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fossology gold the master database schema

xizhao edited this page Nov 21, 2014 · 1 revision

fossology-gold is accessible through and is the fossology database from which the master schema, the one used in releases, is derived. So any database changes going into a released version need to be reflected here. Once the changes have been made to this database, it needs to be written to src/www/ui/core-schema.dat and checked in. This is because core-schema.dat is what is actually used in releases.

To change the master schema:

  1. Test your changes on your development machine

  2. Update fossology-gold. Typically this is done via phppgadmin. Don't export your development schema and check it in since it may contain unwanted changes!

  3. Login to (with ssh). You need a new account on the server that is in group fossy. Login is only possible with ssh-keys.

    1. Export the gold schema:

    2. schema-export -c /etc/fossology -f

  4. Test the output file on a development machine:

  5. /usr/local/lib/fossology/fossinit.php -c /etc/fossology -f

    1. Copy to core-schema.dat in your src/www/ui/ and check it in.

If you don't have a account or don't know the phppgadmin url and db user/pass, contact another developer who does.

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