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Building Fossology using pbuilder
Building Fossology using project builder
These are instructions for building a release package.
Need to run with 'build' user on fobuild.fc.hp.com:~/
- Building Test packages
- Run runBuild_v2.0.php –V $version -t
- All test packages generated under http://fobuild.fc.hp.com/fossology/$version/testing/$date/
- Building Release packages
Use the script under [email protected]:~/runBuild_v2.0.php
Commit all new $version conf files, using 2.0.0 as an example
cd to /home/build/pb/fossology/pbconf
check out new code
edit the following in the ...pbconf/tags/2.0.0/fossology.pb file:
Change 'pburl fossology =' with new git url
Change projver fossology = trunk to projver fossology = 2.0.0
Change testver fossology = true to false.
Change fossology/deb/changelog
Check in -
Run runBuild_v2.0.php –V $version
All packages generated under http://fobuild.fc.hp.com/fossology/$version
from the irc log:
<rando> hmmm, when I just try the number it says it can't be completed.... weird...
<vincent> 1. you should not change anything under /home/build/pb/project/
<rando> right, I figured that out.... :-)
<vincent> 2. go to /home/build/pb/fossology/pbconf/
<rando> K, I am there....
<vincent> 3. use the trunk/ directory to create release tag directlry under tags/
<vincent> for example, svn copy trunk/ tags/2.0.0-rc1/
<rando> 3 is confusing... ah ok, now I get it.... very important to mention svn copy rather than copy (cp)
<vincent> yes, for now under tags/ will have 2.0.0-rc1 directory
<rando> I have just removed that... let me copy again....
<rando> ok, so tag is now created....
<vincent> Change fossology.pb with new svn url
<vincent> Change projver = 2.0.0-rc1
<vincent> Change testver fossology = false
<vincent> Change fossology/deb/changelog
<rando> yes, but where do I change those? In tags/2.0.0-rc1?
<vincent> yes
<rando> ah, ok....
<vincent> when finished the changes, checked it tags/2.0.0-rc1/
<vincent> checked in
<rando> ok, modifed and checked in.
<vincent> seems checked in wrong file
<rando> huh? it was under tags?
<vincent> need to change tags/2.0.0-rc1 and checked in tags/2.0.0-rc1
<rando> I changed: /home/build/pb/fossology/pbconf/tags/2.0.0-rc1/fossology.pb, wasn't that the right file?
<vincent> yes, but i saw your check in is trunk/fossology.pb
<rando> yes, I see that too, very weird... I checked in the above, but it shows as the trunk version?
larrys_away is now known as larrys
<rando> under tags/2.0.0-rc1, there is nothing checked out and the fossology.pb file has been changed.
<rando> should I start the build?
<vincent> yes, just run runBuild_v2.0.php –V 2.0.0-rc1
<rando> have to change the deb change log first.... there doesn't seem to be a debchange command on this system, how did you edit the changelog?
<vincent> edit it by myself
- Setup Build Environment
- a. need support virtualization(Inter VT or AMD-V)
- b. Memory, as larger as better, at least 4G Memory
- c. Disk: at least 100G disk space
- d. System: prefer RHEL5.6 x86_64 platform with kvm installed
- e. Check the server already installed: fobuild.fc.hp.com
- Configure pb(project-builder) environment
a. Create a configuration file under “build” user home directory called .pbrc
[email protected]:~$ cat .pbrc
#how to get project-builder.org source
pburl pb = svn://svn.project-builder.org/mondo/svn/pb#where to get the packaging templates
pbconfurl pb = svn://svn.project-builder.org/mondo/svn/pb/pbconf#local prefix for sandbox checkouts and local build artifacts
pbdefdir default = $ENV{'HOME'}/pb/projects
pbdefdir pb = $ENV{'HOME'}
pbconfdir pb = $ENV{'HOME'}/pb/pbconf#location of Virtual Machine infrastructure
vmpath default = /home/build/vm#location of Virtual Environment (chroot) infrastructure
vepath default = /home/mock#fossology project URL of its pbconf
pbconfurl fossology = git+https://github.com/fossology/fossology.git #pbconfurl fossology = $ENV{'HOME'}/pb/projects/fossology/pbconf -
b. Get the prepared VM at fobuild.fc.hp.com:/home/build/vm/. Create a new directory to host these VMs.
[email protected]:~$ mkdir ~/vm
c. Create another .pbrc conf file in vmpath directory to store the parameters linked to VM management.
[email protected]:~$ cat ~/vm/.pbrc
#type of VM
vmtype default = kvm
vmcmd default = /usr/bin/kvm
#VM instance configuration
vmntp default = pool.ntp.org
vmntpcmd default = /usr/sbin/ntpdate
vmhost default = localhost
vmlogin default = pb
vmport default = 2223
vmtmout default = 120
vmopt default = -m 1000 -nographic -no-kvm-irqchip
vmsize default = 8G
vmmonport default = 4444
#a comma seperated list of all the desired tuples (distro-ver-arch)
vmlist default = fedora-17-i386,fedora-17-x86_64,ubuntu-10.04-i386,ubuntu-10.04-x86_64,rhel-6-i386,rhel-6-x86_64,ubuntu-11.10-i386,ubuntu-11.10-x86_64,ubuntu-11.04-i386,ubuntu-11.04-x86_64,debian-6.0-i386,debian-6.0-x86_64,ubuntu-12.10-i386,ubuntu-12.10-x86_64,ubuntu-12.04-i386,ubuntu-12.04-x86_64
If this builds environment setup correctly, just follow this instruction to create packages for testing and release.
- Choose VERSION of packages to build, example 2.0.0
When the VERSION choose, run follow command as login user:
[email protected]:~$ pb -p fossology -r 2.0.0 newproj fossology
After run this command will generate $HOME/pb/projects/fossology/pbconf/2.0.0/ directory.
- Check out all files needed by FOSSology building
[email protected]:
$ cd $HOME/pb/projects/fossology/pbconf/2.0.0//pb/projects/fossology/pbconf/2.0.0$ rm -rf *
[email protected]:
Check out all files from https://github.com/fossology/fossology/tree/master/packaging/ To $HOME/pb/projects/fossology/pbconf/2.0.0/
- Edit fossology.pb file under $HOME/pb/projects/fossology/pbconf/2.0.0/ with new VERSION
projver fossology = VERSION
pburl fossology = git+https://github.com/fossology/fossology.git
- Generate all source and spec file for different distro
[email protected]:~$ pb -p fossology -r 2.0.0 sbx2build
- Build Packagess use all VMs
[email protected]:
$ pb -p fossology -r 2.0.0 -m debian-6.0-i386 launchvm$ pb -p fossology -r 2.0.0 -m debian-6.0-i386 setupvm
[email protected]:
[email protected]:~$ pb -p fossology -r 2.0.0 -m debian-6.0-i386 build2vm
project-builder support to create packages in RMs, RM means Remote Machine, and could be a physical or Virtual one, which should pre-exist. (There are no detail documents introduce how to create packages in RMs, following instruction is my testing steps.)
- Add conf part into pbrc file
rmtype fossology = ssh
rmlogin fossology = root
rmport fossology = 22
rmlist fossology = rhel-6-i386,debian-6-i386
rmpath fossology = localhost
rmtmout fossology = 10
rmhost rhel-6-i386 = fo-centos-6-32.fc.hp.com
rmhost debian-6-i386 = fo-debian-squeeze32.fc.hp.com
NOTE: rmhost list all the physical machine or virtual machine hostname connect with rmlist you want to build
- Setup the physical or virtual machine
a. Install project-builder on them
b. setup machine[build@fobuild ~]$ pb -p fossology -r 2.0.0 setuprm -P 22
c. Install build package dependencies
- Build packages on RMs
[build@fobuild ~]$ pb -p fossology -r 2.0.0 build2rm -P 22
- Nomos
- Monk
- MonkBulk
- ReSo-(REUSE.Software)
- Reuse clearing with reuser
- ScanCode agent
- Copyright
- Package Agent
- Maintenance Agent
- Mimetype Agent
- Buckets
- Spasht Agent
- Email notification configuration
- Migration to UTF 8 DB
- External authentication configuration
- OpenID Connect authentication configuration
- Access Control