learning community. The findings reveal the transformative effect of intercultural encounters on future teachers.
This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or s... more This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae, and drug doses should be independently verified with primary sources. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand, or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of this material.
Papers by Roxanna Senyshyn-Ksenzenko