Using Italian Labour Force Survey data for the period 2019Q1-2020Q4 and applying quantile regress... more Using Italian Labour Force Survey data for the period 2019Q1-2020Q4 and applying quantile regression model accounting for sample selection bias, the paper investigates the effects of the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic on the wage distribution of employees, exploiting differences across sectors and by working from home arrangement. The findings reveal that the pandemic seems to positively affect wages of the entire workforce. However, this short-term advantage might be temporary as potentially driven by occupational changes in employment composition, whereas teleworking arrangement entails a wage premium for all workers. Low paid workers, employed in hotel/restaurant sector and not teleworking during the outbreak, face a reduction in wages (− 13.7%), while employees of public administration and education sectors exhibit a wage premium. When considering the joint effect of COVID-19 and working from home arrangement, estimates show that, despite few exceptions, wages of teleworking employees have been not affected by the coronavirus. Finally, we also control for self-selection issue by implementing the inverse probability weighting estimator.
This paper examines whether the growing use of non-permanent contracts may have influenced the in... more This paper examines whether the growing use of non-permanent contracts may have influenced the intra-family income differences in Italy over time. After the 1996, a number of reforms were implemented to reduce the levels of employment protection. Thus we aim at providing evidence on the determinants of potential changes to personal level of income before and after the introduction of such rules. In particular, we calculate the contribution of each individual within the family using two Italian longitudinal data (namely ECHP and IT-Silc). We perform estimations for men and women, separately. Our results confirm that the amount of contribution changes over the span considered. Fathers are generally more likely to support other family members. Sons are instead money receivers, and the magnitude of the coefficient is especially large when labour market flexibility has been already introduced. Individuals with part time temporary contracts face less favourable financial conditions. Finally, those who are out of the labour market (i.e. retired, unemployed, inactive) contribute negatively within the family.
We use unique administrative data from a large private Italian University to estimate whether ind... more We use unique administrative data from a large private Italian University to estimate whether individual characteristics before enrolment, academic performance, geographical mobility and family size may affect completion or not. Several outcomes are taken into account, namely probability of withdrawal both for voluntary or involuntary reasons, of graduating within the minimum period and with top marks. Our estimates highlight that all these dimensions drive the outcomes analysed. Especially poor high school backgrounds increases the chances of noncompletion and graduation beyond the legal length. Higher final high school marks, more academic oriented diploma, living in a small family and being commuters entail a large probability of getting a degree with top marks and within the minimum period, as well.
By using university administrative and survey data on Italian graduates, we analyze the transmiss... more By using university administrative and survey data on Italian graduates, we analyze the transmission of liberal professions from fathers to children. We assess the effect of nepotism and family networking, separately from other transmission channels, on the probability of choosing a degree that gives access to liberal professions, of obtaining a licensing and of starting a liberal profession. The results suggest that the effect of nepotism and networking is irrelevant on the degree choice, modest on the success rate at the licensing exam, but large and significant on the probability to start a liberal profession.
This paper investigates the determinants of Italian university drop-out which is one of the main ... more This paper investigates the determinants of Italian university drop-out which is one of the main issues of the tertiary education system. We provide evidence at national level as we use longitudinal data drawn from the European Community Household Panel (ECHP) for Italy. We perform a survival analysis model and results indicate that family income does not appear to be associated with withdrawal, while it does matter parental education and family composition. In addition, after taking the probability of dropping out from university, we have defined the predicted hazard rate and survival time for some specific groups according to the set of covariates selected each time.
Any opinions expressed here are those of the author(s) and not those of IZA. Research published i... more Any opinions expressed here are those of the author(s) and not those of IZA. Research published in this series may include views on policy, but the institute itself takes no institutional policy positions. The Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA) in Bonn is a local and virtual international research center and a place of communication between science, politics and business. IZA is an independent nonprofit organization supported by Deutsche Post Foundation. The center is associated with the University of Bonn and offers a stimulating research environment through its international network, workshops and conferences, data service, project support, research visits and doctoral program. IZA engages in (i) original and internationally competitive research in all fields of labor economics, (ii) development of policy concepts, and (iii) dissemination of research results and concepts to the interested public. IZA Discussion Papers often represent preliminary work and are circulated to enco...
This paper analyses the educational outcomes and the human capital accumulation of a cohort of yo... more This paper analyses the educational outcomes and the human capital accumulation of a cohort of youths, focusing on their family origin. Using a unique survey of a Northern Italian province traditionally interested by large internal migration inflows especially from the South, we find that migrants' children have a higher probability of early dropout, especially in the case of males. This evidence calls into question the integration of internal migrants, for whom education plays a crucial role, even in a period in which foreign immigration seems to be of major concern.
We use a sample of Italian graduates drawn from the Consorzio AlmaLaurea to study whether the tim... more We use a sample of Italian graduates drawn from the Consorzio AlmaLaurea to study whether the time taken to attain a degree matters for employment and earnings after one, three and five years from graduation. The relevance of this topic arises from the observation that Italian tertiary education system is characterized by an average time to undergraduate degree that is longer than the prescribed period. In addition, this issue is important also because delay in college completion entails a waste of resources both at individual and at collective level, and deprives the economics system of new and up-to-date competencies, as graduates enter the labour market with partially obsolete skills. Our estimates highlight that the probability of finding a job is negatively related to the time taken to graduate only if such delay is greater than three years. Graduates with previous work experiences, then, take on average two months less to be employed and receive higher wages. We also find evid...
Italian university system faces an average time to bachelor's degree higher than the legal du... more Italian university system faces an average time to bachelor's degree higher than the legal duration. The time needed to take a degree is a measure of the internal efficiency of Universities together with drop-out rates and students satisfaction. This paper aims at investigating which are the main determinants of time-to-degree by using a sample representative of the whole Italian university system. We find that the main determinants of time-to-degree are individual abilities, labour market conditions and Universities characteristics. In particular we find that the heterogeneous performances characterizing different University types are mostly due to differences in the quality of the students enrolled.
The proportion of early school leavers in Italy is high by European Union standards. However, it ... more The proportion of early school leavers in Italy is high by European Union standards. However, it is not uniformly distributed across the country: in Southern regions, it is almost double than in Centre-Northern area. This chapter goes beyond descriptive evidence and examines the conditional probability of leaving school with (at most) the compulsory schooling certificate in Italy using seven waves of Bank of Italy’s SHIW data, covering individuals born in the period from 1979 to 1995. Among various determinants, we focus on the role played by family origin. Our results show that youths born in the Centre-North with both parents from Southern Italy (second generation internal migrants) behave similarly to youths born and living in the South, so that they are more likely to drop out school earlier than comparable individuals born in the Centre-North with parents from the same area (natives). When only the household head is from the South, second generation migrants are similar to natives and the assimilation with native born in terms of schooling choices at the age of 14 is complete. Differences in family characteristics (education, financial conditions) are able to account for a large share of raw differences in education decisions between individuals born in Centre-North vs. South, as well as between natives and second generation migrants born in the Centre-North of Italy. The analysis of these dynamics over time shows that differences across groups of youths defined by their origin narrow since the mid- 2000.
By using university administrative and survey data on Italian graduates, we analyse the intergene... more By using university administrative and survey data on Italian graduates, we analyse the intergenerational transmission of liberal professions. We find that having a father who is a liberal professional has a positive and significant effect on the probability of a graduate of becoming a liberal professional. To assess the processes at work in this intergenerational transmission, we evaluate the effect of having a liberal professional father on the probabilities to undertake each of the compulsory steps required to become a liberal professional, which are choosing a university degree providing access to a liberal profession, completing a period of practice, passing a licensing exam and starting a liberal profession. Having a liberal professional father has a positive and statistically significant effect on the probability to complete a compulsory period of practice and to start a liberal profession; whereas there does not seem to be an effect on the type of degree chosen and on passing the licensing examination, at least after controlling for child 's and parental formal human capital.
By using university administrative and survey data on Italian graduates, we analyze the transmiss... more By using university administrative and survey data on Italian graduates, we analyze the transmission of liberal professions from fathers to children. We assess the effect of nepotism and family networking, separately from other transmission channels, on the probability of choosing a degree that gives access to liberal professions, of obtaining a licensing and of starting a liberal profession. The results suggest that the effect of nepotism and networking is irrelevant on the degree choice, modest on the success rate at the licensing exam, but large and significant on the probability to start a liberal profession.
Scopi della Fondazione (art. 2 dello Statuto) La Fondazione ha lo scopo di promuovere, coordinare... more Scopi della Fondazione (art. 2 dello Statuto) La Fondazione ha lo scopo di promuovere, coordinare e sviluppare le iniziative e le attività culturali e assistenziali dirette ad incrementare il benessere, l'istruzione e l'educazione dei lavoratori. In particolare la Fondazione ha il compito di: a) promuovere e curare le attività di studio e ricerca sui problemi inerenti alle condizioni di vita e di lavoro anche a livello comunitario e internazionale; a tale scopo può organizzare incontri, convegni e dibattiti per l'approfondimento di tali problemi dal punto di vista politico e sindacale; b) istituire borse di studio per i figli dei lavorarori; c) istituire corsi di formazione professionale, civica ed economico-sindacale; d) svolgere attività di ricerca e di sperimentazione nel settore delle metodologie didattiche specificamente rivolte alla formazione degli adulti; e) promuovere e svolgere attività di pubblicazione e diffusione di studi e ricerche inerenti ai problemi del lavoro e del movimento sindacale, anche in forma periodica.
This paper aims at analysing the educational outcomes of a cohort of youths living in an Italian ... more This paper aims at analysing the educational outcomes of a cohort of youths living in an Italian province (Novara), which was interested by large migration phenomenon during the last decades and, therefore, it is particularly suited to study inter-regional mobility issues. In particular we aim at establishing if, once controlled for parental educational background, family origin affects human capital accumulation. We find that non native youths on average have a higher probability of early leaving educational system. If the 1st generation migrants are the less advantaged as for educational attainment, even 2nd generation migrants, that in principle should be completely integrated, perform worse than the native born. This evidence calls into question the integration of internal migrants, for whom education plays a crucial role, even in a period in which foreign immigration seems to be of major concern.
ABSTRACT Using longitudinal data drawn from the European Community Household Panel, this paper ex... more ABSTRACT Using longitudinal data drawn from the European Community Household Panel, this paper examines Italian university entry and dropout rates in the context of specific parental and family characteristics. We are interested in the effects of the household’s cultural and financial conditions on shaping investment in tertiary education and its failure, at the national level. Our estimates confirm the persistence of intergenerational correlations related to education. Cultural constraints affect outcomes—enrolment in and withdrawal from tertiary education; low income negatively affects the transition from high school to college. Our results suggest that a comprehensive policy intervention is needed to ensure optimal human capital investment.
We use unique administrative data from a leading Italian University to estimate whether the use o... more We use unique administrative data from a leading Italian University to estimate whether the use of admission tests and conditional progression schemes are effective strategies to select high-performing students. Previous work has mainly focused on the effect of selectivity policies on widening university access by individuals from ethnic minorities and disadvantaged background. JEL-Code: I21.
We use a representative sample of Italian graduates drawn from the Consorzio AlmaLaurea to assess... more We use a representative sample of Italian graduates drawn from the Consorzio AlmaLaurea to assess the impact of individuals and family characteristics, university inputs and the labour market on the time taken to attain a degree. Our estimates highlight that all these dimensions drive the outcome analysed. Especially a weakening labour market causes such worsening academic performance. Our results suggest the need for a comprehensive policy intervention to increase the number of students graduating within the minimum period.
We use a representative sample of Italian graduates drawn from the Consorzio AlmaLaurea to assess... more We use a representative sample of Italian graduates drawn from the Consorzio AlmaLaurea to assess the impact of individuals and family characteristics, university inputs and the labour market on the time taken to attain a degree. Our estimates highlight that all these dimensions drive the outcome analysed. Especially a weakening labour market causes such worsening academic performance. Our results suggest the need for a comprehensive policy intervention to increase the number of students graduating within the minimum period.
We use unique administrative data from a leading Italian University to estimate whether the use o... more We use unique administrative data from a leading Italian University to estimate whether the use of admission tests and conditional progression schemes are effective strategies to select high-performing students. Previous work has mainly focused on the effect of selectivity policies on widening university access by individuals from ethnic minorities and disadvantaged background. JEL-Code: I21.
∗University of Piemonte Orientale Email: [email protected] University of Salerno Email: ... more ∗University of Piemonte Orientale Email: [email protected] University of Salerno Email: [email protected] University of Salerno Email: [email protected] ... Over the recent years the role of intra-household transfers becomes definitely ... Wright, 1996). Our empirical ...
Using Italian Labour Force Survey data for the period 2019Q1-2020Q4 and applying quantile regress... more Using Italian Labour Force Survey data for the period 2019Q1-2020Q4 and applying quantile regression model accounting for sample selection bias, the paper investigates the effects of the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic on the wage distribution of employees, exploiting differences across sectors and by working from home arrangement. The findings reveal that the pandemic seems to positively affect wages of the entire workforce. However, this short-term advantage might be temporary as potentially driven by occupational changes in employment composition, whereas teleworking arrangement entails a wage premium for all workers. Low paid workers, employed in hotel/restaurant sector and not teleworking during the outbreak, face a reduction in wages (− 13.7%), while employees of public administration and education sectors exhibit a wage premium. When considering the joint effect of COVID-19 and working from home arrangement, estimates show that, despite few exceptions, wages of teleworking employees have been not affected by the coronavirus. Finally, we also control for self-selection issue by implementing the inverse probability weighting estimator.
This paper examines whether the growing use of non-permanent contracts may have influenced the in... more This paper examines whether the growing use of non-permanent contracts may have influenced the intra-family income differences in Italy over time. After the 1996, a number of reforms were implemented to reduce the levels of employment protection. Thus we aim at providing evidence on the determinants of potential changes to personal level of income before and after the introduction of such rules. In particular, we calculate the contribution of each individual within the family using two Italian longitudinal data (namely ECHP and IT-Silc). We perform estimations for men and women, separately. Our results confirm that the amount of contribution changes over the span considered. Fathers are generally more likely to support other family members. Sons are instead money receivers, and the magnitude of the coefficient is especially large when labour market flexibility has been already introduced. Individuals with part time temporary contracts face less favourable financial conditions. Finally, those who are out of the labour market (i.e. retired, unemployed, inactive) contribute negatively within the family.
We use unique administrative data from a large private Italian University to estimate whether ind... more We use unique administrative data from a large private Italian University to estimate whether individual characteristics before enrolment, academic performance, geographical mobility and family size may affect completion or not. Several outcomes are taken into account, namely probability of withdrawal both for voluntary or involuntary reasons, of graduating within the minimum period and with top marks. Our estimates highlight that all these dimensions drive the outcomes analysed. Especially poor high school backgrounds increases the chances of noncompletion and graduation beyond the legal length. Higher final high school marks, more academic oriented diploma, living in a small family and being commuters entail a large probability of getting a degree with top marks and within the minimum period, as well.
By using university administrative and survey data on Italian graduates, we analyze the transmiss... more By using university administrative and survey data on Italian graduates, we analyze the transmission of liberal professions from fathers to children. We assess the effect of nepotism and family networking, separately from other transmission channels, on the probability of choosing a degree that gives access to liberal professions, of obtaining a licensing and of starting a liberal profession. The results suggest that the effect of nepotism and networking is irrelevant on the degree choice, modest on the success rate at the licensing exam, but large and significant on the probability to start a liberal profession.
This paper investigates the determinants of Italian university drop-out which is one of the main ... more This paper investigates the determinants of Italian university drop-out which is one of the main issues of the tertiary education system. We provide evidence at national level as we use longitudinal data drawn from the European Community Household Panel (ECHP) for Italy. We perform a survival analysis model and results indicate that family income does not appear to be associated with withdrawal, while it does matter parental education and family composition. In addition, after taking the probability of dropping out from university, we have defined the predicted hazard rate and survival time for some specific groups according to the set of covariates selected each time.
Any opinions expressed here are those of the author(s) and not those of IZA. Research published i... more Any opinions expressed here are those of the author(s) and not those of IZA. Research published in this series may include views on policy, but the institute itself takes no institutional policy positions. The Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA) in Bonn is a local and virtual international research center and a place of communication between science, politics and business. IZA is an independent nonprofit organization supported by Deutsche Post Foundation. The center is associated with the University of Bonn and offers a stimulating research environment through its international network, workshops and conferences, data service, project support, research visits and doctoral program. IZA engages in (i) original and internationally competitive research in all fields of labor economics, (ii) development of policy concepts, and (iii) dissemination of research results and concepts to the interested public. IZA Discussion Papers often represent preliminary work and are circulated to enco...
This paper analyses the educational outcomes and the human capital accumulation of a cohort of yo... more This paper analyses the educational outcomes and the human capital accumulation of a cohort of youths, focusing on their family origin. Using a unique survey of a Northern Italian province traditionally interested by large internal migration inflows especially from the South, we find that migrants' children have a higher probability of early dropout, especially in the case of males. This evidence calls into question the integration of internal migrants, for whom education plays a crucial role, even in a period in which foreign immigration seems to be of major concern.
We use a sample of Italian graduates drawn from the Consorzio AlmaLaurea to study whether the tim... more We use a sample of Italian graduates drawn from the Consorzio AlmaLaurea to study whether the time taken to attain a degree matters for employment and earnings after one, three and five years from graduation. The relevance of this topic arises from the observation that Italian tertiary education system is characterized by an average time to undergraduate degree that is longer than the prescribed period. In addition, this issue is important also because delay in college completion entails a waste of resources both at individual and at collective level, and deprives the economics system of new and up-to-date competencies, as graduates enter the labour market with partially obsolete skills. Our estimates highlight that the probability of finding a job is negatively related to the time taken to graduate only if such delay is greater than three years. Graduates with previous work experiences, then, take on average two months less to be employed and receive higher wages. We also find evid...
Italian university system faces an average time to bachelor's degree higher than the legal du... more Italian university system faces an average time to bachelor's degree higher than the legal duration. The time needed to take a degree is a measure of the internal efficiency of Universities together with drop-out rates and students satisfaction. This paper aims at investigating which are the main determinants of time-to-degree by using a sample representative of the whole Italian university system. We find that the main determinants of time-to-degree are individual abilities, labour market conditions and Universities characteristics. In particular we find that the heterogeneous performances characterizing different University types are mostly due to differences in the quality of the students enrolled.
The proportion of early school leavers in Italy is high by European Union standards. However, it ... more The proportion of early school leavers in Italy is high by European Union standards. However, it is not uniformly distributed across the country: in Southern regions, it is almost double than in Centre-Northern area. This chapter goes beyond descriptive evidence and examines the conditional probability of leaving school with (at most) the compulsory schooling certificate in Italy using seven waves of Bank of Italy’s SHIW data, covering individuals born in the period from 1979 to 1995. Among various determinants, we focus on the role played by family origin. Our results show that youths born in the Centre-North with both parents from Southern Italy (second generation internal migrants) behave similarly to youths born and living in the South, so that they are more likely to drop out school earlier than comparable individuals born in the Centre-North with parents from the same area (natives). When only the household head is from the South, second generation migrants are similar to natives and the assimilation with native born in terms of schooling choices at the age of 14 is complete. Differences in family characteristics (education, financial conditions) are able to account for a large share of raw differences in education decisions between individuals born in Centre-North vs. South, as well as between natives and second generation migrants born in the Centre-North of Italy. The analysis of these dynamics over time shows that differences across groups of youths defined by their origin narrow since the mid- 2000.
By using university administrative and survey data on Italian graduates, we analyse the intergene... more By using university administrative and survey data on Italian graduates, we analyse the intergenerational transmission of liberal professions. We find that having a father who is a liberal professional has a positive and significant effect on the probability of a graduate of becoming a liberal professional. To assess the processes at work in this intergenerational transmission, we evaluate the effect of having a liberal professional father on the probabilities to undertake each of the compulsory steps required to become a liberal professional, which are choosing a university degree providing access to a liberal profession, completing a period of practice, passing a licensing exam and starting a liberal profession. Having a liberal professional father has a positive and statistically significant effect on the probability to complete a compulsory period of practice and to start a liberal profession; whereas there does not seem to be an effect on the type of degree chosen and on passing the licensing examination, at least after controlling for child 's and parental formal human capital.
By using university administrative and survey data on Italian graduates, we analyze the transmiss... more By using university administrative and survey data on Italian graduates, we analyze the transmission of liberal professions from fathers to children. We assess the effect of nepotism and family networking, separately from other transmission channels, on the probability of choosing a degree that gives access to liberal professions, of obtaining a licensing and of starting a liberal profession. The results suggest that the effect of nepotism and networking is irrelevant on the degree choice, modest on the success rate at the licensing exam, but large and significant on the probability to start a liberal profession.
Scopi della Fondazione (art. 2 dello Statuto) La Fondazione ha lo scopo di promuovere, coordinare... more Scopi della Fondazione (art. 2 dello Statuto) La Fondazione ha lo scopo di promuovere, coordinare e sviluppare le iniziative e le attività culturali e assistenziali dirette ad incrementare il benessere, l'istruzione e l'educazione dei lavoratori. In particolare la Fondazione ha il compito di: a) promuovere e curare le attività di studio e ricerca sui problemi inerenti alle condizioni di vita e di lavoro anche a livello comunitario e internazionale; a tale scopo può organizzare incontri, convegni e dibattiti per l'approfondimento di tali problemi dal punto di vista politico e sindacale; b) istituire borse di studio per i figli dei lavorarori; c) istituire corsi di formazione professionale, civica ed economico-sindacale; d) svolgere attività di ricerca e di sperimentazione nel settore delle metodologie didattiche specificamente rivolte alla formazione degli adulti; e) promuovere e svolgere attività di pubblicazione e diffusione di studi e ricerche inerenti ai problemi del lavoro e del movimento sindacale, anche in forma periodica.
This paper aims at analysing the educational outcomes of a cohort of youths living in an Italian ... more This paper aims at analysing the educational outcomes of a cohort of youths living in an Italian province (Novara), which was interested by large migration phenomenon during the last decades and, therefore, it is particularly suited to study inter-regional mobility issues. In particular we aim at establishing if, once controlled for parental educational background, family origin affects human capital accumulation. We find that non native youths on average have a higher probability of early leaving educational system. If the 1st generation migrants are the less advantaged as for educational attainment, even 2nd generation migrants, that in principle should be completely integrated, perform worse than the native born. This evidence calls into question the integration of internal migrants, for whom education plays a crucial role, even in a period in which foreign immigration seems to be of major concern.
ABSTRACT Using longitudinal data drawn from the European Community Household Panel, this paper ex... more ABSTRACT Using longitudinal data drawn from the European Community Household Panel, this paper examines Italian university entry and dropout rates in the context of specific parental and family characteristics. We are interested in the effects of the household’s cultural and financial conditions on shaping investment in tertiary education and its failure, at the national level. Our estimates confirm the persistence of intergenerational correlations related to education. Cultural constraints affect outcomes—enrolment in and withdrawal from tertiary education; low income negatively affects the transition from high school to college. Our results suggest that a comprehensive policy intervention is needed to ensure optimal human capital investment.
We use unique administrative data from a leading Italian University to estimate whether the use o... more We use unique administrative data from a leading Italian University to estimate whether the use of admission tests and conditional progression schemes are effective strategies to select high-performing students. Previous work has mainly focused on the effect of selectivity policies on widening university access by individuals from ethnic minorities and disadvantaged background. JEL-Code: I21.
We use a representative sample of Italian graduates drawn from the Consorzio AlmaLaurea to assess... more We use a representative sample of Italian graduates drawn from the Consorzio AlmaLaurea to assess the impact of individuals and family characteristics, university inputs and the labour market on the time taken to attain a degree. Our estimates highlight that all these dimensions drive the outcome analysed. Especially a weakening labour market causes such worsening academic performance. Our results suggest the need for a comprehensive policy intervention to increase the number of students graduating within the minimum period.
We use a representative sample of Italian graduates drawn from the Consorzio AlmaLaurea to assess... more We use a representative sample of Italian graduates drawn from the Consorzio AlmaLaurea to assess the impact of individuals and family characteristics, university inputs and the labour market on the time taken to attain a degree. Our estimates highlight that all these dimensions drive the outcome analysed. Especially a weakening labour market causes such worsening academic performance. Our results suggest the need for a comprehensive policy intervention to increase the number of students graduating within the minimum period.
We use unique administrative data from a leading Italian University to estimate whether the use o... more We use unique administrative data from a leading Italian University to estimate whether the use of admission tests and conditional progression schemes are effective strategies to select high-performing students. Previous work has mainly focused on the effect of selectivity policies on widening university access by individuals from ethnic minorities and disadvantaged background. JEL-Code: I21.
∗University of Piemonte Orientale Email: [email protected] University of Salerno Email: ... more ∗University of Piemonte Orientale Email: [email protected] University of Salerno Email: [email protected] University of Salerno Email: [email protected] ... Over the recent years the role of intra-household transfers becomes definitely ... Wright, 1996). Our empirical ...
Papers by carmen aina