Papers by Diah Wahyuningsih

Jurnal Perspektif Pembiayaan dan Pembangunan Daerah
This study aims to examine the impact of financial inclusion and banking characteristics (bank si... more This study aims to examine the impact of financial inclusion and banking characteristics (bank size, Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), and Non-Performing Loans (NPL)) on the stability of the Indonesian banking sector from 2009 to 2019. The sample in this research comprises 22 banks in the BUKU 3 category and 7 banks in the BUKU 4 category. The data processing method employed is panel data analysis. The fixed effect model was selected as the most suitable model for this study. This research indicates that the financial inclusion variable significantly negatively impacts banking stability due to uneven access to financial inclusion and low financial literacy regarding banking products. Additionally, banking characteristics negatively influence banking stability through the NPL and bank size variables. In contrast, the CAR variable significantly positively affects the banking stability variable. Therefore, expanding financial access through financial education about utilizing and selecting...

Jurnal ekonomi akuntansi dan manajemen, Sep 28, 2022
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of trade balance, interest rates and capita... more The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of trade balance, interest rates and capital inflows on the rupiah exchange rate. The data used is time series data or time series in the form of years, namely from 1987 to 2019. This study uses a quantitative approach by using the error correction model (ECM) estimation method. The data analysis techniques used include: data stationarity test, cointegration test, estimation of short-term and long-term ECM, and classical assumption test. And the results obtained in this study are that in the long term the trade balance variable has a positive and significant effect on the rupiah exchange rate, interest rates have a positive and significant effect on the rupiah exchange rate. FDI has a positive and significant effect on the rupiah exchange rate and PFI has no effect on the rupiah exchange rate balance. While in the short term, the trade balance variable has a positive and significant effect on the rupiah exchange rate, interest rates have a positive and significant effect on the rupiah exchange rate, FDI has no significant effect on the rupiah exchange rate and FPI has no effect on the rupiah exchange rate.
Pamator Journal, 2021
This study aims to analyze the effect of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), exchange rates, internatio... more This study aims to analyze the effect of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), exchange rates, international coffee prices and coffee production on the value of Indonesian coffee exports in the six countries (United States
Media Trend, 2016
This research aims to analyse behaviour of fund accumulation from community ini Indonesia using d... more This research aims to analyse behaviour of fund accumulation from community ini Indonesia using dynamic model. The result shows that, in long term case, domestic real interest rates significantly affects community fund accumulation by Indonesian banking, while in short term the influence is not significant. International interest rate has no significant influence on the accumulation of community fund by Indonesian banking either in long term or in short term. Indonesian income per capita has significant influence on community fund accumulation by Indonesian banking either in short or in long term.

Media Trend, 2019
The objectives of this study are to analyze the effect of foreign debt on the exchange rate that ... more The objectives of this study are to analyze the effect of foreign debt on the exchange rate that seen from the foreign debt and the exchange rate, and add the variable of inflationary monetary policy and the interest rate of BI Rate to test its impact on monetary policy in Indonesia. The approach in this study is quantitative approach. Data that used are Time Series data from Asian Development Bank and Indonesian World Bank in 1986-2013. Variables that used are exchange rate, foreign debt, inflation and the interest rate of BI Rate. Method that used in this study is Vector Auto Regression (VAR) analysis. The stages that used in this study testing are stationary test, optimal lag test, Granger causality test, impulse response test, and variance decomposite test in Eviews 6 program. The results of Granger causality test of all variables in this study are unlikely to have a relationship and there are only two variables that give an effect.Based on the results of Granger causality, it s...

Media Trend, 2016
The purpose of this study was to determine To analyze the effect of the monetary sector and the r... more The purpose of this study was to determine To analyze the effect of the monetary sector and the real sector on the money supply in Indonesia as well as to analyze the influence of the period of long-term and short-term monetary sector and the real sector on the money supply in Indonesia peride 2005: III-2012: IV. This study uses quantitative methods with time series data. The data gathering techniques with documentary research literature study were analyzed using a model error correction model (ECM). The results of this study are: (1) All the variables of the monetary sector (foreign exchange reserves, interest rate (BI Rate)) cointegrated in the long penjang on the money supply in Indonesia. While the long-term results obtained estimates that variable foreign reserves has a positive and significant relationship, while the BI Rate has a negative and significant relationship to the amount of money circulating in Indonesia. While the estimation results in the short-term foreign exchan...

The main purpose of this research is to analyze customer behavior to take financing of sharia ban... more The main purpose of this research is to analyze customer behavior to take financing of sharia banking. These analyzing are: first, to know people perception about sharia banking. Second, to analyze the fact of customer motivation to propose financing. And the last, to know customer perception about riba and nisbah. This research use descriptive method base on explanatory research. Primary data were collected by questioner and interview to customer of Bank Syari’ah Mandiri Bangkalan that be case study at this research. The result of this research are: first, customer perception of sharia banking show that majority of respondents are weakly tend (87,5%), include the comprehension about the kind of financing. Second, service factor (ease and speed process), believe factor, and benefit factor (less nisbah of financing). And the third is customer perception about of riba and nisbah. The answer of customer tend to see the different both of them from system side.

Media Trend, 2011
Research analyzes the Intra industry Trade in Manufacture Sector between Indonesia and other coun... more Research analyzes the Intra industry Trade in Manufacture Sector between Indonesia and other countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Philippines. It also analyzes the relationship of industrial sectors in the economic field, especially among countries at ASEAN-5. The intra industry trade is measured based on Grubel-Lloyd Index with the aggregation rate of three digits in the ISIC (International Standard Industrial Classification). Panel data analysis tool is employed to analyze the factors influencing intra industry trade. Result of research indicates that the intensity of the intra industry trade between Indonesia and ASEAN-4 is relatively higher and consistent with that during 1998-2007. The dominant product in the intra industry trade is iron and steel metals. Market structure, product differentiation, and foreign investment, positively and significantly, influence the intra industry trade between Indonesia and ASEAN-4 countries. Machinery, equipment, and electric too...

Jurnal Perspektif Pembiayaan dan Pembangunan Daerah, 2021
This study aims to determine the effects of ASEAN economic integration on the manufacturing secto... more This study aims to determine the effects of ASEAN economic integration on the manufacturing sector's trade flow and foreign direct investment. This study using panel data regression. The results show that ASEAN economic integration affects trade in the manufacturing sector and foreign direct investment (FDI) in ASEAN member countries. The tariff elimination policy increased trade flows in the manufacturing sector and foreign direct investment. The variable of GDP has a positive and significant effect on the manufacturing sector's trade flows and foreign direct investment. Exchange rate variables have a negative and significant effect on trade flows in the manufacturing sector and foreign direct investment. Meanwhile, the distance variable negatively affects trade in the manufacturing sector, but it does not affect foreign direct investment.

Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Islamic Economics and Business (ICONIES 2018), 2019
The aim of this research is to find the impact of revenue sharing, banks equity, NPF and total fi... more The aim of this research is to find the impact of revenue sharing, banks equity, NPF and total financing to a profit of Islamic Banking. The main aim of this research is to look for the financing of rationing in Indonesia's Islamic Banking. This research is quantitative approach use panel data with OLS (Ordinary Least Square) method estimated every bank hence use time series data regression. The dependent variable of this research is bank profit and independent variables are revenue sharing. The result of this research is the optimum revenue sharing each bank are different. The optimum revenue sharing acquired by derivation of the coefficient of revenue sharing variable and the coefficient of revenue sharing quadrate variable which had been antilog. The conclusion of this research is Islamic banking ration their financing when the revenue sharing every bank more than the optimum revenue sharing. Islamic banking ration their financing are Bank Muamalat, Bank Panin Syariah, Bank Jabar Banten Syariah, and Bank Victoria Syariah whereas Islamic bank does not ration their financing are Bank Mega Syariah, Bank Syariah Mandiri, Bank Rakyat Indonesia Syariah, Bank Syariah Bukopin, BCA Syariah and BNI Syariah.

Jurnal Perspektif Pembiayaan dan Pembangunan Daerah, 2020
This study aims to estimate (the possibility) the inflation convergence among regionals in Indone... more This study aims to estimate (the possibility) the inflation convergence among regionals in Indonesia and also analyze the determinant/source factor of the regional inflation. The population of this study consists of 31 provinces by using secondary data of the 2008-2017 period. Consumer Price Index becomes the dependent variable while Gross Regional Domestic Product, Provincial Minimum Wage, credit and Open Unemployment Level become the independent variable. This research uses panel data analysis and Fixed Effect Model regression estimation approach. The result showed that inflation convergence happened among regionals in Indonesia that can be seen through the X1 variable coefficient value of -0.635457 since the value of β < 0. While for the convergence speed calculation, the measurement result showed that the duration needed by the inflation to return to the initial balance or its natural value is 68 months. The study result also showed that Gross Regional Domestic Product, Provi...

Jurnal Ilmiah Pangabdhi, 2019
Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk pelatihan kewirausahaan yang berdasarkan poten... more Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk pelatihan kewirausahaan yang berdasarkan potensi yang ada. Kegiatan pemberdayakan masyarakat Desa Keleyan dilakukan dengan metode sosialisasi, pelatihan dan praktek pengolahan limbah rambutan. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa pelatihan kewirausahaan berdasarkan potensi unggulan di Desa Kelayan berfokus pada pembentukan pola pikir masyarakat dari pekerja menjadi pencipta pekerjaan. Substansi pelatihan kewirausahaan terkait dengan potensi Desa Keleyan memanfaatkan limbah rambutan. Limbah rambutan yang digunakan adalah biji dan kulit yang bisa diolah menjadi emping biji rambutan Keleyan (EBI BULE), teh kulit rambutan (Teh Kabayan) dan kompos takakura. Selain itu masyarakat juga diperkenalkan pada pentingnya kemasan dan desain label makanan agar menarik minat pembeli. Hasil pelatihan kewirausahaan diharapkan bisa memberikan nilai tambah bagi masyarakat.

Journal of Indonesian Applied Economics, 2008
This research examines and analyzes the use of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) as a forecasting ... more This research examines and analyzes the use of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) as a forecasting tool. Specifically a neural network's ability to predict future trends of inflation is tested. Accuracy is compared against a traditional forecasting method, multiple linear regression analysis. Finally, the probability of the model's forecast being correct is calculated using conditional probabilities. While only briefly discussing neural network theory, this research determines the feasibility and practicality of using neural networks as a forecasting tool for inflation in Indonesia. This study builds upon the work done by Edward Gately in his book Neural Networks for Financial Forecasting. This research validates the work of Gately and describes the development of a neural network that achieved an 86 percent probability of predicting an inflation rise, while multiple regression analysis is only to predict inflation that achieved a 16%. It was concluded that neural networks do have the capability to forecast inflation and, if properly trained, we could benefit from the use of this forecasting tool.

e-Journal Ekonomi Bisnis dan Akuntansi, 2020
Financial integration is the last step that can be done to achieve economic integration. One cond... more Financial integration is the last step that can be done to achieve economic integration. One condition that must be met before the implementation of financial integration is the existence of the optimal currency area (OCA) criteria. The purpose of this study: 1) to find out the closeness of the currency to changes in the bilateral exchange rate as a supporter in the possibility of forming a single currency in the ASEAN region, 2) to analyze the chosen anchor currency which has a positive influence (appreciation) on the local currency of the ASEAN region as a currency single money region. This study uses annual real output data, size of GDP ratio, bilateral trade, differences in the composition of trade, and the exchange rate throughout of 1995-2018 period. The analytical method used is panel data test. The results showed that the currencies of ASEAN countries did not yet have the closeness of forming a single currency in the ASEAN region. Meanwhile, to determine the appropriate anch...

Media Trend, 2020
This research aims to analyze the competitiveness of export of textile commodities in ASEAN count... more This research aims to analyze the competitiveness of export of textile commodities in ASEAN countries in 2010-2018. This research is a type of quantitative study. The analysis is conducted using the data panel which is the combined data of data cross section and time series published by the Central Statistic Agency (BPS), Worldbank, WITS. The method used in this study was Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA), a data-panel regression. Based on the results of the analysis of RCA showed that the export of Indonesian textile commodities in ASEAN countries has a strong competitiveness in the country Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam because of the RCA value more than 1. In the results of a regression analysis of variable panel data on Indonesian exchange rate against the American dollar has a negative and insignificant influence on RCA, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) variable has a positive and significant influence on RCA, variable tenga work has a positive and insignificant influenc...
Papers by Diah Wahyuningsih