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Vetus Testamentum, 2010
Sociolinguistics provides a theoretical framework for viewing the bilingualism of the book of Daniel as a deliberate rhetorical strategy. The author(s) of Daniel began their discourse in Hebrew, switched to Aramaic, and concluded in Hebrew to move its audience to a recognition of a new context in which the claims of empire had dissolved and claims of covenant alone remained. In so doing, the author(s) invited the audience to find their place within the world of the visions, forsaking a stance of collaboration with the reigning Seleucid empire in order to adopt a posture of resistance rooted in covenant.
Evangelio, 2019
Resumen La presente investigación analiza y evalúa la interpretación futurista de los libros de Daniel y Apocalipsis de algunos adventistas, quienes, rechazando el sistema de interpretación historicista, propia de la Iglesia Adventista, entienden los días proféticos como períodos literales que tienen un cumplimiento o doble cumplimiento en el futuro previo a la segunda venida de Cristo. El autor sostiene que la hermenéutica futurista de estos adventistas sigue de cerca los principios metodológicos hermenéuticos del sistema de interpretación futurista dispensacionalista y católico, los cuales rechazan los fundamentos escriturísticos importantes para la interpretación bíblica como son el principio de analogía y la concepción del tiempo de la cosmovisión bíblica. Abstract The present investigation analyzes and evaluates the futuristic interpretation of the books of Daniel and Revelation of some Adventists, who, rejecting the historicist interpretation system, typical of the Adventist Church, understand the prophetic days as literal periods that have a fulfillment or double fulfillment in the future before the second coming of Christ. The author maintains that the futuristic hermeneutics of these Ad-ventists closely follows the hermeneutical methodological principles of the dispensationalist and Catholic futuristic interpretation system, which reject the important Scriptural foundations for biblical interpretation such as the principle of analogy and the conception of the time of the Biblical worldview.
Puji syukur penulis panjatkan kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa atas rahmat dan hidayahnya, sehingga kelompok dapat menyelesaikan makalah ini yang berjudul "EPIDEMIOLOGI PENYAKIT HIPERTENSI" Pembuatan makalah ini, tidak lepas dari dan bantuan dari berbagai pihak. Oleh karena itu, pada kesempatan ini kelompok menyampaikan sebuah ucapan terima kasih kepada pihak atau sumber yang telah membantu dalam pembuatan makalah ini.
In Tempi di Unità, Periodico della Comunità di Gesù, 3 maggio 2005.
The huge experience of the Institute in non destructive analysis and characterization of pigments, inks, colours and dyes allows to recognize the palettes used by miniaturists, sometimes distinguishing the scriptoria themselves, identify posterior treatments and additions and assess the proper methods and products to be used in conservation. We present the results obtained by means of non destructive spectroscopic molecular (Micro Raman) and elemental (XRF and α-PIXE) techniques in three case study, the Pontificale 492 (13 th century, Museo Diocesano, Salerno, Italy), the Bibbia Amiatina (7 th -8 th century, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Firenze, Italy) and the ms. Piana 3.207 (13 th century, Biblioteca Malatestiana Cesena, Italy).
Environmental governance in Southeast Asia is attracting more and more attention for the deterioration of environment and now the government-dominated environmental governance model is being transformed into a trilateral model of joint governance by states, companies and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The APP Event in Southeast Asia is an important case in the process of the regional environmental governance. States and companies are still the subjects of environmental governance; however, NGO becomes the vanguard of environmental governance, which is influential enough to cause changes in the environmental governance structure because of its role in promoting states and companies to participate in environmental governance. The APP Event provides a new path of trilateral model in environmental governance, and the optimal allocation of different resources can be formed in the regional environmental governance through a certain mechanism built by states, companies and NGOs.
Art Tribal 110:52-63 (Hiver 2023)., 2023
Our Dermatology Online, 2016
Acta Archaeologica, 2005
SSIM 2023: Third International Slope Stability in Mining Conference
Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía, 2024
Археологія, 2022, N 4, 2022
Advances in Applied Sociology, 2023
RSC Advances, 2020
Quaternary Science Reviews, 2004
Papers in palaeontology, 2020
Advances and applications in discrete mathematics, 2022
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2021
TENCON 2018 - 2018 IEEE Region 10 Conference, 2018
arXiv (Cornell University), 2018