Pinus nigra dominated forests at Alaçam Mountains at the northwest of Anatolia were sampled, elab... more Pinus nigra dominated forests at Alaçam Mountains at the northwest of Anatolia were sampled, elaborated and classified since those forests represents one of the most typical distiribution of Pinus nigra in Turkey and were not subjected to any phytosociological study. Additionally, pure Fagus orientalis stands at the upland of the mountains were added to the analysis. The ecological conditions were assessed by topographical and environmental (latitude and longitude) factors. Forest vegetation at Alaçam Mountains can be divided into four groups. Three of these communities represent the P. nigra forests whereas the last is formed by pure F. orientalis forest. It was established that the most important ecological factor is altitude, while the other factors do not correlate with the floristic differentiation of the communities. The names of the communities along the altitudinal gradient are as follow: Cistus laurifolius-Pinus nigra dominated forest, Pteridium aquilinum-Pinus nigra domina...
Journal of environmental biology / Academy of Environmental Biology, India, 2012
Cedrus libani forests have been under anthropogenic pressure for thousands of years. The unattain... more Cedrus libani forests have been under anthropogenic pressure for thousands of years. The unattainable topography of the Taurus mountain range (Southern Anatolia) has prevented cedar in this region from being extirpated, in contrast to its other distribution areas in Syria and Lebanon. Numerical analyses of relevés confirmed the individuality of associations, as well as the division of C. libani forests into two ecological and floristically different groups/alliances (Abieti-Cedrion and Lonicero-Cedrion). Abieti-Cedrion is distributed in the middle and eastern Taurus whereas Lonicero-Cedrion appears in the Western Taurus. The main gradients of C. libani forests were detected. It was noticed that the distribution and floristic composition of C. libani forests is strongly affected by the geographical factors. Topographical factors are also influential on their distribution. C. libani forests are fundemantal components of the Mediterranean phytogeographical region and floral elements, b...
Journal of environmental biology / Academy of Environmental Biology, India, 2012
Soil degradation is perceived as a major threat in the Mediterranean region due to land use patte... more Soil degradation is perceived as a major threat in the Mediterranean region due to land use pattern and projected climate change. As the high altitudinal mountainous lands are sensitive lands, the land use patterns atAlaçam mountains were investigated in this study. The assessment of land use distribution is arranged with the altitude, exposure, slope and bedrock parameters. The spatial database of project was created using GRASS GIS open source software (GRASS Development Team, 2008). The scanned land use and main rock map of the project area rectified, digitized, and attributes of land use and bedrocks were entered into the database tables. Also raster SRTM3 data were imported into these databases for making physiographical factor (elevation, slope, aspect) maps. Our findings illustrated thatthe whole area of Alaçam mountains is 282 480 ha where most of the area of the mass is located between 700-1300 m asl with 200 585 ha corresponding to 71% of the whole area. We detected two ki...
The work deals with the floodplain forests of the Igneada region (NW Trace, Turkey). 69 relevés w... more The work deals with the floodplain forests of the Igneada region (NW Trace, Turkey). 69 relevés were sampled from wet to mesic sites according to the Braun-Blanquet approach and analyzed using different multivariate methods. The dataset was divided into five groups (associations), which demonstrate the diversity of forests in the region. In the wettest sites, forests dominated by Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus angustifolia appear; on wet and nutrient rich sites along rivers there are forests dominated by Ulmus laevis and Fraxinus angustifolia; on wet and less nutrient rich sites Ulmus minor and Fraxinus angustifolia appear; on humid sites Fraxinus angustifolia and Carpinus betulus forests thrive and on mesic sites Carpinus betulus forests appear. The ecological conditions are estimated by bioindicator values and the gradient from wet and nutrient rich forests to mesic and nutrient poor forests is presented by numerical analysis. The species richness and geo-elemental structure for each community is evaluated. Finally, a syntaxonomical scheme is proposed and the following associations were determined Leucojo aestivi-Fraxinetum angustifoliae, Fraxino angustifoliae-Ulmetum laevis, Smilaco excelsae-Fraxinetum angustifoliae (Alno-Quercion roboris, Populetalia albae) and Geranio robertiani-Carpinetum betuli, Trachystemo orientalis-Carpinetum betuli (Castaneo-Carpinion betuli, Rhododendro pontici-Fagetalia orientalis) all within Querco-Fagetea.
Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology, 2010
... İÜ Orman Fakültesi DA , 24(2): 84–127. View all references). Some research has been done to d... more ... İÜ Orman Fakültesi DA , 24(2): 84–127. View all references). Some research has been done to define the forest communities of cedar in Turkey (Çetik 197616. Çetik, R. 1976. ... Comm Fac Sci Univ Ankara , C2(24): 1–50. View all references; Ocakverdi & Çetik 198234. ...
Floristic differentiation of the oriental beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky) forests in Turkey and B... more Floristic differentiation of the oriental beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky) forests in Turkey and Bulgaria was investigated and the role of geographical and topographical factors in this differentiation was assessed. After geographical and ecological stratification of the available 922 relevés, 288 remained. Classification, by applying cluster analysis, resulted in seven vegetation units defined by species composition which represent the geographical and ecological variation of Fagus orientalis forests. DCA ordination was applied to these units by passively projecting their chorological structure, as supplementary variables. For more detailed interpretation of vegetation types with similar geographic distribution patterns, PCA was applied by passively projecting the chorological elements, life-forms and topographical factors as supplementary variables. Seven vegetation units representing the geographical and ecological variety of Fagus orientalis forests were described. Four vegetation units represent the core area of Fagus orientalis distribution on the western and middle coast of the Black Sea region (Euxine region); the remaining three types represent the distribution in the eastern Black Sea region (Colchic region), the distribution in western and southern Anatolia under the influence of the Mediterranean climate and the distribution in the transitional zone from the Euxine region to the continental parts of Inner Anatolia, respectively. The four vegetation types in Euxine region reflect the decreasing effect of Black Sea towards Inner Anatolia, as well as altitudinal differences, except the forest type representing forests on calcareous sites. The other three vegetation units represent ravine, lowland to montane and altimontane forests in Euxine region. Fagus orientalis forests could be distinguished by their floristic composition, their chorological elements and life-forms spectra, which reflect a geographical and ecological gradients.
The work deals with vegetation zonation in temporary ponds within cold holes in the Western Tauru... more The work deals with vegetation zonation in temporary ponds within cold holes in the Western Taurus mountain chain. There are two main factors that cause differentiation within the studied vegetation: one relates to the microtopography, the other to altitude. In the bottom of temporary ponds, marsh vegetation of Ranunculo argyrei-Tanacetea argentei (Sedo nani-Convolvuletalia galactici) appears (an endemic class vicariant to Scheuchzerio-Caricetea fuscae); in the intermediate zone, the vegetation is dominated by therophytes of Stellarietea mediae (Thero-Brometalia) and in the upper part, there is vegetation of hygrophilous grassland communities of Molinio-Arrhenatheretea (Potentillo-Polygonetalia). This zonation of communities can be found at lower altitudes (up to 1600 m); whereas at higher altitudes, the intermediate zone dominated by therophytes gradually disappears and then also the hygrophilous grasslands. The work also provides a description of new syntaxa, to wit: Ranunculo argyrei-Tanacetea argentei, Sedo nani-Convolvuletalia galactici, Rorippo aureae-Eleocharidion quinqueflorae, Sedo nani-Ranunculetum argyrei, Trifolio caudati-Hordeion geniculati, Taeniathero caput-medusae-Hordeetum geniculati, Alopecuro vaginati-Trifolion resupinati and Ornithogalo lanceolati-Elymetum repentis.
Quercus robur, Q. frainetto, Q. cerris and Q. petraea that predominate in forests in the Thrace r... more Quercus robur, Q. frainetto, Q. cerris and Q. petraea that predominate in forests in the Thrace region, a bridge between the Balkans and Anatolia, were sampled, elaborated and classified. The ecological conditions were estimated by bio-indicator values. Oak forests can be divided into four groups: Q. robur-Fraxinus angustifolia forests thriving in floodplains, Q. petraea forests found at higher altitudes, Q. frainetto-Carpinus orientalis forests appearing in the warmest and driest sites and Q. frainetto forests on more humid sites. It was established that the most important topographic factor is altitude, while slope and aspect are of minor importance.
Pinus nigra dominated forests at Alaçam Mountains at the northwest of Anatolia were sampled, elab... more Pinus nigra dominated forests at Alaçam Mountains at the northwest of Anatolia were sampled, elaborated and classified since those forests represents one of the most typical distiribution of Pinus nigra in Turkey and were not subjected to any phytosociological study. Additionally, pure Fagus orientalis stands at the upland of the mountains were added to the analysis. The ecological conditions were assessed by topographical and environmental (latitude and longitude) factors. Forest vegetation at Alaçam Mountains can be divided into four groups. Three of these communities represent the P. nigra forests whereas the last is formed by pure F. orientalis forest. It was established that the most important ecological factor is altitude, while the other factors do not correlate with the floristic differentiation of the communities. The names of the communities along the altitudinal gradient are as follow: Cistus laurifolius-Pinus nigra dominated forest, Pteridium aquilinum-Pinus nigra dominated forest, Fagus orientalis-Pinus nigra dominated forest, and Galium odoratum-Fagus orientalis dominated forest. These results indicate the rich diversity and differentiation at short distances at the study area, and altitude is the determining ecological factor on this richness. They also explore the need of a broad scale phytosociological study on Pinus nigra forests along whole Anatolia to define their floristic and ecological diversities.
We studied post-fire long-term regeneration of a south-western Turkey (Antalya region) forest usi... more We studied post-fire long-term regeneration of a south-western Turkey (Antalya region) forest using the synchronical approach. We analysed species richness patterns and vegetation diversity. Species were grouped according to plant functional types and special emphasis was given to seeders and resprouters. We recorded two plant species richness peaks, with the highest richness immediately following the fire and with the second peak 7 years after disturbance. Beta diversity decreased over time but also showed two peaks. The results of our floristic survey show that the majority of species are present from the beginning of the succession and suggest that Pinus brutia forests of the east Mediterranean basin recover through autosuccession. However, changes in species richness and b diversity indicate successional changes and thus we cannot completely support the model of direct recovery.
Pinus nigra dominated forests at Alaçam Mountains at the northwest of Anatolia were sampled, elab... more Pinus nigra dominated forests at Alaçam Mountains at the northwest of Anatolia were sampled, elaborated and classified since those forests represents one of the most typical distiribution of Pinus nigra in Turkey and were not subjected to any phytosociological study. Additionally, pure Fagus orientalis stands at the upland of the mountains were added to the analysis. The ecological conditions were assessed by topographical and environmental (latitude and longitude) factors. Forest vegetation at Alaçam Mountains can be divided into four groups. Three of these communities represent the P. nigra forests whereas the last is formed by pure F. orientalis forest. It was established that the most important ecological factor is altitude, while the other factors do not correlate with the floristic differentiation of the communities. The names of the communities along the altitudinal gradient are as follow: Cistus laurifolius-Pinus nigra dominated forest, Pteridium aquilinum-Pinus nigra domina...
Journal of environmental biology / Academy of Environmental Biology, India, 2012
Cedrus libani forests have been under anthropogenic pressure for thousands of years. The unattain... more Cedrus libani forests have been under anthropogenic pressure for thousands of years. The unattainable topography of the Taurus mountain range (Southern Anatolia) has prevented cedar in this region from being extirpated, in contrast to its other distribution areas in Syria and Lebanon. Numerical analyses of relevés confirmed the individuality of associations, as well as the division of C. libani forests into two ecological and floristically different groups/alliances (Abieti-Cedrion and Lonicero-Cedrion). Abieti-Cedrion is distributed in the middle and eastern Taurus whereas Lonicero-Cedrion appears in the Western Taurus. The main gradients of C. libani forests were detected. It was noticed that the distribution and floristic composition of C. libani forests is strongly affected by the geographical factors. Topographical factors are also influential on their distribution. C. libani forests are fundemantal components of the Mediterranean phytogeographical region and floral elements, b...
Journal of environmental biology / Academy of Environmental Biology, India, 2012
Soil degradation is perceived as a major threat in the Mediterranean region due to land use patte... more Soil degradation is perceived as a major threat in the Mediterranean region due to land use pattern and projected climate change. As the high altitudinal mountainous lands are sensitive lands, the land use patterns atAlaçam mountains were investigated in this study. The assessment of land use distribution is arranged with the altitude, exposure, slope and bedrock parameters. The spatial database of project was created using GRASS GIS open source software (GRASS Development Team, 2008). The scanned land use and main rock map of the project area rectified, digitized, and attributes of land use and bedrocks were entered into the database tables. Also raster SRTM3 data were imported into these databases for making physiographical factor (elevation, slope, aspect) maps. Our findings illustrated thatthe whole area of Alaçam mountains is 282 480 ha where most of the area of the mass is located between 700-1300 m asl with 200 585 ha corresponding to 71% of the whole area. We detected two ki...
The work deals with the floodplain forests of the Igneada region (NW Trace, Turkey). 69 relevés w... more The work deals with the floodplain forests of the Igneada region (NW Trace, Turkey). 69 relevés were sampled from wet to mesic sites according to the Braun-Blanquet approach and analyzed using different multivariate methods. The dataset was divided into five groups (associations), which demonstrate the diversity of forests in the region. In the wettest sites, forests dominated by Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus angustifolia appear; on wet and nutrient rich sites along rivers there are forests dominated by Ulmus laevis and Fraxinus angustifolia; on wet and less nutrient rich sites Ulmus minor and Fraxinus angustifolia appear; on humid sites Fraxinus angustifolia and Carpinus betulus forests thrive and on mesic sites Carpinus betulus forests appear. The ecological conditions are estimated by bioindicator values and the gradient from wet and nutrient rich forests to mesic and nutrient poor forests is presented by numerical analysis. The species richness and geo-elemental structure for each community is evaluated. Finally, a syntaxonomical scheme is proposed and the following associations were determined Leucojo aestivi-Fraxinetum angustifoliae, Fraxino angustifoliae-Ulmetum laevis, Smilaco excelsae-Fraxinetum angustifoliae (Alno-Quercion roboris, Populetalia albae) and Geranio robertiani-Carpinetum betuli, Trachystemo orientalis-Carpinetum betuli (Castaneo-Carpinion betuli, Rhododendro pontici-Fagetalia orientalis) all within Querco-Fagetea.
Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology, 2010
... İÜ Orman Fakültesi DA , 24(2): 84–127. View all references). Some research has been done to d... more ... İÜ Orman Fakültesi DA , 24(2): 84–127. View all references). Some research has been done to define the forest communities of cedar in Turkey (Çetik 197616. Çetik, R. 1976. ... Comm Fac Sci Univ Ankara , C2(24): 1–50. View all references; Ocakverdi & Çetik 198234. ...
Floristic differentiation of the oriental beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky) forests in Turkey and B... more Floristic differentiation of the oriental beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky) forests in Turkey and Bulgaria was investigated and the role of geographical and topographical factors in this differentiation was assessed. After geographical and ecological stratification of the available 922 relevés, 288 remained. Classification, by applying cluster analysis, resulted in seven vegetation units defined by species composition which represent the geographical and ecological variation of Fagus orientalis forests. DCA ordination was applied to these units by passively projecting their chorological structure, as supplementary variables. For more detailed interpretation of vegetation types with similar geographic distribution patterns, PCA was applied by passively projecting the chorological elements, life-forms and topographical factors as supplementary variables. Seven vegetation units representing the geographical and ecological variety of Fagus orientalis forests were described. Four vegetation units represent the core area of Fagus orientalis distribution on the western and middle coast of the Black Sea region (Euxine region); the remaining three types represent the distribution in the eastern Black Sea region (Colchic region), the distribution in western and southern Anatolia under the influence of the Mediterranean climate and the distribution in the transitional zone from the Euxine region to the continental parts of Inner Anatolia, respectively. The four vegetation types in Euxine region reflect the decreasing effect of Black Sea towards Inner Anatolia, as well as altitudinal differences, except the forest type representing forests on calcareous sites. The other three vegetation units represent ravine, lowland to montane and altimontane forests in Euxine region. Fagus orientalis forests could be distinguished by their floristic composition, their chorological elements and life-forms spectra, which reflect a geographical and ecological gradients.
The work deals with vegetation zonation in temporary ponds within cold holes in the Western Tauru... more The work deals with vegetation zonation in temporary ponds within cold holes in the Western Taurus mountain chain. There are two main factors that cause differentiation within the studied vegetation: one relates to the microtopography, the other to altitude. In the bottom of temporary ponds, marsh vegetation of Ranunculo argyrei-Tanacetea argentei (Sedo nani-Convolvuletalia galactici) appears (an endemic class vicariant to Scheuchzerio-Caricetea fuscae); in the intermediate zone, the vegetation is dominated by therophytes of Stellarietea mediae (Thero-Brometalia) and in the upper part, there is vegetation of hygrophilous grassland communities of Molinio-Arrhenatheretea (Potentillo-Polygonetalia). This zonation of communities can be found at lower altitudes (up to 1600 m); whereas at higher altitudes, the intermediate zone dominated by therophytes gradually disappears and then also the hygrophilous grasslands. The work also provides a description of new syntaxa, to wit: Ranunculo argyrei-Tanacetea argentei, Sedo nani-Convolvuletalia galactici, Rorippo aureae-Eleocharidion quinqueflorae, Sedo nani-Ranunculetum argyrei, Trifolio caudati-Hordeion geniculati, Taeniathero caput-medusae-Hordeetum geniculati, Alopecuro vaginati-Trifolion resupinati and Ornithogalo lanceolati-Elymetum repentis.
Quercus robur, Q. frainetto, Q. cerris and Q. petraea that predominate in forests in the Thrace r... more Quercus robur, Q. frainetto, Q. cerris and Q. petraea that predominate in forests in the Thrace region, a bridge between the Balkans and Anatolia, were sampled, elaborated and classified. The ecological conditions were estimated by bio-indicator values. Oak forests can be divided into four groups: Q. robur-Fraxinus angustifolia forests thriving in floodplains, Q. petraea forests found at higher altitudes, Q. frainetto-Carpinus orientalis forests appearing in the warmest and driest sites and Q. frainetto forests on more humid sites. It was established that the most important topographic factor is altitude, while slope and aspect are of minor importance.
Pinus nigra dominated forests at Alaçam Mountains at the northwest of Anatolia were sampled, elab... more Pinus nigra dominated forests at Alaçam Mountains at the northwest of Anatolia were sampled, elaborated and classified since those forests represents one of the most typical distiribution of Pinus nigra in Turkey and were not subjected to any phytosociological study. Additionally, pure Fagus orientalis stands at the upland of the mountains were added to the analysis. The ecological conditions were assessed by topographical and environmental (latitude and longitude) factors. Forest vegetation at Alaçam Mountains can be divided into four groups. Three of these communities represent the P. nigra forests whereas the last is formed by pure F. orientalis forest. It was established that the most important ecological factor is altitude, while the other factors do not correlate with the floristic differentiation of the communities. The names of the communities along the altitudinal gradient are as follow: Cistus laurifolius-Pinus nigra dominated forest, Pteridium aquilinum-Pinus nigra dominated forest, Fagus orientalis-Pinus nigra dominated forest, and Galium odoratum-Fagus orientalis dominated forest. These results indicate the rich diversity and differentiation at short distances at the study area, and altitude is the determining ecological factor on this richness. They also explore the need of a broad scale phytosociological study on Pinus nigra forests along whole Anatolia to define their floristic and ecological diversities.
We studied post-fire long-term regeneration of a south-western Turkey (Antalya region) forest usi... more We studied post-fire long-term regeneration of a south-western Turkey (Antalya region) forest using the synchronical approach. We analysed species richness patterns and vegetation diversity. Species were grouped according to plant functional types and special emphasis was given to seeders and resprouters. We recorded two plant species richness peaks, with the highest richness immediately following the fire and with the second peak 7 years after disturbance. Beta diversity decreased over time but also showed two peaks. The results of our floristic survey show that the majority of species are present from the beginning of the succession and suggest that Pinus brutia forests of the east Mediterranean basin recover through autosuccession. However, changes in species richness and b diversity indicate successional changes and thus we cannot completely support the model of direct recovery.
Papers by Ali Kavgaci