Assistant Professor at "Mother Teresa" University, Skopje, North MacedoniaField of research: Payments and Compensations, Economy, Management, Human Resource Management, Strategic Management.
PurposeThis study aims to examine the relationship between high commitment human resource managem... more PurposeThis study aims to examine the relationship between high commitment human resource management (HCHRM) practices and employee well-being in the food service industry, with a focus on the mediating roles of job demands and psychological conditions.Design/methodology/approachA survey was conducted among 296 frontline employees in the food service industry, and the data were analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM) in AMOS ver26.FindingsThe results showed that HCHRM practices do not directly affect employee well-being. However, psychological conditions play a crucial role in mediating the relationship between HCHRM practices and employee well-being. Specifically, the psychological conditions of meaningfulness and availability significantly predicted work engagement and mediated the relationship between HCHRM practices and employee well-being. On the other hand, job demands did not mediate the relationship between HCHRM practices and employee well-being.Research limitatio...
This study aims to examine the relationship between high commitment human resource management (HC... more This study aims to examine the relationship between high commitment human resource management (HCHRM) practices and employee well-being in the food service industry, with a focus on the mediating roles of job demands and psychological conditions. Design/methodology/approach A survey was conducted among 296 frontline employees in the food service industry, and the data were analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM) in AMOS ver26. Findings The results showed that HCHRM practices do not directly affect employee well-being. However, psychological conditions play a crucial role in mediating the relationship between HCHRM practices and employee well-being. Specifically, the psychological conditions of meaningfulness and availability significantly predicted work engagement and mediated the relationship between HCHRM practices and employee well-being. On the other hand, job demands did not mediate the relationship between HCHRM practices and employee well-being. Research limitations/implications Although the study addressed common method variance, the cross-sectional nature of the data limits the ability to infer causal relationships among variables. Future studies could adopt a longitudinal research design to investigate the causal relationships among variables. In addition, the study recommends that managers in the food service industry adopt HCHRM practices and provide necessary psychological conditions to promote employee well-being. Originality/value This study extends the current literature on HCHRM and employee well-being in the food service industry by providing new insights into the mediating role of psychological conditions. The findings suggest that HCHRM practices can indirectly promote employee well-being through the enhancement of psychological conditions. These insights could help managers in the food service industry to design effective HRM strategies that foster employee well-being and reduce turnover.
The impact of remittances on various economic indicators has been analyzed for many developing co... more The impact of remittances on various economic indicators has been analyzed for many developing countries, however, there is little evidence about their impact on the trade balance. For North Macedonia, remittances play an important role because they completely compensate the trade deficit, but on the other hand these remittances are expected to affect the trade deficit, because a large part of these remittances is oriented for further consumption. This paper aims to examine the impact of remittances on North Macedonia’s trade balance using quarterly data for the period Q12003 - Q32019. Like many developing countries, North Macedonia’s economy relies heavily on remittance flows making it an interesting laboratory for the research question at hand. We differentiate between formal remittances, as measured by workers’ compensations and informal remittances, as measured by private current transfers. We find that private current transfers have a significant impact and improve the trade balance, whereas workers’ compensation significantly worsens the trade balance. In addition, our results show that inflation worsens the trade balance and past trade rates themselves affect current trade rates. These results point to the need for a more accurate measure of remittance flows in official statistics to be able to capture the full extent of their impact in various economic indicators of a country.
This study aims to research the effect of the perception of white-collar employees’ in the bankin... more This study aims to research the effect of the perception of white-collar employees’ in the banking sector of the pay (in)equality and the intention to leave the job. The study is based on the model of equality payment system. Through a previously prepared questionnaire we have measured the perceptions of general equality, including internal and external, individual and procedural equality, and through a linear regression we have measured the overall effect of the pay (in)equality on the intention to leave the job. In the scope of this research, we have analyzed the impact of demographic differences on the dimensions of pay (in)equality and the intention to leave the job. For the purpose of hypothesis testing we have used a selected sample of white-collar employees in the banking sector in the city of Istanbul. The data has been gathered by means of a questionnaire. 350 questionnaires have been distributed, to which we received only 239 feedbacks. The data has been analyzed in SPSS S...
In this paper, the author depicts a woman's life through the documents of the Sharia Court in Sar... more In this paper, the author depicts a woman's life through the documents of the Sharia Court in Sarajevo and points out the reasons for her appearance in front of a kadi. The text analyzes the available documents in which women are plaintiffs or defendants, and through their examples, the author tries to point out the changes, especially for Muslim women in everyday life during the Austro-Hungarian rule. The paper also provides exact data on the number of married and divorced cases in the Sharia Court in Sarajevo in the period 1885.-1907., 1911. and 1913. Special attention is given to divorces, the right to personal property, the right to care and alimony. The paper shows the position of women at the crossroads of two kingdoms through a image at the local level.
This article examines the Turkish threat to Byzantium in the mid-14th century, as seen through th... more This article examines the Turkish threat to Byzantium in the mid-14th century, as seen through the eyes of a critical Byzantine intellectual and political figure of his time, Demetrios Cydones. Cydones was a consistent supporter of a resistance policy against the Ottoman Turks and strongly opposed any rapprochement. Having served three emperors from the 1340s to the 1380s, he sought a military alliance with western rulers through the Roman Catholic Church's mediation. Cydones' correspondence, which contains over 450 letters covering the years 1345-1391, is an essential source for the histories of Byzantium and the Ottoman Emirate in the second half of the 14th century. This article examines the Turkish threat to Byzantium through his letters. The letters contain accounts of Byzantine alliances with the Turks, the Ottoman conquest of Gallipoli, the first Turkish attacks on Constantinople and Thessaloniki, and the battle of Maritsa.
This study aims to research the effect of the perception of white-collar employees' in the bankin... more This study aims to research the effect of the perception of white-collar employees' in the banking sector of the pay (in)equality and the intention to leave the job. The study is based on the model of equality payment system. Through a previously prepared questionnaire we have measured the perceptions of general equality, including internal and external, individual and procedural equality, and through a linear regression we have measured the overall effect of the pay (in)equality on the intention to leave the job. In the scope of this research, we have analyzed the impact of demographic differences on the dimensions of pay (in)equality and the intention to leave the job. For the purpose of hypothesis testing we have used a selected sample of white-collar employees in the banking sector in the city of Istanbul. The data has been gathered by means of a questionnaire. 350 questionnaires have been distributed, to which we received only 239 feedbacks. The data has been analyzed in SPSS Statistics, version 22.0. At the end of research, a substantial negative relationship has been found between white collar employees' perception of pay equality and their intention to leave the job. This implies that pay (in)equality has a solid impact on the employees' intention to leave their work place. On the other hand, a result of this research is that in the demographic aspect, the employees' perception of the pay equality varies according to gender and wage level, whereas for the variable of the intention to leave the job, the employees' perception varies only based on gender.
ÖZET Araştırmada toplu iş sözleşmesi kapsamında çalışan sendikalı çalışanların prosedürel adalet ... more ÖZET Araştırmada toplu iş sözleşmesi kapsamında çalışan sendikalı çalışanların prosedürel adalet algıları, örgütsel ve sendikal bağlılık seviyeleri belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Çalışanların prosedürel adalete ilişkin algılarının ilgili işletmede geçerli toplu iş sözleşmesi hükümleri ekseninde şekillendiği varsayımından hareket edilmiş, çalışanlara işletmelerinde bağıtlanan en son toplu iş sözleşmesini dikkate alarak cevaplandırmaları istenen sorular yöneltilerek prosedürel adalet algıları ölçülmeye çalışılmıştır. Bu doğrultuda metal işkolunda faaliyet gösteren bir üretim işletmesinde çalışan toplam 479 sendikalı çalışan araştırmaya katkı sağlamıştır. Toplanan veriler IBM SPSS Statistics 21.0 sürümlü programda analiz edilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda, sendikalı çalışanların prosedürel adalet algıları ile örgütsel ve sendikal bağlılıkları arasında pozitif yönlü anlamlı ilişkiler bulunmuştur. Diğer yandan, çalışanların prosedürel adalet algılarının sendikal ve örgütsel bağlılıklarını anlamlı bir şekilde etkilediği sonucuna da ulaşılmıştır. Anahtar kelimeler: Sendikalı Çalışanlar, Prosedür Adaleti, Örgütsel Bağlılık, Sendikal Bağlılık, Toplu İş Sözleşmesi 1.Araştırmanın Amacı ve Önemi İşgörenlerin, örgütten elde ettikleri kazanımların belirlenmesinde kullanılan yöntemler, araçlar ve süreçlere ilişkin adalet algıları, prosedür adaleti algısı olarak ifade edilmektedir (Folger ve Cropanzano, 1998:26). İşgörenler açısından, örgüte katkıları sonucunda elde ettikleri kazanımların adil olması kadar, bu kazanımları elde etmelerini sağlayan süreçte, örgütün uyguladığı prosedürlerin ve işlemlerin adil olması da önem taşımaktadır. Prosedür adaleti kavramının ortaya çıkmasında Thibaut ve Walker'ın, 1975 yılında adli davalara ilişkin yapmış oldukları araştırma etkili olmuştur. Thibaut ve Walker araştırmalarında davalıların, mahkemelerde davaların görülmesi sürecinde işletilen yasal prosedürlere ilişkin tepkilerini incelemişlerdir (Colquitt v.d., 2001:426). Araştırma sonucunda davaların, davalıların beklentileri yönünde sonuçlanmasa bile karar sürecinde davalılara söz hakkı tanınmış olması ve davalıların karar sürecinde kontrol olanaklarının olduğunu düşünmeleri durumunda kararı adaletli olarak değerlendirdikleri saptanmıştır. Araştırmada elde edilen bilgiler ışığında Thibaut ve Walker, kararların adil olarak algılanmasını etkileyen unsurları, süreç ve karar kontrolü unsurları olarak ikiye ayırmaktadırlar. Süreç kontrolü, bireylere karar sürecinde kendi durumlarını ifade edebilmeleri için söz hakkı tanınmasını, karar vericileri ya da bu süreçte kendilerini temsil edecek kişileri belirleme olanağının sunulmasını, karar kontrolü ise bireylere alınan kararlar üzerinde kontrol hakkı tanınmasını diğer bir deyişle kararları sorgulama veya kararlara itiraz etme olanağı sunulmasını ifade etmektedir (Colquitt v.d., 2005:21-23). Thibaut ve Walker'ın araştırmalarıyla ortaya koydukları prosedür adaleti kavramını, örgüt bağlamında ilk olarak Folger ve Greenberg ele almış ve prosedür adaletini, örgütlerde dağıtım kararları alınırken örgütün kullandığı politika, işlem ve süreçlerin işgörenlerce algılanan adilliği olarak tanımlamışlardır(Greenberg, 1990:402). İşgörenlerin işe ilişkin tutumlarından biri olan örgütsel bağlılık kavramı ise; "çalışanların örgüt amaç ve değerlerine sıkı sıkı bağlılığı, örgüt amaçları için gönüllü ve istekli bir çalışma gayreti içinde olma ve örgütte kalmak ve örgüt üyeliğini sürdürmek için duydukları güçlü bir arzu" şeklinde tanımlanmaktadır (Mowday, Steers, Porter, 1979: 311). Cohen-Charash ve Spector' un örgütlerde adaletin rolünü ele aldıkları meta analiz çalışmasında, işgörenlerin örgüte dair adalet algılarının örgütsel bağlılık ile ilişkili olduğu belirtilmiştir(Cohen-Charash ve Spector, 2001:308). Prosedür adaleti algısı örgütün kullandığı yöntemlere ilişkin olduğundan; örgüte bağlılık, örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışı gibi örgüte yönelik tutum ve davranışları etkilemektedir(Greenberg, 1990:407). Araştırmanın diğer bir değişkeni olan sendikal bağlılık kavramına ilişkin literatür ise büyük ölçüde örgüte bağlılık konusundaki kuramsal ve ampirik araştırmalara dayalı olarak gelişmiş, üye işgörenin
The 19th century marked the beginning of American and British Protestant missions penetrating Alb... more The 19th century marked the beginning of American and British Protestant missions penetrating Albanian lands and the wider Ottoman Empire. Since then, the British Bible Society and the American Board of Commissioners have sent missionaries to these areas. The headquarters of the British Bible Society's mission to the Ottoman Empire was in Istanbul. As a result, a new community of Protestants began to crystallize. The first conversion of the population to the Protestant faith is observed to have occurred in the second half of the 19th century. This article aims to highlight the statistical data obtained from Ottoman documents proving the existence of this religious community. For a long time in Albanian historiography, four nations have been claimed to be present among Albanians in the 19th century, with studies in this field developed in recent years. This study aims to bring data from Ottoman annual reports and population registers to discuss the existence of the Protestant community in a multinational empire. Protestant missionaries had an important role and spiritually influenced the indigenous population by promoting faith and reawakening national consciousness. The transformation of populations was rapid in the Eastern regions of the Ottoman Empire. Concerning peripheral areas such as Albanian lands, some scarce data have been found on the main provinces located in these lands. The drafting of this study relied on Ottoman documents and sources translated by Turkish authors, as well as Albanian, English, and Turkish monographs and articles from various authors.
The main purpose of this article is to understand the use and abuse of the notion of democracy an... more The main purpose of this article is to understand the use and abuse of the notion of democracy and its operation as a political system throughout the classical Greek period to modernity. The article will show how the development and understanding of democracy from the modern Western Europe completely differs from its classical conception. The analytical starting point is the assumption that the political system of Western democracy is presented as an indirect representation and creates a gap between policy and society such that the latter lacks its physical role as a mandator of the political system. By extending the above-mentioned syllogism to the modern Greek State in accordance with George Contogeorgis' assumption that the modern political system is neither democratic nor representative, the article is then able to describe the roots of Greece's current sociopolitical and economic impasse. Thus by questioning the absence of a coordinated political proposal from its executive branch for dealing with major sociopolitical and economic problems, the article searches for the misapplication of democracy in policy formation and implementation.
This study aims to examine the processes brought forth in Serbian historiography using the struct... more This study aims to examine the processes brought forth in Serbian historiography using the structural nature of the mutually influential relationship between power and history as data. The study focuses on the post-1990 period and examines the history, institutions, major works, and historians of Serbian historiography. The period under study includes two distinct power eras: the nationalist transition and the postmodern period. The study examines the characteristics, structures, and dynamics of these periods within this framework and attempts to determine the continuity and differences between these two periods. The study analyzes the results of Serbian historiography's relationship to power and history by examining the Ottoman narrative in general works on Serbian history.
3 Reval Görüşmeleri 9 Haziran 1908 tarihinde günümüzde Estonya'nın başkenti olan Tallinn'de İngil... more 3 Reval Görüşmeleri 9 Haziran 1908 tarihinde günümüzde Estonya'nın başkenti olan Tallinn'de İngiltere Kralı VII. Edward ile Rus Çarı Nikola'nın yaptığı görüşmedir. Reval Görüşmeleri'nde Osmanlı İmparatorluğu ile ilgili konular da ele alınmıştır.
PurposeThis study aims to examine the relationship between high commitment human resource managem... more PurposeThis study aims to examine the relationship between high commitment human resource management (HCHRM) practices and employee well-being in the food service industry, with a focus on the mediating roles of job demands and psychological conditions.Design/methodology/approachA survey was conducted among 296 frontline employees in the food service industry, and the data were analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM) in AMOS ver26.FindingsThe results showed that HCHRM practices do not directly affect employee well-being. However, psychological conditions play a crucial role in mediating the relationship between HCHRM practices and employee well-being. Specifically, the psychological conditions of meaningfulness and availability significantly predicted work engagement and mediated the relationship between HCHRM practices and employee well-being. On the other hand, job demands did not mediate the relationship between HCHRM practices and employee well-being.Research limitatio...
This study aims to examine the relationship between high commitment human resource management (HC... more This study aims to examine the relationship between high commitment human resource management (HCHRM) practices and employee well-being in the food service industry, with a focus on the mediating roles of job demands and psychological conditions. Design/methodology/approach A survey was conducted among 296 frontline employees in the food service industry, and the data were analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM) in AMOS ver26. Findings The results showed that HCHRM practices do not directly affect employee well-being. However, psychological conditions play a crucial role in mediating the relationship between HCHRM practices and employee well-being. Specifically, the psychological conditions of meaningfulness and availability significantly predicted work engagement and mediated the relationship between HCHRM practices and employee well-being. On the other hand, job demands did not mediate the relationship between HCHRM practices and employee well-being. Research limitations/implications Although the study addressed common method variance, the cross-sectional nature of the data limits the ability to infer causal relationships among variables. Future studies could adopt a longitudinal research design to investigate the causal relationships among variables. In addition, the study recommends that managers in the food service industry adopt HCHRM practices and provide necessary psychological conditions to promote employee well-being. Originality/value This study extends the current literature on HCHRM and employee well-being in the food service industry by providing new insights into the mediating role of psychological conditions. The findings suggest that HCHRM practices can indirectly promote employee well-being through the enhancement of psychological conditions. These insights could help managers in the food service industry to design effective HRM strategies that foster employee well-being and reduce turnover.
The impact of remittances on various economic indicators has been analyzed for many developing co... more The impact of remittances on various economic indicators has been analyzed for many developing countries, however, there is little evidence about their impact on the trade balance. For North Macedonia, remittances play an important role because they completely compensate the trade deficit, but on the other hand these remittances are expected to affect the trade deficit, because a large part of these remittances is oriented for further consumption. This paper aims to examine the impact of remittances on North Macedonia’s trade balance using quarterly data for the period Q12003 - Q32019. Like many developing countries, North Macedonia’s economy relies heavily on remittance flows making it an interesting laboratory for the research question at hand. We differentiate between formal remittances, as measured by workers’ compensations and informal remittances, as measured by private current transfers. We find that private current transfers have a significant impact and improve the trade balance, whereas workers’ compensation significantly worsens the trade balance. In addition, our results show that inflation worsens the trade balance and past trade rates themselves affect current trade rates. These results point to the need for a more accurate measure of remittance flows in official statistics to be able to capture the full extent of their impact in various economic indicators of a country.
This study aims to research the effect of the perception of white-collar employees’ in the bankin... more This study aims to research the effect of the perception of white-collar employees’ in the banking sector of the pay (in)equality and the intention to leave the job. The study is based on the model of equality payment system. Through a previously prepared questionnaire we have measured the perceptions of general equality, including internal and external, individual and procedural equality, and through a linear regression we have measured the overall effect of the pay (in)equality on the intention to leave the job. In the scope of this research, we have analyzed the impact of demographic differences on the dimensions of pay (in)equality and the intention to leave the job. For the purpose of hypothesis testing we have used a selected sample of white-collar employees in the banking sector in the city of Istanbul. The data has been gathered by means of a questionnaire. 350 questionnaires have been distributed, to which we received only 239 feedbacks. The data has been analyzed in SPSS S...
In this paper, the author depicts a woman's life through the documents of the Sharia Court in Sar... more In this paper, the author depicts a woman's life through the documents of the Sharia Court in Sarajevo and points out the reasons for her appearance in front of a kadi. The text analyzes the available documents in which women are plaintiffs or defendants, and through their examples, the author tries to point out the changes, especially for Muslim women in everyday life during the Austro-Hungarian rule. The paper also provides exact data on the number of married and divorced cases in the Sharia Court in Sarajevo in the period 1885.-1907., 1911. and 1913. Special attention is given to divorces, the right to personal property, the right to care and alimony. The paper shows the position of women at the crossroads of two kingdoms through a image at the local level.
This article examines the Turkish threat to Byzantium in the mid-14th century, as seen through th... more This article examines the Turkish threat to Byzantium in the mid-14th century, as seen through the eyes of a critical Byzantine intellectual and political figure of his time, Demetrios Cydones. Cydones was a consistent supporter of a resistance policy against the Ottoman Turks and strongly opposed any rapprochement. Having served three emperors from the 1340s to the 1380s, he sought a military alliance with western rulers through the Roman Catholic Church's mediation. Cydones' correspondence, which contains over 450 letters covering the years 1345-1391, is an essential source for the histories of Byzantium and the Ottoman Emirate in the second half of the 14th century. This article examines the Turkish threat to Byzantium through his letters. The letters contain accounts of Byzantine alliances with the Turks, the Ottoman conquest of Gallipoli, the first Turkish attacks on Constantinople and Thessaloniki, and the battle of Maritsa.
This study aims to research the effect of the perception of white-collar employees' in the bankin... more This study aims to research the effect of the perception of white-collar employees' in the banking sector of the pay (in)equality and the intention to leave the job. The study is based on the model of equality payment system. Through a previously prepared questionnaire we have measured the perceptions of general equality, including internal and external, individual and procedural equality, and through a linear regression we have measured the overall effect of the pay (in)equality on the intention to leave the job. In the scope of this research, we have analyzed the impact of demographic differences on the dimensions of pay (in)equality and the intention to leave the job. For the purpose of hypothesis testing we have used a selected sample of white-collar employees in the banking sector in the city of Istanbul. The data has been gathered by means of a questionnaire. 350 questionnaires have been distributed, to which we received only 239 feedbacks. The data has been analyzed in SPSS Statistics, version 22.0. At the end of research, a substantial negative relationship has been found between white collar employees' perception of pay equality and their intention to leave the job. This implies that pay (in)equality has a solid impact on the employees' intention to leave their work place. On the other hand, a result of this research is that in the demographic aspect, the employees' perception of the pay equality varies according to gender and wage level, whereas for the variable of the intention to leave the job, the employees' perception varies only based on gender.
ÖZET Araştırmada toplu iş sözleşmesi kapsamında çalışan sendikalı çalışanların prosedürel adalet ... more ÖZET Araştırmada toplu iş sözleşmesi kapsamında çalışan sendikalı çalışanların prosedürel adalet algıları, örgütsel ve sendikal bağlılık seviyeleri belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Çalışanların prosedürel adalete ilişkin algılarının ilgili işletmede geçerli toplu iş sözleşmesi hükümleri ekseninde şekillendiği varsayımından hareket edilmiş, çalışanlara işletmelerinde bağıtlanan en son toplu iş sözleşmesini dikkate alarak cevaplandırmaları istenen sorular yöneltilerek prosedürel adalet algıları ölçülmeye çalışılmıştır. Bu doğrultuda metal işkolunda faaliyet gösteren bir üretim işletmesinde çalışan toplam 479 sendikalı çalışan araştırmaya katkı sağlamıştır. Toplanan veriler IBM SPSS Statistics 21.0 sürümlü programda analiz edilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda, sendikalı çalışanların prosedürel adalet algıları ile örgütsel ve sendikal bağlılıkları arasında pozitif yönlü anlamlı ilişkiler bulunmuştur. Diğer yandan, çalışanların prosedürel adalet algılarının sendikal ve örgütsel bağlılıklarını anlamlı bir şekilde etkilediği sonucuna da ulaşılmıştır. Anahtar kelimeler: Sendikalı Çalışanlar, Prosedür Adaleti, Örgütsel Bağlılık, Sendikal Bağlılık, Toplu İş Sözleşmesi 1.Araştırmanın Amacı ve Önemi İşgörenlerin, örgütten elde ettikleri kazanımların belirlenmesinde kullanılan yöntemler, araçlar ve süreçlere ilişkin adalet algıları, prosedür adaleti algısı olarak ifade edilmektedir (Folger ve Cropanzano, 1998:26). İşgörenler açısından, örgüte katkıları sonucunda elde ettikleri kazanımların adil olması kadar, bu kazanımları elde etmelerini sağlayan süreçte, örgütün uyguladığı prosedürlerin ve işlemlerin adil olması da önem taşımaktadır. Prosedür adaleti kavramının ortaya çıkmasında Thibaut ve Walker'ın, 1975 yılında adli davalara ilişkin yapmış oldukları araştırma etkili olmuştur. Thibaut ve Walker araştırmalarında davalıların, mahkemelerde davaların görülmesi sürecinde işletilen yasal prosedürlere ilişkin tepkilerini incelemişlerdir (Colquitt v.d., 2001:426). Araştırma sonucunda davaların, davalıların beklentileri yönünde sonuçlanmasa bile karar sürecinde davalılara söz hakkı tanınmış olması ve davalıların karar sürecinde kontrol olanaklarının olduğunu düşünmeleri durumunda kararı adaletli olarak değerlendirdikleri saptanmıştır. Araştırmada elde edilen bilgiler ışığında Thibaut ve Walker, kararların adil olarak algılanmasını etkileyen unsurları, süreç ve karar kontrolü unsurları olarak ikiye ayırmaktadırlar. Süreç kontrolü, bireylere karar sürecinde kendi durumlarını ifade edebilmeleri için söz hakkı tanınmasını, karar vericileri ya da bu süreçte kendilerini temsil edecek kişileri belirleme olanağının sunulmasını, karar kontrolü ise bireylere alınan kararlar üzerinde kontrol hakkı tanınmasını diğer bir deyişle kararları sorgulama veya kararlara itiraz etme olanağı sunulmasını ifade etmektedir (Colquitt v.d., 2005:21-23). Thibaut ve Walker'ın araştırmalarıyla ortaya koydukları prosedür adaleti kavramını, örgüt bağlamında ilk olarak Folger ve Greenberg ele almış ve prosedür adaletini, örgütlerde dağıtım kararları alınırken örgütün kullandığı politika, işlem ve süreçlerin işgörenlerce algılanan adilliği olarak tanımlamışlardır(Greenberg, 1990:402). İşgörenlerin işe ilişkin tutumlarından biri olan örgütsel bağlılık kavramı ise; "çalışanların örgüt amaç ve değerlerine sıkı sıkı bağlılığı, örgüt amaçları için gönüllü ve istekli bir çalışma gayreti içinde olma ve örgütte kalmak ve örgüt üyeliğini sürdürmek için duydukları güçlü bir arzu" şeklinde tanımlanmaktadır (Mowday, Steers, Porter, 1979: 311). Cohen-Charash ve Spector' un örgütlerde adaletin rolünü ele aldıkları meta analiz çalışmasında, işgörenlerin örgüte dair adalet algılarının örgütsel bağlılık ile ilişkili olduğu belirtilmiştir(Cohen-Charash ve Spector, 2001:308). Prosedür adaleti algısı örgütün kullandığı yöntemlere ilişkin olduğundan; örgüte bağlılık, örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışı gibi örgüte yönelik tutum ve davranışları etkilemektedir(Greenberg, 1990:407). Araştırmanın diğer bir değişkeni olan sendikal bağlılık kavramına ilişkin literatür ise büyük ölçüde örgüte bağlılık konusundaki kuramsal ve ampirik araştırmalara dayalı olarak gelişmiş, üye işgörenin
The 19th century marked the beginning of American and British Protestant missions penetrating Alb... more The 19th century marked the beginning of American and British Protestant missions penetrating Albanian lands and the wider Ottoman Empire. Since then, the British Bible Society and the American Board of Commissioners have sent missionaries to these areas. The headquarters of the British Bible Society's mission to the Ottoman Empire was in Istanbul. As a result, a new community of Protestants began to crystallize. The first conversion of the population to the Protestant faith is observed to have occurred in the second half of the 19th century. This article aims to highlight the statistical data obtained from Ottoman documents proving the existence of this religious community. For a long time in Albanian historiography, four nations have been claimed to be present among Albanians in the 19th century, with studies in this field developed in recent years. This study aims to bring data from Ottoman annual reports and population registers to discuss the existence of the Protestant community in a multinational empire. Protestant missionaries had an important role and spiritually influenced the indigenous population by promoting faith and reawakening national consciousness. The transformation of populations was rapid in the Eastern regions of the Ottoman Empire. Concerning peripheral areas such as Albanian lands, some scarce data have been found on the main provinces located in these lands. The drafting of this study relied on Ottoman documents and sources translated by Turkish authors, as well as Albanian, English, and Turkish monographs and articles from various authors.
The main purpose of this article is to understand the use and abuse of the notion of democracy an... more The main purpose of this article is to understand the use and abuse of the notion of democracy and its operation as a political system throughout the classical Greek period to modernity. The article will show how the development and understanding of democracy from the modern Western Europe completely differs from its classical conception. The analytical starting point is the assumption that the political system of Western democracy is presented as an indirect representation and creates a gap between policy and society such that the latter lacks its physical role as a mandator of the political system. By extending the above-mentioned syllogism to the modern Greek State in accordance with George Contogeorgis' assumption that the modern political system is neither democratic nor representative, the article is then able to describe the roots of Greece's current sociopolitical and economic impasse. Thus by questioning the absence of a coordinated political proposal from its executive branch for dealing with major sociopolitical and economic problems, the article searches for the misapplication of democracy in policy formation and implementation.
This study aims to examine the processes brought forth in Serbian historiography using the struct... more This study aims to examine the processes brought forth in Serbian historiography using the structural nature of the mutually influential relationship between power and history as data. The study focuses on the post-1990 period and examines the history, institutions, major works, and historians of Serbian historiography. The period under study includes two distinct power eras: the nationalist transition and the postmodern period. The study examines the characteristics, structures, and dynamics of these periods within this framework and attempts to determine the continuity and differences between these two periods. The study analyzes the results of Serbian historiography's relationship to power and history by examining the Ottoman narrative in general works on Serbian history.
3 Reval Görüşmeleri 9 Haziran 1908 tarihinde günümüzde Estonya'nın başkenti olan Tallinn'de İngil... more 3 Reval Görüşmeleri 9 Haziran 1908 tarihinde günümüzde Estonya'nın başkenti olan Tallinn'de İngiltere Kralı VII. Edward ile Rus Çarı Nikola'nın yaptığı görüşmedir. Reval Görüşmeleri'nde Osmanlı İmparatorluğu ile ilgili konular da ele alınmıştır.
Papers by Bujamin Bela
Books by Bujamin Bela