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Permission is granted to reprint any article in this issue, provided appropriate credit is given and two copies of the reprinted material are sent to Serbian Studies.
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      SociologyAlteritySerbian Studies
Please scroll down to see the English translation of the story. Since it was published in mainland China, the Chinese text appears first and is followed by the English translation. Professor Du Lixia and I translated the following story... more
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      Chinese Language and CultureChinese Literature in English Translation
This is an updated version of the translation that I edited with Professor 杜立霞 in the English department at Xi'an Jiaotong University in the spring of 2015. It was published in a book and is a short story by the Chinese writer 紅柯 from... more
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    • Chinese Literature in English Translation
A review of William Bronk's Life Supports: New and Collected Poems (North Point Press, 1982) for the National Book Foundation.
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      American StudiesPoetryContemporary PoetryContemporary American Poetry
This session's goal is to establish a critical ground from which to reassess the ballad in 20th and 21st century poetry. Though the modern and contemporary ballad has received far less critical attention than in earlier periods, recent... more
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      American LiteratureBlack Studies Or African American StudiesPoetryPoetics
This talk has two main take-aways: first, the contemporary ballad functions as a distinctive kind of "document/monument"-a term John Guillory (2016) recuperates from the art historian Erwin Panofsky to talk about the object of humanistic... more
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This course is a study of Latinx literatures and cultures produced in the last two decades. We will concentrate our attention on how contemporary art works represent and participate in the upheavals of the twenty-first century—9/11,... more
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This course is a study of the literature of the U.S.-Mexico border from the 1980s to the present. We begin with Gloria Anzaldúa's foundational texts, Borderlands / La Frontera, and her landmark feminist anthology, co-edited with... more
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This essay examines the reception and reinvention of “The Negro Speaks of Rivers” in ASK YOUR MAMA: 12 MOODS FOR JAZZ. It argues that Hughes reconstitutes “The Negro Speaks of Rivers” in “Blues in Stereo”—the fifth section or “mood” of... more
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Here I am with an excellent job, writing rarely-(handling the rare books in a library. .. in (Harvard). .. in Boston. . .)-lonely as a kangaroo in an aquarium, and then you have to write about how on the other side of the country people... more
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      Modern PoetryQueer Theory (Literature)Lyric poetryPublics and Counterpublics
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After an introduction to Sor Juana, the father Vieira and the historical context, the aim of the article is to make a formal analysis and show the ability of Sor Juana to deal with a theological text, comparing her skill to the Vieira... more
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      Colonial AmericaLatin American literatureHistory of Colonial MexicoMexican Literature
This paper describes and comments four critical factors to explain and analyze the literature: the author, the audience, the society and the language. Analyzing the function of each one, we propose a brief didactic model as a guide to... more
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      LiteratureLiteraturaCrítica literáriaAnálisis Literario
Antonella Sannino, Il De mirabilibus mundi tra tradizione magica e filosofia naturale, Florencia, Sismel, Edizioni del Galluzzo, Micrologus' Library 41. 2011, xi, 179 pp. La profesora Sannino, investigadora de la Universidad de Nápoles... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval StudiesMagicMedieval Europe
The aims of this paper are the analysis of 20 loanwords in the Latin language taken from Semitic languages –principally Arabic-, which are used in "De Mirabilibus Mundi", a book of secrets composed in 13th century attributed to Albertus... more
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      Latin LiteratureLanguages and LinguisticsMedieval LiteratureMedieval Studies
It is a report and analysis of the security in Guatemala and El Salvador during March 2019
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      International SecuritySecurity StudiesCentral America
Report and analysis on the Conditions of Security in the Northern Triangle (Central America) countries: Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras
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      CriminologyCriminal LawInformation SecurityInternational Security
Report and analysis on the security conditions in the Central American countries
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      CriminologyInformation SecurityLatin American politicsInternational Security
Report and analysis on the security conditions in the Central American countries
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      CriminologyInternational StudiesSecurityCentral America and Mexico