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      GeographyComputer ScienceEconomic GeographySocial Sciences
Crude oil plays an important role in the economic development of many emerging markets. This study examines the role of global crude oil price on the exchange rate (EXR) and gross domestic product (GDP) of Ghana (a new oil producing... more
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      Energy EconomicsOil and gasExchange RatesOil Find In Ghana
One of the main arguments against a public finance solution to unemployment is that, at least in the long run, the tax burden is passed onto labor. This paper assesses the robustness of existing propositions on the relation between tax... more
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      Public FinanceEconometricsApplied EconomicsGeneral Equilibrium
One of the main arguments against a public finance solution to unemployment is that, at least in the long run, the tax burden is passed onto labor. This paper assesses the robustness of existing propositions on the relation between tax... more
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      Public FinanceEconometricsApplied EconomicsGeneral Equilibrium
Your article is protected by copyright and all rights are held exclusively by Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. This e-offprint is for personal use only and shall not be self-archived in electronic... more
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    • Applied Economics
We study the impact of one more year of child's education on household (non-durable) consumption. We exploit an exogenous shock generated by a university reform in Italy in the early 2000s. We find that families responded in a way that is... more
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      EducationConsumption Studies
We study the impact of one more year of child’s education on household (non-durable) consumption. We exploit an exogenous shock generated by a university reform in Italy in the early 2000s. We find that families responded in a way that is... more
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      EconomicsEducationConsumption StudiesEmpirical Economics
società italiana di economia pubblica dipartimento di economia pubblica e territoriale-università di Pavia DIRITTI, REGOLE, MERCATO Economia pubblica ed analisi economica del diritto XV Conferenza SIEP-Pavia, Università, 3-4 ottobre 2003... more
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      Tax PolicyFiscal policyApplied EconomicsPersonal Income Tax
Training Subsidies and the Wage Returns to Continuing Vocational Training: Evidence from Italian Regions * We use the variation of training policy over time and across Italian regions to identify the relationship between individual... more
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      EconomicsLabour EconomicsApplied EconomicsWage
Rational choice theory (RCT) models decision makers as utility maximizers and is often defended via an as-if argument. According to this argument, although real individuals do not consciously maximize their utility function, their choices... more
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      EconomicsExperimental EconomicsRational Choice TheoryDiscrete choice models
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      MathematicsEconomicsEconometricsMathematical Economics
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      EconomicsExperimental EconomicsExperimental ResearchIcon
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      Mathematical EconomicsEconomic TheoryPaul SamuelsonOpposition Politics
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      EconomicsEpistemologyEconomic TheoryUtility Theory
This paper deals with the history of neoclassical consumer theory from 1871 to 1971, and with the Neo-Kantian knowledge theory of the Marburg School, a philosophical movement whose main exponents were H. Cohen, P. Natorp and E. Cassirer.... more
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      PsychologyEpistemologyUtility TheoryKant & neo-Kantianism
When economists have to choose between competing theories, they evaluate not only the theories' empirical relevance, but also qualities like their simplicity, tractability, parsimony and unifying power. These are called the epistemic... more
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      SociologyEpistemologySocial Science Research NetworkSimplicity
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      MathematicsMathematical EconomicsCommon KnowledgeSocial Science Research Network
Expected utility theory dominated the economic analysis of individual decision-making under risk from the early 1950s to the 1990. Among the early supporters of the expected utility hypothesis in the von Neumann–Morgenstern version were... more
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      EconomicsMathematical EconomicsUtility TheoryAxiom
This paper investigates a limitation of the model of belief and knowledge prevailing in mainstream economics, namely the state-space model. Because of its set-theoretic nature, this model has difficulties in capturing the difference... more
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      SociologyEconomic TheoryKnowledgeExtension
The article studies the origin, content, and impact of two experiments to measure the utility of money, one by Frederick Mosteller and Philip Nogee in 1948–49 and one by Donald Davidson, Patrick Suppes, and Sidney Siegel in 1954. Both... more
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      Experimental PsychologyEconomicsExperimental EconomicsPhilosophy of Agency