Caker Metfomin
Caker Metfomin
Caker Metfomin
Hadi Sunaryo
Jurusan Farmasi, FMIPA Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. Hamka, Jakarta
Nurul Amalia
Jurusan Farmasi, FMIPA Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. Hamka, Jakarta
Part of the Natural Products Chemistry and Pharmacognosy Commons, Other Pharmacy and
Pharmaceutical Sciences Commons, and the Pharmaceutics and Drug Design Commons
Recommended Citation
Sediarso, Sediarso; Sunaryo, Hadi; and Amalia, Nurul (2011) "Efek Antidiabetes dan Identifikasi Senyawa
Dominan Fraksi Kloroform Herba Ciplukan (Physalis angulata L.)," Majalah Ilmu Kefarmasian: Vol. 8 : No.
1 , Article 2.
DOI: 10.7454/psr.v8i1.3469
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ISBN : 16......
Majalah Ilmu Kefarmasian. Vol. 8, No.... April 2013, 1 - 56
Antidiabetic activity of ciplukan (Physalis angulataL.) herb has a lot to do, as an extracts
and infusions, proven to reduce blood sugar levels in rats or mice induced by alloxan. The
research objective was to evaluate the antidiabetic effect and identify the content of the
chloroform fraction ciplukan herb eluated with methanol-ammonia. Antidiabetic effects
testing conducted using 30 male white mice (Mus musculus) ddY strain were divided into
6 groups, each consisting of 5 mice. K-1 is a negative control induced by alloxan, K-2,
K-3 and K-4 induced by alloxan and treated with the test substance dose of 50 mg/kg bw/
day, 100 mg/ kg bw/day, 200 mg/kg bw/day, K-5 is a positive control, induced by alloxan
and treated with metformin dose of 65 mg/kg bw, K-6 as normal controls. Each mouse
blood samples taken on day 7 and day 14, to test their blood sugar levels . Data were ana-
lyzed using one-way anova and multiple differences test. Identification of the content of the
chloroform fraction eluated with methanol-ammonia , carried out by gas chromatography
mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The results showed that all three doses showed a decrease
in blood sugar levels significantly at day 7 , but the decline has not reach normal levels.
Blood sugar levels drop significantly and the decline has reached normal occurred on day
14 . Dominant content of the chloroform fraction eluated with methanol-ammonia is a
class of unsaturated fatty acid chain length is Hexanoic acid, C16H12O2, hexadecanoic
acid methyl ester, C17H34O2, 9-octadecenoic acid methyl ester, C19H36O2, Oleic acid
butyl ester, C22H42O2, 9-octadecenoic acid, C19H36O2, Octadecanoic acid, C18H36O2,
1,2-Benzendicarboxylic acid, C8H6O4, and Aplysterylacetate, C31H52O2. Another result
is that Nordextromethorphan alkaloid compound, C17H23NO. The conclusion is chloro-
form fraction of ciplukan herbhas antidiabetic effects and has a class of compounds content
of unsaturated fatty acids, Aplysterylacetate and alkaloid Nordextromethorphan.
Keywords : Physalis angulata L., chloroform fraction, antidiabetes, Gas Chromatography-
Mass Spectrophotometry
Penelitian aktivitas antidiabetes dari tanaman ciplukan telah banyak dilakukan, baik
berupa ekstrak maupun infus, terbukti mampu menurunkan kadar gula darah pada tikus
atau mencit percobaan yang diinduksi dengan aloksan. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk
e-mail: [email protected]
Hasil identifikasi dengan GC-MS menun- golongan steroid yang dapat menstimu-
jukkanadanya senyawa asam lemak tidak lasikeluarnya insulin dari pankreas.
jenuh dan alkaloidyaitu Nordextrometho-
rphan.Senyawa alkaloidNordextrometho-
rphan ini mirip dengan senyawaturunan
morphin yang dapat menyembuhkan Fraksi kloroform herba ciplukan (Physa-
penyakitdiabetes neuropatik. Selain itu, lisangulata L.) dapat menurunkan kadar
fraksi kloroform jugamengandung asam glukosa darah mencit jantan putih yang
lemak yaitu Hexanoic acid,Hexadecanoic diinduksialoksan tetrahidrat.Fraksi kloro-
acid, 9-Octadecenoic acid, Oleic acid form herba ciplukan (Physalisangulata L.)
danOctadecanoic acid. Asam-asam lemak mengandung asam lemak tidak jenuh, al-
ini adalah tidakjenuh seperti Oleic acid kaloid nordextromethorphan dangolon-
atau 9-Octadecenoic aciddibutuhkan oleh gan steroid yaitu aplysterylacetate.
tubuh sebagai prekursor hormon kand-
unganyang meregulasi banyak fungsi dari DAFTAR ACUAN
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