Papers by Jasmin Jajcevic
A poster is a specially printed sheet of paper attached or glued to an existing surface, which mu... more A poster is a specially printed sheet of paper attached or glued to an existing surface, which must be publicly displayed and mass-produced. Its purpose is to facilitate communication, to transmit information of a different nature from one person, group of people or organization to as many other people as possible In addition to its informative nature, the poster also plays a significant role in the development of society. It raises social awareness and the level of culture by spreading advanced ideas and programs of cultural content, and as such the poster has its historical significance as a written source. The poster is a historical document that tells about a socio-political moment with its content and messages. That is why the poster, as a written historical source, together with other historical sources, can be used to study the history of a nation. Also, they represent documents of their time and are a rich source of information for scientists in various research fields, as well as for numerous other users. Posters are valuable documents on the basis of which we can reconstruct certain events, then follow cultural events, politics and other social events and represent valuable documents of the cultural heritage of every country. In this regard, this paper has the primary intention of pointing out the importance and specifics of processing the collection of posters owned by the Archives of the Tuzla Canton.
Professional associations are an important segment of the development of archival activity, so th... more Professional associations are an important segment of the development of archival activity, so their work on the promotion of the archival profession and archival material is of particular importance. Professional associations provide a basis for the exchange of experiences, the development of professional skills and the promotion of standards in archival practice, and they serve as the voice of the profession in the public. They perform their activities through the organization of conferences, round tables, workshops, exhibitions and other events that promote the importance of archival materials and archives. The publishing activity of professional associations plays a special role in its work. One of the primary activities of the Association of Archival Employees of the Tuzla Canton is publishing. From the very beginning, it was properly directed as a form of cooperation between the Association of Archival Employees of the Tuzla Canton with other scientific and cultural institutions and associations, and thus it was the initiator of domestic as well as international cooperation. The aim of the paper is to present the publishing activity of the Society of Archival Employees of the Tuzla Canton, and to point out its importance for the development of archival activity and historical science.
IDEFE, 2022
In this paper, the author depicts a woman's life through the documents of the Sharia Court in Sar... more In this paper, the author depicts a woman's life through the documents of the Sharia Court in Sarajevo and points out the reasons for her appearance in front of a kadi. The text analyzes the available documents in which women are plaintiffs or defendants, and through their examples, the author tries to point out the changes, especially for Muslim women in everyday life during the Austro-Hungarian rule. The paper also provides exact data on the number of married and divorced cases in the Sharia Court in Sarajevo in the period 1885.-1907., 1911. and 1913. Special attention is given to divorces, the right to personal property, the right to care and alimony. The paper shows the position of women at the crossroads of two kingdoms through a image at the local level.
Based on his own experience, the author talks about the availability of research on archival mate... more Based on his own experience, the author talks about the availability of research on archival material in archives, both in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in the surrounding countries, in the context of the SARS-COV-2 virus pandemic. The paper treats positive and negative examples, which the author met during the research of archival material in archives, then on the establishment of communication and how to get to archival material in the archives of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Archives of Yugoslavia in Beograd and the Croatian State Archives in Zagreb. Several positive examples of work were pointed out, but also negative examples of work in the mentioned archives. Also, based on his own experience during research in archives, the author proposed recommendations, which archives should work on, „not in the future, but now“, in order to create favorable conditions for the smooth operation of researchers and employees in archives.
In terms of historiography, the history of Bosnia and Herzegovina after the Second World War has ... more In terms of historiography, the history of Bosnia and Herzegovina after the Second World War has been dealt with by many historians and scholars, dealing with and researching topics related to the economy, culture, the issue of religious communities, political circumstances, etc. What is lacking in historiographical research in the period after the Second World War is certainly the question of education (educational opportunities), as well as the question of the repercussions and consequences of the Informbiro crisis in the period from 1948 to 1956 for Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The period from 1948 to 1956 is one of the most dramatic and fateful phases in the recent history of the South Slavic countries, ie Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is a period of very contradictory and turbulent social processes, which have led to complex changes in all areas of socio-economic and political reality, both domestically (in Yugoslavia and Bosnia and Herzegovina) and internationally. Stalin's attempt to subjugate the Yugoslav party leadership to Soviet domination will lead to an open split between Tito and Stalin (Yugoslavia and the USSR), which will have major consequences for the development of the Yugoslav political system, will lead to universal persecution of all those who voted for politics. Informbiroa in Yugoslavia. The conflict will have a particular impact on the political, economic and social situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The aim of this paper is to point out the historical sources that are in the archives of Bosnia and Herzegovina, archives in Belgrade (Archives of Yugoslavia) and Zagreb on the basis of which the necessary data can be drawn to understand this issue, as well as to point to historiography (books, collections of papers and journals) that dealt with the issue of the Informbiro crisis in the period from 1948 to 1956 and its reflection on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This is due to the fact that very few scientists and historians have dealt with this issue, as well as that there is very little historical literature for this period, especially for the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It should be noted that we have a historian who has dealt with this issue at the micro level, and as a result a book was published in 2005 entitled „Informbiro and Northeast Bosnia: Echoes and Consequences of the KPJ-Informbiro Conflict (1948-1953)", where the general public with this event, which has a great impact on the political and socio-economic situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina. From the appearance of this book until today, there have been attempts to shed light on this issue through several scientific conferences and round tables, and the result has been published collections of papers, as well as articles published in some journals, both in Bosnia and Herzegovina and wider.
During the Second World War, the Anti-Fascist Women's Front (AFŽ) was formed in 1942 in Bosanski ... more During the Second World War, the Anti-Fascist Women's Front (AFŽ) was formed in 1942 in Bosanski Petrovac. The outcome of the formation is an attempt at long-term mobilization and organization of women within the Communist Party of Yugoslavia. The women's anti-fascist front was organizationally on the path of anti-fascism and sacrifice in achieving the military, political and other goals of the revolution. At the First Congress of the AFŽ of Yugoslavia, which was held in 1945 in Belgrade, Josip Broz Tito stated the tasks of women, which were crucial for the new state. These were the preservation of brotherhood and unity, the continuation of the fight against the enemies of the new state, preparations for the constitution elections, work on rebuilding the country, enlightening women, humanitarian work with soldiers killed in the war, parents of children killed orphaned and raising children in in the spirit of the People's Liberation Struggle.
Also, after the Second World War, the International Democratic Federation of Women was established, which was founded on the initiative of women from the Federation of French Women, and which dealt exclusively with women's issues and issues of interest to women. The women of Yugoslavia, who participated in the congresses in Paris and Budapest, also played a significant role in the establishment and operation of the International Democratic Federation of Women. With the outbreak of open conflict between the countries of Informbiro and Yugoslavia in 1948, and the action of Informbiro's propaganda, it also affected the Bureau of the French Women's Union, which prevented women from Yugoslavia / Bosnia and Herzegovina from attending the 1949 plenary session of the International Democratic Federation of Women in Moscow. This attitude led to women's organizations in cities, villages, peasant labor cooperatives, labor collectives and institutions throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina holding meetings, rallies and conferences, where they openly criticized and protested through letters against the decision and the revocation of calls for women's presence. Of Yugoslavia / Bosnia and Herzegovina at the meeting of the International Democratic Federation of Women in Moscow. The women of Yugoslavia / Bosnia and Herzegovina also had their position after the publication of the Informbiro Resolution on the situation in the CPY in 1948, where they rejected the resolution and sent and expressed their commitment to the CPY and Tito.
In this regard, the paper, based on first-rate sources and relevant literature, seeks to present the activities of the Anti-Fascist Women's Front of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the years after World War II, both domestically and internationally (preparation of the International Women's Exhibition, signature collection, with the support of the proposal of the Soviet Alliance on Arms Reduction, etc.), as well as the views on the Informbiro Resolution of 1948 and the reactions of women's organizations in Bosnia and Herzegovina to the Informbiro's propaganda during 1949, due to the impossibility of women's attendance at the International Democratic Federation of Women in Moscow.
Prilozi historiji Bosne i Hercegovine u socijalističkoj Jugoslaviji, Zbornik radova, br. 4, 2017
Nakon Drugog svjetskog rata počinju se stvarati uslovi za organizovaniji kulturno-prosvjetni i um... more Nakon Drugog svjetskog rata počinju se stvarati uslovi za organizovaniji kulturno-prosvjetni i umjetnički rad. Znatan dio kulturno-umjetničkog života Bosne i Hercegovine i sjeveroistočne Bosne odvijao se kroz sekcije društava koja su uglavnom organizovana kao nacionalna, radnička i amaterska. Po završetku rata, obnavlja se rad nacionalnih kulturno-prosvjetnih društava koja su osnovana još za vrijeme austrougarske vlasti. Obnavljaju se, kod Srba "Prosvjeta", kof Hrvata "Napredak", kod Bošnjaka "Preporod" (ranije "Gajret" i "Narodna Uzdanica"). Ova društva se tada usmjeravaju i na ulogu koju im je namijenila nova vlast predvođena Komunističkom partijom, a to je plansko kulturno prosvjećivanje stanovništva. Ipak, vlast je rad ovih društava gledala sa sumnjom, vršeći stalnu kontrolu i pritisak nad istim, što će na kraju i rezultovati zabranom rada ovih društava 1949. godine. S ciljem da u potpunosti odgovore zadacima partije, odnosno kulturno-prosvjetnog preobražaja stanovništva uporedo sa obnovom nacionalnih društava sve veća pažnja se daje organizovanju radničkih i seoskih nadnacionalnih kulturno-prosvjetnih (umjetničkih društava). Kako je tekao navedeni proces u sjeveroistočnoj Bosni, s posebnim osvrtom na veće gradske i sreske centre (Tuzla, Bijeljina, Zvornik, Lukavac, Vlasenica, Gradačac, Brčko i Gračanica) autori će nastojati objasniti u ovom radu.
Sedam decenija pruge Brčko-Banovići, Zbornik radova, 2017
Izgradnja pruge Brčko-Banovići 1946. godine imala je, pored političkog i privredno-ekonomskoog, v... more Izgradnja pruge Brčko-Banovići 1946. godine imala je, pored političkog i privredno-ekonomskoog, višestruk kulturno-prosvjetni značaj. Dobra organizacija kulturno-prosvjetnog rada na pruzi Brčko-Banovići, dovela je do toga da je pruga bila jedna velika radna škola i najbolji šrimjer kako se istovremeno izvršavaju dva osnovna zadatka: raditi na pruzi i ovladati znanjem - učiti, opet rad boljeg djela na izgradnji. Na pruzi Brčko - Banovići su se iskovali i prekalili novi kadrovi organizacije, obogaćeni velikim radnim iskustvima, učesnici ovih akcija su postali odlični rukovodioci radnih jedinica u svojim selima i gradovima. Jedan od glavnih tadataka omladinskog rukovodstva na pruzi bio je opismeniti što veći broj nepismenih brigadira. O životu i radu omladine za vrijeme gradnje pruge Brčko-Banovići vodila se posebna briga. Organizovane su različite kulturne aktivnosti: kulturno-zabavni i umjetnički život. Pripremani su programi, održavane priredbe, gostovale su brojne kulturno-umjetničke grupe, prikazivani su filmovi, emitovan je radio program, pripremane i izavane zidne novine i list "Omladinska pruga". S tim u vezi, namjera ovog rada je da prevashodno ukaže na kulturno-prosvjetne aktivnosti koje su se odvijale u omladinskim radnim brigadama, a posebno kakve su se kulturno-prosvjetne aktivnosti dešavale po smjenama (prva, druga, treća). U radu će biti govora i o svečanostima otvaranja pruge, te o kulturno-prosvjetnim aktivnostima inostranih brigada.
Professional associations represent an important segment of the
development of archival activit... more Professional associations represent an important segment of the
development of archival activity not only at the domestic, but also at the international level. Such a professional association is the Association of Archival Employees of Tuzla Canton, which through its work since its founding in 2003 (since 1998 as a branch of the Association of Archival Workers of Bosnia and Herzegovina) to this day works on the development of archival activities through the organization of
conferences, scientific and professional conferences, round tables, public forums, holding various seminars, then working in the field of exhibition and publishing activities through the organization and setting of various exhibitions in history and archives, then the publication and promotion of journals and books in the field of archiving, history and other scientific fields. Through joint projects with the Archives of Tuzla Canton, the Association of Archival Employees of Tuzla Canton was one
of the organizers and realized numerous professional and scientific contents that represent a significant contribution to the development of archival profession and science, not only in Tuzla Canton and Bosnia and Herzegovina, but also wider. One such professional-scientific content is the project “Archival Practice”, which is known through two valuable professional-scientific and publishing contents: one related to the publication of the journal Archival Practice, and the other to the
conference “Archival Practice”. In addition to the project “Archival Practice”, a significant segment of the contribution to the development of archival activities of the Association of Archival Employees of Tuzla Canton, gave through the organization of round tables, which also represent a continuous contribution to the development of archival activities. From 2007 to 2019, round tables were organized regularly on
a current topic in the field of archival activities on the occasion of marking the Day of Archival Service and Archives in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Twelve round tables were organized and realized, and the organization of round tables with interesting and current and important topics for the profession, especially contributed to the importance of development, contribution and improvement of archival activity in
Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The aim of this paper is to point out the importance and contribution of the Association of Archival Employees of Tuzla Canton for the development of archival activities through the organization of the above scientific, professional, cultural and educational content. The author tries to point out the importance of the same contents on the development of archival activity at the local, national and international level, as well as the realization of cooperation, both interprofessional and interarchival, as well as those with other scientific and cultural institutions, organizations and associations.
After the Second World War, great changes took place in the cultural field. The CPY has turned th... more After the Second World War, great changes took place in the cultural field. The CPY has turned the changes that have taken place in the field of educational and cultural policy into an instrument for achieving ideological goals and spreading one's own political ideas. A significant part of the cultural and artistic life of Bosnia and Herzegovina, northeastern Bosnia, and Tuzla took place through sections of societies that were mainly labeled national, workers', officials, rural and school amateurs. Cultural activities in Bosnia and Herzegovina were partly carried out through national cultural and educational societies, among Bosniaks „Preporod“, among Serbs „Prosvjeta“, and among Croats „Napredak“. Founded with the aim of educating the people and creating intelligence in their national corps, the societies eventually expanded their activities to organize illiteracy courses, establish libraries, reading rooms, cooperatives, cultural sections, and engage in publishing. National cultural and educational societies quickly came under attack from the state, where the cultural and educational work of societies began to be centralized with the formation of district and city associations of cultural and educational societies, and the final liquidation of national cultural and educational societies took place in March 1949.
In addition to the renewed national societies, cultural and artistic activities were also performed by singing choirs, theater and artistic groups that were founded during the war, and workers' cultural and artistic societies began to be established. One of them is the workers' cultural and artistic association „Mitar Trifunović-Učo“, founded in 1945 in Tuzla. The society was named after a hero and a famous fighter for workers' rights, who gave his life for freedom. The action committee for founding the company consisted of: president Aljo Mutevelić, treasurer Pašaga Bećirbašić, secretary Hashim Mutevelić and two councilors Mustafa Tinjić and Mehmedalija Hukić. In the first five months, the company „Mitar Trifunović Učo“ gave six performances.
During 1946, the workers' cultural and artistic association „Mitar Trifunović-Učo“ had notable performances at performances and concerts. In 1947, this society gave numerous events and participated in various ceremonies, and among others visited the builders of the Šamac-Sarajevo railway, participated in the opening ceremony of the Stupari-Kladanj railway, and had several guest appearances in Banovići, Zenica and Zavidovići, then Tešanj and Teslić. In 1948, the workers' cultural and artistic association „Mitar Trifunović-Učo“ had 39 performances.
The beginning of 1948 was a turning point in the work of this society. At the beginning of 1948, the company organized its management, organized better work in all its sections, so that each section got its own manager. In addition, the material conditions were arranged, the necessary inventory, clothes and technical material were procured. The work of the society had almost completely died down since September 1948. No section of this society worked, only the choir and orchestra somehow performed, starting to get ready when it was time to go to festivals or festivals. The society was without any of its premises, also without the heads of individual sections. Despite the assistance provided by the City Association to society, the work in the company was still unsatisfactory, which meant that the assistance of the City Association and the assistance of the Trade Union Council was not complete and that in the future the greatest attention had to be paid they threaten even greater activation of society.
In 1949, new and more extensive tasks were set before the society, primarily the establishment and strengthening of the work of all sections, choir, drama, choreography, music, recitation and pioneer sections. In 1950, the workers' cultural and artistic association „Mitar Trifunović-Učo“ was proclaimed the best association of the Tuzla Basin. Sections of the society participated in numerous performances, of which singing and tamburitza at 6, folklore at 3 and theater at 6 performances. The company had four halls and one small room. During 1951, the cultural and artistic association „Mitar Trifunović-Učo“ had great difficulties with the premises. There was a move from the former Workers' Home to the former Croatian Home. As a result, the company did not work for several months. The years 1952 and 1953 were the years of great „Ucina“ successes. The biggest problem in the society was the development of social life in the society and only the revival of the membership, which came only for rehearsals, and then left, not staying in the premises of the society.
MIGRACIJE I BRČKO, Zbornik radova, 2020
The paper presents demographic changes in the Brčko area that
occurred between the two censuses.... more The paper presents demographic changes in the Brčko area that
occurred between the two censuses. These are the official censuses of Bosnia and Herzegovina from 1991 and 2013. Censuses provide data on demographic, ethnic, confessional, migration and other characteristics of the population, based on population, population density, number of households, gender, ethnic, confessional and linguistic structure, as well as data on persons in abroad. In separate chapters, the author will present the demographic changes of the Brčko District that occurred
between 2005 and 2017 and the internal migration that occurred in the Brčko District in the period 2008-2017.
Possession of adequate IT equipment and systems in archives,
which are used for digitization and... more Possession of adequate IT equipment and systems in archives,
which are used for digitization and long-term preservation of archival material, is a basic assumption for the computerization of the archives. Archives must have prescribed archival standards and standards and appropriate professional staff that will handle IT equipment and systems. Under IT equipment, we mean hardware and software equipment and servers on which records are stored and protected in the
long-term and enables its easier use. The use of IT equipment and systems begins with acquirement of archival material in the archive, its processing, then scanning and transferring to electronic form, then digitizing it, microfilming and placing them on appropriate IT equipment and systems for long-term storage. By developing a system for the digitization of archival material, technical preconditions for more
economical and secure storage and use of archival material have been created. The ultimate goal of the archive on the path of informatization is to have the appropriate IT equipment and systems and their connection with the ICA-AToM server and the construction of the archive information system. In this regard, the authors are trying to present the information technology and systems that the archives in Bosnia and
Herzegovina have with the accent on the Archive of the Tuzla Canton. Also, on the example of the Tuzla Canton Archives will be presented a module that can be used to establish computerization in archives in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Parish registers are a very important part of the archival material
that offers a lot of diverse... more Parish registers are a very important part of the archival material
that offers a lot of diverse data to researchers of different disciplines. They are public documents that legitimately prove birth, marriage, death, and some other personal status of people. They are important for use because they provide authentic and valuable sources for the study of the past, onomastics, population trends, the origin and distribution of many families, their interests, and are especially important for genealogical, demographic, sociological and social research. Registries belong
to the category of archival material that has a permanent shelf life and must be protected against damage, destruction and abuse, and is performed in accordance with the regulations on archival business. It should be emphasized that the registry books are considered to be permanently operational and that to date they are not kept in archives in places where there are optimal conditions for the storage of historical material. In this connection, this paper will deal with the history and legislation of the registers, followed by an overview of the significance of the registers for scientific research, for evidence-legal actions. Then, data on how to acquire, protect and use the registers in the archives of Bosnia and Herzegovina and ultimately the positive experiences of the Tuzla Canton Archives in that field will be given as part of this paper.
This paper discusses the importance of educational activities
in the Archives of Tuzla Canton whi... more This paper discusses the importance of educational activities
in the Archives of Tuzla Canton which represents a significant segment of the popularization of archival atcivities of this institution. It is contained in close cooperation with educational institutions at all levels. This cooperation refers to the group visits of studentsm visits to primayr and secondayr shools lectures then the students participating in the realization of important cultural and educational content (exhibitions marking important anniversaries scientific and professional
meetingsm ect). That Archives of Tuzla Canton for many years regularly organizes. The aim of this ooperation is to introduce the activities and work of the Archives of Tuzla Canton and thus raising awareness of young generations about the importance of archives as cultural and educational institutions.
The archival records of religious communities are a product of the
activities of religious commu... more The archival records of religious communities are a product of the
activities of religious communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but it is not the source of information only of a private character about themselves and their activities, but also has significant meaning for general history. It makes a unique whole of written and documentary material that through various historical periods testifies to the activities of religious communities and its institutions. Because of its content, this
material is an indispensable source for historical and other scientific research. It is created and preserved in a narrow circle of provenance that serves only its needs, but it is often rich with testimonies of the widest social, cultural, political and scientific character, so they represent the value of a much wider context than the one in which it was created and in which it is preserved. Therefore, the aspect of protection itself
is layered. In this regard, the authors present basic information on how and in what way the archival records of religious communities should be protected. The emphasis is placed on the protection of conventional and non-conventional archival records, where, besides physical and material protection, the basics of assumptions regarding modern protection (microfilming and digitization), as well as intellectual protection,
are laid out. Also, the proposals include certain guidelines that are needed for the archives in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in order to better work on the protection of the archival material of religious communities.
BAŠTINA Sjeveroistične Bosne, br. 7/2014, 2015
Opismenjavanje u Tuzli nakon Drugog svjetskog rata shvaćeno je kao jedan od uslova uspješnog razv... more Opismenjavanje u Tuzli nakon Drugog svjetskog rata shvaćeno je kao jedan od uslova uspješnog razvoja narodnooslobodilačke borbe i revolucije. U ovom radu donose se podaci o opismenjavanju stanovništva u Tuzli u periodu 1945-1953. godine, tj. u periodu obnove i prvog petogodišnjeg plana, zaključno sa popisom stanovništva iz 1953.
godine. Bosna i Hercegovina, a i sama Tuzla, je u periodu postratne Jugoslavije bila suočena sa ogromnim razmjerama nepismenog stanovništva. Nepismenost je naročito bila izražena kod žena. Najbolji i najekonomičniji, a ujedno i najsvrsishodniji način opismenjavanja stanovništva u Tuzli vršen je putem analbafetskih tečajeva, koji su u
početku vršeni na oslobođenoj teritoriji, a od jeseni 1944. godine u gradovima, preduzećima i fabrikama. Proces opismenjavanja u Tuzli u ovom radu predstavljen je prema intezitetu djelovanja te objašenjen u dva ciklusa. Prvi ciklus obuhvata period od jeseni 1944. do prvog popisa stanovništva 1948. godine i drugi od 1948. do 1953. godine.
BAŠTINA Sjeveroistočne Bosne, br. 6/2013, 2014
U radu su prezentirani podaci o razvoju izdavačke djelatnosti i medija u Tuzli u periodu 1945.-19... more U radu su prezentirani podaci o razvoju izdavačke djelatnosti i medija u Tuzli u periodu 1945.-1953. godine. Izdavačka djelatnost u Tuzli nije bila nepoznanica. Ona svoje korijenje vuče s kraja XIX. stoljeća, kada je u Tuzlu donešen prvi list, a to je bio sarajevski list "Bosna". Međutim, prava izdavačka djelatnost u Tuzli otpočela je još u toku Drugog svjetskog rata. Zapaženo mjesto kada je u pitanju Tuzla imao je list "Front slobode", kao i list "Oslobođenje". Kada su u pitanju mediji, društvene, političke i radne organizacije tuzlanskog područja veoma su rano shvatile ulogu radija u izgradnji društva, razvijanju kulture, privredne propangande i opštih informacija.
International databases are online databases, ie archives of books, articles, and so on, which pr... more International databases are online databases, ie archives of books, articles, and so on, which provide access to entire texts of humanities, social sciences and other sciences that are published in journals all over the world. From 2015, the journal “Archival Practice” published in the Archive of Tuzla Canton and the Association of Tuzla Canton employees is indexed to the international CEEOL database. This is how the journal has come to the world market, as one of the most reputable journals coming out of South East Europe. The publisher’s intention is that all the “Archival Practices” numbers that have been entered into the CEEOL base so far are currently in operation. In this way, the professional and
scientific work will be available to the social and wider scientific public, not only Bosnia and Herzegovina and Southeastern Europe, but also wider. In this paper, we will talk about the history of the CEEOL base and its activities, on the importance of the base for affirmation of “Archival Practice”. Also, attention will be focused on the use of works from “Archive Practice” both by public institutions and by private persons, which will be presented through reports such as which works are most used, from which area and which journal numbers are Were most interesting to the users of the CEEOL base. In addition to the CEEOL database since February 2017, the journal “Archival Practice” has been indexed to another international base. It is an American online base called EBSCO. The basic characteristics and history of this database will be discussed in the paper.
The archival collection consists of artificially merged documents, which were collected on the ba... more The archival collection consists of artificially merged documents, which were collected on the basis of certain common characteristics, regardless of their provenance. The author introduces us to collections of different provenance, stored in the Archives of Tuzla Canton. The work is in addition to general collections, highlight and personal and family collections that represent important and significant historical testimony for the study of local and regional history and prominent public
figures, cultural and socio-political life. Archival collections represent an important archive material, which is an important source of information and of which depends on the preservation of memory of society and community. For these reasons, this paper aims to highlight the importance and use of the same in the Archives of Tuzla Canton, as well as their technical and technological protection, primarily on the experiences arising from the process of digitizing and later use them citing some advantages and disadvantages.
The project The Second Corps of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina 1992-1995, was... more The project The Second Corps of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina 1992-1995, was launched with the aim of writing a monograph of the Second Corps of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with main aim to write a comprehensive monograph on the events from the time of the aggression to the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. From the historiographic point of view, the project is significant, because the first detailed historiographical study of the Second Corps of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina was made from the same. The monograph is based on the abundance of documents, which is its greatest value. On the other hand, the scientific research project of the monograph was a significant contribution to the
modern historiography of Bosnia and Herzegovina as a whole and is the starting point for further research in the field of historiography of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, ie Bosnia and Herzegovina in its entirety. Of particular importance is the Tuzla Canton Archives, which was fully involved in the work of this project. Although the cadre is a professional in terms of professional and scientific competences, the Tuzla Canton Archives has scientific research staff. Employees have made an enormous contribution to helping authors
in researching, writing texts, collecting historical sources of the first order, viewing the press, numerous literature, etc. Although the law provides the possibility for archives to carry out scientific and research tasks, this is not sufficiently ensured, since archives do not yet have scientific-research services, which would systematically, continuously work on these tasks. The Tuzla Canton Archives have recently made great contributions to this field. Of importance for the Tuzla Canton
Archives is the creation of an archive collection entitled “Archival Collection of Documents from the Time of 1992-1995”, then establishing cooperation with institutions, fighting associations, commanders of the Second Corps, and especially with the 2nd Infantry (Rangers) Regiment of the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Through this project, the Archives of the Tuzla Canton made great progress on the affirmation of archival activities and prompted a large number of members of the Second Corps of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina to store their archives, personal belongings, to the Archives.
Papers by Jasmin Jajcevic
The period from 1948 to 1956 is one of the most dramatic and fateful phases in the recent history of the South Slavic countries, ie Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is a period of very contradictory and turbulent social processes, which have led to complex changes in all areas of socio-economic and political reality, both domestically (in Yugoslavia and Bosnia and Herzegovina) and internationally. Stalin's attempt to subjugate the Yugoslav party leadership to Soviet domination will lead to an open split between Tito and Stalin (Yugoslavia and the USSR), which will have major consequences for the development of the Yugoslav political system, will lead to universal persecution of all those who voted for politics. Informbiroa in Yugoslavia. The conflict will have a particular impact on the political, economic and social situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The aim of this paper is to point out the historical sources that are in the archives of Bosnia and Herzegovina, archives in Belgrade (Archives of Yugoslavia) and Zagreb on the basis of which the necessary data can be drawn to understand this issue, as well as to point to historiography (books, collections of papers and journals) that dealt with the issue of the Informbiro crisis in the period from 1948 to 1956 and its reflection on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This is due to the fact that very few scientists and historians have dealt with this issue, as well as that there is very little historical literature for this period, especially for the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It should be noted that we have a historian who has dealt with this issue at the micro level, and as a result a book was published in 2005 entitled „Informbiro and Northeast Bosnia: Echoes and Consequences of the KPJ-Informbiro Conflict (1948-1953)", where the general public with this event, which has a great impact on the political and socio-economic situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina. From the appearance of this book until today, there have been attempts to shed light on this issue through several scientific conferences and round tables, and the result has been published collections of papers, as well as articles published in some journals, both in Bosnia and Herzegovina and wider.
Also, after the Second World War, the International Democratic Federation of Women was established, which was founded on the initiative of women from the Federation of French Women, and which dealt exclusively with women's issues and issues of interest to women. The women of Yugoslavia, who participated in the congresses in Paris and Budapest, also played a significant role in the establishment and operation of the International Democratic Federation of Women. With the outbreak of open conflict between the countries of Informbiro and Yugoslavia in 1948, and the action of Informbiro's propaganda, it also affected the Bureau of the French Women's Union, which prevented women from Yugoslavia / Bosnia and Herzegovina from attending the 1949 plenary session of the International Democratic Federation of Women in Moscow. This attitude led to women's organizations in cities, villages, peasant labor cooperatives, labor collectives and institutions throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina holding meetings, rallies and conferences, where they openly criticized and protested through letters against the decision and the revocation of calls for women's presence. Of Yugoslavia / Bosnia and Herzegovina at the meeting of the International Democratic Federation of Women in Moscow. The women of Yugoslavia / Bosnia and Herzegovina also had their position after the publication of the Informbiro Resolution on the situation in the CPY in 1948, where they rejected the resolution and sent and expressed their commitment to the CPY and Tito.
In this regard, the paper, based on first-rate sources and relevant literature, seeks to present the activities of the Anti-Fascist Women's Front of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the years after World War II, both domestically and internationally (preparation of the International Women's Exhibition, signature collection, with the support of the proposal of the Soviet Alliance on Arms Reduction, etc.), as well as the views on the Informbiro Resolution of 1948 and the reactions of women's organizations in Bosnia and Herzegovina to the Informbiro's propaganda during 1949, due to the impossibility of women's attendance at the International Democratic Federation of Women in Moscow.
development of archival activity not only at the domestic, but also at the international level. Such a professional association is the Association of Archival Employees of Tuzla Canton, which through its work since its founding in 2003 (since 1998 as a branch of the Association of Archival Workers of Bosnia and Herzegovina) to this day works on the development of archival activities through the organization of
conferences, scientific and professional conferences, round tables, public forums, holding various seminars, then working in the field of exhibition and publishing activities through the organization and setting of various exhibitions in history and archives, then the publication and promotion of journals and books in the field of archiving, history and other scientific fields. Through joint projects with the Archives of Tuzla Canton, the Association of Archival Employees of Tuzla Canton was one
of the organizers and realized numerous professional and scientific contents that represent a significant contribution to the development of archival profession and science, not only in Tuzla Canton and Bosnia and Herzegovina, but also wider. One such professional-scientific content is the project “Archival Practice”, which is known through two valuable professional-scientific and publishing contents: one related to the publication of the journal Archival Practice, and the other to the
conference “Archival Practice”. In addition to the project “Archival Practice”, a significant segment of the contribution to the development of archival activities of the Association of Archival Employees of Tuzla Canton, gave through the organization of round tables, which also represent a continuous contribution to the development of archival activities. From 2007 to 2019, round tables were organized regularly on
a current topic in the field of archival activities on the occasion of marking the Day of Archival Service and Archives in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Twelve round tables were organized and realized, and the organization of round tables with interesting and current and important topics for the profession, especially contributed to the importance of development, contribution and improvement of archival activity in
Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The aim of this paper is to point out the importance and contribution of the Association of Archival Employees of Tuzla Canton for the development of archival activities through the organization of the above scientific, professional, cultural and educational content. The author tries to point out the importance of the same contents on the development of archival activity at the local, national and international level, as well as the realization of cooperation, both interprofessional and interarchival, as well as those with other scientific and cultural institutions, organizations and associations.
In addition to the renewed national societies, cultural and artistic activities were also performed by singing choirs, theater and artistic groups that were founded during the war, and workers' cultural and artistic societies began to be established. One of them is the workers' cultural and artistic association „Mitar Trifunović-Učo“, founded in 1945 in Tuzla. The society was named after a hero and a famous fighter for workers' rights, who gave his life for freedom. The action committee for founding the company consisted of: president Aljo Mutevelić, treasurer Pašaga Bećirbašić, secretary Hashim Mutevelić and two councilors Mustafa Tinjić and Mehmedalija Hukić. In the first five months, the company „Mitar Trifunović Učo“ gave six performances.
During 1946, the workers' cultural and artistic association „Mitar Trifunović-Učo“ had notable performances at performances and concerts. In 1947, this society gave numerous events and participated in various ceremonies, and among others visited the builders of the Šamac-Sarajevo railway, participated in the opening ceremony of the Stupari-Kladanj railway, and had several guest appearances in Banovići, Zenica and Zavidovići, then Tešanj and Teslić. In 1948, the workers' cultural and artistic association „Mitar Trifunović-Učo“ had 39 performances.
The beginning of 1948 was a turning point in the work of this society. At the beginning of 1948, the company organized its management, organized better work in all its sections, so that each section got its own manager. In addition, the material conditions were arranged, the necessary inventory, clothes and technical material were procured. The work of the society had almost completely died down since September 1948. No section of this society worked, only the choir and orchestra somehow performed, starting to get ready when it was time to go to festivals or festivals. The society was without any of its premises, also without the heads of individual sections. Despite the assistance provided by the City Association to society, the work in the company was still unsatisfactory, which meant that the assistance of the City Association and the assistance of the Trade Union Council was not complete and that in the future the greatest attention had to be paid they threaten even greater activation of society.
In 1949, new and more extensive tasks were set before the society, primarily the establishment and strengthening of the work of all sections, choir, drama, choreography, music, recitation and pioneer sections. In 1950, the workers' cultural and artistic association „Mitar Trifunović-Učo“ was proclaimed the best association of the Tuzla Basin. Sections of the society participated in numerous performances, of which singing and tamburitza at 6, folklore at 3 and theater at 6 performances. The company had four halls and one small room. During 1951, the cultural and artistic association „Mitar Trifunović-Učo“ had great difficulties with the premises. There was a move from the former Workers' Home to the former Croatian Home. As a result, the company did not work for several months. The years 1952 and 1953 were the years of great „Ucina“ successes. The biggest problem in the society was the development of social life in the society and only the revival of the membership, which came only for rehearsals, and then left, not staying in the premises of the society.
occurred between the two censuses. These are the official censuses of Bosnia and Herzegovina from 1991 and 2013. Censuses provide data on demographic, ethnic, confessional, migration and other characteristics of the population, based on population, population density, number of households, gender, ethnic, confessional and linguistic structure, as well as data on persons in abroad. In separate chapters, the author will present the demographic changes of the Brčko District that occurred
between 2005 and 2017 and the internal migration that occurred in the Brčko District in the period 2008-2017.
which are used for digitization and long-term preservation of archival material, is a basic assumption for the computerization of the archives. Archives must have prescribed archival standards and standards and appropriate professional staff that will handle IT equipment and systems. Under IT equipment, we mean hardware and software equipment and servers on which records are stored and protected in the
long-term and enables its easier use. The use of IT equipment and systems begins with acquirement of archival material in the archive, its processing, then scanning and transferring to electronic form, then digitizing it, microfilming and placing them on appropriate IT equipment and systems for long-term storage. By developing a system for the digitization of archival material, technical preconditions for more
economical and secure storage and use of archival material have been created. The ultimate goal of the archive on the path of informatization is to have the appropriate IT equipment and systems and their connection with the ICA-AToM server and the construction of the archive information system. In this regard, the authors are trying to present the information technology and systems that the archives in Bosnia and
Herzegovina have with the accent on the Archive of the Tuzla Canton. Also, on the example of the Tuzla Canton Archives will be presented a module that can be used to establish computerization in archives in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
that offers a lot of diverse data to researchers of different disciplines. They are public documents that legitimately prove birth, marriage, death, and some other personal status of people. They are important for use because they provide authentic and valuable sources for the study of the past, onomastics, population trends, the origin and distribution of many families, their interests, and are especially important for genealogical, demographic, sociological and social research. Registries belong
to the category of archival material that has a permanent shelf life and must be protected against damage, destruction and abuse, and is performed in accordance with the regulations on archival business. It should be emphasized that the registry books are considered to be permanently operational and that to date they are not kept in archives in places where there are optimal conditions for the storage of historical material. In this connection, this paper will deal with the history and legislation of the registers, followed by an overview of the significance of the registers for scientific research, for evidence-legal actions. Then, data on how to acquire, protect and use the registers in the archives of Bosnia and Herzegovina and ultimately the positive experiences of the Tuzla Canton Archives in that field will be given as part of this paper.
in the Archives of Tuzla Canton which represents a significant segment of the popularization of archival atcivities of this institution. It is contained in close cooperation with educational institutions at all levels. This cooperation refers to the group visits of studentsm visits to primayr and secondayr shools lectures then the students participating in the realization of important cultural and educational content (exhibitions marking important anniversaries scientific and professional
meetingsm ect). That Archives of Tuzla Canton for many years regularly organizes. The aim of this ooperation is to introduce the activities and work of the Archives of Tuzla Canton and thus raising awareness of young generations about the importance of archives as cultural and educational institutions.
activities of religious communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but it is not the source of information only of a private character about themselves and their activities, but also has significant meaning for general history. It makes a unique whole of written and documentary material that through various historical periods testifies to the activities of religious communities and its institutions. Because of its content, this
material is an indispensable source for historical and other scientific research. It is created and preserved in a narrow circle of provenance that serves only its needs, but it is often rich with testimonies of the widest social, cultural, political and scientific character, so they represent the value of a much wider context than the one in which it was created and in which it is preserved. Therefore, the aspect of protection itself
is layered. In this regard, the authors present basic information on how and in what way the archival records of religious communities should be protected. The emphasis is placed on the protection of conventional and non-conventional archival records, where, besides physical and material protection, the basics of assumptions regarding modern protection (microfilming and digitization), as well as intellectual protection,
are laid out. Also, the proposals include certain guidelines that are needed for the archives in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in order to better work on the protection of the archival material of religious communities.
godine. Bosna i Hercegovina, a i sama Tuzla, je u periodu postratne Jugoslavije bila suočena sa ogromnim razmjerama nepismenog stanovništva. Nepismenost je naročito bila izražena kod žena. Najbolji i najekonomičniji, a ujedno i najsvrsishodniji način opismenjavanja stanovništva u Tuzli vršen je putem analbafetskih tečajeva, koji su u
početku vršeni na oslobođenoj teritoriji, a od jeseni 1944. godine u gradovima, preduzećima i fabrikama. Proces opismenjavanja u Tuzli u ovom radu predstavljen je prema intezitetu djelovanja te objašenjen u dva ciklusa. Prvi ciklus obuhvata period od jeseni 1944. do prvog popisa stanovništva 1948. godine i drugi od 1948. do 1953. godine.
scientific work will be available to the social and wider scientific public, not only Bosnia and Herzegovina and Southeastern Europe, but also wider. In this paper, we will talk about the history of the CEEOL base and its activities, on the importance of the base for affirmation of “Archival Practice”. Also, attention will be focused on the use of works from “Archive Practice” both by public institutions and by private persons, which will be presented through reports such as which works are most used, from which area and which journal numbers are Were most interesting to the users of the CEEOL base. In addition to the CEEOL database since February 2017, the journal “Archival Practice” has been indexed to another international base. It is an American online base called EBSCO. The basic characteristics and history of this database will be discussed in the paper.
figures, cultural and socio-political life. Archival collections represent an important archive material, which is an important source of information and of which depends on the preservation of memory of society and community. For these reasons, this paper aims to highlight the importance and use of the same in the Archives of Tuzla Canton, as well as their technical and technological protection, primarily on the experiences arising from the process of digitizing and later use them citing some advantages and disadvantages.
modern historiography of Bosnia and Herzegovina as a whole and is the starting point for further research in the field of historiography of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, ie Bosnia and Herzegovina in its entirety. Of particular importance is the Tuzla Canton Archives, which was fully involved in the work of this project. Although the cadre is a professional in terms of professional and scientific competences, the Tuzla Canton Archives has scientific research staff. Employees have made an enormous contribution to helping authors
in researching, writing texts, collecting historical sources of the first order, viewing the press, numerous literature, etc. Although the law provides the possibility for archives to carry out scientific and research tasks, this is not sufficiently ensured, since archives do not yet have scientific-research services, which would systematically, continuously work on these tasks. The Tuzla Canton Archives have recently made great contributions to this field. Of importance for the Tuzla Canton
Archives is the creation of an archive collection entitled “Archival Collection of Documents from the Time of 1992-1995”, then establishing cooperation with institutions, fighting associations, commanders of the Second Corps, and especially with the 2nd Infantry (Rangers) Regiment of the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Through this project, the Archives of the Tuzla Canton made great progress on the affirmation of archival activities and prompted a large number of members of the Second Corps of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina to store their archives, personal belongings, to the Archives.
The period from 1948 to 1956 is one of the most dramatic and fateful phases in the recent history of the South Slavic countries, ie Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is a period of very contradictory and turbulent social processes, which have led to complex changes in all areas of socio-economic and political reality, both domestically (in Yugoslavia and Bosnia and Herzegovina) and internationally. Stalin's attempt to subjugate the Yugoslav party leadership to Soviet domination will lead to an open split between Tito and Stalin (Yugoslavia and the USSR), which will have major consequences for the development of the Yugoslav political system, will lead to universal persecution of all those who voted for politics. Informbiroa in Yugoslavia. The conflict will have a particular impact on the political, economic and social situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The aim of this paper is to point out the historical sources that are in the archives of Bosnia and Herzegovina, archives in Belgrade (Archives of Yugoslavia) and Zagreb on the basis of which the necessary data can be drawn to understand this issue, as well as to point to historiography (books, collections of papers and journals) that dealt with the issue of the Informbiro crisis in the period from 1948 to 1956 and its reflection on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This is due to the fact that very few scientists and historians have dealt with this issue, as well as that there is very little historical literature for this period, especially for the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It should be noted that we have a historian who has dealt with this issue at the micro level, and as a result a book was published in 2005 entitled „Informbiro and Northeast Bosnia: Echoes and Consequences of the KPJ-Informbiro Conflict (1948-1953)", where the general public with this event, which has a great impact on the political and socio-economic situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina. From the appearance of this book until today, there have been attempts to shed light on this issue through several scientific conferences and round tables, and the result has been published collections of papers, as well as articles published in some journals, both in Bosnia and Herzegovina and wider.
Also, after the Second World War, the International Democratic Federation of Women was established, which was founded on the initiative of women from the Federation of French Women, and which dealt exclusively with women's issues and issues of interest to women. The women of Yugoslavia, who participated in the congresses in Paris and Budapest, also played a significant role in the establishment and operation of the International Democratic Federation of Women. With the outbreak of open conflict between the countries of Informbiro and Yugoslavia in 1948, and the action of Informbiro's propaganda, it also affected the Bureau of the French Women's Union, which prevented women from Yugoslavia / Bosnia and Herzegovina from attending the 1949 plenary session of the International Democratic Federation of Women in Moscow. This attitude led to women's organizations in cities, villages, peasant labor cooperatives, labor collectives and institutions throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina holding meetings, rallies and conferences, where they openly criticized and protested through letters against the decision and the revocation of calls for women's presence. Of Yugoslavia / Bosnia and Herzegovina at the meeting of the International Democratic Federation of Women in Moscow. The women of Yugoslavia / Bosnia and Herzegovina also had their position after the publication of the Informbiro Resolution on the situation in the CPY in 1948, where they rejected the resolution and sent and expressed their commitment to the CPY and Tito.
In this regard, the paper, based on first-rate sources and relevant literature, seeks to present the activities of the Anti-Fascist Women's Front of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the years after World War II, both domestically and internationally (preparation of the International Women's Exhibition, signature collection, with the support of the proposal of the Soviet Alliance on Arms Reduction, etc.), as well as the views on the Informbiro Resolution of 1948 and the reactions of women's organizations in Bosnia and Herzegovina to the Informbiro's propaganda during 1949, due to the impossibility of women's attendance at the International Democratic Federation of Women in Moscow.
development of archival activity not only at the domestic, but also at the international level. Such a professional association is the Association of Archival Employees of Tuzla Canton, which through its work since its founding in 2003 (since 1998 as a branch of the Association of Archival Workers of Bosnia and Herzegovina) to this day works on the development of archival activities through the organization of
conferences, scientific and professional conferences, round tables, public forums, holding various seminars, then working in the field of exhibition and publishing activities through the organization and setting of various exhibitions in history and archives, then the publication and promotion of journals and books in the field of archiving, history and other scientific fields. Through joint projects with the Archives of Tuzla Canton, the Association of Archival Employees of Tuzla Canton was one
of the organizers and realized numerous professional and scientific contents that represent a significant contribution to the development of archival profession and science, not only in Tuzla Canton and Bosnia and Herzegovina, but also wider. One such professional-scientific content is the project “Archival Practice”, which is known through two valuable professional-scientific and publishing contents: one related to the publication of the journal Archival Practice, and the other to the
conference “Archival Practice”. In addition to the project “Archival Practice”, a significant segment of the contribution to the development of archival activities of the Association of Archival Employees of Tuzla Canton, gave through the organization of round tables, which also represent a continuous contribution to the development of archival activities. From 2007 to 2019, round tables were organized regularly on
a current topic in the field of archival activities on the occasion of marking the Day of Archival Service and Archives in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Twelve round tables were organized and realized, and the organization of round tables with interesting and current and important topics for the profession, especially contributed to the importance of development, contribution and improvement of archival activity in
Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The aim of this paper is to point out the importance and contribution of the Association of Archival Employees of Tuzla Canton for the development of archival activities through the organization of the above scientific, professional, cultural and educational content. The author tries to point out the importance of the same contents on the development of archival activity at the local, national and international level, as well as the realization of cooperation, both interprofessional and interarchival, as well as those with other scientific and cultural institutions, organizations and associations.
In addition to the renewed national societies, cultural and artistic activities were also performed by singing choirs, theater and artistic groups that were founded during the war, and workers' cultural and artistic societies began to be established. One of them is the workers' cultural and artistic association „Mitar Trifunović-Učo“, founded in 1945 in Tuzla. The society was named after a hero and a famous fighter for workers' rights, who gave his life for freedom. The action committee for founding the company consisted of: president Aljo Mutevelić, treasurer Pašaga Bećirbašić, secretary Hashim Mutevelić and two councilors Mustafa Tinjić and Mehmedalija Hukić. In the first five months, the company „Mitar Trifunović Učo“ gave six performances.
During 1946, the workers' cultural and artistic association „Mitar Trifunović-Učo“ had notable performances at performances and concerts. In 1947, this society gave numerous events and participated in various ceremonies, and among others visited the builders of the Šamac-Sarajevo railway, participated in the opening ceremony of the Stupari-Kladanj railway, and had several guest appearances in Banovići, Zenica and Zavidovići, then Tešanj and Teslić. In 1948, the workers' cultural and artistic association „Mitar Trifunović-Učo“ had 39 performances.
The beginning of 1948 was a turning point in the work of this society. At the beginning of 1948, the company organized its management, organized better work in all its sections, so that each section got its own manager. In addition, the material conditions were arranged, the necessary inventory, clothes and technical material were procured. The work of the society had almost completely died down since September 1948. No section of this society worked, only the choir and orchestra somehow performed, starting to get ready when it was time to go to festivals or festivals. The society was without any of its premises, also without the heads of individual sections. Despite the assistance provided by the City Association to society, the work in the company was still unsatisfactory, which meant that the assistance of the City Association and the assistance of the Trade Union Council was not complete and that in the future the greatest attention had to be paid they threaten even greater activation of society.
In 1949, new and more extensive tasks were set before the society, primarily the establishment and strengthening of the work of all sections, choir, drama, choreography, music, recitation and pioneer sections. In 1950, the workers' cultural and artistic association „Mitar Trifunović-Učo“ was proclaimed the best association of the Tuzla Basin. Sections of the society participated in numerous performances, of which singing and tamburitza at 6, folklore at 3 and theater at 6 performances. The company had four halls and one small room. During 1951, the cultural and artistic association „Mitar Trifunović-Učo“ had great difficulties with the premises. There was a move from the former Workers' Home to the former Croatian Home. As a result, the company did not work for several months. The years 1952 and 1953 were the years of great „Ucina“ successes. The biggest problem in the society was the development of social life in the society and only the revival of the membership, which came only for rehearsals, and then left, not staying in the premises of the society.
occurred between the two censuses. These are the official censuses of Bosnia and Herzegovina from 1991 and 2013. Censuses provide data on demographic, ethnic, confessional, migration and other characteristics of the population, based on population, population density, number of households, gender, ethnic, confessional and linguistic structure, as well as data on persons in abroad. In separate chapters, the author will present the demographic changes of the Brčko District that occurred
between 2005 and 2017 and the internal migration that occurred in the Brčko District in the period 2008-2017.
which are used for digitization and long-term preservation of archival material, is a basic assumption for the computerization of the archives. Archives must have prescribed archival standards and standards and appropriate professional staff that will handle IT equipment and systems. Under IT equipment, we mean hardware and software equipment and servers on which records are stored and protected in the
long-term and enables its easier use. The use of IT equipment and systems begins with acquirement of archival material in the archive, its processing, then scanning and transferring to electronic form, then digitizing it, microfilming and placing them on appropriate IT equipment and systems for long-term storage. By developing a system for the digitization of archival material, technical preconditions for more
economical and secure storage and use of archival material have been created. The ultimate goal of the archive on the path of informatization is to have the appropriate IT equipment and systems and their connection with the ICA-AToM server and the construction of the archive information system. In this regard, the authors are trying to present the information technology and systems that the archives in Bosnia and
Herzegovina have with the accent on the Archive of the Tuzla Canton. Also, on the example of the Tuzla Canton Archives will be presented a module that can be used to establish computerization in archives in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
that offers a lot of diverse data to researchers of different disciplines. They are public documents that legitimately prove birth, marriage, death, and some other personal status of people. They are important for use because they provide authentic and valuable sources for the study of the past, onomastics, population trends, the origin and distribution of many families, their interests, and are especially important for genealogical, demographic, sociological and social research. Registries belong
to the category of archival material that has a permanent shelf life and must be protected against damage, destruction and abuse, and is performed in accordance with the regulations on archival business. It should be emphasized that the registry books are considered to be permanently operational and that to date they are not kept in archives in places where there are optimal conditions for the storage of historical material. In this connection, this paper will deal with the history and legislation of the registers, followed by an overview of the significance of the registers for scientific research, for evidence-legal actions. Then, data on how to acquire, protect and use the registers in the archives of Bosnia and Herzegovina and ultimately the positive experiences of the Tuzla Canton Archives in that field will be given as part of this paper.
in the Archives of Tuzla Canton which represents a significant segment of the popularization of archival atcivities of this institution. It is contained in close cooperation with educational institutions at all levels. This cooperation refers to the group visits of studentsm visits to primayr and secondayr shools lectures then the students participating in the realization of important cultural and educational content (exhibitions marking important anniversaries scientific and professional
meetingsm ect). That Archives of Tuzla Canton for many years regularly organizes. The aim of this ooperation is to introduce the activities and work of the Archives of Tuzla Canton and thus raising awareness of young generations about the importance of archives as cultural and educational institutions.
activities of religious communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but it is not the source of information only of a private character about themselves and their activities, but also has significant meaning for general history. It makes a unique whole of written and documentary material that through various historical periods testifies to the activities of religious communities and its institutions. Because of its content, this
material is an indispensable source for historical and other scientific research. It is created and preserved in a narrow circle of provenance that serves only its needs, but it is often rich with testimonies of the widest social, cultural, political and scientific character, so they represent the value of a much wider context than the one in which it was created and in which it is preserved. Therefore, the aspect of protection itself
is layered. In this regard, the authors present basic information on how and in what way the archival records of religious communities should be protected. The emphasis is placed on the protection of conventional and non-conventional archival records, where, besides physical and material protection, the basics of assumptions regarding modern protection (microfilming and digitization), as well as intellectual protection,
are laid out. Also, the proposals include certain guidelines that are needed for the archives in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in order to better work on the protection of the archival material of religious communities.
godine. Bosna i Hercegovina, a i sama Tuzla, je u periodu postratne Jugoslavije bila suočena sa ogromnim razmjerama nepismenog stanovništva. Nepismenost je naročito bila izražena kod žena. Najbolji i najekonomičniji, a ujedno i najsvrsishodniji način opismenjavanja stanovništva u Tuzli vršen je putem analbafetskih tečajeva, koji su u
početku vršeni na oslobođenoj teritoriji, a od jeseni 1944. godine u gradovima, preduzećima i fabrikama. Proces opismenjavanja u Tuzli u ovom radu predstavljen je prema intezitetu djelovanja te objašenjen u dva ciklusa. Prvi ciklus obuhvata period od jeseni 1944. do prvog popisa stanovništva 1948. godine i drugi od 1948. do 1953. godine.
scientific work will be available to the social and wider scientific public, not only Bosnia and Herzegovina and Southeastern Europe, but also wider. In this paper, we will talk about the history of the CEEOL base and its activities, on the importance of the base for affirmation of “Archival Practice”. Also, attention will be focused on the use of works from “Archive Practice” both by public institutions and by private persons, which will be presented through reports such as which works are most used, from which area and which journal numbers are Were most interesting to the users of the CEEOL base. In addition to the CEEOL database since February 2017, the journal “Archival Practice” has been indexed to another international base. It is an American online base called EBSCO. The basic characteristics and history of this database will be discussed in the paper.
figures, cultural and socio-political life. Archival collections represent an important archive material, which is an important source of information and of which depends on the preservation of memory of society and community. For these reasons, this paper aims to highlight the importance and use of the same in the Archives of Tuzla Canton, as well as their technical and technological protection, primarily on the experiences arising from the process of digitizing and later use them citing some advantages and disadvantages.
modern historiography of Bosnia and Herzegovina as a whole and is the starting point for further research in the field of historiography of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, ie Bosnia and Herzegovina in its entirety. Of particular importance is the Tuzla Canton Archives, which was fully involved in the work of this project. Although the cadre is a professional in terms of professional and scientific competences, the Tuzla Canton Archives has scientific research staff. Employees have made an enormous contribution to helping authors
in researching, writing texts, collecting historical sources of the first order, viewing the press, numerous literature, etc. Although the law provides the possibility for archives to carry out scientific and research tasks, this is not sufficiently ensured, since archives do not yet have scientific-research services, which would systematically, continuously work on these tasks. The Tuzla Canton Archives have recently made great contributions to this field. Of importance for the Tuzla Canton
Archives is the creation of an archive collection entitled “Archival Collection of Documents from the Time of 1992-1995”, then establishing cooperation with institutions, fighting associations, commanders of the Second Corps, and especially with the 2nd Infantry (Rangers) Regiment of the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Through this project, the Archives of the Tuzla Canton made great progress on the affirmation of archival activities and prompted a large number of members of the Second Corps of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina to store their archives, personal belongings, to the Archives.
Fikret Ibričić's artistic opus, if we look at the retrospective of his 60-year artistic opus, we see that most of the paintings are actually the product of the artist's long-term inspiration and emotional attitude towards Bosnia and Herzegovina. Through his works, Fikret Ibričić shows that his determinant is hyperrealism, bur this does not completely determine his creative painting language. As an artist, he has done a large number of works of art and organized a large number of exhibitions throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina. As a great artist, by participating in many art colonies, he raised their quality with his presence. His paintings are found all over the world. Bosnia and Herzegovina and Tuzla are not even aware of what kind of artist they have in the heart of Tuzla.
As the artist Fikret Ibričić himself pointed out: „What was not written did not even exist“. Encouraged by these words Fikret Jahić-Vršanin and mr. Jasmin Jajčević, with the great help and desire of the artist Fikret Ibričić, tried to present the 60-year-old artistic opus of the Tuzla artist through this publication. However, one must be aware that it is impossible to do so with this publication, but it is possible to make a modest contribution and present some basic information about the life and work of the Tuzla artist, Fikret Ibričić.
Through the publication entitled „The Magician of Hyperrealism: 60 Years of Fikret Ibričić's Artistic Opus“, which contains five chapters, all the achievements that Fikret Ibričić has made in his 60-year artistic work are presented.
In the first chapter „Biography of the artist", facts from the life of the artist and his family are presented. The second chapter presents his sports life, where he achieved notable results in indoor soccer. He was a goal scorer and winner of several championships in indoor soccer not only in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but in the entire Yugoslavia.
The third chapter, „Artistic Life", talks about his beginnings in painting and his first works, as well as organizing solo and group exhibitions, and participating in many art colonies throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina. In the fourth chapter „Creativity of Fikret Ibričić", his best works of art are presented: portraits, motifs of Old Bosnia, natural beauties, winter idylls, motifs of fruits, vegetables, animals, still lifes, etc.
The fifth chapter entitled „Others about the artist Fikret Ibričić" presents the impressions and art criticism of those who knew the work and art of the Tuzla artist, on the occasion of his 60-year artistic opus.
Photomonography The Vršani Art Colony - on the occasion of the jubilee for ten years (2009-2018), tried to present all the performances that took place in the art colony during these ten years. A large number of artists from Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region (on average about 20) took part in the art colonies "Vrsani" and on it there were created over 200 art photographs representing real works of art. Through photomonography, which contains six chapters, all the achievements from the art colony were transferred and everything that the art colony brought about by its maintenance. In the first chapter "From Idea to Realization" the facts about the very idea, initiation, realization and achievements that were created on the art colony "Vrsani" are presented.
The second chapter presents the basic characteristics of all the art colonies held, as well as photographs, catalogs, invitations, posters and newspaper articles about all art colonies held. In the third chapter, "School of Painting Fikret Jahic Vrsanin" was presented, which started in 2012, and it came from the art colony "Vrsani". The fourth chapter is dedicated to holding exhibitions in cooperation with cultural institutions. One such exhibition was held in cooperation with the Archives of the Tuzla Canton, where artistic photographs from the Fifth Art Colony "Vrsani 2013" were presented. In the fifth chapter entitled "Others about the art colony "Vrsani ", the impressions of the artists of fine art colony, as well as all those who participated in the organizational part were presented. The letters were sent to all those who had participated in the organization of art colonies in any way, but not all responded. The last chapter presents the names of meritorious institutions, institutions, organizations and individuals who during the ten years of holding supported the fine art colony "Vrsani", both in the organizational and financial terms, and so on.
For the assistance in creation of photomonography, the author offers sincere thanks to the publishers Archives of Tuzla Canton and the Association of Citizens of Art Colony "Vrsani", editors prof. dr. Izet Šabotić and mr. sc. Omer Zulic on suggestions about photomonography. In particular, the author owes thanks to Fikret Jahić Vršanin for the vote of confidence shown for creating the photomonography of "Vrsani" art colony.