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Building Fossology using pbuilder

Dong Ma edited this page Jul 21, 2015 · 5 revisions

Building Fossology using project builder

These are instructions for building a release package.

Need to run with 'build' user on

Instructions for automated Building packages

  1. Building Test packages
  1. Building Release packages
  • Use the script under [email protected]:~/runBuild_v2.0.php

  • Commit all new $version conf files, using 2.0.0 as an example

    cd to /home/build/pb/fossology/pbconf
    check out new code
    edit the following in the ...pbconf/tags/2.0.0/fossology.pb file:
    Change 'pburl fossology =' with new git url
    Change projver fossology = trunk to projver fossology = 2.0.0
    Change testver fossology = true to false.
    Change fossology/deb/changelog
    Check in

  • Run runBuild_v2.0.php –V $version

  • All packages generated under$version

from the irc log:

<rando> hmmm, when I just try the number it says it can't be completed.... weird...
<vincent> 1. you should not change anything under /home/build/pb/project/
<rando> right, I figured that out.... :-)
<vincent> 2. go to /home/build/pb/fossology/pbconf/
<rando> K, I am there....
<vincent> 3. use the trunk/ directory to create release tag directlry under tags/
<vincent> for example, svn copy trunk/ tags/2.0.0-rc1/
<rando> 3 is confusing... ah ok, now I get it.... very important to mention svn copy rather than copy (cp)
<vincent> yes, for now under tags/ will have 2.0.0-rc1 directory
<rando> I have just removed that... let me copy again....
<rando> ok, so tag is now created....
<vincent> Change fossology.pb with new svn url
<vincent> Change projver = 2.0.0-rc1
<vincent> Change testver fossology = false
<vincent> Change fossology/deb/changelog
<rando> yes, but where do I change those? In tags/2.0.0-rc1?
<vincent> yes
<rando> ah, ok....
<vincent> when finished the changes, checked it tags/2.0.0-rc1/
<vincent> checked in
<rando> ok, modifed and checked in.
<vincent> seems checked in wrong file
<rando> huh? it was under tags?
<vincent> need to change tags/2.0.0-rc1 and checked in tags/2.0.0-rc1
<rando> I changed: /home/build/pb/fossology/pbconf/tags/2.0.0-rc1/fossology.pb, wasn't that the right file?
<vincent> yes, but i saw your check in is trunk/fossology.pb
<rando> yes, I see that too, very weird... I checked in the above, but it shows as the trunk version?
larrys_away is now known as larrys
<rando> under tags/2.0.0-rc1, there is nothing checked out and the fossology.pb file has been changed.
<rando> should I start the build?
<vincent> yes, just run runBuild_v2.0.php –V 2.0.0-rc1
<rando> have to change the deb change log first.... there doesn't seem to be a debchange command on this system, how did you edit the changelog?
<vincent> edit it by myself

Configure Build Server

  1. Setup Build Environment
  • a. need support virtualization(Inter VT or AMD-V)
  • b. Memory, as larger as better, at least 4G Memory
  • c. Disk: at least 100G disk space
  • d. System: prefer RHEL5.6 x86_64 platform with kvm installed
  • e. Check the server already installed:
  1. Configure pb(project-builder) environment
  • a. Create a configuration file under “build” user home directory called .pbrc

    [email protected]:~$ cat .pbrc
    #how to get source
    pburl pb = svn://

    #where to get the packaging templates
    pbconfurl pb = svn://

    #local prefix for sandbox checkouts and local build artifacts
    pbdefdir default = $ENV{'HOME'}/pb/projects
    pbdefdir pb = $ENV{'HOME'}
    pbconfdir pb = $ENV{'HOME'}/pb/pbconf

    #location of Virtual Machine infrastructure
    vmpath default = /home/build/vm

    #location of Virtual Environment (chroot) infrastructure
    vepath default = /home/mock

    #fossology project URL of its pbconf
    pbconfurl fossology = git+ #pbconfurl fossology = $ENV{'HOME'}/pb/projects/fossology/pbconf

  • b. Get the prepared VM at Create a new directory to host these VMs.

    [email protected]:~$ mkdir ~/vm

  • c. Create another .pbrc conf file in vmpath directory to store the parameters linked to VM management.

    [email protected]:~$ cat ~/vm/.pbrc
    #type of VM
    vmtype default = kvm
    vmcmd default = /usr/bin/kvm
    #VM instance configuration
    vmntp default =
    vmntpcmd default = /usr/sbin/ntpdate
    vmhost default = localhost
    vmlogin default = pb
    vmport default = 2223
    vmtmout default = 120
    vmopt default = -m 1000 -nographic -no-kvm-irqchip
    vmsize default = 8G
    vmmonport default = 4444
    #a comma seperated list of all the desired tuples (distro-ver-arch)
    vmlist default = fedora-17-i386,fedora-17-x86_64,ubuntu-10.04-i386,ubuntu-10.04-x86_64,rhel-6-i386,rhel-6-x86_64,ubuntu-11.10-i386,ubuntu-11.10-x86_64,ubuntu-11.04-i386,ubuntu-11.04-x86_64,debian-6.0-i386,debian-6.0-x86_64,ubuntu-12.10-i386,ubuntu-12.10-x86_64,ubuntu-12.04-i386,ubuntu-12.04-x86_64

Instructions for Building packages (runbuild_v2.0.php script automated this process)

If this builds environment setup correctly, just follow this instruction to create packages for testing and release.

  1. Choose VERSION of packages to build, example 2.0.0
    When the VERSION choose, run follow command as login user:

[email protected]:~$ pb -p fossology -r 2.0.0 newproj fossology
After run this command will generate $HOME/pb/projects/fossology/pbconf/2.0.0/ directory.

  1. Check out all files needed by FOSSology building

[email protected]:$ cd $HOME/pb/projects/fossology/pbconf/2.0.0/
[email protected]:
/pb/projects/fossology/pbconf/2.0.0$ rm -rf *
Check out all files from To $HOME/pb/projects/fossology/pbconf/2.0.0/

  1. Edit fossology.pb file under $HOME/pb/projects/fossology/pbconf/2.0.0/ with new VERSION

projver fossology = VERSION
pburl fossology = git+

  1. Generate all source and spec file for different distro

[email protected]:~$ pb -p fossology -r 2.0.0 sbx2build

  1. Build Packagess use all VMs

[email protected]:$ pb -p fossology -r 2.0.0 -m debian-6.0-i386 launchvm
[email protected]:
$ pb -p fossology -r 2.0.0 -m debian-6.0-i386 setupvm
[email protected]:~$ pb -p fossology -r 2.0.0 -m debian-6.0-i386 build2vm

Create packages in RMs use project-builder

project-builder support to create packages in RMs, RM means Remote Machine, and could be a physical or Virtual one, which should pre-exist. (There are no detail documents introduce how to create packages in RMs, following instruction is my testing steps.)

  1. Add conf part into pbrc file

rmtype fossology = ssh
rmlogin fossology = root
rmport fossology = 22
rmlist fossology = rhel-6-i386,debian-6-i386
rmpath fossology = localhost
rmtmout fossology = 10
rmhost rhel-6-i386 =
rmhost debian-6-i386 =

NOTE: rmhost list all the physical machine or virtual machine hostname connect with rmlist you want to build

  1. Setup the physical or virtual machine

a. Install project-builder on them
b. setup machine [build@fobuild ~]$ pb -p fossology -r 2.0.0 setuprm -P 22
c. Install build package dependencies

  1. Build packages on RMs

[build@fobuild ~]$ pb -p fossology -r 2.0.0 build2rm -P 22

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