Papers by Alessandro Roncaglia
Moneta e Credito, 2009
TAGLIACARNE G., Il calcolo degli indici territoriali del potere d'acquisto: 459-473. ALLORIO G., ... more TAGLIACARNE G., Il calcolo degli indici territoriali del potere d'acquisto: 459-473. ALLORIO G., Sulla riforma del processo di imposizione e sulla disegnata riforma del processo tributario: 474-486. AZZARITI G., Sulla riforma del procedimento di imposizione e sulla disegnata riforma del processo tributario. Una postilla: 486-490. BERLIRI A., Sulla riforma del procedimento di imposizione e sulla disegnata riforma del processo tributario. Un intervento: 490-496.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2016
<b>Italian Abstract:</b> L'autore, seguendo gli insegnamenti e l'esempio di P... more <b>Italian Abstract:</b> L'autore, seguendo gli insegnamenti e l'esempio di Paolo Sylos Labini, esplora il ruolo sociale degli economisti, sottolineando come un utile economista sia un economista impegnato eticamente, che persegue il bene comune. Testo del discorso tenuto alla conferenza "Paolo Sylos Labini e la politica delle riforme", tenutasi all'Università La Sapienza di Roma il 4 dicembre 2015, organizzata dall'Accademia dei Lincei con Economia Civile. <b>English Abstract:</b> The author, following the teachings and example of Paolo Sylos Labini, explores the social role of economists, underling how a useful economist is an ethically committed economist, who pursues the common good. Text of the speech given at the conference "Paolo Sylos Labini e la politica delle riforme", held at Sapienza University of Rome on 04 December 2015, organized by the Accademia dei Lincei with Economia Civile.
The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 2009
... Contents Preface xii 1 Introduction 1 1 General outline 1 2 Main themes 2 3 Main objectives 9... more ... Contents Preface xii 1 Introduction 1 1 General outline 1 2 Main themes 2 3 Main objectives 9 2 Smith, Ricardo and the first rupture in economic thought 11 1 Introduction 11 2 Classical politicaleconomy: general themes 13 3 Smith's dualisms, Ricardo's abstractions 16 4 The ...
The International Oil Market, 1984
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2017
<b>Italian Abstract:</b> Il breve editoriale introduce il nuovo volume e fornisce inf... more <b>Italian Abstract:</b> Il breve editoriale introduce il nuovo volume e fornisce informazioni sulla nuova composizione del consiglio di redazione. <b>English Abstract:</b> The short editorial introduces the new volume and provides information on the new composition of the board of editors
Come ricordano sia Aldo Montesano (2012) sia Roberto Cellini (2012) nei lavori pubblicati in ques... more Come ricordano sia Aldo Montesano (2012) sia Roberto Cellini (2012) nei lavori pubblicati in questo stesso numero, esistono varie definizioni di economia politica. Tentare di discuterle, o anche semplicemente di illustrarle, mostra quanto sia difficile chiarire quale sia esattamente il campo di lavoro degli economisti. Questo fatto potrebbe non costituire un problema: in fondo, le definizioni precise sono sempre incomplete, se non addirittura fuorvianti. Una disciplina è definita implicitamente da quel che fanno coloro che la praticano; 1 di fronte ai cambiamenti che ciascuna disciplina sperimenta nel corso del tempo, la rinuncia a definizioni esplicite e precise ha molti vantaggi. Proprio per questo, nel seguire questa strada-come fa Montesano, che pure fornisce alcune indicazioni in negativo (le perplessità che avanza nei confronti della più diffusa definizione esplicita, quella di Lionel Robbins) e in positivo (con il riferimento all'economia come relativa "all'organ...
The paper summarizes the rationale and contents of a conference held at the Accademia Nazionale d... more The paper summarizes the rationale and contents of a conference held at the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei in December 2020, celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of the Italian Statuto dei lavoratori (Charter of Workers' Rights): a reform that represents an important advancement in Italian civic development. The paper illustrates the Charter: its attempt to reconcile, in light of the Italian Constitution, the twin and opposite characteristics of labor as sacrifice and as contributing to the social dignity of workers; and the law's compromises between the opposite needs of the labor process (stability and flexibility of employment, employers' freedom in hiring, the need to avoid discrimination, and so on). JEL codes: J08, J28, J48, J53, J83
The paper introduces to the special issue of the journal, devoted to Luigi Spaventa, former board... more The paper introduces to the special issue of the journal, devoted to Luigi Spaventa, former board member and frequent contributor to the journal, Italian MP and minister of the Budget. While most obituaries and recollections of Spaventa focus on his academic or political activities, the author focuses here on Spaventa's contributions to economic theory, in particular the theory of capital and distribution, growth and dualism in development, international finance and the European Monetary System.
PSL Quarterly Review, 2015
Oil markets are extremely complex, characterized by an interplay of economic, political, technolo... more Oil markets are extremely complex, characterized by an interplay of economic, political, technological and ecological issues. The paper begins by pointing to the high ratio between fixed and variable costs as a characteristic of the oil sector in all its production stages. Then the story of the sector is sketched, since the expansion of Rockefeller's Standard Oil Trust in the late Nineteenth century. Anti-trust intervention and collusion characterize the first part of the story; the notion of "trilateral oligopoly" (oil companies, producing and consuming countries) is then utilized in interpreting the developments since the Second World War. An illustration and a critique of the role played by financial markets in the determination of oil prices is accompanied by a critique of the theories interpreting oil prices as determined by its nature as a scarce natural resource. Recent trends in the oil sector, with the development of shale oil, are briefly considered.
Quest'opera è distribuita con licenza internazionale Creative Commons Attribuzione-Non commer... more Quest'opera è distribuita con licenza internazionale Creative Commons Attribuzione-Non commerciale-Non opere derivate 4.0. Copia della licenza è disponibile alla URL
CSN: Economics (Topic), 2018
The short editorial introduces the new issue and volume of the Review. In this issue, the PSL Qua... more The short editorial introduces the new issue and volume of the Review. In this issue, the PSL Quarterly Review is relaunching the “Recollections of Eminent Economists” series, which used to be published in both English and Italian, respectively in BNL Quarterly Review and Moneta e Credito. The “Recollections of Eminent Economists” series was launched in 1978, with the first article in September 1978 by John Hicks. The Recollections were intended as a series of autobiographies of intellectuals. Authors invited to contribute were allowed full liberty of topic and scope. ). As before, authors invited to contribute to the new series are granted the maximum creative liberty; the articles may be autobiographical, or consist in reflections on their research, or, more generally, on economics as a discipline. The first inaugural contribution published in this issue is by board member A.P. Thirlwall.
History of Economic Ideas, 2016
Moneta e Credito, 2015
The article introduces Paolo Sylos Labini’s 1962 testimony at the “Commission on the limits to co... more The article introduces Paolo Sylos Labini’s 1962 testimony at the “Commission on the limits to competition” of the Italian Parliament. There, Sylos Labini recalls his oligopoly theory, but he also extends his remarks to a full range of necessary structural reforms for Italy at the time. The present article explains the theoretical basis of Sylos Labini’s remarks, and highlights the relevance of the testimony for subsequent (and indeed contemporary) policymaking.
Moneta e Credito, 2018
Con questo numero, Moneta e Credito riprende la serie di “Reminiscenze di illustri economisti”, c... more Con questo numero, Moneta e Credito riprende la serie di “Reminiscenze di illustri economisti”, che veniva pubblicata sia in inglese che in italiano, rispettivamente nella BNL Quarterly Review e nella nostra rivista. Anche nella nuova serie, agli economisti invitati a contribuire verra consentita la massima liberta nell’impostazione del loro contributo, che potra consistere in ricordi autobiografici o in riflessioni sulla propria attivita di ricerca e/o sulle tendenze della nostra disciplina. Il primo contributo inaugurale pubblicato in questo numero e di A.P. Thirlwall, membro del supervisory board della PSL Quarterly Review . In this issue, Moneta e Credito is relaunching the “Recollections of Eminent Economists” series, which used to be published in both English and Italian, respectively in BNL Quarterly Review and Moneta e Credito. As before, economists invited to contribute to the new series will be granted the maximum creative liberty; the articles may be autobiographical, or ...
Papers by Alessandro Roncaglia