Para-encre XL treillis
Une page d'Inkipédia, le wiki Splatoon
Splatoon 2
Para-encre XL treillis, 280, 201, 3, 0, 174, 86, 149, 180, 81, 286, 175, 79, 443, 169, 86, 612, 174, 82, 770, 169, 80, 945, 162, 83, 1130, 166, 83, 1303, 162, 78, 1494, 154, 76, 1694, 159, 77, 1884, 154, 71, 2089, 147, 68, 2300, 151, 70, 2502, 146, 65, 2716, 140, 55, 2939, 143, 64, 3149, 140, 55, 3372, 136, 43, 3602, 135, 51, 3823, 135, 43, 4054, 131, 30, 4291, 129, 38, 4520, 131, 30, 4757, 128, 21, 4997, 122, 25, 5229, 128, 21, 5469, 131, 14, 5708, 129, 16, 5938, 131, 14, 6177, 136, 9, 6410, 135, 9, 6635, 135, 9, 6868, 140, 3, 7095, 143, 6, 7309, 140, 3, 7536, 147, 0, 7754, 150, 7, 7961, 147, 1, 8179, 154, 3, 8384, 159, 11, 8580, 154, 3, 8790, 162, 9, 8981, 166, 20, 9160, 162, 8, 9358, 169, 20, 9534, 174, 36, 9698, 169, 20, 9878, 174, 39, 10034, 180, 56, 10178, 175, 39, 10341, 178, 63, 10473, 184, 82, 10591, 178, 63, 10730, 179, 85, 10840, 187, 88, 10950, 179, 85, 11065, 179, 69, 11199, 187, 80, 11320, 179, 69, 11461, 177, 53, 11621, 184, 65, 11767, 177, 53, 11931, 172, 39, 12123, 179, 50, 12291, 172, 39, 12483, 166, 25, 12706, 172, 37, 12907, 166, 25, 13130, 159, 15, 13375, 166, 24, 13605, 159, 15, 13850, 151, 7, 14112, 158, 16, 14363, 151, 7, 14625, 143, 2, 14898, 149, 10, 15161, 143, 2, 15434, 136, 1, 15712, 141, 6, 15980, 136, 0, 16260, 143, 3, 16536, 149, 6, 16802, 143, 3, 17078, 151, 11, 17342, 158, 11, 17598, 151, 11, 17862, 159, 17, 18113, 166, 21, 18350, 159, 17, 18601, 166, 28, 18831, 172, 38, 19041, 166, 28, 19271, 172, 45, 19472, 178, 58, 19649, 172, 45, 19850, 177, 65, 20018, 184, 68, 20171, 177, 63, 20341, 179, 76, 20482, 187, 77, 20612, 179, 69, 20760, 179, 84, 20877, 187, 84, 20985, 179, 78, 21108, 178, 86, 21233, 184, 81, 21344, 178, 80, 280, 179, 3, 0, 131, 2, 258, 79, 2, 515, 130, 2, 776, 132, 2, 1025, 76, 3, 1270, 131, 2, 1520, 133, 3, 1756, 74, 1, 1991, 132, 3, 2226, 134, 7, 2444, 76, 4, 2663, 134, 7, 2880, 135, 16, 3074, 80, 13, 3270, 135, 17, 3462, 136, 31, 3626, 83, 27, 3792, 137, 32, 3952, 138, 49, 4082, 85, 46, 4214, 138, 49, 4341, 138, 71, 4437, 86, 69, 4535, 139, 71, 4631, 139, 97, 4717, 87, 97, 4804, 139, 97, 4890, 138, 108, 4991, 86, 107, 5094, 139, 107, 5196, 138, 96, 5330, 85, 97, 5466, 138, 99, 5597, 137, 80, 5765, 83, 81, 5936, 137, 83, 6101, 135, 65, 6299, 80, 66, 6499, 135, 67, 6695, 134, 50, 6916, 76, 52, 7138, 134, 51, 7358, 133, 37, 7596, 74, 40, 7833, 132, 37, 8071, 132, 26, 8322, 76, 28, 8569, 131, 25, 8821, 132, 17, 9081, 80, 18, 9340, 130, 14, 9602, 132, 11, 9865, 83, 10, 10131, 130, 6, 10399, 132, 7, 10661, 87, 5, 10927, 130, 1, 11195, 133, 6, 11449, 91, 4, 11707, 130, 0, 11967, 135, 10, 12206, 95, 9, 12449, 131, 3, 12694, 136, 17, 12914, 99, 18, 13135, 132, 13, 13359, 138, 29, 13554, 103, 33, 13747, 133, 28, 13943, 140, 47, 14106, 107, 50, 14267, 134, 48, 14429, 141, 70, 14554, 109, 72, 14677, 134, 74, 14797, 142, 97, 14879, 111, 98, 14960, 134, 102, 15037, 143, 108, 15098, 112, 108, 15159, 135, 108, 15220, 142, 97, 15308, 111, 97, 15395, 134, 97, 15477, 141, 81, 15607, 109, 81, 15735, 134, 82, 15861, 140, 66, 16028, 107, 65, 16193, 134, 67, 16359, 138, 53, 16558, 103, 51, 16755, 133, 53, 16955, 136, 40, 17178, 99, 38, 17402, 132, 40, 17629, 135, 28, 17870, 95, 25, 18116, 131, 28, 18364, 133, 17, 18620, 91, 14, 18880, 130, 17, 19142, 132, 9, 19404, 87, 7, 19670, 130, 9, 19938, 131, 4, 20201, 83, 2, 20466, 130, 4
Noms dans d'autres langues
Français (NOA) |
Méga para-encre camo |
Mega para-ink camo[note 1]
Japonais |
キャンピングシェルターカーモ Kyanpingu Sherutā Kāmo |
Camo camping shelter
Anglais |
Tenta Camo Brella |
Allemand |
Camp-Pluviator Camo |
Camp Pluviator Camo
Espagnol (NOA) |
Paratintas forestal camuflaje |
Brella forest camouflage[note 2]
Espagnol (NOE) |
Paratintas maxi camuflaje |
Brella max camouflage[note 3]
Italien |
Sparatenda mimetico |
Camouflage tent shooter[note 4]
Néerlandais |
Kampeerplenzer Camo |
Camp-splasher Camo[note 5]
Russe |
Зонтент «Спецназ» Zontent «Spetsnaz» |
Tent umbrella «Special Forces»
notes de traduction
- ↑ Comes from parasol ("umbrella") and encre ("ink").
- ↑ Comes from paraguas ("umbrella") and tinta ("ink"). forestal ("forest") for the theme of the brella, and camuflaje ("camouflage") for its design.
- ↑ Comes from paraguas ("umbrella") and tinta ("ink"). maxi ("big") for the size of the shield, and camuflaje ("camouflage") for its design.
- ↑ Comes from sparare ("to shoot") + tenda ("tend") + mimetico ("mimetic")
- ↑ Comes from Kampeer ("Camp") and plenzer ("splasher").