Huron University College
Centre for Global Studies
This paper traces the evolution as well as key elements, and provides examples of implementation of participatory development and community-based conservation, two concepts that resemble distant cousins in the intersecting worlds of... more
This paper briefly surveys the membership of the Canadian Consortium of University Programs in International Development Studies (ccupids) to establish a perspective on the variety of institutional and intellectual contexts within which... more
This paper estimates income inequality in the People's Republic of China at the national, regional, and provincial levels using extrapolated unit-level household income data covering urban and rural populations of 23 provinces during... more
This survey paper examines various information insufficiencies in biodiversity conservation and their impact of regulatory choices. We surveyed the literature in the field and identified four major types of informational insufficiencies... more
Development of flip-chip-on-glass (FCOG) assembly technology using anisotropic conductive adhesive/film (ACA/ACF) is currently underway to achieve fine pitch interconnections between driver IC and flat panel display. Conductive adhesives... more
We present the development of five fuzzy multiattribute decision-making methods. These methods are based on the analytic hierarchy process (original and ideal mode), the weighted-sum model, the weighted-product model, and the TOPSlS... more
The bar, the barrier or wooden rail that marks off the space of the judges’ bench in courts of law, demarcates space so that the administration of justice acquires visibility; however, the manner in which the bar props up legal discourse... more
This paper situates Richard Fung's auto-ethnographic video Sea in the Blood within the context of the personal illness narrative as a mode of political resistance which emerged alongside the movements of feminist health activism and... more
This essay intervenes in a debate that took place between French intellectuals Georges Didi-Huberman and Elisabeth Pagnoux and Gerard Wajcman following the inclusion of four photographs from Auschwitz in a Paris exhibition in 2001.... more
This article considers the role of retreat in the time of global capital through an exploration of some of the major themes arising during the Banff residency, The Retreat: A position of dOCUMENTA(13), held in August 2012. These themes... more
Interview with Catherine Malabou
During his visit to Hiroshima on May 27, 2016, the first ever to be made by a sitting U.S. president, Barack Obama claimed that " the memory of the morning of August 6, 1945, must never fade. " 1 Not only did he seek to preserve the... more