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Esto es un ensayo en desarollo, basado en una presentacion que hice en SEM 2012. Les agradezco cualquier comentario, pregunta o sugerencia. This is a work in progress based on a paper I delivered at SEM 2012. I welcome any comments,... more
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      ColombiaLatin American MusicAcción ColectivaMemoria Histórica
This article narrates the collaborative composition of a song in response to the fatal repression of protests in Cali, Colombia, in 2021, It simultaneously provides an analysis of both the final recording and the mediated in- teractions... more
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All videos are available on YouTube, accessible via the hyperlinks here and in footnotes of the main text. Some videos are mentioned at various points in the text.
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A brief introduction that comments specifically on Christian Wolff's Changing the System, and on John Cage's Music for Wind Instruments and Concerto for Prepared Piano and Orchestra.
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An overview of referentiality as I conceived it in 2000, illustrated by four of my own compositions: Footnotes, A Peal for Calm, The Kitchen Sink, and in memoriam reducere studemus.
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This talk was the first academic presentation deriving from an ongoing study of the musical settings of John McCrae's WWI poem, "In Flanders Fields." I have added footnotes and corrected a few minor errors, but otherwise the text is as I... more
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After Yeats is not a score for performance but rather a method for determining a score; it extends W. B. Yeats’s practice of poetic declamation to languages other than English. After Yeats describes a collaboration between a performer,... more
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    • Composition and Rhetoric
Edited and compiled by Naomi Taylor, this booklet summarizes the two day mini-festival held in York (UK) on July 3-4, 2015. Included are detailed notes for presentations and performances as well as a general introduction by Ronald... more
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      Composition and RhetoricMusic and LanguageWilliam Butler YeatsComposition (Music)
The full programme for a two-day conference held at the University of York, UK, on February 27 and 28, 2015. Assembled, edited, and produced by Naomi Taylor; William Brooks, artistic director.
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      HistoryMusicologyPopular MusicFirst World War
A contextual analysis of three compositions—One anti-personnel type-CBU bomb . . . by Philip Corner, ‘Majority’ by Charles Ives, and Lecture on the Weather by John Cage— reveals that each is ‘impossible’. Each manifests its impossibility... more
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      Experimental MusicAmerican musicMusic analysisJohn Cage
Chapter 6 in _Silence, Music, Silent Music_, ed. Nicky Losseff and Jenny Doctor (Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing, 2007), in (slightly corrected) proof form. Writings and compositions by John Cage and Charles Ives are examined from a... more
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      PragmatismGertrude SteinSilenceJohn Cage
Informal reflections on the viability of recording a work like HPSCHD.
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      John CageSound RecordingIndeterminacy
John Cage is universally associated with the phrase experimental music. But what did that phrase mean, for Cage and for Cage's predecessors? I begin with Cage and Lejaren Hiller, both writing important texts on ‘experimental music’ in... more
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    • Contemporary Music
A handout prepared for the presentation and panel discussion "How to Improve the World (Matters Could Hardly Be Worse)" at the Society for American Music international conference, 25 March 2017. I spoke ex tempore, using this handout as a... more
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      MusicMusicologyMusic and PoliticsExperimental Music
This paper, given at the "Performing Indeterminacy" conference at the University of Leeds on 1 July 2017, is very much a work in progress. It was motivated, as was much of my life in 2017, by my revulsion at the state of political... more
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This article appeared in _Perspectives of New Music_ 31:2 (Summer 1993). Since then it has become clear from writings about Cage's compositional methods that I had made incorrect inferences about the actual mechanics used in making _Hymns... more
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    • John Cage