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Questions tagged [iphone]

The iPhone smartphone designed by Apple Inc. The first iPhone was introduced on January 9, 2007. The iPhone runs on the iOS platform and can download and install applications from the iTunes app store.

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Huge framerate drops in an empty scene - what is going on?

I would really appreciate you guys helping me out with a baffling problem I am experiencing. I have a near-empty scene. It has one object, i.e., a ball bouncing in it, targeting 60FPS. I am deploying ...
Cato's user avatar
  • 103
0 votes
0 answers

Why is an empty Unity Iphone Build over 700 Megs? Is this Normal?

So after 2 weeks of slaving over my first game I was finally done! I was entirely ecstatic....until I saw its file size. 770 Megabytes For a simple numbers game, that was way too much and I created an ...
kayra yorulmaz's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Shader works in Editor but not on iPhone

I am using the next script for a painting asset found on this website. As you render the faces of your mesh in the uv space of the mesh, you are reconstruction the islands one triangle at the time. ...
Alien Boy Games's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to detect a pinch in Unity?

How do I detect a pinch motion on Unity for an android or Iphone? I need to also know whether the player pinches a certain character or not. How do i do that?
Millard's user avatar
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libGDX/HTML5 game sounds doesn't work on iPhone

I have a libGDX/HTML5 project that works well on desktop browsers, but on mobile browsers it has problems. I can have some sounds on Android browsers (not perfect) but on iPhone browsers it doesn't ...
Marcello Silva's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Do I have to keep all my UI elements within the safe area defined by the iPhone X?

Suppose this is my game's screen for the iPhone 8: I have 7 blue buttons, and one blue bar at the bottom which is used to display commentary text. I understand that the iPhone X has a safe area. In ...
Saturn's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How to add the iPhone X screen dimensions to the mix of different iPhone screen sizes

Generally for Unity I design all my artwork in Illustrator. So I start off with 1440x1920 (for portrait games) and outline a red frame of 1080x1920. So everything that fits well within the 1080x1920 ...
Containment's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

How can I use vibration of an iPhone for my HTML / Javascript game?

I'm building a web game. I'm trying to use the iPhone's vibration functionality. How would I go about doing this seeing I want to package and deploy this game to the App Store. Is there a secured way ...
Kriem's user avatar
  • 93
10 votes
2 answers

Why are the app analytics for iTunes Connect so wrong?

I've developed a mobile game and have it listed both at Google Play and the Apple App Store. The install stats from Google Play are very close to my own stats, but the stats iTunes Connect shows are ...
Jonathan Leger's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How accurate is Gdx.input.justTouch()?

We're developing a game, we want to perform actions the moment the user touches the screen, delays make the game impossible to play. We're testing on samsung S3 mini and samsung a5, we know they are ...
Lynob's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Handheld video playback pauses when going to the home screen

Put an MP4 movie in your StreamingAssets folder and play it with ...
Saturn's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Why does iPhone games include a sound option?

Why does iPhone games include a sound option? It seems very unnecessary because the sound options (on/off, volume) are already on the hardware itself. Unless the player wants to shut out music, or ...
Esqarrouth's user avatar
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WiFi Game Controller Protocol

I'm wanting to use mobile devices to control a game. I'd like to use an industry standard protocol for wifi game controllers rather than roll my own, but have been unable to find any standard. Does ...
William Morrison's user avatar
1 vote
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animation of an Actor in libgdx crashes on iphone

I am using a class found here on stackover for the animation of the actors , but I crash on the physical device class ...
Mr. Developer's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Render triangles without index buffer in Opengl ES [closed]

I'm reversing a 3d model format from a famous game (not sure if i should mention it), which is released both for windows (app store) and for Iphone and android. The weird thing is that while the ...
Greg's user avatar
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Cross-platform game to be wrapped into a native iOS/Android app

I need to build an app like Lumosity ( that is native app and have some game screens. So the question is: Is there a way to build ...
djserva's user avatar
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How velocity impacts on CCSprite in Cocos2d Chipmunk?

I am in need of the basic understanding of how velocity changing works? i.e. how CCSprite is able to jump at particular height when some velocity is set? Let me give you an example on which I am ...
Paresh Thakor's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

OnMouseOver() alternative for iPhone (Unity3D/Unity2D)

I am currently developing a game that uses the OnMouseOver() function of a MonoBehaviour object. Is there a true alternative for iPhone? Would I be better of coding my own? Thanks in advance
Joseph Marino Tripp's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

In Unity, how do I handle very short mouse drags as click events?

I am trying to recreate a UI menu that has functionality similar to the iPhone's home screen: If a user drags anywhere on the menu (including on a button), it should drag the whole page left/right ...
James Linden's user avatar
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Can i use Soccer/football team names in my web, iphone and android apps? [duplicate]

If i don't use logos, player names, sponsors or any images can i use team names in a for profit app? The reason i mention these is that i have seen countless references to images and badges but not ...
Fearghal's user avatar
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Cocos2d pause game freezes the screen

I am trying to create pause screen for my game. The game is developed upon continuous scrolling background (top to bottom) with obstacles which are moving independently (left to right). Below is the ...
Paresh Thakor's user avatar
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Developing game progress screen [duplicate]

I'm developing an application for iPhone with a screen where the user will track his progress. Something like so, as seen in the Two Dots game: Currently I plan on creating this using constraints and ...
Anil's user avatar
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Cocos2d v3 - addChild method make performance problems

i have currently a performance problem with the addChild method in cocos2d version 3.3. My scenario is currently that i have about ten ...
Yetispapa's user avatar
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2 answers

Mobile Game Development: Supporting Multiple Screen Resolution for iOS

Questions When designing the graphics of the game (e.g. for iPhone): What is the resolution I should base it upon? Is it the smaller resolution (iPhone4 screen resolution) so that I could scale it ...
dovicz's user avatar
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2 answers

Moving CCNode with constant speed in cocos2d

I want to move the object (CCNODE) with constant speed in any direction , what i have did till now is applied a force to object at start to get it moving and set elasticity as 1 and friction as 0 to ...
Meuk Light's user avatar
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Securing HTTP requests to online game server

I'm pretty new at making online games. Right now I'm trying to make an iPhone game. Each player has a profile in my server. I want to avoid username/password for authentication. Currently, as it ...
Saturn's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Simulating Smartphones on PC with Unity

I want to make a game that depends on the phone orientation (changing shoot direction with tilt), however I need to test this on PC. So is there any tool I can use to simulate the orientation of the ...
jeff's user avatar
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1 answer

Setting up images for frame animation

I am learning the basics of iPhone frame animation. I have code that loops through 15 images to do an animation: ...
P.Brian.Mackey's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Drawing flaming letters in 3D with OpenGL ES 2.0

I am a bit confused about how to achieve this. What I want is to "draw with flames". I have achieved this with textures successfully, but now my concern is about doing this with particles to achieve ...
Pochi's user avatar
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2 answers

How to glow a UIButtons in sequence

I am working on a memory based matching puzzle game. For that I need to glow buttons in a sequence that's generated randomly. I am glowing the buttons by changing its background images. I'd like to ...
Eshwar Chaitanya's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to build an iPad game without an Apple device?

I am an experienced PC/mobile app developer trying to build an iPad app but I don't have access to a physical device. I have a PC and an Android phone (whatever good that is!) The app is essentially ...
Robin Rodricks's user avatar
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1 answer

Tower defense endless levels logic sprite kit [closed]

I am making a tower defense game for iOS using Sprite Kit. I would like for my game to support an endless number of levels, like in Bloons TD 5. What approach should I take to implement this?
PoKoBros's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Level Editor for iOS Games [closed]

What would be the best way to design "Angry Birds" - levels. I wanna develop my own Angry Birds but I don't know how I should design the levels. Is there any good tool/level editor for that? The app ...
NooBooN's user avatar
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1 answer

Walking Sprite animation Cocos2D [closed]

I am new to cocos2D development. Basically I want to develop game in which i want to move sprite forward with walking kind animation, must look real. Any help will be appreciated.
user2996143's user avatar
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Anyone know the frames per second that IOS apps run?

Anyone know the frame rate that iphones, ipads, and even android mobiles run?
JayR's user avatar
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iOS Game that Runs Continuously in Background

I'm trying to understand the most logical way of creating an iOS game that runs continuously in the background. For example.. you have tower and enemy waves. The game has endless enemy waves even ...
user2913669's user avatar
1 vote
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How can I set a system's emission rate using Particle Designer 2.0?

In cocos2d-iphone (2.1), CCParticleSystem has a property called emissionRate. Is there any way to set it using Particle ...
august7cbfa7b7's user avatar
1 vote
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How can I avoid false positives with "blow" input?

I’m working on a game which uses blow functionality to move an object in the game screen. This screen also has background music in it. The problem is that the microphone is detecting the BGM as blow ...
MogambO's user avatar
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What should I use for the event name when logging metrics with Flurry?

I'm working on a multiplayer game and I want to use Flurry to record game events. In the game you can build, grow and train troops. In Flurry you can log an event (optionally with parameters). It ...
Phil's user avatar
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Display CCSprites with a delay

I am a beginner in cocos2d and I wanted to display coin CCSprites as soon as it moves off the screen with a 5 second delay. So ...
Shalin Shah's user avatar
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OpenGL ES - write code in Windows

Is it possible to write application using OpenGL ES 2.0 "emulator" from AMD (AMD OpenGL ES SDK) and then use the same code (compile again, of course) in my iOS / Android / Whatever application ? The ...
Martin Perry's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Are July and August bad months to release an iPhone game? [closed]

After one year of indie game development I end my development cycle in summer time. I spoke recently with a marketing advisor and I was told me that I should never release something over the summer as ...
mm24's user avatar
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Rendering Texture Quad to Screen or FBO (OpenGL ES)

I need to render the texture on the iOS device's screen or a render-to-texture frame buffer object. But it does not show any texture. It's all black. (I am loading texture with image myself for ...
Usman.3D's user avatar
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How to sync game tick in peer to peer game?

I am making a 2-player iphone action game using a synchronization service (in this case Firebase). The service allows state syncing through the internet, but I have to execute all game logic on the ...
Sean Clark Hess's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Tutorial to port XNA game to MonoGame on iOS? [closed]

Are there any good tutorials to convert a current XNA game to work iOS using MonoGame?
emre801's user avatar
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Determining which edge a collision occurred on in a platformer

First of all, this will be Open Source, and you will be mentioned for the help. We've been programming a Super Mario Remake for the iPhone with Cocos2d for school. It looks pretty great, and we ...
IluTov's user avatar
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Calling CCRepeaForever on CCLabelTTF Makes Label Not Show Up

I have a CCLabelTTF in the top right hand corner of the view. ...
Kurt Moyer's user avatar
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Set texture of a LHSprite that is loaded from LevelHelper

How do i set the image/texture of an LHSprite that is loaded into xCode using levelHelper & spriteHelper? I am using sprite sheets. So i tried to load the image the old fashioned way using ...
Kurt Moyer's user avatar
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iPhone GLSL shader dynamic branching issue

I am trying to pass an array of vec3 as uniform and then iterate through them on each pixel. The size of array varies on situations so I can't make the loop with constant number of iterations. ...
Terko's user avatar
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Displacement Mapping opengl-es [closed]

I need to do an application similar to this Morfo. And I posted a question here where the answer states the solution is "Displacement Mapping" . And I googled this to do it in opengles. I couldnt get ...
2vision2's user avatar
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