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FossDash: Deploy and Configure

Nicolas Toussaint edited this page Jan 13, 2021 · 2 revisions

Configuration guide for FossDash

FossDash is a Grafana based dashboard for you FOSSology usage and system metrics.
It was partly developped by @darshank15 as part of the 2020 GSoC.

It is two-fold:

  1. FOSSology: regularly exports usage and system metrics to an external database
  2. FossDash: A pre-configured InfluxDB + Grafana solution collects, stores and displays graphs

Moreover, you may also:

  • export FOSSology metrics to any other InfluxDB compatible service
  • integrate multiple FOSSology instances, and/or combine any other kind of data from other services

This guide will walk you through Docker deployment and configuration of the FossDash service:

  1. Deploy FOSSology
  2. Configure and deploy FossDash
  3. Configure FossDash on FOSSology

Deploy FOSSology

The minimum version of FOSSology is 3.10 <- UPDATE

Deploy Fossology as usual, and make sure the Admin->Fossdash menu entry is available

Deploy FossDash

In the basic setup below, FossDash is expected to run on the same server as Fossology.

  1. Clone the FossDash repository: <- MOVE and UPDATE ?
  2. Configure the .env file as appropriate (TODO add INFLUXDB_HTTP_SHARED_SECRET variable)

The docker-copose.yml file will run 3 containers:

  1. grafana: to build and show graphs
  2. influxdb: to collect and store the metrics
  3. apache-reverse-proxy: to access separately the Grafana and InfluxDB web pages on a single port.

The Docker network fossology_default is shared with the Fossology containers.

Run: docker-compose -p fossdash up

Configure Fossology

The details to configure FossDash in Fossology can be found here:

TODO: Move the Doc, and update the Token Generation link in the Fossology configuration page

Access Grafana

Browse to http://localhost:8080/grafana In the Dashboards management page, two default dashboards are provided:

  • one global to all Fossology instances reporting to this FossDash service
  • another that will report data specifically for a selected instance

Example for Instance specific dashboard:

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