Esto es un ensayo en desarollo, basado en una presentacion que hice en SEM 2012. Les agradezco cualquier comentario, pregunta o sugerencia. This is a work in progress based on a paper I delivered at SEM 2012. I welcome any comments,... more
This article narrates the collaborative composition of a song in response to the fatal repression of protests in Cali, Colombia, in 2021, It simultaneously provides an analysis of both the final recording and the mediated in- teractions... more
All videos are available on YouTube, accessible via the hyperlinks here and in footnotes of the main text. Some videos are mentioned at various points in the text.
A brief introduction that comments specifically on Christian Wolff's Changing the System, and on John Cage's Music for Wind Instruments and Concerto for Prepared Piano and Orchestra.
An overview of referentiality as I conceived it in 2000, illustrated by four of my own compositions: Footnotes, A Peal for Calm, The Kitchen Sink, and in memoriam reducere studemus.
This talk was the first academic presentation deriving from an ongoing study of the musical settings of John McCrae's WWI poem, "In Flanders Fields." I have added footnotes and corrected a few minor errors, but otherwise the text is as I... more
After Yeats is not a score for performance but rather a method for determining a score; it extends W. B. Yeats’s practice of poetic declamation to languages other than English. After Yeats describes a collaboration between a performer,... more
A contextual analysis of three compositions—One anti-personnel type-CBU bomb . . . by Philip Corner, ‘Majority’ by Charles Ives, and Lecture on the Weather by John Cage— reveals that each is ‘impossible’. Each manifests its impossibility... more
Chapter 6 in _Silence, Music, Silent Music_, ed. Nicky Losseff and Jenny Doctor (Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing, 2007), in (slightly corrected) proof form. Writings and compositions by John Cage and Charles Ives are examined from a... more
Informal reflections on the viability of recording a work like HPSCHD.
John Cage is universally associated with the phrase experimental music. But what did that phrase mean, for Cage and for Cage's predecessors? I begin with Cage and Lejaren Hiller, both writing important texts on ‘experimental music’ in... more
A handout prepared for the presentation and panel discussion "How to Improve the World (Matters Could Hardly Be Worse)" at the Society for American Music international conference, 25 March 2017. I spoke ex tempore, using this handout as a... more
This paper, given at the "Performing Indeterminacy" conference at the University of Leeds on 1 July 2017, is very much a work in progress. It was motivated, as was much of my life in 2017, by my revulsion at the state of political... more
This article appeared in _Perspectives of New Music_ 31:2 (Summer 1993). Since then it has become clear from writings about Cage's compositional methods that I had made incorrect inferences about the actual mechanics used in making _Hymns... more