Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology, 2010
... İÜ Orman Fakültesi DA , 24(2): 84–127. View all references). Some research has been done to d... more ... İÜ Orman Fakültesi DA , 24(2): 84–127. View all references). Some research has been done to define the forest communities of cedar in Turkey (Çetik 197616. Çetik, R. 1976. ... Comm Fac Sci Univ Ankara , C2(24): 1–50. View all references; Ocakverdi & Çetik 198234. ...
We studied post-fire long-term regeneration of a south-western Turkey (Antalya region) forest usi... more We studied post-fire long-term regeneration of a south-western Turkey (Antalya region) forest using the synchronical approach. We analysed species richness patterns and vegetation diversity. Species were grouped according to plant functional types and special emphasis was given to seeders and resprouters. We recorded two plant species richness peaks, with the highest richness immediately following the fire and with the second peak 7 years after disturbance. Beta diversity decreased over time but also showed two peaks. The results of our floristic survey show that the majority of species are present from the beginning of the succession and suggest that Pinus brutia forests of the east Mediterranean basin recover through autosuccession. However, changes in species richness and β diversity indicate successional changes and thus we cannot completely support the model of direct recovery.
Kastamonu Universitesi Orman Fakultesi Dergisi, Mar 1, 2006
... Egemen rüzgar yönü batı-kuzeybatıdır. ... çevresi, 40 m. Ulus, Ahadlar köyü, 210 m. Ulus, Akç... more ... Egemen rüzgar yönü batı-kuzeybatıdır. ... çevresi, 40 m. Ulus, Ahadlar köyü, 210 m. Ulus, Akçakese Köyü çevresi, 250 m. Ulus, Arapdere köyü çevresi, 300 m. Ulus, Çimceköy mahallesi çevresi, 80 m. Ulus, Değirmenyanı mahallesi çevresi,120 m. Ulus, Demirci mahallesi çevresi ...
The work deals with vegetation zonation in temporary ponds within cold holes in the Western Tauru... more The work deals with vegetation zonation in temporary ponds within cold holes in the Western Taurus mountain chain. There are two main factors that cause differentiation within the studied vegetation: one relates to the microtopography, the other to altitude. In the bottom of temporary ponds, marsh vegetation of Ranunculo argyrei-Tanacetea argentei (Sedo nani-Convolvuletalia galactici) appears (an endemic class vicariant to Scheuchzerio-Caricetea fuscae); in the intermediate zone, the vegetation is dominated by therophytes of Stellarietea mediae (Thero-Brometalia) and in the upper part, there is vegetation of hygrophilous grassland communities of Molinio-Arrhenatheretea (Potentillo-Polygonetalia). This zonation of communities can be found at lower altitudes (up to 1600 m); whereas at higher altitudes, the intermediate zone dominated by therophytes gradually disappears and then also the hygrophilous grasslands. The work also provides a description of new syntaxa, to wit: Ranunculo arg...
Page 1. Ambient Ozone Levels in the Eastern Mediterranean Region and Assessment of Its Effect on ... more Page 1. Ambient Ozone Levels in the Eastern Mediterranean Region and Assessment of Its Effect on the Forested Mountain Areas of Southern Turkey Evrim Akkoyunlu, Rukiye Tipirdamaz, Saime Basaran, Halil Saribasak, Dudu Özkum, and Gülen Güllü ...
The work deals with vegetation zonation in temporary ponds within cold holes in the Western Tauru... more The work deals with vegetation zonation in temporary ponds within cold holes in the Western Taurus mountain chain. There are two main factors that cause differentiation within the studied vegetation: one relates to the microtopography, the other to altitude. In the bottom of temporary ponds, marsh vegetation of Ranunculo argyrei-Tanacetea argentei (Sedo nani-Convolvuletalia galactici) appears (an endemic class vicariant to Scheuchzerio-Caricetea fuscae); in the intermediate zone, the vegetation is dominated by therophytes of Stellarietea mediae (Thero-Brometalia) and in the upper part, there is vegetation of hygrophilous grassland communities of Molinio-Arrhenatheretea (Potentillo-Polygonetalia). This zonation of communities can be found at lower altitudes (up to 1600 m); whereas at higher altitudes, the intermediate zone dominated by therophytes gradually disappears and then also the hygrophilous grasslands. The work also provides a description of new syntaxa, to wit: Ranunculo argyrei-Tanacetea argentei, Sedo nani-Convolvuletalia galactici, Rorippo aureae-Eleocharidion quinqueflorae, Sedo nani-Ranunculetum argyrei, Trifolio caudati-Hordeion geniculati, Taeniathero caput-medusae-Hordeetum geniculati, Alopecuro vaginati-Trifolion resupinati and Ornithogalo lanceolati-Elymetum repentis.
Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology, 2010
... İÜ Orman Fakültesi DA , 24(2): 84–127. View all references). Some research has been done to d... more ... İÜ Orman Fakültesi DA , 24(2): 84–127. View all references). Some research has been done to define the forest communities of cedar in Turkey (Çetik 197616. Çetik, R. 1976. ... Comm Fac Sci Univ Ankara , C2(24): 1–50. View all references; Ocakverdi & Çetik 198234. ...
We studied post-fire long-term regeneration of a south-western Turkey (Antalya region) forest usi... more We studied post-fire long-term regeneration of a south-western Turkey (Antalya region) forest using the synchronical approach. We analysed species richness patterns and vegetation diversity. Species were grouped according to plant functional types and special emphasis was given to seeders and resprouters. We recorded two plant species richness peaks, with the highest richness immediately following the fire and with the second peak 7 years after disturbance. Beta diversity decreased over time but also showed two peaks. The results of our floristic survey show that the majority of species are present from the beginning of the succession and suggest that Pinus brutia forests of the east Mediterranean basin recover through autosuccession. However, changes in species richness and β diversity indicate successional changes and thus we cannot completely support the model of direct recovery.
Kastamonu Universitesi Orman Fakultesi Dergisi, Mar 1, 2006
... Egemen rüzgar yönü batı-kuzeybatıdır. ... çevresi, 40 m. Ulus, Ahadlar köyü, 210 m. Ulus, Akç... more ... Egemen rüzgar yönü batı-kuzeybatıdır. ... çevresi, 40 m. Ulus, Ahadlar köyü, 210 m. Ulus, Akçakese Köyü çevresi, 250 m. Ulus, Arapdere köyü çevresi, 300 m. Ulus, Çimceköy mahallesi çevresi, 80 m. Ulus, Değirmenyanı mahallesi çevresi,120 m. Ulus, Demirci mahallesi çevresi ...
The work deals with vegetation zonation in temporary ponds within cold holes in the Western Tauru... more The work deals with vegetation zonation in temporary ponds within cold holes in the Western Taurus mountain chain. There are two main factors that cause differentiation within the studied vegetation: one relates to the microtopography, the other to altitude. In the bottom of temporary ponds, marsh vegetation of Ranunculo argyrei-Tanacetea argentei (Sedo nani-Convolvuletalia galactici) appears (an endemic class vicariant to Scheuchzerio-Caricetea fuscae); in the intermediate zone, the vegetation is dominated by therophytes of Stellarietea mediae (Thero-Brometalia) and in the upper part, there is vegetation of hygrophilous grassland communities of Molinio-Arrhenatheretea (Potentillo-Polygonetalia). This zonation of communities can be found at lower altitudes (up to 1600 m); whereas at higher altitudes, the intermediate zone dominated by therophytes gradually disappears and then also the hygrophilous grasslands. The work also provides a description of new syntaxa, to wit: Ranunculo arg...
Page 1. Ambient Ozone Levels in the Eastern Mediterranean Region and Assessment of Its Effect on ... more Page 1. Ambient Ozone Levels in the Eastern Mediterranean Region and Assessment of Its Effect on the Forested Mountain Areas of Southern Turkey Evrim Akkoyunlu, Rukiye Tipirdamaz, Saime Basaran, Halil Saribasak, Dudu Özkum, and Gülen Güllü ...
The work deals with vegetation zonation in temporary ponds within cold holes in the Western Tauru... more The work deals with vegetation zonation in temporary ponds within cold holes in the Western Taurus mountain chain. There are two main factors that cause differentiation within the studied vegetation: one relates to the microtopography, the other to altitude. In the bottom of temporary ponds, marsh vegetation of Ranunculo argyrei-Tanacetea argentei (Sedo nani-Convolvuletalia galactici) appears (an endemic class vicariant to Scheuchzerio-Caricetea fuscae); in the intermediate zone, the vegetation is dominated by therophytes of Stellarietea mediae (Thero-Brometalia) and in the upper part, there is vegetation of hygrophilous grassland communities of Molinio-Arrhenatheretea (Potentillo-Polygonetalia). This zonation of communities can be found at lower altitudes (up to 1600 m); whereas at higher altitudes, the intermediate zone dominated by therophytes gradually disappears and then also the hygrophilous grasslands. The work also provides a description of new syntaxa, to wit: Ranunculo argyrei-Tanacetea argentei, Sedo nani-Convolvuletalia galactici, Rorippo aureae-Eleocharidion quinqueflorae, Sedo nani-Ranunculetum argyrei, Trifolio caudati-Hordeion geniculati, Taeniathero caput-medusae-Hordeetum geniculati, Alopecuro vaginati-Trifolion resupinati and Ornithogalo lanceolati-Elymetum repentis.
Papers by Saime Başaran