Papers by Michele Tagliabracci
Studi pesaresi, 2021
Dalla legazione di Pesaro a Parigi: le relazioni dei Beliardi, consoli francesi a Senigallia iaCo... more Dalla legazione di Pesaro a Parigi: le relazioni dei Beliardi, consoli francesi a Senigallia iaCoPo beninCamPi Ad Ornatum Urbis. Alcuni lavori pubblici a Pesaro nel primo Ottocento Notizie dal territorio Dante trebbi Nuove congetture sulle sinagoghe pesaresi marCello luChetti Il ritratto di Giacomo Malatesti alla rocca di Gradara. Un'ipotesi attributiva per un unicum iconografico. alessanDra minDoli L'archivio storico di Sant'Angelo in Lizzola di Vallefoglia. Fondi e archivi aggregati marCo roCChi, silVano tiberi Il busto di Angelo Battelli a Sassocorvaro silVia serini Nobile figura di uomo e di atleta. Vita di Bruno Bedosti
Scripta manebunt: L'arte della stampa a Fano , 2022
Nota introduttiva al volume "Scripta Manebunt : L'arte della stampa a Fano" di Luciana Agostinell... more Nota introduttiva al volume "Scripta Manebunt : L'arte della stampa a Fano" di Luciana Agostinelli, Romina Bevilacqua, Rosella Bevilacqua, Giuseppina Boiani Tombari. Fano : Università dei saperi, 2022.
Parte prima. Il Libro Antico dal Cinquecento ai primi decenni dell'Ottocento.
Suhayl. International Journal for the History of the Exact and Natural Sciences in Islamic Civilisation, 2019
DigItalia : Rivista del digitale nei beni culturali, ICCU, n. 1-2021, 2021
Primo corso di formazione ICCU-AIB sulla catalogazione dei manoscritti con Manus Online (MOL)
Lin... more Primo corso di formazione ICCU-AIB sulla catalogazione dei manoscritti con Manus Online (MOL)
"Nuovi Studi Fanesi", n. 30 (2018), pp.71-145, 2018
"Nuovi Studi Fanesi", n. 29 (2017), pp.55-115, 2017

Suhayl. International Journal for the History of the Exact and Natural Sciences in Islamic Civilisation, 2018
At the end of the 17 th century, different editions of the terrestrial and celestial globes by th... more At the end of the 17 th century, different editions of the terrestrial and celestial globes by the geographer and cosmographer Vincenzo Coronelli (1650-1718) were circulating all around Europe. After the production of two large globes (384 cm in diameter) for Louis XIV (1681-1683), Coronelli's pair of terrestrial and celestial globes had acquired enough prestige to hit the market as geographical and astronomical instruments, but also as grand decorative and collectible objects. The construction of a globe was a complicated operation characterised by different phases of production: Coronelli was firstly producing the gores of the globes that had to be engraved and printed for "mass" distribution. However, the printed material was only the skeleton of each globe. Framed sections were left empty in order to add customised dedicatory inscriptions as well as further details on the donation or purchase of the object; also, geographical and astronomical notations were written by hand at a later stage, the colouring of the globes was optional and came at a higher price, and the globes were then installed in different types of pedestals.
"Nuovi Studi Fanesi", n. 28 (2015-2016), pp.67-107
La chiesa di San Pietro in Valle a Fano : dalle origini agli ultimi restauri / a cura di Gianni Volpe. Fano : Carifano : Fondazione Cassa di risparmio di Fano, 2013, 2013
"Nuovi Studi Fanesi", n. 26 (2012), pp.7-24, 2012
"Nuovi Studi Fanesi", n. 24-25 (2010-2011), pp.27-104, 2011
La chiesa di San Pietro in Valle a Fano : dalle origini agli ultimi restauri / a cura di Gianni Volpe. Fano : Carifano : Fondazione Cassa di risparmio di Fano, 2013, 2013
The essay “Kitāb ṣalāt al‐sawā'ī: protagonists, vicissitudes and hypothesis around the first... more The essay “Kitāb ṣalāt al‐sawā'ī: protagonists, vicissitudes and hypothesis around the first Arabic book printed in movable types” provides a detailed analysis of contents, bibliological characteristics and historical background concerning the commission, market and details of Gregorio de Gregori’s edition in 1514. In particular, all previous studies of this book have been cited and criticized in parallel to the new research which has provided important results concerning the most ambiguous issues around the Kitāb, namely the identity of the commissioner of the book and the year and location of the edition.
Talks by Michele Tagliabracci
The talk focused on the scientific nomenclature in Arabic language preserved in some documents an... more The talk focused on the scientific nomenclature in Arabic language preserved in some documents and objects housed in the Biblioteca Federiciana in Fano (Italy). The collection of this library was shaped during the 17th century and the documents and objects analysed during the event attested to the mutual exchange of scientific knowledge (in particular in the field of astronomy) between the Islamic world and Europe.
Articles by Michele Tagliabracci
Papers by Michele Tagliabracci
Parte prima. Il Libro Antico dal Cinquecento ai primi decenni dell'Ottocento.
Talks by Michele Tagliabracci
Articles by Michele Tagliabracci
Parte prima. Il Libro Antico dal Cinquecento ai primi decenni dell'Ottocento.