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Mineralogical and geochemical changes of copper flotation tailings in

relation to their original composition and climatic setting : implications for
acid mine drainage and element mobility

Dold, Bernhard Stefan

How to cite

DOLD, Bernhard Stefan. Mineralogical and geochemical changes of copper flotation tailings in relation to
their original composition and climatic setting : implications for acid mine drainage and element mobility.
1999. doi: 10.13097/archive-ouverte/unige:98275

This publication URL: https://archive-ouverte.unige.ch//unige:98275

Publication DOI: 10.13097/archive-ouverte/unige:98275

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Département de minéralogie Professeur L. Fontboté
Institut F.- A. Forel Professeur W. Wildi

Mineralogical and Geochemical Changes of Copper Flotation Tailings

in Relation to their Original Composition and Climatic Setting -
Implications for Acid Mine Drainage and Element Mobility


présentée à la Faculté des sciences de l'Université de Genève pour obtenir

le grade de Docteur ès sciences, mention sciences de la Terre

Bernhard DOLD
Konstanz (Allemagne)

Thèse N° 3125

La Faculté des sciences, sur le préavis de Messieurs W. WILDL professeur ordinaire
(Institut F.-A. Fore!) et L. FONTBOTÉ, professeur ordinaire (Département de minéralogie)
codirecteurs de thèse, H.-R. PFEIFER, professeur (Université de Lausanne -' Centre
d'analyse minérale) et C.N. ALPERS, docteur (U.S. Geologlcal Survey- Sacramento, USA),
autorise l'impression de la présente thèse, sans exprimer d'opinion sur les propositions
qui y sont énoncées.

Genève, le 6 décembre 1999

Thèse - 3125 -

Le Doyen, Jacques WEBER

Dold, B.: Mineralogical and Geochemical Changes of Copper Flotation Tailings in Relation to their Original
Composition and Climatic Setting- Implications for Acid Mine Drainage and Element Mobility.

Terre et Environment, vol. 18, xiii + 230 pp. ( 1999)

ISBN 2-940153-17-5
Section des Sciences de la Terre, Université de Genève, 13 rue des Maraîchers, CH-1211 Genève 4, Suisse
Téléphone: ++41-22-702-6111, Téléfax: ++41-22-320-5732
e-mail : [email protected]

Acknowledgements ............................... ...... ... .... ... .. .. .... .............. ....... ............... .. ........................... vi

Abstract ......................... ........... .. ... ...... ..... ..... .......... ..... .. .............. ........................................ ........ viii

Résumé ...................................... .. ... .... ... ......... .. ..... .. ............ ...... ... .... .. .. ........... ................ ....... ......... x

Resumen .. ..... ..... ............................... ... .... ... ..... .......... .. ........ ........................... .......... .. ..... .... .... .. .... xii

1 Introduction et résumé des résultats• ................................................................................... 1

1.1 Objectifs ..... ... ........... ...... ........................ ..... ...... .. ..... .. .. .. ...... ..... ................ ... ................... ..... ... .. 1
I. 2 Plan du travail ........................................................ ................. .................................... ......... ..... 2
1.3 Méthodes ........... .. ..... .. ........... .. ............. ... ........ ...... .... ...... .... .. ....... ................ ............................. 3
I. 3.1 Echantillonnage et méthodes de terrain ............ ................................... .. ..................... .. .... . 3
1.3.2 Méthodes analytiques .................................. ... ..................... ..... .. ... .... ... .... ...... ......... .. .. .. ..... 4
1.8 Rétention sélective des métaux par des oxyhydroxydes de fer et par des sulfates
d'oxyhydroxydes dans les rejets de mines de sulfures et leur contribution à la production d'acide 9
1.4 Méthodologie utilisée pour l'extraction séquentielle appliquée à l'étude géochimique des rejets de
mines de sulfures en combinant la cinétique de dissolution et le contrôle minéralogique des phases
dissoutes par diffraction de rayons-X (XRD) et par diffraction différentielle de rayons-X
(DXRD) ........... ................... ..................... ......... .. .... ..................................... ..... ....................... .. 5
1.5 Cinétique de dissolution de la schwertmannite et de la ferrihydrite ........................................ .. .... 6
1.6 Cycles des éléments et minéralogie secondaire dans les bassins de rejet des porphyres cuprifères
en fonction du climat, de la minéralogie primaire et du traitement du minerai. .... ........ ... ........ .... 7
1. 7 Influence d'une minéralogie primaire riche en carbonates et de la construction de bassins sur la
mobilité des éléments et sur les processus d'enrichissement secondaire dans des bassins de rejet de
sulfures- exemples des dépôts d'oxydes de Fe Cu-Au de la ceinture de Punta del Cobre, Nord du
Chili .. ....... ...................... ..... ........ ...... ........ .......... .. .......... ............ .............................................. 8
I. 8 Rétention sélective des métaux par des oxyhydroxydes de fer et par des sulfates
d'oxyhydroxydes dans les rejets de mines de sulfures et leur contribution à la production d'acide 9


1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 11
1. 1 PUR POSE .... ... ................... ..... ................... ... ...................... .................. ........ .... ..... ......... 1 1
1.2 PLAN OF THE WORK ............................................... ............. .. .......... .... .................... ... ... 13
1.3 METHODS ..................................... .. ...... ... ... ............................................ .......... ..... .... .. .. 13
1.3.1 Sampling and field methods ....... .. .. .. .................. ...... .................... ........ .... .. ............ 13
1.3.2 Analytical methods ... ... ...... .. ...... ...... .. ....... ... ......... ... .. .. .. .. ... ... ...... ........ ........ .. ............ 14

• This chapter "Introduction and summary of the results" is written in French in accordance with the instructions
for publications of Ph. O. theses of the Faculté des Sciences, Université de Genève.

2 Basic concepts in environ mental geochemistry of sulfide mine-waste ................................... 16

2.1 MINING AND THE ENYIRONMENT ................................................................................ .. . 16
2.2 MINING AND EXTRACTION PROCESSES .. ..... .................... ............ ...... ..... .... ... .... .. ....... ... .l6
2.4 SECONDARY PROCESSES IN SULFIDE MINE TAILINGS- A REVIEW ...... ........... .. ........ .... 18
2. 4.1 Tern1inology ........... ............. .......... .......... ........... ......... ..................... .................. ..... 18
2.4.2 Sulfide oxidation in mine tailings ... .. .... ........................... ........... ..... ...... ........ .. ..... ... l9
2.4.2 . 1 Acid producing su1fide minerals .. ........ .... .......... ... .......... ....... .... ..... .. .. ... .. .. .. ....... ... 19
2.1 . 1.2 Non-acid producing sulfide minerals .... .... ... .... ........ .. ..... ............ ..... .. .. .......... ........ 24 Secondary Fe(III) hydroxides, oxyhydroxides, and oxyhydroxide sulfates .. .. ... ..... 2 5
2.1. 3 Neutralization Processes ...... .... ... .. ....... .. .. ....... ... ... ... .................... .................. .......... 25
2 . 1.1 .1 Carbonates ... ..... ....... ... .. ...... ..... ...... ....... .... .. .......... ........ .. ................................ .... 26
2.1 . 1.2 Metal hydroxides dissolution ....... .... .. ............................................... ........ ........... 2
2 . 1.1.3 Silicates .. ......... ............. .......... ............................... .. .. ... .... ............. .... .. .. ....... .. .... . 29
2.1.4 Dissolution ... ....................... .. ....... .. ...... ........... .... .......................... ......... .. ...... ... ... ... 30
2 . 1.4.1 Dissolution of iron sulfate minerais ........ .... .. .................... ................................... 3 1
2.1.5 Prediction - Acid-Base Accounting (ABA) ..... .. .... .. .............................. .. ........... .... ... 32
2.1. 6 Mobility and sorption processes.... .. .. ... .... .. ...... .... .. ...... ................................ .. .......... 3 2
2. 1.6.1 Complexation ...... .. ... ..... .... ..... ..... .... .. ...... ... .... ... ..... .... ........ ............ .... .. ........ ... ... 3 3
2 . 1.6.2 Stability of complex species ................. ........................ .. ......... .. .... ..... .... .. ........... 3 3
2 . 1. 6 . 3 Redox reactions .... .... .......... .......... .. ............ ................. ... .. ....... .. .... ........ .............. 3 4 Sorption ............................ .... ......... .. ............................................................ ....... 34
2.1. 7 Microbiological activity.... .......... ....................... .. ..... ..... ......... .. .. ............................. 3 6
2 .5 CONCLUSION .................... ........ ..... .. ....... ..... ..... ..... .... .................................................... . 3 7
REFERNCES ..... ... .................. ... .............. ................ .......... .... ..... .... .... ... .... ...... .... .... ........ ...... ...... .... . 3 8


3 Methodology used for sequential extraction applied to geochemical investigations of sulfidic

mine tailings by combination of dissolution kinetics and mineralogical control of dissolved phases
by x-ray diffraction (XRD) and differentiai x-ray diffraction (DXRD) ......................................... .45

ABSTRACT ... ... ..... ... .. ... .... .. ............. ... .......... ............ .................... ... ... .. .. ... ..... ... ............ ..... .... ....... 45

3.1 INTRODUCTION ..... ... ............. ........ .. .. .............................. .. .................. ..... ................. ..... 4 5
3. 2 MATE RIALS AND METHODS ........... ................ ...... .............. ..... .. ................................... .. 4 6
3. 3 RE SUL TS AND DISCUSSION OF THE EXTRACTION SEQUENCE B .... ....... .. ..... ................. .4 9
3.3.1 Step 1: water-solublefraction (1 g samp/e into 50ml deionized H20 shakefor 1h) .. 49
3.3.2 Step 2: exchangeablefraction (lM NH4-acetate, pH 4.5, shakenfor 2 hrs) .. ...... ..... 5l
3.3.3 Step 3: Fe(III) oxyhydroxides leach (0.2 M NH4-oxalate, pH 3.0, 1 h in dark, RT) .. 53
3. 3.4 Step 4: Fe(III) oxides leach (0.2 M NH4-oxalate, pH 3.0, 80°C for 2 h.) ................. 54
3.3.5 Step 5: organics and secondary Cu-suljides (35% H202 heat 1 hour) ..................... 55
3.3.6 Step 6: primary su!jides (KC/03 and HCI,followed by 4 M HN03 boiling) .. ............. 56
3. 3. 7 Step 7: residual silicates (HCI, HF, HC!04, HN03) .. ............. ................................... 56
3.4 CONCLUSIONS ....... ...... .......... .... ... .................. .. ............... .... .. .... ..... ... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ... .. 56
RE FERN CES ..... ..... ... .............. ......... .. ......... ..... .. ..... .. ........ ... ... ................................ ...... ... ... .. .. .. ... .. .. 59


4 Dissolution kinetics of schwertmannite and ferrihydrite........................................................ 6 1

ABSTRACT ................ .. ................... .. .. ... ....... .. .... ......... ... ..... .............. .. ... .. .. ..... .... .. ............... ..... ... .. 61
4.1 INTRODUCTION .. .... .. .... .. .... ............... .... ... .... .............................. .. ..... .. .............. .... ......... 61
4.2 SAMPLES AND METHODS .... ... .. ........ ........ .. .. ... .. ... ..... ........ .... ... ... ...................... .. ........... 63
4 .3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION .. .... ............................................... ..... ..... .. ... .. .. ... .... .... .. ... ... 67
4.3.1 Schwertmannite ........ ...... ................ ... .. .. ......... .. ..... .. ............. ...... .. ... .. ..................... 68
4.3.2 Ferrihydrite ........ ..... ............. .. .. ............... ... ... .. .................... ................... ...... ..... .... . 71
4. 3. 3 Schwertmannite/ferrihydrite mixture ... ............ ..................... .. ................. ............ .... 71
4.3.4 Test on a mine tailings sample.... .. ..... ..... ...... .. ... .. ............... ... ........ ......................... 73
4.4 CONCLUSIONS ..... ... .. ............ .... .......... .. ............... ... ....... ... ... .... ... .... ... ... ..... .................... 74
REFERNCES ..... .... .. ..... ... .. .. ... .. ..... .. ....... .... ..... ..... ......... ...... ..... ........ ........ .. .. .... .... .... .. .. ...... .. .... ....... 76


5 Element cycling and secondary mineralogy in porphyry copper tailings as a function of

elimate, primary mineralogy, and mineral processing................................................................... 7 7
ABSTRACT ....... .... ..... .. .. ........ .. .... ... ......... ...... ..... ..... .. ... .......... .. .... ... .... ... ......... ... .. ....... ............... .... 7 7
5.1 INTRODUCTION ..... ........ .. ....... .. .... ... .. ...... ..... ..... .. .. .. ................... .. ... .............. .. ........... ... . 78
5 .2 TERMINOLOGY .. ........ .. ......... ..... ........ .. ... ... .. .... ... ..... .. ..... ... ..... ...... ... ... ....... ... ... ..... ......... 79
5.3 DESCRIPTION OF THE STUDIED TAILINGS IMPOUNDMENTS .. ....................................... 79
5.3.1 Piuquenes tailings impoundment, La Andina porphyry copper deposit, Chile.. .... ... 79
5.3 . 1.1 Regional geology and ore geology ....... .. .......... ........... .. ....................................... 79
5. 3 . 1.2 Mining and treatment processes ... ... ... .. ...... .. .. ..... ............ ... .. ... .. .......... ....... .. ....... 8 2
5.3.1 .3 History of the tailings impoundment .... .... ... .. ...... .... ... ....... .. ... .. .... .. ...... ..... ......... 82 Climate ........ .. ........ .... ................ .. ...... ... .... .... ............... ..... .. ...... ...... .. .... ... .. ......... 82
5.3.2 Cauquenes tailings impoundment, El Teniente porphyry copper deposit, Chi/e ....... 83 Regional geology and ore geology .. .. .. ..... .. ..... ... .. ................ .. ......... .. ........ .... ...... . 83
5 .3.2.2 Treatment process .. ................................ .. ..... .. ........ ... ...... .... ....... ...... .... ..... .. .. .... 83 History of the tailings impoundment.. ......... .. ....... ...... ................... .. ....... .. ....... .. . 84 Climate ...... ...... .... ......... .. ...... .. ....... ... ............. .. ...... ... ..... .... ..... ..... .. ... .... .... .... ...... 84
5.3.3 Tailings impoundment of the El Salvador porphyry copper deposit, Chile ............. . 84
5.3.3 . 1 Regional geology and ore geology ... ... .. ... .. ............. ..................... .. ...... ...... .... ...... 84
5. 3. 3. 2 Mining and treatment processes ... ..... ....................... ...... .. ... ... .. ... ....... ................. 8 5
5 .3.3 .3 History of the tailings impoundment .. .. ........... .... ........ ............ .. ....... .. .. .............. 85
5.3 .3.4 Climate ..... ................ .. ......... ..... ... .... ...... .. .... ................... .. ..... ... ......... ................. 85
5.4 METHOLOGY ........ .. .. ....... .... .. ... .. .... .. ..... ..... ... .. ..... .. ...... ...... .. ...... .. ...... ... .... ................. .. .. 86
5.4.1 Sampling and field methods ... ...... .. .. .. ... .... ........ ............. .... .................... ...... .. ...... .. 86
5 .1. 2 Physical properties .. .... ....... ..... .... ...... ..... ..... ..... .......... ... ........ .... ......... ... ...... .. ......... 8 6
5.1.3 Mineralogical methods ....... ..... .... ..... ....... ... ....... ........... .. ......... ... ... ......................... 86
5.1. 4 Geochemical methods .. .... .. ........... .. ... .... ... .. ..... ..... ....... ... ..................... ... ... .... ...... .. 87
5. 1.4 . 1 Sequential extraction ....... .. ............................ ..... .. ..... ................ ....... ....... .. ......... 87
5 .1.4 .2 Acid-Base-Accounting (ABA) ........................ ..... .. ... .. ..................... .. ....... ... ........ 8 8
5.1. 5 Microbio!ogical methods ... .. .. ... .... ...... .. ...... .. ..... .... ... .. ................ ... .. ...... .... ....... .... .. 8 9
5.5 RESULTSANDDISCUSSION ................... .. ....... ............. ..... .. .. ... .. .. .. ... ... .. ........................ 89
5.5.1 Piuquenes tailings impoundment, La Andina .. ................. .... ................... .. .... .... .... . 89
5.5 . 1.1 Physical properties and mineralogy ...... .. ........... .. .. .... .. ...................... ....... .. ........ 89

1ll Acid-Base Accounting .................. ..... ..... ....... ........ ....................... ... .......... ......... .94
5. 5 .1. 3 Sequential extractions .......... ..... .............. ..... .. .... ......... ...... .. ... .. .. ...... .................... 9 5 Drainage waters ................... .. ... ....... .. ............. ........... .. ... ... ... ........... .................. lOO Microbial activity ........ .... ...... ........ .. ........ .... ................ ... .. .... .. ... .. ...................... 100 Hematite-rich sediment of the pond area ........................................................... 100
5.5.2 Cauquenes tailings impoundment, El Teniente .. .... .... ... .... ..... .. ....... .. ..... ................ 103
5.5.2. 1 Physical properties and mineralogy .. .. .................................... ................. .. ........ 103 Acid-Base Accounting ...... ......... .. ..... ..... .... .. .. .... .. .......... .. .................................. 104
5.5 .2.3 Sequential extractions ...... ... ...................... .. ............ .. ..... .. .................................. ! 05 Microbiology ................. .. ....... ..... ..... ... ... ... ........ ... ... ....... ........ ..... ..... ...... ......... .. 108
5. 5. 3 El Salvador No.l tailings impoundment, Chi/e.... ..... .. ... ..... ........ .. ..... ... ........ .. ...... 11 0 Mineralogy ......... .. ...... .. ...... .. ............... ............. ... .... .................... .. ... .............. ... 110 Acid-BaseAccounting ............. ..................... ............... .. ...... .... .... ........ .. ....... ..... 113
5. 5. 3. 3 Sequential extractions .. .. ................... .............. .. ...... .. ..... .. ....... ............. ... ........... 113 Microbial activity ..... ........... ...... .. ... .............. ......... ..... .... ... .. ... .. ..... ... .... ............. 115 Slow pyrite oxidation and acid availability ......... .... ....... .... ............ ... .................. 115
5. 6 SUMMARIZING DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS ........... .... ... .... .. ...... .............. .... ......... 116
5. 6.1 Selectivity of sequential extractions.... ..... .... ............. ....... .... ...... ......... .. ........ .. ........ 116
5. 6.2 Influence of the climate, ore minera/ogy and jlotation process to geochemical and
mineralogical processes ...... ... ........ ...... ............. ........ .. ... .. .. ........ ................. .. ..... .. . 11 7
5. 6. 3 Implications from the ore minera/ogy .. ............ .. ........... .. ........ .. .................. .......... 122
5. 6. 4 Implications for supergene processes.. ... .. ...... .. .... .. ...... .... .... .. ..... .......................... 12 3
5. 6. 5 Sc hematie Mode! of element cycling in sulfidic mine tailings ......... .. ...................... 123
REFERNCES .......................................... .............. ...... .............................. ......... .... ......................... 12 7


6 Influence of carbonate-rich primary mineralogy and of impoundment construction on

element mobility and secondary enrichment processes in sulfide tailings impoundments -
examples from the Fe-oxide cu-au deposits from the Punta del Cobre belt, northern Chile ......... 13 1
ABSTRACT ...... .. ........... .... .. ... .... ... ... .. ... ..... ... ..... .. .. .. .... .... ................. ... ... ....... ...... ... ...................... 131
6. 1 INTRODUCTION .. .. .............. ................ .. .... ............... .. .. .......... .... ............ ...... ... .. .. ... .. .... . 13 2
6.2 REGIONALGEOLOGY ANDOREGEOLOGY .. .. .... .... ............ ... ........ .. ... .. .. .. .... ..... .. ........ ... l33
6.3 CLIMATE ............. .. ..... .. ...... ..... .. ..... .. .............. ....... ... ........... .. ... .. ... .. ... .......................... . 135
6.4 DESCRIPTION OF THE STUDIED MINE TAILINGS IMPOUNDMENTS ........... .. ......... ... .. ... . 135
6.4.1 Tailings impoundment No. 2 from the Ojancos plant, Sali Hochschild S.A ., Copiap6,
northern Ch ile ... ........ .. ....... ...... ... ... .... .. .. ....................... .. ... .... ...... .. ........... .......... 13 5
6.4.1 . 1 Treatment processes ............................. ........... ......... .... .... ................................ 13 5 Tailings impoundment history .. .... .... .. .. ...................... .......... .. .... ............ ......... .. 13 6
6.4.2 Tailings impoundments No. 4 and 6, Pedro A. Cerda treatment plant Ojos del
Salado deposits, south of Copiap6 . ...................... ... ...... ...... .... ............................ 136 Treatment process .. .. .............. .. ... ......... ...................... .. .. ....... ........................... 136 Tailings history ... ......... ... .... .... .. ............. ..... ........ ....... .... .. ..................... ............ 137
6.5 METHOLOGY ................................................................................................................ 138
6. 5.1 Sampling and field methods .. .. ... ... ........... .. .... ............... .. .......... ... .. ...... .. .............. . 13 8
6.1.2 Physical properties ...... ......... .. ..... ....... ...... .. ........ .... .. ........... .. ....... ........ ..... .... .. ...... 140
6.1. 3 Mineralogical methods ... .... ...... ..... ...... .. .... ....... ....... .. .. ... ....... ....... ....... .................. 140
6.1.4 Geochemical methods .. .. .... ..... .... .. .. .......... ............ ............... .. ............................... 141

IV Mixed acid digestion (HN03, HF, HCl04, HCl) ................ .... ... .... .......... ... ... ....... 141 Sequential extraction ................................................. .. ...... .. ...... ... .. .... ..... ..... .... 141
6.1. 5 Ac id-Base Accounting (ABA) ... ........... ... .. ..... ..... ........... ..... ... ... .. ............. ....... ... ... . 141
6 .6 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ......................... .. .... ..... ...... ..... ..... .......... ... ........ .. ... .... ....... 142
6. 6.1 Ojancos tailings impoundment No. 2 ..... ... ............ ...... ... ........... ..... .. ...... ...... ..... .... 142 Mineralogy and acid-base accounting of sample HPr from the recent discharge
point for tailings "2H" .......................................................................... ... ........ 143
6.6 . 1.2 AMD effluents at the lower part of the recent deposited "2H" tailings .. ........... 143 Stratigraphy and acid-base accounting of the Ojancos tailings impoundment No.2
6.6 . 1.4 Geochemical results ....................................................... ......... .... ...................... 148 Conclusions Ojancos .. ..... .. .. .. ........... ... ..... ..... ......................................... ........... 157
6. 6. 2 Tailings impoundments No. 4 and 6 of the Pedro A. Cerda treatment plant, Fe-
oxide Cu-Au deposit Ojos del Salado, Tierra Amaril/a, south of Copiap6, northern
Chile................................ ............. .. .... .... ............................................................ 161 Physical properties and mineralogy P. Cerda tailings impoundments No.4 and 6 ... ..
···· ········ ···························································· ········ ····· ..................... ....... ..... .. . 161 Geochemical results ... ....... .... ............... .. ............ ..... ... ...... ........................... ... ... 162 Conclusion P. Cerda impoundments ..... .... .................. ......... ... .. .. ....... ..... .. ....... .. 166
6. 7 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS ...... .... ... .. .. .... ...................... ... ..................................... 168
REFERNCES ................................................................................................................................. 172


7 Selective metal retention by ferric oxyhydroxides and oxyhydro:xide sulfates in sulfide mine
tailings and their importance to acid production ........................................................................... 17 6
ABSTRACT .......... ...... .. ...................................... .. ... ..... .... .. ... .. ..... ... ... ........ ................................... 17 6
7 .l INTRODUCTION .............. ............ .... ...... .... .......... .. ........ .. .. ............... ............................. 176
7.2 MATERIAL AND METHODS ...... ............. ...... ..................... .. ... ........... .............. .............. 1 77
7.3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ...... .................................................................... ............... 178
7.4 CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................................. 183

REFERNCES ..................... .......... ........ ... .. ... ............................................ ....... .... ........ ...... ........ .... 185

APPENDIX.l: RESULTS OF ACID-BASE ACCOUNTING (ABA) ...................................................... 186

APPENDIX.2: RESULTS OF EXTRACTION SEQUENCE A .......... ................................................... .. 189
APPENDIX.3: RESULTS OF EXTRACTION SEQUENCE B ... .... .... .. .................... ........ ...................... 201
APPENDIX.5: CLIMATIC DATA ......... ......... ................................................................................... 230


I would like to thank very much Prof. L. Fontboté and Prof. W. Wildi, who made it possible
to carry out this project. I am very thankful for their support, supervision, suggestions and the
constructive discussions.
I am particularly indebted to Prof. H.-R. Pfeifer, Dr. C.N. Alpers, and Prof. B.M. Thomson
for critical reading and improvement of the manuscript.
I would like to thank several specialist in different disciplines; without their help and
constructive discussions this work would not have been possible. I would especially like to thank
Prof. U. Schwertmann, Dr. H. Stanjek, Dr. J . Friedl (University München) for providing the
samples for the dissolution kinetic tests, analytical support and extensive discussions on
schwertmannite. Prof. Bigham (Ohio State University), Prof. D.W. Blowes (University of
Waterloo), Dr. Jambor (Leslie Investments LTD), Dr. C.N. Alpers (USGS), Prof. A.J.
Monhemius (Imperial College, London), Prof. H.L. Ehrlich (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,
New York), Dr. G.M. Ritcey, Dr. Ingar Walder (SARB Consutlting. INC.), Dr. K.A. Morin and
Dr. N .M. Hutt (Minesite Drainage Assessment Group) provided significant ideas and
suggestions. I am specially indebted to C. Weatherell (MEND program - CANMET) who
provided me with essentialliterature.
For their support in Chile in the field work, sampling, sample preparation, and analytical
approaches, I would like thank to Dr. G. Caceres, Dr. K. Eppinger, W. Silva, D. Guzman, and
the technical staff of the IDICTEC, University of Atacama, Prof. S. Elgueta (Geological
Department, University of Chile, Santiago), Prof. B . Escobar, Prof. J. Wiertz, and Dr. J. Casas
(Chemical Department, Biometallurgy, University of Chile, Santiago), R. Troncoso, A. Hauser,
C. Reuschmann, C. Espejo, E . Fonseca, W. Vivallio, I. Aguirre (Servicio Nacional de Geologîa y
Minerfa SERNAGEOMIN), Dr. W. Eberle, and Dr. H.W. Müller (Bundesanstalt für
Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe BGR).
I would like to give special recognition to the management, the geologists and ali staff of ali
the mining companies, without their support, interest and the access to their properties this work
would not have been possible. In particular I would like to thank A. Puig (Exploration Division,
CODELCO), L. Serrano, R. Vargas, C. Aguila, C. Castillo, M. Bustos (Division Andina,
CODELCO), F. Celhay, A. Morales (Division Teniente, CODELCO), J. Blondel, R. Navajas
(Division Salvador, CODELCO), E.Klohn (Cfa. Minera Disputada de las Condes S.A.), F.
Villanueva, R. Ceron (Cîa. Minera El Soldado), B. Zamora (Cîa. Minera Sali Hochschild. S.A.),
and W. Rojas (Cîa. Minera Ojos del Salado S.A.).
Completing this research project was only possible with considerable help from many
friends and colleagues at the University of Geneva and Lausanne, which is gratefully
acknowledged. The thin and polished sections were prepared by J.-M. Boccard. The X-ray
diffraction analyses for clay minerais were carried out with the help of Dr. P. Thelin, Dr.
François Girod, and L. Dufresne (University of Lausanne). F. Capponi and J.C. Lavanchy helped
me with the coulometric titration analyses. The ICP-AES analyses for the dissolution kinetics
studies were carried out with the help of Dr. Dubois (EPFL Lausanne) and Dr. P. Voldet
(University of Geneva). Prelirninary analytical tests with ICP-MS were carried out with the help

of Dr. P.Y. Favarger and P. Arpagaus (F. -A. Forel Institute, University of Geneva). The
dissolution kinetic studies were carried out in the laboratories of Prof. H.-R. Pfeifer in Lausanne.
1 would like to thank Dr. R. Martini for her patience in the SEM-EDS work. Microprobe
analyses were carried out with the help of Dr. M. Chirardia, Dr. A. Marzoli, and Dr. M. Streck.
For encouraging discussions 1 would like to thank Prof. Pfeifer, Dr. P. Thelin, Dr. R. Marschik,
Dr. M . Chirardia, Dr. C. Adusumalli, Dr. A. Marzoli, Dr. J. Spangenberg, Dr. 1. Walder, Dr. R.
Moritz, Dr. Fidel Costa, Dr. U. Neumeier, Dr. W. Halter, J. Metzger, T. Ton-That, P. Rosset. For
language improvement 1 would like to thank Dr. J. Barclay and Dr. L. Webb. Special thanks are
due to Mercè Ferrés Hernàndez for the translation of the "Introduction et résumé des résultats"
into French.
1 would like to thank J. Berthoud, G. Overeny, and N. Rihs (University of Geneva) for their
The financial support by the Deutsche Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) and the
Swiss National Science Foundation, grant No. 21-50778.97 is gratefully acknowledged.
1 would like to thank all my friends ail over the world for their support and stimulation. Last
but not least, 1 deeply thank Patricia as well as my parents and my brother for their patience and
constant support.


In the present work six flotation tailings impoundments at five flotation plants located in
different climatic zones of Chile were selected to investigate the mineralogical and geochemical
changes taking place in copper flotation tailings subsequent to sulfide oxidation, especially the
formation of ac id mine drainage and element mobility. For this study two economically
important and mineralogical different types of copper ore deposits were selected. The first one
are porphyry copper deposits related to the Upper Cretaceous-Tertiary magmatism. They show
ore paragenesis less rich in pyrite, typically with abundant hydrothermal clay minerais and low
or nonexistant carbonate content (tailings impoundments Piuquenes, Cauquenes, and Salvador
No.l at the giant porphyry copper deposits of La Andina, El Teniente, and El Salvador,
respectively). The second type includes the Fe-oxide (Cu-Au) deposits of the Punta del Cobre-
Candelaria belt, south of Copiap6, northern Chile, characterized by a paragenesis relatively rich
in pyrite and magnetite with moderate presence of clay minerais, and with calcite as a significant
gangue mineral (Ojancos and P. Cerda tailings impoundments). The selected tailings
impoundments occur in different climatic zones ranging from humid to hyper-arid along the
strongly N-S elongated Chilean geography. This situation allows to use the studied tailings as
open-air laboratories in which variable parameters of ore mineralogy, climate, and flotation
process are compared.
To study the geochemical and mineralogical changes in copper sulfide tailings due to
sulfide oxidation 29 drill cores and more than 370 samples were taken. A 7-step extraction
sequence was developed by dissolution kinetic tests and detection of dissolved phases by X-ray
diffraction (XRD) and differentiai X-ray diffraction (DXRD) in the different dissolution steps
(chapter 3). The selectivity of the leaches and the dissolution kinetics of schwertmannite and
ferrihydrite is discussed in detail (chapter 4).
Based on the obtained results following models for element cycling in relation to climatic
conditions for porphyry copper tailings are proposed (chapter 5). In humid to Mediterranean
climates (e.g., Piuquenes/Andina and Cauquenes/Teniente) sulfide oxidation and/or dissolution
of primary sulfates (e.g., jarosite in El Salvador No. 1) leads to the liberation of bivalent cations
as Fe2+, Cu 2 +, Zn2 +, Mn 2+, oxyanions as HMo04-, H2As0 4-, and SQ 42- as weil as protons (H+).
Fe3+ may take over the role of the principle sulfide oxidant or hydrolyses to secondary phases as
jarosite, schwertmannite, ferrihydrite, goethite or others Fe(III)hydroxides, depending on pH and
activity of e.g. Fe 3 +, S04 2-, CI-, and K+. Oxidation of molybdenite is lethal for Thiobacillus
ferrooxidans and seems to limit the microbial mediated Fe2+ oxidation to Fe3+ if present in
higher concentrations (e.g., El Salvador, chapter 5). Hydrolysis is the main proton producing
process. The produced protons react with neutralizing minerais as carbonates and silicates.
These neutralization reactions result in the control of the pH and the formation of secondary
minerais as for example vermicultite-type mixed-layer minerais under liberation of cations as
e.g. AP+, Ca2 +, K+, Na+, Mg2 +. These cations play an important role in the formation of the
secondary mineralogy as for example K for jarosite. Bivalent cations are very mobile under acid
conditions and are leached out of the oxidation zone by rainfall. Below, with increasing pH
sorption processes fix these elements. With increasingly reducing conditions (below the water

table) and in pH conditions, where the relevant metals are mobile, replacement processes, as
documented by the transformation of chalcopyrite to covellite, may take place (Piuquenes,
Cauquenes, and Ojancos). Oxyanions are mainly adsorbed under low pH in the oxidation zone
to the secondary ferric minerais (chapter 7). Nevertheless, changes in their oxidation state (e.g.,
arsenate to arsenite) may increase their mobility and may lead to downwards enrichment. With
increasingly evaporation the water-flow direction changes to upwards migration via capillary
forces (Cauquenes in summer, El Salvador). The mobilized elements are transferred to mainly
oxidizing conditions. Saturation and/or supersaturation controls the precipitation of the mainly
water-soluble efflorescent salts (e.g., bonattite, chalcanthite, halotrichite, hexahydrite,
pickeringite, and magnesioauberite in El Salvador No.l). Hydrolysis and replacement processes
are less important. Due to the high ionie activity in the oxidation zone, increased substitution as
Al in secondary jarosite, or Cu and Zn in biotite can be observed (Cauquenes).
Carbonate-rich mineral (P. Cerda, chapter 6) assemblage neutralizes the produced acid in
the sulfide oxidation process, leading to neutra! pH conditions. High pH increases the adsorption
of liberated elements, limiting their mobility and preventing the upwards migration via capillary
force in arid climates and so the availability of heavy metals as water-soluble efflorescent salts.
Low water content in coarser horizons possibly reduces additionally pyrite oxidation rates in
arid climates. The construction of a valley dam impoundment upstream of an older downstream
tailings impoundment may lead to downwards transport of liberated metal ions as acid or neutral
mine drainage. Change in geochemical conditions encountered in the downstream tailings (e.g.,
calcite-rich layers or more reducing conditions) lead to hydrolysis and/or precipitation of
secondary minerais (e.g., higher ordered ferrihydrite, goethite, jarosite, and covellite), resulting
in strong secondary enrichment in the downstream tailings (P. Cerda and Ojancos, chapter 6).


Six bassins de rejet de cinq installations de flottation, situés dans de différentes zones
climatiques du Chili, ont été sélectionnés afin d'évaluer les changements minéralogiques et
géochimiques qui ont lieu dans les rejets de flottation de minerais de cuivre après l'oxydation des
sulfures, en particulier la formation de "drainage minier acide" et la mobilité des éléments. Pour
cette étude, deux types de gisements de cuivre économiquement importants et de composition
minéralogique distincte ont été sélectionnés. Le premier type comprend les porphyres cuprifères
associés au magmatisme qui a lieu du Crétacé Supérieur au Tertiaire. La paragenèse du minerai
n'est pas riche en pyrite, les minéraux de 1' argile hydrothermaux sont abondants et la teneur en
carbonates est faible ou nulle (bassins de rejet de Piuquenes, Cauquenes et Salvador N° 1 des
gisements de porphyres cuprifères géants de La Andina, El Teniente et El Salvador,
respectivement). Le second type de gisement comprend les dépôts d'oxydes de Fe (Cu-Au) de la
ceinture de Punta del Cobre-Candelaria, au Sud de Copiapô, Nord du Chili. Ces gisements se
caractérisent par une paragenèse relativement riche en pyrite et en magnétite, par un
développement modéré des minéraux de l'argile et par la présence de calcite comme minéral de
gangue important (bassins de rejet d'Ojancos et P. Cerda). La morphologie très allongée du Chili
suivant la direction N-S favorise une répartition des bassins de rejet sélectionnés tels qu'ils se
trouvent dans des zones climatiques de caractéristiques différentes, humide à extrêmement aride.
Cette répartition permet d'utiliser les bassins de rejet étudiés comme des laboratoires à ciel
ouvert dans lesquels il est possible de comparer des paramètres variables concernant la
minéralogie du gisement, le climat et les processus de flottation.
Pour étudier les changements minéralogiques et géochimiques qui ont lieu dans les rejets
de flottation de minerais de cuivre, suite à l'oxydation des sulfures, 29 carottes et plus de 370
échantillons ont été prélevés. Une séquence d'extraction à 7-étapes a été mise au point à partir de
la réalisation de tests de cinétique de dissolution et de la détermination des phases dissoutes à
chaque étape par diffraction de rayons-X (XRD) et par diffraction différentielle de rayons-X
(DXRD). Les différentes étapes de la séquence d'extraction et la cinétique de dissolution de la
schwertmannite et de la ferrihydrite sont discutées de façon détaillée (chapitre 4).
A partir des résultats obtenus, des modèles sont proposés pour expliquer le cycle des
éléments dans les bassins de rejet de porphyres cuprifères, en fonction des conditions climatiques
(chapitre 5). Dans des climats humides à Méditerranéen (Piuquenes/Andina et
Cauquenes/Teniente), l'oxydation des sulfures et/ou la dissolution des sulfates primaires (par
exemple, la jarosite à El Salvador n° 1) produit la libération de cations bivalents tels que Fe2+,
Cu2+, zn2+, Mn2+, d'oxyanions comme par exemple HMo04-, HzAs04- et S042-; ainsi que de
protons (H+). Le cation Fe3+ peut jouer le rôle du principal oxydant des sulfures, ou bien être
hydrolysé pour former des phases secondaires telles que la jarosite, la schwermannite, la
ferrihydrite, la goethite ou d'autres hydroxydes de Fe(III), en fonction du pH et de l'activité des
ions Fe3+, S042-, CI- et K+, par exemple. L'oxydation de la molibdénite est létale pour les
bactéries Thiobacillus ferrooxidans . Ainsi, 1' oxydation microbienne du Fe2+ en Fe3 + par
Thiobacillus ferrooxidans serait limitée en présence d'une concentration élevée de molibdénite
(El Salvador, chapitre 5). L'hydrolyse est le principal processus pour la production de protons.
Ceux-ci réagissent avec les minéraux à potentiel de neutralisation tels que les carbonates et les

silicates. Ces réacliuus ùe neutralisation contrôlent le pH et libèrent des cations tels que Al3+,
Ca2+, K+, Na+, Mg2+ , qui jouent un rôle important pour la formation de minéraux secondaires,
par exemple des minéraux de type vermiculite à couches mixtes. Le K est particulièrement
important pour la formation de jarosite. Les cations bivalents sont très mobiles en milieu acide et
ils sont lessivés de la zone d'oxydation suite à un apport d'eau par des pluies. En dessous de la
zone d'oxydation, au fur et à mesure que le pH augmente, des processus de sorption fixent ces
éléments. Dans des conditions de plus en plus réductrices (en dessous du niveau phréatique) et
telles que le pH permet encore la mobilité des métaux relevant, les processus de remplacement
peuvent avoir lieu, tels que la transformation observée de la chalcopyrite en covellite (Piuquenes,
Cauquenes et Ojancos). Dans la zone d'oxydation, les oxyanions sont principalement adsorbés
par les minéraux de fer secondaires dans des conditions de faible pH (chapitre 7). Cependant, un
changement de leur état d'oxydation (par exemple, arséniate à arséniure) peut favoriser leur
mobilité ce qui pourrait conduire à un enrichissement vers les zones situées en aval. Quand
l'évaporation est importante, la direction du flux de l'eau s'inverse et il se produit une migration
vers le haut par capillarité (Cauquenes en été, El Salvador). Les éléments mobilisés sont
essentiellement transférés vers des zones oxydantes. La saturation et/ou la supersaturation
contrôle la précipitation des principaux sels efflorescents solubles dans 1'eau (bonattite,
chalcanthite, halotrichite, hexahydrite, pickeringite et magnésioaubérite à El Salvador n° 1).
L'hydrolyse et les processus de remplacement sont moins importants. Dans la zone d'oxydation,
une activité ionique élevée favorise l'entrée de l'Al dans la jarosite ou du Cu et du Zn dans la
biotite (Cauquenes).
Une paragenèse riche en carbonates (P. Cerda, chapitre 6) neutralise l'acide produit par les
processus d'oxydation des sulfures, ce qui neutralise le pH. Un pH élevé favorise l'adsorption
des éléments libérés. Ceci limite leur mobilité et, dans les climats arides, empêche leur migration
vers le haut par capillarité et donc la concentration de métaux lourds formant des sels
efflorescents solubles dans l'eau. Dans les zones à climat aride, la faible teneur en eau des
horizons à grain grossier peut faire diminuer le taux d'oxydation de la pyrite. Dans une vallée, la
construction d'un barrage pour retenir les rejets de flottation, en amont d'un barrage similaire
plus ancien, peut conduire à un transport vers le barrage situé en aval des drainages miniers
acides ou neutres contenant les ions métalliques libérés. Ceux-ci, dans les nouvelles conditions
géochimiques du bassin de rejet situé en aval (présence de couches riches en calcite ou
conditions plus réductrices) seront hydrolysés ou précipiteront sous forme de minéraux
secondaires (ferrihydrite d'ordre élevé, goethite, jarosite et covellite), générant ainsi un fort
enrichissement secondaire dans l'ancien bassin (P. Cerda et Ojancos, chapitre 6).


El prop6sito de este trabajo consiste en determinar los cambios mineral6gicos y

geoqufmicos que tienen lugar en los desechos de flotaci6n de minerales de cobre, en particular la
formaci6n de aguas âcidas y la mobilidad de los elementos. Para ello, se han seleccionado seis
tranques de relaves de cinco instalaciones de flotaci6n, situadas en diferentes zonas elimâticas de
Chile, que corresponden a dos variedades de yacimientos de cabre econ6micamente importantes
y de composici6n mineral6gica distinta. El primer tipo de yacimientos son p6rfidos cuprfferos
que estân asociados al magmatismo del Cretâcico Superior al Terciario. La paragénesis de la
mena no presenta pirita en abundancia, los minerales de la arcilla hidrotermales son abundantes y
el contenido en carbonatas es bajo o nulo (tranques de relaves de Piuquenes, Cauquenes y El
Salvador n. 0 1 de los yacimientos de p6rfidos cuprfferos gigantes de La Andina, El Teniente y El
Salvador, respectivamente). El segundo tipo de yacimientos son los dep6sitos de Fe (Cu-Au) de
la cintura de Punta del Cobre-Candelaria, en el Sur de Copiap6, Norte de Chile. Se caracterizan
por una paragénesis relativamente rica en pirita y en magnetita, por una moderada abundancia de
los minerales de la arcilla y por la presencia de calcita como mineral de ganga importante
(tranques de relaves de Ojancos y P. Cerda). La morfologfa de Chile, alargada seglin la direcci6n
N-S, hace que los yacimientos seleccionados se hallen en zonas de elima humedo a hiperârido.
Esta distribuci6n permite utilizar a los tranques de relaves estudiados como laboratorios a cielo
abierto entre los que se pueden comparar parâmetros variables referentes a la mineralogfa del
yacimiento, al elima y a los procesos de flotaci6n.
Con el fin de estudiar los cambios mineral6gicos y geoqufmicos que tienen lugar después
de la oxidaci6n de los sulfuros en los tranques de relaves de plantas de flotaci6n de minerales de
cabre, se han tomado 29 testigos y mâs de 370 muestras. Una secuencia de extracci6n de siete
etapas se ha puesto a punta (capitula 3) a partir de ensayos de cinética de disoluci6n y de la
determinaci6n por difracci6n de rayos-X (XRD) y difracci6n diferencial de rayas-X (DXRD) de
las fases disueltas en cada etapa. Las diferentes etapas de dicha secuencia de extracci6n, asf
como la cinética de disoluci6n de la schwertmannita y de la ferrihidrita, se presentan de forma
detallada (capftulo 4).
A partir de los resultados obtenidos se proponen varias modelas para explicar el cielo de
los elementos en los tranques de relaves de p6rfidos cuprfferos, en funci6n de las condiciones
climâticas (capftulo 5). En elima humedo o mediterrâneo (Piuquenes/Andina y
Cauquenes/Teniente), la oxidaci6n de los sulfures y/o la disoluci6n de los sulfatas primarios (por
ejemplo, la jarosita en El Sai vador n. o 1) produce la liberaci6n de cationes bivalentes co mo Fe2+,
Cu2+, zn2+, Mn2+; de oxianiones como HMo04-, H2As04- y S042-; asf como de protones (H+).
El cation Fe3+ puede actuar coma oxidante principal de los sulfuros o bien hidrolizarse y formar
fas es secundarias co mo la j arosita, la schwertmannita, la ferrihidrita, la goetita, u otros
hidr6xidos de Fe(III), en funci6n del pH y de la actividad de los iones Fe3+, S042-, CI- y K+, por
ejemplo. La oxidaci6n de la molibdenita es letal para las bacterias Thiobacillus ferrooxidans, con
lo que la oxidaci6n microbiana del Fe2+ en Fe3+ por Thiobacillus ferrooxidans quedarfa limitada
en presencia de una concentraci6n elevada de molibdenita (El Salvador, capftulo 5). La hidr6lisis
es el principal proceso generador de protones. Éstos reaccionan con los minerales que, coma los
carbonatas y los silicatos, presentan cierto potencial de neutralizaci6n. Las reacciones de

neutralizaci6n controlan el pH y liberan cationes como AP+, Ca2 +, K+, Na+, Mg2 +, los cuales
desempefian un papel importante para la formacion de minerales secundarios, como por ejemplo
minerales de tipo vermiculita de capas mixtas. El K es particularmente importante para la
formacion de jarosita. En medio acido, los cationes bivalentes son extremadamente mobiles, con
lo que el agua de las lluvias puede lixiviarlos de la zona de oxidacion. Por debajo de la zona de
oxidacion, a medida que aumenta el pH, estos mismos cationes quedan fijados por sorpcion. En
condiciones cada vez mas reductoras (por debajo del nivel freatico) y en condiciones tales que el
pH permite aun la mobilidad de los metales de interés, pueden ocurrir procesos de reemplazo
como la transformacion observada de calcopirita en covelita (Piuquenes, Cauquenes y Ojancos).
En la zona de oxidacion, en condiciones de pH acido, los oxianiones son principalmente
adsorbidos por los minerales de hierro secundarios (capitulo 7). Sin embargo, un cambio de su
estado de oxidacion (como por ejemplo, transformacion de arseniato en arseniuro) puede
favorecer su mobilidad, lo cual podrfa llevar a un enriquecimiento de las zonas subyacentes.
Cuando la evaporacion es importante, la direccion del flujo del agua se invierte, y se produce una
migracion hacia arriba por capilaridad (Cauquenes en verano, El Salvador). Los elementos
mobilizados migran esencialmente hacia las zonas oxidantes. La saturation y/o supersaturacion
controla la precipitacion de las principales sales eflorescentes solubles en agua (bonattita,
calcantita, halotriquita, hexahidrita, piqueringita y magnesioauberita en El Salvador n.0 1). La
hidrolisis y los procesos de reemplazo son menos importantes. En la zona de oxidacion, una
actividad ionica elevada favorece la entrada de Al en la jarosita o de Cu y Zn en la biotita
Una paragénesis rica en carbonates (P. Cerda, capitula 6) neutraliza el acido producido por
los procesos de oxidacion de los sulfuros, y genera asi unas condiciones de pH neutro. Un pH
elevado favorece la adsorcion de los elementos liberados, lo cual limita su mobilidad y, en
elimas aridos, impide su migracion hacia arriba por capilaridad. Ello inhibe la concentracion de
metales pesados formando sales eflorescentes solubles en agua. En las zonas de elima arido, el
bajo contenido en agua de los horizontes de grano grueso puede hacer disminuir el grado de
oxidacion de la pirita. En un valle, si para retener los desechos de flotacion se construye una
presa rio arriba con respecto a otra presa mas antigua, puede que se produzca un transporte, de la
nueva presa hacia la presa situada rio abajo, de las aguas acidas o neutras que contienen los iones
metalicos liberados. Estos iones, al encontrarse con las condiciones geoquimicas distintas que
corresponden a la antigua presa (presencia de capas ricas en calcita o condiciones mas
reductoras) seran hidrolizados o precipitaran en forma de minerales secundarios (ferrihidrita de
alto orden, goetita, jarosita y covelita), lo cual puede generar un enriquecimiento secundario
importante en la presa antigua (P. Cerda y Ojancos, capftulo 6).

1 Introduction et résumé des résultats•

1.1 Objectifs

L'objectif de cette étude est d'évaluer les changements minéralogiques et géochimiques

qui ont lieu à l'interface entre la zone d'oxydation et la zone primaire (à sulfures) dans les rejets
de flottation de minerais de cuivre, afin de comprendre les processus qui agissent après
l'oxydation des sulfures, en particulier la formation de "drainage minier acide" et la mobilité des
éléments. Divers paramètres concernant le climat et la composition minéralogique originelle ont
été considérés.
Plus concrètement, cette étude essaie de caractériser (1) les possibles mécanismes de
formation et de migration ultérieure de la zone d'oxydation, (2) la précipitation de minéraux
secondaires, (3) les processus de fixation secondaire par sorption et par précipitation, et (4) les
processus d'enrichissement et de mobilisation des éléments qui sont importants économiquement
ou qui posent des problèmes environnementaux. L'objectif final est de modéliser l'évolution
minéralogique et géochimique des rejets par rapport à leur composition minéralogique primaire
et aux conditions climatiques données.
Dans ce but, six rejets de flottation situés dans de différentes zones climatiques du Chili
ont été sélectionnés. Le Chili a été choisi par sa situation géographique et géologique singulière.
Pendant le Mésozoïque et le Cénozoïque, l'histoire géologique du Chili est contrôlée par
l'évolution d'un arc magmatique de direction Nord-Sud qui migre vers l'Est. Pendant le Crétacé
Inférieur à "moyen", cet arc magmatique est à l'origine de la formation de différents types de
gisements. Pour cette étude, deux types de gisements de cuivre économiquement importants et
de composition minéralogique distincte ont été sélectionnés. Le premier type comprend les
porphyres cuprifères associés au magmatisme qui a lieu du Crétacé Supérieur au Te1tiaire, et qui
sont donc généralement situés à l'Est du premier type de gisement décrit (Ruiz et Peebles, 1998).
La paragenèse du minerai est moins riche en pyrite et, souvent, les minéraux de l'argile
hydrothermaux sont abondants et la teneur en carbonates est faible ou nulle (gisements de
porphyres cuprifères géants de La Andina, El Teniente et El Salvador). Le second type de
gisement comprend les gisements d'oxydes de Fe (Cu-Au) de la ceinture de Punta del Cobre-
Candelaria.Ces gisements se caractérisent par une paragenèse relativement riche en pyrite et en
magnétite, par un développement modéré des minéraux de l'argile et par la présence de calcite
comme minéral de gangue important (bassins de rejet d'Ojancos et P. Cerda). Les bassins de
rejet sélectionnés (Fig. 1) se trouvent dans des zones climatiques de caractéristiques différents,
humide à extrêmement aride, suivant la direction N-S, ce qui est dû à la morphologie très
allongée du Chili selon cette direction. Cette répartition permet d'utiliser les bassins de rejet
étudiés comme des laboratoires à ciel ouvert dans lesquels il est possible de comparer des
paramètres variables concernant le climat, la minéralogie du gisement et les processus de

' This chapter "Introduction and summary of the results" is written in French in accordance with the instructions for
publication of Ph.D. theses of the Faculté des Sciences, Université de Genève.
1. Introduction et résumé des résultats

: : porphyry copper belt

a tailings impoundment



Pla. Arenas
75' 70' es·

Fig. 1: Distribution des bassins de rejet étudiés au Chili. Les trois p01phyres cuprifères géants (La Andina, El
Teniente et El Salvador) sont associés à l'arc magmatique de direction N-S d'âge Crétacé Supérieur- Tertiaire.
Les mines de La Andina, El Teniente et El Salvador sont situées dans des zones à climat alpin, méditerranéen et
hyper aride, respectivement. Les bassins de rejet d'Ojancos et P. Cerda sont situés dans des zones climatiques
hyper arides mais subissent un apport d'eau anthropiquement contrôlé.

1.2 Plan du travail

Le travail présenté est structuré en sept chapitres. Le premier chapitre est une introduction
générale. Le deuxième introduit les notions de base de géochimie de 1' environnement appliquée
aux déchets des mines de sulfures. Les chapitres 3 et 4 décrivent les procédures
méthodologiques, les chapitres 5 et 6 comparent les études menées sur les différents types de
gisements sélectionnés et le chapitre 7 résume les principales conclusions obtenues concernant la
rétention des métaux par des phases de fer. Les chapitres 4 à 7 sont présentés sous forme de
manuscrits prêts à être soumis ou déjà soumis à des périodiques scientifiques.
Le chapitre 3 s'intitule "Méthodologie utilisée pour 1' extraction séquentielle appliquée à
1'étude géochimique des rejets de mines de sulfures en combinant la cinétique de dissolution et
le contrôle minéralogique des phases dissoutes par diffraction de rayons-X (XRD) et par
diffraction différentielle de rayons-X (DXRD)". Ce chapitre présente la procédure
méthodologique qui a été suivie afin de développer une séquence d'extractions adéquate à
1' étude des processus géochimiques des bassins de rejet de mines de sulfures de cuivre. Le

1. Introduction et résumé des résultats

chapitre 4 étudie la cinétique de dissolution de la schwertmannite et de la ferrihydrite dans le but

de distinguer ces deux phases secondaires. Le chapitre 5, "Cycles des éléments et minéralogie
secondaire dans les bassins de rejet des porphyres cuprifères en fonction du climat, de la
minéralogie primaire et du traitement du minerai" (Dold et Fontboté, Journal of Geochemical
Exploration, Special Issue "Geochemical Studies of Mining and Environment", soumis) compare
les rejets de flottation des trois porphyres cuprifères étudiés par rapport à la minéralogie
secondaire et à la direction de mobilisation, tout en considérant la minéralogie primaire et les
différentes conditions climatiques. Le chapitre 6 "Bassins de rejet des gisements d'oxydes de Fe
Cu-Au de la ceinture de Punta del Cobre, Nord du Chili- influence de la minéralogie primaire
riche en carbonates sur la mobilisation et de la construction des bassins de rejet sur les processus
secondaires d'enrichissement" présente un cas d'étude de rejets riches en carbonates. Le chapitre
7 "Rétention sélective des métaux par des oxyhydroxydes de fer et par des sulfates
d'oxyhydroxydes dans les rejets de mines de sulfures et leur contribution à la production
d'acide" se concentre sur l'étude du rôle des mineraux de fer secondaires dans la mobilisation
des éléments et dans la production d ' acide par hydrolyse. Les appendices 1 à 4 fournissent les
données analytiques non inclues dans les autres parties du travail.

1.3 Méthodes

1.3.1 Echantillonnage et méthodes de terrain

Le travail sur le terrain s'est réalisé en collaboration avec l' "Instituto de Investigaciones
Cientfficas y Tecno16gicas" (IDITEC) de l' Université d'Atacama (Copiap6), le Département de
Géologie de l'Université du Chili (Santiago) et le "Servicio Nacional de Geologfa y Minerfa"
(SERNAGEOMIN, Santiago) qui ont offert leur support logistique lors des campagnes sur le
terrain menées en 1996 et en 1997. Les échantillons solides ont été prélevés en surface et jusqu'à
10 rn de profondeur (fente d ' échantillonnage de 100 x 2 x 2 cm) en utilisant une perforatrice à
percussion. Les échantillons d'eau ont été prélevés des effluents.
Plus de 370 échantillons ont été prélevés de six bassins de rejet des mines La Andina, El
Teniente et El Salvador ainsi que des bassins de rejet de flottation d'Ojancos et P. Cerda qui ont
traité le minerai de la ceinture de Punta del Cobre (Tableau 1).
Les échantillons prélevés et les données géochimiques obtenues lors d'une recherche
antérieure menée sur les bassins de rejet d'Ojancos sont aussi inclus dans ce travail.
Après avoir pris note des caractéristiques minéralogiques et de la couleur des échantillons
solides, estimé la taille des grains et mesuré leur pH (avec un pH-mètre WTW ® ; lors de la
campagne sur le terrain de 1997, une électrode pH qui avait originellement été conçue pour
effectuer des contrôles de qualité sur de la viande a été utilisée avec beaucoup de succès pour
réaliser des mesures in situ du pH des sédiments humides des rejets), les échantillons ont été
conservés dans des sacs en plastique et stockés dans un glacière. Puis, ils ont été immédiatement
transportés dans les laboratoires des mines afin d'être séchés (<35°C) et en déterminer la teneur
en eau. Une fois secs, les échantillons ont été homogénéisés et stockés dans des flacons en
polyéthylène (PET) pour être conservés à température ambiante.

/. Introduction et résumé des résultats

Tableau 1: Récapiwlatij des données suries bassins de rejet des mines de sulfures de cuivre étudiés.
Mine Type de Bassin de rejet Climat Processus de sondage Echan-
dépôt flottation tillons
La Andina Porphyre Piuquenes Alpin circuit alcalin 5 87
cupritère pH 10.5
El Teniente Porphyre Cauquenes Méditerranéen circuit acide 5 78
cuprifère pH4.5
El Salvador Porphyre Salvador n°. 1 Hyper aride circuit alcalin 4 37
cuprifère pH 10.5
Ceinture de Punta del Oxydes de Fe P. Cerda n°. 4 Hyper aride circuit alcalin 4 44
Cob re Cu-Au and 6 pH 10.5
Ceinture de Punta del Oxydes de Fe Ojancos n°. 2 Hyper aride circuit alcalin Il 124
Cobre Cu-Au pH Il

Les échantillons d'eau ont été filtrés en utilisant des filtres d'acétate de sodium de 0.45
f...Lm. La température, la conductivité, le pH et la teneur en oxygène ont été mesurés sur le terrain.
Les échantillons d'eau ont été séparés en deux aliquots, un sans traitement pour analyser les
anions et l'autre conservé à pH 2 (obtenu par addition de HN03 suprapur) pour analyser les
cations. Tous ces échantillons ont été réfrigérés jusqu'au moment d'effectuer les analyses.

1.3.2 Méthodes analytiques

Le pourcentage en poids d'humidité de tous les échantillons des rejets a été obtenu en
calculant la différence de leur poids mesuré avant et après sèchage dans les laboratoires des
mines . La distribution de la taille des particules de quelques échantillons sélectionnés a été
obtenue en effectuant des mesures avec les analyseurs de taille de particules au laser Coulter® et
Fritsch Analysette® à l'Institut F.-A. Foret de l'Université de Genève et au Département de
Minéralogie de l'Université de Lausanne, respectivement.
Afin d'étudier la minéralogie du minerai, des sections polies et des lames minces polies ont
été préparées à partir des échantillons des rejets et des échantillons non altérés des sédiments.
Tous les échantillons ont été analysés par diffraction de rayons-X (XRD) en utilisant un
diffractomètre Philips® 3020 au Département de Minéralogie de l'Université de Genève. Pour la
détermination des minéraux de 1' argile, des échantillons orientés prélevés de la fraction < 2 f...Lm
ont été analysés en utilisant un diffractomètre Rigaku® Rotaflex au Département de Minéralogie
et de Pétrographie de l'Université de Lausanne. Les hydroxydes de Fe(III) peu cristallisés,
comme la ferrihydrite et la schwertmannite, ont été détectés par diffraction différentielle de
rayons-X (DXRD). Les éléments adsorbés par la schwertmannite et la biotite ont été étudiés à la
microsonde électronique en utilisant un instrument CAMECA SX50 à l'Université de Lausanne.
La morphologie des minéraux et la composition chimique qualitative des précipités à partir des
"drainages miniers acides" ont été étudiées à l'aide d'un microscope électronique de balayage
JOEL® JSM 6400 muni d'un système dispersif d'énergie (SEM-EDS).

1. Introduction et résumé des résultats

Les tests de cinétique de dissolution de la schwertmannite et de la ferrihydrite ont été

réalisés en utilisant de l'oxalate d'ammonium 0.2M à pH 3.0 et dans le noir au Centre d'Analyse
Minérale (CAM) de l'Université de Lausanne. Les teneurs en Fe et en S des solutions obtenues
ont été déterminées par ICP-AES en utilisant un instrument Perkin-Elmer Plasma-2000 à
l'Institut des Sciences du Sol de l'EPFL, à Lausanne.
Les extractions séquentielles et les analyses multi-élémentaires par ICP-ES ont été réalisés
aux "X-Ray Assay Laboratories" (XRAL) de Toronto, au Canada. La teneur totale en soufre,
nécessaire pour la détermination acide-base, a été obtenue en utilisant un four Leco®. Pour
déterminer la teneur en soufre présent en forme de sulfates, une attaque chimique à chaud dans
de l'acide oxalique 0.2M pendant 2 ha été réalisée (étape 4 de la séquence B, chapitre 3), puis la
teneur en soufre a été obtenue par ICP-ES aux XRAL. Le carbone total et minéral a été analysé
par titrage coulométrique (Strohlein CS 702®) au Centre d'Analyse Minérale de l'Université de
Pour l'étude micro-biologique, un aliquot non traitée de chaque échantillon a été maintenu
à 5°C dans des glacière. Lors de la campagne sur le terrain de 1996, peu de temps après
l'échantillonnage, 10 échantillons ont été sélectionnés et envoyés au laboratoire du groupe bio-
métallurgique du Département de Génie Chimique de l'Université du Chili (Santiago). Le
nombre total de cellules (comptage microscopique direct; compteur Phyroff-Hauser) ainsi que
l'activité d'oxydation (taux d'oxydation du Fe(II)) ont été déterminés; et une culture de
Thiobacillus ferrooxidans a été réalisée (comptage sur plaque).

1.4 Méthodologie utilisée pour l'extraction séquentielle appliquée à l'étude géochimique

des rejets de mines de sulfures en combinant la cinétique de dissolution et le contrôle
minéralogique des phases dissoutes par diffraction de rayons-X (XRD) et par
diffraction différentielle de rayons-X (DXRD)

Les tests de cinétique de dissolution réalisés sur les échantillons prélevés dans les rejets
des mines étudiées, en combinaison avec le contrôle par diffraction de rayons-X (XRD) et par
diffraction différentielle de rayons-X (DXRD) des phases dissouts lors des extractions
séquentielles, indiquent quels sont les minéraux qui sont dissous à chaque étape. Cette
information est indispensable pour interpréter les données géochimiques obtenues à partir de
l'analyse des extractions séquentielles ainsi que pour améliorer le degré de sélection de la
séquence. Des tests préliminaires basés sur des techniques communes de dissolution ont permis
de mettre au point une séquence en sept étapes adaptée particulièrement à la minéralogie
primaire et secondaire des rejets des mines des gisements de sulfures étudiés, porphyres
cuprifères et dépôts d'oxydes de Fe avec Cu et Au. Cette séquence à sept pas est la suivante. Le
premier étape attaque la fraction soluble dans l'eau (1.0 g d'échantillon dans HzO déionisée agité
pendant lh). Le gypse et les sels de métaux sont dissouts (p. ex., la bonattite (CuS04•3HzO), la
chalcanthite (CuS04•5HzO), la pickeringite (MgAh(SÜ4) 4•22H20). Le deuxième étape (acétate
d'ammonium lM, pH 4.5 , agité pendant 2 h) libère la fraction interchangeable qui se trouve sous
forme d'ions adsorbés, mais dissout aussi la calcite et désintègre un minéral secondaire du type
vermiculite à couches mixtes typique de la zone d'oxydation à faible pH. Le troisième étape

/. Introduction et résumé des résultats

(oxalate d'ammonium 0.2M, pH 3, agité dans le noir pendant lh, à température ambiante) vise la
fraction à oxyhxdroxydes de Fe(III), et dissout la schwertmannite, la ferrihydrite à deux lignes,
les hydroxydes de Mn et en partie la jarosite secondaire. Le quatrième étape (oxalate
d'ammonium 0.2M, pH 3.0, chauffé au bain-marie à 80°C pendant 2h) s' occupe de la fraction à
oxydes de Fe( III) et dissout tous les minéraux de Fe secondaires, c'est à dire la ferrihydrite
d'ordre élevé (à six lignes), la goethite, la jarosite primaire et secondaire, la natrojarosite,
l'hématite primaire et, en partie, la magnétite hypogène. Cette extraction est proposée afin de
séparer le soufre oxydé dans les sulfates du soufre réduit dans les sulfures pour la détermination
acide-base. Lors du cinquième étape, moyennant une attaque avec H202 (H202 35%, chauffé au
bain-marie pendant 1h), les conditions réductrices changent et deviennent oxydantes, ce qui
dissout la matière organique et les sulfures de cuivre supergènes comme la covellite et la
chalcocite-digénite. Le sixième étape (KCl03 et HCl puis HN03 4M en ébullition) dissout les
sulfures primaires et le septième étape (HCl, HF, HCl04, HN03) la fraction résiduelle (les

1.5 Cinétique de dissolution de la schwertmannite et de la ferrihydrite

Un test de dissolution avec de l'oxalate d'ammonium 0.2M à pH 3.0 dans le noir a été
réalisé sur neuf échantillons de schwertmannite et de ferrihydrite naturelles et synthétiques. Plus
précisément, quatre schwertmannites naturelles et une de synthétique, deux ferrihydrites à deux
lignes naturelles et une de synthétique ainsi qu'une ferrihydrite à six lignes synthétique ont été
utilisées. Un échantillon additionnel a été préparé en mélangeant de la schwertmannite et de la
ferrihydrite à deux lignes suivant une proportion en poids de 1: 1. Les échantillons ont été
caractérisés par diffraction de rayons-X (XRD) et par diffraction différentielle de rayons-X
(DXRD). Les teneurs en Fe et en S04 dissous ont été déterminées par ICP-AES. La morphologie
des minéraux aux différentes étapes de la dissolution a été contrôlée en utilisant un microscope
électronique à balayage (SEM). Les courbes dissolution-temps ont été déterminées en utilisant
des équations de vitesse.
La cinétique de dissolution de la schwertmannite naturelle et synthétique dans de l'oxalate
d'ammonium 0.2M à pH 3.0 et dans le noir est très rapide (>94% en 60 min). La ferrihydrite à
deux lignes naturelle montre une cinétique de dissolution comparable (>85% après 60 min),
tandis que la ferrihydrite synthétique se dissout plus lentement (16% et 42% après 60 min).
Les courbes de dissolution de la schwertmannite obtenues, la morphologie du minéral contrôlée
par microscopie électronique de balayage (SEM) et les rapports Fe/S molaires mesurés des
fractions dissoutes montrent qu'il est possible de distinguer deux variétés morphologiques de
schwertmannite (sphérique ou type oursin et type maille) qui indiquent des cinétiques de
dissolution distinctes. L'effondrement des agrégats de la schwertmannite sphérique (type oursin)
semble contrôler la cinétique de dissolution du minéral. Quant à la schwertmannite de type
maille, des molécules de S04 2- intra-cristallin pourraient jouer un rôle prédominant sur la
stabilité de la structure. La modélisation des courbes de dissolution de la ferrihydrite ne fourni
pas d'indications claires concernant sa morphologie.

/. Introduction et résumé des résultats

Ces résultats suggèrent que pour dissoudre de façon sélective ces oxyhydroxydes de fer,
schwertmannite et ferrihydrite à deux lignes, 1' attaque pourrait consister en une dissolution dans
de l'oxalate d'ammonium à pH 3.0 dans le noir et pendant 60 min. Ces conditions maximisent la
dissolution de la schwertmannite et de la ferrihydrite à deux lignes, tandis qu'elles minimisent la
dissolution d'autres phases susceptibles d'être réduites, comme la jarosite, l'hématite, la
magnétite et la goéthite. Néanmoins, la réalisation de cette attaque sur des échantillons de la
zone d'oxydation des rejets de mines de sulfures a montré qu ' une fraction de jarosite secondaire
se dissout aussi, mais plus lentement que la schwertmannite et la ferrihydrite de bas ordre. Pour
ne dissoudre que la schwertmannite (p. ex., pour une détermination par DXRD), une attaque de
15 min est préférable afin d'obtenir une meilleure sélection.

1.6 Cycles des éléments et minéralogie secondaire dans les bassins de rejet des porphyres
cuprifères en fonction du climat, de la minéralogie primaire et du traitement du

Cet chapitre présente une étude géochimique, minéralogique et micro-biologique

comparative de trois bassins derejets des mines des porphyres cuprifères La Andina, El Teniente
et El Salvador, au Chili. L'objectif principal est d'étudier les changements minéralogiques et
chimiques qui ont lieu à l'interface entre la zone d'oxydation et la zone primaire dans les bassins
de rejet de flottation de minerais de cuivre. Les différents critères qui ont été considérés pour
choisir les rejets étudiés comprennent la connaissance de l'origine du minerai (pour une mine
seulement), le climat, les processus de flottation, et l'absence d'altération anthropique (par
apport d'eau ou de nouveaux rejets) après que les activités aient cessé. Ainsi, l'influence du
climat, des processus de flottation et de la minéralogie du gisement peuvent être étudiés
qualitativement. Deux modèles schématiques concernant la mobilité des éléments dans des rejets
de mines de sulfures contrôlée par les conditions climatiques sont présentés.
En utilisant les méthodes de diffraction de rayons-X (XRD) et de diffraction différentielle
de rayons-X (DXRD), les phases secondaires, c'est-à-dire la essentiellement jarosite, la
schwertmannite et un minéral de type vermiculite à couches mixtes, ont été détectées dans la
zone d'oxydation. La jarosite et la schwertmannite jouent un rôle important pour la rétention
d'oxyanions (p. ex., HMoüc H2As04· et S042·) dans les zones d'oxydation à faible pH, ce qui a
été prouvé en utilisant la méthode des extractions séquentielles (puis analyse des éléments par
ICP-ES) et par microscopie électronique à balayage (SEM-EDS) et/ou par des analyses à la
microsonde électronique. Les cations bivalents sont lessivés des zones d'oxydation dans des
climats où les précipitations sont dominantes. En dessous de cette zone, l'augmentation du pH
contrôle l'adsorption des cations bivalents à travers des adsorbants, comme les hydroxydes
secondaires de Mn(II), de Fe(III), ou les minéraux de l'argile. En dessous du niveau phréatique,
dans des conditions de plus en plus réductrices, des processus de remplacement contrôlés par le
pH ont lieu, tel qu'il est montré par la transformation de la chalcopyrite en covellite, ce qui mène
à des enrichissements secondaires en Cu qui pourraient être économiquement intéressants.
Dans les climats arides avec forte évaporation, la direction du flux de 1' eau change. Il se
produit une migration vers le haut par capillarité. L'hydrolyse et les processus de remplacement

/. Introduction et résumé des résultats

des sulfures sont moins importants. En conùilions oxydantes, les éléments mobilisés sont
transférés vers la partie supérieure des rejets. La saturation et/ou la supersaturation contrôle la
précipitation de sulfates secondaires principalement solubles dans l'eau et le fort enrichissement
qui se produit dans la partie supérieure des rejets. Dans la zone d'oxydation à faible pH, de par
leur force ionique élevée certains éléments mobiles deviennent des éléments de substitution dans
certaines phases secondaires. C'est Je cas de l'Al dans la jarosite ou du Cu et du Zn qui
substituent le K dans la biotite.
De façon surprenante, à El Salvador seulement de faibles quantités de minéraux de fer
secondaires ont été trouvés par rapport à la grande abondance de pyrite (6.2 % ). Une très faible
activité d'oxydation lors des tests micro-biologiques ainsi que des teneurs en Mo 3 à 5 fois
supérieures à celles mesurées à Piquenes et à Cauquenes suggèrent que ce phénomèn serait dû,
au moins en partie, à un empoisonnement des bactéries Thiobacillus ferroxidians par du Mo. On
remarque que la forte acidité mesurée dans les rejets d'El Salvador (pH 2.0-3.5) est due à une
oxydation inorganique lente de pyrite en combinaison avec un stockage d'acidité dans lajarosite
supergène et à un potentiel nul de neutralisation par les carbonates.

1.7 Influence d'une minéralogie primaire riche en carbonates et de la construction de

bassins sur la mobilité des éléments et sur les processus d'enrichissement secondaire
dans des bassins de rejet de sulfures- exemples des dépôts d'oxydes de Fe Cu-Au de
la ceinture de Punta del Cobre, Nord du Chili

L'étude géochimique et minéralogique de deux bassins de rejet de flottation de gisements

d'oxydes de Fe Cu-Au de la ceinture de Punta del Cobre (Ojancos et P. Cerda, au Sud de
Copiap6, Nord du Chili), montre l'influence d ' une minéralogie riche en carbonates et de la
construction de bassins de rejet sur la mobilité des éléments et sur les processus d'enrichissement
dans des climats arides. Contenus par des barrages, les rejets d'Ojancos et P. Cerda no 2 et no 4,
respectivement) ont comblé des vallées. Après que les activités aient cessé, de nouveaux rejets
ont été déposés en amont (Ojancos "2H" et P. Cerda n° 6). Les rejets d'Ojancos se caractérisent
par l'alternance de couches de plusieurs mètres d'épaisseur à potentiel de neutralisation élevé
(environ 40% de calcite et 2% de pyrite) et de couches à potentiel acide élevé (environ 3 % de
calcite et 4% de pyrite). Par contre, le bassin de P. Cerda montre une répartition plus homogène
du potentiel de neutralisation, qui l'emporte généralement sur le potentiel acide (environ 10% de
calcite et jusqu'à 2.5% de pyrite).
L'étude réalisée dans le bassin de rejet n° 2 d'Ojancos a permis de distinguer les processus
primaires qui ont affecté le minerai pendant son traitement et les processus secondaires
surimposés qui sont à l'origine d'un enrichissement associé aux processus d'oxydation des
sulfures. L'observation de sections polies, l'étude par diffraction de rayons-X (XRD), diffraction
différentielle de rayons-X (DXRD), microscopie électronique à balayage (SEM-EDS), ainsi que
des analyses par ICP-ES d'extractions séquentielles à 7 étapes, ont été entreprises afin de
distinguer la minéralogie primaire des phases secondaires. La partie supérieure du bassin n° 2
d'Ojancos comprend une zone primaire (pH 7-8), gris foncé, d'environ trois mètres d'épaisseur,
qui s'est formée à partir d'une déposition récente synchrone aux rejets "2H", localisé plus en

/. Introduction et résumé des résultats

amont. En dessous de la zone primaire, une zone neutre riche en calcite qui a anciennement été
une zone d'oxydation, montre une alternance d'horizons à peine oxydés, gris foncé, à grain
grossier, et de couches oxydées dans des tons rouges, bruns et ocres, à grain fin. Les deux
derniers mètres du carottage témoignent d'une zone homogène cimentée, acide (pH 4), brun-
rougeâtre, à faible perméabilité, riche en gypse ainsi qu'en ferrihydrite d'ordre élevé (5 lignes à
6 lignes) et en goethite, avec localement de la jarosite en traces, et à faible teneur en sulfures.
Les rejets 2H qui ont été récemment déposés en amont ont un potentiel acide élevée. Ceci génère
la formation d'un drainage minier acide qui est mis en évidence par la présence d'effluents
acides avec précipitation de schwertmannite (pH 3.15) et chalcoalumite (pH 4.9) au contact entre
les rejets 2H et le bassin no 2. Ce drainage minier acide est à l'origine de la formation de la zone
cimentée à faible pH (pH 4) dans le bassin no 2, plus ancien et situé en aval. Celui-ci se
caractérise par l'hydrolyse lente des hydroxydes de Fe (III) (ferrihydrite à 5-6 lignes) et par
l'enrichissement associé important en métaux lourds, détectés surtout dans les fractions à ions
interchangeables de la séquence d ' extraction, ainsi qu'en oxydes et hydroxydes de Fe (III) et en
sulfures de cuivre secondaires (covellite).
Le potentiel de neutralisation (calcite et dolomite) des rejets de P. Cerda est suffisamment
élevé pour maintenir un pH neutre. Néanmoins, la pyrite s'oxyde, ce qui est mis en évidence par
la formation d'une zone d ' oxydation avec précipitation d'hydroxydes secondaires de Fe (Ill),
surtout dans les horizons à grain fin, tel qu'il est observé dans la zone d'oxydation du bassin n°2
d'Ojancos. Le fait que les horizons à grain plus grossier et plus riches en sulfures ne soient pas
considérablement oxydés suggère que leur capacité de rétention d'eau est trop faible pour
permettre une oxydation effective dans les conditions, extrêmement arides, qui prédominent.
Dans la partie supérieure des bassins de rejet de P. Cerda, l'absence totale de sels secondaires
efflorescents indique que le pH neutre, tamponné par les carbonates, inhibe la migration vers le
haut (induite par le climat) des éléments libérés pendant 1'oxydation des sulfures, en favorisant
leur adsorption.

I.8 Rétention sélective des métaux par des oxyhydroxydes de fer et par des sulfates
d'oxyhydroxydes dans les rejets de mines de sulfures et leur contribution à la
production d'acide

Les oxyhydroxydes de Fe(III) ont la capacité de fixer les métaux lourds, ce qui est dû à
leurs groupes fonctionnels et à leur grande surface. La méthode de la diffraction différentielle de
rayons-X, a permis de détecter de la schwertmannite (idéalement comprise entre Fes0s(OH)6SÜ4
et FeJ6ÛJ6(0H)lO(S04)3) dans la zone d'oxydation de deux bassins de rejet des mines de sulfures
de La Andina et El Terniente (Chili). La schwertmannite se trouve comme phase secondaire
importante avec les principaux minéraux secondaires, la jarosite (KFe 3 (S04)2(0H) 6) et un
minéral de type vermiculite à couches mixtes. Un test de cinétique de dissolution sur huit
échantillons de schwertmannite naturelle et synthétique et de ferrihydrite a été réalisé en utilisant
de l'oxalate d'ammonium à pH 3.0 dans le noir (NH4-0xD) afin d'étudier la possibilité de
discriminer un de ces deux minéraux en fonction de leur cinétique de dissolution. Les résultats
obtenus lors du test ont été utilisés pour établir une extraction séquentielle adaptée à la

/. Introduction et résumé des résultats

minéralogie secondaire des rejets de mine étudiés. Les variations des rapports Fe/S molaires dans
la solution de l'attaque à NH4-0xD suggèrent que la schwertmannite n'est présente que dans la
zone d'oxydation avec la jarosite, et que l'oxyhydroxyde de fer prédominant dans les zones
sous-jacentes est probablement la ferrihydrite . Des teneurs plus hautes en Mo, As et S04 des
échantillons attaqués en provenance de la zone d'oxydation, ainsi que des analyses ponctuelles à
la microsonde, indiquent que la schwertmannite et la jarosite jouent un rôle important dans
l'adsorption d'oxyanions par échange de ligands dans des conditions acides. Par contre, les
cations bivalents (p. ex. Cu 2+, Mn2+, Zn2+) ne sont pas adsorbés par ces minéraux, ce qui serait dû
à une adsorption concurrentielle de protons par les groupes OH·. En dessous de la zone
d'oxydation, la ferrihydrite et d'autres adsorbants (p.ex. minéraux de l'argile, oxydes de Mn)
jouent un rôle principal dans l'adsorption contrôlée par le pH de cations bivalents de la zone
d'oxydation qui sont mobilisés vers le bas. Pour les déterminations acide-base, on présume que
la phase Fe(OH)3(s) ou la fenihydrite s'hydrolysent dans la solution en produisant 3 moles de H+
pour 1 mole de Fe3+ hydrolysé. L'hydrolyse de la jarosite ne produit que 2 moles de H+ et celle
de la schwertmannite entre 2.625 et 2.750. Les résultats obtenus suggèrent que cette différence
doit être tenue en compte pour calculer la quantité d'acide produit, puisque l'hydrolyse des
phases de fer secondaires est le principal mécanisme de production d'acide lors de l'oxydation
des sulfures. Néanmoins, lors du calcul de l'acide potentiel lors d'un traitement de carbonates, il
est important de considérer 1' augmentation du pH qui produira de la ferrihydrite ou de la
goethite, ce qui conduira à une production de 3 moles de H+ par mol de Fe3+ hydrolysé.


1 Introduction

1.1 Purpose

The general aim of the present work is to investigate the mineralogical and geochemical
changes occurring at the interface between the oxidation and the primary (sulfide) zone in
copper flotation tailings in order to understand the processes taking place subsequent to sulfide
oxidation, especially the formation of acid mine drainage and element mobility. Parameters of
climate and original mineralogical composition are taken into account.
In particular, the study intends to characterize (1) possible mechanisms of formation and
subsequent migration of the oxidation zone, (2) precipitation of secondary minerais, (3)
secondary fixing processes through sorption and precipitation, (4) mobilization and enrichment
processes of elements that are significant from an economie and environmental perspective. The
final goal is to model the mineralogical and geochemical behavior of tailings in relation to their
primary mineralogical composition and climatic settings.
For this pm·pose, six flotation tailings impoundments at five flotation plants located in
different climatic zones of Chile were selected. Chile was chosen for this study because of its
unique geological and geographical situation. The Mesozoic-Cenozoic geological history of
Chile was controlled by a West-East migrating magmatic arc. During Lower to "middle"
Cretaceous times the magmatic arc induced the formation of different types of ores. For this
study two economically important and mineralogical different types of copper ore deposits were
selected. The first one are the porphyry copper deposits related to the Upper Cretaceous-Tertiary
magmatism, and, therefore, generally located farther to the east (Ruiz and Peebles, 1988). They
show ore paragenesis less rich in pyrite, typically with abundant hydrothermal clay minerais and
low or nonexistant carbonate content (the selected tailings impoundments at the giant porphyry
copper deposits of La Andina, El Teniente, and El Salvador). The second type includes Fe-oxide
(Cu-Au) deposits of the Punta del Cobre-Candelaria belt (Marschik and Fontboté, 1996;
Marschik et al., 1997) characterized by a paragenesis relatively rich in pyrite and magnetite with
moderate development of clay minerais, and with calcite as a significant gangue mineral
(Ojancos and P. Cerda tailings impoundments). The selected tailings impoundments (Fig.1)
occur in different climatic zones ranging from humid to hyper-arid along the strongly N-S
elongated Chilean geography. This situation allows to use the studied tailings as open-air
laboratories in which we can compare variable parameters of climate, ore mineralogy, and
flotation process.
Chapt er 1: Introduction

· · porphyry copper belt

n tailings impoundment


A Santiago

Pta. Arenas
75" 70" 65"

Fig.l: Distribution of the selected mine tailings impoundments in Ch ile. The three giant porphy1y copper deposits
La Andina, El Teniente, and El Salvador are associated with the N-S trending Upper Cretaceous-Tertiary
magmatic arc (Ruiz and Peebles, 1988). La Andina, El Teniente, and El Salvador are located in alpine,
Mediterranean, and hyper-arid elima tes, respective/y. The tailings impoundments of Ojancos and P. Ce rda, located
in the Punta del Cabre belt, are situated in hyper-arid conditions, but with an anthropogenetic controlled water

Table 1: Overview of the studied Cu-sulfide mine tailings impnund11umts.

Mine Dcposit type Impoundmcnt Climatc Flotation procc s Drill cores samples

La Andina porphyry copper Piuquenes alpine alkaline circuit 5 87

pH 10.5
El Teniente porphyry copper Cauquenes Mediterranean acid circuit pH 4.5 5 78
El Salvador porphyry copper Salvador No. 1 hyper-arid al kali ne circuit 4 37
pH 10.5
Punta del Cobre belt Fe-oxide Cu-Au P. Cerda No. 4 and 6 hyper-arid alkaline circuit 4 44
pH 10.5
Punta del Cabre belt Fe-oxide Cu-Au Ojancos No. 2 hyper-arid alkaline circuit Il 124
pH Il

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.2 Plan of the work

The present work is structured in seven chapters. The first chapter is a general
introduction. The second chapter introduces the reader to the basic concepts in environmental
geochemistry of sulfide mine-waste. Chapters 3 and 4 describe methodological aspects, chapter 5
and 6 compare case studies of the different selected ore deposit types, and chapter 7 summarizes
the main findings in respect to metal retention by secondary ferric phases. Chapter 4 to 7 are
presented in form of manuscripts ready to submit or already submitted to scientific journals.
Chapter 3 is entitled "methodology used for sequential extraction applied to geochemical
investigations of sulfidic mine tailings by combination of dissolution kinetics and mineralogical
control of dissolved phases by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and differentiai X-ray diffraction
(DXRD)" and presents the methodological approach followed in this study to develop a
sequence of extractions applied to the geochemical processes in Cu-sulfide mine tailings.
Chapter 4 studies the "dissolution kinetics of schwertmannite and ferrihydrite" with the purpose
of discriminating between these secondary phases. Chapter 5 "Element cycling and secondary
mineralogy in porphyry copper tailings as a function of climate, primary mineralogy, and
mineral processing" (Dold, B. and Fontboté, L., Journal of Geochemical Exploration, Special
Issue "Geochemical studies of Mining and Environment", in review) compares the three studied
porphyry copper tailings with respect to differences in secondary mineralogy and mobilization
direction considering their different elima tic conditions and primary mineral ogy. Chapter 6
"Influence of carbonate-rich primary mineralogy and of impoundment construction on element
mobility and secondary enrichment processes in sulfide tailings impoundments from the Fe-
oxide Cu-Au deposits from the Punta del Cabre belt, northern Chile" is a case study of
carbonate-rich tailings and the impoundment construction to mobilization and enrichment
processes. Chapter 7 "Selective metal retention by ferric oxyhydroxides and oxyhydroxide
sulfates in sulfide mine tailings and their importance to acid production" focuses on the role of
the secondary ferric mineralogy to element cycling and their role in acid production via
hydrolysis. Appendix 1 - 4 list ali relevant analytical data not included in the other parts of the

1.3 Methods

1.3.1 Sampling and field methods

The field work was realized in collaboration with the "Instituto de Investigaciones
Cientificas y Technologicas" (IDICTEC) University of Atacama, Copiap6, the Geological
Department of the University of Chile, Santiago, and the "Servicio Nacional de Geologfa y
Minerfa" (SERNAGEOMIN), Santiago, Chile, which have collaborated with logistic support
during the field work in 1996 and 1997. Percussion drilling, which was used to reach depths of
10 rn and surface sampling were applied to obtain solid samples. Water samples were collected
from effluents.

Chapter 1: introduction

More lhan 370 samples were collected from 6 tailings impoundments from the mines La
Andina, El Teniente, and El Salvador, and from the impoundments of the flotation plants
Ojancos and P. Cerda which treated ore from the Punta del Cobre belt.
Samples and geochemical data from a previously conducted study of the Ojancos tailings
impoundment No. 2 (Dold, 1994; Dold et al., 1996) are also included.
The solid samples were sealed in plastic bags and stored in an ice-packed cool box.
Previously, the description of mineralogical characteristics, color and grain size estimation, and
pH measurement was noted (paste pH according to MEND, 1991 using a WTW® pH-meter; in
the 1997 field campaign a pH-electrode which was originally developed for quality control in
meat, was successfuliy used for in situ pH-measurement in the moist tailings sediment). The
samples were transported immediately to local mine laboratories for drying (< 35oC) and water
content determination. The dry samples were homogenized and packed into polyethylene (PET)
containers for storage at room temperature.
Water samples were filtered with 0.45 J.lm sodium acetate filters. Temperature,
conductivity, pH, and dissolved oxygen were measured in the field . Every water sample was
separated into two aliquots, one untreated for anion analysis, and the other conserved at pH 2
(obtained by addition of suprapure HN03) for cation analysis. The water samples were
refrigerated until analysis.

1.3.2 Analytical methods

The wt.% of moisture of ali tailings samples was measured using sample weight be fore and
after drying in the mine laboratories. The particle size distribution of selected samples were
measured by a Coulter® and a Fritsch Analysette® laser particle size analyzer at the Institute F.-
A. Forel, University of Geneva and the Mineralogical and Petrography Department of the
University of Lausanne, respectively.
Polished and polished thin sections were prepared from bulk samples and undisturbed
sediment samples to study the ore mineralogy. Ali samples were analyzed as bulk sample by X-
ray diffraction (XRD), using a Philips® 3020 diffractometer at the Mineralogical Department of
the University of Geneva. Oriented samples of the fraction < 2J.Lm for clay minerais
determination were analyzed by a Rigaku® Rotaflex diffractometer at the Mineralogical and
Petrography Department of the University of Lausanne. The poorly crystalline Fe(III)
hydroxides such as ferrihydrite and schwertmannite were detected by differentiai X-ray
diffraction (DXRD). Trace elements associated with schwertmannite and biotite were studied by
a CAMECA SX50 electron microprobe at the University of Lausanne. The mineral morphology
and the qualitative element composition of acid mine drainage precipitates was studied by a
scanning electron microscope (SEM-EDS) JOEL® JSM 6400 at the Geological Department,
University of Geneva.
The dissolution kinetics of schwertmannite and ferrihydrite in 0.2M NH4-oxalate, pH 3,
under exclusion of light, were performed in the "Centre d'Analyse Minérale" (CAM), University
of Lausanne. The extracted solutions were analyzed for Fe and S by ICP-AES Perkin-Elmer
Plasma-2000 at the Soil Science Institute, EPFL, Lausanne.

Chapter 1: Introduction

The sequential extractions with multi-element analyses by ICP-ES were performed by the
X-Ray Assay Laboratories (XRAL) of Toronto, Canada. Total sulfur necessary for acid base
accounting was measured, using a Leco® furnace. For measurement of the sulfate sulfur the 0.2
M oxalic acid hot 2h leach (step 4 in sequence B, chapter 3) was used. Sulfur was determined by
ICP-ES, performed at XRAL. Total and mineral carbon has been analyzed by coulometric
titration (Strohlein CS 702®) at the Centre d'Analyse Minérale, University of Lausanne.
For the microbiological study a separate aliquot of each sample was taken and maintained
at a temperature of 5°C untreated in ice-packed coolers. Ten samples were selected and delivered
1996 shortly after sampling to the laboratory of the biometallurgical group of the Chemical
Engineering Department of the University of Chile, Santiago de Chile. The samples were
analyzed for total number of cells (direct microscopie counting; Phyroff-Hauser counting
chamber), Thiobacillus ferrooxidans cultivation (plate counting), and oxidizing activity (Fe(II)
oxidation rate).


2 Basic concepts in environmental geochemistry of sulfide mine-waste

2.1 Mining and the environment

As minerais, which are essential to industrial economies, are presently not in short supply,
nor do they seem to be for the next severa! generations, mining and mineral processing can no
longer be presumed to be the best of all possible uses for land; it must compete with compelling
demands for alternative uses. Environmental protection and rehabilitation are fast becoming
high priorities throughout the world, no longer confined to industrialized countries.
Environmental regulations in the developed countries are one of the main reasons for the
departure of metal mining companies to less developed nations in the last few decades. Low
labor costs, exploration potential, and lax or no existing environmental policies, reinforced this
process (Hodges, 1995). While industrialized countries started to formulate environmental
reports and to implement environmental framework laws in the 1970's (e.g., USA, Central
Europe, Japan), developing countries started this process only recently in the 1990's (e.g., Chile,
Peru, Korea, Nigeria), as reported in Janicke and Weidner (1997). A main task for the future will
be to build a body of local experts in these countries, which will be able to implement the
environmentallaws. Increasing world population together with economie growth in developing
countries will increase the demand for minerais in the near future and the associated
environmental assessment.

2.2 Mining and extraction processes

Once the exploration of an ore body is successful, exploitation begins. The extraction of
the ore can take place in an open pit or underground. The ore is then transported to stockpiles or
directly to the milling process, where crushing and grinding decrease the grain size for the
benefaction process. The ore grinding must be optimized with respect to the leaching, roast-
leaching, or possible benefaction circuits as tabling, flotation, high intensity magnetic
separation, heavy media, and others. Liberation of the mineral by the process is governed by the
grain size and the mineral complexity of the ore (e.g., Ritcey, 1989).
Flotation is the only concentration process used to generate the mine tailings
impoundments studied in the present work. Flotation circuits are systems of cells and auxiliary
equipment arranged to yield optimal results from an ore in creating a concentrate following
grinding and reagent treatment (Fig. 2). Froth flotation involves the aggregation of air bubbles
and mineral particles in an aqueous medium with subsequent levitation of the aggregates to the
surface and transfer to a froth phase. Whether or not bubble attachment and aggregation occur is
determined by the degree to which a particle's surface is wetted by water. When a solid surface
shows little affinity for water, the surface is said to be hydrophobie, and an air bubble will attach
to the surface. Coal and molybdenite are the most important hydrophobie minerais. For sulfides
except molybdenite, and possibly stibnite, as well as non-sulfide minerais, the surface condition
required for flotation is obtained by specifie reagents called collectors. Furthermore, complex
Cl!apter 2: Basic concepts in environmental geochemistry of sulfide mine-waste

ores require a complex combination of conditioning, collecting, and depressing necessary for
optimal mineral extraction (Weiss, 1985). After the extraction of the economically interesting
minerais by flotation, the residual material (in copper mines typically 95-99% of the treated
material) is transported in the form of a suspension to tailings impoundments for final
deposition. In practice the recovery of sulfide minerais is less than 100%, and pyrite flotation is
generally suppressed by lime addition, so the tailings resulting from sulfide ores contain certain
percentage of sulfides, mostly pyrite.



a;u=!IX:!:=:J:I:CI::::I)h Q..:. (\ (\
\4J \.d1
4-4_ _ _ _ _ __.,

/ 7 7 ~ tailings impoundment
1 1f= Lv~, \
conc~20% smelter - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Fig. 2: The ore flmv-patl! from the mine, througlz crushing and mi !ling, to flotation. The concentrate is refined in
the smelter, while the main part of the treated material will be deposited on the tailings impowzdments. Tailings
and concentrate proportions may differfrom the given percentages.

2.3 Tailings impoundment design and deposition techniques

The most economie and most commonly used tailings deposition technique is wet
deposition nearby the mine site. In this technique a water-sediment slurry is pumped in nearby
topographie depressions, lakes or drainage basins (Robertson, 1994). Other techniques are a
semi-dry subaerial method, thickened discharge, and deep-water disposai (Ritcey, 1989).
In countries with pronounced topography (e.g., Chile), most of the tailings impoundments
are designed as valley dam impoundments. This type of design is provided by placing an
embankment across the valley at the head end of drainage. The most common dam construction
methods are the downstream and the upstream methods (Robertson 1984 and 1994). In the wet
deposition method, the tailings slurry is thickened to 35-40% solids and discharged by either

Chapt er 2: Basic concepts in environmental geochemist1y of sulfide mine-waste

point or line discharge. Often a discharge pointis moved periodically. As a result of a periodical
move of the discharge point and gravimetrical grain size separation occurring in the tailings, a
general trend of coarser to finer grain size from the tailings discharge point to the pond can be
observed (Fig. 3). Additionally, inhomogeneous layering of fine sand with silt and clay horizons
makes the hydrological situation in the tailings material very complex. In general, it must be
assumed that the coarser horizons are responsible for water permeability, and that they are
connected aquifers. This should be taken into account in sampling and the calculation of
permeability coefficients. As the horizons have thickness in the range of centimeters to
decimeters, frequently, bulk samples lead to too low permeability coefficients.
In case of Chile, the combination of valley dam impoundments with high potential energy,
the extremely high seismic activity, and the fact that this country is very rich in mining
resources makes the stability of the tailings dam construction the largest apparent problem. In
addition, as the tailings material is generally fine-grain sized material, it retains well moisture
also in arid climates, and the process of liquefaction during seismic activity is a very important
issue (Byrne, 1991 and 1997). In contrast, the geochemical instability of tailings and waste rocks
in general is still not in the focus of interest and the present work is devoted to this aspect.

A discharge point 8 discharge point

~ ~ ~

starter dam starter dam

Fig. 3: Downstream (A) and upstream (B) deposition technique of tailings dam construction and the resulting
grain-size separation.

2.4 Secondary processes in sulfide mine tailings - a review

2.4.1 Terminology

For the description of the tailings mineral ogy the classification proposed by J am bor ( 1994)
is used. The term "primary" is used to designate the complete ore mineralogy, i.e. "hypogene"
and "supergene". "Secondary" minerais are minerais formed within the tailings impoundment as
the products of weathering processes. "Tertiary" minerais form after the sample has been
removed from the tailings environment.

Chapter 2: Basic concepts in environmental geochemist1y of sulfide mine-waste

2.4.2 Sulfide oxidation in mine tailings

The problem of sulfide oxidation (mainly pyrite oxidation) and the associated acid mine
drainage (AMD), or more generally acid rock drainage (ARD), as weil as the solution and
precipitation processes of metals and minerais, has been a major focus of investigation over the
last 40 years (Sato, 1960; Bryner et al., 1967; Nordstrom, 1977 and 1982; Nordstrom et al.,
1979; Ritcey, 1989; Jambor and Blowes, 1994; Alpers and Blowes, 1994; Morin and Hutt, 1997;
Jambor and Blowes, 1998; Nordstrom and Alpers, 1999). There has been less interest in the
mineralogical and geochemical interactions taking place within the tailings itself (Jambor,
1994), yet this is an essen ti al aspect to understand the parameters controlling ac id mine drainage
formation and to develop effective prevention methods. The primary mineralogical composition
has possibly a strong, but at the moment poorly understood, influence on the oxidation
processes. This has been best illustrated by Rimstidt et al. (1994) showing that reaction rates
display significant differences depending on the sulfides being oxidized by Fe(III). Kinetic-type
weathering experiments indicate the importance of trace element composition in the stability of
individual sulfides. Where different sulfides are in contact with each other, electrochemical
processes are likely to occur and influence the reactivity of sulfides (Kwong, 1993).
Most mining operations are surrounded by piles of impoundments containing pulverized
material or waste from the benefaction process, which are known as tailings, stockpiles. Waste
rock dumps contain generally material with Iow ore grade, which is mined but not milled. These
materials commonly contain large concentrations of sulfide minerais, which may undergo
oxidation, producing a major source of metal and acid contamination. The complex
microbiological, hydrological, mineralogical, and geochemical post-depositional processes and
their coupled interaction in mine waste environment are not yet completely understood. In the
following section the focus is on the acid producing sulfide minerais, other acid producing
processes, and the acid neutralizing processes. Acid producing sulfide minerais Pyrite (FeS2)

The most common sulfide mineral is pyrite (FeS 2). Oxidation of pyrite takes place in
severa! steps including the formation of the metastable secondary products ferryhydrite
(5Fe 20y9H20), schwertmannite (between Fe 8 0 8 (0H)6 S04 and Fe 160 16(0H) 10(S04 h), and
goethite (FeO(OH)), as weil the more stable secondary jarosite (KFe3(S04 h(OH) 6 ), and
hematite (Fe20 3) depending on the geochemical conditions (Nordstrom, 1979 and 1982; Sato,
1992; Jambor, 1994; Bigham, 1994; Bigham et al., 1996; Schwertmann et al., 1995; Kesler,
1997; Nordstrom and Alpers, 1999). Oxidation of pyrite may be considered to take place in
three major steps: (1) oxidation of sulfur (equation 1); (2) oxidation of ferrous iron (equation 2);
and (3) hydrolysis and precipitation of ferric complexes and minerais (equation 4). The kinetics
of each reaction are different and depend on the conditions prevailing in the tailings.

Chapter 2: Basic concepts in environmelltal geochemistry of sulfide mine-waste


2+ 1
+ /40 -J + H + Fe 3+ + H 20 (2)
{::::> .
reaction rates strongly increased by
microbial activity (e.g.,Thiobacillus ferrooxidans )

FeS 2 + 14 Fe + 8H2 0 --7 (3)

Equation (1) describes the initial step of pyrite oxidation in the presence of atmospheric
oxygen. Once ferric iron is produced by oxidation of ferrous iron, oxidation which may be,
especially at low pH conditions, strongly accelerated by microbiological activity (equation 2),
ferric iron will be the primary oxidant (equation 3) of pyrite (Nordstrom, 1979; Moses et al.,
1987; Ehrlich, 1996). Und er abiotic conditions the rate of oxidation of pyrite by ferric iron is
controlled by the rate of oxidation of ferrous iron, which decreases rapidly with decreasing pH.
Below about pH 3 the oxidation of pyrite by ferric iron is about ten to a hundred times faster
than by oxygen (Ritchie, 1994).
It has been known for nearly 30 years th at microorganisms like Thiobacillus ferrooxidans
obtain energy by oxidizing Fe2 + to Fe3 + from sulfides by catalyzing this reaction (Bryner et al.,
1967) and this may increase the rate of reaction (2) up to the factor 105 over abiotic oxidation
(Singer and Stumm, 1970). More recent results suggest that a complex microorganism fauna is
responsible for sulfide oxidation (Norris, 1989; Rossi, 1990; Gould et al., 1994; Ehrlich, 1996;
Nordstrom & Southam, 1997; Blowes et al., 1998). Nordstrom and Southam (1997) states that
the initiating step of pyrite oxidation does not require an elaborated sequence of different
geochemical reactions that dominate at different pH ranges. Thiobacillus spp. form
nanoenvironments (nanometer scale) to grow on sulfide mineral surfaces. These
nanoenvironments can develop thin layers of acidic water that do not affect the bulk pH of the
water chemistry. With progressive oxidation, the nanoenvironments may change to
microenvironments (micrometer scale). Evidence of acidic microenvironments in the presence
of near neutra! pH for the bulk water can be inferred from the presence of jarosite (this mineral
forms only under pH< 3) in certain soil horizons where the current water pH is neutra! (Carson
et al., 1982). Barker et al. (1998) observed microbial colonization of biotite and measured pH in
microenvironments in the surroundings of living microcolonies. The solution pH decreased from
near neutra! at the mineral surface to 3-4 around microcolonies living within confined spaces at
interior colonized cleavage planes.
When the acid mine water, rich in ferric iron, reaches the surface it will fully oxidize,
hydrolyze and may precipitate to ferrihydrite (fh), schwertmannite (sh), goethite (gt), or jarosite
(jt) depending on pH-Eh conditions (Fig. 4), and availability of key elements such as potassium
and sulfur (Nordstrom et al., 1979; Bigham et al. , 1996). Jarosite, schwertmannite and
ferrihydrite are meta-stable with respect to goethite (Bigham et al., 1996).

Chapter 2: Basic concepts in environmental geochemistl)' of sulfide mine-waste

4.5 (Fh)

..- 5.0(Fh)

C\J Hz()

> Fh

Q) -4

2 4 6 8
Fig. 4: pe-pH diagram for Fe-S-K-0-H system at 25°C where pe = Eh(mV)/59.2; total log activities of Fe 2+ =
-3.47; Fe 3 + = 3.36 or -2.2 7; SO/- = -2.32; K+ = -3. 78; log Kso values for solid phases for Gt = goethite, Jt = K-
jarosite, Fh = ferrihydrite, Sh = schwertmannite are 1.40, -12.51, 5.0 and 18.0, respective/y. Py =pyrite. Line
equations are: Gt (pe = 19.22-2.6 pH); Jt (pe = 16.21-2 pH); Fh (pe = 21.50-3 pH); Sh (pe 19.22-2.6 pH), and Py
(pe = 5.39-1.14 pH). Fields of metastability are slzown by dashed !ines. Single -hatched areas demonstrate
expansion of K-jarosite and ferrihydrite fields if lower Kso's are selected. Mean composition of the schu1ertmannites
used for the development of this pe-pH diagram was Fefi08(0H)4.8(S04) 1.6· From Big ham et al. ( 1996).

The hydrolysis and precipitation of iron hydroxides (and to a lesser degree, jarosite) will
produce most of the acid in this process. If pH is less than about 3.5, Fe(OH)3 is not stable and
Fe3+ remains in solution:

<=> Fe(OHh<s) + 3H+ (4)

Note that the net reaction of complete oxidation of pyrite, hydrolysis of Fe3+ and precipitation of
iron hydroxide (sum of reactions 1, 2 and 4) produces 4H+ per mol of pyrite (in case of Fe(OH) 3
formation, see equation 5, i.e., pyrite oxidation is the most efficient producer of acid of the
common sulfide minerais (net reaction 5; Table 2). Nevertheless, it is important to be aware that
the hydrolysis of Fe(OH) 3 is the main acid producer (3/4 of H+ per mol pyrite). Acid production
via hydrolysis will be discussed in chapter 7.

Fe(OHh + 2S042 - + 4H+ (5)

Evangelou and Zhang (1995) reported increased oxidation rates of pyrite by addition of
HC03. due to the formation of pyrite surface Fe(II)-C03 complexes. This means that the
frequent applied limestone treatment for mine waste management must be discussed critically,

Chapter 2: Basic concepts in e11vironmenta/ geochemistry of sulfide mine-waste

because if it is able to neutralize the acid produced, it can also increase the kinetic of pyrite
Marcasite, the orthorhombic dimorph of pyrite, may also abundantly occur as a primary
mineral in sulfidic tailings, mainly from sediment-hosted base metal deposits and as primary
alteration product of pyrrhotite. Marcasite has the same formula as pyrite and leads to the same
amount of acid production via oxidation. Direct observation (e.g. the Zn-Pb deposit of Reocfn,
Spain) suggest that its oxidation kinetics should be faster than that of pyrite, perhaps as a result
of its typical twinned morphology and finer grain size, which offers more surface to oxidation
than pyrite. In the tailings studied in the present work, marcasite was not identified. Additional,
J ambor (1994) reports the presence of marcasite as a secondary alteration product of pyn-hotite
in zonal patterns in oxidizing mine tailings. Pyrrhotite(Fe< 1-x 1S)

Wastes from sulfide ores often contain pyrrhotite associated with pyrite. The general
formula of pyrrhotite is Fe(l-x>S, where x can vary from 0.125 (Fe 7S8) to 0.0 (FeS, troilite). The
oxidation rates and weathering products of pyrite are weil known, but only a few investigations
have focused the oxidation of pyrrhotite. Nicholson and Scharer (1994) propose for the
oxidation of pyrrhotite the following equation:


in which the stoichiometry of the pyrrhotite affects the relative production of acid. At one
extreme, if x= 0 and the formulais FeS, no H+ will be produced in the oxidation reaction; at the
other extreme, the maximum amount of acid will be produced by the iron-deficient Fe 7 S8 phase.
The main part of acid is produced by the oxidation of ferrous iron (equation 2) and the
subsequent hydrolysis of ferric hydroxides (equation 4). In conclusion, the role of pyrrhotite in
the acidifying process is similar to that of pyrite, but it is very important at early weathering
stages because its oxidation rate is 20 to 100 times higher than that of pyrite in atmospheric
concentrations of 0 2 and at 22°C (Nicholson and Scharer, 1994).
The oxidation of pyrrhotite can also involve the formation of elemental sulfur (Ahonen
and Tuovinen, 1994), marcasite (Jambor, 1994), or the formation of pyrite (Burns and Fischer,
1990). They are acid-consuming reactions. Chalcopyrite (CuFeS 2)

Complete oxidation of chalcopyrite may be written as:


Chapter 2: Basic concepts in environmental geochemistry of sulfide mine-waste

without acid production (Walder and Schuster, 1998). Nevertheless, the combination of fen·ous
iron oxidation and ferrihydrate hydrolysis will be again the main acid producing process.


Chalcopyrite, together with molybdenite, is known as one of the most resistant sulfides to
oxidation (Plumlee, 1999). Rimstidt et al. (1994) reported that the oxidation rate of chalcopyrite
increases with increasing ferric iron concentration, but with an oxidation rate of 1-2 orders of
magnitude less than pyrite. Arsenopyrite (FeAsS)

Arsenopyrite (FeAsS) may be oxidized by the following reaction path (Mok and Wai, 1994):


Combined with fen·ous iron oxidation and ferrihydrate precipitation, the overall arsenopyrite
oxidation reaction can be written as follow:


If ferric iron is the oxidant, the oxidation rate of arsenopyrite is similar to the oxidation rate of
pyrite. If it is oxygen, the oxidation rate of arsenopyrite is somewhat lower than that of pyrite
(Mok and Wai, 1994).

Table 2: Hydrogen ions per mole produced by oxidation via 02 of some frequent minerais in mine tailings (Walder
and Schuster, 1998; Plumlee, 1999) and some laboratory reaction rate data from Rimstidt et al. ( 1994 ). Hmvever,
)am bor (1 994) suggested the relative resistance of sulfide in oxidizing tai! ings environment ta follow the ùtcreasing
arder p\'rrhotire-+ sphalerite-galena -+ pvrite-arsenopyrire -+ chalcoprrite-+ magnetite:

Mineral Mole H+/Mole Relative wt % Reaction with

Mineral H+/Mole mineral Fe(III)I)
Pyrite 4 0.03 2.7 x 10-7
Marcasite 4 0.03 1.5x10-7
Arsenopyrite 2 0.018 1.7 x 10-6
Chalcopyrite 2 0.011 9.6 x 10-9
Pyrrhotite 2-0 0.022 -
Enargite 1 0.002 -
1l 3
m Fe3+ = 10- and pH = 2.5 at 25°C; mol m- s-l ; - = not studied by Rimstidt et al. ( 1994)

Chapter 2: Basic concepts in environmenta{ geochemistry of sulfide mine-waste Non-acid producing sulfide minerais Sphalerite (ZnS) and galena (PbS)

Sphalerite and galena are the most important base metal bearing minerais. Though Zn is
toxic only at very high concentrations, sphalerite may contain environmentally dangerous
amounts of Cd and Thallium (Tl). In addition, Fe may significally substitute for Zn, in cases up
to 15 mole %, in sphalerite. If iron substitutes for zinc, sphalerite will be an acid generator in a
similar way as pyrrhotite (Walder and Schuster, 1998), due to hydrolysis of ferric phases.
Galena is the main source of Pb contamination in mine areas. The common result of the wet
oxidation of sphalerite is a leach rich in dissolved Zn, and sulfate, with variable Cd amounts,
while that of galena is secondary anglesite (PbS04 ) in equilibrium with a Pb2+ and SO/ solution
according to the following equations:



Secondary anglesite coating on galena may increase the apparent resistance because anglesite
has a low solubility and protects the sulfides from direct contact with oxidizing reagents (Jambor
and Blowes, 1998). The oxidation process does not give rise to acidity when oxidation from 0 2
is considered, as it is also in case of the Cu-sulfide minerais covellite, chalcocite, digenite and
djurleite which may occur as hypogene, supergene, as weil as secondary phases. In the presence
of Fe3 +, the oxidation of MeS (where Me = divalent metal) produces acidity according to
reaction schemes where part of the oxidation capacity of the system is derived from Fe3+ as, e.g.


Plumlee (1999) pointed out that the oxidation of sulfide minerais by aqueous ferric iron
generates significantly greater quantities of acid than the oxidation by oxygen (e.g., equation 3
and 13). This is correct in the case that ferric iron is added to the system (e.g., in form of
primary ferric minerais). However, if we consider that the ferric iron is produced by the
oxidation from ferrous iron in the system (e.g., microbiologically catalyzed pyrite oxidation), for
every mole of ferric iron produced one mole of protons is consumed (equation 2). This leads to
the same overall produced quantity of two protons per mole pyrite oxidized as in case of pyrite
oxidation via 02 (compare equations 1, 2, and 3). Additionally, in case of oxidation via ferric
iron no acidity can be produced via the hydrolysis of the ferric phases, the main acid producing
process in sulfide oxidation (see equation 4 this chapter and chapter 7). Thus, the sulfide
oxidation by ferric iron has faster kinetics and is able to oxidize sulfide minerais in the absence
of oxygen, but it does not produce more acid as the oxidation via oxygen.
Table 2 shows a summary of the hydrogen ions produced by sorne common sulfide
minerais by the oxidation via 02. There are important differences and therefore exact knowledge

Chapter 2: Basic concepts in environmental geochemistry of sulfide mine-waste

of the sulfide minerais conlained in wasle rocks or Lailings is crucial for adequate acid-base
accounting (ABA). Secondary Fe(Ill) hydroxides, OX)'hydroxides, and oxyhydroxide sulfates

As explained in 2.4.1, the ac id production processes can be split into two parts. The first is
the oxidation of sulfide minerais by oxygen and ferric iron. The second is the hydrolysis of
Fe(III) and subsequent precipitation of ferric oxyhydroxides or oxyhydroxide sulfates.
The process of hydrolysis of Fe(III) has been reviewed by Sylva (1972), Flynn (1984),
Schneider and Schwyn (1987), Stumm and Morgan (1996), and Cornell and Schwertmann
(1996). Metal ions undergo hydrolysis because coordinated water is a stronger acid than free
water. This results from the effect that the metal-oxygen bond weakens the 0-H bonds in a way
that in aqueous systems the free water molecules behave as proton acceptors. So the hydrolysis
of metal ions is the result of the deprotonation of the coordinated water molecules (Sylva, 1972).
The hydrolysis, i.e. deprotonation of Fe(III), starts with the hexa-aquo ion (Fe(III) is
hydrated by 6 water molecules), except at very low pH, where Fe3+ is stable. Initially, low
molecular weight species such as Fe(OH) 2+ and Fe(OH) 2 1+form rapidly. The following dissolved
species will be stable depending on pH (see also Fig. 6 and Table 3): Fe3+, Fe(OH)2+, Fe(OH)/+ ,
Fe(OH)3 (aql• Fe(OH)4-, Fez(OH) 24+, and Fe3 (0H)/+ (Stumm and Morgan, 1996). By "aging"
increasingly complex polymers, Fe(III) oxides, oxyhydroxides, or oxyhydroxide sulfates are

Table 3: Hydrolysis reactions of Fe(///) species and the associated protons produced (from Stumm and Morgan,
Species Equation Fe3+ H+ log K(I = 3 M)
Fe3+ 1 0 0
Fe(OHi+ Fe ++ H2 0 <=> Fe(OH) ++ H+
3 2
1 -1 -3.05
Fe(OH)z+ Fe3++ 2H2 0 <=> Fe(OH)/ + 2H+ 1 -2 -6.31
Fe(OH)3 (aq> Fe3+,1 3H:l0 <=> Fe(OH) 3 taq) + 3H+ 1 -3 -13.8
Fe(OH)4- Fe3++ 4H2 0 <=> Fe(OH)4- + 4H+ 1 -4 -22.7
Fez(OH)24+ 2Fe3++ 2H2 0 <=> Fez(OH) 24++ 2H+ 2 -2 -2.91
Fe3(0H)/+ 3Fe3++ 4H2 0 <=> Fe3(0H)/+ + 4H+ 3 -4 -5.77

Depending on the secondary phases precipitated, considerably different amounts of protons are
produced. This will be discussed in chapter 7.

2.4.3 Neutralization Processes

The acid produced in the processes presented in chapters and may result in
pH in the range of 1.5 - 4 in mine tailings. This acid together with Fe(III), are able to dissolve
minerais and mobilize elements in the tailings (Al et al., 1994; Dold et al., 1997). In their

Chapter 2: Basic concepts in environmental geochemistl)' of sulfide mine-waste

pathway, the acid produced and the elements mobilized react with acid-neutralizing minerais
such as carbonates or silicates. Acid-neutralizing reactions result in an increase in the pore-water
pH. This increase in pH is frequently accompanied by precipitation of metal-bearing
oxyhydroxide and oxyhydroxide sulfate minerais that remove dissolved metals from the water
migrating within the tailing pores. These secondary minerais act in a certain pH range as buffers
so that a sequence of pH buffering reactions can be observed in the tailings environment
(Blowes and Ptacek, 1994). Carbonates

Dissolution of carbonates releases alkaline earth and metal cations, including Ca, Mg, Fe,
and Mn. These cations participate in the formation of secondary solids, including simple
hydroxide solids, which in some cases can later dissolve and contribute to acid neutralization.
The ability of carbonates to neutralize acid by fast reaction makes them an important part of the
mineralogical assemblage for ARD prediction and prevention. Calcite (CaC0 3)

Calcite is the most common carbonate mineral and the fastest reacting. Its solubility
depends on the proton concentration as shown in the following equations:


This reaction will buffer at near neutra! pH (6.5 - 7), while in more acidic environments the
following equation can be written:


Carbonate speciation is pH dependent (Fig. 5) and the dissolution of calcite increases the
amount of carbonate in solution, increasing therefore the neutralization potential of the solution.
It is important to mention that calcite buffers the pH to neutra! values and at pH 7 HC03- is the
dominant specie (Fig. 5). Thus, for the neutralization of 1 mol H+ 1 mol calcite is necessary as
shown in equation (14). Most acid-base accounting procedures (ABA) assume that HzC03 is the
dominant specie. This is the case at lower pH and doubles the buffer capacity of calcite
(equation 15), what may lead to an overestimation of the neutralization potential at neutral pH.
When neutralization proceeds and pH increases, calcite may precipitate as a secondary mineral.

Chapt er 2: Basic concepts in environmental geocltemistry of sulfide mine-waste Siderite (FeC03)

Siderite may act under certain conditions as a neutralizer, and under other conditions as an
acid producer. The following dissolution reaction may take place (Walder and Schuster, 1998):


Combined with ferrous iron oxidation and ferrihydrate precipitation, the overall siderite
oxidation reaction is:

( 17)

This indicates that under elevated pH, where bicarbonate is stable, the total reaction from
dissolution of siderite to the precipitation of ferri hydrate gives a net acid production of one mole
hydrogen ion per mol siderite dissolved. However, under more acidic conditions, where
carbonic acid is stable, there will be no net acid production (Walder and Schuster, 1998).
If ferrous iron is present in a solution containing bicarbonate, the formation of siderite may
occur by the following reaction:


This reaction buffers the pH at around 5- 5.5. This reaction path may be an alternative to ferrous
to ferric iron oxidation and the consecutive precipitation of Fe(III)oxyhydroxides. Geochemical
studies by severa! authors have shown that in tailing impoundmends and AMD affected aquifers
the waters are frequently close to saturation or even oversaturated with respect to siderite (Morin
and Cherry, 1986; B lowes et al., 1991; Blowes and Ptacek, 1994).
0 . -- - - - - ---------------- - - - - - - - .

- - --....... ..-- -- --
' """'""'-


· 14
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Fig. 5: Distribution of solute species in the aqueous carbonate system. Log concentration l'S. pH for Jo- 3· 5 M
solution of dissoll'ed C02 in closed system (Thomson , 1998).

Chapter 2: Basic concepts in environmental geochemistry of sulfide nzine-waste Lime (Ca(OHh)

Lime is a common agent in the flotation circuit to depress the flotation of pyrite by the
increase of the pH to 10.5.

Ca(OHh + 2H+ ~ Ca2+ + 2H20 (19)

Ca(OH) 2 ~ Ca2 + + 20H· (20)

Lime has high solubility in water and may be washed out. In this case, the role in neutralizing
the acid produced in the tailings may be minor. Metal hydroxides dissolution

As a result of neutralization and pH increase, the precipitation of metal hydroxides or

hydroxide sulfates is favored, as gibbsite, amorphous Al(OHh, amorphous Fe(OHh,
ferrihydrite, goethite, or schwertmannite. Sorne of the reactions can be described as follows :

this reaction buffers the pH to 4.0 - 4.3 (21)

this reaction buffers the pH to below 3.5 (22)

Feü(OH)cs> + 3H+ ~ Fe3+ + 3H20 this reaction buffers the pH to below 3.5 (23)

These reactions complement an ideal neutralization sequence which starts with calcite (pH 6.5 -
7 .5) followed by siderite (pH 5.0 - 5.5). When ali carbonates are consumed the next neutralizer
is gibbsite (pH 4.0- 4.3), followed by Fe(III)hydroxides as goethite (pH below 3.5). This leads
to a typical pH profile as shown in Fig. 6.

pH pH
5 6 ~ 5 6




Fig. 6: Development of pH buffering zones during early. intermediate, and tate stages of sulfide oxidation in
tailings impoundments (from Blowes and Ptacek, 1994).

Chapter 2: Basic concepts in environmental geochemistry of sulfide mine-waste Silicates

Dissolution of most aluminosilicate minerais also consumes H+ ions and contribute base
cations (Ca, Mg, Fe(II)), alkali elements (Na, K) and dissolved Si and Al to the tailing pore
water (Blowes and Ptacek, 1994). Though, dissolution of aluminosilicate minerais is slower than
of metal hydroxides and much slower than that of carbonates. Feldspar weathering is mainly
controlled by pH, silica, Na, K, and Ca concentrations. One possible reactions path is:

K-feldspar -> kaolinite -> gibbsite

Reactions 24 and 25 illustrate this path.

K-feldspar kaolinite

In this reaction, K and Si enter the solution, while protons are consumed. The solubility of
feldspar increases when proton activity increases or the removal of K or Si is fast, e.g. by
secondary mineral formation. Secondary kaolinite may dissolve to form gibbsite, a reaction that
does not neutralize acid:

kaolinite gibbsite

Higher pH and K concentrations can lead theoretically to sericite formation instead of kaolinite
as secondary mineral of feldspar weathering:

K-feldspar sericite

and sericite reacts forming gibbsite:

seri cite gibbsite

However, these reactions have to be seen as a strong simplification of the very complex clay
mineral group and their formation processes. In the case of plagioclase, the weathering path is
similar to that of K-feldspar and is accompanied by the release of sodium and/or calcium. Under
low pH conditions plagioclase will react to form kaolinite, while under higher pH smectite will
be formed (Walder and Schuster, 1998).

Chapter 2: Basic concepts in environmental geochemistry of sulfide mine- waste

Nesbitt and Jambor (1998) have shown the fondamental role of mafic minerais in
neutralization of the Waite-Amulet tailings. As in the weathering of feldspar, the weathering of
felsic minerais Ieads to the formation of clay minerais. Muscovite, pyroxene, and amphibole
alter to chlorite. By decreasing pH, chlorite alters to sericite, kaolinite or Mg-montmorillonite.
The products of biotite alteration are hydrobiotite, a regularly interstratified biotite-vermiculite
phase, vermiculite, and kaolinite (Acker and Bricker, 1992; Malmstrom and Banwart, 1997).
Direct conversion of biotite to kaolinite has also been described (e.g., Acker and Bricker, 1992).
The alteration from biotite to vermiculite may be written as:

3K2 (Mg 3 Fe 3 )Al 2 Si 60 20)(0H)4 + 5H2 0 + 12H2 C03+ 6H+ +3/2 0 2 --7
2[(Mg 3Fe3 ) Al 3 Si 50 20(0H) 4 ·8 H 2 0] + 6K++3Mg 2++ 3Fe2++ 8Si0 2 + 12HC03- (28)

Malmstrom and Banwart (1997) studied the pH dependence of dissolution rate and
stoichiometry of biotite at 25°C. They found that the release of the interlayer K is relative! y fast
and becomes diffusion controlled within a few days. The release of framework ions (Mg, Al, Fe,
Si) is mu ch slower. Stromberg and Banwart (1994) suggested that, in the absence of carbonates,
primary minerais, particularly biotite, provide the major sink for acidity in drainage from mine
waste rock (see equation 28).

Table 4: Acid-neutra/ization capacity of minerais (in Janzbor and 8/owes, /998, after Sverdrup, 1990).

Group Typical Minerais Relative Reactivity


1. Dissolving calcite, dolomite, magnesite, aragonite, brucite 1.0

2. Fast weathering anorthite, olivine, gamet, diopside, wollastonite, 0.6
jadeite, nepheline, leucite, spodumene

3 .Intermediate enstatite, augite, hornblende, tremolite, 0.4

weathering actinolite, biotite, chlorite, serpentine, talc,
epidote, zoisite, hedenbergite, glaucophane,

4. Slow weathering plagioclase (Ab 1 oo-Ab 30 ), kaolinite, 0.02

vermiculite, montmorillonite, gibbsite

5. Very slow weathering K-feldspar, muscovite 0.01

6. Inert quartz, rutile, zircon 0.004

2.4.4 Dissolution

Dissolution is mainly controlled by surface complexation of protons or organic ligands

such as the organic acids acetate, oxalate, or citrate. Organic acids are widely used in studies of
dissolution kinetics and the solubility of secondary oxides and hydroxides, especially in soil

Chapter 2: Basic concepts in environmental geochemistry ofsulfide mine-waste

science and acid mine drainage (Schwertmann, 1964; Bigham et al., 1990 and 1996; Cornell and
Schwertmann, 1996). For example, the dissolution rates of Fe(III)hydroxides by oxalate (Fig. 7)
are increased photochemically (Schwertmann 1964), by higher acidity and temperature, and by
the presence of Fe(II) in the system (Suter et al., 1988). Reduction also increases dissolution
kinetics because Fe(II) bas a greater atomic radius (0.76 Â) than Fe(III) (0.64 Â), so Fe(II) does
not fit any more in the crystalline system of the ferric minerais and the detachment of the ferrous
ion is facilitated (Stumm and Sulzberger, 1992).


""(,""/ +

Fe Fe

0 OH

OH 0 ol -
"' /Ill "\_ /Ill "-c1 ~ 1
Fe Fe

/c~ 0
"" 0 /

l slow
"" 0

OH2 0 0 (2n-3)-
~ "-c~
"'i Fe + Fe ul 1

~ c~
/ "" OH 0 / ~0 n

Fig. 7: Dissolution of Fe(///) hydroxide by bidentate chelate complex formation (e.g .• oxalate). Dissolution is
controlled by acidity, photochemical activity, temperature, and Fe(/1) acts as a catalyst. Reduction additionally
increases dissolution kinetics (after Stumm and Sulzberger, 1992). Dissolution of iron sulfate minerais

Iron sulfate minerais are the most common secondary minerais found in the oxidizing
environment of the mine waste, due to the wide distribution of pyrite and pyrrhotite as a sulfur
source. They are also common in the oxidized portions of weathering zones from ore deposits
(e.g., gossans). They may be composed of Fe(II), Fe(II) + Fe(III), or only Fe(III). Examples are
melanterite, roemerite, and coquimbite, respectively. A detailed overview of these secondary
minerais is given in Alpers et al. (1994) and Nordstrom and Alpers (1999). In general they have
a high solubility, whereas supergene jarosite shows relatively low dissolution kinetics. Baron

Chapter 2: Basic concepts in environmental geochemistry of sulfide mine-waste

and Palmer (1996) conducted a series of dissolution experiments with jarosite under 4-35°C and
at pH values between 1.5 and 3. Equilibrium was established in the experiment after
approximately 3 to 4 months.
An extended group of highly water-soluble sulfates, as for example gypsum or
chalcanthite (CuS04·5H20), formed under oxidizing conditions and high evaporation rates, can
release significant amounts of metals and acid with rain. This mineral group is an important
factor leading to seasonal fluctuations in contamination levels of ground and surface waters,
especially in semi-arid and arid climates (Alpers et al., 1994).

2.4.5 Prediction - Acid-Base Accounting (ABA)

It has been shown in the above sections that there are minerais able of producing acid
(Acid Potential - AP) and those which are able to neutralize acid (Neutralizing Potential - NP) in
mine waste. Understanding the relative influence of these two parameters can lead to an
estimation of the net acid-producing potential (NAPP) or net neutralizing potential (NNP). It is
important to be able to predict if or if not a geological unit has the capacity of generating acid,
and is a deciding factor for further treatment strategies of the material. Depending on the
complexity of the mineral assemblage, it is a major task to understand ali the interactions and
processes taking place and to calculate the acid-base accounting (ABA). A review of the used
static and kinetic test procedures is given in Morin and Hutt (1997). A simple ABA would be to
measure the total sulfur and total carbon contents in a sample and assume that the total sulfur
value represents the pyrite content and the total carbon the calcite content. More elaborated
methods try to take into account the different sulfur-bearing phases and to record the complexity
of the acid-neutralizing mineral assemblage.
In contrast, there is a need for simple and standardized tests to enable legislatory agencies
to develop outlines for waste rock characterization. It is obvious that these tests cannot take into
account the complexity of every specifie mineral assemblage. The lack of accuracy of the ABA
determination is in sorne environmental policies compensated by high security reserves in terms
of high acid-neutralization /acid-production ratios. This may simplify the problem, but in cases
may lead to unnecessary expenses (reaching up to several millions of US$) for treatments which
could have been saved by an accurate ABA.

2.4.6 Mobility and sorption processes

The liberation of elements from minerais depends mainly on the solubility of minerais,
which act as hosts of the metals or other elements. Once the element is liberated, its mobility is
controlled by the complex-species stability at the existing pH, redox and other geochemical
conditions, and the surface charge of the adsorbents, which is also pH dependent. The
hydroxides and clay minerais are characterized by their small grain size and high surface area
combined with a net surface charge; they are therefore effective adsorbents (Parks, 1990).

Chapter 2: Basic concepts in environmental geochemistry of sulfide mine-waste Complexation

Stumm and Morgan ( 1996) define complex formation as follows: Coordination or

complex formation is referred to as any combination of cations with molecules or anions
containing free pairs of electrons (bases). This combination can be electrostatic, covalent, or a
mixture of both. The metal cation will be called the central atom, and the anions are ligands.
Two type of complex species can be distinguished: the ion pairs and the complexes. Ions of
opposite charge that approach within a critical distance effectively forman ion pair and are no
longer electrostatically effective. In contrast, most stable entities that result from the formation
of largely covalent bonds between a metal ion and an electron-donating ligand are called
complexes. Stability of complex species

Chemical speciation and species refer to the actual form in which a molecule or ion is
present in solution. If a metal cation is liberated into solution it will be on the search for a
partner. As a result, metal cations will tend to form in water aquo or hydroxo-complexes. This
process is called hydrolysis and was discussed in the example of ferric hydroxide formation
( Fig. 8 illustrates the predominant complex species of Fe(III) depending on the pH of
the oxidation state of the central atom and of the solution.



vl 0.6
_g 0.4

0 2 4 6 g 10

Fig. 8: Mole fraction of total dissolved Fe(III) present as Fe3+ and Fe(lll)-OH complexes as a function of pH in pure
water at 25°C (from Langmuir, 1997).

Equilibrium in hydrolysis reactions is usually established fast, as the hydrolysis species are
simple. The "aging" of the solution and the associated formation of polynuclear complexes is a
slower process and can be seen as the intermediate state to the solid precipitate. Hence,
hydrolysis species are thermodynamically unstable or meta-stable (Stumm and Morgan, 1996).

Chapter 2: Basic concepts in environmental geochemistl)' of sulfide mine-waste

Complexes with monodenate ligants are usually less stable than those with multidenate
ligands. More important is the fact that the degree of complexation decreases more strongly with
dilution for monodenate complexes than for multidenate complexes (chelates). Redox reactions

The stability of species depends strongly on the reduction-oxidation (redox) reaction

taking place between the ions. In a similar way that acids and bases are interpreted as proton
donors and proton acceptors, reductants and oxidants are defined as electron donors and electron
acceptors. Because there are no free electrons in nature, every oxidation is accompanied by a
reduction, or in other words, an oxidant is a substance that causes oxidation to occur while being
reduced itself.

0 2 + 4H+ + 4e· reduction (29)

4Fe 2+ oxidation (30)
0 2 + 4Fe2+ + 4H+ 4Fe3+ + 2H 20 redox reaction (31)

The combination of redox condition (expressed as Eh or pe) and pH makes it possible to predict
which species are dominant under the specifie geochemical conditions. These stability fields are
made visible in the Eh-pH diagrams largely used in geochemistry (e.g., Fig. 4 this chapter and
Brookins, 1988). Sorptiorz

Sorption is a general name for adsorption, absorption, and ion exchange. Sorption also
includes surface precipitation and element diffusion. The sorption processes take place at the
mineral-water interface and are controlled by the reactivity of surface functional groups. Surface
functional groups are the surface mineral atoms that may form chemical reactions with species
in solution, forming mineral-species complexes.
Whether or not a mobilized element will be adsorbed depends on the redox conditions
resulting from specifie speciation of the metal complexes and on the pH dependent reactivity of
the surface functional groups of the absorbent. Oxides, oxyhydroxides and silicates surfaces in
contact with water typically are electrically charged because of ionization of the functional
groups. The magnitude and sign of this surface charge vary with the solution pH (Parks, 1990).
Adsorption and absorption processes of metal ions on iron hydroxides, clay minerais, and
calcite have been weil investigated in laboratory research (Davis and Leckie, 1978; Leckie et al.,
1980; Gerth and Brümmer, 1981 and 1983; Davis et al. , 1987; Donnert et al., 1990; Dzomback
and Morel, 1990; Hsia et al., 1992). Adsorption of metal ions on Fe(lll)hydroxides is a function
of pH, temperature, surface area of sorbent, dissolved metal concentrations, and reaction time

Clwpter 2: Basic concepts in environmental geochemistry of sulfide mine-waste

(lJzomback and Morel, 1990; Gerth and Brümmer, 1981; Stumm and Morgan, 1996). Long-term
studies show that metal ions may be incorporated by diffusion into the crystalline systems of
secondary ferric hydroxides (Gerth and Brümmer, 1983; Davis et al., 1986; Donnert et al.,
1990). This process, where the adsorbate becomes incorporated in the crystal structure of the
adsorbent, including the formation of solid solution by co-precipitation or solid-state diffusion,
is referred to as absorption (Brown et al., 1995). Adsorption can be differentiated into two
processes. First, the specifie adsorption or chemosorption, where the sorption at the mineral-
water interface may involve further reactions of sorne ions, results in the loss of one or more
waters of hydration from the adsorbate ion and the formation of a relatively strong chemical
bond between adsorbate and adsorbent (ligand exchange). The adsorbed species is refered to as
an inner-sphere adsorption complex. A weaker interaction may occur between the hydrated ion
and the mineral surface in which waters of hydration are retained (Fig. 9). Adsorption of this
type is termed non-specifie, and the adsorbed species is referred to as an outer-sphere adsorption
complex (Brown et al., 1995).

Adsorption Precipitation

Outer·Sphere lnner-Sphere Surface Precipitate

Complex Complexes

Solid Solution

DiHu sion Co-precipita lion

Fig. 9: Possible sorption complexes at the mineral-water interface. M represents aqueous metal ions. and H
represents protons. The figures representing diffusion and co-precipitation show two possible modes of Cobalt (Co)
absorption in calcite (jrom Brown et al.. 1995).

The resulting adsorption is a function of the species stable at each pH and the net surface
charge of the adsorbent at the relevant pH, e.g. for goethite is the "zero point of charge" (ZPC)
at pH 8. In Fig. lO adsorption of metal cations and oxyanions are shown with the net surface
charge of the adsorbent, in this case goethite.
The underlying material of the oxidation zone in mine tailings has the function of a buffer
for the acid and metal bearing solution through sorption and neutralization processes. Once the

Chapter 2: Basic concepts in enviromnental geochemistry of su/fide mine-waste

adsorption and acid-neutralization capacity of the underlying tailing material is exceeded, the
mobilized elements may lead to formation of highly metal-bearing acid mine drainage (AMD),
one of the main environmental problems of the mining industry .

+ positive charge
c u
.c ::J
+ Il) -

2 4 6 8 10 12



2 4 6 8 10 12



3 4 5 6 7 8

Fig. JO: Adsorption of oxyanions and bivalent cations to Fe(/1/)hydroxides. With decreasing pH the net swface
charge becomes positive due to proton adsorption at the surface. Elements, whiclt are stable at acidic condition as
oxyanions become preferentially adsorbed. The adsotption of metals stable as cations increases with pH due to the
increasing negative surface charge of the adsorbent. The dashed curves have been calculated (based on data from
Dzombak and Morel, 1990; from Stumm and Morgan, 1996).

2.4. 7 Microbiological activity

As mentioned in 2.4.2, microbiological activity acts as a catalyst for the oxidation of

ferrous to ferric iron , a key process of the acid rock drainage (ARD) problem. Increasing
awareness about the role of microorganism in geological processes has lead recently to a new
scientific direction called geomicrobiology, e.g. Ehrlich, 1996; Mclntosh and Groat, 1997;
Banfield and Nealson, 1997; and Kahler and Volsgen, 1998. The microorganisms in tailings
impoundments and mine waste environments are increasingly a new subject of investigation

Chapter 2: Basic concepts in enviromnental geochemistry of sulfide mine-IVaste

(Gould et al., 1994; Davis, 1997, Nordstrom and Southan, 1997; Blowes el al., 1998; Mills,
As mentioned in section, Thiobacillus ferrooxidans has been known to play a key
role in sulfide oxidation for 30 years (Singer and Stumm, 1970). This acidophilic
chemolithotroph and autotroph bacteria derives cellular carbon from atmospheric co2 fixation
via the Clavin cycle and obtains energy from the oxidation of Fe(ll) or reduced S compounds
(H 2S, HS, S0 , S20t, SOt). This microbe is also reported to be a facultative H2-oxidizer and is
capable of surviving under anaerobie conditions by utilizing reduced S compounds as an
electron donor and Fe(III) as an electron sink (Davis, 1997). Thiobacillus ferrooxidans is the
longest known and most studied organism in acid mine drainage and mine waste environments.
Nevertheless, a diverse microbial population of metal-tolerant, neutrophilic to acidophilic
sulfide and sulfur-oxidizing Thiobacilli are known so far. Leptospirilum ferrooxidans seems to
be the dominant genus in sorne acid environments as reported from Iron Mountain, California
(Edwards et al., 1998). Also heterotrophic bacteria, green algae, fungi, yeasts, mycoplasma, and
amoebae have ali been reported from acid mine waters. Wichlacz and Unz (1981) isolated 37
acidophilic heterotrophs from acid mine drainage. In the Rum Jungle mine site, Australia, only a
low number of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans was found in a mine waste dump, but a high number
of acidophilic heterotrophs has been reported (Goodman et al., 1981). Davis (1997) reports the
highest Thiobacillus ferrooxidans population at the oxidation front, while its heterophobic
counterpart Acidiphilum spp. show higher population in the upper patt of an aged oxidation zone
of a mine tailing. Ehrlich (1996) reported severa! satellite microorganisms live in close
association with Thiobacillusferrooxidans. Barker et al. (1998) reported the increased release of
cations from biotite (Si, Fe, Al) and plagioclase (Si, Al) by up to two orders of magnitude by
microbial activity compared to abiotic controls. The authors also report the formation of a low
pH (3-4) microenvironment associated with microcolonies of bacteria on biotite. These results
suggest that in acid rock drainage, tailings and mine waste environments, a complex microbial
ecosystem exists, of which the controlling parameters and interactions are poorly understood.

2.5 Conclusion

Geochemical conditions in mine waste environments change with time by the exposure of
sulfide minerais to atmospheric oxygen. Sulfide oxidation is mainly controlled by oxygen and
water flux, type of sulfide minerais, type of neutralizing minerais, and the microbial activity.
The relation of acid producing processes and neutralizing processes determinates the
geochemical Eh-pH conditions and so the mobility of the liberated elements. Thus, it is crucial
to determinate the acid producing minerais (primary and secondary) and the acid neutralizing
minerais in mine waste in arder to predict future geochemical behavior and the hazardous
potential of the material.
Summarizing, it can be stated that for accurate mine waste management assessment, a
combination of detailed mineralogical, geochemical, and microbiological studies has to be
performed in arder to understand and predict the complex geomicrobiological interactions.

Chapter 2: Basic concepts in environmental geochemistl)' of sulfide mine-waste


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3 Methodology used for sequential extraction applied to geochemical

investigations of sulfidic mine tailings by combination of dissolution kinetics
and mineralogical control of dissolved phases by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and
differentiai X-ray diffraction (DXRD)


The application of dissolution kinetic tests and the control of dissolved phases in sequential
extraction by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and differentiai X-ray diffraction (DXRD) from samples
of the studied mine tailings indicate which minerais are dissolved in each leach. This information
is crucial for the interpretation of geochemical data obtained from sequential extractions and to
increase the selectivity of the sequence applied. Preliminary tests based on commonly used
dissolution techniques have allowed the development of a seven-step sequence adapted to the
secondary and primary mineralogy of the studied sulfidic mine tailings from Cu-sulfide ores,
both from porphyry copper and from Fe-oxide Cu-Au deposits . It must be stated that sequential
extractions are operationally defined (Hall et al., 1996), i.e. the selectivity depends on factors as
chemicals employed, the time and nature of contact, sample to volume ratio. The solubility of
certain minerais of interest may differ also important! y, due to their formation conditions (see
chapter 5). However, sequential extractions are a very useful tool to understand geochemical
processes, if they are combined with mineralogical analyses.
The applied seven-step sequence is the following: Step 1 liberates the water-soluble
fraction (1.0 g sample into 50 ml deionized H20 shake for 1 hat room temperature; RT) which
dissolves gypsum and metal salts (e.g., bonattite (CuS04·3H20), chalcanthite (CuS04·5H20),
pickeringite (MgAh(S04)4'22H20). Step 2 liberates the exchangeable fraction (lM NH4-acetate,
pH 4.5, shaken for 2 hrs, RT) as adsorbed ions, but also dissolves calcite and breaks down a
typical secondary vermiculite-type mixed-layer minerais from the low pH oxidation zone. Step 3
addresses the Fe(/11) oxyhydroxides fraction (0.2 M NH4-oxalate, pH 3.0, shaken for 1 h. in
darkness, RT) and dissolves schwertmannite, 2-line ferrihydrite, Mn-hydroxides, and partly also
secondary jarosite. Step 4 contains the Fe(!//) oxides fraction (0.2 M NR4-oxalate, pH 3.0, heat
in water bath 80°C for 2 h.) and dissolves ali secondary ferric minerais occurring as higher
ordered ferrihydrite (6-line), goethite, primary and secondary jarosite, natrojarosite, and primary
hematite. Hypogene magnetite is partly dissolved. This extraction is proposed for acid-base
accounting purposes to separate sulfate sulfur from sulfide sulfur. Step 5 consists in a change
from reducing to oxidizing condition and is performed by a 35% H202 leach (35% H202 heat in
water bath for 1 hour), which dissolves organic matter and supergene Cu-sulfides such as
covellite and chalcocite-digenite. Step 6 (KCI03 and HCI, followed by 4 M HN03 boiling)
dissolves primary su/fides and step 7 (HCI, HF, HCI04, HN03) the residual fraction (silicates).
Chapter 3: Methodology used for sequential extractions

3.1 Introduction

It is generally accepted that pyrite oxidation, or more generally sulfide oxidation, is the
main source of heavy metalloaded acid effluents called acid rock drainage (ARD). As pyrite is
the most abundant sulfide mineral, the sulfide oxidation is typically accompanied by the
formation of secondary Fe(III) hydroxide minerais. In quantity, these minerais are minor phases
in bulk samples from mine tailings or waste dumps, but are the major phases in the secondary
mineral assemblage. This makes the identification and detection of these minerais difficult, as
the X-ray diffraction (XRD) detection limit for a mineral in a bulk sample is about 5%. It will be
therefore necessary to apply techniques to enrich or separate the minerais. Selective dissolution
is a technique which may be characteristic for secondary Fe(III) hydroxides and other secondary
minerais. This chapter summarizes the methodology and special focus will be given to secondary
Fe(III) hydroxides because of their important role in the cycling pathway of mobilized elements,
due to functional groups and high surface areas, and which have received great attention from
the scientific community (see reviews in Dzombak & Morel, 1990 and Cornell & Schwertmann,
Since Tamm (1922, 1932), the bidentate organic complex-former oxalate, known as the
Tamm's reagent, has been widely used to characterize secondary ferric phases by dissolution,
mainly in soil environments. Schwertmann (1964) applied the influence of light and UV
radiation to the dissolution kinetics of Fe(III) hydroxides for selective dissolution of the
"amorphous Fe(III) hydroxides". Stumm & Sulzberger (1992) discussed the dissolution kinetics
of secondary ferric minerais by organic complex formers (e.g., oxalate) as a function of
concentration, acidity, Eh conditions, temperature, UV radiation, and Fe(II) as catalyst. Many
studies have investigated the complex dissolution mechanisms and their controlling parameters
(Stone, 1987; Suter et al., 1991; Cm·nell and Schwertmann, 1996; Nesbitt et al., 1998; this work,
chapter 4) and tried to enhance the selectivity of the dissolution leaches (Schwertmann, 1964;
Fischer, 1976, Reyes and Torrent, 1997).
The knowledge of dissolution kinetics is important for mineral separation (Czamanske and
Ingamells, 1970; Chao and Sanzolone, 1977), for the determination of secondary phases
(especially Fe, Al, and Mn hydrous oxides) by differentiai X-ray diffraction DXRD (Schulze,
1981, 1994), and to study the ir role in element retention by sequential extractions. Sequential
extractions are widely used for exploration purposes and to study element speciation in systems
such as soil and sediments (Tessier et al., 1979; Sondag, 1981; Chao & Zhou, 1983; Chao, 1984;
Cardoso Fonseca & Martin, 1986; Hall et al., 1996; Hall & Bonham-Carter, 1998). Recently,
sequential extractions have been increasingly applied in the mine waste environment to study the
complex processes of sulfide oxidation and the retention of mobilized elements by secondary
phases via precipitation and sorption processes (Ribet et al., 1995; McGregor et al., 1995;
Fanfani et al., 1997; McCarty et al., 1998; this work).
Due to the wide range of possible secondary phases in these systems, the selectivity of the
dissolution has been the focus of criticism (Hall et al., 1996; McCarty et al., 1998). As Fe(II)
catalyses the release of Fe(III) in the presence of oxalate (Su ter et al., 1991; Stumm and
Sulzberger, 1992), Chao and Zhou (1983) found that the 0.175 M NH4-oxalate, pH 3.2, dark

Chapter 3: Methodology used for sequentia/ extractions

leach was only selective to the amorphous Fe(III) oxyhydroxides in the absence of magnetite. It
must also be assumed that siderite (FeC03) and ankerite (Ca(Fe,Mg)(C03)2) influence the
dissolution kinetics by the liberation of Fe(II). Due to the complexity of the iron system in mine
tailings, finding a more selective leach to each mineral or mineral group was not attempted in
this study. Instead, the dissolution kinetics of secondary Fe(III) minerais subjected to common
leaches was studied. These results were then used for interpretation of the results of the present
work (chapter 5, 6, and 7). By using the leach steps listed below, the achieved results show that
more than one mineral is dissolved in every leach step and that sorne minerais survive sorne
leaches partly. To ensure appropriate geochemical interpretation it is crucial to combine detailed
mineralogical studies with the application of sequential extractions. To reach this goal,
dissolution kinetics tests and sequential extractions were applied to representative samples of the
studied mine tailings and an adapted leach sequence for the specifie secondary mineralogy was
The results have shown that it is possible, combining selective leaches by careful
mineralogical studies, to detect which minerais are dissolved at which step. This provides an
improved understanding of the retention behavior of mobile elements by specifie secondary
minerais or mineral groups.

3.2 Materials and methods

Two types of sequential extraction procedures were applied and compared. The first phase
of the study utilized a slightly modified 6-step sequential extractions after Tessier et al. (1979)
and Sondag (1981) shown in Table 1 (Sequence A). The extractions were applied to one drill
core of every studied tailings impoundment in order to acquire preliminary information
regarding the element distribution and the presence of possible secondary phases.
In the second phase of the study the sequence was modified and adapted to the secondary
mineralogy of the studied tailings. Fig. 1 summarizes the techniques applied for the development
of the 7-step sequential extractions applied in this study (Table 1, Sequence B). This adaptation
increases the selectivity and is based on the following changes: 1.) The application of a water
leach as first step allows discrimination between gypsum as secondary product of sulfide
oxidation and calcite as primary neutralization potential, an important indicator of neutralization
reactions in mine tailings. Additionally, the water-soluble fraction is important in arid climates
so that for the selectivity of the exchangeable fraction (i.e. step 2, sequence B it is important to
release the water-soluble fraction first. 2.) Because calcite dissolved in the NH4-acetate leach
completely, the Na-acetate leach was found to be unnecessary (step 2, sequence A). 3.) Due to
very low Mn concentrations, the hydroxylamine leach (step 3, sequence A) was also left out in
the sequence B, as this leach has also shown to dissolve parts of the ferric hydroxides. 4.) Instead
of these two leaches (step 2 and 3, sequence A) a study was conducted to investigate the
dissolution kinetics of the secondary ferric phases schwertmannite and ferrihydrite (chapter 4)
which were detected by DXRD in the studied tailings. The dissolution kinetics of iron phases in
0.2 M NH4-oxalate (pH 3.0) heated using water bath 80°C for 2 hours was also tested at samples
from the tailings. The resulting two dissolution steps (step 3 & 4, sequence B) permits one to

Chapter 3: Methodology usedfor sequential extractions

discriminate between secondary ferric phases and the primary iron oxides, which is necessary to
study their role in element retention. 5.) The application of steps 5 and 6 in Sequence B permits
one to discriminate between supergene and hypogene Cu-sulfides, as primary and secondary Cu
enrichment processes are also important in mine tailings.

6-step sequential extractions tests dissolution kinetic tests

sequential extractions, with XRD and DXRD of schertmannite,
Table 1 control of dissolved phases ferrihydrite and jarosite
(Sequence A) (this chapter) (chapter 4)
(chapter 6)

t / --------.
t acid-base accounting (ABA)
sequential extractions, Stotal by LECO
adapted for Cu-sulfide tailings S04 by NH4-oxalate leach ICP-AES
Table 1 Ctotal by coulometic titration
(Sequence B) (chapter 5 and 6)
(this chapter, chapter 5 and 6)

,.. t
complete geochemical information
about primary and
secondary mineralogy
of Cu-sulfide tailings
(chapter 5, 6, and 7)

Fig. 1: Flow chart of the development of the 7-step sequential extractions for Cu-sulfide mine tailings used in this

To study the dissolution of the secondary mineralogy in the sulfidic mine tailings and to
test the dissolution sequence B, representative samples from the following environments: 1.
From the studied porphyry copper tailings impoundments Piuquenes (La Andina, " A" and
"AS"), Cauquenes (El Teniente, "T" and "TS"), and El Salvador No.l ("E") discussed in detail
in chapter 5. 2. Samples from cementation zones ("hard pan") from two tailings impoundments

Clzapter 3: Methodology used for sequential extractions

from the Fe-oxide Cu-Au deposits in the Punta del Cabre belt, Copiap6 district, northern Chile
(Ojancos, "H" and "S" and P. Cerda (Ojos del Salado), "0", both discussed in chapter 6). The
selected samples were subjected to dissolution kinetic tests and sequential extractions with X-ray
diffraction (XRD) and differentiai X-ray diffraction (DXRD) control of the dissolved phases.
Six tailings samples (oxidation zone: AS3/016, T4/010, El/350, TSl/003, cementation
zone: H1/860, and 03/500) were subjected to dissolution kinetic tests by freshly prepared 0.2 M
ammonium oxalate solution brought to pH 3.00 by 0.2 M oxalic acid under exclusion of light
and with light (Schwertmann 1964 ), as well as at 80°C. The dissolution-time curves were
developed by shaking 2.5g of sample in 250 ml oxalate solution and taking 10 ml sub-samples
with syringes at 5, 15, 30, 60, 75, 110, 140, 180, 185, 195, 220, 240, 300, and 360 min. During
the first 60 min the sample is protected by aluminum foil from light, then the same sample is
exposed 60 min to light, followed by heating the sample to 80°C in a water bath. The samples
were continuously shaken during each. step. The solution samples were filtered instantaneously
with a 0.2 Jlm Teflon inline filter for syringes. Dissolved Fe and S04 (as S) were measured in
triplicate by inductively coupled plasma- atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES).
Ten representative samples from the oxidation (A4/035, T4/010, El/050, E11170)
neutralization (A4/200), and primary zones (A4/800), as well as from a cementation zone
(Hl/760, Hl/1000), and a hematite rich sediment (A4/010), were submitted to the first four steps
of the extraction sequence B. After every leach the samples were air dried and analyzed by XRD
to control which minerais went into solution in each step. As the detection limit of XRD is about
5%, to detect minor phases like ferrihydrite and schwertmannite differentiai X-ray diffraction
(DXRD) was applied. DXRD consists of the difference of a XRD scan before and after
treatment. As in the treatment minerais are dissolved, the concentration relation of the remaining
phases change during the treatment, what makes an intensity correction necessary (k factor). The
samples were characterized with XRD, using a Philips diffractometer 3020 with CuKa (À =
1.54056 Â) and monochromator. Diffractometer settings were: 40 kV, 30 mA, 3-80°29, step
scanning with 0.02° 2e step size and 2s counting time per step. For the detection of the Fe(III)
oxyhydroxides 3-80° 2e, step scanning with 0.05° 2e step size and 20 s counting time per step
was applied as used by Bigham et al. (1990, 1994) and Schwertmann et al. (1995) for detection
of schwertmannite and ferrihydrite.
The extractions sequence B was applied to the group of ten samples: 1) 3g of sample were
shaken with 150 ml deionized water for 1h, filtered, and air-dried. 2) Liberation of the
exchangeable fraction and/or adsorbed ions in lM NH4-acetate. 3) Dissolution of the secondary
easily reducible Fe(III) oxyhydroxides as low ordered ferrihydrite, schwertmannite, and parts of
secondary jarosite in 0.2M NH4-oxalate pH 3.0 1 h in darkness. 4) Dissolution of the remaining
secondary jarosite together with primary jarosite and iron oxides, which may be secondary or
primary, in 0.2M NH4-oxalate, pH 3.0, 80°C, 2h. Heavy metals liberated in the latter two steps
are interpreted as incorporated in the mineral lattice by co-precipitation, adsorption by ligand
exchange (e.g., oxyanions As and Mo), diffusion or replacement processes.

Clzapter 3: Methodology used for sequential extractions

Table 1: Sequential extractions applied in this study.

Sequence A References Sequence B References
( 1) exchangeable fraction : Gatehouse et al., 1977; (1) Water soluble fraction : Ribet et al., 1995;
1.0 g sample into 20 ml Sondag, 1981; 1.0 g sample into 50 ml Fanfani et al., 1997
lM NH4-acetate pH 4.5 Cardoso Fonseca et deionizied H20 shake for
shake for 2 hrs al., 1986 1h.
(2) adsorbed, carbonates: Tessier et al., 1979 (2) exchangeable fraction: Dold, this study;
1M Na-acetate pH 5 lM NH4-acetate pH 4.5 Gatehouse et al.,
shake for 2 hrs shake for 2 hrs 1977; Sondag,
1981; Fonseca and
Martin, 1986
(3) Mn oxides: Chao, 1972; Cardoso (3) Fe(III) oxyhydroxides: Dold et al., in prep.;
0 .1 M NH20H-HCl pH 2 Fonseca et al., 1986 0.2 M NH4-oxalate pH 3.0 Schwertmann,
shake for 2 h shake for 1 h. in darkness, 1964; Stone, 1987
(4) Fe(III)oxides: Fonseca and Martin, (4) Fe(III)oxides: Do1d, this study
0.1 M NH4-oxalate pH 1986 0.2 M NH4-oxalate pH 3.0
3.3 heat in water bath heat in water bath 80°C for
80°C for 2 hours 2 hours
(5) organics and sulfides: Sondag, 1981 (5) organics and secondary Sondag, 1981;
35% H202 heat in water Cu-sulfides: Dold, this study
bath for 1 hour 35% H202 heat in water
bath for 1 hour
(6) residual : Tessier et al., 1979; (6) primary sulfides: Chao & Sanzolone,
HN03, HF, HCI04, HCI Hall et al., 1996; Dold Combination of KCI03 and 1977;
digestion et al., 1996 HCI, followed by 4 M Hall et al., 1996
HN03 boiling
(7) residual: Tessier et al., 1979;
HN03, HF, HCI04, HCI Hall et al., 1996;
digestion Uold et al., li}%

3.3 Results and discussion of the Extraction Sequence B

3.3.1 Step 1: water-solublefraction (1 g sample into SOml deionized H20 shakefor 1h)

Gypsum was identified with XRD as the main water-soluble phase in samples from the
oxidation zone of El Salvador (Fig. 2), in the Piuquenes tailings (A4/200, A4/800), and in
samples from a cementation zone ("hardpan") of the Ojancos tailings Hl/1000 (Fig. 3), and
Chalcanthite was identified as a secondary water-soluble mineral on the surface of tailings
located in a Mediterranean climate (Cauquenes, central Chile). A wide range of water-soluble
secondary sulfate minerais could be identified by XRD in samples of the evaporite zone from the

Chapter 3: Methodology used for sequential extractions

El Salvador tailings No.1, hyper-arid climate, northern Chile (Fig. 4). The dissolved minerais are
identified as bonattite (CuS04•3H20), chalcanthite (CuS04·SH20) , pickeringite
(MgAh(S04)4-22H20), and magnesioaubertite (Mg,Cu)Al(S04)2Cl·14H20). The element
concentrations in the water-soluble fraction of this sample are Cu = 5.0%; Al = 3.1 %; Mg =
1.45%; Ca= 0.2%; Fe= 0.17%; Mn= 0.05%; Zn= 0.01 %. Hand picked mineral specimen were
identified as chalcanthite, halotrichite (FeAh(S04)4-22H20), and hexahydrite (MgS04·6H20).


10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Fig. 2: XRD results illustrating the effect of the first four steps of the extraction sequence B on a sample (El/170)
from a Fe(lll)hydroxide rich layer from the El Salvador No./ tailings impoundment, northern Ch ile. Gypsum
dissolves in the water treatment (step 1), a vermiculite-type mixed-layer mineral breaks dawn in the NH4-acetate
leach (step 2), and jarosite dissolves in the NH4-oxalate, hot, leach (step 4). Abbreviations: gy = gypsum; jt =
jarosite; ver = vermiculite-type mixed-layer; NH4-Ac = ammonium acetate; NH4-0xD = ammonium oxalate,
darkness; NH4-0xH =ammonium oxalate, 80°C.

Chapter 3: Methodology usedfor sequential extractions



10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80


Fig. 3: XRD results illustra ting the effect of the first four steps of the extraction sequence Bon a sample (H 111000)
from the cemented layer of the Ojancos No.2 tailings impoundment, Copiap6, northern Chile. Gypsum (gy)
dissolves in the water treatment ( step 1), calcite (ca) dissolves in the NH4-acetate leach ( step 2), and a 5-line
ferrihydrite (5Ljh) is dissolved in the NH4-oxalate, hot, leach (step 4). Abbreviations: gy= gypsum; ca =calcite;
5-Lfh = 5-line ferrihydrite ; NH4-Ac = ammonium acetate; NH4-0xD = ammonium oxalate, darkness; NH4-0xH =
ammonium oxalate, 80°C.

3.3.2 Step 2: exchangeable fraction (lM NH4-acetate, pH 4.5, shaken for 2 hrs)

The NH4-acetate leach is widely used for the determination of the exchangeable elements
(Gatehouse et al., 1977; Sondag, 1981; Cardoso Fonseca & Martin, 1986). It is known that
calcite may go into solution in this leach, weil documented by the XRD control in the sample
Hl/1000 (Fig. 3).
A vermiculite-type mixed-layer mineral is a typical secondary mineral in the low pH
oxidation zone of sulfide mine tailings, resulting from the alteration of biotite, which is a
principal K source for the formation of jarosite (Acker and Bricker, 1992; Farquhar et al., 1997;
Malmstrom and Banwart, 1997). XRD control on the solid residuals of step 2 shows that this
secondary mineral is broken down in the NH4-acetate leach (Fig. 2 and Fig. 6) or in the NH4-
oxalate leach, if no NH4-acetate leach was used previously (Fig. 5).

Clzapter 3: Methodology used for sequential extractions



pic bon bon bon

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Fig. 4: Dissolution of bonattite (bon), clzalcanthite (chal), pickeringite (pic), and magnesioaubertite (mgau) in the
water treatment (step 1) shawn by XRD on sample E2/010 from the top of the evaporite zone of the El Salvador No.
1 tailings impoundment, northern Ch ile. Abbreviations: bon = bonattite; chal = chalcantlzite; pic =pickeringite;
mgau = nzagnesioaubertite; qz = quartz

DXRD AS3/016 correction factor k=0.88


2.25 1.65

10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Fig. 5: DXRD of schwertmannite (sh) after 15 min treatment with NH4-0xD of a hand selected, Fe(/11)
oxylzydroxide-rich sample AS3 /016from the oxidation zone from the Piuquenes tailings impoundment, La Andina
mine, central Chile. The peak of the vermiculite-type mixed-layer (ver) mineral (d-value of !2.6A) disappears with
the NH4-0xD treatment (step 3) and at the higher flank of the mica peak /0.1 A a new peak appears, as shawn more
clearly in the DXRD by a negative peak. Abbreviations: sh = schwertmannite; ver = vernzicultie-type mixed-layer;
NH-1-0xD = 0.2M ammonium oxalate, pH 3, darkness.

Chapter 3: Methodology usedfor sequential extractions


10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Fig. 6: Change of the position of the vermiculite-type nzixed-layer mineral from 11.9A to the flank of the mica peak
of JO. lA after the NH4-acetate leach (step 2) on the sample T41010 from the oxidation zone from the Cauquenes
tailings impoundment from El Teniente mine, central Chile. This is interpreted as an effect of the release of
interlayer cations by the monodentate complex-former acetate. Abbreviations: ver = vermiculite-type mixed-layer,
NH1-acetate = ammonium acetate leach

With the disappearance of the broad peaks at 11.7 - 14.5 Â a new peak at the flank of the illite
peak (10.1 Â) to higher d-values can be observed after NH4-acetate leach (Fig. 6). With this
mineralogical change, which is not a complete dissolution, incorporated interlayer cations as Cu
and Zn (Farquhar et al., 1997, Dold, chapter 5) may be released from this vermiculite-type
mixed-layer mineral from samples in the low pH oxidation zone (chapter 5). It must be taken
into account that these concentrations are not interpreted as adsorbed Cu, as at pH < 4 no
significant Cu adsorption on Fe(III) hydroxides takes place (Dzombak & Morel, 1990; Webster
et al., 1998). It is important to apply the NH4-acetate leach before the NH4-oxalate leach, as the
latter also breaks down the vermiculite-type mixed-layer mineral. This would lead to a
misinterpretation of the trace metal retention behavior of the secondary ferric phases.

3.3.3 Step 3: Fe(lll) oxyhydroxides leach (0.2 M NH4-oxalate, pH 3.0, 1 h in darkness, RT)

Schwertmannite and 2-line ferrihydrite dissolve completely, and secondary jarosite and
higher ordered ferrihydrites (e.g., 6-line) dissolve partly in this leach. A detailed discussion of
the dissolution kinetics of schwertmannite and ferrihydrite in 0.2M NH4-oxalate, pH 3.0, in
darkness, is presented in chapter 4. The study has shown that it is not possible to discriminate
unequivocally these minerais by their dissolution kinetics. Based on the results of chapter 4 the

Chapter 3: Methodology used for sequential extractions

dissolution time of 1h was chosen for the sequential extractions to ensure the complete
dissolution of schwertmannite and 2-line ferrihydrite. Dissolution kinetic tests and XRD control
of the sample AS3/0 16 from the oxidation zone of a porphyry copper tailings impoundment
show that after 15 min contact time schwertmannite went into solution (chapter 4, Fig. 8). After
1h secondary jarosite was partly dissolved, as is proven by XRD and also reflected by a decrease
of the Fe/S mol ratio. The application of only 15 min contact time has shawn to be selective for
the detection of schwertmannite by DXRD in samples from the mine tailings (Fig. 5). The results
show that it is impossible to restrict the dissolution to one secondary ferric phase. However, the
application of one hour of 0.2M N&-oxalate, pH 3.0, darkness leach ensures that only the
secondary ferric phases as schwertmannite and jarosite go into solution in samples from the
oxidation zone.
Mineralogical detection of Mn-hydroxides by DXRD failed, due to low Mn concentration
(< 1000 ppm). Mn-hydroxides may also be reduced by oxalate (Stone, 1987) and may have an
important role in adsorption processes at higher concentrations.

3.3.4 Step 4: Fe(Ill) oxides leach (0.2 M NH4-oxalate, pH 3.0, 80°C for 2 lz.)

AU secondary ferric minerais occurring as higher ordered ferrihydrite (6-line), goethite

(Fig. 3), primary and secondary jarosite, natrojarosite (Fig. 2), and primary hematite go into
solution in this leach. The study of a polished section of T4/010 after 1h attack shows that only
sorne residual grains of magnetite survived this leach. Dissolution kinetic tests show that the
sulfur values in samples of the oxidation zone reached the plateau after 15 and after 30 min,
indicating that secondary and primary jarosite dissolve completely within 30 min, in this leach.
This is confirmed by the visual control of the disappearance of the yellow color of jarosite (Fig.
7 & Table 2). Samples from the cementation zones show after 15 and after 50 min the complete
dissolution of the secondary Fe(III) hydroxides, also indicated by the color change from red to
gray. The application of this leach and the control of the dissolved phases by DXRD on samples
from the cementation zone show that a higher ordered ferrihydrite (5-line and 6-line) together
with goethite are the ferric phases present. This explains why ferrihydrite was not possible to
detect in the 3rd dissolution step, due to its slow dissolution kinetics. This leach has shawn to be
very effective in the dissolution of the secondary sulfates such as jarosite and schwertmannite
and is applied in chapter 5 and 6 for the separation of sulfate and sulfide sulfur for acid-base
accounting (ABA). As shawn by Chao and Sanzolone ( 1977), the oxalic acid dissolution method
is not effective in dissolving any of the nine sulfides tested in their study. This is supported by
the constant sulfur concentration after the dissolution of jarosite in the dissolution kinetic test of
the sample El/350 which contains still 6.8 wt. % of pyrite (Fig. 7).

Chapter 3: Methodology usedfor sequential extractions

AS3/016 T4/01 0 E1/350

4.0,------~ 1.6 ..------------,

3.5 1.4
4 .0
3.0 1 .2
~ 2 .5 ~ 1.0 ~ 3.0
1 • F;(%)-J'
rf. 2.0 rf. 0.8 ~
~ 1.5 1- S ( % ) ~ 2 .0 .
~ 0.6 .
1.0 0.4 1 .0 .
0.5 0.2 .
0.0 ~~!::::~!::::~ 0.0 ~~==~==:j 0.0 ---------!
·!. -

0 60 120 180 0 60 120 180 0 20 40 60

lime (min) lime (min) lime (min)

H 1/860 03/500

8.0 . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , 9.0 , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,
7.0 8 .0
6.0 7 .0
7 5.0 0 6.0
-4.0 ~ 5.0
~ 3.0 Cil 4.0
IL 3.0
1 .0
0.0 1--- - - - - - - - - - - l 0 .0 1...-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - l
20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
lime (min) lime (min)

Fig. 7: Dissolution ofjarosite (sample AS3!016, T4/0JO, and El/350) and higher orderedferrihydrite (Hl/860 and
03!500) in NH4-oxalate hot leach ( step 4 ). The three samples containing jarosite are from oxidation zones of
porphyry copper tailings, Ch ile. The samples containing ferrihydrite are from cemented layers from carbonate-rich
Fe -oxide Cu-Au tailings, Punta del Cabre belt, northern Chile.

3.3.5 Step 5: organics and secondary Cu-sulfides (35% H202 heat in water bath for 1 hour)

Results of sequential extraction together with mineralogical studies indicate that this leach
seems to be selective to secondary Cu-sulfides such as covellite and chalcocite-digenite (chapter
5 & 6). The sulfide content in the studied tailings samples was too low for detection of the
dissolved phases by DXRD. Further studies of the dissolution kinetics of supergene Cu-sulfides
could enhance the selectivity of the 35% HzOz leach.
Increased values of Mo in this leach in samples from the oxidation zone was observed in
the three porphyry copper tailings. As 35% HzOz is an oxidizing leach, the possibility that
secondary Mo-sulfides are formed in the oxidation zone can be excluded. This supports the
interpretation that Mo is fixed by bacteria cell material (chapter 5). Results for El Salvador
(chapter 5) suggest that Jess stable pyrite varieties may partly dissolve in this leach.

Chapter 3: Metlwdology used for sequential extractions

Table 2: Data from the dissolutio11 kinetic tests with 0.2 M Nf/4-oxa/ate, pH 3.0, heat in \Va ter bath 80°C for 2/z, of
the se/ected railings samp/es. The su !fur concentrations represent the dissolved jarosite.
time (min) 5 15 30 60 120 180
AS3/016 Fe(%) 1.804 2.593 2.885 3.174 3.414 3.720
AS3/016 S (%) 0.124 0.179 0.182 0.180 0.180 0.185
T4/010 Fe(%) 0.513 1.047 1.198 1.273 1.360 1.480
T4/010 S (%) 0.044 0.074 0.080 0.079 0.084 0.090
El/350 Fe(%) 1.886 2.396 3.078 4 .174
El/350 S (%) 1.441 1.406 1.482 1.419
Hl/860 Fe(%) 2.252 3.859 5.354 6.544 7.121
03/500 Fe (%) 3.722 4.437 4.677 6.740 8.171

3.3.6 Step 6: primary sulfides (KCIOJ and HCI,followed by 4 M HN03 boiling)

Chao and Sanzalone (1977) found that the KCl03, HCl, HN03 leach is the most effective
at dissolving pyrite, chalcopyrite, molybdenite, galena, sphalerite, tennantite-tetrahedrite,
stibnite, cinnabar, and orpiment, but may attack sorne silicates along edges, corners, and
surfaces. This leach is used in this study to separate the hypogene sulfide mineralogy from the
residual silicate fraction. Due partly to the low sulfide content in the tailings material no
mineralogical control of the dissolved phases was applied.

3.3.7 Step 7: residual silicates (HCI, HF, HC/04, HNOJ)

This commonly used mixed acid leach was applied by Dold et al. (1996) to tailings
samples from the Ojancos tailings impoundment No.2 and has shawn to be very destructive to
the silicate minerais. Only in sorne samples, in which primary minerais such as tourmaline,
beryl, chromite and sphenes are present, a small amount of residuum may survive this attack
(Hall et al., 1996; Dold, unpublished data).

3.4 Conclusions

The results of applying a 7-step sequential extraction to Cu-sulfide mine tailings and the
dissolved phases in the different steps of the sequential extractions are summarized in table 3.
The application of dissolution kinetic tests and the control of dissolved phases in sequential
extraction by XRD and DXRD from samples of the studied mine tailings indicate which mineral
is dissolved in each leach step. This information is crucial for interpretation of geochemical data
obtained from sequential extractions.
It has been shawn that the water-soluble fraction (step 1) may play an important role in the
mine tailings environments, especially in climates with extensive evaporation (Mediterranean to
hyper-arid) by dissolving secondary salts (e.g., bonattite, chalcanthite, pickeringite, hexahydrite).

Chapter 3: Methodology used for sequential extractions

1t is strongly recommended to use the water-soluble fraction as the first step in sequential
extractions for mine tailings.
In the NH4-acetate leach (step 2), which liberates the exchangeable fraction (adsorbed),
calcite is also dissolved, and a vermiculite-type mixed-layer mineral is broken down as weil.
This mineral is a typical secondary product in the oxidation zone of sulfidic mine tailings,
resulting from the alteration of biotite by the release of K; it may liberate Cu and Zn in the NH4-
acetate leach, previously replacing K in the original biotite lattice.
The application of the lh, 0.2 M NH4-oxalate, pH 3.0 in darkness leach (step 3) ensures the
.complete dissolution of schwertmannite (chapter 3), but secondary jarosite also dissolves in
samples from the oxidation zone. However, only secondary ferric minerais dissolve in this leach
and minimize the dissolution of other iron phases. The application of one hour is long enough to
dissolve 2-line ferrihydrite (chapter 3), but mineralogical and geochemical results indicate that in
the mine tailings higher ordered ferrihydrite (5-line or 6-line) are dominant, indicating slow
hydrolysis kinetics (Schwertmann et al., 1999). Thus, only parts of higher ordered ferrihydrite in
the neutralization and primary zone of sulfide mine tailings will dissolve in the lh 0.2 M NH4-
oxalate, pH 3.0, in darkness leach (step 3).
The residual of the secondary ferric minerais (jarosite and higher ordered ferrihydrite)
dissolve in the following 0.2M NH4-oxalate, pH 3.0, 80°C, 2h leach (step 4) together with the
primary iron oxides. In this leach all secondary and primary ferric oxides, oxyhydroxides, and
oxyhydroxide sulfates are dissolved. Only sorne hypogene magnetite may survive this leach.
Chao and Sanzolone (1977) have shown that oxalic acid is not effective in dissolving sulfide
minerais, as is confirmed by the dissolution kinetic tests. Thus, the 0.2M NH4-oxalate, pH 3.0,
80°C, 2h leach (step 4) is proposed for differentiation of sulfate and sulfide sulfur for acid-base
accounting (ABA) for mine waste. The total sulfur content of a sample can be measured by a
LECO® furnace. Then the sample is attacked by the 0.2M NH4-oxalate, pH 3.0, 80°C, 2h leach
and the sulfur content may be measured by ICP-AES in the solution representing the sulfate
content of the sample. The difference of the total sulfur and the sulfate sulfur leads to the sulfide
sulfur content.
The two applied leaches for the sulfide fractions (35% H202 in step 5 and HCl, HF, HCl04,
HN03, in step 6) permit a semi-quantitative differentiation between hypogene and supergene Cu-
sulfides in the studied tailings. However, further studies of the dissolution kinetics of supergene
and hypogene Cu-sulfides in 35% H202 could enhance the selectivity of this leach. A detailed
mineralogical study should accompany every geochemical study of mine waste to enhance the
accuracy of the geochernical interpretations.

Chapt er 3: Methodology used for sequential extractions

Table 3: Extraction sequence "8" app/ied in this study and minerais preferentially dissolved in each step
(abbreviations: bn: bomite; ca: calcite; cb: cinnabar; cc: chalcocite; cp: chalcopyrite; cv: cave/lite; dg: digenite;
j71.· ferrihydrite);gn: ga/ena; gt: goetlzite; gy: gypsum; lzm: hematite; ilm: ilmenite; jt: jarosite; mb: molybdenite; mt:
magnetite; Na-jt: natrojarosite; op: orpiment; py: pyrite; sh: sclzwertmannite; si: sphalerite; stb: stibnite tn:
tennalltite; tt: tetrahedrite).
Leach Preferentially dissolved References
( 1) Water soluble fraction secondary sulfates, e.g., Dold, this study; Ribet et al.,
1.0 g samp1e into 50ml deionizied bonattite, chalcanthite, gy, 1995; Fanfani et al., 1997
H20 shake for 1 h. pickeringite, magnesioauberite
(2) exchangeable fraction ca, vermicu1ite-type-mixed- Do1d, this study; Gatehouse et
1M NH4-acetate pH 4.5 shake for 2 layer, adsorbed and al., 1977; Sondag, 1981;
hrs exchangeable ions Cardoso Fonseca et al. , 1986
(3) Fe(III) oxyhydroxides sh, 2-line fh, secondary jt, Mn02 Schwertmann, 1964; Stone,
0.2 M NH4-oxalate pH 3.0 shake 1987; Dold, chapter 4
for 1 h. in darkness
(4) Fe(III)oxides gt, jt, Na-jt, hm, mt, higher Dold, this study.
0.2 M NH4-oxalate pH 3.0 heat in ordered fh's (6-line fh)
water bath 80°C for 2 hours
(5) organic and secondary Cu- organic, cv, cc-dg Sondag, 1981; Dold, chapter 5
sul fides
35% H202 heat in water bath for 1
(6) primary sulfides py, cp, bn, si, gn, mb, tn-tt, cb, Chao & Sanzolone, 1977;
Combination of KCI03 and HCI, op, stb Hall et al., 1996
followed by 4 M HN03 boiling
(7) residual Silicates, residual Hall et al., 1996; Dold et al.,
HN03, HF, HCl04, HCl digestion 1996


1 am grateful to Prof. L. Fontboté and Prof. W. Wildi for the support and the helpful
suggestions. 1 thank also Prof. H.-R. Pfeiffer, J.-C. Lavanchy, and C. Schlegel for the facilities
and discussions in the laboratory of the Centre d'Analyse Minerale, Université de Lausanne.
Thanks to Dr. Dubois from Soil Science lnstitute of the EPFL, Lausanne for the ICP analysis.
The project is supported by the German Academie Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Swiss
National Science Foundation project No. 21-50778.97.

Chapter 3: Methodology used for sequential extractions


Acker, J.G., Bricker, O.P. ( 1992): The influence of pH on biotite dissolution and alteration kinetics at low temperature.
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Clzapter 3: Methodology used for sequential extractions

Sondag, F. ( 1981 ): Selective extraction procedures applied to geochemical prospecting in an a rea contaminated by old mine
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sulfate. Environmental Science & Technology, v. 32(10), p. 1362-1368.


4 Dissolution kinetics of schwertmannite and ferrihydrite.


A dissolution test with nine natural and synthetic schwertmannite and ferrihydrite samples
was performed with 0.2M ammonium oxalate at pH 3.0 under exclusion of light (dark). Four
natural and one synthetic schwertmannite samples and two natural and one synthetic samples of
2-line ferrihydrite, as well as one synthetic 6-line ferrihydrite were used. An additional sample
was prepared by mixing schwertmannite and 2-line ferrihydrite 1:1 weight. Samples were
characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and differentiai X-ray diffraction (DXRD). Dissolved
Fe and S04 was measured by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-
AES). The mineral shape at different dissolution stages was monitored by scanning electron
microscopy (SEM-EDS). The dissolution-time curves were modeled with rate equations.
Dissolution kinetics of natural and synthetic schwertmannite in 0.2 M ammonium oxalate,
pH 3, dark, is very fast (> 94% in 60 min). Natural 2-line ferrihydrite has a similar dissolution
kinetics (> 85% after 60 min), whereas synthetic ferrihydrite dissolves slower (16 and 42% after
60 min).
Modeling of schwertmannite dissolution curves, control of mineral shape by SEM, and
Fe/S mole ratios of the dissolved fractions indicate that two different schwertmannite shapes
(spherical and web-like) with different dissolution kinetics can be distinguished. The collapse of
the spherical shaped (sea-urchin) schwertmannite aggregates seems to control its dissolution
kinetics. In case of web-like schwertmannite, structural fixed S042- may have a predominant
effect on the stability of the structure. No relationship was found between ferrihydrite shape and
dissolution curves.
The results suggest that a selective leach for the ferric oxyhydroxides schwertmannite and
lower ordered (2-line) ferrihydrite should be dissolution with 0.2 M ammonium oxalate pH 3,
dark, during 60 min. These conditions maximize dissolution of schwertmannite and 2-line
ferrihydrite, while minimizing the dissolution of other reducible phases like jarosite, hematite,
magnetite, and goethite. Nevertheless, application of this attack to samples from the oxidation
zone of sulfidic mine tailings has shown that a fraction of secondary jarosite dissolves too,
although at a slower rate than schwertmannite and lower ordered ferrihydrite. If only
schwertmannite is of interest (e.g., determination by DXRD), a 15 min attack should be preferred
to increase selectivity.

4.1 Introduction

In 1992, the Commission on New Minerais and Mineral Names accepted the name
"schwertmannite" for a ferric oxyhydroxide sulfate previously known as "acid mine drainage
mineral" with the ideal formula between Fe 8 0 8 (0H) 6 S04 and Fe 160 16 (0H) 10(S0 4 ) 3 (Bigham et
al., 1990, 1994, and 1996a). Schwertmannite (sh) forms at pH conditions intermediate between
jarosite and ferrihydrite. Jarosite (jt) KFe 3(S0 4 )z(OH) 6 occurs under strongly acidic conditions
Chapter 4: Dissolution kinetics of sclnvertmannite and ferrihydrite.

(pH < 3), schwertmannite in the pH range of pH 2.8-4, and ferrihydrite (th) 5Fe20 3·9H20 is
stable at pH> 4. Schwertmannite and ferrihydrite are meta-stable relative to jarosite and goethite
(Schwertmann et al., 1995; Bigham et al., 1996a).
Schwertmannite is one of the so called "poorly crystalline" or "X-ray amorphous" minerais
with X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns showing broad peaks similar to those of ferrihydrite (Fig.
1). The broad low intensity peaks in XRD patterns, close stability fields, meta-stability, and
sometimes low concentrations in mine tailings makes the detection and discrimination of both
minerais difficult. Because of their reactivity and large surface area, schwertmannite and
ferrihydrite play an important role in the adsorption or incorporation of mobilized elements in
surface and groundwater systems, such as soils and mine tailings impoundment (Davis and Kent,
1990; Dold et al., 1999).
Schwertmannite has been identified at severallocations around the world as a precipitate in
heavy metal and high sulfate drainage systems (Bigham et al., 1990, 1994, and 1996a;
Schwertmann et al., Childs et al., 1998; 1995; Yu et al., 1998). Dold et al. (1999) demonstrated
for the first time its presence in the oxidation zone of mine tailings, from two porphyry copper
mines from Chile. This finding suggests that besides ferrihydrite, which is often mentioned as
the ferric oxyhydroxide present in oxidation and precipitation zones, e.g., "hardpans" (Jambor,
1994; Ribet et al., 1995), also schwertmannite may often be present in the oxidation zone of
mine tailings.
Schwertmannite is a yellowish orange-brown mineral with a high specifie surface area in
the range of 100-230 m2/g. The generally proposed unit cell formulais Fe80 8(0H) 6S04 with a
Fe/S mole ratio of 8. An average Fe/S mole ratio of 5 of many natural schwertmannites (Win land
et al.l991; this study) suggest a composition close to Fe 160 16(0H) 10(S0 4)3. The structure
proposed for this mineral is akin to that of akaganéite (FeO(OH, Cl)), with sulfate instead of
chloride as a stabilizing anion in the tunnel cavities (Big ham et al., 1990, 1994). Waychunas et
al. (1995) fou nd th at selenate (Se04 2 ·) appears to both substitute directly for sulfate within
tunnels in the structure, and sorb at the surface of crystals. No disruption of the basic structure
occurs with selenate substitution. Arsenate (As04 3 ·) appears mainly to sorb outside of
crystallites, destabilizing the structure and poisoning growth. Barham (1997) reports the
transformation of schwertmannite to jarosite, hematite, and/or basic iron sulfate in laboratory
experiments at room temperature. SOi· in schwertmannite could be replaced by others anions
such as CO/·, C 20i·, CrOi·, N0 3-, OH-, Cl04·, etc.
The rapid dissolution of schwertmannite in cold, 5 M HCl or in 0.2 M ammonium oxalate
at pH 3 under exclusion of light was reported by Bigham et al. (1994 ). Big ham et al. (1990)
reported complete dissolution of natural mine drainage samples in 0.2 M ammonium oxalate of
pH 3 in the absence of light in 15 minutes. They also studied the dissolution kinetics of two
natural schwertmannite samples with 0.1 M HCL A sigmoidal shape of the Fe dissolution curve
was interpreted as a change in particle morphology (e.g., dissolution cavities, break up of
aggregates). A fast increase of S042- detected at the beginning of the dissolution process was
interpreted as a "burst" of surface adsorbed S0 42-. Differences in bulk dissolution rates between
the two samples were interpreted as differences in morphology . As a result of that study it was
shawn that S0 42- occupies sites both on the surface and within the structure of schwertmannite.
In a further experiment Bigham et al. (1990) could show an essential structural role for the

Chapter 4: Dissolution kinetics of schwertmannite andferrihydrite.

remaining S042 ·. Higher S04 2 · contents apparently increase the dissolution rate. This could be
interpreted as an effect of destabilized structure as in the case of arsenate substitution, reported
by Waychunas et al. (1995).
Ferrihydrite (5Fe 20 3·9H20; fh) is a red-brown, poorly crystalline, natural ferric
oxyhydroxide mineral named by Chukhrov et al. (1973), with a high specifie surface area,
around 300 m2fg. A series from 2-line to 6-line ferrihydrites can be differentiated on the basis of
the XRD patterns with two up to six broad peaks (Cornell and Schwertmann, 1996). Recent
results (Schwertmann et al., 1999) suggest that this is not a genetic series by transformation from
lower to higher ordered phases. It seems more likely that every product is the result of specifie
conditions of crystallization mainly controlled by kinetics. These authors synthesized the whole
range from the 2-line to 6-line ferrihydrite by varying the rate of hydrolysis, by change of the
iron oxidation rate, or by increasing Si concentration.
The dissolution kinetics of 2-line ferrihydrite has been investigated by Fischer (1976) with
three samples in 0.2 M ammonium oxalate pH 3 in the dark. He found the slowest dissolution
rate for slowly precipitated samples, and the faster dissolution rates for rapidly precipitated
samples. Higher crystalline or Si-bearing ferrihydrite samples dissolved more slowly. Cornell
and Schwertmann ( 1996) suggest 2 - 4h reaction ti me with 0.2M ammonium oxalate, pH 3, in
the dark, for ferrihydrite dissolution. The dissolution kinetics of 6-line ferrihydrite has not been
investigated to date.
The purpose of the present study is to investigate the possibility of discriminating between
schwertmannite and ferrihydrite on the basis of their dissolution kinetics in acid ammonium
oxalate. As shawn above, this should be possible, owing the existing data, which indicate longer
dissolution time for ferrihydrite. It is important to be able to differentiate between
schwertmannite and ferrihydrite to study their role in metal adsorption. Metal adsorption to
hydrous ferric oxides (HFO) is a function of pH (Dzombak and Morel, 1990; Webster et al.
1998), and the meta-stability fields of schwertmannite and ferrihydrite are also pH controlled.
Thus, in interface environments between acidic and neutra! conditions, as observed in oxidizing
mine tailings or acid rock drainage, these two minerais may play a very different role in metal
retention. Dissolution kinetics and Fe/S mole ratios may be useful in understanding the structure
of these minerais and the role of the anions in the structure.

4.2 Samples and methods

Five samples of schwertmannite, three samples of 2-line ferrihydrite, and one of 6-line
ferrihydrite were used for dissolution kinetics tests (Table 1). Samples MS 1, MS3, PR1, PR2,
BT3 (for detailed mineralogy, see Fig. 1 and Table 1) are ochre precipitates collected from acid
coal mine drainages in Ohio, USA. Chemical properties of these samples are described by
Winland et al. (1991) and Bigham et al. (1996a). Sh4 is synthetic schwertmannite prepared using
the method of Bigham et al. (1990). The synthetic ferrihydrites Fh-2L and Fh-6L were prepared
using the methods described by Schwertmann and Cornell (1991). These eight samples were aU
provided by Prof. U. Schwertmann, Soi! Science Department of the University of München,
Germany with exception of AS3/016.

Chapt er 4: Dissolution kinetics of schwertmannite and ferrihydrite.

2.55 A


sh, gt

sh, gt

sh, gt

sh, 2-L th

2-L th, gt

2-L th

2-L th

6-L th

[iii qllii[iil qllii[iii qlill Il iii[iili[iiii[iiii[iiii[iiii[

10 20 30 40 50 60

Fig. 1: X-ray powder diffraction patterns of the 9 samples studied. More descriptive details in Table 1.
Abbreviations: flz =f errihydrite, sh = sclzwertmannite, gt = goethite, 2L = two fine, 6L = six line.

Chapt er 4: Dissolution kinetics of schwertmannite and ferrihydrite.

A mechanical mixture of a synthetic schwertmannite (Sh4) and a natural 2-line ferrihydrite

(MS 1) 1: 1 wt. % was also used. Sample MS 1 was originally described by Bigham et al. (1996)
as a ferrihydrite-schwertmannite mixture based on XRD patterns with features reminiscent of
both ferrihydrite and schwertmannite, a low Fe/S mole ratio (9 .9) , and TEM observation
indicating pm·ticles with morphology typical of schwertmannite (J.M . Bigham, 1998 persona!
communication). During the present work and based on the XRD pattern of MS1 (Fig. 1) and
mineral morphology control with scanning electron microscopy (SEM), MS 1 was determined to
be a 2-line ferrihydrite . No indications of spherical or sea-urchin like morphology typical of
schwertmannite could be found (Fig. 5). The low Fe/S mole ratio is interpreted as due to
adsorbed sulfate.
Sample AS3/0 16 was hand-picked from a schwertmannite-containing streak from the
oxidation zone of the Piuquenes tailings impoundment at the La Andina porphyry copper
deposit, Central Chile (Dold et al., 1999). The mineralogy of this sample is dominated by
secondary jarosite and a vermiculite-type mixed-layer. The presence of schwertmannite was
ascertained by differentiai X-ray diffraction (DXRD, see Fig. 2). The other samples were
characterized by XRD, using a Philips diffractometer 3020 with CuKa (A = 1.54056 Â) and
monochromator, at 40 kV, 30 mA. Diffractometer settings were: step scanning with 0.05° 2e step
size and 20 s counting ti me per step (Fig. 1) as used by Big ham et al. (1990, 1994 ), and
Schwertmann et al. (1995).

Table 1: Description of the natural samples usedfor the dissolution kinetic tests and the pH of the source 1vaters. Fe
and S04 of HCI-solub/e fraction. Modified after Win/and et al. ( 1991) and Bigham et al. ( 1996). Data for AS3/016
are from this study.
Sample mineralogy pH Fe (mole/kg) so4 (mole/kg) Fe/S mole
MS3 Sh, Gt(t) 2.8 9.0 2.05 4.4
PR1 Sh, Gt(t) 3.2 8.9 1.70 5.2
PR2 Sh, Gt(t) 2.8 10.3 1.83 5.6
MSl Fh-2L 5.8 7.0 0.71 9.9
BT3 Fh-2L 7.5 9.4 0.17 55.3
AS3/016 Sh, Jt 3.16* 0.099 0.020 4 .9
fh= Ferrihydrite, 2L = two fine , sh = schwertmannite, gt = goethite, jt =jarosite, (t) = trace,
* = in situ pH with a special glass electrode.

The samples were subjected to dissolution by freshly prepared 0.2 M ammonium oxalate
solution brought to pH 3.00 by 0.2 M oxalic acid under exclusion of light, at room temperature
(Schwertmann, 1964). The dissolution-lime curves were developed by shaking 125 mg of sample
in 250 ml oxalate solution and taking 10 ml sub-samples with syringes at 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 20, 30,
45, 60, and 120 min. The samples were filtered instantaneously with a 0.2J.lm Teflon inline filter
for syringes. Dissolved Fe and S04 (as total S) were measured in triplicate by inductively

Chapter 4: Dissolution kinetics of schwertmannite and ferrihydrite.

DXRD AS3/016 correction factor k=0.88


2.25 1.65 sh
1.92 1.51

10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Fig. 2: X-ray powder diffraction patterns of (a) ASJ/016 untreated, (b) ASJ/016 treated 15 min with acid
ammonium oxalate in the dark, and (c) th e resulting DXRD showing schwertmannite. Abbreviations: sh
schwertmannite; NH4-0 xD = 0.2M ammonium oxalate, pH 3, darkness

coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES) . To calculate the percentage of

dissolved iron for the two synthetic phases Fh-2L and Fh-6L a sample was taken after 24 h
exposure to light, representing the value for 100% dissolved (the photochemical influence to
dissolution of iron oxides in ac id ammonium oxalate was applied by Schwertmann, 1964 ).
Goethite is present as a trace phase in the schwertmannite samples. Because of low, but
significant solubility of goethite in ammonium oxalate pH 3 with UV light, it was not possible to
obtain 100% values for schwertmannite dissolution by exposure to light. Therefore, for these
samples , which reached a plateau after 60 min, it was assumed that after 120 min 100% of
schwertmannite was dissolved. The dissolution curves were modeled with rate equations as
outlined by Cornell and Schwertmann (1996) and curves were calculated to best fit by iteration
(Table 2). Two aliquots of the samples MS3 and PR1 were subjected to dissolution 12 and 35
min, respectively 7 and 30 min with acid ammonium oxalate and filtered with a 0.45~m Na-
acetate filter. The air-dried residuum was studied with SEM to determine mineral morphology
and test the modeled geometrie dissolution of spherical schwertmannite.

Table 2: Rate equations usedfor modeling the dissolution kinetics curves (from Brown et al., 1980; Giovanoli and
Brütsch, 1975; in Corne/1 and Schwertmann, 1996).
Equation Type Physical meaning
( 1-a) = e·kt Deceleratory First order equation (1)
a2 =kt Deceleratory One-dimensional diffusion (2)
1-(1-a)l/3 =kt Geometrie Phase boundary controlled for a (3)
contracting sphere (cube root)
Variable No physical meaning (Kabai equation) (4)
a= fraction dissolved at time t; a = constant; t = time; k = rate constant;

Clwpter 4: Dissolution kinetics of sclzwertmannite and ferrilzydrite.

4.3 Results and discussion

The results of the dissolution kinetics tests are shown in Fig. 3a and 3b, and Table 3.
Schwertmannite samples dissolve fastest (> 94% in 60 min), followed by the natural 2-line
ferrihydrite samples (> 85% after 60 min) and the synthetic ferrihydrite samples (41.8% 2-line fh
and 16.4% 6-line fh after 60 min), see. The following two minerais will be discussed separately.

100 100
!3 Fh-2L first or
90 90
MS1 Fh-2L Kabai
80 80
70 "0
<lJ <lJ
> 60 > 60
0 0 <Il
50 50
'6 "0
0~ 0~ 40
<lJ <lJ
u.. u..
30 30
20 20
10 10
20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
lime (min.) time (min.)

Fig. 3: (A) dissolution kinetic l'alues (dots) and modeled curves of the sch11·ertmannite samples MS3 , Sh4, PR 1. and
PR2. Note thar after 20 min in case of MS3 and 30 min in case of Sh4 the used mode! changes from contracting
sphere to dissolution as a function of the remaining surface. ( 8) dissolution kinetic results of the ferrihydrite
samples Bt3, MS/, Fh-2L, and Fh-6L.

Table 3: Fe and Fe/S mole ratios data of the dissolution tests of the studied samples.
ti me PRI PRI PR2 PR2 MS3 MS3 Sh4 (Sh) Sh4 (Sh) Bt3 Fh-2L Fh-6L MSI
(Sh) (Sh) (Sh) (Sh) (Sh) (Sh) (Fh-2L) syn syn (Fh-2L)
(min) Fe Fe/S Fe Fe/S Fe Fe/S Fe Fe/S Fe Fe Fe Fe
("/, diss) mole (% diss) mole (% diss) mole (% diss) mole (% diss) (% diss) (% diss) (% diss)

3 28.4 2.2 30.8 3.3 8.7 2.3 5.8 2.3 1.0 4.2 4.7
6 53.1 2.9 58 .8 4.0 18.0 3.0 11.9 3.2 47.6 1.5 5. 1 8.6
9 69.5 3.3 76.4 4.6 28.2 3.4 18.3 4.0 76.6 2.7 6.1 14.7

12 77.4 3.6 83.8 4.6 37.3 3.9 25 .3 4.4 91.3 4.6 6.9 22.2
15 82.0 3.7 89.8 4.8 45.9 3.9 32.5 4.9 93.3 6.9 7.9 29.0
20 84.9 3.7 91.8 4.7 58.6 3.9 44.7 5.3 98 .6 11.7 9.1 39.9
30 88.2 3.7 94.7 4.5 74.6 4.4 66.0 5.4 98 .7 1 1.1 59.2
45 92.0 3.9 96.2 4.8 88.6 4 .3 83.7 5.2 100.0 13.9 77.0
60 94.0 4.0 97.2 4.7 95.1 4 .5 96.0 5.2 99.8 41.8 16.4 85.8
120 100.0 4.1 100.0 5.2 100.0 4.5 100.0 5.1 100.0 67.5 25.7 100.0

Abbreviations: Sh = schwertmannite. Fh-2L = 2-line ferrihydrite, Fh-6L = 6-/ine ferrihydrite. % diss = % dissolved,
. syn = synthetic, - = 110 data.

Chapter 4: Dissolution kinetics of schwertmannite and ferrihydrite.

4.3.1 Schwertmannite

The shapes of the dissolution curves of the schwertmannite samples can be divided into
two groups. The first group (Sh4 and MS3) shows a linear behavior at the beginning and
exponential at the end (Fig. 4a and 4b ). Characterization of the mineral shape with the SEM
secondary electron images shows that Sh4 and MS3 have typical spherical particles with
spicules, as sea-urchins (Fig. 5).

100 8 100 10
90 7 90 9
80 80 8
70 70 7 ,
60 5~ ">q. 60 t.
6 (/)
• •
.!!! 50
Fe/S mol ratio ~ 'i5"' 50 • • 5 ~
~ 40 il ~ 40
3 g: q.
Fe/S mol ratio
30 3
20 20 2
10 10 1
0 0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 20 40 60 80 100 120
time(min.) time (min.)

Fig. 4: (A) Dissolution curve of schwertmannite samples MS3 and (B) Sh4. Round dots are measured Fe-values,
diamonds represent Fe/S mole ratio values. The fine is mode led. The linear first part of the curve is modeled by the
contracting sphere equation, the exponential part by the first arder equation. The change in curve shape indicates
when the dissolution contra/ling geometry of schwertmannite collapses, and the residual schwertmannite particles
dissolve as afunction oftheir remaining surface.

The first linear part of the dissolution curve can be modeled by a geometrie expression
with the physical meaning, that the phase boundary is controlled for a contracting sphere (Table
2, cube root). After 20 respectively 30 min, it changes to exponential behavior, described by a
first order equation (Table 2), which indicates that at any time t, the dissolution rate will be a
function of the remaining surface area (Cornell and Schwertmann, 1996). The change in the
curve shape is thought to reflect the moment at which the spherical geometry of schwertmannite
collapses, and the residual schwertmannite particles dissolve as a function of their remaining
surface area. The time at which the Fe/S mole ratios stabilize does not correlate with the shape
change of the dissolution curve (Fig. 4 ). This indicates that for the first group of schwertmannite
(MS3 and Sh4) the adsorbed sulfate has no influence in the structural stability, as shown by
Bigham et al. (1990).
The second group of schwertmannite samples showed slightly faster dissolution with
exponential behavior and can be best modeled from the beginning by a first order equation type
(PR1, PR2, Fig. 3a, and AS3/016, Fig. 8). Characterization of the mineral shape with the SEM
secondary electron images shows that PR1 and PR2 have web-like, filigree structures (Fig. 5).
After 12 min in case of PR1 and 15 min in case of PR2, the dissolution rate slows down.

Chapter 4: Dissolution kinetics of schwertmannite and ferrihydrite.

Fig. 5: SEM images of the schwertmannite (MS3, Sh4, PRJ, PR2) andferrihydrite (MSJ and Bt3) samplesfor the
curves shawn in Fig. 4. MS3 and Sh4, which were modeled by a contracting sphere show the typical spherical
particles of schwertmannite with spicules reminding sea-urchins. ln contrast, the faster dissolving schwertmannite
phases PR 1 and PR2 show web-like, filigree structures. MSJ and Bt3 show ve1y fine irregularly shaped particles.
MS 1 does not show any features of schwertmannite structures so that it was classified as a 2-line ferrihydrite.

Chapter 4: Dissolution kinetics of schwertmannite andferrihydrite.

Replotting the data using a logarithmic scale (Fig. 6) reveal a break after 12 min, respectively 15
min appear, indicating a change in the dissolution kinetics. This corresponds to the moment, at
which the Fe/S ratio reaches nearly constant values (see Table 4 ). The lower Fe/S mole ratios
observed at the beginning of the schwertmannite dissolution, indicate a higher S0 4 2- release
compared to Fe, possibly due to surface adsorbed S04 2-, as reported by Bigham et al. (1990). The
change to stable S0 4 2- release corresponds to lower dissolution rates, possibly because of a
stabilizing effect on the crystalline structure of the structural S0 42 -.


---R' = o.9967 5.5 5.5

4.5 • 4.5
"0 5


. 4
• 4 "T1


• •
• - =-= ..... . 4.5

~3 .5 3.5 3
R'=0 .9713
e.... iii
• • ln Prl
(Fa%dlssolved) () t:
• ln Pr2
(Fe% dlssolved)

--lnmode-1 3 .5 - - ln mode! 3.5

12 min . (first order) 2.5 • 15 min .

• • Fe/5 mol • • Fto/S mol

1 1 3
ln time (min) Ln time (min)

Fig. 6: PR 1 and PR2 dissolution curves and Fe/S mole ratios on logarithm scales. Dots (Fe in % dissolved) and
diamonds (Fe/S) are measured values, !ines are modeled by first arder equation. The time at which Fe/S mole
ratios reach ne arly constant values ( 12 and 15 min, respective/y) coïncides with a slow dawn of the dissolution
kinetics. This may reflect the stabiliûng raie of structural fixed SO }-.

Table 4: Fe/S mole ratios of th e dissolved fractions of schwertmannite samples, sh/fh mixture and a mine tailings
bulk sample obtained in the dissolution kinetic tests. sh = schwertmannite, jh =ferrihydrite
time (min) PRI PR2 MS3 Sh4 Sh4/MSI AS3/016
natural sh natural sh natural sh synthetic 1:1 mi x sh/th sh and jt rich
3 2.2 3.3 2.3 2.3 1.9
6 2.9 4.0 3.0 3.2 3.7 4.2
9 3.3 4.6 3.4 4.0 4.5
12 3.6 4.6 3.9 4.4 5.3
15 3.7 4.8 3.9 4.9 5.8 4.9
20 3.7 4.7 3.9 5.3 6.3
30 3.7 4.5 4.4 5.4 6.6 4.8
45 3.9 4.8 4.3 5.2 7.0
60 4.0 4.7 4.5 5.2 6.9 4.5
120 4.1 5.2 4.5 5.1 6.9

Chapter 4: Dissolution kinetics of schwertmannite andferrihydrite.

To monitor the morphologies (spherical or web-like) which control the schwertmannite

dissolution, aliquots of MS3 and PR1 were subjected to a defined time-range dissolution and the
mineral morphologies were observed by SEM. Sample MS3 showed still spherical forms
remaining after 12 min, while after 35 min they had disappeared (Fig.7). This is consistent with
modeling as a contracting sphere for the beginning of the dissolution curve and subsequently,
after the spherical structure collapses, as a first order equation. In contrast with sample MS3,
sample PR1 did not show any morphological characteristics of schwertmannite after only 7 min,
confirming the pertinence of the dissolution modeling as a function of the surface area of the
particles left (Fig. 7).
lt is not known which conditions lead to the different mineral shapes of schwertmannite.
Factors that may influence mineral shape and dissolution kinetics could be S0 4 2 - content
(Bigham et al., 1990) or oxyanion substitution in schwertmannite (Waychunas et al., 1995;
Barham, 1997). However, at least for samples MS3 and PR1, arsenate substitution does not seem
to be responsible for the different mineral shapes and associated dissolution kinetics, as in both
cases As content was < 1ppb (detection limit) in the leach. Also the Fe/S mole ratios of the
schwertmannite samples do not provide any clear evidence of S04 2 - controlled dissolution
kinetics and shape.

4.3.2 Ferrihydrite

Dissolution curves of ferrihydrite (Fig. 3b) showed more variability than those of
schwertmannite. Natural ferrihydrites dissolved faster than synthetic ones. This is possibly due to
microbiological interactions during formation, as proposed by Fischer (1976). For example,
sample Bt3 dissolved very fast(> 90% in 15 min) and can be modeled by a first arder equation.
In contrast, the dissolution curves of samples MS 1 and Fh-2L showed a more sigmoidal shape
(Fig. 3b). This presumably reflects a change in particle morphology (dissolution cavities, break
up of aggregates, etc.) during the initial stage of dissolution (Schwertmann, 1984). The latter two
curves were modeled with the Kabai equation (Table 2). This equation provides a flexible way of
summarizing experimental data, but is not based on any fondamental conceptual madel of the
dissolution process and therefore does not provide any physical meaning for the a variable
(Cornell and Schwertmann, 1996). The dissolution curve of the 6-line synthetic ferrihydrite (Fh-
6L) could be best modeled with the one-dimensional diffusion madel.

4.3.3 Schwertmannite!ferrihydrite mixture

XRD analyses of the 1:1 wt.% mixture of synthetic schwertmannite and a natural 2-line
ferrihydrite (Sh4/MS 1) show slightly lower intensities than fo r pure schwertmannite (Fig. 1). As
the dissolution curves of samples Sh4 and MS 1 are si mil ar (Fig. 3a and 3b ), the resulting
dissolution curve of the mixed sample (not shawn) does not allow identification of the presence
of ferrihydrite. The slight intensity difference in XRD patterns of pure schwertmannite and a
mixture with ferrihydrite does not permit detection of mixtures of these two phases, due to the

Chapter 4: Dissolution kinetics of schwertmannite and ferrihydrite.

Fig. 7: SEM images of samples MS3 and PRJ. Left colunm, from top to bottom: MS3 after 0, 12, and 35 min acid
ammonium oxalate dissolution. Right column, from top to bottom: PRJ after 0, 7, and 30 min dissolution. After 12
min dissolution MS3 still shows spherical shape as expected from the modeling of the dissolution results, whereas,
aft er 35 min, only fine irregular particles are left, which dissolve as a function of the ir surface a rea. After 7 min
PRJ shows only very fine irregular residual particles. Modeling of the dissolution kinetics tests suggest that they
dissolve as a function of the ir surface a rea.

Chapter 4: Dissolution kinetics of sclnvertmannite and ferrihydrite.

lack of intensity studies of XRD patterns for schwertmannite. Nevertheless, the Fe/S mole ratio
of the mixed sample shows a higher value (6.9) than without ferrihydrite (Table 4) so that the
Fe/S mole ratio in this case is an important indicator of the presence of ferrihydrite in a
schwertmannite sample. However, as long as the structural formula and so the Fe/S mole ratio of
schwertmannite is not clear (5 or 8, see above), it is difficult to use the Fe/S mole ratios as a
quantitative indicator to discriminate between schwertmannite and ferrihydrite.
Therefore, the variations of the Fe/S mole ratios found in samples of schwertmannite
(between 5-8), which display similar dissolution kinetics and overlapping XRD patterns, could
have their origin in different degrees of a mixture of schwertmannite and lower ordered

4.3.4 Test on a mine tailings sample

The results summarized in Table 5 suggest that to attain a selective dissolution of the ferric
oxyhydroxides schwertmannite and 2-line ferrihydrite, 60 min attack with 0.2 M ammonium
oxalate pH 3, dark should be chosen. Onder these conditions> 94% schwertmannite and> 85%
2-line ferrihydrite should dissolve, by minimizing dissolution of other reducible phases as
jarosite, hematite, magnetite, and goethite. However, application of this method to mine tailings
samples from the oxidation zone reveal significant dissolution of secondary jarosite after lh, as
indicated by increased potassium concentrations in the leach (Table 4 this chapter and chapter 5).
An example is shown in Fig. 8, which represents a dissolution test with the schwertmannite-
containing tailings bulk sample AS3/016. Iron dissolution is fast (56, 88.4, 95, and 100% after 5,
15, 30, and 60 min, respectively) and the data best fits a first-order dissolution equation,
indicating that it is not a spherical schwertmannite. SEM study supports this interpretation, as no
spherical, but web-like structures could be found. The Fe/S mole ratio reaches its maximum
value of 4.9 after 15 min attack, to subsequently decrease down to 4.5 after 60 minutes. DXRD
data (Fig. 2) indicate that after 15 min mainly schwertmannite goes into solution. A XRD scan
after 60 min (data not shown), demonstrates that an easily reducible part of jarosite was also
dissolved, explaining the decrease of the Fe/S mole ratio (Fig. 8) and the increased potassium
values in the dissolved fraction of the Fe(III) oxyhydroxide leach in the samples from the
oxidation zone (Table 5).

Table 5: Representative K concentrations in the 1h 0.2M NH4-oxalate, pH 3, darkness, leach of sequential

extractions from the oxidation and primary zone from the studied porphyry copper tailings Piuquenes and
Cauqucnes. Ch ile (see chapter 5). Sample code e.g. A21020 means Andina, drill No 2 in 20 cm depth .
Samples from K(%) Samples from K(%)
Piuquenes/Andina Cauquenes/Teniente
Ox . Zone A2/020 0.24 Ox. Zone T4/040 0.07
Ox . Zone A2/050 0.19 Ox. Zone T4/153 0.07
Pry. Zone A2/l 00 0.01 Pry. Zone T4/490 0.01
Pry. Zone A2/900 0.02 Pry. Zone T4/490 0.01

Chapter 4: Dissolution kinetics of schwertmannite andferrihydrite.

100 6
• • Fe (%) AS3/016

(l) 4TI • Fe/S mol ratio
'5 50 3Q.
~ 40 !!1.
(l) 2 ë"
IL 30
0 ;,~~TT~rrrrrr~~~~TT~~o
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
time (min)

Fig. 8: Dissolution kinetics and Fe!S mole ratios of the mine tailings sample ASJ/016 (Piuquenesl La Andina). Fast
dissolution of schwertmannite in 15 min is also confirmed by DXRD (Fig.2) and is indicated by the highest Fe/S
mole ratio. The decrease of the Fe/S mole ratio to 4.5 in 60 min is explained by jarosite dissolution and is indicated

Table 6: Summary of results of the dissolution kinetic tests on schwertmannite, 2-line ferrihydrite, and 6-line
ferrihydrite in 0.2 M ammonium oxalate, pH 3.0, under exclusion of light.
Mineral Sample dissolution equation dissolution control % dissolved
model after60 min
schwertmanni te MS3, Sh4 contracting sphere 1 Collapse of spherical 95.1, 96.0
spherical first arder equation form/
surface remaining
schwertmannite PRI, PR2, first arder equation surface remaining 94.0, 97.2
schwertmannite AS3/016 first arder equation surface remaining 100
mine tai ling
2-line ferrihydrite Bt3 first arder equation surface remaining 100
2-line ferrihydrite MSI Kabai - equation no physica! meaning 86.0
2-line ferrihydrite Fh-2L Kabai - equation no physical meaning 42.0
6-line ferrihydrite Fh-6L 1D-diffusion 1 D-diffusion 16.0

4.4 Conclusions

Dissolution kinetics of natural and synthetic schwertmannite and 2-line ferrihydrite in 0.2
M ammonium oxalate pH 3, dark, are fast (Table 6; > 94% and > 86% dissolved after 60 min,
respectively). It is not possible to discriminate these two minerais with this extraction method.
Modeling of schwertmannite dissolution curves, control of mineral shape by SEM, and Fe/S
mole ratios of the dissolved fractions indicate that two different schwertmannite shapes

Chapter 4: Dissolution kinetics of schwertmamzite and ferrihydrite.

(spherical and web-like) with different dissolution kinetics can be distinguished. The collapse of
the spherical shaped (sea-urchin) schwertmannite aggregates seems to control its dissolution
kinetics. In case of web-like schwertmannite, structural S0 4 2 • may have an effect on the stability
of the structure.
Natural 2-line ferrihydrite dissolved at the same rate as schwertmannite (> 85% in 60 min),
while synthetic 2-line ferrihydrite dissolved slower (41.8% after 60 min). Synthetic 6-line
ferrihydrite showed a very slow dissolution rate (16.4 % after 60 min), due to its higher
structural order.
In case of a mixture of schwertmannite and ferrihydrite, XRD patterns and dissolution
kinetics alone do not provide a method of distinguishing these minerais. Discrimination can be
achieved by combining these methods with data on the Fe/S mole ratio of the dissolved fraction.
The results suggest that a selective leach for the ferric oxyhydroxides schwertmannite and
lower ordered (2-line) ferrihydrite should be dissolution with 0.2 M ammonium oxalate pH 3,
dark, during 60 min. These conditions maximize dissolution of schwertmannite and 2-line
ferrihydrite, while minimizing the dissolution of other reducible phases like jarosite, hematite,
magnetite, and goethite. Nevertheless, application of this attack to samples from the oxidation
zone of sulfidic mine tailings has shown that a part of secondary jarosite dissolves also, although
at a slower rate than schwertmannite and lower ordered ferrihydrite. Therefore, if only
schwertmannite is of interest (e.g., determination by DXRD), a 15 min attack should be preferred
to increase selectivity. It must be also taken in account that in a ferrous iron containing system
(e.g., siderite, magnetite), the dissolution kinetics of other Fe(III)hydroxides (goethite, hematite,
etc.) is enhanced (Suter et al. 1988 and 1991). In conclusion, a test of crystal morphology by
SEM, dissolution kinetics, and control by DXRD of the dissolved phases should be included in
the studies applying sequential extractions to provide correct interpretation of geochemical data.


I would like to thank specially Prof. U. Schwertmann for supplying the samples and
helpful comments and corrections. I am grateful to Prof. L. Fontboté and Prof. W. Wildi for the
support and the helpful suggestions and Prof. B.M. Thompson, Prof. H.-R. Pfeifer, and Dr. C.N.
Alpers for the critical reading. I thank Prof. H.-R. Pfeifer, J.-C.- Lavanchy, and C. Schlegel for
the facilities and discussions in the laboratory of the Centre d'Analyse Minerale, Université de
Lausanne. Thanks to Dr. Dubois from Soil Science Institute of the EPFL, Lausanne for the ICP
analysis and Dr. R. Martini form the Geological Department, University of Geneva for the
patient SEM work. The project is supported by the German Academie Exchange Service
(DAAD) and the Swiss National Science Foundation project No. 21-50778.97.

Chapter 4: Dissolution kinetics of schwertmannite and ferrihydrite.


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5 Element cycling and secondary mineralogy in porphyry copper tailings as a

function of elima te, primary mineral ogy, and mineral processing.


A comparative geochemical, mineralogical, and microbiological study of three mine

tailings impoundments from the porphyry copper deposits La Andina, El Teniente, and El
Salvador, Chile is presented in this paper. The main focus was on the mineralogical and
geochemical changes at the interface between the oxidation zone and the primary zone in the
sulfidic copper flotation tailings. The criteria used for selection of the tailings impoundments
included knowledge of the origin of the mineral (from one mine only), climate, flotation process,
and the absence of anthropogenic alteration (additional water or tailings input) after operation
had ceased. In this way the influence of climate, flotation process, and ore mineralogy can be
qualitatively studied. Two schematic models of element cycling in sulfide mine tailings
controlled by climatic conditions are presented.
The secondary phases jarosite, schwertmannite, and a vermiculite-type mixed-layer
mineral were detected in the oxidation zone by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and differentiai X-ray
diffraction (DXRD). Jarosite and schwertmannite play an important role for the retention of
oxyanions (e.g., HMo04-, H2As04·, and S04 2·) in the low pH oxidation zones, as proven by
sequential extractions (element analysis by ICP-ES) and in-situ by scanning electron microscope
(SEM-EDS) and/or electron microprobe analysis. The bivalent cations (e.g., Cu2+, Zn2+, Mn2+)
are leached out from the oxidation zones in precipitation dominated climates. Below this zone,
increasing pH controls the sorption of bivalent cations through adsorbents as secondary Mn(II)
hydroxides, Fe(III) hydroxides or clay minerais. Below the groundwater table, with increasingly
reducing conditions, pH controlled replacement processes take place, as shown by the
transformation of chalcopyrite to covellite, leading to secondary Cu enrichments of potential
economie interest.
In arid climates, with strong evaporation, the water-flow direction changes to upwards
migration via capillary forces. As a result the mobilized elements are transferred to oxidizing
conditions at the top of the tailings. Hydrolysis and sulfide replacement processes are less
important in arid climates. Saturation and/or supersaturation controls the precipitation of mainly
water-soluble secondary sulfates (e.g., bonattite, chalcanthite) and strong enrichment at the top
of the tailings.
In the low pH oxidation zone, due to their high ionie strength, certain mobile elements, are
found to substitute into secondary phases such as Fe replacement by Al in jarosite, or K
replacement by Cu and Zn in biotite.
At El Salvador only low quantities of secondary ferric oxyhydroxide minerais have been
found in relation to the high pyrite (6.2 wt.%) content. A very low oxidation activity during
microbiological tests and molybdenum values higher by a factor of 3 to 5 than those of
Piuquenes (La Andina) and Cauquenes (El Teniente), suggest that this is due, at least in part, to
molybdenum poisoning of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans. The, nevertheless, strong acidity at the El
Chapter 5: Element cycling and secondary minera/ogy in po1phyry copper tailings

Salvador tailings (pH 2 - 3.5) is seen as a result of slow inorganic pyrite oxidation in
combination with acidity stored in supergene jarosite and zero carbonate neutralization potential.

5.1 Introduction

The porphyry copper and/or molybdenum sulfide deposits are the world's primary source
of copper and molybdenum. This deposit type consists of disseminated and stockwork veinlet
sulfide mineralization emplaced in various hostrocks that have been altered by hydrothermal
solutions into roughly concentric zonal patterns (Lowell & Gilbert, 1970; Lowell, 1974;
Gustafson & Hunt, 1975; Camus, 1975, Titley, 1982, Gustafson & Quiroga, 1995). Pyrite,
chalcopyrite, bornite, and molybdenite are generally the dominant minerais. Minor phases are
magnetite, hematite, ilmenite, rutile, enargite, cubanite, cassiterite, huebnerite, and gold.
Supergene enrichment, which can make these low-grade deposits economically interesting,
produces secondary hematite, goethite, alunite, jarosite, covellite, chalcocite, digenite, and native
copper. During the flotation process the economically interesting Cu-Mo-sulfides are extracted,
while pyrite is generally depressed from flotation, being exposed to oxidation by deposition at
the tailings impoundments. It is generally accepted that sulfide oxidation, and in particular that
of pyrite, is the main reason for the formation of acid rock drainage (ARD). These heavy metal
loaded effluents are the principal environmental problem facing the mining industry today.
The aim of this project is to investigate the mineralogical and geochemical changes at the
interface between the oxidation zone and the primary (sulfide) zone in sulfidic copper flotation
tailings. For this purpose three tailings impoundments of the porphyry copper deposits La
Andina, El Teniente, and El Salvador in Chile are studied. The criteria used for selection of the
impoundments included knowledge of the origin of the tailings (from only one mine), climate,
flotation process, and the absence of anthropogene alteration (additional water or tailings input)
after operation had ceased. In this way we can qualitatively study the influence of parameters as
elimate, flotation process, and ore mineralogy. We foc us on the processes resulting from sul fide
oxidation, especially element mobility and retention by secondary minerais as well as microbial
The three selected tailings impoundments represent different climates and illustrate the
influence of this parameter on both mobilization direction and secondary mineralogy. The
Piuquenes tailings impoundment from La Andina (alpine climate) is discussed as prime example.
In the tailings of Cauquenes at El Teniente (Mediterranean climate) and El Salvador (hyper-arid)
the differences with respect to Piuquenes and the controlling parameters leading to these
differences will be highlighted. It will be shawn that in precipitation-dominated climates (La
Andina) the element mobilization direction is downwards and resulting from this, the secondary
mineralogy is dominated by hydrolysis and replacement due to decreasing redox potential below
the groundwater level. With increasing influence of evaporation, upwards migration becomes
more important (El Teniente and El Salvador) and the secondary mineralogy consequently is
dominated by water-soluble sulfates due to the increasing redox potential. The global
geochemical behavior of the tailings material of each case will be presented in two schematic
models of element cycling.

Chapter 5: Element cycling and secondary minera/ogy in pmphyry copper tailings

5.2 Terminology

For the description of the tailings mineralogy the classification proposed by Jambor (1994)
is used: The term "primary" minerais is used to designate the complete ore mineralogy, i.e.
"hypogene" referring to high temperature mineralization and "supergene" referring to
weathering products prior to mining. "Secondary" minerais are those produced within the
tailings impoundment after mining and milling as the result of weathering processes. "Tertiary"
minerais form after the sample has been removed from the tailings environment.

5.3 Description of the studied tailings impoundments

The situation of the three studied tailings impoundments Piuquenes (La Andina, alpine
climate, alkaline flotation circuit), Cauquenes (El Teniente, Mediterranean climate, acid flotation
circuit), and El Salvador No.1 (El Salvador, hyper-arid climate, alkaline flotation circuit, strong
supergene enriched ore) is shown in Fig. 1. A total of 14 drill cores were obtained from the three
studied tailings impoundments (Table 1). In table 2 a summary of the main parameters is shawn.
A description of the ore geology, flotation processes, and climatic conditions of each site is given

Table 1. Sampled tailings for the present study.

Name Ore deposit type Climate Drilling Samples
1) La Andina porphyry copper Alpine Ali to A/5 87
Tailings Piuquenes (clay mineral rich)
2) El Teniente porphyry copper Mediterranean T/1 to T/5 78
Tailings Cauquenes (clay mineral rich)
3) El Salvador porphyry copper Hyper-arid E/1 to E/4 37
Tailings No.l (clay mineral rich)

5.3.1 Piuquenes tailings impoundment, La Andina porphyry copper deposit, Chile Regional geology and ore geology

The Rfo Blanco-Los Bronces ore body is a giant copper-molybdenum porphyry system
with >50x106 metric tons copper with an average ore grade between 1.0 and 1.5 % (Serrano et
al., 1996), located high on the west flank of the central Chilean Andes, about 50 km northeast of
Santiago at 3500 to 4200 rn altitude (Fig. 1). CODELCO' s Andina division owns the main
eastern part of the deposit. This deposit is one of three giant late Miocene to early Pliocene
copper deposits in the Andes of central Chile, formed as a result of emplacement of bath
multiple mineralized breccias and porphyry intrusions (quartz diorite, granodiorite, quartz
manzoni te, and quartz monzodiorite) into earl y and middle Miocene plutonic rocks and
Cenozoic lavas (Serrano et al., 1996). The potassic core, propylitic halo, and superimposed

Chapter 5: Element cycling and secondmy minera/ogy in porphyry copper tailings

El Salvador tailings impoundment No.1

: : porphyry copper belt

o tailings impoundment

75" 70"

Cauquenes tailings impoundment; El Teniente Piuquenes tailings impoundment; La Andina

A' A4 AS3 A.S A2 . .

dam i.
- hematite-sediment
A' 8' (;S3 evaporite zone eT3 drill core
T4 TS T3 T1
D oxidation zone OAS3 surface sample
E'ZJ neutralization zone .--··
'....... hm-sediment
[!]] primary zone ·· · ·· pond limit

Fig. 1: Overview of the sampled tailings impoundments and the ir location within the porphyry copper belt in Ch ile.
The climate changes from hyper-arid in the Atacama desert in northern Chile to humid in the South. Note : For
better visibility of the stratigraphie zonation the cross-sections are vertical/y exaggerated.

Chapter 5: Element cycling and seconda1y minera/ogy in porphy1y copper tailings

Table 2: Properties of the studied porphyry copper tailings impoundments (abbreviations: qz: quartz; al: albite; K-
feld: K-feldspar; bio: biotite; ca: calcite; sid: siderite; ank: ankerite; anhy: anhydrite; gy: gypsum; tour:
tourmaline; rut: rutile; ser: sericite; cl: chlorite; kaol: kaolinite; mont: monmorillonite; horn: hornblende; ap:
apatite; ep: epidote; py: pyrite; cp: chalcopyrite; bn: bornite; dg: digenite; cc: chalcocite; cv: covellite; mb:
molybdenite; si: sphalerite; gn: ga/ena; tn: tennantite; tt: tetrahedrite; cb: cinnabar; op: mpiment; stb: stibnite; mt:
magnetite; hm: hematite; ilm: ilmenite; gt: goethite; jt: jarosite; Na-jt: natrojarosite; sh: schwertmannite; j12.·
f errihydrite ).

Ore dcposit La Andina El Teniente El Salvador

ore deposit type porphyry copper porphyry copper porphyry copper

gangue mineralogy qz, al-K-feld, bio, ank, qz, al-K-feld, bio, ca, qz, ai-K-feld, bio, anhy,
sid, ca, gy, ser, cl, ep, anhy, tour, rut, ap, ser, rut, horn, sphene, ca 3)
tour t) cl, ep, kaol, mont 2)

hypogene ore py, cp, bn, mb, si, gn, tn- py, cp, bn, mb, gn, tn, py, cp, bn, mb, ilm, hm3l
mineralogy tt, mt, hm 1), iJm4l mt, hm 2>

supergene mineralogy cc, cvll cc, cv 2l cc, cv, jt, hm, gt3l, Na-

tlotation circuit pH 10.5 pH4.5 pH 10.5

Tailings Piuquenes 5) Cauquenes 6) El Salvador No.l

surface 83.7 ha 640 ha 4.2 ha

volume 24 117 048 m3 270 000 000 m3 144 000 m3

operation time 1970-1980 1936-1975 1959-1960

deposition technique starter dam, downstream 5 dams closing a natural 2 dams closing
method depression natural inclination

Climate (after Koppen)7l polar or alpine (E) Mediterranean (Csd) hyper-arid&> (Bw)
altitude 2150m 725 rn 2270m

precipitation -700 mm/a -540 mm/a -20 mm/a

Evaporation -70 mm/a high in summer extremely high ali year

2 3) 4l 5)
t) Serrano et al., 1996; ) Camus, 1975; Gustafson & Hunt, 1975; this study; Ingeneria y Geotecnia
LTDA, 1990a; 61 lngeneria y Geotecnia LTDA, 1990b; 7>In: Li nacre and Geerts, 1997; 8) Al pers and Brimhall, 1989.

sericitic alteration of the earl y stage conform to established patterns for porphyry copper deposits
(Stambuk et al., 1982). Supergene enrichment is less prominent in the Andina deposit than other
copper deposits in northern and central Chile, but locally supergene chalcocite and covellite
double the ore grade. As the shape and depth of the enrichment zones are associated with the
recent groundwater regime, it is believed that leaching and enrichment are still active (Serrano et
al., 1996). The mineralization consists mainly of pyrite, chalcopyrite, chalcocite, covellite,
molybdenite, sphalerite, galena, tennanite, and tetrahedrite in a gangue of ankerite, siderite,
gypsum, quartz, and tourmaline.

Chapter 5: Element cyc/ing and secondary mineralogy in porphyry copper tailings Mining and treatment processes

CODELCO's Andina Division uses both, underground and open pit (Sur-Sur) mining. In
the first step of flotation the ore is separated from the gangue by a collective Cu-Mo flotation.
The mineral is conditioned by lime (pH 10.5) and the following reagents are used. Collectors:
SF-323 (lsopropil Etil Tionocarbamate) 50 wt.% 15g/t, MIBC (Metil Isobutil Carbinol) 35 wt.%
10.5g/t, Diesel oil 15 wt. % 5.5g/t. Frothers: MIBC (Metil Isobutil Carbinol) 70 wt.% 11.55g/t,
Pine oil 30 wt.% 4.95g/t. The tailings from this flotation step are deposited on the tailings
impoundments (Division Andina, A). History of the tailings impoundment

The Andina division has two tailings impoundments, the recently operating Los Leones
and the Los Piuquenes impoundment which was in operation from 1970 to 1980. Sampling was
carried out on Los Piuquenes which is located at 32°59' S and 70°15' W (UTM northing
6349000; easting 383000) at 2150 rn altitude in the N-S trending valley of the river Rfo Blanco,
3.3 km upstream of the connection with the Los Leones River. Los Piuquenes is situated in a
valley of glacial formation on Quaternary sediments with fluvial-glacial origin, mainly sandy
gravels and clayey sandy gravels. They are underlain by Upper Tertiary volcanic and intrusive
rocks (mainly andesites and granodiorites).
The impoundment has a surface area of 83.7 ha and a volume of 24,117,048.4 m3 and
37,188,488.6 metric tons. The maximum height ofthe impoundment is 57 rn and the downstream
angle of the dam is 25°. Piuquenes was constructed as a valley dam impoundment with an initial
starter dam after the upstream method. The soils upstream of the dam were compacted. A
drainage system for effluent collection with 3 drainage lines has been installed. The discharge
point of the tailings was moved periodically during operation (Ingenerfa y Geotecnica LTDA,
1990a; Division Andina, B). The average Cu content of the material deposited between 1970 and
1980 of the Piuquenes tailings was 0.22 % (Division Andina, 1996). Climate
Data from two meteorological stations in the Andina region are available (Appendix. 5).
One is Saladillo (32°55'55" Sand 70°16'48" W) at 1580 rn altitude. The other is Lagunitas
(33°04'48" Sand 70°15'04"W) at 2765.5 m. The Piuquenes impoundment, situated at 2100 rn
altitude, lies in the middle in terms of altitude and distance from both meteorological stations and
an average of the data from both stations was used. The climate is characterized by a rainy
season from April to October followed by a very dry season from October to March. Mean
precipitation can vary strongly from year to year (data available from 1958- 1995). In Lagunitas
the precipitation (rain or snow; show is calculated to rain equivalent by division by 10) varied
from 212 to 1777 mm/a with an average concentration of 806 mm/a and in Saladillo from 199 up
to 1209 mm/a with an average of 550 mm/a. For the Piuquenes impoundment an average
precipitation of 700 mm/a is estimated. Evaporation data is only available from the Saladillo
station and shows an average in the years from 1987-1995 of 71 mm/a. Calculation of the

Chapter 5: Element cycling and secondai)' minera/ogy in porphyry copper tailings

evaporation rate after Schendel (in Holting, 1989; E = T/H x 480 [mm/month]; where E =
evaporation, T = monthly average of air temperature in °C, H = monthly average of relative
mois ture in %) shows that the evaporation rate for Lagunitas as weil for Saladillo is around 1300
mm/a, this is nearly twenty times the measured concentration. As the relation of T and H in the
Canyon of Rio Blanco is constant, this leads to similar evaporation rates along the canyon due to
lower T but also lower H in Lagunitas and higher T but also higher H in Saladillo. Consequently,
we assume that the evaporation rate at the Piuquenes tailings impoundment is also around 70
mm/a as measured at Saladillo. This means that precipitation exceeds evaporation by a factor of
10. The climate at Piuquenes can be classified as alpine. After the Koppen Climate Classification
System the Andes are classified as E characterized by polar climate with extremely cold winters
and summers (Linacre & Geerts, 1997).

5.3.2 Cauquenes tailings impoundment, El Teniente porphyry copper deposit, Chile Regional geology and ore geology

The El Teniente copper deposit is located 67 km east of the town of Rancagua, province of
O'Higgins, VI Region, Chile. The mine is owned and operated by CODELCO and represents the
largest underground mine in the world and one of the giant porphyry copper systems (48x 106
tons of Cu). The regional geology is characterized by a thick section of pre-mineralization
volcanic rocks with intercalations of continental sediments, which are intruded by felsic to
intermediate intrusive bodies. Two main stratigraphie units are the intensely folded Coya-
Machalf Formation (Upper Cretaceous) and the overlying Farallones Formation (Lower
Tertiary). A quartz-diorite-dacite intrusion complex to which the alteration and mineralization is
related intrudes these two formations . Three main hypogene alteration assemblages and one
supergene assemblage have been recognized in the ore body. The hypogene assemblages are
potassic (secondary biotite, K-feldspar, anhydrite, quartz, sericite, carbonates, rutile, and apatite),
quartz-sericitic (quartz, sericite, pyrite, anhydrite, tourmaline, calcite, pyrophyllite), and
propylitic (chlorite, epidote, calcite, magnetite, pyrite, sericite, quartz, and anhydrite). Supergene
argillic alteration is recognized by the presence of kaolinite with lesser montmorillonite and
alunite. The main sulfide ore minerais are pyrite, chalcopyrite, molybdenite, sphalerite, galena
and tennantite. The most important secondary mineral present in the orebody is chalcocite which
occurs with minor amounts of covellite (Camus, 1975). Treatment process

Material rich in supergene argillic alteration with high contents of kaolinite and
montmorillonite inhibits flotation in an alkaline circuit. Thus the mineral is treated by an acid
flotation circuit at pH 4.5 and with the following reagents (Departamento Concentrador Colon,
1973). Collectors: MINERAC-A (Amyl xanthogen, ethyl formate), Z-200 (Isopropyl ethyl,
thionocarbamate). Frothers: DOW 1012 (Polypropylene glycol, methyl ether).

Chapter 5: Element cycling and seconda1y minera/ogy in porplzyry copper tailings History of the tailings impoundment

In the long history of El Teniente mine, four tailings impoundments were built: Barahona,
Cauquenes, Colihues, and Carén. The tailings impoundment Cauquenes was the best locality for
sampling due to favorable age, climate and the lack of alteration by anthropogenic activity. The
tailings impoundment is located at 725 rn altitude, with a surface of 640 ha, 12 km southeast of
Rancagua in a natural depression which is closed by five dams (Fig. 1). The impoundment was
in operation from 1936 to 1975. lt is situated over Upper Cretaceous rocks belonging to the
Abanico formation which are overlain by younger lacustrine sediment as sands, silty clays, and
clayey gravels (Ingeneria y Geotecnia LTDA., 1990b ). The average Cu content of the material
deposited between 1971 and 1973 on the Cauquenes tailings was 0.30 % (Departamento
Concentrador Colon, 1973). Climate
The Cauquenes tailings impoundment is situated in a region of Chile's central valley at 725
rn altitude, which is classified after the Koppen Climate Classification System as Csb
(Mediteranean with a marine influence, Linacre & Geerts, 1997). Data from the meteorological
station Parrôn in the neighborhood of the tailings impoundment are available (Appendix. 5).
Mean precipitation for 24 years is 540 mm/a. No data for evaporation are available. Using the
calculation scheme of Schendel gives similar evaporation rates as La Andina (E = 1074 mm/a).
The T and H concentrations of the Parrôn meteorological station, which is situated in a small
forest, cannot be taken as representative of the open space tailings surface of 1340 ha
(Cauquenes & Colihue). Thus, high evaporation rates are assumed for the summer period.

5.3.3 Tailings impoundment of the El Salvador porphyry copper deposit, Chile Regional geology and ore geology

The El Salvador porphyry copper deposit (5 .7x10 6 tons Cu) is located in the Atacama
Desert about lOO km northeast of the town Copiapô, III Regiôn, Chile. It is owned and operated
by CODELCO. The formation of the porphyry copper deposit culrninated volcanic activity in the
Indio Muerto district. Host rocks are Cretaceous andesitic flows and sedimentary rocks overlain
unconformably by Lower Tertiary volcanics. Early rhyolitic dornes, with voluminous rhyolitic
and andesitic volcanics, were followed by irregularly shaped subvolcanic intrusions of quartz
rhyolitic and quartz porphyry, dated at about 46 m.y. (Gustafson & Hunt, 1975). Minor copper
mineralization accompanied this event. A steep-walled granodioritic porphyry complex and the
closely associated main center of mineralization and alteration were dated at 41 m.y. (Gustafson
& Hunt, 1975). Early mineralization is characterized by distinctive quartz veins and largely
disseminated K-silicate-assemblages of alkali feldspar-biotite-anhydrite-chalcopyrite-bornite or
chalcopyrite-pyrite. Except at the deepest levels exposed in the younger porphyries, incipient K-
silicate alteration converted hornblende phenocrysts to biotite-anhydrite-rutile, ilmenite to
hematite-rutile, and sphene to rutile-anhydrite. Supergene enrichment formed the commercial ore
body. Secondary Cu-sulfides (chalcocite, covellite) extensively replaced chalcopyrite and bornite

Chapter 5: Element cycling and secondai)' minerafogy in porphyry copper tailings

but coated pyrite with little or no replacement (Gustafson & Hunt, 1975; Gustafson & Quiroga,
1995). Mining and treatment processes

The El Salvador Division is an underground mining operation. ln the flotation the ore is
separated from the gangue by a collective Cu-Mo flotation. The mineral is conditioned by lime
(pH 10.5) and the following reagents are used. Collectors: Isopropil Na Xantate 28 g/t,
Tinocarbamate 10 g/t. Frothers: DOW 1012 43 g/t, MIBC (Metil Isobutil Carbinol) 11 g/t. The
tailings of this flotation step are deposited on the tailings impoundment Pampa Austral (Division
Salvador, 1987). History of the tailings impoundment

The Potrerillos-El Salvador mining district sent most of its flotation tailings in suspension
through the El Salado River direct to the sea at the Chafiaral Bay between 1926 and 1989. As a
result of this activity the bay is considered as practically biologically dead . Legal action by the
village Chafiaral stopped deposition in the bay. Since 1989 the Pampa Austral impoundment has
been the active tailings impoundment of the El Salvador mine. The present flotation plant of El
Salvador started its activity in 1959. From this time there have been three small tailings
impoundments halfway between the plant and El Sai vad or village. The largest one (tailing No.1,
4,16 ha and a maximum altitude of 8 rn), which went out of operation around 1960, was
sampled. The tailing is situated at 2270 rn altitude, UTM 17700 N and 13100 W. The tailings
impoundment was built by using two rectangular dams forming together with the natural
inclination of the terrain a volume, which was filled up with the tailings material (Fig. 1). The
tailings are deposited on continental clastic sediments belonging to the Potrerillos Formation,
which mainly consist of gravels and sands with intercalations of rhyolitic flows (K/Ar ages
between Middle and Upper Miocene). Their upper surface is called the Pediplano de Atacama
(Mercado, 1978). Climate
The El Salvador tailings impoundment No.1 is situated in the Andean precordillera at 2270
rn altitude and the region is classified after the Koppen Climate Classification System as arid Bw
(Linacre & Geerts, 1997). The Atacama Desert is known as the driest desert on earth and data
from precipitation in the El Salvador region from 1962-1984 show an average of 20 mm/a as rain
or snow (Direcci6n General de Aguas, 1996) and is classified as hyper-?rid (Alpers and
Brimhall, 1989). No data for evaporation and temperature are available. No vegetation is
observed. High evaporation rates must be assumed throughout the whole year.

Chapter 5: Element cycling and secondai)' minera/ogy in porphy1)' copper tailings

5.4 Methology

5.4.1 Sampling and field metlwds

A total of 14 holes were drilled and 202 samples were obtained from the three studied
tailings impoundments. Percussion drilling equipment was used to reach depths of 10 rn (100 x 2
x 2 cm sampling tube) in the first field campaign 1996. Up to 5 samples of 20cm length per
meter were taken in the oxidation zone and at the interface between oxidation and primary zone.
Three samples per meter were taken in the homogeneous primary zones. Where necessary,
smaller sub-samples were taken. In a second field campaign in 1997 detailed surface sampling
was undertaken in the transition to a hematite-rich sediment in the Piuquenes tailings (Fig. 1).
The 202 samples were sealed in plastic bags and stored in an ice-packed cool box.
Previously, the description of mineralogical characteristics, color and grain size estimation, and
pH measurement (paste pH according to MEND, 1991; WTW® pH-meter; in the second field
campaign a pH-electrode for measurement in meat was successfully used for in situ pH-
measurement in the moist tailings sediment) were noted. The samples were transported
immediately to local mine laboratories for drying (< 35°C) and water content determination. The
dry samples were homogenized and packed into polyethylene (PET) containers for storage at
room temperature.
In the two impoundments which had water out-flow or ponds (Andina, Teniente) a total of
four water samples were taken. The water samples were filtered with 0.45 Jlffi sodium acetate
filters. Temperature, conductivity, pH, and oxygen were measured in the field. Each water
sample was separated into two aliquots, one untreated for anion analysis, and the other conserved
at pH 2 (obtained by addition of suprapure HN03) for cation analysis. The water samples were
refrigerated until analysis.

5.4.2 Plzysical properties

The wt.% of moisture of ail tailings samples was measured using sample weight before and
after drying. The particle size distribution of selected samples were measured by a Coulter® and
a Fritsch Analysette® laser particle size analyzer. The hydraulic conductivity (K) was calculated
after Hazen (1893, in Holting, 1989) with the dto concentrations. As the unconformity degree U
= d6o/dto was higher than five, the correction after Beyer (1964, in Holting, 1989) was applied.

5.4.3 Mineralogical metlwds

Polished sections and polished thin sections were prepared from bulk samples and
undisturbed sediment samples. Ali samples were analyzed as bulk sample by X-ray diffraction
(XRD), using a Philips 3020 diffractometer with CuKa (À = 1.54056 Â) and a monochromator.
Scan settings were 3-70° 28, 0.02° step size, 2s count time per step. The procedure of

Chapter 5: Element cycling and seconda1y mineralogy in porphyry copper tailings

identification of clay minerais was used as described in Moore & Reynolds (1997), and Brindley
& Brown (1980). First, the fraction < 21-1m was separated by centrifugation and oriented samples
were prepared on glass slides. Samples were then characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD),
with the same settings as mentioned above. The samples were analyzed before and after glycerol
treatment, K & Mg-saturation and heat treatment (550°C, lh).
The low crystalline Fe(III) hydroxides such as ferrihydrite and schwertmannite were
detected by differentiai X-ray diffraction (DXRD) as described by Schulze (1981 & 1994). The
diffractometer settings were those used by Bigham et al. (1990, 1994, and 1996), and
Schwertmann et al. (1995), i.e., step scanning with 0.05° 28 step size and 20 s counting time per
step. The samples were attacked by 0.2 M ammonium oxalate, pH 3, dark, 15 min or 2h. Scans
were measured before and after treatment. The treated scan was intensity corrected and then
subtracted from the untreated scan. The resulting DXRD was used for mineral determination.
The extraction solutions were analyzed for Fe and S by ICP-AES to calculate the Fe/S mole

5.4.4 Geochemical methods Sequential extraction

To study the element speciation m the mine tailings a sequence of seven selective
dissolution steps was established and applied to 114 samples (Tab. 3). Iron cycling is the
controlling process in sulfidic mine wastes, due to acid production via pyrite oxidation and
hydrolysis of Fe(III) to form oxyhydroxides and oxyhydroxide sulfates, and scavenging of
mobilized elements via sorption and co-precipitation processes associated with these secondary
phases. Due to the importance of the change from sulfide to oxide phases severa! sequential
extractions were chosen to study the change from iron sulfides to ferric oxides.
The first four extractions are designed to separate the mobilized elements and the different
secondary phases. Water-soluble secondary and tertiary salts are dissolved in the water
extraction. In the second step, acetate, as a monodentate complex former, is believed to detach
only exchangeable elements as outer-sphere complexes. The bidentate complex former oxalate
dissolves the secondary phases and liberates elements which are fixed as inner-sphere complexes
formed by ligand exchange (e.g., Mo and As) or by surface precipitation, diffusion, or co-
precipitation in the third and forth step. The last three extractions try to discriminate the organic
compounds from the sulfide and silicate phases.
In the recent literature the selectivity of sequential extractions is discussed and criticized
by McCarty et al. (1998), due to the interaction of various parameters which influence the
dissolution kinetics of iron minerais by widely used organic acids as oxalate, such as acidity,
light, temperature, Fe(II), and reducing conditions (Stumm & Sulzberger, 1992). It will be shown
that due to the complexity of the system it is crucial to correlate the geochemical data with
detailed mineralogical studies for interpretation. Dissolution kinetic tests and control of the
dissolved phases by XRD and DXRD evaluated the selectivity of each step at representative
samples from the studied mine tailings (Dold, in prep.). DXRD analyses have shown that the
vermiculite-type mixed-layer mineral disappears after the NH4-acetate leach and a new peak at

Chapter 5: Element cycling and seconda1y minera/ogy in p01plzy1y copper tai/ings

the flank of the 001 illite peak appears. This is interpreted as a detachment of interlayer cations
leading to a different structure of the mineral. Also calcite goes into solution in the NH4-acetate
leach. The dissolution of secondary ferric oyhydroxides and oyhydroxides sulfates in NH4-
oxalate is discussed in detail in chapter 3 and 4. The applied extraction scheme and the
preferentially dissolved phases are summarized in Table 3. The solutions were submitted to
multi-element ICP-AES analysis. The sum of ali dissolution steps gives the total concentration of
an element. To control the accuracy, bulk analysis of a total HN03, HF, HCL04, HCl digestion
of every sample was done. Comparison between the sums of the sequential extraction (total) and
the bulk analysis show a fair agreement (Tables 4, 6, 7, and 8).
Elemental mapping by scanning electron microscope (SEM-EDS) and/or electron
microprobe analysis was used on selected polished sections and polished thin sections to detect
in situ element anomalies in schwertmannite and biotite.

Table 3: Sequemial extractions applied in this study (abbreviations as in table 2).

Leach preferentially dissolved references
(1) Water soluble fraction water-soluble sulfates, e.g., gy, Dold, in prep.; Ribet et al., 1995;
1.0 g sample into 50ml deionized bonattite, chalcanthite, Fanfani et al., 1997
H20 shake for 1 h. pickeringite, magnesioaubertite
(2) exchangeable fraction ca, vermiculite-type-mixed- Dold, in prep.; Gatehouse et al.,
1M NH4-acetate pH 4.5 shake for 2 layer, adsorbedions 1977; Sondag, 1981 ; Cardoso
hrs Fonseca and Martin, 1986
(3) Fe(III)oxyhydroxides sh, 2-line fh, secondary jt, Mn02 Schwertmann, 1964; Stone,
0.2 M NH4-oxalate pH 3.0 shake 1987; Dold et al., in prep.
for 1 h. in darkness
(4) Fe(III) oxides gt, jt, Na-jt, hm, mt, higher Dold, in prep.
0.2 M NH4-oxalate pH 3.0 heat in ordered fh (5 - 6-line)
water bath 80°C for 2 hours
(5) organics and secondary Cu- organics, cv, cc-dg Sondag, 1981
sul fides
H202 35% heat in water bath for 1
(6) primary sulfides py, cp, cc, bn, si, gn, tt, cb, op, Chao & Sanzo1one, 1977;
Combination of KCI03 and HC1, stb Hall et al., 1996
followed by 4 M HN03 boiling
(7) residual silicates Hall et al., 1996; Dold et al.,
HNOJ, HF, HCI04, HCL digestion 1996 Acid-Base-Accounting (ABA)

Total sulfur was measured using a Leco® furnace. For measurement of the sulfate sulfur
the 0.2 M oxalic acid hot 2h leach (Iron oxides, gt, jt, hm, mt; chapter 3) was used. Sulfur was
determined by ICP-AES. The differences of both results represents the sulfide sulfur content.

Chapter 5: Element cycling and seconda')' minera/ogy in porphyry copper tailings

Total and mineral carbon has been analyzed by coulometric titration (Strohlein CS 702®). The
sulfide net neutralization potential (SNNP) was calculated in tCaC031lOOOt (Morin and Hutt,

5.4.5 Microbiological methods

For the microbiological study a separate aliquot was taken from every sample and
maintained at a temperature of s·c untreated in ice-packed coolers. The samples were delivered
to the laboratory of the biometallurgical group of the Chemical Engineering Department of the
University of Chile, Santiago de Chile. A total of 10 samples were analyzed from 3 drill cores
(T4, AS, El) for total number of cells (direct microscopie counting; Phyroff-Hauser counting
chamber), Thiobacillus ferrooxidans cultivation (plate counting), and oxidizing activity (Fe(II)
oxidation rate).
To determinate the number of bac te ria present in the solid, 10 g of the sample was brought
into contact with 100 ml of a growth medium, shaken, and centrifuged. The supernant solution
was used for bacterial count (direct and plate) and measurement of pH and Eh. The medium used
to grow T. ferrooxidans consisted of 0.4 g/1 (NH4)2S04, 0.056 g/1 K2HP04·3H20, 0.4 g/1
MgS04•7H20, and 33.3 g/1 FeS04·7H20 (modified after Tuovinen & Kelly, 1973). The pH was
adjusted with H2SÜ4 to 1.6 and ali material used was previously sterilized.
To determine the oxidation activity of the samples, 3 g/1 Fe(II) was added to the sample
solutions and shaked at 30°C. Periodically Fe(II) and Fetotal (colorimetrically; ferrous-o-
phenanthroline complex), pH and Eh were measured. Also bacteria numbers (direct counting and
plate counting) were analyzed at the beginning and the end of the experiments.

5.5 Results and Discussion

5.5.1 Piuquenes tailings impoundment, La Andina Physical properties and minera/ogy

The Piuquenes impoundment was totally dry during the first summer field campaign
(1996) with groundwater levels between 2.0 (A4) and 2.6 m (A2) below the surface. In win ter
(1997), a pond covered the end of the impoundment (Fig. 1) and the groundwater level was 50
cm below the surface in the proximity of A2. The five drill cores (Al - A5) reveal a very similar
stratigraphy of the tailings. It is characterized by a 0.5 to 0.8 rn (Al = 0.8m; A2 = 0.5m; A3 =
0.7m; A4 = 0.65; AS = O.Sm) thick law pH (2.1 - 3.5) oxidation zone at the top (Fig. 2A),
followed by an underlying neutralization zone (pH 3.5- S) dawn to depths of 2.6-4.2 rn (Al =
3.2m; A2 = 3.3m; A3 = 4.2m; A4 = 2.6m; AS = 4.3m), and below, the primary zone with
increasing pH up to values of 8.4 was sampled dawn to 10 rn depth. In Fig. 3 the stratigraphy,
pH, and geochemical data are presented from the representative drill core A2 and will be
discussed in detail in this section. In addition a hematite-rich sediment occurs in the pond area

Chapter 5: Element cycling and seconda1y minera/ogy in po1phyry copper tailings

and has been eut by drill core A4 (Fig. 1, Fig. 2A, and Fig. 6) and will discussed in chapter
XRD studies show that the primary gangue is dominated by quartz, alkali-feldspar (mainly
albite± anorthoclase), and micas (muscovite, sericite, biotite). Illite, chlorite, and kaolinite are
the typical minerais in the clay fraction (< 2 f1m). In the oxidation zone, characterized by light
gray to yellow-brown (jarosite) colors and alternating fine sandy to clayey-silty (K = 3.1x10- 7 -
1.9x10-8 m/s) horizons, disseminated jarosite and a vermiculite-type-mixed layer mineral
dominate the secondary mineralogy together with schwertmannite. The orange-brown color and
typical pH values (2.8-3.5) indicate in the field the presence of schwertmannite (Fig. 2B). The
presence of schwertmannite was proven by DXRD (2.6 % Fe) of a hand selected
schwertmannite-rich streak. Fast dissolution kinetics in NH4-oxalate, the Fe/S mole ratio of 4.9,
stoichiometric calculations, and in-situ element mapping additionally support the identification
of schwertmannite (chapter 7). Schwertmannite occurs as dots or streaks in the fine grained
horizons or is enriched at the interface with fine to coarse grained horizons (Fig. 2B, Fig. 6). This
distribution of schwertmannite suggest that it is preferentially associated with water flow paths
and that possibly dilution increases the pH to the level necessary (2.8-3.5, Bigham et al., 1996)
for its formation. This is also supported by the field observation that schwertmannite is more
abundant near the pond region. In contrast, jarosite is disseminated in the oxidation zone and
forms possibly at lower pH in-situ, where the sulfide oxidation and liberation of potassium
(mainly from biotite, resulting in the formation of a secondary vermiculite-like mixed layer
mineral, 12.25 - 12.67 Â) takes place. Tertiary gypsum is associated mainly with the
groundwater level and to a lesser extent the oxidation zone, where it also may be a secondary

Fig. 2: A: A layer of about 2 cm tlzick hematite-rich sediment (reddish-brown, pH 7. 7) overlying the law pH (3.1)
oxidation zone at the surface sampling point AS3, Piuquenes tailings impoundment, La Andina. B: Schwertmannite-
rich (sh) streaks and dots in fine-grained horizon from the law pH oxidation zone shawn in Fig. 2A (sample
AS3/016), indicating the association of schwertmannite to water-flow paths, in this sample possible due to cracking.
C: Law pH oxidation zone of the Cauquenes tailings impoundment, El Teniente with surface precipitation of
cha/canthite (cha), and, at inteifaces of layers of different grain-size, of schwertmannite. D: Evaporite zone of the El
Salvador tailings impoundment No. 1 with a zoom showing secondary efflorescent salts (e.g., bonattite). E:
Fractured supergene replacement of chalcopyrite (cp) by chalcocite-digenite on rims, primary zone (sample
A2/900), Piuquenes tailings impoundment, La Andina. F: Typical chalcopyrite replacement by secondary covel!ite
(cv) as complete rims, neutralization zone (sample A5/JOO), Piuquenes tailings impoundment, La Andina. Note thar
sphalerite (si) does not show replacement. G: Fractured chalcopyrite grain (cp), showing supergene replacement of
by chalcocite-digenite and minor covellite (dark blue) at the borders, primary zone (sample Tl/850), Cauquenes
tailings impoundment, El Teniente. H: Chalcopyrite replacement by Secondary cave/lite (cv) as thin complete rims,
primary zone (sample Hl/200), Cauquenes tailings impoundment, El Teniente.

Chapter 5: Element cycling and secondary minera/ogy in porphy1y copper tailings

Fig. 2: For the legend see previous page.

Chapter 5: Element cycling and secondary minera/ogy in porphyry copper tailings

Drill core A2 Piuquenes/ La And ina

pas te pH AB A (!CoCO >'10001) Fe(%) 804 (%) Ca(%)

23456789 -80 0 80 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 0

E 300
~ 400
ë. 500
~ 600
4 8 12 16 20 24
H,O (wt%)
K(%) Al(%) Mg(%) Cu (ppm) Zn (ppm)
0 0.1 0.2 0 0.04 O.OB 0.12 0.16 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 O.OB 0 1000 2000 40 80 120

100 ~.,.g;;77;;??:;?7;'71-

E 300
~ 400
ë. 500 -Mil~~ffifT'fft-
~ 600
900 --411!1-1-LJJ.L.LL.L.L.L.l.i.J

Mn (ppm) Mo (ppm) As (ppm) V (ppm) Ti(%)

0 100 200 300 400 0 20 40 60 BO 0 20 40 60 BO 100 4 B 12 16 20 24 O.OB 0.16

E 300
~ 400 ...rm•/W;O""
a_ 500 -ltlfr.'fl(j~i"ff'fii'f'r-

~ 600
900 -&-<-~"--'-,!J..............i.J

Sequential Extractions Acid-Base-Accounting (ABA)

o H20 (water-soluble) • Acid Potential (AP)
o NH4-Ac (exchangeable)
~;,. NH4-0XD (Fe(lll)hydroxides)
• Neutralization Potential (NP)

+ NH4-0xH (Fe(lll)oxides) • Sulfide Net Neutralization Potential (SNNP)

x H202 (organic +cv, cc-dg) oxidation zone
• KCI03, HCI, HN03 (sulfides) neutralization zone
• HC104, HF, HN03 (residual)
primary zone
_:sz_ water table (april1996) paste pH
H 20(wt%)

Fig. 3: Results of sequential extractions from the representative drill core A2 from the Piuquenes tailings
impoundment, La Andina, Ch ile. For better visibility of the changes from prima1y to secondary phases (main/y from
su/fides to oxides or sulfates) the concentrations of the residual fraction of some major elements (Fe, K, Al, Mg, Ca)
are not shown in Fig. 3, 7 and JO. For data see Tables 4, 6, 7, and 8.

Table 4: Drill core A2 from Piuquenes/Andina !CP-ES results from sequence B

NH4-Ac = NH4-acetate leach

NH4-0.rD =NH4-oxalate lh dark
NH4-0.rH =NH4-oxalate 2h hot
sulfide = KCL03, HCI, HN03 leach BDL = below detection limit
residua/ = HC/04, HF. HN03, HCI/each 93 - = leach interference
Chapter 5: Element cycling and secondwy minera/ogy in p01phyry copper tailings

mineral. The primary zone is characterized by its dark gray color with sorne red to dark-brown
horizons (indicating the presence of secondary Fe(III) hydroxides, possibly ferrihydrite).
Examination of poli shed sections show that in the neutralization zone and the primary zone
the original sulfide paragenesis of the ore can be recognized. It is dominated by pyrite, which is
partly strongly fractured, possibly due to the milling process. Chalcopyrite is present as a trace
mineral and shows two types of replacement by chalcocite-digenite and/or covellite. In the
primary zone, thick replacement rims mainly composed of digenite-chalcocite with sorne
covellite (Fig. 2E) are observed and interpreted as product of supergene enrichment processes in
the ore deposit as reported by Serrano et al. (1996). This primary replacement is rare and is only
conserved in sorne grains as complete rims. In contrast, a secondary Cu replacement, found in
the neutralization zone directly below the groundwater leve!, is characterized by complete thin
rims dominated by covellite with sorne chalcocite-digenite replacing chalcopyrite (Fig. 2F). Most
of the chalcopyrite grains show this thin replacement rim, only sorne chalcopyrite grains found
as inclusions in silicates are protected from replacement. This replacement is interpreted as a
secondary process (post-milling) which occurs in-situ and detailed discussion will follow below.
Magnetite is generally present as massive grains, partly replaced by martite at the edges. Traces
of enargite, molybdenite, goethite, and hematite were also found in the primary and
neutralization zone.
The source for the secondary Cu enrichment is found in the oxidation zone, where
extensive leaching of the supergene and hypogene Cu-sulfides occurs. Only sorne residual grains
of pyrite and chalcopyrite are observed in the oxidation zone, no supergene Cu-sulfides are
present. Pyrite grains do not show Fe(III) hydroxide coating. Magnetite with martite replacement
is frequent and tabular hematite is also present. Acid-Base Accounting

The oxidation stratification is also confirmed by the results of acid-base accounting (Fig. 3,
ABA). In the primary zone the average Ssulfide content is 0.95 wt % and the Ctot is 0.4 wt %
leading to a sulfide net neutralization potential (SNNP) of -45.35 tCaC03/lOOOt, indicating that
the tailings have a low acid potential (AP). Nevertheless, a well-developed oxidation -
neutralization stratigraphy is observed in the tailings. In the oxidation zone the SNNP is near
zero, indicating that the AP and the neutralization potential (NP) are consumed (Fig. 3). This is
consistent with the pH distribution and the sulfide mineral distribution. Calculation of the pyrite
content with the assomption that all sulfide sulfur is associated with pyrite, leads to an average
pyrite content of 1.77 wt% in the primary zone and neutralization zone. Correction using the Cu
concentrations in the sulfide fractions of sequential extractions leads to an average pyrite content
of 1.66 wt %. The variation between total sulfide pyrite content and the correction accounting for
the Cu-sulfides ranges between 1.7 and 11.2% with an average variation of 6.35 %.

Chapter 5: Element cycling and secondmy minera/ogy in porphyry copper tailings Sequential extractions

The results of sequential extractions reveal the mineral phase changes of the elements due to
oxidation, dissolution and precipitation processes and speciation of elements under the changing
geochemical conditions throughout the tailings stratigraphy. The element distribution is
discussed considering first its relation to the formation of detectable secondary minerais (major
elements) and theo the behavior of the trace elements, which are separated by their geochemical
behavior (bivalent cations and oxyanions). Data from one representative drill core (A2) are
shown in Fig. 3 and Table 4. The others drill cores show ail a very similar behavior (Appendix
Fe. Pyrite is the main source for iron and sulfur. Iron is depleted in the sulfide fraction in the
oxidation zone from 1.5 to 0.5% in the four analyzed drill cores (A2 -A5). The residual 0.5% of
Fe is not necessarily from pyrite dissolution. Chao and Sanzalone (1977) reported that the
KCI03, HCI, HN03 leach may attack also the edges of silicates such as biotite and liberate
additional iron. The precipitation of schwertmannite and jarosite as typical secondary minerais in
the oxidation zone is reflected in an increase of the iron concentrations in the Fe(III)
oxyhydroxide (from 0.5 to 1.5%) and Fe(III) oxide leach (from 1 to 2.3%) in the analyzed drill
cores (Fig. 3). The sulfur concentrations in these fractions parallel these observations. The iron
content of the Fe(III) oxides leach in the primary zone represents the primary hematite,
magnetite, ilmenite content plus primary and/or secondary goethite. In the oxidation zone,
secondary jarosite overlays this primary content additionally. The iron concentrations in the
water-soluble and exchangeable fractions are negligible. The increased potassium concentrations
of these two fractions in the oxidation zone confirms the dissolution kinetics and DXRD
observation that part of jarosite is dissolved in the Fe(III) oxyhydroxides fraction. Stoichiometric
calculations with the assumption that the potassium concentrations in the Fe(III) oxyhydroxide
(3rd leach) and Fe(III) oxide (4rd leach) leach correspond to jarosite dissolution make it possible
to calculate the total jarosite content. The schwertmannite content is calculated from Fetotat in the
Fe(III) oxyhydroxide leach minus the calculated jarosite content in this extraction. Comparison
of the calculated schwertmannite and jarosite concentrations with the calculated and measured
sulfate concentrations in the Fe(III) oxyhydroxide leach show an good agreement (table 5)
indicating that only schwertmannite and jarosite were dissolved in this leach. The difference of
Fetotat minus the calculated jarosite content in the Fe(III) oxide leach represents the primary iron
oxide content of hematite and magnetite and the primary and/or secondary goethite content.
Results show that the schwertmannite content increases from 45.9 % (A2) in the dam area to
52.5 % (A4) in the pond area. This corresponds with the field observation that in the pond area
more schwertmannite is formed and supports the interpretation that schwertmannite precipitation
is associated with dilution via water flow.

Clzapter 5: Element cycling and seconda1y minera/ogy in porphy1y copper tailings

Table 5: Stoiclziometric calculation of the sulfate content based on the Fe and K concentrations of the 3'd and 4'"
leach for jarosite (jt) and schwertmannite (sh; Fe 1 ~0 1 ~(0H) 11lS0 4 ) 3 ; Fe/S mol ratio - 5). The calculated sulfate
concentrations are in agreement witlz the measured concentrations for the 3'd leach (compare bold columns),
showing that on/y scl11vertmannite and jarosite were dissolved Fe(///) minerais in this leach (abbreviations as in
table 2).
sample K 3rd K 4th Fe 3rd Fe 4th Fe ji 3rd Fe jt 4th Fesh3rd Feox4th sh t jt shlsh+jl ji S04 3rd sh S04 Jrd S04 S04 S04jt S04

ji+Sh 3rd 3rd 4th 4th

measured (%) calculated (%) cale cale(%) cale(%) cale(%) cale (%) (%) cale(%) (% )

A4 / 035 0.08 0.14 1.08 2 .33 0.24 0.59 0 .84 1 .74 1.02 50.41 0.28 0.29 0.57 0.56 0.69 0.71

A4 / 065 0.17 0 .07 1.42 1 .25 0 .62 0.30 0 .80 0 .95 0.88 46.75 0.72 0 .28 1.00 1.00 0.35 0.17

A2/020 0.24 0.03 1.71 1 . 16 0.91 0.13 0.80 1 .03 0 .76 43.34 1.06 0.28 1.34 1.39 0.15 0.06

A2 / 050 0.19 0.08 1.68 1 .82 0.70 0.34 0.98 1.48 0.94 48 .44 0.82 0.34 1 .16 1.04 0.39 0.37

cale (o/o) = calculated; (o/o) = measured concentrations.

The iron concentrations m the two fractions , which represent the secondary Fe(III)
oxyhydroxides and their sulfates, decrease towards the oxidation front and in the neutral ization
zone, whereas in the primary zone the concentrations increase to a similar level seen in the
oxidation zone ( 1.5-1.7% ). The latter increase is interpreted to be the result of ferrihydrite
precipitation. DXRD results suggest the presence of a higher ordered ferrihydrite and goethite.
The interpretation is also supported by the Fe/S mole ratios, which range from values of 2.1-6.2
in the oxidation zone up to values of 14.6 - 1001 in the zones below. The fact that the Fe
concentrations are similar in the two reducible fractions in the primary zone may be a result of
the slower dissolution of the higher ordered (e.g., 5-line or 6-line) ferrihydrite which was clearly
proven to form in a cemented layer (chapter 6). The ferrihydrite is believed to be a secondary
mineral and not a tertiary product, due to the observation in the field of brown to red-brown
horizons in the primary zone. A tertiary ferrihydrite should also show lower ordering (e.g., 2-
line ), due to fas ter hydrolysis (Schwertmann et al., 1999).
Ca. The distribution of Ca (Fig. 3) is an important indicator of neutralization reactions
related to carbonates. Its concentrations in the water-soluble fraction reflect the distribution of
gypsum, confirmed by XRD data. In sorne areas, an increase of what might be secondary
gypsum is observed in the oxidation zone, whereas the increase in concentrations of tertiary
gypsum is associated with the phreatic level, as in the drill core A2 (Fig. 3 ). This also correlates
with the sulfur concentrations found in the water-soluble fraction . The Ca concentrations in the
exchangeable fraction (NH4-acetate leach) represent the calcite content ± adsorbed Ca. The Ca
concentrations in the oxidation and neutralization zone are below the detection limit, increasing
in the primary zone to average concentrations of 0. 1 %, corresponding to an equivalent calcite
content of 0.17 wt %. This is much less than the calculation of the calcite equivalent by using the
average of 0. 17 wt % total carbon in the primary zone, which would lead to a content of 1.42 wt
% calcite equivalent. As the Ca concentrations show that only 0.17 wt % can be associated with
calcite, it is assumed that the rest of the carbon is present as 1.44 wt % of siderite (FeC03), as
this carbonate is also reported from the mine. This correlates with the pH distribution. Near
neutral pH values are found in the primary zone where calcite is still present. The neutralization

Chapter 5: Element cycling and secondary mineralogy in porphyry copper tailings

zone is buffered by siderite at pH values arround 5-6. In the oxidation zone, with pH < 3.5
carbonates have been consumed (Fig. 3). This neutralization sequence is in good agreement with
that described by Blowes & Ptacek (1994).
Ti. Titanium is generally considered to be an immobile element. It has low concentrations
(0.0 1-0.03 %) in the Fe(III) oxides fraction, indicating that in this leach minor ilmenite or sorne
Ti containing iron oxides were dissolved. Low concentrations in the sul fi de leach (0.02-0.05 %)
may be an indicator of the partial dissolution of rutile and/or Ti bearing silicates.
Al. Aluminium is stable as a trivalent cation under acid conditions and its source is mainly
the weathering of aluminosilicates. It shows slightly increased concentrations in the oxidation
zone of the Fe(III) oxyhydroxides and Fe(III) oxides fractions, possible due to co-precipitation or
substitution with the secondary ferric phases. At the oxidation front the lowest concentrations are
observed, while a slight increase in the primary zone is noted, possibly due to gibbsite
(Al(OH)3) hydrolysis, which could not be detected by XRD due to the low Al concentrations
(0.1-0.5 %).
Cu. The average Cu content of the tailings deposited in the Piuquenes impoundment is
0.22% (Division Andina, 1996). Our geochemical results reflect a continuous decrease of the
average Cu content in the primary zone from the dam (A2 Cuprimary 0 = 0.25%; AS Cuprimary 0 =
0.22%; A3 Cuprimary 0 = 0.17%) to the pond (A4 Cuprimary 0 = 0.15%). This is a result of the
deposition technique, where a gravimetrie separation of the heavier sulfide minerais occur near
the discharge point (dam area). Cu shows in ali drill cores a strong total enrichment below the
groundwater level (0.37% - 0.60%) mainly in the H202-leach (0.2 - 0.27%) which essentially
dissolves the secondary Cu-sulfides (and/or primary supergene) as covellite and chalcocite-
digenite. A slight Cu increase near the groundwater leve! is also found in the water-soluble
fraction. The enriched Cu zone is extended to depths of 3 to 4 rn where the pH reaches values of
6 and the sulfide enrichment stops, while the exchangeable fraction increases slightly. As stated
above, this zone of secondary Cu enrichment is correlated to thin covellite and chalcocite-
digenite rims exclusively on chalcopyrite and bornite (Fig. 2E and 2F). Jang and Wadswoth
( 1994) have shown in a labo ra tory study at hydrothermal conditions ( 170 - 200°C), th at
chalcopyrite replacement starts with covellite and changes to digenite replacement. The authors
postulate that even at low temperatures the chalcopyrite will undergo enrichment to more readily
leachable secondary copper sulfides. Al pers and Brimhall ( 1989) reported this Cu-sulfide
sequence from supergene enrichment at La Escondida, northern Chile. In other tailings
impoundments, where no primary supergene enrichment exist in the primary ore, the presence of
secondary covellite enrichment is reported (Boorman and Watson, 1976; Blowes and Jambor,
1990; Lin and Qvarfort, 1996; Holmstrom et al., in review). Supergene replacement is
recognized in the primary zone of the Piuquenes tailings. It only occurs occasionally as complete
rims, as it is mostly fractured during milling. Supergene replacement shows thicker (> 5x 10-3
mm) replacement rims than the very thin secondary rims (< 3x 10- 3 mm). This primary Cu
enrichment mainly consists of chalcocite-digenite, while the secondary replacement consists of
mainly covellite, which is in agreement with the findings of Jang and Wadsworth (1994) and
Al pers and Brimhall ( 1989) that covellite is the first stage in replacement. The texture and
mineralogy of secondary replacement and the association with the saturated neutralization zone,
where more reducing conditions dominate, strongly suggest that this copper enrichment is a

Chapter 5: Element cycling and secondary minera/ogy in porplzyry copper tailings

secondary process taking place in-situ in the tailings impoundment. In the Piuquenes tailings this
process shows a strong association with pH. Webster et al. (1998) showed that Cu adsorption at
natural acid mine drainage precipitates starts at lower pH (adsorption begins at pH 4 and at pH 6
80-100% of the Cu is adsorbed) than for synthetic schwertmannite and ferrihydrite. In
Piuquenes, Cu adsorption seems to be a competitive process with the Cu replacement in Cu-
sulfides. In pH ranges where Cu2+ is mobile (< pH 5), replacement of chalcopyrite to covellite
dominates, whereas with increasing pH, adsorption immobilizes Cu2+ and replacement decreases.
The concentrations of Cu and Zn in the exchangeable fraction (adsorbed) are clearly pH
dependent (Fig. 4). Cu starts adsorption at pH 3.5 and with increasing pH the Cu concentration
on solids increases. Zn starts adsorption at a slightly higher pH as Cu (pH 4), confirming the
results of the laboratory adsorption study by Webster et al. ( 1998).

Piuquenes Piuquenes

1.,- 600
@ j 60
o 0o
0 J}OC!S>
- 400 ~ 40 Oo
:;, 00 0 ° c" 0 0
0 N
0 ~ 0
E 2oo E

0 20
c.. c..
c.. c.. 0
~-- ~~~--~~
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
pH pH

Cauquenes Cauquenes
., 0 0 +
~ 1200 ~ 30
0 0 + + 0
- BOO ++o 0 0
~ 20
+. 0 ())
... 0
:;, c
• Q:5oo
u N ._. 0
··fa 0

+0 '13 0

0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
pH pH
+ oxidation zone o neutralization & primary zone

Fig. 4: Cu and Zn concentration of the exchangeable fraction (NH4-acetate) versus the paste pH values from the
Piuquenes and Cauquenes tailings. Data are from three drill cores in each tailings impoundment. For detailed
discussion see the text.

Other bivalent cations. The other bivalent cations Mg, Mn, Zn, Ba, Pb, and Sr behave in
a very similar way. An enrichment of these elements in the water-soluble fraction is associated
with the phreatic level. The exchangeable fraction, together with the reducible fractions show
nearly complete leaching in the oxidation zone and increasing concentrations downwards to the
primary zone. This reflects their pH dependence with adsorption to clay minerais and secondary
phases as Fe(OH)3, Al(OH)3, and Mn(OH)2 and the diffusion into the crystalline systems and the
co-precipitation with these secondary phases. The sulfide fraction is generally depleted in the
oxidation zone.

Chapter 5: Element cycling and seconda1y minera/ogy in p01plzyry copper tailings

Mo. In contrast to bivalent cations, which are mobile under acid conditions, oxyanions as
Mo(V, VI), As(V), and V(III, IV) show increasing adsorption to HFO with decreasing pH
(Dzombak & Morel, 1990). Chao & Sanzolone (1977) reported the partial dissolution of
molybdenite in a H202-ascorbic acid leach. In our H202 leach the Mo concentrations were below
the detection limit in the primary zone, indicating that no molybdentite was dissolved in this
leach. In the Piuquenes tailings Mo is depleted in the oxidation zone in the sulfide fraction
(molybdenite), due to sulfide oxidation. The liberated Mo is stable as molybdate under acid
oxidizing conditions and is mainly associated with the Fe(III) oxyhydroxides fraction
(schwertmannite) in the oxidation zone. An electron microprobe trans-section of a
schwertmannite streak from the oxidation zone (AS3) has shawn that Mo is slightly enriched,
suggesting the preferentially adsorption of molybdate by schwertmannite via ligand exchange
under acid conditions (chapter 7). As schwertmannite is associated with water flow paths, the
enrichment of Mo in the schwertmannite streaks indicates a certain mobility under acid
conditions, possibly transported as adsorbed molybdate at ferric polymers. All drill cores show
increased concentrations of Mo in the sulfide fraction in the neutralization zone. When the
molybdate reaches chemically reducing conditions (water-table), this oxyanion is transformed to
by insoluble lower valence compounds. Thus, Mo may be incorporated into the cryptocrystalline
variety of molybdenite called jordisite (Brookins, 1988). As the enrichment of Mo is probably
related to the same conditions where secondary Cu replacement takes place, there is the
possibility of secondary Mo enrichment by secondary sulfide precipitation or replacement. As
Mo contents are law it was not possible to detect a mineral phase to explain this apparent
A further specifie feature of Mo in the oxidation zone is that it is enriched in the organic
fraction. This is probably from Mo fixed in dead cell material of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans.
Thiobacillus ferrooxidans is known to oxidize molybdenite but is poisoned by the resultant
molybdate unless this is fixed e.g., by ferric iron (Tuovinen et al., 1971; Ehrlich, 1996).
As. Arsenic is depleted in the sulfide fraction of the oxidation zone, possibly due to
oxidation of traces of enargite, tennantite and/or arsenopyrite. It is fixed in the Fe(III) hydroxide
fraction with a minimum at the oxidation front (pH < 3) and a slight increase towards the
oxidation as well to the primary zone. The As concentrations in the exchangeable fraction are
below the detection limit in the oxidation zone and increase slightly to the primary zone.
Arsenopyrite is reported to be oxidized by Thiobacillus ferrooxidans under the production of
arsenate and arsenite and enargite with the release of cupric copper and arsenate (Ehrlich, 1996).
Arsenate is strongly adsorbed at hydrous ferric oxides (HFO) under acid condition (Dzombak &
Morel, 1990), reflected by the increased concentrations in the Fe(III) oxyhydroxides fraction in
the oxidation zone. ln-situ measurement of As by electron microprobe at the schwertmannite rim
did not show any enrichment so that As is possibly fixed to jarosite. Substitution of arsenate and
phosphate in jarosite as a solid solution is known (Alpers et al., 1989), but due to the low
concentration of As (< 150 ppm) in the Fe(III) oxides leaches (Step 3 and 4) no mineralogical
determination by XRD of possible members of the beudantite and crandallite groups was
possible. Arsenite is relatively mobile at pH values below 4 and its adsorption increases with
increasing pH up to concentrations of pH 8, before adsorption decreases again with increasing

Chapter 5: Element cyc/ing and seconda1y minera/ogy in po1ph)'l)' copper tailùigs

pH (Dzombak & Morel, 1990). Mobilized arsenite may be an explanation for the increasing As
concentrations in the primai)' zone.
V. Vanadium shows a similar distribution as As. In the sulfide fraction the V
concentrations decrease in the oxidation zone, whereas they increase in the two reducible
fractions of the oxidation and primary zone displaying the lowest concentrations at the oxidation
front. Drainage waters

Drainage water from the Piuquenes tailings showed a pH of 5.3 and very low metal
concentrations. The measured metals are generally below the detection limit of the used
techniques. Only Sr (0.35 mg/1), Ba (0.02 mg/1), and Cu (0.02 mg/1) could be detected. The
values of Ca (62 mg/1), HC03 (58 mg/1), Cl (17 mg/1), and S04 (119 mg/1) indicate that
neutralization processes are taking place in the tailings. It is predicted that when the low
neutralization potential of these tailings is consumed, acidic metal-rich effluent will be produced. Microbial activity

Three representative samples from the oxidation, neutralization, and primary zones were
tested for bacterial count and oxidation activity. In ali samples, high bacteria concentrations were
observed by direct counting (2.6x107 - 3.4x108 bact/ml). Thiobacillus ferrooxidans was
cultivated (3.2x103 bact/ml) in the sample from the neutralization zone. Oxidizing activity tests
show that the sample from the oxidation zone first starts to oxidize Fe2 + to Fe3+ after an initial or
lag phase of 144 h. The lag phase is characterized by cell growth, and by the absence of cell
division (Fig. 5). This good oxidation activity may indicate the presence of Leptospirillum
ferrooxidans in the oxidation zone, as Thiobacillus ferrooxidans plate counting yielded no result.
The sample from the neutralization zone started the oxidation activity after 240 h growth time.
Once oxidation started the oxidation velocity (growth rate) was si mil ar to the one of the sample
from the oxidation zone. The sample from the primary zone showed slow oxidation starting after
336h (Fig. 5), indicating relatively low microbial oxidizing activity in the primary zone. Hematite-rich sediment of the pond area

The maximum extent of the pond is associated with the presence of a clay-sized (K =
8.47x10-9 mis), intense red-brown laminated sediment with a maximum thickness in the center of
the pond of 15 cm and paste pH 8 overlying the low pH (2.1 - 3.5) oxidation zone, separated by a
weil defined contact (Fig. 2A and Fig. 6). The transition zone of this sediment to the underlying
low pH oxidation zone was sampled in detail in a second field campaign 1997 (Fig. 1, AS 1 -
The thickness of this sediment decreases continuously towards the margins. Polished thin
sections, as well as XRD and DXRD show that the red sediment is enriched in oriented tabular

Chapter 5: Element cycling and secondary minera/ogy in p01phyry copper tailings

hematite and a higher ordered ferrihydrite. The high crystallinity (results of Mossbauer
spectroscopy) of the hematite in relation to pedogene hematite (Friedl, 1997, persona!

AS T4 E1
3000 3000 3000

~ 2000
~ ~ 2000
~ 2000
Q, Q, Q,
u. 1000 u. 1000 u. 1000

0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500
lime (h) lime (h) lime (h)

0A5/010 QA5/280. A5/980 0T4/035 ÜT4/150. T4/965 Â T4/ 1030 0E1/090 ÜE1/340. E1/580

Fig. 5: Microbial iron ( Fe 2 +) oxidation activity of representative sanzples from the three studied tailings. The drill
core AS is from Piuquenes (Andina), T4 from Cauquenes (Teniente), and El from El Salvador No.] impoundnzents.
Filled dots are sanzples from the prùnary zone and unfilled dots are from the oxidation or neutralization zone. As
expected, samples from the oxidation zone from Piuquenes and Cauquenes start to oxidized. ln contras!, none of the
samples from the oxidation zone of El Salvador show important oxidation. This is interpreted as an effect of the
higher molybdenite content in the Salvador tailings, which is lethal to oxidizing bacteria as Thiobacillus
ferrooxidans leading to low microbial oxidation activity.

communication) and the fact that this type of tabular hematite is also found in the primary zone
of the tailings, suggest a hypogene origin. The pond pH during sampling was 7.6 and the paste
pH of the sediment was between 7.6 and 8.4. The fine layering, the location at the lowest
elevation of the impoundment, and the sharp contact with the low pH oxidation zone indicate
that this sediment is a product of alluvial enrichment taking place on the tailings surface. The
results of sequential extraction confirm this interpretation, showing strong enrichment of bivalent
cations mainly in the exchangeable and Fe(III) oxyhydroxides fractions in the hematite-rich
sediment, while the underlying oxidation zone is leached out with respect to these elements (Fig.
6 and Table 6). Mo is not enriched in this sediment, due to the low mobility of molybdate under
acid conditions prevailing in the oxidation zone, which surrounds this sediment. Below, in the
oxidation zone, Mo shows its association to the Fe(III) oyxhydroxide leach and is enriched in the
organic fraction in a coarser horizon. This may indicate that in coarser material the microbial
activity is higher due to better 02 transport, resulting in higher molybdenite oxidation and
increased poisoning of oxidizing bacteria as Thiobacillus ferrooxidans. However, coarser tailings
material has generally higher sulfide contents, due to gravimetrically separation, so that higher
concentration in the H202-leach could also indicate the leach of by oxidation destabilized
molybdenite. This possibility is regarded as less probable as higher Mo concentrations in the El
Salvador tailings are interpreted as the reason for minimal microbial oxidation activity.
At the geochemical interface between the hematite-rich sediment and the oxidation zone
the different geochemical behavior of oxyanions and bivalent cations is clearly documented. The
following genetic model for this hematite-sediment is proposed: Rainfall (pH 5.5) causes dilution
of the acid in the oxidation zone, increases the pH, and hydroxide complexes of Fe, Al, or Mn

Chapter 5: Element cycling and seconda1y minera/ogy in porph_Vl)' copper tailings

hydrolyze and form polymers. The latter, together with fine-grained material as clay minerais
and fine tabular hematite are transported following the hydraulic surface gradient to the pond and
enriched in its depression, where the partiel es settle. In win ter, the low permeability (K =8.5x IQ-9
m/s) of the hematite-rich sediment forms a closed geochemical system, independent of the
underlying low pH oxidation zone and the phreatic level. Bivalent cations are still mobile during
the transport on the top of the low pH oxidation zone. But when they reach the pond with pH 7.6
they are adsorbed and ferrihydrite forms. In summer, cracking of the fine sediments permits
oxygen and water flux into the underlying oxidation zone, reflected by increased concentrations
of bivalent cations in the first centimeters under the hematite-sediment. The fact that the pond
and the sediment have neutra! pH can not only be explained by dilution with rainwater (pH 5.5).
Ligand exchange of adsorbed elements with functional groups OH- can lead to an additional
increase of the pH, due to strong adsorption processes in the hematite-rich sediment. In the pond
water bicarbonate is also slightly enriched to 44 mg/1 possibly due to eolic input, as the
surrounding oxidation zone can not be the source.

Fe(%) Cu (ppm) Mo (ppm)

012345 0 200 400 600 0 20 40 60

~ hrn "co~o~x~ 8.5 x10'~ffi!s:"-,;;~~~pH iij5

sh pH3.57

Ê fin~ ~a~dy: ··<':· ';;:·_ i~ /~~;of _Ptt 3_44

u '· K =· 1.9 ~10·. mls· ' ·." pH 3.22
g. 1 l'. ~ . -PI;i29(
-o silty-clayey •• · sh nm; ~do 5 ~
• ' O H,V6
16 •"- K=14x10"mls Sequential Extractions + NH.. OxH (Fe(lll)oxides)
tine~andy :'_;c.-,,.· ~-
/0 \: ·:- >' 0 H2Ü (water-soluble) a H202 (organ ic +cv)
0 NH.. Ac (exchangeable) 0 KCI03, HCI, HN03 ( sulfides)
A NH.. OxD (Fe(lll)hydroxides) • HC104, HF. HN03 (residual)

Fig. 6: Zoom of the first 20 cm of the surface of the pond a rea of Piuquenes with the hematite-rich sediment and the
uf!derlying schwertmannite rich oxidation zone (sampling campaign 1997, AS3). Geochemical results from
sequential extractions of Fe, Cu, and Mo from the three upper horizons are presented. The Cu distribution is
representative for the behavior of bivalent cations and Mo is representative of oxyanions in the oxidation zone. K
values (hydraulic conductivity) were calculated from laser grain size analyses. For detailed discussions see text.
For data see Table 6.

Chapter 5: Element cyc/ing and secondary minera/ogy in porphyry copper tailings

Table 6: Resu/ts from sequential extraction (/CP-ES from sequence B) from the su1jace sampling AS3 from the
Piuquenes tailings impoundment at La Andina.

~~=~~tL-idePih ~-~o-+NH.:OA~NH·;=o;oiN-H~~OxH / oo;-~-Suïiide+~~u-~t h~at~b-~ïk ---- ~~;J;.d;oth-f~oiNH~~OA~+NH;-o~-~00"" ~~~t--.o~-

A53~o~o2l' ~ ~_5_3.!_o_<l?__E±2~ -~ - __ _:3_2~-~
_A53miQ: ._!.QJ __eoLTa-:o:~
2 1 BOL 1 0 ! 0 70.56 4 .83 l_0 .07J 0 .93 1 0.99 =m·45 8 .07
· _.!.o3i:·-~ T"47..=_: !-oo~ -o:•2-f_J.!>~ •-:~- ~j
-- ~_:l!_o.!_o_ _ 10
__ ___2_ __!__5__
124 35 140
52 .8
A53/016 _ 1_6_1 B0LJ:::'1.c1J_ 2c:J:l_ ~12_j_Q~J-Q_.61 1.16 5.36 6.45 AS3/016 16 10 14 183 34 237 493 486

-~~;-- - depth+-~-+NH;-:QA~ NH4~0~o N"H":-oxH sultidef~~~- ~ulk- ~= ~f~!~~~~.--00 NH4~0Ac

~53/002 _ t- ~ -L_ll[)L+ _Q O]__J .0__1!!_
_0_3_ ~ Q_ 68 j__7__28_ j__9_ Q_9_j__!_(l 1 _:-_ A$_-3/00~ -~ __2 . j_Dc8__j_ _2~_2 __ ,__ ~j__(lL!l_ l--3.7
: __ _9 _5§_ 1 60H
NH4·0x0 NH4-0xH
8 i--~4_ 1_2_2~4_ [ __2_1_9_
H20? sulfide residual total bu l k

~ _1_6_i_ l'l_l)!_ l __o _ç_q _()_0~ 1 __0_ 1_8_ï=l=:_4_5 J+_ 6_2?_ [~_9§ ! _!!_6
~-- , deoth H?O NH··OAc NH•·OxD~-;-H 1 HzCh 1 suUidë res1dual total b-Ui'k _
~5_3/Q.!.Q _ _!_Q_ _~ ~Jo ___ BOL . _O_Q_i_ t _O._!_L j _Q_Q_3 ' __Q_?_G 1 _ 5__3_5_ j _5_tl3 j_6 _4 3_ _ A_5=!f01Q_ 1 -~ .2. .LB1J!,_, _ _!lQh__t-~- 7.4 -u t-;'3 5 __!_~~~ '_i±JI
~~"'T--~ ~--1 ê.lJ~. --~_[)!___. _ ~_ c-.Jl~6-r-u- __g_!_,_2_ --~ _§i~- _61 ~--
samoi;-T~ HzO NH.-OAc NH.·OxD NH•·OxH HJO:z sutfide residual total bulk
A531002 2 1 0 01 0 02 0 01 0 . 12 0.1 2 .75 3 .01 3 .82 A53/002 12 333 3030 1020 16 408 69 4888 5170
.A531010 10 + ·-BoLBDL 0 : 11 0.1 BOL 3.17 3 .44 4.13 AS3/010 10 BOL BOL 9 25 3 58 33 128 139
A53/016- - 16- · BOL BOL 0.3 0.05 0.01 3.55 3 .91 4 73 1_ AS3/016 16 BOL 17 36 BOL 91 38 184 198
- M.9~i::L___L ~- ""'' _ c:r_jp.";p""m"t-
' -c-c;-l~-o-f=----::c--l--:-cc-c:-=+:ccc-:---cc+-c~-+-~-c-!~,--,--+---c-!~~1
ÂSYOlO to-~1
sample 1 depth 1 I-bO NH··OAc NH.-OxD

2 1 BOL 0 .03
NH.-OxH , H._>().,
0 .02
sulfide residual . total
1.03 1 09
bul k

0.56 o :59 l -
H20 NH.-OAc NH.·OxD NH•·OxH
1 5
H2Ü2 sulfide , residual

AS319]64 16 BOL~.Qh_~ __ 0 . 12 BOL 0.36 0 .37 0.860.95 A53/016 16 BOL BOL 5 BOL 19 11
_.!!!_1•-! - -~~- -- ~_jpp:"mi-:;=-l-;-;--;;-f-;-;;-;-;:;-:--:f-;;;-;--;;--;;-l-:;;-c~,+-;--;--;::-1-,--.~+--:~-,+-:-:c-;--!---;--;;--
sample de th , H20 NH··OAc NH.-OxD NH.-OxH H.>O:z sulfide residual • total bulk sample j depth HzO NH.-OAc NH•·OxD NH•·OxH HzO:z sulfide residual total butk
A53/002 ' 2;;~0L BOL_+--f!Oi,_l-- B_~.01 1 0.01 1.19 1.21 1.53 - A~~-~+ BOL BOL 7 25 BOL 15 BDL 47 48

1~-~g}~-1~H~;:_~-t-1Ef-+=~k~ ~~~ ~: ~~ ~~~ Hf = ~~i-~~~~~ 12 ~~~ :~ ~~ ~~

=-~-I·!o) --1 -----h_:_ . . - - t,!.up~ ~--:--c--;-
sampte depth , I-bO ' NH··OAc 1 NH.-OxD NH··OxH H20:z sulfide . residual total bulk sample : depth HzO NH•·OAc NH•·OxD NH.-OxH HzO:z sulfide residu al total ~·-
A53/002 J 2 1 o.o~ · ~-52 0.02 1 0.01 1 BOL 0.45 ! 0.17 1.25 . 1.31 - A53/002 2 BDL 1 BOL 2 BOL BOL 13 7
A83i<)l_Q'::. _I ~_!ôj..O.C02 - o ~ _<>_olj·--Q'Qt-l~2t - oo6 0!1__ 1_!l..c2iJ02~- I - ~3/01Q__~ sôltOOL 29 39 2 78 10
__A_5_31_<l_!~ ~__!__~Jlco_g_ 0.02 _!!l:lh_f_ o-:01lsDL 0.07 0.09 1 OJ_lj.<>d_S __ A53/016 16 BDL 1 BOL 58 BOL 74 76
. de lh
~ ----k----c-J
I-bO 1 NH··OAc ' NH.-OxD NH.-OxH 1-bC>.>
sulfide 1 residual
ail bulk
. 1/_jj>pm
sample HzO NH.-OAc NH•·OxD NH•·OxH
depth 1 HlO:z sulfide residua/ total
bu tk
-~5~!Q9L I.._~ _.J_!30L l .Jl1~_l
A53/010 1 lO.j_!lOL BOL
_!lOI,_ __j_Q_.05__ c-!b·_Q_lj~,~2 l 0 .62 _
BOL 1 0 .02 BOL ~I o:14TQ.18l 0 . 18
2 ~_BOL,__
6 51
e&:-f - -
13 82
~s3ÏC>J§__- _ê[)_~_j___oK:_~L l 00__2_~__016 0.2 0 .25 --=
Jlliht_E3Q,__ A_§~Q.~(--~ BDLrsoL_ 13 16 BOL 12 61 _!_Q_2_ __1_1_6__

!5.;~-!,P~-;J-l-~Pih 1 -~0 ·NH~-OAc 1 i.iH•.OxD~NH.-=-axH~7uîfid;f;~rh-o~ik. -- A:;f:~-;.lfdepÏh 1 I-bO NH··OAc NH.: OxD l NH.-OxHHzO:z sulflde res•dualh t âl b ulk
_A§;J!PQ?__ ,_ L j._? __L.!_Q__l_ _~
A53/010 r 10 -j BOL l 3
' _10<l__ l_ 1_4!l__j 13 1_ 8_1_ 1 2_9_!1--i-251 1 853 ~= A53/002 __j__2__1 _B~
J_ 28 -t 47 1--,-----, 18 r 460 I 557T7iJO A53/010 j _ 10 1 BOL
____ 21 1 43 = ROWa _BD!_J_ BOL = H 4 ~78
---171- BOL- - BOL - BO!___( BOL. 17 28
t.s31oi6 + ,s- , sot: ' -BoL ' --.o-f-~~-2-~- 22'464T617i785- AS31016 , 16T-iloL soL ~-a6L Bi5L BilL ' ool.- -29"" ~;·f-

Abbreviations as in Table 4.

5.5.2 Cauquenes tailings impoundment, El Teniente Physical properties and mineralogy

The Cauquenes impoundment was totally dry during the first summer field campaign
(1996) with groundwater levels between 2.4 and 3.7 rn below surface. In winter an extended
pond covers the center of the impoundment (Fig. 1). A general grain-size trend from coarser
grain-size at the edges (T4 0K = 2.3x10-7 rn/s) to finer grain-size to the center (T2 0K = 2.8x10-
8 m/s) of the impoundment can be observed. In the center area secondary spots of XRD

determined chalcanthite occurs as secondary surface precipitates (Fig. 2C). The five drill cores
(Tl - T5) show a very similar stratigraphy of the tailings (Fig. 1). The stratigraphy, pH
distribution and geochemical data from the representative drill core Tl are presented in Fig. 7
and Table 7. The oxidation zone at the top reaches 1.05 to 1.65 rn depth (Tl= 1.05 rn; T2 = 1.65
rn; T3 = 1.50 rn; T4 = 1.53 rn; T5 = 1.40 rn), with paste-pH values of 1.72 to 4.12. The coloris
yellow with orange-brown horizons, streaks, and dots (Fig. 2C). The grain-size is generally
smaller than in the primary zone, due to increased breakdown to clay minerais. Fine sandy and
silty-clayey horizons alternate. The oxidation zone is sharply separated from the dark gray to
brown-gray colored primary zone. No neutralization zone as observed at Piuquenes is developed,
possibly due to the lack of carbonate neutralization potential (see acid-base accounting). Sorne
brown horizons in the primary zone indicate the precipitation of secondary Fe(III)

Chapter 5: Element cycling and secondary minera/ogy in p01phy1y copper tailings

oxyhydroxides. The pH increase in the primary zones generally up to maximum concentrations

of 5, only in the drill core T3 neutral values are reached.
Quartz, albite, and micas (mainly biotite) dominate the gangue mineralogy, as shown by
XRD. Illite, chlorite and kaolinite are the typical clay minerais. In the oxidation zone the
secondary mineralogy is dominated by disseminated jarosite and a vermiculite-type mixed layer
mineral (11.7- 11.9Â) as well by schwertmannite. The latter is associated with dots or rims as
well as horizon interfaces of different grain-size (Fig. 2C). The presence of schwertmannite was
proven by DXRD. Gypsum is mainly associated with samples from the phreatic level and is
interpreted as a tertiary mineral. The gypsum found in the oxidation zone may be secondary.
The study of polished sections show that the oxidation of the sulfides is nearly complete in
the oxidation zone. Only sorne small residual grains of pyrite or chalcopyrite could be observed.
One pyrite grain was found to be coated by ferric hydroxides and thus protected from further
oxidation; in general pyrite does not show this coating. Magnetite is also present with martite
replacement. Following the stratigraphy downwards to the primary zone, the original sulfide
paragenesis of the ore can be observed. It is dominated by pyrite, which shows strong fracturing.
In general it does not show alteration or Fe(III) hydroxide rims. Chalcopyrite is present as traces
and sometimes intergrown with bornite. Both hypogene sulfides frequently show replacement to
chalcocite, digenite, and covellite. As in the Piuquenes impoundment, two different generations
of replacement can be differentiated. Camus (1975) reported that the most important supergene
sulfide mineral present in the orebody is chalcocite, with minor proportions of covellite. Hence,
the stronger digenite and chalcocite with traces of covellite replacement in the tailings is
interpreted to be primary supergene enrichment, consistent with observations of fracturing and
incomplete thick rims (Fig. 20). The secondary replacement is characterized by thin, complete
rims of mainly covellite and digenite also associated exclusively with chalcopyrite (Fig. 2H).
The latter replacement, mainly associated with a 2-4 rn thick zone below the water-level, is
interpreted as secondary. Magnetite is largely found as massive grains, partly altered to martite.
Traces of sphalerite, molybdenite, rutile, goethite, hematite, and galena were found. Acid-Base Accounting

ABA results show that the Ctot is below the detection limit and the Ssulfide content in the
primary zone has an average of 0.59 wt % (Fig. 7). With the assomption that ali Ssulfide is
associated with pyrite, this tailings yield to an average of only 1.09 wt % pyrite in the primary
zone. Correcting for Cu concentrations in the sulfide fractions of sequential extractions leads to
an average pyrite content of 0.99 wt %. The variation between the total sulfide pyrite content and
the correction for the Cu-sulfides ranges between 4.6 and 29.3% with an average variation of
10.8 %.
The acid flotation circuit has a pH of 4.5, which explains the absence of a carbonate NP.
The acid circuit is possibly also the reason for the low pyrite content, as under acid conditions a
high percentage of pyrite will float and end up in the concentrate. In contrast, pyrite flotation is
generally suppressed by an alkaline pH (lime addition). Low carbonate NP (0.12 & 0.16 wt.%
Ctot) was only found in two samples of the T3 drill core. This possibly is the reason that the pH

Chapter 5: Element cycling and secondary minera/ogy in porphyry copper tailings

increases up to neutra! values in this drill core. It might be that in this area, material was
deposited before the change from the alkaline to the acid circuit. Sequential extractions

In the Cauquenes drill core T4 (data not shown) the element distribution is very similar to
that of Piuquenes tailings. T4 is situated at the edge of the tailings impoundment (Fig. 1), where
the permeability is one order of magnitude higher than in the tailings center (e.g., T2). Bivalent
cations e.g. Cu, and Zn are nearly completely leached out of the oxidation zone, whereas
oxyanions such as Mo and As show low mobility as reported in the Piuquenes tailings through
adsorption to Fe(III) oxyhydroxide sulfates. Data from a representative drill core in the center of
the impoundment (Tl; Fig. 7) show that cations (Ca, K, Mg, Cu, Zn, Mn) and sulfate increase
their concentrations in the water soluble-fraction to the top of the tailings. In contrast to the
results of the exchangeable fraction of the Piuquenes tailings, the samples of this fraction from
the Cauquenes tailings (Tl, T2, T3) have elevated Cu and Zn concentration in the oxidation zone
(Fig. 4). Electron microprobe analysis on biotite from the oxidation zone show that Mg and K
decrease to the grain edges and Cu and Zn increase. The position of the peak of the vermiculite-
type mixed-layer mineral is at lower d-values (11.7- 11.9Â) than in the Piuquenes (Fig. 8, 12.25
- 12.67Â). DXRD control of the dissolved phases have shown that in the exchangeable fraction
(NH4-acetate) the vermiculite-type mixed-layer mineral disappears and a new peak at lower ct-
values at the flank of the 001 illite peak appears. Do to higher activity of Cu and Zn in the
oxidation zone of the Cauquens tailings, Cu and Zn promotes the release of K of biotite as shown
by Farquhar et al. (1997) and are fixed in the interlayer of the resulting vermiculite-type
mixed-layer mineral, leading to the lower d-values. This mineral is broken down in the NH4-
acetate leach possibly due to detachment of the interlayer cations and the peak shift to the lower
d-values, indicating that the mineral is not completely dissolved.
Fe and Al are below the detection limit in the water-soluble fraction but show increasing
concentrations in the oxidation zone in the exchangeable, Fe(III) oxyhydroxide and Fe(III) oxide
leaches. In the oxidation zone Mo is associated with the Fe(III) oxyhydroxide and also to Fe(III)
oxide fraction possibly adsorbed to jarosite as the sh/jt ratio is below 0.5 in the Cauquenes
tailings, while in Piuquenes this ratio reaches concentrations > 1. The sulfide fraction is depleted
in the oxidation zone but increase to a double enrichment near the water table compared to the
primary zone. This may indicate that Mo is enriched by similar processes as Cu.
The total As content is distributed in the exchangeable and reducible fraction, no As is
detectable in the sulfide fractions, possibly also a result of low pH conditions in the Cauquenes
tailings. V does not display significant mobilization.
W a ter content and geochemical data from drill cores from the center of the impoundment
(Tl; Fig. 7) indicate that in the upper 100 cm a significant upwards mobilization of S04, Ca, K,
Mg, Cu, Zn, and Mn takes place during the dry season. Finer grain-size increases the water
retention capacity and the capillary force, resulting in an increase of the water content at the
surface and an enrichment of bivalent cations in the form of water-soluble phases, mainly
sulfates (e.g., gypsum, chalcanthite), due to high evaporation rates in summer (Fig. 7).

Chapter 5: Element cycling and secondary minera/ogy in porphyry copper tailings

Drill core T1 Cauquenes/ El Teniente

paste pH AB A (tCoco,/1 0001) Fe(%) 804(%) Ca(%)

234567B9 -BO -40 0 40 BO 0 0.4 O.B 1.2 1.6 2 0.4 O.B 1.2 0 0.050.1
100 - ..J

E 300
~ 400
~ 600
0 10 20 30 40 50
H 2 0 (wt% )
K(%) Al(%) Mg(%) Cu (ppm) Zn (ppm)
0 0 .08 0.16 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0 0.040.0B0.120.16 1000 2000 0 10 20 30 40

100 ~~~;::;;;;:ifiiW--
E 300
~ 400
ë. 500
~ 600
900 --UULL.L..LL.L..L~.W

Mn (ppm) Mo (ppm) As (ppm) V (ppm) Ti(%)

0 40 BO 120 160 0 20 40 60 BO 100 0 40 BO 120 160 0 20 40 60 BO 0.04 O.OB 0.12 0.16 0.2

100 ~fr--r-n-r-n-r''fèfrrl-
E 300
~ 400
a. 500
~ 600
900 --I!.L.LLJ...LLJ...L.III...l..LJ

Sequential Extractions Acid-Base-Accounting (ABA)

o H20 (water-soluble) • Acid Potential (AP)
o NH4·Ac (exchangeable) • Neutralization Potential (NP)
~:> NH4-0xD (Fe(lll)hydroxides)
• Sulfide NetNeutralization Potential (SNNP)
+ NH4-0xH (Fe(lll)oxides)
x H202 (organic +cv, cc-dg) CJ oxidation zone
• KCI03, HCI, HN03 (sulfides)
• HCI04, HF, HN03 (residual) mm primary zone

..:sz_ water table (april1996) paste pH

H 20 (wt%)

Fig. 7: Results of sequential extractions from the representative drill core Tl fonn the Cauquenes tailings
ùnpoundment, El Teniente, Ch ile. For data see Table 7.

Table 7: Drill core Tl from Cauquenes/ Teniente /CP-ES results from sequence B

~:;,~~~- -~i--d~Pih-1-H:i> lNH4~0A~NH4-0xë} NH4-o~-H 1 -1-i202-! -s~ïtidë"j ~;;~id~~~J.t~i;J- \ b~lk- _ ~~~~:l~ - d~h -\ ---H20-tNH4~A~~NH4~0ill~~H202+-;~;id~-+~;siduâlt--to~T1~--
lt~~ j *ff~ct :{ll*':t n: 1:~1 : :H~u: t '<' j}"t .•• ;:~ 1:: ~ :lj m-1m- ~f lil::J :Hf:~: '::il

1L.]t~l1-.t.r~t~~j~ }.~]J- l.i. t.]..~ ~t~.lrf.~.~.. :.ruijt~~~ E~ijillft'~=-m•

.!!IS!C!... ___ §so_ 1 ~Q\o
_...Q.,QI_ ___o ,4g__l-- o_c3_9 _. ~Qb.
_Q_J___ 1 _<?_~?_ ___<?_5__ 1 BOL
~ UJ_I_ .Q, s4 _1+~- ~
~1{,6_6_ -~~
!_llssC!_ _~+~:1._1__6_2~- 3~~ _ ; s_ m
80: - r 37 l ____s s (P.~- ~~3
s 3__§_ ___1__!l_3_ ___ , s ,4___ 2~~~-
OQ. _ _ _8_().()_: IJDI,_
~D~L ~0 l_ ~or~:J~~=-I-~_4_9±=~L c=-8=-l----~ l_ê~6- ~ 06
samole 1 deoth ~ H20 NH4-0Ac NH4-0xD NH4-0xH ' H202l sulfide 1 res~ total r bulk

depth _ l-t20
6 L_i~l~o
53_:1__ _ 378

NH4-0Ac· NH4-0xD : NH4-0xH 1 H202

108 1060
764 __?_U__~~!_~_
sulfide ! residual total bulk

-H?~~ ::±.::ll·J ;~i:!-:- 6i:LJ-t~1:l J'}l ·. HJ~UJxtJ~ l a~i~Q~;-:::: ff&*Ll~t ~J:Ut=}iJ J:lj--l}j- B~dJHL+~+ti~+.t;,~:
Tlll OQ__I _l()Q l_O~Q_'!_ : __()_,19 ()_c3_1_-1 _1l_Q\, ~ -~-1.~ _3B_ 7_,_3_7__!1~-- l - TlllOO _•_ l_<?_Q_ --~ · 4.2 Ï 2 .2 r- 5.7
r __ 2 1 ! 22 .3 --~ __ILl_ ~~-
_TlllOS_ R .os _llD!J_~-~ o-~1"7"" o.24 1 o.o2 r-+,'s s.2 6.88 9.73 _ r111os 1os 13 .9 14 .3 s.s 6 '-6 2o .9 14.7 11.2 95 .7 _
__:r11200 200 BOL
0.01! 0 . 16 0.19 BOL c_1_, 28 5.49 7 . 19 10 .2 T1/200 200 14.6 3 .2 2.9 5.3 4.5 26 .9 16.3 73,I____~-
0.07 0 .15 0.18 BDL 1 1.18 5 .56 7 . 14 9.76 Tll290 290 22.3 3.2 2.5 5 3.5 23.2 15.8 75.5 1 82 .8
~:;~: ~BDL 0.09 0 .21 0.23 BOL 1.27 5.6 7.4 10.1 T1/400 400 19 .5 28.5 12.6 7.8 24.5 18.6 114.5 139
-filsBo- 580 ~_gh.. _0.07 0.18 0 .2 BOL 1.19 5.43 7 .07 9.61 !_11§!l()_~_C!_~L 16.3 6.9 5.7 1.8 23 .1 18.4 72.2 87 .5
TT1 1aoo
118 90
0 0 ~BD~~ 0.09
8 90
-'-""'~éc:--+-"-'-"--1C--"'=-t-- .Cl-08__
0 .31
~~~ 1.54
7 .37 10.2
7 . ~§_ _!lJ!_i_
5 .5
72 .6
86 _7
74 .2 _
K (%)
sample depth 1 H20 INH4-0AcNH4-0xD NH4-0xH H202 sulfide residual total bulk
_ - ~~·~·m
depth H20 NH4-0Ac NH4-0xD NH4-0xH H202 sulfide residual total butk 1

T11010 l_C!_j_2,m15 0.05 1 ~4.__ 1__()_.13 1 B·. D·~ - - 2 .31 2.68 ~ _ TliOrO 10 1 51 _ -?_1 10 22 3 108 65 268 1 344
T1/040 ~lli i~O 1 0.05 o:oiT O.Os~:17TO:Q2 - 2.23 2.53 3 .73 Tllo~g._ 40 27 3 6 26 BOL 111 77 250 313
_I_l/100 _ ,o:Q::H'O: o3_. BDmo.o,__~----:~ ~03fa_Dt _ -_ - 1.83 1.9 3.42_ _ TlllÛ<?__ r-+gg._ ~--~+- BOL 18 4 127 76 252 316
_T11_1_0§ __ 10§... o.o6l_..<?..c~ o~,s B_i?L - -'~s, 2 . 13 ~-- ~ ,os 14 3 s 2,6' 63~- ~,,-
3'~,- ~74è3-r-~2~ so9~ r-+::3o2;_?_
Tll200 1 200 o.OD BOL 0.01 1 0.02 BOL - 1.83 1 .9 3 .62 Tll200 200 19 l-;;!2~--t-'ô--J---o-;é--+--;;-t---.~;--t--o;-:--t---~ô---t--;;~-
l'_i!_2:"9()__j_ii""oj:Q:"():J_ LB.0:C~- d__BQL_j____Q_,o~___ I ADI: _:__ "J::B:4:_~, ~-'~ ::t~ = J"!~ Cj_~~-','- BOL 4 16 3 127 , 11 252 326
Tll4oo__ l 40()_~_og_s_J___QJJ_1__ -r _o_._o_1_J_.o__.Cl?___ !__BI?_
t E:__:-::_:,_ 96 J _j__.Cl§......LS__?_ __ !_1ii~"-~4ooî9 s 2s- ~-r~~~ -----ao-1--3t'l -473
T1/580 T5a o 0 .03 1 0 02 l BOL 1 0.01 1 BOL - 1 .86 1 .92 3.47 -r
T1/580 580 6
1 ~- ~ --G~- ----ss -r-2-~-s-+-t;s
J:!_ïa.QO_::::T.ê:Q_Q__ ô"jl~~~Ci_~i :::MJO o :D2----;B6L ---::= --'~s3 --l- 14!---__:l_E_:::- rllsoo_ sool_ 4 16 -~ ~-24 s 135 63 ! 26~- ~33
!_11890 _1~ ! 0_il_~f_.Cl,<?_?-i__.Cl,2_!__J-<>JlCj:::_i!PL
- 1 . 86 1__!J)§__~1_ _ T11899 890 T-1o 7 s 19 123 10 ~~ 294
__Mg _{'\'e)______ "C____
1__ - -- - - ! -- - 1 1- ~PJ>!!!l' 1----co._ ~ --=-+=~---=+-=c-~c+~co-+-~o.--,--+-----,-,-----,-i--,---,---c-+-,~-1
samole 1 de th-~ -H20 NH4-0AcNH4-0xD NH4-0xH f"H202 sulfide , residual • total bulk sample ~ l-t20 NH4-0Ac , NH4-0xD ! NH4-0xH H202 sulfide residual total bulk

_I!I.<J_! O i lO __ lJl.c l_S_I O~O~._j_- __()_ ,()_~ _j_~o!._

. 3 _J_·1 (BOL
)_· O~
_ . Om9.4__ 0.61 t--!c~ 4 2 .i__ _ T1/040
TliOlO _.j__!.Cl_~_L_ - 3 1 11 BOL _ 20._1_.- -
.8 ---l--
· '· _±.3_· 1__2_·8__
Tllo~ot---40-~ o . O~O . Ol 1 0 .02 1 0.13 0 .9 0 .7 1.82Î 2.25 1 40_LBDL 2
4 13 BOL 21 -~ 7 1 47 ~34
J H100 __ ~--~9-J_0 . 04 1 ei:iu:::-_o~_009 t:B.D_L_ <?_Jl_6 o _~!l___ ~J-ill<~. -- Tll100_~100 1 BQL_ __, ___ 4 '~- ~!l_u_ :1_:1_ ~ __7_--::I_-::4 4 - 26
_!_1/10§___ _ __!O~ J _()_cOS_[_c>cO_l 1 0 03 _j_ __O _l~ __ [Jl,O~ ,_o, 9 _ __()_~ - !_-_7_1 13~17 _ !_l_~l()_S_t __l_<?__~L 1 3 15 B_i?b__(__~_(l_~--· ?_ --1 -~-- ___3~--
~;1~ - ~~H~~i--{~H-+~ t~c~1 -i ~gEl~-{~]-+~ HfH+ --- ffi~~-- 1 ~~~ ~~t- . --{~f- -+---f- --~tf-~}- 1 --+ T-H·r ·+~ -
:~~:_~rfra~ft~I~= r~~ f~~b_t~rt!i~_ !c~o~~~~ii:I~f-t~
7-~d=~~~~:j =l-~~~=~-3=o. o9--=ë~i_sulll~tesldual
:~: ~ ~ ~?a~b1~~fi=__i_. --l~-:..~~p=- !+~±;. -T~4l1~u.-.=
_!~l~- ~fs!~P-"'~ ~~ BOL~H4-0Ac' ~.~~L- 1 ~sulfi~sldual
7+--~~-=-t-~~:_: = r _ ,_ _ _L_
sample T de rh H20 ' NH4-0Ac NH4-0x0 NH4-0xH ! H202 1 1 bulk samole ! deorh f NH4-0x0 ! NH4-0xH 1 H202 J io.arl- bulk

f~~~ -Bt-j~&J=~gt~J-Jll:: 1=-tt~-- ~f1~rrH+f:Ht~H~~1~J: =~~;~~-=~-={~-n~H-~~4~t- - , :=±f~t±=-l-:::1~~ECJ--H-+-~ L 7

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. l,
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BOL --1- BOL ( BOL 1 BOL 1 0 .03 -t 0 .8 j 0 .83
_l_c:1_:1_ ____
1.15 Tll400-+---i00
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total 1 bulk samole 1 deoth H20 I NH4-0Ac •NH4-0xD! NH4-0xH H202 total 1 bulk
I_l_IQ!o__ u_g_t o 2_s~·__o_.o2 -~_.Cl_2--'-! _<?.co?·_~_.Clc_o_:1__)__9.c, 2 1 _ 9,~_-l-_o~~___!___()_<l__ -. ..r "o'o L___l_()__~BoL 3__7_~ __g___j__Elp~t_,__os 1 '!.L
= r
2 31
Tli040 ---+---±<l. , 0 .21 0 .01 o .o l__j__ 0 .02 BOL 1 o. iST 0 .4?___l_(l1lli 87 1.09 T1/040 ~ BOL 2 33 53 1 29 i 6 1 BOL 12~
~...T ii1QQ..____j 1()_q o ll -s:g~,___ _<?_~ÔJ 1 (i~~2::__Q§i] 0 l_<l_ tO~~s-1 oe3~ Li.I
. T_!~105_j_!_Q_§_Tc0c_! _~<?__!_ ---f--~D_b_ __ f--?_o_1___j__D~~J__()__!_3_~-=-:~-Q 76 __!_Jl_! _
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_ !lQh_
2 3_2
, _2 __ ~~ __ill_. j_ __j_~_
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.--J____!_ __
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Tll2 00 ["2~_LO__.Cl_7_i _ _!lD_b_j _ _ll_DL_._ 0 .0_1 l o .os l O . l ~j__Dl_ )__!__()_§_ _ Tll2!)()__ _290 __ElQL 1 21 5 --!- BOL 74 9---f---_!;_~ 12_:1__
Tli40 0 Î 4 00 1 0.13 1 _.ClJ)_1_ l__ll!l_b_-l---8_12\,_l O-O~_l___()_c..!~j_____()_,_4_H-()_cll!_l_l__J__ __ T1/400 400 BOL 1 22 BOL 32 1 4 _ ____8_1:-_g _
~]_5_1!.Clj.ClcE~J BDL = HBOL 0 .06 1 o. 11 Oc<!_§_ o 79T l:oa- __ l Tll58~-~~-. ~ BOL 17 BOL 3_2_ ~-- --~~- _8_..5.__
TliSOO _J_§_Q_Qj__(),_!_~,_()_§__J_BQh !_11800 __ ~!}0

O_il_l__!_Oc.Cl!.!_ Ocl_<I___L_.Clc_4___li8:3T1:13 _ 8 42 BOL 20 1 __!lDL__ __7_L _84

. o .o1 : 0.06 1 0.12 l 0 .44 1 0.1]fi":Ot- _
Tllsoo-T 890 1 0 . 12 t_o .02 1 BOL _-
Tl -i%)]- _
samole de th 1
==:::J ---r
H20 NH4-0Ac NH4-0xD NH4-0xH 1 H202 sulfide 1 residual 1 total
1 . :::-r:::= _ Y..Jpem
1 bulk ·
Tll890 890


=:--h _N
; -c+.-;

" 'H
0 c;
BOL 61

s _9!l____1_1__1_

" '2;:--l--,-sc;
fid"e'+ r:eccc
: a-;-l+-;:bccu;;c
Tll010 10 BOL BOL BOL BOL BOL 0 .07 0 .2 0 .27 1 0 .36 ~ 10 BOL 4 13 18 BOL 48 105 188 __ __! ~--
~~~~PL-~~ __ll[)_t= s[ÎL BOL o.o1 o . 19 o . 26~D.34 - ~~~-'- ~ 21 81ll - '46 101 ,a, __2_ 22_
T11100 100 BOL BOL BOL BOL BOL 0 .08 0 . 14 0.22 0.31 TlllOO 100 BOL BOL 19 BOL 54 88 167 209
TliJ.ClS r--,--Q5f--ll~+- __!!p+- _BDL _ __!l_gL BOL 0 .07 0 .16 0.23 0.33 _ 1~ 105 BOL BOL 25 BOL 47 89 168 221
_T~_I_2Cl()__l-~o~_ ~ f-_13-~~ -~L BOL BOL 0 .08 -- ~~~~ ___r~.gg_ I--~0~- ~PL BOL 10 13 BOL 57 90 170 221__
Tll290 290 BOL BOL BOL + -BOL BOL 0 .07 0 . 13 0 .2 0 .3 l-- Tll290 290 BOL BOL 13 BOL 50 83 i___!__§_()___ ~ -

-f~-~-rfo~ -=~ -{gf--t-~f- ~-%"6%- ~ :~ ~ . ~~ ~ . ~~ ~-r-ffi- ~-§t-~~ :~ ~~~ ~: ~~ ::: ~~~

__:r~ _ 80<?__~2L__ r-~DL BOL BOL BOL 0.11 0 .15 0.26 0.34 !liBQ()___ 800 BOL BOL 13 BOL 66 80 163 .:1_1_1 _
__l!!!'!()_ __ ~'!_C!_c--llQL BOL BOL BOL BOL 0.08 0.15 0.23 0 .3 T1/890 _ 890 BOL BOL 13 BOL 58 88 1~§___ _:1_1_1_

~~~-;'Yd;;thl-----.::i20-fNH4-0~4~-NH4-0xH H202 sultide residual total bulk - ~!~th~- H20 NH4-0Ac NH4-0xD . NH4-0xH H202 sulfide 1 residual tol~b;:;ik
Tll010 10 BOL ' 1 7 37 1 39 263 348 503 Tll010 10 BOL 6 37 25 BOL BOL BOL 68 72
Tll040 40 BOL BOL 2 44 _ _2 35 256 339 465 l- T1/040 40 BOL 7 44 38 BOL BOL BOL 89 134
- 100l BQI,_l_ ___2__(__ __ 12_j__19 1 40 226 301 454 TlllOO - ~ OL BDL 7 52 17 BOL BOL BOL 76 [ 96 .
Tli10L _~ 1 :::so_b_J._:_~-~~~'!.,.-~-- :J_~_2_____j__ 3~- _2_~ __ 291 + TiJiOs- ~ 1os l BOL ~_gL -__Il_gL _~DL 1 1 l2~
.4_31_ __ BOL 26 28 54

fi-:~~-=L_ Ji%::C:~H ___?_=+-~' =iL-f ___;}::_t±J-}H-~H-dHTI_g_: P ~~%-~ - 1- --To- -+- ~U ~ - . ~~~ -~~ . .
10 -i 325 [W ~ ::::fo_ __:;:-jlttt~FE~ti= :_~_:H.E
~~!=-t~;n:ig~rv:r rJ~~r~n~-~~-ft·:~=~rr~UKiT ~=~m~il~f:i[,_:~::fp}f -n -1~§H ~gt ~--~g~- ! ~8?--i ~· ~·~
T1/400 400 8
1 , ' 13 =F 4 R 2511 , BOL 4 36

Abbreviations see Table. 4 107

Chapter 5: Element cycling and seconda1y minera/ogy in porphy1y copper tailings

This upwards migration superimposes the general trend of downwards mobilization during the
raining season and is conserved in the leached oxidation zone in T4 and the secondary
replacement of chalcocite by covellite below the ground water table.
Stoichiometric calculation of the jarosite content leads to an overestimation of the sulfate
content. An increased AP+ content on the B site of the general formula of the alunite-jarosite
group AB3(S04)2(0H)6 or the presence of alunite could be the source for the too high calculated
S04 contents. This is supported by increasing concentrations of Al in the Fe(III) oxyhydroxide
and Fe(III) oxide leach in the oxidation zone. Detailed XRD studies of the jarosites from the
Piuquenes tailings and the jarosites from the T4 core (Cauquenes), which do not show increased
concentrations of Al in this leach, show peak position near synthetic jarosite (Fig. 9). In contrast,
jarosites from Tl show a peak shift to lower d-values, suggesting the substitution of Fe3+ (ion
radius 0.65Â) by the smaller AP+ (0.53Â). This is supported by an increase of Al content in the
Fe(III) oxide leach in samples from the oxidation zone. Correction with the Al content increases
the accuracy of the stoichiometric calculation and suggests that up to 20 % of the B site of the
jarosite is substituted by AP+. These findings show that the evaporation controlled upwards
mobilization of elements has direct influence on the composition of the secondary minerais.
As mentioned, Cu shows in these tailings a similar enrichment below the water table by
replacement of chalcopyrite by covellite as in the Piuquenes tailings. Due to the lack of
carbonate NP the neutralization sequence is not as weil developed as in the Piuquenes tailings
and the secondary Cu enrichment is not as weil defined in the stratigraphy. Ti concentrations are
below the detection limit in the Fe(III) oxides leach indicating, that no ilmenite is present in the
Cauquenes tailings. Microbiology
Four representative samples from the oxidation zone and primary zone of the Cauquenes
tailings were submitted to bacterial count and iron oxidation activity tests. In ali samples high
bacteria numbers by direct counting were observed (3.0x108 - 5.0xl08 bact/ml). Thiobacillus
ferrooxidans could only be cultivated (1.4x10 5 bact/ml) in the sample from the oxidation front
(T4/150). Oxidizing activity tests show that the sample from the oxidation front started first to
oxidize Fe 2+ to Fe3+after an initial or lag phase of 144 h. This oxidation activity has to be related
with the increased population of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans at the oxidation front. This is
consistent with the findings of Davis ( 1997) where the highest population of Thiobacillus
ferrooxidans was found at the oxidation front and the population of Acidiphilium spp. increased
to the top of the oxidation zone. The sample from the upper part of the oxidation zone started the
oxidation activity after 336 h growth time, indicating the lower population of active iron-
oxidizing bacteria, possibly due to Mo poisoning. Once oxidation started, the oxidation velocity
(growth rate) was similar. The sample from the primary zone did not start significant oxidation
in the time range (432h) of the experiment (Fig. 5).

Chapter 5: Element cycling and seconda1y minera/ogy in po1phyry copper tailings




c vermiculite-type mixed layer
Ul 800 A2/050
ë 600



17 16 15 14.5 14 13.5 13 12.5 12 11.5 11 10.5 10 9.8 9.6

d-values (À)
Fig. 8: Peak position (XRD results) of the vermiculite-type mixed-layer mineral in samples from the oxidation zones
of Piuquenes tailings impoundment (A2!020, A2!050, AJ/020, AJ/050) and the Cauquenes tailings
ùnpoundment(T/1040, T/1/05, TJ/150). F01·discussion see text
Al-substitution in jarosite



() 600

:J 400

jarosite, syn
200 3.08À

oAI-substituted jarosite
: 3 .07À
3.2 3.15 3.1 3.05

d-values (À)

Fig. 9: Peak position (XRD results) of jarosites in samples from the oxidation zone of Piuquenes and Cauquenes
tailings impoundments, indicating Al-substitution in sample T 11040 and T/1105. For discussion see text.

Chapter 5: Element cycling and seconda1y mineralogy in porphyry copper tailings

5.5.3 El Salvador No.l tailings impoundment, Chile Minera/ogy

The four drill cores in the El Salvador No.l tailings show that the stratigraphy is
characterized by a 0.3 to 1.5m (El = 0.3m; E2 = 0.35m; E3 = 1.5m; E4 = 0.35m) thick evaporite
zone at the top (Fig. 2D) with extensive blue, yellow, white and brown efflorescent salts
formation (paste pH 2.00 - 3.53). Below, an oxidation zone with orange-brown horizons and
paste pH values from 1.88 - 2.80 is observed. The "prùnary zone", which was defined visually
by its dark gray color but that, as discussed below, is significantly affected by oxidation, was
intersected by two drill cores at depths of 1.7 rn (El) and 4.7 rn (E2). It displays sorne dots and
streaks of orange-brown Fe(III) hydroxides, possibly schwertmannite. In Fig. 10 and Table 8,
geochemical data for the representative drill core E2 are presented. The moisture content in the
evaporation zone was 0-8 wt.% and increased downwards to a constant 20 wt.%. This relative
high moisture content is surprising in view of the extremely low precipitation rates (20 mm/a),
the high evaporation and the age of the tailings (36 years) . It should be noted, however, that
similarly old tailings in hyper-arid climate (P. Cerda; chapter 6) also show moisture contents
within this range.
XRD studies show that quartz, alkali-feldspar (mainly albite ± anorthoclase), biotite ±
seri cite, jarosite and natrojarosite dominate the primary gangue mineral ogy. Kaolinite and illite
are the typical clay minerais. The study of polished sections shows that pyrite is abundant (see
below for amounts) in all zones and generally is still relatively fresh and even in the oxidation
zone it does not show Fe(III) oxyhydroxides rims. Minor traces of covellite ± chalcocite are only
observed in the primary zone in one sample (El/030).
In the evaporite zone at the top of the tailings a wide range of water-soluble secondary
efflorescent salts were identified by XRD. The dissolved minerais are identified as bonattite
(CuSÜ4·3H20), chalcanthite (CuSÜ4·5H20), pickeringite (MgAh(S04)4·22H20), and
magnesioaubertite (Mg,Cu)Al(S04)2Cl·l4H20). Hand picked specimens could be identified as
chalcanthite (CuSÜ4·5H20), halotrichite (FeA12(S04)4·22H20), and hexahydrite (MgSÜ4·6H20).
In the underlying oxidation zone, orange-brown ferric oxyhydroxides with the same
appearance as in the Piuquenes and Cauquenes tailings, possibly schwertmannite, are enriched in
sorne layers, but detection by DXRD failed, due to low concentrations (1.59 and 1.88 % Fe in
the NH4-0xD leach). A verrniculite-type mixed layer mineral was detected in the oxidation zone
in sorne samples by DXRD. J arosite only was detected in the clay fraction (< 2 !Jm) of samples
from the oxidation zone and is interpreted as secondary.
In the ''primary zone" no jarosite is detected in the clay fraction, but, as mentioned before,
in the bulk XRD analyses natrojarosite together with jarosite were distinguished. This suggests
that jarosite and natrojarosite in this zone are primary. Additional, distinction criteria between
these supergene jarosites from the primary zone and the secondary jarosite determined in the
clay fraction from the oxidation zone will be discussed together with the geochemical results.

Chapter 5: Element cycling and secondaty minera/ogy in porphyry copper tailings

Drill core E2 El Salvador No.1

paste pH AB A l•c.co,/1ooo•l Fe(%) S04(%) Ca(%)

-400 -200 0 200 400 0 0 4 8 12 16 20 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1


(.) 200

o. 300

0 4 8 12 16 20 24
H2 0 (wt%)
K (%) Na(%) Mg(%) Cu(%) Zn (ppm)
0 0 . 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 0.4 0.8 1 .2 1 .6 0123456 40 80 120


(.) 200

o. 300

Mn (ppm) Mo (ppm) As (ppm) V (ppm) Ti(%)

200 400 600 0 100 200 300 0 40 80 120 160 0 4 8 12 16 20 0


~ 200

o. 300

Sequential Extractions Acid-Base-Accounting (ABA)

o H20 (water-soluble) • Acid Potential (AP)
o NH4-Ac (exchangeable) • Neutralization Potential (NP)
"' NH4-0xD (Fe(lll)hydroxides)
• Sulfide NetNeutralization Potential (SNNP)
+ NH4-0xH (Fe(lll)oxides)
x H202 (organic +cv) ~ evaporite zone
• KCI03, HCI, HN03 (sulfides) D oxidation zone
• HC104, HF, HN03 (residual)
mm primary zone

paste pH
H20 (wt.%)

Fig. JO: Results of sequential extractions from the representative drill core E2 form the tailings impoundment No. l,
El Salvador, Chile. Note: Results of Na are shawn instead of Al. Al has the same distribution as Mg, Cu, Zn, and
Mn. For data see Table 8.

Table 8: Drill core E2 from El Salvador No.l /CP-ES results from sequence B

~:~atel t·deDîh 1--H?-Üi~OA~~NH~ NH~xH+OO t ~~md;~~~~~~ hoïâtlb~- -- Ç~~~:Jideth-i H?O 1NH~·OAcl NH~-oxo l NH. -OxH 1 H?O< I sul~~~
E21010 10 . 0 . 17 _Qc26. 1 0 3i__ f-.-.2~.8~_-.. ~-Q.I_3_I~. __Q.QI_- ~
2.48 ~~~. E21<~1Q~10 50386 592 40.9 ~ 8 .5 5 .5 12 . 7 51184 48918
_E2/0~ 2D_ _9~ ~0_1_1 0 .29 __2~~ -- J ,g~ ~- ~!.8__~2?. E?i.Q~O- 3g_ 17430 617 125 554 26 42 .3 34 .5 18829 20120
E2105_0 ·~ 50 O i?~ --0 .~-l~ -- ~-- _!_~ +-!-4~- __o~- ~)-?.~ E2/05Q__ 50 12330 ~~~ ~53.: 605 27 .3 2~? ~ ~ 12140
E_g!QICJ__ ~
_9" '!_'!_ _Q_. 0 4__j_(l2_ ~.?_."~_3_ -1 _! ,_41_ !.J19_ ~, 34_ ~ _.L_!!__ §2!Q.CQ_ _?_Q;:- 2900 738 -~ ~~~ 1 38.6 4052 3980
~i!QO __ J_OQ _ _<>,04 _Q.c26_l~. _ -- ~oi§ _ _!_~---'c?.l!. _o25__ ~_!_~- ~ E211 0Q 100 3420 291 194 _ _2 10 48.2 49.1 43 .2 4756 4540
~1155_ ~5 oo4 O.!l.§...J. 0 .26 _ .. ? ci§ i -':o~ ~_E;- ~i ~§ ~~ §21155 __ 155 3780 225 70 . 1 459 22 .1 38.2 ~4 . 1 4639 ~
E21190 190 0.03 1 0.04 T 1.88 1.471 1.1 1.41 0 . 37 6 3 7 49 E21190 190 4030 306 113 406 71 9 481 46 2 5021 5230
_E212~g_ ~'!. 0'04T_g_o_'!_j_Q_!~ _ ;J 94 - I+L~ - Q,~-::Qkg ~ ~212ao -~~o 5040 294 ai'_ __ 421 23 3 42 3 53 3 5955 6250
E2/300 300 T-~- 0 05 1 0 18 3 96 1 13 1 07 0 39 6 83 8 36 E2/300 300 5220 245 76 1 266 28 8 48 4 57 6 5942 5690
evm-- 390 .f-9, <l_E;_l_ oo3 + 021 2 ~9 ,09 f-~4- 637~33- I - E2/390 390 4380 164 611 347 228 383 515 5065 5160
1~'1P-:p_L0~2_1 Q_(l6 ,__p ?5__ -.J,~~~lTI!!. -J!.i:J J __Q ? L_ '-~il ~!...!!~ E?{SQQ-=- 500_ _:l_BIQ _2_83_ ...!2.5._ _.1._~-- !_!]_ 101 _6.i.!__~~l_ _21_i0_
~U."I!l re- c-l ___ l__ - j __ -
J ------ ! -- f- __ _L__ --l-total
depth 1 H?O 1NH.-OAc i NH•·OxD NH. -OxH 1 i'-120! 1 suU1de res1dual
- ïT--~
~(J'PI1l) 1 --- r--~-:-;o-;- -:c: -·:::-:::--:-::- -:-..,.,-r.:-::-J ---:-;--; -.,-,-1--7--c,
samole , de th r H.>O 1 NH•·OAc NH•-OKD NH.-OxH H202 r SUifide res1dual tota l bulk
E2/01 '!_ _~]Q 3~0g l__O.Q_6 _ Q_Q~_ , __O ._l~ _j_ ê_OI,_[_.Qo!l3 I LH i ~J~J ~ ~~ ·· · ~~;~~~ ~~ ~~·~ 1 1.2 i_ E)Q!,_ __ I _ s>~ll_ __ l_êi2_L __<lc_~ __3_5_ _ J__1 !§ ~__ !lll
~~ ~~
E21070 70 0.25
o'a 8 ~ ~!
0 .06
JJ;. ~
0 .1 0 .33
~ .~~ ~ .~~
0 .01 0.11
5 .22
6 .36
:.;~ ~.~~
7 .22 8 .9
- E21o5o
32 .6
10 .1
~ ~o; ~ .~
BOL 2.2
1/ 2
~~ .~ ~! ~
28 26 .2
E21100 100 0.28 0 .1 0 .14 0 .29 0.02 0 . 14 6 .58 7 .55 8 .77 E21100 100 11 .7 BOL BOL 1.2 BOL 2.4 12 .8 28.1 30 .5
E21155 155 0.32 0 .07 0 .1 0 .21 0.01 0 . 12 6 .66 7.49 8 .67 E21155 155 12 .3 BOL BOL 0.8 BOL 3 .7 14 30.8 27 .9
E21190 190 0.33 0.09 0 .13 0 .24 0.02 0 . 15 6 .69 7 .65 8 .63 E21190 190 13 .6 0 .7 BOL 1.6 0 .5 3 .2 16 35.6 43 .6
E2/~80 280 0.39 0 .13 0 .19 0 .34 0 .03 0 . 18 6 .21 7.47 8 .68 E21280 280 17 .2 0 .5 BOL 2.1 BOL 4 .2 16.7 40.7 52.1
E2/300 300 0.41 0 .1 0 .13 0 .2 0 .03 0 . 15 6 .17 7 . 19 8 .01 E21300 300 15.5 BOL BDL 1.5 BOL 4 18.4 39.4 39.3
E2/390 390 0 .5 0 .07 0.1 0 .2 0 .02 0.13 6 . 18 7 .2 8 .33 E2/390 390 15 .5 BOL 0 .5 1.8 0 .5 4 .5 19.4 42.2 44.6
E21500 500 0 .2 0 .09 0 .16 0 .33 0 .02 0.31 6 .79 7 .9 9.46 E21500 500 13 .3 0.5 0.6 5 0 .9 8 .6 37.4 66.3 7 9.2
K % Mn (~--:-c~t-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~-,-~~-:-~+-~~1
samole deoth -00 ~ÜAc , NH. -OxO NH•-OxH t-hO:! sulfide residual total bulk -·f-:::s~a::':m:':p"'llee~
l ,.,de?:'lh:..:..-;H>::;O>:-+ N"'H"''':?·O,.,A,;c+N'-"H'::';:'.Q:;'x"-0'+-'N:!!H:!!'?-O"x"'H'+-H,O,="+"'su;:,lf'!:id'-'e+"re":s:':'ide'u"'a'+l-';''o'"laO:I+-'b:-':u~lk~
E21010 10 1 BOL BOL 0.01 0 .04 BOL 0.4 0.45 0 .55 E2/010 10 539 6 BOL 2 BOL BOL BOL 547 620
~2{03'1__~_3_9 l BQtBot,4=%t
0 . 0~2 0 .13 BOL 1.32 1.47 1.83 -~E21~030
E21050 ' 5o:J]ioL BOL 0 .02 0 .15 BOL 1.58 1 75 211 -~ E21050 50 127 3 BOL 7 BOL BOL 5 142 128
E2/07o 1 7 ~~ ~DLJ__Q ôt-r-o:-~- ~~+- r-- . 2 02 2 22 2 84 - E2/070;--+--~7~o-+-'~3~9'-1--;B;;;O:;.,L-I-B~'O"'L~+---:4--t--oB;;:O:;oL+-":'2"-t-l-c7;-~-'-;:5':ô2'-t--';5=c2~
_E21100 __ 100 !1QI,__~9L 1 0 .02 0 .18 BOL 1.95 2 .15 2.68 ~E2~/ ;-1:00~-t-;1c_;O';:O'-t--;-4~5-t~Bo;:O:;oL-t--;B~·OS'L'--:f-~3-+.;:B;o0cc
L +-_3~-+--;7:-+-'5::'8:'-t--:;5':;7:--J
~~- ~IHQh _êÇ>!o_ _ _<l_c~ l--g.J._g_+_~OL 1.83 2 .04 2.48 E21155 155 50 BOL BOL 2 BDL 3 6 61 62
E21190 190 1 BOL BOL 0.17 0.12 BOL 1.73 2 .02 2 .35 )::_21190 190 53 3 5 3 BOL 3 7 74 71
- 2Sfm .BOL Bi;>L~?-
0 .44 BOL 1.48 1.94 2.35 ~~"'/"-~
"'o'-_-_+~-'~~,~~~~~="6o. f2o---·++-_-,-=B~O~L:t:~B~O~L-::_~f:_-::_-::_-"4:;--_-_-_;yB1o:"L~t:~.2t:~:=~7==~=:=c7~é5:;-_~+-~-"7i3::~
E2/300__ 1_00 _êQb + _!lQh_ ~~~ ~4.-- BOL 1.42 1.86 2.2 _ "7'=""'--~".'C+-'C-
5 "-
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- ~'!!lr-·-:--::+-,-,::--t~--=-c+~:-::-~--:ccc-c-cc-l~-=-'--=~+---,-,--+-,-,-:-i--c-~-l
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~pth 1 H?O
NH.-OAc ·NH. -OxD NH.-OxH
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sample de th thO NH.-OAc NH.-OxD I NH. -OxH H.<>2 ' sulfide '
re~d~ . total
Tb t71k'--
E21Ql_O__j__1 0 1 BOL 1 BQL 1 OM
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3__ 1 ~ -+ 10
1 6
E21~_.J._<lc!J.j_ BDL ~03
E21070 1 70
0 .03

1 o . g.!_ _~01 0 .27_1 B_DL

0 .01
o~_l_!1Q!,_ I-~DL r-;.Q.6
1.01 1.22
0 .69. l 0.98 ~
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155 T o.01
u___êw_ 0 . 22 :=D~l. ~ 0 .63 0 .86 1.24
BOL 0 .01 1 0.19 B[)L BOL 0 .54 0 .75 0 .98
16 1 24
17 16
E21190 1_9.QJ.<l. gl.~ PL O. t
l l 0 .09 BOL BOL 0 .55 0 .78 0 .89 E21190 190 BOL BOL 4 3 BOL BOL 2 ~--1_
E .·212Bo @..Qj_Q~l_~DL ~-~_fOL o : 1~ _ ~!,__!!DL 0 5~- ~!_~E E2/280 280 BOL BOL 3 BOL BOL BOL BOL -:~___g-
)0~~ 1 _3_<:>.2l~C>-Jo- ~ ~p.Lr BDL_~_O . O~- ...!31?!,__ _El[)L f 0 .54 ~ t-;;Oc9_ E21300 300 BOL BOL 4 BOL BOL 3 3 -- ---4-~- ~
J'~:J~99_l_~~~--~Lj__0 . 14 BOL BDL T 0 .55 0 .71 0 .94 - E21390 390 BOL BOL 26 2 BOL 3 6 ~_2_1_
E21500 1 50ÔT BDL BOL BOL 1 0 .06 BOL BOL 0 .63 0 .69 0 .93 _E21500 500 BOL BOL 7 BOL BDL 4 3 ___ _!_i_ ~-
samole 1 deoth
i I-bO l NH~·OAc i NH~-oxo '
NH4·0xH 1 HlO! sulfide residua l 1 total bu lk
sam ole
) ~~~~~~~~~~+-=-~~~~~~~t-~~~~~-t~~~
deoth l-hO NH•·OAc NH•-OxD NH.-OxH l-i?Ù2 sulfide , residual total 1 bulk
~~010 , 1o ' ~ !~ 1
Bo; ~~f-'-~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~ -~~ o02 o .24 1 ~~010 1o B~L B~L 1 5 1 129 40 68 ~ 8~ ~~ :
E21~: ~~ 0 .59~ .~1 BOL 0 .01 eof + BDL 0 07 ~ 6: o1 G16 E~~: ~~ BOL BOL 10
a ~ : ~~: ~~~ ~-~--rl-~- -to5 ..
1~~~ 170o0 ~ ;~ ~ .~~ ~~ ~ ~: ~~r{l~~ ~ ~: o0691 ~.~~ ~~·~:'co'1.'~
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E21155 155 0.91 0.04 BDL BOL BOL BOL 0.09 1.04 1.09 E21155 155 BOL BOL 4 28 63 92 11 198 197
E21190 190 0.53 0 .03 0 .01 B~~ BOL BOL 0.09 0.66 0.68 --J_~E21
' 1 ;:-
9 -j-._;2~8ô-+~9:.06'-t-f'16-:,5;-J-.;-1,';-
3- j-;,3-;é2';-1-t-:30'1o-:1: - l
E21280 280 0.46 0 .02 BOL 0 .01 BOL BOL 0.09 0.58 0.61 E21280 280 BOL BOL 4 33 77 88 7 209 206
E21300 300 0 .37 0 .01 BOL BOL BDL BOL 0.09 0.47 0 .5 E213oo 300 BOL BOL 5 27 81 117 9 239 228
E21390 390 0 .53 0 .02 BOL 0 .01 BOL BOL 0 .1 0 .66 0 . 78 ~E;021ô:3 :ê90ô-t-:3;-:9;-:0;-t-B:o'D;2L'-j--;B~OS'L-t--';6ô-+-'2~2ô-~-è8Ôc9:-f-:-10:-0:-5+--;8ô-+-;2c;3c;:O'-t~22~9:o-J
E21500 500 0 .39 0 .02 0 .01 0 .01 BOL BOL 0 .1 0 .53 0 .63 l-- lè;E~21;'500
=:-;-t-'5'-'0"0'+_B,O,oL'-j_,B,D,L,-j_ _.4c_+-1'-'5='--~-"4'-'6'-f--'-
Tl %
samole deolh H>O NH•·OAc NH•·OxO . NH•·OxH H,O, sulfide residual total bulk
sample deplh H>O NH•·OAc NH•-OxD NH•·OxH H,Q, sulfide residual talai bulk
E21010 10 BOL BOL BOL BOL BOL BOL 0.04 0.04 0 .05 E21010 10 9 15 13 8 BOL BOL 18 63 68
E21030 30 BOL BOL BOL BOL BOL BOL 0.13 0 . 13 0 . 12 E21030 30 3 BDL 7 17 BOL BOL 57 84 102
E2/050 50 BOL BOL BOL BOL BOL BOL 0.15 0 . 15 0 . 14 E21050 50 BOL BOL 8 12 BOL BOL 66 86 107
E2/070 70 BOL BOL BOL BOL BOL BOL 0.19 0 . 19 0 . 17 E21070 70 BDL BOL 2 11 BOL 2 80 95 124
E21100 100 BOL BOL BOL BOL BOL BOL 0 .2 0 .2 O. 18 E21100 1 00 BOL BOL 5 12 BOL 3 85 105 134

Abbreviations see Table. 4 112

Chapter 5: Element cycling and secondary mineralogy in porphyry copper tailings

The low quantities of secondary ferric minerais in the El Salvador No.l tailings are
explained by the high preservation degree of pyrite with contents around 6 wt.% in the primary
as weil as in the oxidation zone. In spite of the low degree of sulfide oxidation at El Salvador
No.l tailings, the pH is very acidic (2 - 3.5). This may be explained as a result from acidity
liberated by primary jarosites in combination with zero carbonate neutralization potential. The
reason of the low pyrite oxidation in the El Salvador No.l tailings will be discussed together
with the microbiological results. Acid-Base Accounting

The ABA reflects the high pyrite content of the El Salvador No.l impoundment. The
average sulfide content is 3.3 %, which corresponds with an average pyrite content of 6.2 %, as
pyrite is nearly the only sulfide. The carbonate NP is generally at the detection limit so that the
SNNP is strongly negative with an average from-183 tCaC03/1000t (Fig. 10). A decrease of the
AP at the top of the tailings impoundment is normally interpreted as a result of depletion of
sulfides (e.g., pyrite) via oxidation (compare Fig. 3 and Fig. 7). In the case of El Salvador No. 1
the decrease of the AP in the evaporite zone is seen more likely as an effect of upwards mass-
transfer, resulting from the extreme aridity and not as an effect of stronger pyrite oxidation in
this zone. This is supported by decreasing concentrations of the immobile element Ti in the
eva pori te zone (0.04 %), compared to the original Ti average content of 0.2 % in the underlying
tailings. Additionally, the concentrations of the metals Fe, K, and Na are also lower in the
evaporite zone. The decrease of Fe, K, and Na reflects more likely a dilution of the primary
jarosite and natrojarosite content and not an effect of pyrite oxidation. If the decrease of the AP
in the evaporite zone would be an effect of pyrite oxidation this should be visible an increase of
Fe, K, or Na in the fractions of the Fe(III) oxyhydroxides or the Fe(III) oxides as observed at
Piuquenes and Cauquenes (Fig. 3 and Fig. 7). Sequential extractions

The sequential extractions reflect a strong enrichment of S04, Al, Mg, Na, Cu, Zn, and Mn
in the water-soluble fraction at the top of the tailings in the evaporite zone (Fig. 10). This is
consistent with the abundance of the water-soluble salts described in section 3.3.1. The
concentrations of Cu and Zn in the sulfide fraction are generally very low throughout the whole
tailings stratigraphy (below 100 and 10 ppm, respectively), indicating that nearly ali mobile
elements are mobilized upwards and confirming that the "primary zone", which is defined by its
dark color, has been in fact significantly affected by oxidation processes, as it is was mentioned
under 3.3.1
The distribution of Fe in the oxidizing fractions (H202 and KCl03-HCl-HN03 leaches) at
El Salvador reflects a difference in the distribution and dissolution behavior of pyrite compared
to the tailings of Piuquenes and Cauquenes. In the El Salvador No.l tailings, Fe shows constant
and comparable concentrations in the weakly oxidizing H202-leach and in the strong sulfide
leach throughout the tailings stratigraphy (Fig. 10), whereas in the Piuquenes and Cauquenes

Chapter 5: Element cycling and secondai)' mineralogy in potph_VI)' copper tailings

tailings the Fe concentrations in the H202-leach are below the detection limit and those in the
sulfide leach are much higher in the primary than in the overlying zones (Fig. 3 and Fig. 7). The
high Fe concentrations in the H202-leach suggest that the pyrite in the studied impoundment of
El Salvador is easier to oxidize, probably because it cornes from an area of the deposit submitted
to strong supergene alteration.
In the tailings of Piuquenes and Cauquenes, the coupled behavior of the elements Fe, K,
Na, and S04 has served to trace the alteration of sulfides (essentially pyrite) and silicates and
formation of new secondary phases as jarosite, schwertmannite, and ferrihydrite. In addition, at
El Salvador dissolution kinetics can be used to discriminate between primary and secondary
jarosite. The elements Fe, K, Na, and S04 show a similar distribution in the two Fe(III)
oxyhydroxide and Fe(III) oxide fractions (Fig. 10). The Fe(III) oxyhydroxide fraction shows a
peak of these elements in the orange-brown horizons of the oxidation zone, where possibly
secondary schwertmannite, natrojarosite, as weil as jarosite have been formed. According to
stoichiometric calculations based on Fe and S04 values the amount of schwertmannite is
subordinated compared to those of jarosite and natrojarosite. However, it has to be taken into
account that non-stoichiometry of the Fe:S ratio of the alunite-jarosite group is frequently
observed (Alpers et al., 1989) and may range from 3:2 to 2.3:2. As mentioned above, in El
Salvador No. 1 tailings jarosite is not exclusively restricted to the oxidation zone, but it occurs
also in the primary zone and is considered to be in part of supergene origin. The jarosite fou nd in
the El Salvador No. 1 tailings is different from the secondary jarosite in the Cauquenes and
Piuquenes tailings. At El Salvador, the K/Na ratio in the Fe(III) oxide leach is 1.8 indicating that
jarosite is the dominant species but that natrojarosite also occurs. This is supported by XRD
results. In addition, the jarosite solubility at El Salvador (less than 10 % the Fe(III) oxyhydroxide
leach with exception of the schwertmannite/jarosite horizon where it is > 50 %) is lower than at
the Cauquenes and Piuquenes tailings (> 50 % in the Fe(III) oxyhydroxide leach together with
schwertmannite). That the natrojarosite at the El Salvador No. 1 tailings is of primary
(supergene) origin is also supported by the fact that in the Cauquenes and Piuquenes tailings no
secondary natrojarosite is found although as in these tailings albite as a potential source of Na
exists. This may be explained by the dissolution kinetics of albite which is much lower than that
of biotite (Jambor & Blowes, 1998), resulting in a preferential formation of secondary (K-rich)
jarosite instead of natrojarosite.
It remains the question if a significant amount of (K-rich) jarosite is formed during
weathering of the El Salvador No. 1 tailings. Biotite alteration results in a vermiculite or a
vermiculite-type mixed-layer mineral (Acker & Bricker, 1992; Jambor, 1994; Malmstrom &
Banwart, 1997, Farquar et al., 1997). Per mole of biotite 2 mole of K+ are liberated, available for
the formation of 2 moles of jarosite (chapter 2 equation 28). Biotite is the main source for Kas
K-feldspar as sericite have an about 40 times slower reactivity than biotite (Jambor & Blowes,
1998). If jarosite is an important secondary mineral at El Salvador No. 1 tailings, it should be
found in the clay fraction as shawn by Stoffregen and Alpers (1992) for secondary alunite and
the formation of vermiculite or vermiculite-type mixed-layer minerais should be detectable by
XRD, as it is the case of Piuquenes and Cauquenes tailings. Yet, In the El Salvador tailings, this
mineral could only be identified by DXRD as a very minor secondary phase, while in the other
two tailings it is a major secondary phase. These findings suggest that at El Salvador, the main

Chapter 5: Element cycling and seconda1y minera/ogy in porphyry copper tailings

part of the jarosites, especially the natrojarosite, are primary and the tailings material possibly
cornes from the area where the jarosite cap overlies a pyritic sulfide zone (Gustafson and Hunt,
1975), also explaining the relatively high pyrite content of these tailings and the lack of NP.
The oxyanions show a specifie behavior. Mo concentrations are 3 to 5 times higher than in
the other two tailings. Mo is slightly enriched at the schwertmannite layers in the Fe(III)
oxyhydroxide fraction. The concentrations in the Fe(III) oxide fraction are constant throughout
the tailings stratigraphy and may represent the adsorbed Mo (ligand exchange) of the primary
jarosites. The molybdenum contained in the organic fraction correlates well with that in the
sulfide fraction.
Arsenic is enriched in the upper part of the oxidation zone in the exchangeable, Fe(III)
oxyhydroxide, and Fe(III) oxide fractions, but is not mobile enough to be enriched in the
evaporite zone. This can be explained by the fact that As adsorbs preferentially to Fe(III)
hydroxides and that these secondary iron phases are scarce in the evaporite zone. V shows more
mobility than Mo and As, resulting in an enrichment in the evaporite zone in the water-soluble,
exchangeable and Fe(III) oxyhydroxide fractions. Nevertheless, the main part of Vis associated
with the Fe(III) oxyhydroxide and Fe(III) oxide leach. Microbial activity

Three representative samples from the evaporite, oxidation and primary zones of the drill
core El were submitted to bacterial count and oxidation activity tests. In all samples high
bacteria numbers by direct counting are observed (2.0x107 - 1.8 x10 8 bact/ml). Thiobacillus
ferrooxidans could not be cultivated in any of the El Salvador tailings samples. The oxidizing
activity tests show that all three samples behaved in a similar way. They started immediately a
slow oxidation and reached a plateau after 150 h at around 2000 ppm Fe2 + (Fig. 5). This slight
decrease of the Fe concentration is interpreted as the non-bacterial background oxidation via 02
exchange at the water surface of the shaken sample. The very low or non-existent bacterial
oxidation activity at the El Salvador No.l contrasts with the higher oxidation activities detected
in the similar microbiologie tests carried out on tailings from Piuquenes and Cauquenes (Fig. 5).
This may be due to the high molybdenum contents of El Salvador (Tab.7) which are 3 to 5 times
higher than in Piuquenes and Cauquenes (Tab. 4 & 6). It is known that molybdenum acts as a
poison for Thiobacillus ferrooxidans (Tuovinen et al., 1971 ). Slow pyrite oxidation and acid availability

The very low or non existent microbial oxidation at the El Salvador No.l tailings
constitutes the best explanation for the above mentioned high preservation degree of pyrite in the
"primary" and oxidation zones, as non bacterial oxidation is much less efficient. Singer &
Stumm (1970) have shown that microbial mediation of sulfide oxidation may accelerate the
oxidation rates by a factor larger than 106). The low quantities of secondary ferric minerais
compared to the high pyrite content are interpreted to be the result of slow inorganic pyrite
oxidation. The possibility that a lack of oxygen or water is the reason of the slow pyrite

Chapter 5: Element cycling and secondaty minera/ogy in porphyry copper tailings

oxidation is less probable, as cracking assures availability of oxygen even in the deeper part of
the tailings and the 20 wt.% of moi sture content is in the range of Piuquenes and Cauquenes
(Fig. 3 & 6). The association of the secondary ferric minerais (jarosite and schwertmannite) to
horizons and streaks and dots reflects the mobilization of Fe3+, so that the availability of Fe3+ is
high enough also for inorganic pyrite oxidation. Thus, we see the low pyrite oxidation mainly as
a result from the absence of microbial oxidation activity, possibly due to molybdate poisoning.
Sorne results from the sequential extractions may illustrate the role of the (lack) of
microbial oxidation. At El Salvador No 1 tailings, with pyrite contents around 6.2 wt.%, all but
one samples yield Fe values < 0.77 % in the Fe(III) oxyhydroxide leach (Tab. 7). In contrast, in
the oxidation zone of the younger tailings of Piuquenes (Tab. 4) the original pyrite (1.66 w.% in
average) has been almost completely oxidized to schwertmannite and jarosite (sh/jt ratio= 1.0).
In Piuquenes the Fe(III) oxyhydroxide leaches yield Fe values in the range 0.5 to 1.5 % Fe
(mainly from schwertmannite), and the Fe(III) oxide leaches in the range of the 1 to 2.3 % Fe
(mainly from secondary jarosite). Similar results were obtained in the Cauquenes tailings (0.99
wt.% original pyrite) where jarosite is the dominant secondary phase with Fe content in the
Fe(III) oxide leach up to 1% (Tab, , average sh/jt ratio = 0.5 except in one layer with 1.58).
Despite the fact that, possibly through molybdate poisoning, the rate of sulfide oxidation
was much lower at El Salvador No. l tailings, the combination of near zero neutralization
potential with acidity available in primary jarosite leads to extreme low pH conditions in the
tailings making possible a strong element mobilization which was upwards because of the
extreme aridity.

5.6 Summarizing discussion and conclusions

5.6.1 Selectivity of sequential extractions

Stumm & Sulzberger (1992) discussed the dissolution kinetics of secondary fen·ic minerais
by organic complex formers (e.g., oxalate) as a function of concentration, acidity, temperature,
infra-red radiation, and Fe(II) as catalyst. Dissolution kinetics is important for the determination
of secondary phases (Fe, Al, Mn) by DXRD (Schulze, 1981, 1994) and to study their role in
element retention. Dissolution kinetics are also implicated in sequential extractions which are
widely used to study element speciation in systems such as soil, sediments and for exploration
proposes (Tessier et al., 1979; Sondag, 1981; Chao & Zhou, 1983; Chao, 1984; Cardoso Fonseca
& Martin, 1986; Hall & Bonham-Carter, 1998). Recently, sequential extractions have
increasingly been used in the mine waste environment to study the complex processes of sulfide
oxidation and the retention of mobilized elements by secondary phases via precipitation and
sorption processes (Ribet et al., 1995; McGregor et al., 1995; Fanfani et al., 1997; McCarty et
al., 1998; chapter 5 and 6). Due to the wide range of possible secondary phases in these systems,
the selectivity of the dissolution is the focus of sorne criticism (McCarty et al., 1998). This
criticism is justified, as for instance our results show that in the leach of the Fe(III)
oxyhydroxides (0.2 M NH4-oxalate, pH 3, dark, lh) schwertmannite, ferrihydrite, and secondary
jarosite go into solution. This problem can be partly solved, as shown in the previous sections,

Chapter 5: Element cycling and secondGI)' minera/ogy in porphyry copper tailings

through careful mineralogical studies to detect which secondary minerais are dissolved at which
step of the sequential extractions. It is even possible to estimate the concentration of the
secondary phases in the solution by stoichiometric calculations. This opens the way to study the
selective retention behavior of mobile elements by secondary minerais.

5.6.2 Influence of the climate, ore minera/ogy andjlotation process to geochemical and
mineralogical processes

In this study the geochemical behavior of three inactive flotation tailings from the
porphyry copper deposits La Andina, El Teniente, and El Salvador, Chile is compared. The
hypogene sulfide assemblage of these three deposits is comparable and is dominated by pyrite,
chalcopyrite, bornite, molybdenite, and rninor magnetite and hematite. Differences can be found
in the minor sulfide assemblage (Table. 1). The gangue mineralogy is in all three deposits
dominated by quartz, alkali-felspars (albite to K-feldspar), and biotite. Carbonate contents are in
ali deposits low. Calcite, siderite and traces of ankerite are reported from La Andina (Serrano et
al., 1996), whereas in El Teniente and El Salvador only calcite is described (Camus, 1975;
Gustafson & Hunt, 1975). In the Piuquenes tailings a low average carbonate neutralization
potential from 1.4 tCaC03/lOOOt can be detected in the primary zone, while in the tailings from
Cauquenes and El Salvador No.l the carbonate neutralization potential is zero. Supergene
enrichment is weak in La Andina, moderate in El Teniente, and strong in El Salvador. The latter
has developed a pronounced leached cap with the formation of supergene jarosite, hematite, and
goethite. The supergene Cu-sulfide assemblage is dominated in all three deposites by chalcocite-
digenite with minor covellite (Camus, 1975; Gustafson & Hunt, 1975; Serrano et al., 1996). The
tailings from Piuquenes and Cauquenes are mainly from the supergene enriched zone of the two
ore deposits, as in both tailings the supergene Cu-sulfide assemblage is present in the primary
zone (Fig. 2E and 2G). The tailings from El Salvador No. 1 cornes possibly from a pyritic sulfide
zone of the orebody in contact with a jarosite cap, explaining the high pyrite content and the Jack
of neutralization potential reflected in the acid-base accountings.
The Piuquenes impoundment (La Andina) represents a precipitation-dominated climate
(alpine), the Cauquenes impoundment (El Teniente) is situated in a Mediterranean climate with
rainfall in winter and high evaporation rates in summer, whereas the El Salvador No. 1
impoundment is located in a hyper-arid climate with extreme evaporation rates all year through.
La Andina and El Salvador use an alkaline flotation circuit, while the complex clay mineralogy
in El Teniente makes it necessary to apply an acid flotation circuit (pH 4.5), resulting in
dissolution of the carbonates. At El Salvador No.1 tailings an alkaline circuit was applied. The
zero carbonate neutralization potential is explained by the primary ore assemblage containing
abundant jarosite. In the Piuquenes tailings the carbonates are still stable in the primary zone and
control a similar pH-buffering zonation as described in the model proposed by Blowes & Ptacek
( 1994). The average pyrite contents of the tailings are in Piuquenes 1.66 wt. %, in Cauquenes
0.99 wt. %, and in El Salvador 6.19 wt. %, which, in combination with the low or near zero
carbonate neutralization potential yields in the Piuquenes and Cauquenes tailings to strong
oxidation activities and associated element mobilization and secondary mineralogy. In the El

Chapter 5: Element cycling and seconda!)' minera/ogy in porphy1y copper tailings

Salvador No.l tailings primary jarosite is a main source of acidity leading in combination of the
arid climate to strong element enrichment as water-soluble salts at the top of the tailings.
Development of secondary mineralogy is principally concentrated in the oxidation and
neutralization zone, and at El Salvador, also in the evaporite zone. The Cauquenes and El
Salvador No.l tailings have no well-defined neutralization zone, due to the lack of carbonate
neutralization potential. High evaporation rates in El Salvador promote an upwards mass transfer
and the formation of a evaporite zone at the top of the tailings (Table 9).

Oxidation zone. The Piuquenes tailings impoundment has proved to be an ideal example
to study the oxidation, mobilization and retention processes in a climate where precipitation
exceeds evaporation. Results from sequential extraction in the oxidation zone from Piuquenes
tailings document the element liberation by oxidation of the host minerais (sulfides) or
dissolution by acidity (carbonates and silicates) produced by the oxidation of sulfides and the
subsequent hydrolysis of secondary phases. The liberated elements stable as bivalent cations
under acid conditions (e.g., Cu 2+, Zn 2 +, and Mn 2+) are leached out of the oxidation zone. Mono
and trivalent cations (K+, Na+, Fe 3+) together with sulfate are involved in the formation of
secondary precipitates mainly in the oxidation zone Uarosite and schwertmannite, Fig. 2B).
Elements which are stable as oxyanions (HMo04·, H2Asü4·) under acid conditions are less
mobile and adsorbed at the secondary ferric minerais formed in the oxidation zone under acidic
conditions (schwertmannite and jarosite ). This could be detected with microprobe analyses in

Table 9: Secondary minera/ogy of the studied tailings ( chalc = chalcanthite; halofl· = halotrichite; hexa =
hexahydrite; other abbreviations as in table 2).
Tailings Piuquenes Cauquenes Salvador No.l
pyrite content [wt%] 1.66 0.99 6.19
ABA [tCaC03/1000t] -28.27 -18.15; NP""O -101.60; NP"" 0
evaporite zone jt, ver, sh, gy, chalc,
halotr, hexa, bonattite,
oxidation zone jt, ver, sh, gy jt, ver, sh, gy, chalc, jt, ver, Na-jt, sh, gy
Al substituted jt

neutralization zone fu*, Mn(OH)2*, cv, fu*, Mn(OH) 2*, cv

primary zone fu* , Mn(OH)2* fu*, Mn(OH) 2* sh* traces
* indications, but not unequivocally proved.

situ at a schwertmannite streak, which show slight increased Mo contents (chapter 7).
Schwertmannite was be detected by DXRD and is associated with paste pH values of 2.8 - 3.5,
which are found preferentially close to water flow paths, possibly due to pH increase by dilution.

Chapter 5: Element cycling and secondary minera/ogy in potphyry copper tailings

Stoichiometric calculation from the Fe(III) oxyhydroxide leach show that only schwertmannite
together with secondary jarosite are leached in these samples from the oxidation zone and not
ferrihydrite as used in most computer models. These findings suggest that for geochemical
modeling of processes affecting sulfide mine waste it is crucial to incorporate schwertmannite
into the data base.
Jarosite is the main secondary mineral in the oxidation zone of Piuquenes. XRD data show
peak positions near synthetic jarosite. This mineral derives Fe and sulfate from pyrite oxidation
and K mainly from biotite alteration, resulting in the formation of the second important
secondary phase, a vermiculite-type mixed-layer mineral. The Piuquenes tailings oxidation zone
samples do not show any adsorption of Cu and Zn in the exchangeable fraction, where the
vermiculite-type mixed-layer mineral is broken down and this mineral displays in the Piuquenes
samples a peak position of 12.25 - 12.67 Â. With increasing pH the concentrations in the
exchangeable fraction increase (Fig. 4 ), as expected from the known pH dependence of the
adsorption behavior of these metals (Dzombak and Morel, 1990, Webster et al., 1998).
The Cauquenes tailings present sorne differences in the secondary mineralogy of the
oxidation zone compared to Piuquenes. In Cauquenes the Mediterranean climate leads to a
downwards mobilization of mobile elements in the rainy season and the high evaporation rates in
the dry season leads to a subordinate upwards migration. Drill core T4, situated at the margin of
the Cauquenes impoundment and characterized by a coarser grain-size than in the center of the
impoundment, shows the same element distribution and secondary mineralogy in the oxidation
zone as Piuquenes (bivalent cations are leached out and oxyanions are adsorbed to the secondary
schwertmannite and jarosite). This suggests that the capillary force is not high enough for
upwards transpott in the fine sandy material.
In contrast, in the center of the Cauquenes tailings (drill cores Tl, T2, T3) the samples
from the oxidation zone show elevated metal concentrations (e.g., Cu and Zn) in the water-
soluble and the exchangeable fraction. In this area of the impoundment the grain-size is one
order of magnitude lower than at the edges (silt-clay), due to the alluvial accumulation of fine
material from the elevated margins of the impoundment. The metal enrichment at the top is
controlled by evaporation driven upwards migration, due to the finer grain-size witch increases
the capillary force and the moisture retention capacity of these tailings. It appears that one part of
the upwards mobilized Cu and Zn are fixed in the vermiculite-type mixed-layer mineral
(Farquhar et al., 1997) as shown through a peak shift of the d-values (Fig. 8) as weil as high Cu
and Zn concentrations in the exchangeable fraction (Fig. 4), and in-situ microprobe analyses of
Stoichiometric calculations of the jarosite content in the Cauquenes tailings lead to an
overestimation of the sulfate proportion by about 20%. An increased AP+ content on its B site
(general formula AB3(S04)2(0H)6) could be the source for the too high calculated S04 contents.
This is supported by increasing Al concentrations in the Fe(III) oxyhydroxide and Fe(III) oxide
leaches from the oxidation zone and by a peak-shift to lower d-values (Fig. 9) compared with
peak positions near synthetic jarosite for samples from Piuquenes and from the T4 core at
Cauquenes, which do not show increased Al concentrations in these leaches.

Chapter 5: Element cycling and secondary mineralogy in porphyry copper tailings

At El Salvador, where the continuous high evaporation rates result in upwards

mobilization, most of the mobile elements are leached out in the oxidation zone (e.g., Cu, Zn,
Mn, Mg). Only a low background level of these elements is visible mainly in the water-soluble
fraction (Fig. 10). Low quantities of secondary schwertmannite, jarosite, and traces of a
vermiculite-type mixed-layer mineral characterize the secondary mineralogy. Formation of
secondary ferric minerais is essentially restricted to sorne orange-yellow horizons. The low
quantities of secondary ferric minerais in the El Salvador No.l tailings are surprising considering
the high pyrite (6.2 wt.%) content. A very low oxidation activity during rnicrobiological tests and
molybdenum values higher by a factor of 3 to 5 than those of Piuquenes and Cauquenes, suggest
that this is due, at least in part, to molybdenum poisoning of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans as
described by Tuovinen et al. (1971). The lack of microbial mediated sulfide oxidation, which as
shown by Singer & Stumm (1970) may accelerate the oxidation rates by a factor larger than 106,
could account for the high preservation degree of pyrite at El Salvador No.l impoundment. The
strong acidity of these tailings (pH 2- 3.5) is seen as a result of slow inorganic pyrite oxidation
in combination with acidity stored in supergene jarosite and zero carbonate neutralization
In the 0.3 rn thick evaporite zone at the top of the tailings of the El Salvador No.l
impoundment (Fig. 2D), as result of the above mentioned upwards migration of metals and other
mobile elements, water-soluble salts as bonattite (CuSÜ4·3H20), chalcanthite (CuSÜ4·5HzO),
pickeringite (MgAh(S04)4.22H20), magnesioaubertite (Mg,Cu)Al(S04)2Cl-14H20), halotrichite
(FeAh(S04)4·22H20), hexahydrite (MgSÜ4·6H20), and gypsum could be deterrnined.
The behavior of Cu (Fig. 11) illustrates best the different types of migration resulting from
different climatic conditions and, to a subordinate degree, grain-size. Piuquenes (A3 drill hole)
and Cauquenes (T4 drill hole) exemplify the "normal" downwards mobilization to more
reducing conditions tailings with the formation of secondary Cu-sulfides. The El Salvador drill
holes represent the case where because of extreme aridity, the element migration is essentially
upwards to more oxidizing conditions, and results in the formation of the water-soluble salts
mentioned above. The drill holes Tl, T2, and T3 at Cauquenes represent an intermediate case
where a significant upwards migration is favored by the very fine grain-size.
Oxidation front. Microbial acitivity tests have shown that the microbial oxidation activity
is highest at the oxidation front from the Cauquenes tailings. The oxidation front is also
characterized by low concentrations of secondary ferric phases. Often, an increase of the
secondary ferric phases at the oxidation front is observed, resulting from neutralization reactions
and are conserved in cementation layers or "hard pans" (chapter 6). A further research project
will test the working hypothesis of the possible influences of organic acids (e.g., pyruvate,
oxalate, and acetate), produced by the increased microbial activity at the oxidation front, to
solubility control of secondary Fe(III) oxyhydroxides in tailings with low neutralization
potential. The controlling parameters for Fe3+ solubility are: (1) kinetics of the sulfide oxidation,
e.g., they may control the production of acidity via hydrolysis, (2) availability of Fe3+ as sulfide
oxidant, and (3) possible oxidation limiting processes by coating of sulfides with Fe(III)
hydroxides or the formation of cemented layers. The results of the here presented study indicate
that the low sulfide content of porphyry copper tailings in combination with low neutralization

Chapter 5: Element cycling and secondai)' minera/ogy in porphyry copper tailings

potential indicate that there is less potential to the formation of a cemented layer at the oxidation
front compared with tailings from massive sulfide deposits.

A3 Cu(%) T4 Cu(%) T2 Cu(%) E2 Cu(%) E1 Cu(%)

A 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4


8 12 16 20 24 28 5101520253035 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 0 4 8 12 16 20
H,O (wt%) H,O(wt%) H,O (wt%) H,O(wt%) H,O (wt%)

B w

(.) --- --- _-.
- ---- - w
-~ -~

precipitation (mm/a) evaporation (mm/a)

o H20 (water-soluble) evaporation
x H202(cv,cc-dg)
precipita ti on
• total
- - water content (wt.%) mobilization direction

Fig. 11: The resu/ts for Cu of five drill cores from the three studied tailings demonstrate the influence of elima te,
grain size and water content to the mobi/ization direction. ln precipitation dominated climates as Piuquenes
(And ina; A3) Cu is /eached out from the oxidation zone and enriched below the water levelmainly as secondary
covellite. ln the Mediterranean climate of Cauquenes (El Teniente; T4 & T2) the effect of grain size to capi/lary
force is displayed. Coarser grain sizes (T4) lead to /eaching out from the oxidation zone as in Piuquenes, whereas
finer grain-size (T2) leads to a higher capillary force and consequently to a higher water content at the top,
resulting in an enrichment of Cu in the water-soluble fraction. ln extremely arid climates (El Salvador) moisture
contents as law as 3 wt.% (E2) are enough for an enrichment of the water-soluble Cu-sulfates at the surface of the
tailings. However, complete dryness in the evaporite zone of El (nzoisture = 0.002 wt. o/o) limits the capillary
upwards migration.

Neutralization zone. Leached Cu from the oxidation zone is mobilized downwards in the
Piuquenes tailings and is enriched via replacement of chalcopyrite by covellite ± digenite-
chalcocite in a well-defined neutralization zone below the groundwater level. This replacement
at Piuquenes is only observed in depths with pH values below 6. At less acidic conditions the
Cu 2 + is adsorbed to adsorbents as secondary Fe- and Mn-hydroxides or clay minerais. In the
Cauquenes tailings the same Cu replacement is observed, but, due to the absence of carbonate
neutralization, no clear neutralization sequence is developed and pH does not limit the mobility

Chapter 5: Element cycling and secondary mineralogy in po1phyry copper tailings

of Cu. In the El Salvador No.l tailings no neutralization zone is developed due to the zero
carbonate neutralization potential.
Other bivalent cations (e.g., Mn, Mg, Zn, Pb) which are leached out from the oxidation
zone in Piuquenes and Cauquenes could not be XRD detected in the primary zone as secondary
phases due to their low concentrations. Nevertheless, increased concentrations of Fe, Al and Mn
in the Fe(III) oxyhydroxide leach suggests the probable presence of secondary Fe, Al and Mn
hydroxides (e.g., ferrihydrite, Mn(OHh and Al(OH)3). Tertiary gypsum was found in samples
obtained near the groundwater table as an indicator of neutralization reactions taking place. The
upwards migration recognized in Cauquenes and El Salvador is reflected by increased
concentrations of these element in the exchangeable and water-soluble fractions in the center of
Cauquenes (Tl, T2, and T3). This upwards migration in summer superposes the general
downwards. In El Salvador these metals are ali enriched as water-soluble salts in the evaporite
zone, indicating that with increasing evaporation controlled climate the importance of hydrolysis
for mineral formation decreases.
Primary zone. In the primary zone of Piuquenes and Cauquenes tailings the hypogene
pyrite, chalcopyrite, bornite, and molybdenite as weil as the supergene chalcocite-digenite and
covellite are stable. In the Piuquenes tailings secondary Cu replacement is restricted to the
neutralization zone, due to a well-developed neutralization zoning. In Cauquenes no clear pH
buffering zonation is developed owing to the lack of NP so that the Cu replacement affects also
the primary zone. Hydrolysis of secondary hydroxides (e.g., an average of 1.2% Fe in the Fe(III)
oxyhydroxide fraction in Piuquenes and an average of 0.5% in Cauquenes, respectively) take
place in the primary zones in the Piuquenes and Cauquenes tailings. The minerais play an
important role in the adsorption of bivalent cations (e.g., Cu, Zn, Mn) as weil as As and V. In the
extreme arid conditions of El Salvador sorne dots of possibly schwertmannite indicate that the
primary zone is also affected by oxidation. Pyrite is relatively stable and only sorne residual
grains of chalcopyrite-covellite assemblage can be observed in the primary zone. The covellite
might also be a result of secondary replacement.

5.6.3 Implications from the ore minera/ogy

The three tailings impoundments investigated in this study have a negative SNNP and a weil
developed low pH oxidation zone, showing clearly that they are acid producing and in the case
of El Salvador that they have acid stored form the primary mineralogy. This results from the
following factors with respect to ABA of porphyry copper deposits:
(1) Calc-alkaline rock types (andesite and dacite as extrusives and quarzdiorite, monzodiorite
and granodiorite as intrusives) are normaly anorthite rich, but due to intense K- and Na-alteration
alkali-feldspars dominate (albite to orthoclase). The latter are characterized by lower neutralizing
reactivity (Jambor & Blowes, 1998).
(2) Due to the low reactivity of the silicate assemblage, the carbonate content is the main acid
neutralizer. Generally this deposit type has a very low carbonate content.

Chapter 5: Element cycling and secondary minera/ogy in porphyry copper tailings

(3) Supergene enrichment (El Salvador) and alteration additionally decrease the neutralization
reactivity of the host rock assemblage. This has to be taken in account for waste dumps from
leached cap material, which may have very low residual sulfide contents in combination with
low or near zero neutralization potential, and may produce AMD.
(4) Clay mineral assemblage sometimes makes it necessary to use an acid flotation circuit (El
Teniente), resulting in a NP of zero as the result of the dissolution of carbonates in the flotation
(5) High molybdenite contents may suppress microbial oxidation activity.
(6) As show in the example of the El Salvador No.1 tailings, low or zero microbial oxidation
activity in combination with zero carbonate neutralization potential and acidity stored in primary
jarosite lead also to low pH values and strong element mobilization.
(7) Low ore grade results in extensive amounts of waste material.
Summarizing, it can be pointed out that flotation tailings from porphyry copper deposits
have a high potential for acid production, resulting from the relatively low sulfide contents in
combination with very low neutralization potential.

5.6.4 Implications for supergene processes

The secondary mineralogy and geochemical processes detected in the tailings at Andina, El
Teniente, and El Salvador show marked similarities to that described in supergene processes of
porphyry coppers (e.g., Gustafson & Hunt, 1975, Alpers & Brimhall, 1989) and may help in the
understanding of their formational mechanisms. In this context, the widespread occurrence of
secondary schwermannite in the oxidation zones of the studied tailings, which was not known
before, let us to the hypothesis that schwermannite may also occur during supergene alteration in
porphyry coppers environments. The typical jarosite and goethite-hematite assemblage of
leached caps, commonly referred to as "limonites" (e.g., Gustafson & Hunt, 1975; Alpers &
Brimhall, 1989), may also include schwertmannite. The latter may occur preferentially in
veinlets. Bigham et al. (1990, 1994, and 1996) have shown that schwertmannite is a meta-stable
phase with respect to goethite and hematite. Barham (1997) showed that schwertmannite can
transform to jarosite under certain conditions. Thus, the generally reported mineralogy of
jarosite-goethite-hematite of leached caps from porphyry copper systems may be the stable
endproduct of an original jarosite-schwertmannite±goethite mineral ogy.

5.6.5 Schematic Model of element cycling in sulfidic mine tailings

The present study illustrates how climate has a direct influence on the composition of
secondary minerais. The main results are summarized in two schematic models of element
cycling in porphyry copper tailings (Fig. 12). The first one (Fig. 12A) deals with the case of
precipitation-dominated tailings and the second one (Fig. 12B) that of evaporation-controlled

Chapter 5: Element cycling and secondai)' minera/ogy in porplz)'l)' copper tailings

precipitation-controled climate evaporation-controled climate
.s::. Sulfide Oxidation Neutralization N
w 2 .s::.
--0;~ Fe 3+ Carbonates
-P?J ~ +02
- -·
FeS2 + 71202 + H20 -> Fe2+ + 5042- +2H+
\, +-~
j sol· \
____. Ca2+ >
w Ill

S?42· ~ s~/· H ~ ~
Q) ~
"0 ! "-(k._ .E

Ï HMo04 1 F 3+ ; CD

-5 H~so4• , ' ~'1 : \ ! Mg2+~


aJ ,''-.._ \1 : • L::-."\ .::

2 1
Ill ,~"'• K+~o Q)

g '
/ H3As03 Sh i Jt ~iotite ~
·- 2+ 1 Zn 2+ '
l +2 65H+
\!o +2H+
0>< (.)
Cu' • 1 · ~/ ~ Q)

0c::: \\1: \'\

~ ·~
• Ai3+
• ~ "0
Ü ~ Mn2\ \ : Gt : 0
~ 1\ : \\ • :• g
:0 ' \ . ,,
1 ~ i:: ,, 1
• • - ~
~ 1
\-- -
" ~
\ \

: ~,
y~ CD
N 0
ê\it::i 1 1 1 \\ :
.:: :;:::;
.- 1 ,Mn(OH)2 1\ \ 1
0 ctl
:ë \ ', ,' \\ : H+
~ sol· ~
~ ~;2-H~ \\\1 i:


+3W ~ 0
:; E
\ \\: Q
\\\: ~

2+ ~ \
®"" / Sulfide Oxidation Neutralization

0 microbial interaction
Q secondary mineral detected in this study
: • ·~ secondary mineral not detected, but indications
replacement '.,


Fig. 12: The proposed schematic mode/ for precipitation-dominated climates is shawn in A and applies for the
Piuquenes tailings (La Andina) and the drill core T4 from Cauquenes (El Teniente). ln B the mode/for evaporation-
controlled climate is presented. A: Sulfide oxidation (e.g., equations /, 2 and 3) leads to the liberation of bivalent
cations as Fe 2 +, Cu 2 +, Zn 2+, Mn 2+, oxyanions as HMo04·, H2As04·, and SOl· as weil as protons (H+). Oxidation of
molybdenite is lethal for Thiobacillus f errooxidans and may limit the microbial mediated oxidation of Fe2 + to Fe3 +.
Fe 3 + may take over the raie of the principal sulfide oxidant, or may hydrolyse to secondary phases as jarosite,
schwertmannite, ferrihydrite, goethite or others Fe(/II) hydroxides, depending on pH and activity of Fe, S04, Cl,
and K. The hydrolysis of Fe and Al is one of the main proton producing process. The produced protons react with
neutralizing minerais as carbonates and silicates. The se neutralization reactions re suit in the control of the pH and
the formation of secondary minerais as for example gypsum and vermicultite-type minerais under liberation of
cations as A/3 +, K+, Na+, Mg2+. These cations play an important rote in the formation of the seconda1y minera/ogy
as K for jarosite. They a/sa may hydrolyze with concomitant liberation of protons as for the formation of gibbsite
(Al(OH)J). Bivalent cations are very mobile under acid conditions and are leached out of the oxidation zone. Below,
with increasing pH sorption processes fix these elements. With increasingly reducing conditions (below the water
table) replacement processes, as documented by the transformation of chalcopyrite to covellite may take place.

Chapter 5: Element cycling and seconda!)' minera/ogy in p01plzyry copper tailings

Oxyanions are main/y adsorbed under law pH in the oxidation zone to the seconda!)' fe!Tic minerais. Nevertheless,
changes in their oxidation state (e.g., arsenate to arsenite) may increase their mobility and may lead to enriclzment.
B: With evaporation-controlled climates the water-flow direction changes to upwards migration via capillary
forces. The mobilized elements are transferred to main/y oxidizing condition. Saturation and/or supersaturation
contrais the precipitation of the water-soluble secondary salts. Hydrolysis and replacement processes are less
important. lncreased substitution as Al in jarosite, or Cu and Zn in biotite can be observed.

The model for precipitation-dominated climates (Fig. 12A) applies for the Piuquenes
tailings (La Andina) and and the drill core T4 from Cauquenes (El Teniente). Sulfide oxidation
(e.g., equations 1, 2 and 3) leads to the liberation of bivalent cations as Fe2+, Cu2+, Zn2+, Mn2+,
oxyanions as HMo04-, H2As04-, and S042- as well as protons (H+).

FeS 2 + 7/ 20 2 + H 20 --7 FeS04 + S042- + 2H+ (1)

2 + H+ ~
1 3
Fe2+ + / 40 Fe + + H20 (2)
(much fas ter if in presence of certain bac teri a, e.g.,Thiobacillus ferrooxidans)
1+ 2+ ?- +
FeS 2 + 14 Fe- + 8H20 --7 15 Fe + 2S04- + 16H (3)

Oxidation of molybdenite, a common mineral in porphyry coppers, is lethal for Thiobacillus

ferrooxidans and may limit the kinetics of reaction (2). Fe 3 + may take over the role of the
principle sulfide oxidant (equation 3) or may hydrolyze to secondary phases as jarosite,
schwertmannite, ferrihydrite, goethite or others Fe(Ill) hydroxides, depending on pH and activily
of Fe, S04, Cl, and K. Jarosite, is formed generally at low pH (<2) conditions, is the first phase
precipitating subsequently to pyrite oxidation and is limited by the availability of K and Na
deriving from biotite and feldspar alteration, therefore it occurs disseminated in the oxidation
zone. The ferric iron, which could not find a partner to form jarosite is mobile under the acid
condition and migrates with the water-flow system. Together with the very mobile sulfate it may
hydrolyze to schwertmannite when slightly higher pH (2.8 - 3.5, Bigham et al., 1996) conditions
are reached, resulting in the accumulation of schwertmannite in streaks, dots, and grain-size
interfaces, i.e., a different distribution than jarosite. In this step, sulfate is the limiting factor and
the ferric iron may reach the neutralization zone if not enough sulfate is available, where it may
hydrolyze to ferrihydrite. Equations 4 - 6 show that the hydrolysis is the main proton-producing
process resulting in 3 mole protons per mole hydrolyzed Fe3+ for ferrihydrite, 2.625 for
schwertmannite and 2 for jarosite.

FeiTihydrite: (4)
Schwertmannite: 16Fe3+ + 3SO/ +26H 2 0~ Fe 160 16(0H) 10(S04h+ 42H+ (5)
Jarosite: 3Fe3+ + K + 2SO/ + 6H20 ~ KFe3 (S04h(OH) 6 + 6H+ (6)

The protons produced by reactions (1)- (6) may react with neutralizing minerais as carbonates
and silicates. These neutralization reactions control pH, the liberation of cations as AP+, K+, Na+,

Chapter 5: Element cycling and seco11dary minera/ogy in fJO!phyry copper tailings

Mg2+, and the formation of secondary minerais as gypsum and vermiculite-type minerais. As an
example the neutralization reaction of biotite resulting in the formation of vermiculite is shawn
in equation 7.

3Kz(Mg3Fe3)Al2Si602o)(OH)4 + 5H20 + 12H2C03+ 6H+ + 3h02 ---7

2[(Mg3 Fe3) Al 3Si 50 20(0H) 4 ·8 H 20] + 6K++3Mg2++ 3Fe2 ++ 8Si02+ 12HC03- (7)

The liberated cations play a limiting role in the formation of secondary minerais as for example
K in jarosite. They also may hydrolyze with concomitant liberation of protons as in the
formation of gibbsite (Al(OH)3). Bivalent cations are very mobile under acid conditions and are
leached out of the oxidation zone. Below, with increasing pH, change in solubility of the
mobilized element and sorption processes fix these elements. Below the water table, with
increasingly reducing conditions, replacement processes, as the transformation of chalcopyrite to
covellite may take place.
Oxyanions are mainly adsorbed to the secondary ferric minerais under the low pH
conditions of the oxidation zone. Nevertheless, less oxidizing conditions may increase their
mobility and may lead to enrichments in the neutralization zone as it is typical for As (e.g.,
arsenate and arsenite). As long as the underlying tailings have enough neutralization potential to
control the pH distribution, the metals leached from the oxidation zone are fixed and effluents of
the tailings have acceptable water quality (e.g. Piuquenes). Once the neutralization potential is
consumed or was originally not available due to the primary mineralogical composition or the
flotation process, the underlying material is no longer able of scavenging the mobilized elements
and acid mine drainage (AMD) develops.
The madel for evaporation-controlled tailings (Fig. 12B) applies to El Salvador No.l
impoundment and, with restrictions, to the central part of the Cauquenes tailing at El Teniente
(Tl, T2, and T3). With increasing evaporation the water-flow direction changes to upwards
migration via capillary forces. Hydrolysis and sulfide enrichment processes are less important.
The mobilized elements are transferred to the top of the tailings with oxidizing conditions.
Saturation and/or supersaturation contrais the precipitation of the water-soluble secondary salts
as bonattite (CuSÜ4·3HzO), chalcanthite (CuSÜ4·5HzO), pickeringite (MgAh(S04)4·22HzO),
magnesioaubertite (Mg,Cu)Al(S04)2CJ.14Hz0), halotrichite (FeAh(S04)4·22H20), hexahydrite
(MgS04·6H20), and gypsum. Due to their high activity in the low pH oxidation zone, these
mobile elements may substitute into secondary phases as Al in jarosite, or K replacement by Cu
and Zn in biotite.
The availability of the mobilized metals as water-soluble phases under arid conditions
makes it necessary to prevent the flush-out during seasonally strong rainfalls even in very arid
conditions. The hazardous potential of such impoundment, especially if they are constructed near
ri vers or with connection with the groundwater, therefore should not be underestimated.

Chapter 5: Element cycling and secondaty minera/ogy in porphyty copper tailings


We thank the management and the geologists and ail stuff involved in this project from
CODELCO for their interest, the access to their properties, their logistic support and their
collaboration, especially A. Piug (Exploration Division, CODELCO), L. Serrano, R. Vargas, C.
Aguila, C. Castillo, and M. Bustos (Division Andina, CODELCO), F. Celhay, A. Morales
(Division El Teniente, CODELCO), J. Blondel, and R. Navajas (Division Salvador,
CODELCO). For their support in Chile in the field work, sampling, sample preparation, and
analytical approaches we would like thank to G. Caceres and K. Eppinger (IDICTEC -
University of Atacama), S. Elqueta (Geological Department, University of Chile, Santiago), B.
Escobar, J. Wiertz, and J. Casas (Chemical Department, Biometallurgy, University of Chile,
Santiago), R. Troncoso, A. Hauser, C. Reuschmann, C. Espejo, E. Fonseca, W. Vivallio, 1.
Aguirre (Servicio Nacional de Geologia y Mineria SERNAGEOMIN), W. Eberle, and H.W.
Müller (Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe BGR). The project is supported by
the German Academie Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Swiss National Science Foundation
project No. 21-50778.97.


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Iron Mountain, California, U.S.A. Sci.Géol., Bull., Strasbourg, v. 42,4, p.281-298.
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Chapter 5: Element cyc/ing and seconda1y minera/ogy in porphyry copper tailings

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Chapter 5: Element cycling and secondary minera/ogy in po1phyry copper tailings

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6 Influence of carbonate-rich primary mineralogy and of impoundment

construction on element mobility and secondary enrichment processes in
sulfide tailings impoundments - examples from the Fe-oxide Cu-Au deposits
from the Punta del Cobre belt, northern Chile


The geochemical and mineralogical study of two flotation tailings sites (Ojancos and P.
Cerda) from the Fe-oxide Cu-Au Punta del Cobre belt, south of Copiap6, northern Chile, give
insight in the influence of carbonate-rich mineralogy and of impoundment construction to
element mobility and to enrichment processes in arid climates. Both Ojancos and P. Cerda
tailings filled valley dam impoundments (impoundment No. 2 and No. 4, respectively) and after
operation ceased, new tailings were deposited upstream (Ojancos "2H" and P. Cerda No. 6). The
Ojancos tailings are characterized by the alternation of severa! meter thick intervals with high
neutralizing potential (about 40 wt.% calcite and 2 wt.% pyrite) and intervals with high acid
potential (about 3 wt.% calcite and 4 wt.% pyrite), whereas in the P. Cerda impoundment the
neutralization potential is more homogenously distributed and generally exceeds the acid
potential (about 10 wt.% calcite and up to 2.5 wt.% pyrite).
In the study of the Ojancos tailings impoundment No. 2 it was possible to discriminate
between primary differences in the ores treated during the plant history and superimposed
secondary processes leading to element enrichment associated with sulfide oxidation processes.
To differentiate between primary and secondary mineralogy, studies of polished sections, X-ray
diffraction (XRD), differentiai X-ray diffraction (DXRD), and scanning electron microscopy
(SEM-EDS), as weil as ICP-AES analyses of 7 step sequential extractions were performed. The
upper part of the Ojancos impoundment No. 2 consists of dark gray, primary zone (pH 7-8)
about 3 rn thick resulting from recent deposition coeval to the "2H" tailings deposited further
uphill. At depth, a neutra! calcite-rich "paleo" oxidation zone is characterized by alternating
coarse, dark gray, mainly unoxidized horizons with fine-grained, reddish-brown to ochre
oxidized layers. A homogeneous, acidic (paste pH 4), reddish-brown cementation zone, with low
permeability, rich in gypsum and higher ordered ferrihydrite (5-line to 6-line), goethite, locally
minor jarosite, and low sulfide contents appears in the lower 2 rn of the drill cores. The "2H"
tailings recently deposited uphill have high acid potential leading to the formation of AMD
evidenced by the appearance of acidic effluent with the precipitation of schwertmannite (pH
3.15) and chalcoalumite (pH 4.9) at the contact of the "2H" tailings with impoundment No. 2.
This AMD contributes to the formation of the cementation zone in the older downstream
impoundment No. 2. The cementation zone is characterized by Fe(III) hydroxides (5 to 6-Iine
ferrihydrite) formed by the relatively slow oxidation (and hydrolysis) of ferrous iron and
associated strong enrichment of heavy metals, detected mainly in the sequential extraction
fractions of exchangeable ions, Fe(III) hydroxides and oxides, and of secondary Cu-sulfides
(covelli te).
The neutralization potential (from calcite and dolomite) of the P. Cerda tailings is high
enough to maintain pH at neutra! values. Nevertheless, pyrite oxidation takes place, as shown by
the formation of an oxidation zone with precipitation of secondary Fe(III) hydroxides essentially
Chapter 6: Influence of carbonate-rich primary lllÎneralogy

in the fine grained horizons, similarly as in the oxidation zone from Ojancos No. 2. The fact that
the coarser, more sulfide-rich horizons do not display significant oxidation suggest that their
water retention capacity is too low to effectively enable oxidation under the prevailing extreme
arid conditions. The total absence of secondary efflorescent salts at the top of the P. Cerda
tailings impoundments indicates that the carbonate-buffered neutra! pH suppresses the climate
induced upwards migration of liberated elements during sulfide oxidation via adsorption.

6.1 Introduction

Two case studies of tailings impoundments of Fe-oxide Cu-Au deposits from the Punta del
Cobre belt, Copiap6, northern Chile (Marschik and Fontboté, 1996, Marschik et al. 1997,
Marschik and Fontboté, in review) are presented in this work (Fig. 1). Pyrite and chalcopyrite are
the main sulfide minerais in the mines of the Punta del Cobre belt and calcite is locally important
as gangue mineral. The aim of this study is to investigate the potential of sulfide oxidation and
element mobilization in relatively carbonate-rich mine tailings under arid conditions and to
compare the results to carbonate-poor porphyry copper tailings (chapter 5).
Beside the neutralizing role of carbonate minerais, there are others aspects to be considered
in carbonate-rich tailings. Lapakko et al. (1997) demonstrated in laboratory studies with mixing
of acid-producing tailings with limestone and Holmstréim et al. (1999) with carbonate-rich
tailings that high carbonate content may decrease the sulfide oxidation rates. This is generally
thought to be related to the coating of sulfide by secondary ferric phases. Blowes et al. (1998)
reported that in high carbonate tailings (5 wt.% sul fide-S and 30 wt.% carbonate minerais)
microbially mediated sulfide oxidation takes place. Evangelou and Huang (1994) suggest that
C03 may even promote pyrite oxidation by promoting electron transfer via pyrite surface Fe(II)-
C03 complexes.
Dold and Fontboté (in review) report the upwards migration of mobilized elements in
strongly acidic porphyry copper tailings impoundments under arid conditions. These mobilized
elements are mainly present in form of water-soluble efflorescent salts at the surface of the
tailings. In the case of carbonate-rich tailings, the carbonates neutralize the acid produced by
sulfide oxidation and pH values are much higher. One objective of this study is to evaluate
whether the upwards migration of the mobilized element in arid climates also occurs in sulfidic
tailings impoundments with high carbonate contents.
In addition to the influence of the primary mineralogy on sulfide oxidation and element
mobilization, the influence of impoundment construction technique and history on secondary
processes will be outlined. In areas with pronounced topography, valley dam construction
techniques are mainly used and consist of tailings deposition upstream from a dam closing the
valley. Continuos operation of the flotation plant beyond the originally planned impoundment
capacity makes additional space necessary to deposit the waste material. An often-applied
solution is to construct a new valley dam impoundment direct! y upstream of the older one. This
leads to a situation where the seepage of the active tailings impoundment will infiltrate into the
older tailings (Fig. 2). In this chapter, two examples will be presented in which sulfide oxidation

Chapter 6: Influence of carbonate-rich primary minera/ogy

takes place in the upstream deposited tailings. This results in the formation of metal-rich, acidic
solutions that seep downstream and lead to precipitation of secondary minerais and to metal
enrichment in the older tailings impoundment.

Copiap6 district

= tailings impoundment

Qda. de los Condores

Qda. Paipote

-~ (Î)Ladriflos district

P. Aguirre Ce rda
treatment plant
tailings No. 4 & 6

(Î)Punta del Cobre district

0 5

(Î) Mining sites

75' 70' 65' River
+ + + [J Batholith

Fig. 1: Overview of the sampled tailings impoundments from the Ojancos jlotation plant and the P. Ce rda jlotation
plant, Copiap6 district, northern Chile.

6.2 Regional geology and ore geology

The Cretaceous Fe-oxide Cu-Au Punta del Cobre belt, northern Chile, includes the mining
districts of Punta del Cobre, Ladrillos, Las Pintadas, as weil as the newly discovered giant
deposit at the La Candelaria mine (Fig. 1). The area has been a traditional center of the Chilean
middle-size mining industry since the early 1900s. Copper ores have been processed by flotation
since 1929. Recent studies that have focused on the mineralization and alteration in the Punta del
Cobre Belt include those of Hopf (1990), Schonfelder (1990), Marschik (1996), Marschik and
Fontboté (1996), Ryan et al. (1995), Marschik et al. (1997), and Marschik and Fontboté (in

Chapter 6: Influence of carbonate-rich primary minera/ogy

Tailings impoundment No. 2 & "2H", Ojancos Plant

in operation during sampling

1 ~i Qeposited tait
re~e~ : ~/J.9.r
: : "2H" ~ci)~
1 1 tl>~. ,
1 1 ~/,
1 1 ,
1 1 ,
1 ,
, ,

1 ,

, 1

, 1

oS2 old tailings

./ oS1 OS4
'A ~./~~r---~~~~---=~



D primary zone (flushed down) • H1 field campaign 1996

IZ2J oxidation zone field campaign 1994
: ..-~ .. ·.
[]]] cementation zone ·... ..... .• pond limit

Fig. 2: Overview of the tailings impoundment No. 2 of the Ojancos flotation plant with the recent deposition of the
tai!ings at "2H " at the hillside of impoundment No. 2. The deposition at "2H" was active during sampling.

The Punta del Cobre Formation, exposed in the core of the Tierra Amarilla anticline,
consists mainly of altered volcanic and volcanoclastic rocks. It includes epiclastic breccias,
sandstone, siltstone, and, in its upper part, chert and limestone. The outcrop pattern of the Punta
del Cobre Formation is controlled by the N-S trending anticline and NNW- to NW-trending high
angle faults.

Chapter 6: Influence of carbonate-rich primary minera/ogy

Marschik and Fontboté (1996) differentiated five main alteration types at the Punta del
Cobre belt. An early episode of hydrothermal alteration caused extensive albitization (albite-
quartz-chlorite, ± sericite ±calcite) which was locally superimposed by potassic alteration (K-
feldspar-quartz-chlorite/biotite ± sericite ±calcite± tourmaline). The other three alteration types
are located adjacent to the middle Cretaceous batholith in the western part of the area. They are
characterized from west to east by the mineral assemblages of Ca-amphibole ±biotite ± sericite,
biotite ± chlorite ± sericite ± epidote, and epidote-chlorite ± quartz ± calcite.
The mineralization at Punta del Cobre is characterized by a simple hypogene mineral
assemblage including (in decreasing order of importance) pyrite, magnetite or hematite, and
chalcopyrite. Sphalerite is observed locally. Gangue is dominantly calcite with minor quartz.
Lens-shaped ores ("mantos"), are underlain generally by breccia bodies and veins (Marschik,
1996). A general trend of increased calcite content with greater distance from the middle
Cretaceous Andean batholith is observed in the different deposits in the region. Thus, the
Teresita ores (mantos emplaced in limestone) and the mines in the eastern part of the Punta del
Cobre belt (e.g., Socav6n Rampla, Augustina, and Bateas) higher calcite contents than the La
Candelaria mine and the Las Pintadas district (Fig. 1). Additionally, the first mined upper parts
of the sequence of the Punta del Cobre belt were, in general, richer in calcite than the lower,
quartz-rich areas (R. Marschik, 1999; persona} communication).

6.3 Climate

The Copiap6 valley is located in the Atacama desert. The climate is hyper-arid with an
average rainfall from 1904- 1988 of 20,7 mm/a (Geotechnica, 1996). The averages of maximal,
median and minimal absolute temperature values in the period of 1946- 1977 are 32.1, 15.6, and
-0.4 °C, respectively. The average of the relative humidity in the period from 1946 - 1977
measured at 8 a.m. was 87.5%, at 2 p.m. 51.0%, and at 8 p.m. 65.7%, reflecting the frequent
presence of morning fog, which disappears generally at noon. Exceptional, strong rainfall may
occur in association with the El Nifio phenomenon, as in 1997. No data are available for
evaporation rates. It must be assumed that the evaporation strongly exceeds the rainfall.

6.4 Description of the studied mine tailings impoundments

6.4.1 Tailings impoundment No. 2 from the Ojancos plant, Sali Hochschild S.A., Copiap6,
northern Chile Treatment processes

The Ojancos mineral treatment plant is located within the city of Copiap6 directly behind
the campus of the University of Atacama. This installation is owned and managed by the
Compafiia Minera Sali Hochschild S.A. lt was the first treatment plant in the Copiap6 mining
district (1911) and treated during its long his tory copper, gold, and sil ver ores mainly by alkaline

Chapter 6: Influence of carbonate-rich prim01y nzinerafogy

flotation (pH 11), minor cyanidation, and heap leaching. The flotation plant started operation in
1936. Before 1982, ali treated material was bought from externat mines (Zamora, 1993 ).
Although there are no reliable records regarding which mines the ore came, it is reasonable to
assume that prior to 1982 the plant processed ore primarily from the Punta del Cobre belt, i.e.
possibly mainly from the Teresita, Pintadas, Augustina, Socav6n Rampla, Manto Verde, and
Bateas mines. Since 1982, the Ojancos plant has treated only ore the Teresita and Las Pintadas
mines (Fig. 1); plant operations shut down in 1998, due to low copper priees. Tailings impoundment history

The Ojancos mineral treatment plant has four tailings impoundments. The present work
studies tailings impoundment No. 2 which was in operation during the period of 1967 to 1977
(Fig. 2, Fig. 4A). It is situated over alluvial and fluvial alternating silty and clayey sands with
gravels and conglomerate intercalations at an altitude of 100 rn a.s.l. About 1987 (B. Zamora,
1996, Hochschild. S.A., Copiap6, persona! communication), the Ojancos plant started the
deposition of the coarse tailings fraction (separated by cyclones) of ores from the Teresita and
Las Pintadas mines on the hillside upstream of impoundment No. 2 (Fig. 4A). The recent tailings
at the hillside are referred to as the "2H" to differentiate them from the original "No. 2".
Deposition of "2H" tailings was still active during the sampling period ( 1994-1997). Each
month, slun·y with 4000 m3 of water was deposited on the hillside above impoundment No. 2.
Due to the active operation it was not possible to sample the "2H" tailings and only one sample
from the discharge point (HPr, fig. 2) could be taken. The dam for impoundment No. 2 is
constructed mainly with material from heap leaching. During the original operating time of the
impoundment No. 2 (1967- 1982) cyanidation was not in operation (Zamora, 1993) so that the
tailings in this impoundment are assumed to be totally from the flotation process. The fine
fraction from the operations during the sampling period (1994-1997) were deposited in tailings
impoundments No. 3 and No. 4, which are situated about 3 km northwest of the plant.

6.4.2 Tailings impoundments No. 4 and 6, Pedro A. Cerda treatment plant Ojos del Salado

deposits, south of Copiap6.

The old tailings impoundments No. 4 and 6 of the Pedro de Aguirre Cerda treatment plant
(P. Cerda), were selected due to the expected similarities in mineralogy and deposition technique
with the more recent Ojancos tailings impoundment No. 2 (Fig. 3, Fig. 4D). Treatmellt process

The flotation treatment plant P. Cerda is located next to the village Tierra Amarilla, about
15 km south of the town of Copiap6. It started operation in 1929 and in 1984 it was bought by
the Compafiia Minera Ojos del Salado. The plant uses an alkaline flotation circuit.

Chapter 6: Influence of carbonate-rich primary minera/ogy

Tailings impoundments No. 4 & 6; P. Aquirre Cerda Plant

operation ceased in 1965

A' B' C'

02 01

D primary zone

[223 oxidation zone

• 01 field campaign 1996
[l] cementation zone

Fig. 3: Overview of the tailings impoundments No. 4 and 6 of the flotation plant P. Ce rda. The se tailings are out of
operation since 1965. Tailings history

The P. Cerda plant has presently one tailings impoundment in operation, situated 1.8 km
northwest of the plant, and six older tailings impoundments. The old impoundments No. 4 and 6
were the best suited for sampling. The treated material has its origin in the eastern part of Punta
Chapter 6: Influence of carbonate-rich primaty minera/ogy

del Cobre belt, possibly mainly from the mines Agustina, Bateas, Manto Verde, and Socav6n
Rampla, which were the principal mines in operation during the filling of the impoundments No.
4 and No. 6 (Hopf, 1987). The tailings impoundment No. 4 is located in a small valley closed by
a dam at an altitude of 100 rn a.s.l. Tailings impoundment No. 6 is situated directly upstream of
the impoundment No. 4 (Fig. 3, Fig. 4D). Tailings impoundment No. 4 stopped operation around
1965 and No. 6 was active possibly until 1975. Therefore, for an approximately ten year period,
the seepage from tailings impoundment No. 6 flowed into the tailings No. 4. Both tailings are
located over Atacama gravels of Miocene age.

6.5 Methology

6.5.1 Sampling and field methods

A total of 15 holes were drilled and 170 samples were obtained from the two studied
tailings sites. In the first field campaign in 1994 in the Ojancos tailings impoundment No. 2, 10
holes up to depths of 8 rn were drilled with percussion sampling equipment, and 101 samples
were obtained with a 100 x 2 x 2 cm sampling tube. In a second field campaign in 1996, an
additional drill core Hl of 10m depth was sampled from the Ojancos impoundment No. 2 and
four drill cores were sampled on the Ojos del Salado tailings impoundment No. 4 and 6. Up to 5
samples of 20 cm length per meter were taken in the cementation zone and at the interface
between the cementation and oxidation zones, whereas in the homogeneous primary zone only
three samples were taken. In a third visit to Ojancos in 1997 eight samples of effluent
precipitates at the foot of the recent coarse "2H" tailings were collected, pH was measured, and
the samples were air-dried (Fig. 4B). The appearance of the effluents was associated with strong
rainfalls in the El Nifio year 1997, which flushed away a part of the "2H" tailings (Fig. 4B).

Fig. 4: A: Photograph of the situation at the Ojancos impoundment No. 2 with the recent/y deposited tailings "2H"
at the hill-site. B: AMD precipitates at the interface of both impoundments. HE5 with schwertmannite (sh) has pH
3./5, HE6 with chalcoalumite (chaim) has pH 4.9, and HE7 with gypsum (gy) has pH 4.54. Width of photo /00 cm.
C: Detail of the P. Ce rda tailings No. 4. The coarser layers are essentially not oxidized, whereas the fine grained
horizons show precipitation of secondary Fe(II/)hydroxides. D: Sampling on the tailings impoundment No. 6 of the
P. Ce rda flotation plant. Note that inspire the aridity no efflorescent salts are fomJed at the sutface, due to neutra!
pH (in contrast to El Salvador tailings, chapter 5) E: Polished section with typical appearance of pyrite (py),
magnetite (mt) and hematite (hm, specularite) in the primary zone of P. Cerda tailings impoundment No. 4 (sample
031025). F: Pyrite (py) and magnetite (mt) as dominant ore minerais in the primary zone of the Ojancos tailings
impoundment No. 2 (sample H 11100). G: Typical appearance of the fine-grained cementation zone with hematite
(hm) and Fe(/11) hydroxides in the P. Cerda tailings impoundment No. 4 (sample 03/300). H: The fine-grained
cementation zone with reliefs of pyrite (py), magnetite (mt), cove!lite (cv), and Fe(/11) hydroxides in the Ojancos
tailings impoundment No. 2 (samp/e H 11/000).

Chapter 6: Influence of carbonate-rich primary mineralogy

The tailings samples were sealed in plastic bags and stored in an ice-packed cool box.
Previously, the description of mineralogical characteristics, color and grain size estimation, and
pH measurement (paste pH according to MEND, 1991; WTW® pH-meter) were noted. The
samples were transported immediately to the IDICTEC laboratories, University of Atacama, for
drying ( < 3YC) and water content determination . The dry samples were homogenized and
packed into polyethylene (PET) containers for conservation at room temperature.

6.5.2 Physical properties

The moisture content of ali tailing samples was measured by the difference of sample
weight before and after drying (< 35 °C). The particle size distribution of selected samples were
measured by a Coulter® and a Fritsch Analysette® laser particle size analyzer. The hydraulic
conductivity (K) was calculated after Hazen (1893, in Holting, 1989) using the d1o
concentrations. If the unconformity degree U = d6o/d10 was higher than five, the correction after
Bey er ( 1964, in Holting, 1989) was applied.

6.5.3 Mineralogical methods

Polished sections and polished thin sections were prepared from selected bulk samples.
Samples were analyzed as bulk sample by X-ray diffraction (XRD) , using a Philips 3020
diffractometer with CuKa (À = 1.54056 Â) and a monochromator. Scan settings were 3-70° 28,
0.02° step size, 2s count time per step. Procedures for identification of clay minerais were
following Moore and Reynolds (1997) and Brindley and Brown (1980). First, the fraction< 2f-1m
was separated by centrifugation and oriented samples were prepared on glass slides. Samples
were then characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), with the same settings as given above.
The poorly crystalline Fe(III) hydroxides such as ferrihydrite were detected by differentiai
X-ray diffraction (DXRD), following the methods described by Schulze (1981 and 1994). The
samples from the cementation zone selected for DXRD were attacked by 0.2 M ammonium
oxalate, pH 3, 80°C, 2h. Scans were measured before and after treatment. The treated scan was
intensity corrected and then subtracted from the untreated scan. The resulting DXRD pattern was
used for mineral determination . The diffractometer settings were those used by Bigham et al.
(1990, 1994, and 1996), and Schwertmann et al. (1995), i.e., step scanning with 0 .05° 28 step
size and 20 s counting time per step. The acid mine drainage effluents were characterized with
the same settings as mentioned above. The mineral morphology and the qualitative element
composition of the acid mine drainage precipitates were studied by scanning electron
microscopy (SEM-EDS).

Chapter 6: Influence of carbonate-rich prima1y mineralogy

6.5.4 Geoclzemical methods Mixed acid digestion (HNOJ, HF, HC/04, HCl)

In a preliminary phase of the investigation, tailings samples from four representative drill
cores (Sl, S2, S3, S6, S7, S8, and S9) were completely digested with a mixture of HN03, HF,
HC104, and HCl. Metal concentrations in the solutions were measured by ICP-MS and ICP-AES
(Dold, 1994; Dold et al., 1996). The objective was to obtain an overall insight in the tailings
composition. Sequential extraction

The development of an extraction sequence applied to the secondary mineralogy of the
studied tailings is reported in detail in chapter 3. In a first phase of the study a slightly modified
6-step sequential extraction ("sequence A", chapter 3) after Tessier et al. (1979) and Sondag
(1981) was utilized: 1.) lM NH4-acetate, pH4.5, 2h; 2.) O. lM Na-acetate, pH 5, 2h; 3.) 0.25M
hydroxylamine-HCl, pH 2, 2h; 4.) O. lM oxalic acid, pH 3.3, heat, lh; 5.) H202 35%, heat lh; 6.)
HN03, HF, HCl04, HCl. The extractions were applied to drill core Hl in order to acquire
information regarding the element distribution and the presence of possible secondary phases. In
a second phase of the study the sequence was modified to 7 steps ("sequence B", chapter 3) and
adapted to the secondary mineralogy of the studied tailings (Table 1).

6.5.5 Acid-Base Accounting (ABA)

Total sulfur content was measured using a Leco® furnace. For measurement of the
sulfate-S the 0.2 M oxalic acid hot 2h leach (iron oxides, e.g. jarosite, schwermannite, goethite,
hematite, magnetite, ferrihydrite; chapter 3 and 4) was used. Sulfur was determined by ICP-ES.
The differences of both results represent the sulfide-S content. Total and mineral carbon was
analyzed by coulometric titration (Strohlein CS 702®). The sulfide net neutralization potential
(SNNP) was calculated in t CaC03/lOOOt, with the assumption that at neutra! pH four moles of
calcite (HC03- dominant species at pH 7) are necessary for the neutralization of four moles H+
produced by the oxidation of 1 mole of pyrite.

Chapter 6: Influence of carbonate-rich primary mineralogy

Table 1: Sequential extraction "B" applied in this study (abbreviations: bn: bornite; ca: calcite; cb: cinnabar; cc:
chalcocite; cv: covellite; cp: chalcopyrite; dg: digenite; jlz: jerrilzydrite; gn: ga/ena; gt: goetlzite; gy: gypsunz; hm:
hematite; ilm: ilmenite; jt: jarosite; Na-jt: natrojarosite; nzb: molybdenite; mt: magnetite; op: Ot]Jiment; py: pyrite;
sh: schwertmamzite; sl: sphalerite; stb: stibnite; tn: tennantite; tt: tetrahedrite).
Leach Preferentially dissolved References
(1) Water soluble fraction secondary sulfates, e.g., chapter 5 and 6; Ribet et al.,
1.0 g sample into 50ml deionizied bonattite, chalcanthite, gy, 1995; Fanfani et al., 1997
H20 shake for 1 h. pickeringite, magnesioauberite
(2) exchangeable fraction ca, vermiculite-type-mixed- chapter 5; Gatehouse et al.,
lM NH4-acetate pH 4.5 shake for 2 layer, adsorbed and 1977;Sondag, 1981;Fonseca
hrs exchangeable ions and Martin, 1986
(3) Fe(III) oxyhydroxides sh, 2-line fh, secondary jt, Mnüz Schwertmann, 1964; Stone,
0.2 M NH4-oxalate pH 3.0 shake 1987; chapter 4
for 1 h. in darkness
(4) Fe(III) oxides gt, jt, Na-jt, hm, mt, higher chapter 3.
0.2 M NH4-oxalate pH 3.0 heat in ordered fh 's (e.g., 6-line fh)
water bath 80°C for 2 hours
(5) organics and secondary Cu- organics , cv, cc-dg Sondag, 1981 ;, chapter 5
sul fides
35% H202 heat in water bath for 1
(6) primary sulfides py, cp, bn, si, gn, mb, tt, cb, op, Chao and Sanzolone, 1977;
Combination of KCI03 and HCI, stb Hall et al., 1996
followed by 4 M HN03 boi ling
(7) residual Silicates, residual Hall et al., 1996; Dold et al.,
HN03, HF, HCI04, HCL digestion 1996

6.6 Results and discussion

6.6.1 Ojancos tailings impoundment No. 2

As mentioned above, the historical reports indicate that the flotation tailings deposited
between 1967 and 1977 in the "old" Ojancos impoundment No. 2 come most likely from the
Punta del Cobre belt. After 1977, there was a period of no deposition. The "2H" tailings
deposited after 1987 and still being deposited during sampling at the hillside of impoundment
No. 2 have their origin from the Teresita mine and the Pintadas district (Fig. 1, 2 & 4A). Thus, it
has to be assumed that a mixed stratigraphy of carbonate-rich material from the Teresita mine
with high neutralization potential and law-carbonate material from the Las Pintadas district with
high ac id potential characterize the composition of these recent tailings.

Chapter 6: Influence of carbonate-rich primary minera/ogy

The results are presented following the present water flow path, i.e. in following order:
recent discharge point (, AMD effluents at the lower part of the recent coarse tailings
"2H" (, and the "old" impoundment No. 2, including a primary zone flushed down from
the "2H" tailings and recently deposited on the top of the old tailings impoundment No. 2
( Minera/ogy and acid-base accounting ofsample HPr from the recent discharge point
for tailings "2H"
The present discharge point for the tailings "2H" has a pH of 11 (Fig. 2). The recently
deposited tailings (sample HPr) consists mainly of quartz, alkali-feldspar (mainly albite), calcite,
Ca-amphibole (magnesiohornblende), pyroxene (hedenbergite), magnetite, hematite, pyrite and
minor chalcopyrite, and micas (biotite). Ca-amphibole± sericite ±biotite is a typical alteration
mineral assemblage in areas near the batholith (Marschik and Fontboté, 1996). According to
available information, the source of the "2H" tailings is either the Las Pintadas district, close to
the batholith, or the carbonate- hosted Teresita mine, the high pH of sample HPr appears to
indicate its derivation from the Pintadas district.
ABA of the sample HPr shows a pyrite content of 3.5 wt.% and negative sulfide net
neutralization potential (SNNP = -47.32 t CaC03/l OOOt), indicating that this mate rial has acid-
forming potential. It is assumed that others parts of the "2H" tailings have high NP, due to their
reported provenance from the carbonate-hosted Teresita mine. AMD effluents at the lower part of the recent deposited "2H" tailings
In a third site visit in November 1997, after exceptional strong rainfalls in the Copiap6
valley, a small part of the "2H" tailings, directly at the contact with the old tailings impoundment
No.2, was flushed away. This led to the appearance of acid effluents with the formation of
orange-brown, pale blue, yellow and reddish precipitates (Fig. 4B). Three out-flows were located
within a small area of 50 cm diameter. The center effluent had a pH of 3.15 with orange-brown
colored precipitates. XRD patterns show typical features for schwertmannite (Fes0s(OH)6S04,
with broad peaks at 1.51, 1.66, 2.28, 2.55, 3.39, and 4.86Â) and gypsum. SEM images show
characteristic spherical forms of schwertmannite, 1 - 1.5 ~rn in size, reminiscent of sea-urchins
(Fig. 2, see also chapter 4). EDS determinations reflect high iron content (Fig. SA). The other
two out-flows had pale blue precipitates and pH values of 4.90. XRD patterns with broad peaks
at 4.25 and 8.5Â and SEM-EDS results indicate that the precipitate is mainly chalcoalumite
(CuAl4(S04)(0H)12•3H20). The SEM image (Fig. SB) shows very fine particles (< 1~m),
reminiscent of dried raisins. At the confluence of the three effluents the pH was 4.54, the color
changed to yellow, and the XRD detected mineral is gypsum.
The fact that the two geochemically different effluents discharge closely (20 cm
distance), indicates that different geochemical conditions may co-exist in close vicinity in the
tailings material and the percolation of these effluents may be seen as "acid spots", independent
of the general bulk water composition.

Chapter 6: Influence of carbonate-rich primary minera/ogy

~ li

25jl l il
j Il 1\
il 1\
20j 1\ \\ !1 j 1

15-1 1i 1
1 \

Fig. 5: A : SEM photograph of sample HE5 with EDS-spectrogram of schwertmannite, showing the typical spherical
sea-urchin reminding morpho/ogy. B: SEM photograph with EDS of chalcoalumite (sample HE6).

Additionally, high sulfate (formed during sulfide oxidation) and Ca (liberated by acid
neutralization with calcite) concentrations in the water sample HWS, taken in 1996 from the
small pond of the impoundment No. 2 (Fig. 2), which received surface seepage from "2H",
indicate strong oxidation and neutralization reaction in the tailings "2H" (Results of HWS: pH=
7.55, T = 9.2 °C, conductivity = 13.61 mS/cm, 02 = 6.7 mg/1, cations: Ca= 786 mg/1, Mg= 101
mg/1, Na = 2350 mg/1, K = 70 mg/1, Li = 0.15 mg/1, anions: S04 = 2836 mg/1, Cl = 3190 mg/1,
HC03 = 109 mg/1, B = 7,2 mg/1, F = 1 mg/1, Siüz = 15 mg/1, metals : Cu= 0.12 mg/1, Sr= 4.6
mg/1, Mn = 0.36 mg/1, Ba = 0.04 mg/1, Mo = 0.05 mg/1, the other metals are below detection
limit). The high Na concentrations may have its origin in the application of Isopropil Na-
Xantate, a commonly applied collecter in the flotation process.

Chapt er 6: Influence of carbonate-rich primary minera/ogy Stratigraphy and acid-base accounting of the Ojancos tailings impoundment No.2
Ten cores were drilled in 1994 in the Ojancos tailings impoundment No. 2 to a maximum
depth of 8 m. The cores revealed a similar stratigraphy with, from the top to the bottom, an about
3 rn thick recent dark gray primary zone, an about 3 rn thick dark gray colored oxidation zone
with intercalations of oxidized horizons, and a homogeneous, reddish-brown cementation zone
of which only about 2 rn could be penetrated. A general dipping of the recognized zones and of
the ground water level (e.g., grou nd water lev el at S8 = 1.2 rn and S 1 = 3.6 rn) towards the dam
can be recognized (Fig. 2). The stratigraphy, mineralogy and geochemistry of the Ojancos
tailings impoundment No. 2 is discussed in detail using as an example, the representative drill
core Hl (Fig. 9 and 10), which was sampled in 1996 to 10 rn depth near drill core S8 from the
1994 campaign. Drill core Hl shows the same stratigraphy as S8 but the primary zone reaches a
depth of 2.8 rn, instead the 1.3 rn found in S8. This indicates that in the two years between the
drillings H 1 and S8, 1.5 rn of additional tailings material was flushed down from the "2H"
tailings deposited uphill. The cementation zone starts in Hl at 8 rn depth compared to 5.2 rn in
the nearby S8 drill hole. Change in grain-size from fine sandy-silty (K = lxl0- 7 - 3xl0- 7 m/s) in
the primary and oxidation zones to clayey (K = 3xl0- 8 - 4x10- 8 mis) in the cementation zone is
observed. The moisture content graded from 15 wt.% in the primary zone to 25 wt.% in the
oxidation zone and to 33 wt.% in the cementation zone.
Calculation of the pyrite content with the assomption that ali sulfide sulfur is associated
with pyrite, indicates pyrite contents of 3.5- 4.8 wt.% in the primary zone, 1.5- 2.9 wt.% in the
oxidation zone, and 1 - 1.8 in the cementation zone.
The tailings of the primary zone have a SNNP of -83.4 to -158.5 t CaC03/lOOOt. In the
oxidation zone the SNNP is positive (14.4 to 417.8 t CaC03/lOOOt), indicating that this material
has a high neutralization potential (NP). This is consistent with abundant calcite (up to 4 7 wt.%)
and low pyrite contents. Below the oxidation zone, and in spite of low sulfide content the ABA
becomes negative again due to the decrease of calcite abundance, possibly because of
neutralization reactions with down-seeping acid solutions. The stratigraphy of the Ojancos
impoundment No. 2 is characterized by an interlayering of acid producing and neutralizing
The drilled tailings show three intervals, which are distinguished on the basis of their
primary silicate and carbonate mineralogy (Fig. 6). The first interval corresponds to the primary
zone down to a depth of 2.8 rn, which is dominated by quartz, alkali-feldspar (mainly albite), Ca-
amphibole (magnesiohornblende), pyroxene (hedenbergite), magnetite, hematite, pyrite (Fig.
4F), and minor chalcopyrite, calcite, and micas (biotite). This mineral assemblage is very similar
to that of the recent discharge point (sample HPr, section and is also thought to derive
from the Pintadas district (Fig. 1). These mineralogical data support the field observations, which
indicate that the primary zone on the top of the old tailings impoundment No. 2 is being flushed
down from the same recent discharge point, of the hillside tailings "2H".
Below, an interval from 2.8 to 7 rn depth is characterized by abundant calcite and minor
quartz, albite, magnetite and low pyrite, hematite, and mica contents. The source for this
carbonate-rich zone may be the Teresita mine or another calcite-rich mine as mentioned in
chapter 6.2. Below 7 rn the assemblage is dominated by quartz-albite-calcite-chlorite ± epidote,

Chapter 6: Influence of carbonate-rich primat}' minera/ogy





0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 o:;BCuKa
Abbreviations: ab =albite, anor! = anorthoclas , ca = calcite, Ca-amph = Ca-amphilbolite,cl = chlorite, ep =
epidote, gy= gypsum, hed = hedenbergite, hem = hematite, mt= magnetite, jt = jarosite , py = pyrite ,
mie= mica

superimposed stratigraphy primary stratigraphy

1 1 primary zone Ca-amphibole

V////1 oxidation zone 1111111111111111 calcite

1111111111111111 cementation zone ~ chlorite-epidote

Fig. 6: Results of XRD from drill core H 1 from the Ojancos impoundment No. 2. The stratigraphy and the proposed
primmy source of the tailings are shawn.

Chapter 6: Influence of carbonate-rich primary minera/ogy

suggesting that this material may come from a mine in the eastern part of the Punta del Cobre
belt (Marschik and Fontboté, 1996).
The above described sections of the primary stratigraphy are superimposed by a secondary
zonation resulting from weathering processes. Below the recent primary zone an oxidation zone
follows between 2.8 to 8 m. This oxidation zone is characterized by the interlayering of coarser
dark gray unoxidized layers with fine grained, Fe(III) hydroxide-rich, ochre to red-brown
colored horizons. As mentioned above, the oxidation zone is calcite-rich with neutra! pH values,
which decrease in the lower part of the oxidation zone. The features of this oxidation zone are
very similar to those found in the also carbonate-rich oxidation zone of the P. Cerda
impoundments (Fig. 4C and chapter 6.6.2) and may be explained as follows. High evaporation in
arid climates favors upwards migration via capillary force (chapter 5) and concentration of
sulfide oxidation in fine grained horizons due to their higher water retention capacity. Generally,
fine horizons are poorer in sulfides than coarser layers, because of gravity separation during
deposition, so that lower sulfide contents are available for oxidation. The mobility of the
liberated elements is very low due to the neutra! pH values so that secondary Fe(III) hydroxides
precipitate in-situ in the fine horizons, where the main sulfide oxidation takes place. This leads
to a specifie layering for oxidation zones of carbonate-rich tailings in arid climates.
The oxidation zone at the Ojancos impoundment No. 2 has to be seen as a "paleo"-
oxidation zone, which formed in the ten years without operation ( 1977 -1987), be fore operation
started again uphill with the recent deposition of the "2H" tailings and the formation of the
recent primary zone at the top of impoundment No. 2. It is important to mention here that this
oxidation zone can not be the source of the element enrichment found in the lower part of the
oxidation zone and the underlying cementation zone. A cementation zone is normally formed at
the interface of a low pH oxidation zone, from where the element are mobilized, and a
neutralizing primary zone, where the secondary minerais as Fe(III) hydroxides and sulfates
precipitate (Blowes et al., 1991; Tassé et al., 1997, Lin, 1997). In the Ojancos No. 2 tailings,
below the oxidation zone and down to the end of the drill holes (8 to 10 rn) occurs a cementation
zone with gypsum as the dominant phase (- 9 wt.% gypsum equivalent), which is assumed to be
mainly from tertiary origin. Subordinate 5-line and 6-line ferrihydrite (- 4- 5 wt.% Fe(OH)J(Sl
equivalent) together with goethite and jarosite could be determined by DXRD (Fig. 7). Pyrite,
magnetite, and hematite are very minor phases and secondary covellite can be observed in the
cementation zone as fine disseminated grains (Fig. 4H). The low sulfide contents can be
explained because of oxidation by Fe(III). Calcite contents decrease in the lower part of the
oxidation zone and are completely lacking in the cementation zone. The pH also decreases from
values around 7 down to 5 in the lower part of the oxidation zone and is buffered in the
cementation zone possibly by ferrihydrite to values around 4. The deepest sample H111000
(depth 10 rn) shows again XRD detectable calcite and a pH value of 6.

Chapter 6: Influence of carbonate-rich primary minera/ogy

fh gt

synthetic 6-line ferrihyd

30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70


Fig. 7: Fig. 6: DXRD of higher ordered ferrihydrite (5-line) with goethite and minorjarosite of the sample H 11760
of the cementation zone from Ojancos impoundment No. 2. For comparison a diffracta gram of a synthetic 6-line
ferrihydrite is shawn. Geochemical results

As mentioned above, in a preliminary stage of this investigation, total digestion analyses
were performed. The results from drill cores Sl, S2, S3, S6, S7, S8, and S9 show maximum
values of ali heavy metals in an interval spanning the upper part of the cementation zone and the
lower part of the calcite-rich oxidation zone. The intensity of the heavy metal peaks decrease
with increasing distance from the seepage input as seen in Fig. 8 which shows a depth profiles
for drill holes S8, S9, S6, and S7. As total digestion results give limited information about
geochemical processes, they will not be discussed here in detail but data are available in
appendix 4.
In this section the results of analyses of sequential extractions of the representative drill
core Hl (located close to S8) are shown in Fig. 9 and Table 2 (sequence A) and in Fig. 10 and
Table 3 (sequence B for sorne selected samples). For better visibility of the geochemical

Chapter 6: Influence of carbonate-rich primai)' minera/ogy

30 m 50 m 50 m 50 m 40 m
~ <E: ) <E: ) <E: ) ~
dam 87(%) 86(%) 89(%) 88(%) "2H "
5 10 15 20 4 8 12 16 20 24 0 5 10 15 20 04812162024
0 0

100 100 100 100

200 200 200

E 300 300 300
~ 300
.!:: 400 400 400
c._ 400
Q) 500 500 500
500 600
600 600

700 600 700 700

800 700 800 800

0 400 800 1200 0 400 800 1200 0 400 800 1200 0 400 800 1200

87 (ppm) 86 (ppm) S9(ppm) SB (ppm)

D primary zone (flushed down)

• Zn (ppm) ~ oxidation zone

À Pb (ppm) []]I] cementation zone

Fig. 8: Ca and Al as indicators for prima1y carbonate and silicate distribution in the drill cores S7, S6, S9, and SB.
Zn and Pb concentrations show a peak located below the Ca peak (calcite) and above the cementation zone,
indicating that the flow of metal reach solution is defined in between these two zones. Heavy metal concentrations
are about three times higher near the seepage input (SB) than near the dam (S7).

fingerprints of secondary phases (e.g., jarosite), the residual fraction for sorne elements (e.g., Fe,
K) are not presented in figures 9 and 10, but the analyses are included in Tables 2 and 3. The
analytical results using extraction sequence A (Fig. 9) are be discussed in the following three
groups: (1) The relatively immobile elements as Ti and Al, as weil as K, that may be taken as
indicators for the primary silicate minerais. (2) The elements Ca, Mn, and Mg that are indicators
for the carbonate distribution. (3) Constituents that show important variations in concentration in
the oxidation and cementation zones (e.g., Fe, S04, Cu, Zn, Pb, Mo, As, and V).
Three intervals can be distinguished according their Ti, Al, and K concentrations in the
residual fraction. They coïncide with those defined by mineralogical criteria ( The upper
part of the primary zone down to 2.8 rn depth shows higher concentrations (Ti =0.2%, Al =4%,
K = 1.2-1.8%) than in the following interval from 2.8 to 7 rn depth (Ti = 0.16%, Al = 3%, K =
0.4% ). Below 7 rn depth, the concentrations are also higher than the interval from 2.8 to 7 m. (Ti
= 0.2, Al = 5%, and K = 1.6% ). Results of the first four extraction steps of the sequence B (Fig.
10) indicate that K increases in the cementation zone compared to the overlying oxidation and
primary zones, indicating that K is available as water-soluble and adsorbed cation, and fixed in
jarosite as indicated by XRD and DXRD.

Chapter 6: Influence of carbonate-rich primai)' minera/ogy

Drill core H1 Ojancos Sequence A

paste pH AB A (1CaCO>I10001) Fe(%) Mg(%) Ca(%)

4 5 6 7 B 9 -200 0 200 400 600 4 B 12 16 0.02 0.04 0.06 4 B 12 16

Ê 3oo
'-' 400
.::; 500
-c 700
10 15 20 25 30 35
H,O (w t% )
K(%) Al(%) Cu (ppm) Zn (ppm) Pb (ppm)
0 0.40.81 .21.6 2 4 2000 4000 100 200 300 100 200 300
'-' 400
.::; 500
o. 600
-c 700

Mn (ppm) Mo (ppm) As (ppm) V (ppm) Ti(%)

BOO 1600 0 40 BO 120 160 400 BOO 0 40 BO 120 0.12 0.16 0.2 0.24

.::; 500
o. 600
-c 700

Sequential Extractions Acid-Base-Accounting (ABA)

• NH4-Ac (exchangeable) • Acid Potential (AP)
• Na-OC (carbonates) • Neutralization Potential (NP)
• HL (Mn(ll) & Fe(lll)hydroxides)
• Sulfide Net Neutralization Potential (SNNP)
+ NH4-0xH (Fe(lll)oxides)
x H202 (organic +cv, cc-dg)
superimposed stratigraphy primary stratigraphy
• HC104, HF, HN03 (residual)
..:s;z_ water table (1996) D primary zone (recent) § Ca-amphibole
paste pH ~ oxidation zone m:IEJ calcite
H 20(wt%) mm cementation zone ~ chlorite-epidote

Fig. 9: Results of sequential extraction (sequence A) of drill core H 1 from the Ojancos impoundment No. 2.

Chapter 6: Influence of carbonate-rich prima1y minera/ogy

Drill core H1 Ojancos Sequence B

paste pH A BA (tCoCO >110001) Fe(%) S04 (%) Ca(%)

4 5 6 7 8 9 -200 0 200 400 600 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10

200 ~~--~~~~~~r-------~--~----~---r=-----------~~-------

E 3oo
~ 400
-E 500
o._ 600
"0 700
800 "1-'\"1-'n:;~TT1'ii-T'TTI-

10 15 20 25 30 35
H,O (wt%)
K (%) Al(%) Cu (ppm) Zn (ppm) Pb (ppm)
0.02 0.04 0 1 2 3 4 5 2000 4000 0 100 200 300 400 100 200

E 300
~ 400
-E 500
o._ 600
"0 700
800 --f4''A4';z?9~q;L,4\-

1 0 00 -U...JQ).L'lfP-LLLL.J....t::\!1.

Mn (ppm) Mo (ppm) As (ppm) V(ppm) Ti(%)

400 BOO 40 80 120 400 800 20 40 60 0.08 0.16

200 ~~--~~~--~------------~------------~~--~~-----4~----~--

E 300
~ 400
-E 500
o._ 600
"0 700
8 0 0 -Jil'11fjff,{"f-ffff-ffffl-
1 000 --1-QLLLLLL.L.LL_LJ

Sequential Extractions Acid-Base-Accounting (ABA)

o H20 (water-soluble) • Acid Potential (AP)
o NH4-Ac (exchangeable) • Neutralization Potential (NP)
~;. NH4-0xD (Fe(lll)hydroxides)
• Sulfide Net Neutralization Potential (SNN P)
+ NH4-0xH (Fe(lll)oxides)
x H202 (organic +cv, cc -dg)
• KCI03, HCI, HN03 (sulfides) superimposed stratigraphy primary stratigraphy
• HC104, HF, HN03 (residual)
_5l_ water table (1996)
D prim ary zone(recent) ~ Ca-amphibole

paste pH ~ oxidation zone mm calcite

H 20(wt%) ITIIID cementation zone m chlorite-epidote

Fig. 10: Results of sequential extractions (sequence B) of selected samples from drill core Hl from the Ojancos
impoundment No. 2.

Chapter 6: Influence of carbonate-rich prima1-y minera/ogy

A similar stratigraphy is described by the Ca, Mn, and Mg contents. In the residual
fraction, Ca shows concentrations of about 6% in the upper 2.8 meters, and values below 2% in
ali deeper samples. The Ca contents in the exchangeable fraction of sequence A (Fig. 9), in
which gypsum is dissolved together with calcite, show low concentrations in the upper two
meters. In the section between 2.8 and 7 rn depth, the Ca content increases up to 12% which is
consistent with the abundant presence of calcite (XRD). Between 7 and 10 rn the exchangeable
Ca contents are around 4%. In the lower part of the oxidation zone calcite is scarce and in the
cementation zone it was not detected by XRD. Gypsum becomes a dominant phase in the
cementation zone. Application of a water leach before the exchangeable leach (sequence B, Fig.
10), permits quantitative discrimination between gypsum and calcite and shows that most of the
Ca is fixed in the water-soluble fraction as gypsum, confirming the XRD results. Mn follows the
same distribution as Ca in the upper se ven meters. At 7.5 rn depth Mn shows in Fig. 10 a peak in
the fraction of the Fe(III) hydroxides, what may indicate the dissolution of secondary Mn(II)
hydroxides. Mg shows a similar distribution as Ca and Mn in the exchangeable fraction,
indicating that the gangue carbonates are at least in part Mg- and Mn-bearing calcites, which is
typical for hydrothermal systems. The distribution of these elements confirms the mineralogical
stratification of the primary tailings composition described in (
Fe, S04, Cu, Zn, Pb, Mo, As, and V show important concentration increases in the lower
part of the oxidation zone and in the cementation zone (Fig. 9 and 10). This is explained by the
precipitation of secondary sulfates, ferric hydroxide phases, and secondary sulfides, as weil by
strong adsorption of mobile heavy metals (Tables 2 and 3). The precipitation of secondary
ferrihydrite, goethite, and jarosite in the lower part of the oxidation zone and the cementation
zone is reflected in the increase of Fe concentrations in the Fe(III) oxides fraction. The strong
enrichment of bivalent cations such as Cu (up to 0.65 % ), Zn (up to 600 ppm), and Pb (up to 500
ppm) compared to values in the primary zone of about Cu (0.2 %), Zn (20 ppm), and Pb (13
ppm), respectively, is mainly associated with the layers below the calcite-rich tailings, where low
pH (about 4) ensures the mobility of these metals. At pH values below 6, Cu precipitates mainly
as covellite, whereas above pH 6, in the vicinity of the calcite-rich parts of the oxidation zone,
adsorption dominates as shown in the increase in the exchangeable fraction. This pH dependence
of the secondary Cu-sulfide formation is also recognized in porphyry copper tailings (chapter 5).
Zn shows a concentration maximum at the top of the cementation zone mainly in the fraction of
the Fe(III) hydroxides (Fig. 10). The adsorption of Zn on ferric hydroxides is pH-controlled and
requires pH values of 5 or higher (Dzombak and Morel, 1990, Webster et al., 1998). This
explains why, in the low-pH cementation zone, less Zn is associated with the ferric hydroxides
than in the lower part of the oxidation zone, were the pH reaches values of 6. Pb adsorbs on
ferric hydroxides at pH values greater than about 3.5 (Dzombak and Morel, 1990, Webster et al.,
1998), which is reflected in high Pb concentrations of the Fe(III) hydroxide and Fe(Ill) oxide
fractions over the whole cementation zone.

Table 2: Drill core H 1 from Ojancos impoundment No. 2 /CP-ES results of sequence A

Abbreviation as in appendix. 2 153

Table 2: Drill core H 1 from Ojancos impoundment No. 2 /CP-ES results of sequence A

Abbreviation as in appendix. 2 154

Table 2: Drill core H1 from Ojancos impoundment No. 2 /CP-ES results of sequence A

Abbreviation as in appendix. 2 155

Table 3: Drill core H1 from Ojancos impoundment No. 2 /CP-ES results of sequence B

Abbreviations as in appendix. 3 156

Chapt er 6: Influence of carbonate-rich primary minera/ogy

The oxyanions Mo, As, and V show also peaks at in the lowest part of the oxidation zone
and increased values in the cementation zone compared to the upper parts of the drill core (Figs.
9 and 10). These elements have a high affinity to ferric hydroxides under acid conditions
(Dzombak and Morel, 1990). Arsenic is mainly associated with the easily reducible Fe(III)
hydroxide fraction cementation zone. Vanadium enrichments are associated to the water-soluble,
Fe(III) hydroxide, and Fe(III) oxide fractions (Fig. lü). Vanadium is the only heavy metal
available in relevant amounts in the water-soluble fraction in the cementation zone. This may be
explained by its complex geochemical speciation. Under oxidizing conditions V is stable as
H 2vo4- in the pH range between 2 and 8. Under reducing conditions it is stable as VQ 2+ up to
pH values of 5 (Brookins, 1988). Hz vo4- is possibly adsorbed under acid conditions at ferric
polymers (continiuum of aqueous fen·ic complexes with more than one iron atom and including
the collodial size fraction). Due to the recent high water input at the tailings, the ferric polymers
may migrate downwards and transfer the adsorbed V to areas under reducing conditions, where
it will be available as water-soluble cation VQ 2+ in the low pH cementation zone. Mo shows its
highest concentrations in the sulfide leach in the lowest part of the oxidation zone (Fig. 10). This
is interpreted as secondary Mo-sulfide precipitation under the slightly reducing conditions below
the water Jevel. Conclusions Ojancos

In the study of the Ojancos tailings impoundment No. 2 it was possible to discriminate
between primary differences in the ores treated during the plant history and superimposed
secondary element enrichment associated to sulfide oxidation processes. The about 3 rn thick
primary zone at the top of the impoundment No. 2 results from recent deposition coeval to the
"2H" tailings. Parts of this primary material (the "2H" tailings deposited directly uphill were
flushed down and deposited on the top of impoundment No. 2 (Fig. llC). This is supported by
the similar mineralogical composition of the primary zone at the top of the impoundment No. 2
and the composition of the sample HPr from the recent discharge point at "2H". In both cases the
tailings derive from an ore characterized by Ca-amphibole alteration mined at the Pintadas
district. Below, there is a 4 rn thick interval of calcite-rich tailings, probably derived from the
Teresita mine. The lower part of the tailings impoundment No. 2 indicates that the treated ore
had a chlorite-epidote alteration, typical of the eastern part of the Punta del Cobre belt (Fig.
Il A).
The 5 rn thick neutra! oxidation zone located below the recent primary zone is interpreted
as the "paleo" -oxidation zone formed during the ten years in which the impoundment No. 2 was
out of operation (Fig. llB, 1977-1987). The characteristics of this carbonate-rich (around 40
wt.% calcite and 2 wt.% pyrite), neutra! oxidation zone are si mil ar to tho se of the oxidation zone
encountered in the carbonate-rich tailings of the P. Cerda treatment plant discussed in section
6.6.2 of this chapter. The neutra! oxidation zone at Ojancos, as weil as the one in P. Cerda, are
characterized by low quantities of secondary ferric minerais spatially associated with fine-
grained horizons and low mobility of metals due to high pH. Normally, in tailings with Jess
carbonate minerais, the heavy metals are leached out from the oxidation zone and transported

Chapt er 6: h!fluence of carbonate-rich primary minera/ogy

downwards, and a cemented layer, essentially made up of by secondary ferric phases formed by
hydrolysis and precipitation following ferrous iron oxidation and a pH increase, is built below
the low pH oxidation zone at the interface to a neutralizing primary zone. This mechanism can
not be responsible for the high amounts of secondary ferric phases with adsorbed heavy metal
enrichments encountered in the underlying cementation zone of the Ojancos No. 2 impoundment,
as the high calcite content of most of the oxidation zone prevents formation of low pH conditions
and restricts element mobility. Additionally, the lack of water input du ring the ten years of
oxidation (hyper-arid climate) limited the downwards element migration. It can be concluded,
therefore, that the carbonate-rich oxidation zone can not be a significant source of the elements
enriched in the underlying cementation zone. The lowermost part of the oxidation zone, i.e., the
about 1 rn thick interval developed over tailings derived from ores with chlorite-epidote
alteration, could be a source of heavy metals, but high pH values limit the element mobility and
suggest that the decreasing calcite values in the cementation zone with depth are an effect of
neutralization reactions with acidic solutions.
The primary zone on top of impoundment No 2, which as indicated above is coeval with
the "2H" tailings, does not show signs of oxidation, possibly because it is too recent and new
primary tailings have been continuously flushed down (Fig. 11C). Even if any AMD was
produced and seeped down it would be neutralized by the carbonate-rich oxidation zone before
reaching the cementation zone and the pH increase would prevent any significant metal
transport. Thus, the primary zone on top of impoundment No. 2 does not appear as potential
source of elements con tribu ting to the formation of the cemented layers.

Fig. 11: Proposed mode! to exp/ain the stratigraphy fou nd in the Ojancos tailings impoundment No.2. A: Un til 1977
the Ojmzcos treatment plant bought the ore from different mines in the Punta del cabre belt, leading to an
inlerlayering of carbonate-rich and carbonate poor loyers. Durilzg operation, the impoundment H'as H'ater
saturated and 110 oxidarion look place. B: ln 1977-1987 the operation ceased ar the impoundmenr No. 2 and an
oxidatimz zone in rhe calcite-rich upper parr was formed. C: 1987 the recent deposition ar "2H" sta~·ted, resulting in
the coe1•al flush-dawn of primary tailings over the old oxidation zone. D: Simultaneously, sulfide oxidation took
place at "2H" and AMD started to seep into the impoundment No. 2. Acid metal!oaded solutions were neutralized
at horizons with high calcite content, hydrolysis offer rie phases is initiated and the formation of a cementation zone
could start. With time, this low permeability cementation zone changed the downwards water-j7ow to a lateral jlow-
path on the top of the cementation zone, leading to heai'Y metal enriclzment in and direct/y above the cementation
zone. E: The situation encountered during the sampling period shows thar the cementation zone can be obsen·ed in
the whole impoundment. Ir is not clear if the wlwle wzderlying material is cemellfed or primmy material is still
remaining. F: The operation stopped 1998, under rhe prevailing extreme arid climate the migration direction will
elzange to upwards, the recent prima1y zone will start to oxidize and due to the lower neutralization potential in the
primw~r 2011e and in "2H" possibly low pH conditions will devet op, leading to the formation of ejj7orescent salts at
the top of the tailings.

Chapt er 6: Influence of carbonate-rich primmy minera/ogy

Proposed model of the development of the stratigraphy fou nd in the

Ojancos tailings impoundment No. 2
discharge point No.2

A: operation untll1977 _d~ Om

[ 10m

8: operation ceased from 1977 to1987 No.2


C: since 1987 deposition at "2H" "2H"

D: since 1987sulfide oxidation No.2


E: situation encountered 1994, 1996 & 1997


F: future situation "2H"

high evaporation will lead to upwards
migration of dissolved elements
and will form efflorescent salts at
the surface of the tailings

D Ca-amphibole, law calcite D recent primary zone flushed downfrom "2H"

B calcite-rich rz2] oxidation zone
~ chlorite-rich 0I1 cementation zone
_ _ 'il _ _ water table
Chapter 6: Influence of carbonate-rich priiiiOI)' minera/ogy

The only significant source left for the secondary metal enrichment underlying the
carbonate-rich oxidation zone of the No. 2 impoundment is AMD seepage from the recently
deposited tailings "2H" on the hillside upstream of impoundment No. 2 (Fig. 11D). Indeed, the
appearance at the surface of low-pH AMD effluents with the precipitation of schwertmannite,
chalcoalumite, and gypsum at the foot of the recently deposited "2H" tailings, indicates that
extensive pyrite oxidation and neutralization reactions take place in the "2H" tailings (Fig. liE).
Layers with high neutralization potential are (most probably) present in the form of high
carbonate intercalations from the Teresita mine, but the existence of low-pH seepage
demonstrates that they can not prevent the formation of AMD.
The formation of the low permeable cementation zone intersected in the lower 2 rn of the
drillings can be explained as follows. The metal-rich solutions seep first downwards in the
tailings "2H" and then laterally into the tailings impoundment No. 2 (Fig. 110). Precipitation is
initiated when the solution encounters originally calcite rich layers, as for instance the basal part
of the cementation zone (still calcite-bearing and with a pH of 6). The resulting pH increase
favors hydrolysis and precipitation of Fe compounds and secondary ferric phases such as higher
ordered ferrihydrite, goethite, gypsum, and locally jarosite. High concentrations of Fe, Ca, K,
and S04 in the first four steps of the sequence B in the cementation zone support indeed an
abundant presence of these minerais. The high ordering of the ferrihydrite indicates slow
oxidation and hydrolysis kinetics (Schwertmann et al., 1999). By precipitation of the secondary
ferric phases the pore space is sealed and the low permeable cementation zone is formed with the
typical mineral paragenesis of the so-called "hardpans" (Blowes et al., 1991, Tassé et al., 1997,
Lin, 1997).
lt can be envisaged that lateral flow is channeled within Jess reactive intervals between low
permeability layers. ln the section eut by drill ho le H 1, effective lateral flow appears to be
restricted to an about 1 rn thick interval between the homogeneous, low permeability
cementation zone, found at the bottom of the drill hole and the overlying carbonate-rich
oxidation zone (Fig. 11E). Il is in this interval where most of the heavy metals are enriched by
adsorption processes (e.g., Zn, Pb, As, and V) or by precipitation of secondary minerais (Cu, Mo,
and Pb).
It can be hypothesized that, as the cementation zone progressively develops and
permeability decreases, the interval with efficient lateral water flow would migrate upwards as
long as supply of acid solutions exists or precipitation of ferric hydroxides do not seal the flow
path. In this way, the cementation zone may equally migrate upwards, as suggested by Dold et
al. (1996).
Besides this enrichment, the element speciation provides other indication for the existence
of a significant water flow in this interval. The increased concentrations of V and Mo in the
water-soluble fraction in the upper part of the cementation zone are consistent with the
interpreted lateral water flow. Constant concentrations of Cu, Pb, and V in the cementation zone
indicate that the conditions were similar during formation, leading to retention of these metals
via adsorption or precipitation of secondary sulfides. The peaks at the top of the cementation
zone of most metals is seen as recent retention process, due to increasing pH, by approaching the
carbonate-rich oxidation zone. The decrease of the pH by increased flow of acid solutions and

Chapter 6: Influence of carbonate-rich primary minera/ogy

hydrolysis of Fe(III) hydroxides and thus the upwards migration of the cementation zone should
remobilize a part of the adsorbed elements (e.g., Cu, Zn) in the oxidation zone, making them
available for sulfide precipitation (Cu and possibly Zn and Pb) or for adsorption at other places
of higher pH.
In conclusion, the Ojancos tailings impoundment No. 2 constitutes an example in which a
complex deposition history and impoundment construction largely influence the distribution of
primary, oxidation, and cemention zones.

6.6.2 Tailings impoundments No. 4 and 6 of the Pedro A. Cerda treatment plant, Fe-oxide
Cu-Au deposit Ojos del Salado, Tierra Amaril/a, south of Copiap6, northern Chile Physical properties and mineralogy P. Cerda tailings impoundments No.4 and 6.
The four holes drilled in tailings impoundments No. 4 and 6 from the P. Cerda flotation
plant reached a maximum depth of 5.9 m. The paste pH in ali core samples remained in the
neutra! range (6.9- 8.3). Calcite content amounts to about 10 wt.% and pyrite up to 2.5 wt. %.
The younger upstream impoundment No. 4 has an oxidation zone at the top with 5 rn thickness
in drill core 01 and 3.6 rn in drill core 02 (Fig. 3). The oxidation zone is very similar to that of
Ojancos impoundment No. 2 and shows alternating coarse grain-sized horizons without
macroscopic indication of oxidation and fine-grained horizons of ochre to reddish brown color
indicating the precipitation of secondary Fe(III) hydroxides (Fig. 4). Below the oxidized zone is
a dark gray colored primary zone. The mois ture content increases in core 01 from 2. 7 wt. % at
the top to maximum values of 22.2 wt.% at depth. In core 02, near the dam, the maximum
moisture content is 5.2 wt.%.
The mineralogical composition in impoundment No. 6 is homogeneous. With decreasing
abundance, the main minerais are quartz, chlorite, calcite, albite ± anorthoclase, magnetite,
hematite, epidote, and gypsum. As mentioned above, the chlorite-epidote assemblage is an
indicator for the alteration in the eastern part of the Punta del Cobre belt. Polished sections
reveal that the pyrite is strongly fractured but does not show oxidation rims or coatings. The
pyrite content varies strongly. Traces of chalcopyrite and very minor supergene replacement by
chalcocite-digenite occur. Secondary covellite is detected as a trace constituent in the lower part
of the primary zone. Magnetite is generally coarse-grained, in places partly martitized. Hematite
dominates in form of mm-sized grains of specularite as described by Marschik (1996).
Drill core 04 at the older impoundment No. 4 shows a similar composition and the same
interlayering as described for impoundment No. 6 based on drill cores 01 and 02. Differences
are the higher amounts of calcite and dolomite, and Jess chlorite. The moisture content is also
low with maximum values up to 7 %, which is consistent with its location near the dam.
The stratigraphy of drill core 03, located at the foot of impoudment No. 6 shows an
important difference. From the top to the bottom the drill core intersects first a homogeneous
gray- green primary zone interpreted to have flushed down from the impoundment No. 6. Below,
an oxidation zone with Fe(III) hydroxide rich horizons follows to a depth of 1.8 m. Acid-base
accountings show that the upper two meters have a negative SNNP (-75 .9 t CaC03/lOOOt)

Chapter 6: Influence of carbonate-rich primai)' minera/ogy

indicating a significant acid producing potential of the primary zone, white the underlying,
homogeneous reddish brown, silty-glayey (K = 3.3x10-8 - 3.6x10- 8 m/s) cementation zone has
neutralizing potential (SNNP = 24.4 t CaC03/ lOOOt). This reddish-brown zone is similar to the
cementation zone described in chapter 6.6.1 in the Ojancos impoundment No. 2. The moisture
content increases in 03 from zero at the top to a constant value of 23 wt. o/o in the cementation
zone. The mineralogy in this part of the impoundment is dominated by quartz, albite ±
anorthoclase, calcite, chlorite, magnetite, hematite, epidote, pyrite, and minor gypsum. Relative
to the oxidized zone, gypsum is high in the cementation zone, whereas calcite is Jess abundant .
Polished sections show that, in the cementation zone only, sorne residual, very small pyrite
grains remain. The reddish brown color suggests that ferrihydrite and goethite are present, but
DXRD did not show conclusive results. Geochemical results

Constant Ti values and XRD results of drill core 01 (impoundment No. 6) indicate that the
upper five meters of the tailings are from similar composition, and derived from an ore with a
calcite-rich gangue. Results from sequential extractions (Fig. 12, sequence A) show that the
major elements Na, Fe, K, Ca, and Mg are not significantly mobilized under the near neutra! pH
condition prevailing in the impoundment. However, metals which under oxidizing and acid to
neutra! conditions are stable as bivalent cations, as Cu, Zn, and Mn, show concentrations
decrease at the top of the oxidation zone and enrichments in the exchangeable fraction and in the
fraction of the Fe(III) hydroxides in samples Iocated below (Fig. 12, Table 4). Cu shows a slight
increase downwards in the fraction of secondary copper sulfides (from 66 ppm at the top to 930
ppm at 5 rn depth in the H202-leach), which is consistent with the presence of traces of
secondary covellite. The oxyanions Mo and As show increasing values with depth mainly in the
fraction of the Fe( III) hydroxides.
Results from sequential extractions (Fig. 13, Table 5, sequence B) of drill core 03
(impoundment No. 4) show slightly decreasing concentrations in the primary zone of Ti and Al,
suggesting a different origin of the upper part of the tailings, which consistent with the
hypothesis that they have flushed down from the younger impoundment No. 6. Fe, S04, Ca, Cu,
Zn, Mn, Mo, and As show increased concentrations in the cementation zone in the exchangeable
fraction and the fraction of the Fe(III) hydroxides (Fig. 12). The high Fe, S04, and Ca
concentrations are consistent with abundant gypsum observed by XRD and visible Fe(III)
hydroxides. The high Mn concentration, mainly in the exchangeable fraction of the cementation
zone, is interpreted as a result of calcite dissolution in this leach, similarly as discussed above for
Ojancos. The enrichment of the heavy metals Cu, Zn, Mo, as well as of As in the cementation
zone is strongly associated to Fe(III) hydroxides and the exchangeable fraction, suggesting they
are adsorbed to ferric polymers.

Chapter 6: Influence of carbonate-rich prima/y minera/ogy

Drill core 01 P. Cerda, sequence A

paste pH Na(%) Fe(%) Mg(%) Ca(%)

6 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 0


E 200

E 3oo
~ 400

0 5 10 15 20 25
H,O (wl% )
K (%) Al(%) Cu (ppm) Zn (ppm) Pb (ppm)
0 2 3 1000 2000 100 200 20 40 60


E 200

E 3oo
~ 400

Mn (ppm) Mo (ppm) As (ppm) V(ppm) Ti(%)

400 800 1200 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 10 20 30 40 0 40 80 120 0.1 0.2 0.3


E 200

E 3oo
~ 400

Sequential Extractions
• NH4-Ac (exchangeable) ~ oxidation zone

Na-OC (carbonates)
Hydroxylamine HCI (Mn(ll) & Fe(lll)hydroxides)
D primary zone
paste pH
+ NH4-0xH (Fe(lll)oxides)
x H 202 (organic +cv, cc-dg) H 20(wt%)

• HC104, HF, HN03 (residual)

Fig. 12: Results of sequential extraction (sequence A) of drill core 01 from the P. Ce rda impoundment No. 6.

Chapter 6: Influence of carbonate-rich primat)' minera /ogy

Drill core 03 P. Cerda, sequence B

paste pH ABA (1CaCO>IHXl01) Fe(%} S04(%) Ca(%)

·80 -40 0 40 80 120 0 2 4 6 4

~ 200



0 5 10 15 20 25
H,O (wt%)
K(%} Al(%) Cu (ppm) Zn (ppm) Pb (ppm)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 2 3 0 2000 4000 0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80

t) 200




Mn (ppm) Mo (ppm) As (ppm) V (ppm) Ti(%)

400 800 1200 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 20 40 60 80 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2

~ 200




Sequential Extractions Acid-Base-Accounting (ABA)

o H20 (water-soluble) • Acid Potential (AP)
o NH4-Ac (exchangeable) • Neutralization Potential (NP)
1>. NH4-0xD (Fe(lll)hydroxides)
• Sulfide Net Neutralization Potential (SNNP)
+ NH4·0xH (Fe(lll)oxides)
x H202 (organic +cv, cc-dg) D primary zone
• KCI03, HCI, HN03 (sulfides) ~ oxidation zone
• HCI04, HF, HNOa (residual)
mm cementation zone
paste pH
H2 0(wt%)

Fig. 13: Resu/ts of sequential extraction (sequence B) of drill core 03 from the P. Ce rda impoundment No. 4.

Table 4: Drill core 01 from P. Ce rda impoundment No. 6 /CP-ES results of sequence A

Abbreviations as in appendix. 2 165

Chapter 6: Influence of carbonate-rich primmy minera/ogy

6_6.2.3 Conclusion P. Cerda impoundments

The neutralization potential of the P. Cerda tailings is high enough to maintain pH at
neutra} values and show high calcite contents. Nevertheless, and in despite of the high carbonate
environment, pyrite oxidation takes place, as shown by the formation of an oxidation zone with
precipitation of secondary Fe(III) hydroxides essentially in the fine grained horizons, similarly as
in Ojancos (Fig. 4C).
Due to high water input during operation, a constant water flow downstream is assumed
for the P. Cerda impoundment No 6, as observed presently in the case of Ojancos. Calcite
distribution is homogeneous, whereas the pyrite content varies strongly, leading to locally strong
differences in the ABA. Acidic, metal rich solutions may migrate and form "acid spots" or
"channels" as shown by the Ojancos effluents, or if the pH is buffered to neutra!, ferric polymers
will hydrolyze.
In this case, the neutra! pH will have the effect that the liberated metal cations and anions
will adsorb to the polymers and may be transported downstream to the older impoundment No.
4. This would explain the metals enrichments in the cementation zone.
When operation of the mineral processing plant stopped, it is assumed that under the
extreme arid conditions of this area, an upwards water migration by capillary force as reported
by Dold and Fontboté (in review) could develop, resulting in tailings with low neutralizing
potential, to the formation of water-soluble efflorescent salts at the top of the tailings. The lack
of water in the upper part of the tailings may decrease the sulfide oxidation rates and the high
carbonate content of the studied oxidation zone of the tailings impoundments of P. Cerda
maintain the pH at a neutrallevel, favoring the adsorption of liberated elements, and decreasing
their mobility. The total absence of secondary efflorescent salts at the top of the P. Cerda tailings
impoundments indicates that the carbonate buffered pH suppresses the upwards migration of
liberated element during sulfide oxidation. Thus, it can be stated that the P. Cerda tailings
impoundments No. 4 and 6 do not present a hazardous potential of water contamination by
metal-rich seepage. Nevertheless, restart of operation could increase oxidation rates via water
input and enhance metal mobility. Also aeolian transport of heavy metal containing tailings
should be prevented by a simple cover of inert waste-rock.

Table 5: Drill core 03 from P. Ce rda impoundment No. 4 /CP-ES results of sequence B

Abbreviations as in appendix. 3 167

Chapter 6: Influence of carbonate-rich prinzG/)' minera/ogy

6.7 Summary and conclusions

The geochemical and mineralogical study of two sulfide-rich flotation tailings sites from
the Fe-oxide Cu-Au Punta del Cobre belt has given insight in the influence of carbonate-rich
mineralogy on element mobility in arid climates, and the role of impoundment construction with
regard to enrichment processes.
Sequential extractions in combination with mineralogical studies have proven to be an
important tool to discriminate between primary and secondary mineralogy and the associated
geochemical processes. This is important, because the origin of the tailings and their potential
acid production and neutralization may vary strongly, as in the here presented case studies. It has
been shown that the adapted 7-step extraction sequence B (chapter 3) supports detailed
information about primary and secondary differences in the Cu-sulfide tailings.
The selected tailings impoundments include, in the case of Ojancos, old material
(impoundment No. 2 ceased operation 1977) and recently deposited material ("2H" tailings). In
the case of P. Cerda, the older impoundment No. 4 has been out of operation since 1965 and the
younger No. 6 since 1975. In both cases the older tailings filled a valley dam impoundment and
after operation ceased (Ojancos No. 2 and P. Cerda No. 4), new tailings were deposited upstream
(Ojancos "2H" and P. Cerda No. 6). The Ojancos tailings are characterized by a stratification of
intervals rich in calcite (about 40 wt.% calcite and 2 wt.% pyrite) and therefore with high
neutralizing potential and sections with high acid potential (about 3 wt.% calcite and 4 wt.%
pyrite), whereas in the P. Cerda tailings, the neutralization potential is more homogenous
distributed and generally exceeds the acid potential (about 10 wt.% calcite and up to 2.5 wt.%
pyrite). Nevertheless, it is assumed that also in P. Cerda locally the acid potential may exceed the
neutralization potential, as average calcite contents are about 10 wt.% and maximum pyrite
contents about 2.5 wt. %, wh at gives sulfide net neutralization potential of about 10 t
CaC03/ lOOOt. A NP/AP mol ratio of 4 is necessary to neutralize the 4 moles of protons produced
by l mole of pyrite with calcite with the assumption that at pH 7 HC03- is the stable carbonate
specie. This suggests that the P. Cerda tailings are from the ABA point of view at the limit of
acid producing conditions.
The carbonate-rich tailings show clear indications of pyrite oxidation. Blowes et al.
( 1998) reported the formation of an oxidation zone in a sulfide-baring carbonate-rich gold-mine
tailings impoundment, Joute!, Québec, Canada. The oxidation and cementation zones of the
Ojancos and P. Cerda tailings impoundments show similar features (Table 6). The oxidation
zones are characterized by an alternating layering of coarse, dark gray, un-oxidized horizons
with fine-grained, reddish-brown to ochre oxidized horizons. The less-oxidized, coarser horizons
are generally richer in pyrite than the finer horizons, possibly due to gravity separation during
tailings deposition. The lower oxidation degree results possibly from their lower moisture
retention capacity. This suggests that the arid climate limits in part pyrite oxidation due to the
lack of water as reactant and that this can not counter-balance the reputed increase of the pyrite
oxidation rate in presence of carbonate (Evangelou and Zhang, 1995).
The cementation zones are homogeneous, low in permeability, reddish-brown, rich in
Fe(III) hydroxides, mainly higher ordered ferrihydrite and goethite due to pH values above 4,

Chapter 6: Influence of carbonate-rich prùnal)' minera/ogy

low sulfide contents, and develop preferentially in areas doser to seepage input coming from the
new recently deposited tailings, what is confirmed in Ojancos and P. Cerda by higher heavy
metals concentrations found in drill cores at the foot of the "2H" tailings (H 1 and S8) and in
impoundment No. 4 (03), respectively.

Table 6: Mineralogica/ characteristics of the oxidation and cementation zone of the tailùzgs impoundments Ojancos
No. 2 and P. Cerda No. 4.
Ojancos No. 2 P. Cerda No. 4
primary secondary pnmary Secondary
oxidation zone dark gray, mt Reddish-brown to dark gray, mt (up Reddish-brown to
(up to 10%), ca- ochre horizons to 10% ), ca-rich ochre horizons
rich (-40 wt.%), Fe(III) hydroxides (- 10 wt.%), py Fe(III) hydroxides
py (1.5-2.9 (th, gt)* (-1 wt.%), chl-ep (th, gt)*
wt.%) alteration
cementation zone chi- ep Homogeneous chl-ep alteration Homogeneous
alteration reddish-brown, 5-6 reddish-brown, fh*,
line th, gt,jt, gy 0
, gt*, gy 0 , decrease
decrease of ca, of ca
K = 3.2xio- 8 - K = 3.3x 10-8 -
4.4x w- 8 m/s, 3.6x 1o- 8 mis,
< 1.7 wt.% py" < 0.34 wt. o/opy
Abbre1•iation as in Table /, chf = chlorite, ep = epidote, K = permeability, *indications but not unequivocally
0 0
prol'ed, tertiary mineral, the calculation is based on the S-sulfide content, but seconda1y sulfide precipitation (cv)
in this zone suggest thar the effectil•e pyrite content is lower supported by microscopie resu/ts.

Two main possibilities of downwards transport of the liberated heavy metals are
recognized in these carbonate-containing tailings.
l.) If the carbonate is not homogeneously distributed in the tailings material, but following
randomly distributed intercalations as in the case of the Ojancos "2H" tailings, acid mine
drainage will form and seeps downwards. If these acid solutions get in contact with oxidizing
conditions as those prevailing at the tailings surface, acid mine drainage precipitates may form.
lts composition will depend on the chemical composition of the effluent and this can vary
strongly at small scale (e.g., schwertmannite at a pH 3.15 and chalcoalumite at a pH 4.90
precipitate a few cm apart at Ojancos, Fig. 4B), and indicate that the effluents may form their
own solution flow path protected from reactive host rocks. If these acid solutions seep, without
getting in contact with oxidizing conditions into the downstream impoundment, the hydrolysis of
secondary ferric phases (e.g., ferrihydrite, goethite, and locally jarosite detected by DXRD) may
be initiated by pH increase, for example due to carbonate-rich layers. Higher ordering of the 5 to
6-line ferrihydrite (detected by DXRD, Fig. 7), presumed to form because of formation by slow
oxidation and hydrolysis (Schwertmann et al., 1999) and is in contrast to the normally lower
ordered ferrihydrites (2- to 4- line) encountered in acid mine drainage environment (Nordstrom
and Alpers, 1999). As the cementation zone is located below the water table slightly reducing

Chapter 6: Influence of carbonate-rich primary minera/ogy

conditions prevail. It has to be assumed that the main oxidation from ferrous to ferric iron takes
place in the "2H" tailings as microbial oxidation tests (data not shown) do not show important
oxidation of Fe2+ in a sample from the cementation zone. These indications lead to the
interpretation that the oxidation rate is high in the "2H" tailings and iron seeps as Fe:l+ in low pH
solution (< 3) into the tailings impoundment No. 2, where a slow hydrolysis, initiated by the
slight pH increase to 4 with contact at the cementation zone will form higher ordered
Heavy metals may be adsorbed by secondary ferric phases as shown by the results of
sequential extractions. Bivalent Cu mobilized under acid conditions may precipitate as secondary
covellite under slightly reducing conditions (Boorman and Watson, 1976; Blowes and Jambor,
1990; Lin and Qvarfort, 1996; Holmstrom et al., in review), as those encountered below the
ground water level, documented by an increase in the H202-leach of sequential extraction and by
microscopie study. With increasing pH values> 4 the adsorption of Cu increases, shown by the
exchangeable fraction of sequential extractions, and the precipitation of secondary Cu-sulfides
decreases. Mo and Pb may precipitate as secondary sulfide minerais.
2.) If high neutralizing potential maintains pH near neutral values, the mobility of the
liberated metals depends essentially on the adsorption behavior of these elements under neutra]
conditions. Bivalent cations as weil as oxyanions are adsorbed at neutra] pH on ferric hydroxides
(Dzombak and Morel, 1990; Webster et al., 1998). These ferric polymers will hydrolyze soon
after their formation and are available as adsorbant for the liberated heavy metals. With a high
water input during the operation of an upstream impoundment these metal-rich polymers may be
transported downwards, Jeading to enrichment in the older downstream impoundment. This
mechanism is suggested in the case of the P. Cerda impoundments as geochemical data from the
cementation zone shows only enrichment in heavy metals in the adsorbed fraction and the
fraction of the Fe(III) hydroxides. If the metals would have been transported as ac id solutions as
in case of Ojancos, sorne indications of secondary sulfide formation may be found at least in the
lower part of the cementation zone, where the enrichment in heavy metals are strong and
reducing conditions may prevail.
The enrichment of liberated elements observed in the downstream tailings is, under the
prevailing extreme arid conditions, strictly associated to the high water input (4000 m:lfmonth in
case of Ojancos) on the upstream tailings during operation. Once this water input ceased, the
migration should have changed to upwards, similarly as described by Dold and Fontboté (in
review) for other tailings located under Mediterranean to arid conditions. However, and in
contrast to the enrichment of mobile elements as water-soluble salts observed at the top of the El
Salvador tailings impoundment in a evaporation zone (Dold and Fontboté, in review), no
enrichment in water-soluble form of any analyzed element can be observed at the top of the P.
Cerda impoundments No. 4 and 6. The reason has to be seen in the neutral pH condition
throughout the whole tailings, which increase adsorption and decrease mobility of the liberated
elements. The fen·ic polymers do not seem to be able to migrate upwards via capillary force, as
already shown by in the acid tailings impoundment at El Salvador. The element distribution
documented in the P. Cerda tailings impoundments indicates relatively immobility under the
present conditions and element mobilization has not to be expected even in case of one of the

Chapter 6: Influence of carbonate-rich primmy minera/ogy

strong periodic rainfalls occurring in this area, as no metals are available in form of water-
soluble phases. However, new water input through the restarting of operation would increase the
pyrite oxidation rates. This has to be seen critical, as the ABA of the tailings of P. Cerda is at the
limit to acid generation and acid mine drainage may be formed. To prevent aeolian transport of
the tailings a simple cover with inert waste rock would be sufficient.
As a results of the hydrogeologie setting of two valley dam tailings impoundments in
Ojancos and P. Cerda, and in particular high metal concentrations in the cementation zones (e.g.,
Cu, Zn, and Pb), it is suggested that this type of impoundment construction leads to an
enrichment of heavy metals in the downstream, older impoundment in the area near the seepage
inflow (Fig. 14). This enrichment may be economically interesting and, in certain cases, could
make a re-treatment of the tailings feasible. Adequate impoundment construction may profit
from these enrichment processes. It must be pointed out that an application of this enrichment
process at industrial scale must be controlled by severa! security implementations, including
exact knowledge of the hydrological parameters, and liners to prevent infiltration of AMD to
underlying aquifers. Additionally, it has to be ensured that in the downstream tailings, enough
neutralization potential is available for the acid produced upstream.

sulfide oxidation
element mobilization
recent discharge point

,------- ----- -=.. . -- --

······ ··············.....··
, • ' 1 • • • ..

potential en rich ment zone

Fig. 14: Proposed mode! of secondary enrichment processes as a result of impoundment construction with the
potential enriclzment zone.


I thank the management and ail staff involved in this project from Cfa. Minera Sali
Hochschild S.A. and Cfa. Minera Ojos del Salado S.A. for their interest, the access to their
properties, their logistic support and their collaboration, especially B. Zamora (Planta Ojancos,
Compafiia Minera Sali Hochschild S.A.), W. Rojas (Compafiia Minera Ojos del Salado). For
their support in Chile in the field work, sampling, sample preparation, and analytical approaches

Chapter 6: Influence of carbonate-rich primai)' minera/ogy

I would like thank to G. Caceres, K. Eppinger and their staff (IDICTEC - University of
Atacama), S. Elqueta (Geological Department, University of Chile, Santiago), B. Escobar, J.
Wiertz, and J. Casas (Chemical Department, Biometallurgy, University of Chile, Santiago), R.
Troncoso, A. Hauser, C. Reuschmann, C. Espejo, E. Fonseca, W. Vivallio, I. Aguirre (Servicio
Nacional de Geologfa y Minerfa, SERNAGEOMIN), W. Eberle, and H.W. Müller
(Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe BGR). The project is supported by the
German Academie Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Swiss National Science Foundation
project No. 21-50778.97.


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Copiap6 ..


7 Selective metal retention by ferric oxyhydroxides and oxyhydroxide sulfates

in sulfide mine tailings and their importance to acid production


Fe(III) oxyhydroxides are weil known for their ability to scavenge heavy metals, due to
their functional groups and high surface areas. During the present investigation, the application of
differentiai X-ray diffraction (DXRD) to detected schwertmannite (ideally between
Fes0s(OH)6S04 and Fe!6ÛJ6(0H)10(S04h) in the oxidation zone of two sulfidic mine tailings
from the porphyry copper mines of La Andina and El Teniente (Chile) as a minor phase in bulk
samples. Schwertmannite occurs as a significant secondary phase together with the main
secondary minerais jarosite (KFe3(S0 4h(OH) 6) and a vermiculite-type mixed layer. A
dissolution kinetic test with eight natural and synthetic schwertmannite and ferrihydrite
(5Fe203·9H20) samples was perfonned using 0.2 M ammonium oxalate at pH 3 under exclusion
of light (NH 4-0xD) to study the possibility of discrimination of one of these minerais by its
dissolution kinetics. The results of the dissolution kinetic test were taken into account for the
design of a sequential extraction procedure adapted to the secondary mineralogy of the studied
mine tailings. The variations of Fe/S mole ratios in the NH 4-0xD leach suggest that
schwertmannite together with jarosite is limited to the oxidation zone and that the predominant
ferric oxyhydroxide in the zones below is possibly ferrihydrite. Higher values of Mo, As and
S04 in the NH 4-0xD leach in samples from the oxidation zone and in situ microprobe analysis
indicate that schwertmannite and jarosite play an important role in oxyanion adsorption by
ligand exchange under acidic conditions or possible coprecipitation (and solid solution). In
contrast, bivalent cations (e.g., Cu2+, Mn2+, Zn2+) are not adsorbed by these minerais, because of
competitive proton adsorption at outstanding OH- groups. Below the oxidation zone,
ferrihydrite together with other adsorbents (clay minerais, Mn-oxides) plays a major role in the
pH-controlled adsorption of bivalent cations mobilized downwards from the oxidation zone.
For acid-base accounting it is assumed in general that Fe(OHhcs) or ferrihydrite hydrolyses
from solution with the production of 3 moles H+fmole Fe3+ hydrolyzed. The hydrolysis of
jarosite produce only 2 moles of H+ and schwertmannite between 2.625 and 2.75, respectively
per mole of Fe3+. The results suggest that this difference must be taken into account by
calcula ti on of the quantity of acid produced, as hydrolysis of the secondary ferric phases is the
main acid producing process in sulfide oxidation. Nevertheless, it is important to be aware that
for calculation of the acid potential in case of carbonate treatment, due to increased pH values,
ferrihydrite or goethite will be produced, leading to the production of 3 moles H+fmole Fe3+.

7.1 Introduction

Three tailings impoundments of the giant porphyry copper deposits El Teniente, La

Andina, and El Salvador, Cllile were studied. The aim of this project was to investigate the
mineralogical and geochemical changes at the interface between the oxidation zone and the
Chapter 7: Selective metal retention and acid production byferric o,,yh)·droxides and oxy hydroxide sulfates

pnmary (sulfide) zone in sulfidic copper flotation tailings as a contribution to understanding

processes taking place subsequent to sulfide oxidation, specially element mobility and sorption
to secondary phases. The tailings impoundments are seen as open-air laboratory and we focus in
this paper on the role of the secondary mineral ogy to metal retention by sorption processes and
the influence of climate to metal mobility. Detailed discussion of element mobilization in these
tailings are described in chapter 5 and 6.
The stratigraphy of an oxidizing sulfidic mine tailing is usually divided into an oxidation
zone at the top (pH 1.5 -3.5, high sulfate contents), followed by a neutralization zone below (pH
3.5 - 5) and an underlying primary zone with near-neutral pH (Fig. 3). The fom1ation of
secondary Fe(III) minerais depends essentially on pH and element activity. Jarosite and goethite
are reported as common secondary ferric oxyhydroxides or oxyhydroxide sulfates in sulfide-rich
tailings. Ferrihydrite, lepidocrocite, akagan ite, and maghemite are other identified secondary
ferric phases in this environment (Jambor and Blowes, 1998).
Schwertmmmite (ideally Fes0s(OH)6S04 or Fe,6ÛJ6(0H)to(S04)3) has been reported
from severa! locations around the world, as precipitate in heavy metal and sulfate loaded drainage
systems (Bigham et al. 1990, 1994, 1996; Childs et al. 1998; Schwertmann et al. 1995, Yu et al.
1998). Webster et al. ( 1998) studied the adsorption behavior of Cu , Zn, Pb, and Cd with a
natura1 acid mine drainage precipitate, a synthetic schwertmannite, and a synthetic 2-line
ferrihydrite. Jamieson et al. ( 1995) reported an oxyhydroxysulfate, which they reported that is
possibly schwertmannite on the basis of electron microprobe analysis from Geco tailings,
Ontario, Canada. However, electron microprobe analysis is not sufficient to identify
schwertmannite, due to the possibility that the S04 content leading to the stoichiometric
composition of schwertmannite may only be adsorbed as oxyanion at law pH conditions to
Fe(III) hydroxides. Lin (1996) reported the presence of schwertmannite and ferrihydrite in the
Rudolfsgruvan mine waste rock dump, central Sweden. The presented XRD do not show a clear
identification of these minerais. In the present study we could determine the presence of
schwertmannite in the oxidation zone of two sulfide mine tailings impoundments at the La
Andina and El Teniente mines (Chile) by differentiai X-ray diffraction (DXRD) and study its
role to selective adsorption of oxyanions.

7.2 Material and methods

Polished sections, polished thin sections, X-ray diffraction (XRD), differentiai X-ray
diffraction (DXRD), SEM-EDS, and electron microprobe was used for the mineralogical study.
Dissolution kinetics tests with eight natural and synthetic schwertmannite and ferrihydrite
(5Fe203'9H 20 ; fl1) samples were perfom1ed using 0.2 M anm1onium oxalate at pH 3 under
exclusion of light (NH 4-0xD) to study the possibility of discrimination of one of these
secondary minerais by its dissolution kinetics (chapter 4). The results of the dissolution kinetics
tests were used to detect these secondary ferric phases by DXRD and have been taken into
account for the design of the sequential extractions applied in this study (chapter 3; Table 1).
The solutions were submitted to multi-element ICP-ES analysis. To control the accuracy an
analysis of a total HNOJ, HF, HCL04 digestion of every sample was done.

Chapt er 7: Selective metal retention and ac id production by ferric oxyhydroxides and oxyhydroxide sulfates

Table 1: Sequential extraction B applied in this studr (abbreviations: bn: b01·nite; ca: calcite; cb: cinnabar; cc:
chalcocite; cv: covellite; cp: chalcopyrite; dg: digenite; jh: ferrihydrite; gn: ga/ena; gt: goethite; gy: gypsum; hm:
hematite; ilin: i/menite; jt: jarosite; Na-jt: natrojarosite; mb: molybdenite; mt: magnetite; op: orpiment; py: pyrite;
sh · schwertmannite; si: splw lerite; stb: stibnite; ln: tennantite; 11: tetrahedrife).
Leach Preferentially dissolved References
( 1) Water soluble fraction secondary sulfates, e.g., chapter 5 and 6; Ribet et al.,
1.0 g sample into 50ml bonattite, chalcanthite, gy, 1995; Fanfani et al., 1997
deionizied H20 shake for 1 h. pickeringite, magnesioauberite
(2) exchangeable fraction ca, venniculite-type-mixed-1ayer, chapter 5; Gatehouse et al.,
1M NH4-acetate pH 4.5 shake for adsorbed and exchangeable ions 1977; Sondag, 1981;Fonseca
2 hrs and Martin, 1986
(3) Fe(lll) oxyhydroxides sh, 2-1 ine tl1, secondary jt, Schwertmann, 1964; Stone,
0.2 M NH4-oxalate pH 3.0 shake Mn02 1987; chapter 4
for 1 h. in darkness
(4) Fe(lll) oxides gt, jt, Na-jt, hm, mt, higher chapter 3.
0.2 M NH4-oxalate pH 3.0 heat in ordered fl1 s (e.g. , 6-line fh)
water bath 80j C for 2 hours
(5) organics and secondary Cu- organics , cv, cc-dg Sondag, 1981 ;, chapter 5
35% H202 heat in water bath for
1 hour
(6) primary sulfides py, cp, bn, si, gn, mb, tt, cb, Chao and Sanzolone, 1977;
Combination of KCI03 and HCI, op, stb Hall et al., 1996
followed by 4 M HN03 boil ing
(7) residual Silicates, residual Hall et al., 1996; Dold et al.,
HN03, HF, HCI04, HCL 1996

7.3 Results and discussion

Dissolution kinetics tests using 0.2 M ammonium oxalate at pH 3 under exclusion of light
(NH 4 -0xD) indicate that it is not possible to discriminate schwertmannite and ferrihydrite (2-
line) by their dissolution kinetics (Fig. 1). Schwertmannite dissolves fastest (> 94% in 60 min),
followed by the natural 2-line ferrihydrites (> 85% after 60 min) and the synthetic ferrihydrites
(41.8% 2-line fh and 16.4% 6-line th after 60 min). However, it is possible to distinguish these
minerais by combining the dissolution results with their Fe/S mole ratios. This allows selective
leaching of schwertmannite and felTihydrite and minimizes the dissolution of other reducible
phases (e.g., hematite, magnetite, goethite, andjarosite) . Nevertheless, higher potassium values in
NH4-0xD leach of samples from the oxidation zone and DXRD control have shown that an

Chapter 7: Selective metal retention and acid production by fel-rie oxyhydroxides and oxyhydroxide sulfates

easily reducible part of jarosite is also dissolved after lh in this step. For detailed discussion of
the dissolution kinetics see chapter 4.
The application ofDXRD (Fig. 2) has detected schwertmannite (sh) in the oxidation zone
oftwo sulfidic mine tailings as a minor phase in bulk samples (Piuquenes tailings impoundment
of the La Andina porphyry copper deposit, humid-alpine climate, and the Cauquenes tailings
impoundment of the El Teniente porphyry copper deposit, semi-arid climate, both located in
central Chile). The orange-brown to brown schwertmannite occurs as dots or streaks in the fine
grained horizons and is emiched at the interface of fine to coarser grained horizons, due to
capillary barrier controlled water flow. This distribution of schwertmannite indicates that it is
preferentially associated with water flow paths, possibly because through dilution pH is
increased to a sufficient value for its precipitation (2.8-3.5, Bigham et al. 1996). Schwertmannite
occurs as a significant secondary phase together with the main secondary minerais jarosite
(KFe3(S04)2(0H)6) and a vermiculite-type mixed layer.

"C 70
~ 60
X Sh4
.fa 50 ~Bt3-Fh-2L
~ 40
~ 30
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
time (min.)

Fig. 1: Dissolution kinetic curves of three natural sh (PR /, PR2, MS3) and one synthetic sh (Sh4), two natural 2-
/ine jh (MS!. Bt3). and one synthetic 6-/inefh (Fh-6L) Jlelfonned with 0.2 M NH4-oxalate pH 3, dark. Mineral
abbreviations as in Table / .

The variations ofFe/S mole ratios in the NH4-0xD leach (Fig. 3) and XRD results suggest
that schwertmannite together with jarosite is limited to the oxidation zone and that the
predominant ferric oxyhydroxide in the zones below is possibly ferrihydrite. The pH-controlled
distribution of these minerais in the tailings stratigraphy is consistent with observations made b y
Schwertmann et al. (1995) in a natural stream environn1ent showing that ferrihydrite is stable at
less acidic conditions (pH> 4) than schwertmannite (pH 3-4) and jarosite (pH< 3).
In the Piuquenes tailings impoundment, the higher values of Mo, As and S04 in the NH4-
0xD leach in samples from the oxidation zone and in situ microprobe analysis (Fig. 5) indicate
that schwertmannite and jarosite play an important role for the oxyanion adsorption by ligand
exchange under acidic conditions. In contrast, bivalent cations (e .g., Zn2+ , Mn2+, Pb2+) are not

Chapter 7: Selective metal retention and acid production by ferric oxyhydroxides and oxyhydroxide sulfates

2 _55 A DXRD AS3/016 Corrected k=0.88

Fig. 2: DXRD of a hand selected schwertmannite rich sample fi"om the Piuquenes tailings (AS3/0 /6) aft er 15 min.
treatment with NH4-oxalate pH 3 under exclusion of light compared to a XRD scan of a synthetic sclnvertmannite
sample (Sh syn). ASJ/016 Fe(/1/)streak and ASJ/0/6 !5min.OxAcD shows the dijji-actograms before and after
treatment, respective/y. The Fe/S mole ratio in solution is 4.9 and the iron content is 2.6 %. A dissolution test
with the schwertmannite containing tailings sample AS3/0 /6 shows fast dissolution of this iron phase (88.4%
after 15 min).

adsorbed (at pH < 4 ) by these minerais, because of competitive proton adsorption at

outstanding OH- groups. Below the oxidation zone, ferrihydrite together with other adsorbents
(clay minerais, Mn-oxides) plays a major role in the pH controlled adsorption of bivalent cations
mobilized downwards from the oxidation zone (Fig. 3).

Fe(%) NH4-0xD leach pH

0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0 2 4 6 8 l!dsorbed jgns
100 -- . S04-, HzAs04-•
HMo04 -

Cu 2+

; 400 (
," Mn2+

...0.. 500
primary zone ,'
'' Zn2+

600 1
1 Pb2+
700 --Fe --pH 1
800 - - -Fe/S l - - -Zn a1sorbed
- ooMo HH4-0xD
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
Fe/S mol ratio NH4-0xD Zn & Mo ppm
Fig. 3: Typica/ porphyry copper tailings stratigraphy (e.g. Piuquenes A2) with secondmy minera/ogy Oarosite = jt,
schwertmannite = sh, vermiculite-type mixed layer clay mineral = ver, gypsum =gy, ferrihydrite = jh), pH, and Fe, and
Fe/S mole ratio variation in the ferric oxyhydroxide leach (NH4-0xD). Adsorbed Zn values are fi"om the 1M NH4-
acetate leach. The general trend ofadwrbed ion species is shawn at the right.

Chapter 7: Selective metal retention and acid production by f erric oxyhydroxides and oxyhydroxide sulfates

Fig. 4: Undisturbed samples of tailing sediments rich in Fe(///) myhydroxide streaks from the Piuquenes
impoundment were impregnated with epoxy resin and a thin section of this sediment was prepared. SEM-EDS
element mapping for major elements show th at Fe and S, the major elements of schwertmannite, are enriched at
the streaks of jluid paths. Su/fur could also be adsorbed as sulfate to goethite and/or ferrihydrite if present.
Potassium as a tracer for jarosite, shows no relationship to the streak.

AS3/0 16 sh - streak
microsonde scan1 corrected

semi-quantitative microprobe analysis


Fig. 5: Semi-quantitative microprobe mwlysis of schwertmannite streaks (.çh-streak) of sample ASJ/016

(Piuquenes) showing increasing concentrations of Fe, Sand Mo. The higher content of Mo in the sh-streak suggest
the adsorption ofmolybdate at sh under law pH (2.5-3.5). The slight enrichment of Mo in the sh-streak indicates a
certain mobility of this element, possibly transported as adsorbed oxyanion at ferric polymers. Arsenic does not
show increased values in the sh-streak, this may indicate that arsenate is Jess mobile and possib/y adsorbed at
disseminated or coprecipitated with jarosite.

Chapt er 7: Selective metal retention and ac id production by je1-ric oxyhydroxides and oxyhydroxide sulfates

In the Cauquenes tailings impoundment (semi-arid climate), the adsorption behavior is

similar, but in places the very mobile elements Cu and Zn are enriched in the oxidation zone as
water soluble secondary minerais (e.g., chalcanthite CuS0 4·5H20, see chapter 5). This
superposition is induced by capillary-upwards migration which is controlled by high
evaporation, finer grain size, and higher moisture conditions prevailing mainly in the center of the
impoundment. In hyper-arid conditions (El Salvador; Atacama desert, Northern Chile) copper is
enriched up to 5% in the upper part of the tailings stratigraphy as water soluble fraction (mainly
chalcanthite ).
Results have shown that the main secondary ferric phases in the oxidation zone are jarosite
and schwertmannite in the Piuquenes and Cauquenes tailings. For acid-base accounting in general
it is assumed that Fe(OHh(s) or ferrihydrite hydrolyzes from solution with the production of 3
moles H+fmole Fe3+ hydrolyzed. The hydrolysis of jarosite produces only 2 moles H+ and that
of schwertmannite between 2.625 and 2. 75 (Table. 1). This difference must be taken into account
into the calculation of the quantity of ac id produced, as hydrolysis of the secondary ferric phases
is the main acid producing process in sulfide oxidation. Nevertheless, it is important to point out
that for calculation of the acid potential (AP) in case of lime or carbonate treatment, due to
increased pH values, ferrihydrite or goethite will be produced, leading to the production of 3
moles H+/mole Fe3+_

Table 1: Amount of protons produced br the hvdroh·sis of the different secondaiT Fe(!li) phases.
Phase Equation moles H+fmole
fe3+h drol zed
amp. Fe(OH)3(s) Fe3+ + 3H20 = Fe(OH)3(s) + 3H+ 3
ferrihydrite 10 Fe3+ + 60H20 = 5Fe203'9H20 + 30H+ 3
goethite fe3++ 2H20 = FeO(OH)+ 3H+ 3
hematite 2fe3++ 3H20 = Fe203 +6H+ 3
schwertmannite 8fe3+ + so}· + 14H20 =FegOg (OH) 6S04 + 22H+ 2. 75
16fe3+ + 3So}· +26H20 ç:.feJ6016(0H)iO(S04)3+ 42W
jaros ite 3fe3+ + K+ 2So}· + 6Hz0ç:. KFe3(S04)2 (OH)6+ 6H+ 2

Plumlee ( 1999) pointed out that the oxidation of sulfide minerais by aqueous ferric iron
genera tes significantly grea ter quantities of ac id than the oxidation by oxygen (see equations 1, 3
and 4). This is correct in the case that ferric iron is added to the system (e.g., in fom1 of primary
fen·ic minerais or as reported in chapter 6, where ferric iron is produced upstream and seeps
downstream into an older tailings impoundment as acid mine drainage).

FeS 2 + 7/ 2 0 2 + H20 -7 FeS0 4 + S0 42- + 2H+ (1)

Fe 2+ + 1/40 2 + H+ {=> Fe 3
+ + H20 (2)
reaction rates strongly increased by
microbial activity (e.g., Thiobaci!lus ferrooxidans)

3+ 2+ 2- +
FeS 2 + 14 Fe + 8H 20 -7 15 Fe + 2S0 4 + 16H (3)
2MeS + 4Fe 3+ + 302 + 2H20 -7 2Me 2+ +4Fe 2+ + 2So/· + 4H+ (4)

Chapter 7: Selective metal retention and acid production by ferric oxyhydroxides and oxyhydroxide sulfates

In contrast, if it is considered that the ferric iron is produced by the oxidation from ferrous
iron in the system (e.g., microbiologically catalyzed pyrite oxidation), for every mole of ferric
iron produced one mole of protons is consumed (equation 2). This leads to the same overall
produced quantity of two protons per mole pyrite oxidized as in case of pyrite oxidation via 0 2
(compare equations 1, 2, and 3). The overall net pyrite oxidation via oxygen with hydrolysis of
ferric hydroxides produces 4 moles of H+ per mole pyrite oxidized (equation 5). The overall net
pyrite oxidation via ferric iron with hydrolysis of ferric hydroxides produces 6 moles of H+ per
mole pyrite oxidized (equation 6). But, in equation 6 it has to be considered that before the two
moles of Fe(OH)3(s) can hydrolyze, 2 moles of protons will be consumed by the oxidation of the
2 moles of ferrous iron resulting from the left half reaction of equation 6 to the ferric iron
(equation 2). Thus, effectively 4 moles of protons are produced by the pyrite oxidation via ferric
iron, the same amount as by the oxidation via oxygen.

Fe(OH) 3 + 2SO/- + 4H+ (5)

2Fe(OH)3 + 2S042- + 6H+ (6)

Additionally, it has to be taken in account that in case of oxidation via ferric iron no acidity
can be produced via the hydrolysis of the ferric phases (equation 3), the main acid producing
process in sulfide oxidation (see equation 4 this chapter and Table 1). Thus, the sulfide oxidation
by ferric iron has faster kinetics (Moses et al., 1987) and is able to oxidize sulfide minerais in the
absence of oxygen, but it does not produce more acid as the oxidation via oxygen if it is
considered that ferric iron is formed in the system.

7.4 Conclusions

The presence of schwertmannite in the oxidation zone of two tailings (Piuquenes from La
Andina and Cauquenes from El Teniente) was detem1ined by DXRD and is also supported by
SEM-EDS element mapping, fast dissolution kinetics in NH4-oxalate, Fe/S mole ratio of 4.9,
typical pH from 2.8 to 3.5, and its orange brown color.
Schwertmannite occurs as dots or streaks in the fine grained horizons or is enriched at the
interface of fine to coarser grained horizons, due to capillary barrier controlled water flow. This
distribution of schwertmannite indicates that it is preferentially associated with water flow paths
and possibly dilution effects increase the pH to the level necessary (2.8-3.5) for its precipitation.
Schwertmannite, together with jarosite plays an important role in the adsorption of
oxyanions in the oxidation zone. Bivalent cations (e.g., Cu2+, Zn2+, Mn2+, Pb2+) are leached out
of the oxidation zone and enriched stratigraphically below by adsorption processes to Fe(III)
hydroxides as ferrihydrite or other adsorbents (clay minerais, Mn-oxides), replacement of
sulfides (in case ofCu2+ only), and co-precipitation processes. These enrichments are guided by
neutralization processes which increase the pH in the underlying zones and control the pH-
dependent adsorption of these elements.

Chapter 7: Selective metal retention and ac id production by ferric oxyhydroxides and oxyhydroxide sulfates

Climate plays an important role in the mobilization direction of the very mobile element as
Cu and Zn. High evaporation rates may lead to significant enrichment of water-soluble
efflorescent salts of these metals in the upper part of the tailings. In contrast, in humid climates a
downwards mobilization is typical.
For acid-base accounting it is assumed in general that Fe(OH)3(s) or ferrihydrite hydrolyzes
from solution with the production of 3 moles H+fmole Fe3+ hydrolyzed. The hydrolysis of
jarosite produce only 2 moles H+ and schwertmannite between 2.625 and 2.75, respectively.
Results suggest that this difference must be taken into account by calculation of the quantity of
ac id produced and for geochemical modeling, as hydrolysis of the secondary ferric phases is the
main acid producing process in sulfide oxidation. Nevertheless, it is important to be aware that
for calculation of the acid potential in case of carbonate treatment, due to increased pH values,
ferrihydrite or goethite will be produced, leading to the production of 3 moles H+fmole Fe3+.
Oxidation of sulfides via ferric iron produces important! y higher amounts of acidity if the
ferric iron is added to system (e.g., ferric minerais or acid seepage). But, in case that the ferric
iron is produced in the process of sulfide oxidation, the net acid production of pyrite oxidation
with the hydrolysis of fenic hydroxides via oxygen or fenic iron is the same (oxidation from
ferrous to ferric iron is a proton consuming process). Thus, for an overall estimation of the acid
potential of mine waste it has also to be considered if ferric iron is produced in the system or
added to the system.
These results illustrate the importance of secondary mineralogy to the adsorption
properties in mine tailings and the production of acidity. The distribution of schwertmannite,
jarosite, and ferrihydrite is mainly controlled by pH and the activity of Fe, K, and S04 . Their
selective adsorption behavior is essentially pH-controlled.


1 would like to thank the management and the geologists and ali stuff involved in this
project from CODELCO for their interest, the access to their properties, their logistic support
and their collaboration, especially A. Piug (Exploration Division, CODELCO), L. Senano, R.
Vargas, C. Aguila, C. Castillo, and M. Bustos (Division Andina, CODELCO), F. Celhay, A.
Morales (Division El Teniente, CODELCO), J. Blondel, and R. Novajas (Division Salvador,
CODELCO). For their support in Chile in the field work, sampling, sample preparation, and
analytical approaches 1 would like thank to G. C ceres and K. Eppinger (IDICTEC -University
of Atacama), S. Elqueta (Geological Department, University of Chile, Santiago), B. Escobar, J.
Wiertz, and J. Casas (Chemical Department, Biometallurgy, University of Chile, Santiago), R.
Troncoso, A. Hauser, C. Reuschmann, C. Espejo, E. Fonseca, W. Vivallio, 1. Aguirre (Servicio
Nacional de Geolog a y Miner a SERNAGEOMIN), W. Eberle, and H.W. M 11er (Bundesanstalt
fr Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe BGR). 1 thank also Prof. R. Pfeiffer and his group for the
facilities and discussions in the laboratory of the Centre de Analyse de Mineralogie, Universit
de Lausanne. Thanks to Dr. Dubois from Soil Science Institute of the EPFL, Lausa1me for the
ICP analysis and Dr. R. Martini from the Geological Department , University of Geneva for the
patient SEM work and to Dr. M. Streck, Mineralogical Department, University of Geneva, for

Chapter 7: Selective metal retention and ac id production by fe/Tic oxyhydroxides and oxyhydroxide sulfates

the help with the microprobe analyses. The project IS supported by the Gem1an Academie
Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Swiss National Science Foundation project No. 21-50778.97.


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Cardoso Fonseca, E. and Martin, H. (1986): The selective extraction of Pb and Zn in selected mineral and soil samples,
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mining industry, Santiago, p. 417 - 427.
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Lin, Z. ( \996): Leachate chemistry and precipitates mineralogy of Rudolfsgruvan mine waste rock dump in Central
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Manitouwadge, Ontario. ln: Hynes, T.P. and Blanchette, M.C., (Eds.), Proceedings Sudbury '95 - Mining and the
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Moses, C.O., Nordstrom, D.K., Hern1an, J.S. and Mills, A.L. (1987): Aqueous pyrite oxidation by dissolved oxygen and by
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Ribet, 1., Ptacek, C.J., Blowes, D.W. and Jambor, J.L. ( 1995): The potential for metal release by reductive dissolution of
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Osheep Creek polluted by acid mine drainage. Goldschmidt Conference Proceedings 1998, p. 1675-1677.


Results of Acid-Base Accounting (ABA)

Analytical conditions

The calculation of the sulfide acid potential (SAP) is based on the total sulfur (Srot)
contents obtained by LECO® furnace and the total sulfate (SÜ4tot) content obtained by the attack
of the sample with 0.2M NH4-oxalate, pH 3.0, 80°C for 2h (step 4 in chapter 3) and measuring
the sulfur concentrations in the leach by ICP-ES. The difference of the two concentrations
represent the S-sulfide content of the sample. These analyses were performed by the X-Ray
Assay Laboratories (XRAL) of Toronto, Canada.
The calculation of the carbonate neutralization potential (CaNP) is based on the total
carbon (Ctor) content obtained by coulometric titration (Strohlein CS 702®) at the Centre
d'Analyse Minérale, University Lausanne.


The calculation of the acid-base accounting (ABA) is based on the following assomptions:
1. S-sulfide is available only in form of pyrite.
2. fen·ic iron hydrolyses as Fe(OH)3, leading to the production of four mol protons per mol of
oxidized pyrite.
3. The pH is neutralized by calcite to values of 7 leading to the stability of HC03- so that 1 mol
of calcite is necessary to neutralize one mol of protons.

These assomptions lead to a factor of 62.5 to which has to be multiplied with the S-sulfide
value to obtain the calcite equivalent necessary to neutralize the amount of acid produced by
sulfide oxidation. The factor 62.5 is obtained as followed: 4(H+) x 100(molar weight of
calcite)/32(molar weight of sulfur) x 2(FeS2) = 6.25. Multiplying by 10 leads SAP in t
CaC03/IOOO t, resulting in the applied factor of 62.5 for the SAP.
The CaNP is calculated with the total carbon content in molar wt.% calcite equivalent
multiplied by the factor 8.33 (mol weight 100 for calcite/12 carbon= 8.33) and also multiplied
by 10 to obtain in t CaC03/lOOO t, resulting in the factor 88.3. The sulfide net neutralization
potential (SNNP) is obtained by the subtraction of the SAP from the CaNP. Negative values
indicate that the SAP is higher than the CaNP and the material is most likely acid producing. If
the value is positive the CaNP is higher than the SAP and able to neutralize the produced acid.
The pas te pH of the samples, calculated pyrite content (wt.%) and the zonation of each sample is
given (XY /ZZZ, where X= impoundment, Y =core No, Z = sample depth in cm).

Table Al.l: A cid-Base Accounting (ABA) with pas te pH and location of eaclz sample in the tailings stratigraphy

Table AJ.l: Acid-Base Accounting (ABA) with paste pH and location of each sample in the tailings stratigraphy

E3/250 ox
E3/270 _ox .
E3/300 _ox__
E3/386 _ OX
E3/400 _ _soi!_

E4/010_ fJ_V 1Y,~Ti6J_, 89_oo 1,8oo 3~~_7__,_ 112 .5Q_ 0-~? , ______18~3- ---- ---- --~4.17
E4104() _ _ev _2 _ _9__ _ _18 ~ _" __6.1§7 ~833 ~26_8 _____1_7?.08__ 0.25 , ?0, 83 . ________ c 15~.26
E4/080 _ _QX -· --~ - ~ '-6~ _: _8~2_37 ,__2__7_4 6 ____2,87~ _§, 34_4 -· - _____1_7 ~,6~ 0 -- - _ 0,00 - -- ~ 1_79 , §_5___ _
E4/100 _ox 1_9 --5.18 ' 2.818--r- 2.:362 L_ 4, ~~~
, 8.454--· -·---·-
- -- ;------ ______ !4!63 - Q,QO___ - : _147.6~-
E4/120 ox _ _2,.1__ _§ ._g j__11_.1 _; __:l_.?QO .!.820 .. , - ~38~ ----· __113.75 . . Q_.3_? _~_ .. _ ?6_,~_6_ -- -------------~7,Q_9 -- --
E4l140 _o_x_ 2.g _ _6_._;J~_ 1 __7.9_~~- --_g_._6_4_6 1 _ 3&7~-, _6~~1_ _l_ ____ J!?~, ~o - o""3__;_~ 2_4 , ~_9___ -204 .61
E4/200 __ox_ _2 5 _ _§, 5_3 ~ -_!, 9_84 i ?.66 1 _3_.869 7 , 123 _;_ - ~41_,79 0 o._Q9__ ~~-r~-~--_:?~_1 J~-~-~-
E4/25Q __ _ox _2_ .~ _6.Q_1 : -~03_8 __ ;3 , 01~ ~- 2 ,9_~7 -- - --~-57:3_ _ i-- ___
!_87c33 - Q__ ___ Q ~Q_O__ _ _ ________ _:_1_87 ,33
E4 /270 __§_Qil__ ~--3_ . 1 ,~ -~- _;3 ,5_0~ -~--1.1 _6!!_ : .. 9 ,33! _; _9, _1;!_5__ _.:_ _____2Q_.§9 _______ , ________ _!LQQ ________ -_2_Q_,_6_9__ _
. _j_ ____ -- _L __________ ;_________ _ L ___ L__ -------7 - _________ _
ABA from ltle Ojanco_s f-!(),_2jmpo1Jndllli!_nL
S~mple __ __?C!~~ pH_ ~-~~1- : _.§9!_!_c:Jt_;_s_(SQ4) _ s ~u!f~C!.~ - -- ~- pyr~te _~_ _f?AP_ _ - -~_IO! ______ - ~-- ______ l__~ _~- - -- _
__ _ 1 [ _ • (Suif ide Ac id Pot) __ __ :_ (C?rb9~_a_t__l'!_P) ;.(S~If_i_d!'_ _l'!_ et _N_p)
~o % ~o
1 wt.~o
% 1 CaC03/ 1000t ~o 1 1 CaC03/ 1000t t CaC03/ 1000t
HPr pri 11 L~2 __ (L0_9 _ _Q , O~ - 1.89 3.5! _ _11813 0 , 85 ' _70,81___ ___ _ -47.32
H1 /Q44 _pri _ 7.2 1.97 ' _0.20 ___0.07 • 1.90 -r--- ~' ~<1_ , ____ .!!_8c_96 ___ ~ _0,~:3 , ___ :1L49 , -91.47

~~!1~: -~t ~~- ~8~J1Ll~:iti~L~=~i~l_U_~~-~~:}t=~~~L~~~~~~~~f:!~~f~ 3f8:~52 ~

H !/40Q __Qx -~ -3__ ~_:_o~Ll.Jlc.?LL__t _,_1~ _2 Q!l__~ ____ .§.9 .?!l ___ _s_ __ L_ -~1___6_,_?_0___:_ _~~? 1_____ __ _
H1_/5QO . OX . _è_,i__ Li!..i__O_,§_)_j_p-'g_Q____i_ .L~. !. Lll~-~~_75.4_2____ _0~L-~~0-6~_j _ _ 275.2 _8 __

~~66s~9 ~~:-~ ~;;_ ~~1t~ttit:l i~~T-~~--i-~t!;j~=-~'i~t-=:J -~~~=~~~!t:=_r~~~IL_~_-

HJ @Q _ _ Q! _ _s_c__9__ _3-' 52.~~§__ j_____?_,_QJ _ r-!:5_3~.85___j ______95 .8 _t_ _ _j_o ,_8~ 69.67 : -26.14
H_1t86Q . ce_rn_ 2~ ..2.2.3+-~±§~_ o~ _!_l__il.P__ ~. ___ }§ ,1_~ - o o_p+~ ~ --l---=-~-
1__ 1 i
H 1{960 _ce111_ ..4c 5_ 3__§§__]_ 9_,Q!_-r---1c_Qg_ _, __Q_ M _L 1 ~1.§ ________ }~?~ ---~!.t_§__c ___ 9_!), 6_3___ ,l__ _ _ ~6_jl4___ _
H1/1QQQ_ ce_rn_ . __ L _1c_3~_1 __ ?_c.?_IU__b~Q_j __o_._~_3_l ____.!n_L __ _li ~_._1_Q___ __ ~_o_o_.z_;_ __ _§_,__1_? __ --i~ ~--

Aj3A~f~o~jE~ Ce-rifi~=-1_~~~;;~~~~=-~L=-~~::L=====i~~-=-{~~---~=~--~_:_==~==-
S~!11PI~ _. ~~e___ plj_ §_l_Q1___~§9_i__tot l s (S0~1~~-sulf_ide 1 S pYiil_e_{ __ __§N'___
j__ç_!.ci_ __ Calllf'_ __(__ SNNP__ _

---- % -+- %- h --+-%

--+-;~o/~-~ ~~~&;~o';~;fo~~;L;-.;.- ~(~~~i}1 ;;;~~ · - ~~~~~~~~~~~;
03/025 _pri _7.5 . 1 7 1 09 0 363 i 1 337 : 2.485 B3.54_ __ 0 ,09_! l.§Q _ _:75 ,94
03/070 P!i___ 7 ~6- _i ,~5 :_ g ,77~1 o:2~9 :-1 'a9;-' 2 , 028 r __ _ ()8_1 ~ __ _: Q,26_!_ ... ~1_4_ 3 -46 .74 .. .
03/200 ox ~-~ 1.36 2.381 ' 0.794 • 0.566 1.053 ;JSAO ; __Q,_29 ; . _23.8_? ·1!.57

~~~~~:-~ :~~~-1_~~-:- ~~-~~:~r~~!!J~:~~~_r·~:i~q:==:~~: :_ =t~~-~~i~= 3~~~:-- =j==-~~~=:

Abbreviations: _Q!i = P-rimar.Lzone, ox = oxidation zone, cern = cemented zone, ev =
h~;;-;;,;;-ame ri~;; ,-;;.;;;;;en;--1-----~----~---~---- 1 eva~
:_ zone, neutr = neutraHzation zone,


Results of the extraction sequence A

Applied sequence A:
Sequence A References
(1) exchangeable fraction; Gatehouse et al., 1977;
1.0 g sample into 20 ml Sondag, 1981;
1M NH4-acetate pH 4.5 Cardoso Fonseca et
shake for 2 hrs al., 1986
(2) adsorbed, carbonates Tessier et al., 1979
1M Na-acetate pH 5
shake for 2 hrs
(3) Mn oxides Chao, 1984; Cardoso
0.1 M NH20H-HCI pH 2 Fonseca et al., 1986
shake for 2 h
( 4) Fe(III)oxides Fonseca and Martin,
0.1 M NH4-oxalate pH 1986
3.3 heat in water bath
80°C for 2 hours
(5) organic and sulfides Sondag, 1981
H202 35% heat in water
bath for 1 hour
(6) residual Tessier et al., 1979;
HN03, HF, HCL04, HCI Hall et al., 1996; Dold
digestion et al., 1996

Analytical conditions

Multi-element (31 elements) analyses were performed in the leach by ICP-ES. The
analyses were performed by the X-Ray Assay Laboratories (XRAL) of Toronto, Canada.
Accuracy of the analyses was controlled by a bulk analysis of every sample with the HN03 , HF,
HCL04, HCL digestion.


NH4-Ac = 1. Step: 1 M ammonium acetate, pH 4.5 leach

Na-Oc = 2. Step: lM Na-acetate, pH 5 leach
HL = 3. Step: 0.1 M NH20H-HCl, pH 2 leach
NH4-0xH = 4. Step: O. lM ammonium oxalate, pH 3, heat leach
H202 = 5. Step: 35 % peroxide leach
residu al = 6. Step: HN03, HF, HCL04, HCL leach
total = sum of step 1 to step 6
bulk =control analysis of a bulk sample with the HN03, HF, HCL04, HCL leach
BOL = below detection limit

Cardoso Fonseca, E., Martin, H. ( 1986): The selective extmction of Pb and Zn in selected mineml and soil snmples, application
in geochemical exploration (Portugal). Journal of Geochemical Exploration, v. 26, p. 231-248.
Chao, T.T., ( 1984): Use of partial dissolution techniques in geochemical exploration. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, v. 20,
p. 101-135.
Dold, B., Eppinger, K.J .. Kolling. M. ( 1996): Pyrite oxidation and the associated geochemical processes in tailings in the
Atacama desert/Chile: The influence of men controlled water input after disuse . Clean technology for the mining
industry, Santiago, p. 417- 427.
Gatehouse, S., Roussel , D.W., Yan Moort, J.C. (1977) : Sequential soil analysis in exploration analysis. Journal of Geochemical
Exploration, v. 8, p. 483-494.
Hall, G.E.M., Vaive, J.E., Beer, R., Hoashi, M. (1996): Selective leaches revisited, with emphasis on the amorphous Fe
oxyhydroxide phase extraction. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, v. 56, p. 59-78.
Sondag, F. (1981 ): Selective extraction procedures applied to geochemical prospecting in an a rea contaminated by old mine
workings. Journal of Geochemical Explomtion, v. 15, p. 645-652.
Tessier, A., Campbell, P.G .C ., Bisson, M. ( 1979): Sequential extraction procedure for speciation of particulate trace metal s.
Analytical Chemistry, v. 51. p. 844-851.

Table A2.1: Drill core AS from Piuquenes/Andina sequence A

Table A2.1: Drill core AS from Piuquenes/Andina sequence A

Table A2.1: Drill core A5 from Piuquenes/Andina sequence A

Table A2.2: Drill core T4 from Cauquenes!Teniente sequence A

Table A2.2: Drill core T4 from Cauquenes!Jeniente sequence A

Table A2.2: Drill core T4 from Cauquenes!Teniente sequence A

Ba (ppm) 1 1 -1- _-------'- __j -- . _ -L- _ _____ V>'__!ppmj __ ~-- _J_ ___ : __ _ f- _____ [_ _____j_____ 1
~- Saffi-pt·e -~ !~dèPth- --t.ù~~~Aë -f-NaDC:---..~-c · NH·-OxH H202 ' res1dua1 total samole ; deoth - NH~-Act Na-OC HL NH~-oxH ' HzOl -Tre5iduaï- tôtai-
_T4 1Q~O 20 BOL_ ~ _!3D_L,_ _ ol_ • _ 22 5 -·- 252 !_2_8_~ _ _ _ __T ~Q3_0 _: 20 __j _BD!,_~ BD!, ___BDL_j _ B(Jl,__ l BD_L _ _B[)I,_ :_ BP~o_
--~~/040--, _ 40 1 BDl____.__ BD~ _j_--~ _; __ 23 ___ ~ ___?~~ :--2_~- ____ __ -r:_4 1~0__[_ __ 40_ 1 B[)L~ _BDI,_'_~Dl_)___!ll!o_:=!JI:li,_ _;_!JDL ~- El_'21o_

i~illtsY~ ~-~J~-~~tJ~~=1J~~1=-~~-=J=H1ti=~it- - i~~ -E~f)lj~i~iiF!ff-~=-Ji~t=ll_!j_tt±t

--}:~t~-h~l~~-~--~~!~---t-=r-~-=t·- c~=i-l~it-i ~~~
---~ -- -- : - - ---· -~- ---- _, __ _ _ __ j _ _ ___, ______ ____ ~ --~ ____ _J ___ ______J.____ _ - -- - -
== --~-i~i!FF~it~l~!!t!~~tiâH--!~~--F~ti--~~--
--- - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - --- - · ----· - - ---~----- ..1- -- ---- ·----~ -- - - - ·-- - - -t-----:------

1~in~--i~!~i-~--- ; - ;----1~1-=--~=~=t~-~~~1 -~~!~i~~=-:}ii ------ ~~~~Ji~J :~=Ytt!t=rti±:J~~~t-:~-?=-~~~-=~±i~~~=

T4 /49 0 490 ~-4 5 9 2 40~ 430 T4 /490 ' 490 . BDL ! BOL BOL BDL BDL ; 10 ' 10
- ,..4,59 1 : 591 4 4 ~ 8 · f 1 2 · 374 . 393 T4 i s9 1 1·· 591 1 sbl. i _sgt,_;: ilbi. Eiot: · - si:>L l. f~ _1 ~ -
·r;l,ioo-: 1oo 4 - 8_- 1__ Eiri 2 __ __-3së -~ 386 · i'4i?"oéi -: -· 7ao ·}-soL ·" soL · soL 1 · soi. , si:ii.- _ 23 . 23

.~YM~~~\~~I-!-~f!J~.! 1fl13#!; .~=

-r-=t_ ==-
~~(~~-~-~=0_40r~~:...::L~Cll=r=_~~~-i:==~=i~ 4 1 ~- LI-T~;~-L-r~~Q-t=.~-ë~J--Bp=DL 1 _ sDL -+--~DL 1 BOL _
sam le · deoth · NH~-Ac Nél-OC 1 HL . NH4-0xH - H202 1res1dual total sam le ! depth INH.-Ac Na-ûC ' HL 1 NH4-0xH ' Hz02 ·tre"s.ctual' total

-H1~-!~ J--!â · - ~~--- -Hbt+-H+~-H-~-H +-iH-1 ~;~~ - -- ---~:;~J~-r- ~-~--- 1-{~-i-~g[-f-- ~~-+{~-+-~~--+H-L~:!
j1~~!~-: ;- t~o~-,- ~-·~~=~ =ti:~r:-:-~l:~~~~T~]~~ -~~J!-1-ii~i ==- ~~~fJff~8~J]~J1~f}~i~Y~!J~~t~:j~~~y=
T4 / 153 153 BDL BDL 1.7 3.8 · 0.8 180 ' 186.3 T4 / 153 1 153 ' BOL 1 BOL ~ BOL ! BDL ' BOL , 9 . 9
~wi1o 110 1.9 soL , 1.4 i.iï o .1 i76 ___ iiïi~ii ~:_-r-4 li~~J ~!7"9 ·: sot: ·_ ;_-Bôi. J" B[)L_-:; ~ !icil-_:~_-_soc:~ :=-7 T~T~
T4 /200 200 1 BDL , -1 .J 1.3 . BOL : 174 T 177.6 T4 /200 200 i BOL . BOL
1 BDL . BOL BDL ! 5 , 5

-~:;m ;m H - ~;- ·~~:~J~_r·_;ç=:·-~r~rf=fff!

T4 /490 490 6.5 _ __BOL__ !_ 1.7 " 1.2 -BÔL~T76-~ 185~4 -
T4 /490 ' 490 ' BOL BDL ' BDL BOL , BOL i 8 8
T4 /591 591 BDL i-.3 0 .9 -BDL 167 173.2 -T4is9i~ - ,.. 59i . . .BDL : BOL --- llDL -· aoe--,~ Bi:i- - 1- 7
T4 1700 700 7.1 ·o_s- 1.5 0.8 - BOL ' 173 , 182 .9 ·--r4·no-à --· 700 ; BOL --Bol - BDL --·-soi ---- -BDL --;----7 -
T4 i 795 795 - 6.4 - BOL 1.7 1.4 0.6 __:·. jss· --_1_Z~J T4!795 795 - , . BOL BOL BOL f ·eoi:i
-BOL 10
T4 1900 900 4 .5 BOL 1.7 1.5 ·0.6 166 174.3 T4 /900 900 BOL BOL BDL-~r=~~DL~-_J:_~ BDL -- :.=-
T4 i985 985 5.7 BOL ·1.3 1.3 _BOL_::·. 1?_5 - 18 3~ 3: .T4 /985 985 BOL BDL __BDL 1 __BOL_ BDL
-T4 / 1010 · 1010 16 .3 0.9 1.8 2.3 1.2 ___1_??. i _1_49 05 T4 / 1010 1010 BOL .BOL BDL BDL 1 -_ _-mll:_____._ 6
T4 / 1020 . 1020 15.7 0.8 BDL 0.7 1.2 . 11 0 i 128.4 T4 / 1020 1020 BOL BDL ~ -- BDL :::~:sei~ -; BDL j _5 5
T4 i 1040 1040 17 BOL BDL ·- :BÔÎ.· --·: ·1_2 ' ~9i.8 :--_ll_O T4 i 1040 1040 - Btii._-_, _BDL_ ~ - BDL · 1 ;·- --BDL~::::;~:_ 5 6
Ni (ppm) · v · (ppm) -- l __ ___ ·--- __ _, _ _
samole . d-eoth-· NH~-Ac Na-OC -i HL NH~~o;H·-l--H~z ;·réSid-u.31 tOtal sàinPie . deoïti ·- ' NH~-Ac Na-oc --HL -'''iNH~=G~H-- Hz02 iresidual total

mm ,:.:, ~ ~=: ê l ~ Hl ~ tî · !!1:~ ttJtû~ ::ltf!tr:==~tlî~J 11

;:; :~~ ~~~
T4 i 170 170 -
BOL --; - BOL-
-~~---- - ~bt~ï-:f~
BOL ·1· - ·26 -,-- 27
~~ ~-:;:~~
T4 / 170 170
- ~~~:: :_H_t ~~- ' -::-i~Ll3J __L ~~ -~-=tJ -~ {~H--~
BOL i BOL 1.6 1 0.3 , BOL 1 2.4 ' 4.3
T4 12oo 2oo sOL sOL ' · sOL sOL _ 1 sOL··• · 28 28 --T4i2-oo 269 _:_BDi.~::·aiiL-:::ij :: CD:~;:=eD_î. :::-;="i:L[:o~_,4~~
BOL !. 30 i 5 .6

--T.\1300 300 BOL .. BOL BDL BOL 30 T-4/ :lôo-- ---300 0.2 BDL 1.8 0.6 , BOL 1 3

~:;m ~~-:~- ~~ ·:~ t :r~ HH 1

-!~m r- m t~ - ~~~-L 1:~:~ ~1!3=·i~==!~::HI3J::
-~:;~~~ -m - ~~- ~bt . ~~ ~~~ -~:~~[i- ~L-- H - -----~i~H-L:~_-Ht_ H~d~ i~~~-~IJ;_~-ÇJ.t::S~J=~r
T41900 900 BDL __ il_DL~:x:_-BDL ;~- -B~D(__-:j::sot:_j __:29:::: =:i9_~_ T4 /900 900 ' 0.2 i BOL , 1.8 ' 0.3 ' BDL 1 2 .7 ; 5

TT4~119o815o 1908150 s~L:::-· ~bt ' ~bt ~bt '--~b::-: -~! ~--~~ - ::~~~:= =i~i9a8fo·~:!~lo8~~-: ~J.:.' ~~- r:--H =r·-=~-:~-J-:~:~~]_=-fEEh.:.
T4 i 1020 1020 BOL BOL BDL BDL BOL 5 5_ _ T4 / 1020 _10_20 1 BDL 0 .2 1 1 ' 0. 2 ' 4.3 1 6
T4 i 104 0 1040 BDL BOL BDL BDL BDL T4 il04à _ __ 1040 1 BOL ~--0. 1~- -- 1 0 .2 •- ·4 - ;-- ti--

Table A2.3: Drill core El from Salvador No. 1 inzpoundment sequence A

Table A2.3: Drill core El from Salvador No. 1 impoundment sequence A

E 11170 170 BOL

Ei;2oo 2-00--:-- -BOL
E1 / 260 260 BOL
E1l 350 3s_o_; -- soL
E 1/ 482 -4-82 1 -- BOL -
---- --.. - -- BOL soc
E1 / 580 580 BOL BOL

Table A2.4: Drill core 03 from P. Ce rda impoundment No. 4 sequence A

Table A2.4: Drill core 03 from P. Ce rda impoundment No. 4 sequence A


Results of the extraction sequence B

Applied extraction sequence B:

The dissolved minerais in each step (Table 1) were controlled by dissolution kinetics,
XRD, and DXRD control (Chapter 3 and 4).

Table 1: Sequential extraction "B" applied in this study (abbreviations: bn: bornite; ca: calcite; cb: cimzabar; cc:
chalcocite; cv: cave/lite; cp: chalcopyrite; dg: digenite; fh: ferrihydrite; gn: ga/ena; gt: goethite; gy: gypsum; hm:
hematite; ibn: ilmenite; jt: jarosite; Na-jt: natrojarosite; mb: molybdenite; mt: magnetite; op: orpiment; py: pyrite;
sh: sclnt•ertmannite; si: splwlerite; stb: stibnite; tn: tennantite; tt: tetrahedrite).
Leach Preferentially dissolved References
( 1) Water soluble fraction secondary sulfates, e.g., chapter 5 and 6; Ribet et al.,
1.0 g sample into 50ml deionizied bonattite, chalcanthite, gy, 1995; Fanfani et al., 1997
H20 shake for 1 h. pickeringite, magnesioauberite
(2) exchangeable fraction ca, vermiculite-type-mixed- chapter 5; Gatehouse et al.,
1M NH4-acetate pH 4.5 shake for layer, adsorbed and 1977;Sondag, 1981;Fonseca
2 hrs exchangeable ions and Martin, 1986
(3) Fe(III) oxyhydroxides sh, 2-line fh, secondary jt, Mn02 Schwertmann, 1964; Stone,
0.2 M NH4-oxalate pH 3.0 shake 1987; chapter 4
for 1 h. in darkness
(4) Fe(III) oxides gt, jt, Na-jt, hm, mt, higher chapter 3.
0.2 M NH4-oxalate pH 3.0 heat in ordered fh's (e.g., 6-line fh)
water bath 80°C for 2 hours
(5) organics and secondary Cu- organics, cv, cc-dg Sondag, 1981 ;, chapter 5
sul fides
35 % H202 heat in water bath for
1 hour
(6) primary sulfides py, cp, bn, sl, gn, mb, tt, cb, op, Chao and Sanzolone, 1977;
Combination of KCI03 and HCl, stb Hall et al., 1996
followed by 4 M HN03 boiling
(7) residual Silicates, residual Hall et al., 1996; Dold et al.,
HN03, HF, HCl04, HCL 1996

Analytical conditions

Multi-element (31 elements) analyses were performed in the leach by ICP-ES. The
analyses were performed by the X-Ray Assay Laboratories (XRAL) of Toronto, Canada. Of
every sample a bulk analysis with the HN03, HF, HCL04, HCL digestion was performed to
control the accuracy of the analyses.


H20 = 1. Step: water leach

NH4-Ac = 2. Step: 1 M ammonium acetate leach
NH4-0xD =3. Step: 0.2M ammonium oxalate, darkness leach
NH4-0xH = 4. Step: 0.2M ammonium oxalate, heat leach
H202 = 5. Step: 35 % peroxide leach
sul fi de = 6. Step: KCl03, HCl, 4 M HN03 leach
residual = 7. Step: HN03, HF, HCL04, HCL leach
total = su rn of step l to step 7
bulk = control analysis of a bulk sample with the HN03, HF, HCL04, HCL leach
BOL = below detection limit

Cardoso Fonseca, E., Martin, H. (1986): The selective extraction of Pb and Zn in selected mineral and soi! samples, application
in geochemical exploration (Portugal). Jou mal of Geochemical Exploration. v. 26, p. 231-248.
Chao. T.T., ( 1984): Use of partial dissolution techniques in geochernical exploration . Journal of Geochemical Exploration. v. 20.
p. 101-135.
Chao. T.T.. Sanzolone. R.F. ( 1977): Chemical dissolution of sulfide minerais. Journal of Research U.S . Geoi.Survey, v. 5, p. 409-
Dold, B.. Eppinger. K.J., Kèilling, M. ( 1996): Pyrite oxidation and the associated geochemical processes in tailings in the
Atacama desert/Chile: The inlluence of men controlled water input after disuse. Clean technology for the mining
indu~try. Santiago, p. 417-427 .
Fanfani. L.. Zuddas, P., Chessa, A. ( 1997): Heavy metals speciation analysis as a tool for studying mine tailings weathering.
Journal of Geochemical Exploration. v. 58, p. 241-248.
Gatehouse, S.. Roussel, D.W., Yan Moort, J.C. ( 1977): Sequential soil analysis in exploration analysis. Journal of Geochemical
Exploration. v. 8, p. 483-494.
Hall, G.E.M., Yaive, J.E., Beer, R., Hoashi, M. (1996): Selective leaches revisited. with emphasis on the amorphous Fe
oxyhydroxide phase extraction. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, v. 56, p. 59-78.
Ribet, 1., Ptacek, C.J .. Blowes, D.W., Jambor, J.L. (1995): The potential for metal release by reductive dissolution of weathered
mine tailings. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, v. 17(3), p. 239-273.
Schwertmann, U. ( 1964): Dit'l'erenzierung der Eisenoxide des Bodens durch Extraktion mit Ammoniumoxalat Lèisung. Zeitschrift
tlir Ptlanzenernahrung und Bodenkunde. v. 105, p. 194-202.
Sondag, F. ( 1981 ): Selective extraction procedures applied to geochemical prospecting in an a rea contaminated by old mine
workings. Journal ofGeochemical Exploration, v. 15, p. 645-652.
Stone. A.T. ( 1987) Microbial metabolites and the reductive dissolution of manganese oxides: Oxalate and pyruvate.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. v. 51 : p. 919-925.
Tessier. A.. Campbell, P.G.C., Bisson, M. ( 1979): Sequential extraction procedure for speciation of particulate trace metals .
Analytical Chemistry, v. 51, p. 844-851.

Table A3.1.1: Drill core A2 from Piuquenes/Andina sequence B

Table A3.1.1: Drill core A2 from Piuquenes/Andina sequence B

Table A3.1.2: Drill core A3 from Piuquenes/Andina sequence B

Table A3.1.2: Drill core A3 from Piuquenes/Andina sequence B

_,!3_a_ (PP_'!')_j ____ ! __ 1 ___ 1 1 _ _ 1__ _ 1 _ _ ; . , • W ('?pm) , , ___ _1 1_ _ . i _ i _i __ i

ll:ï71oo -

A3/900 900 32 10
s;~p-re --~ de Îh - H' O . NH4-Ac- N-H.-ÛxO: "N"H.-o~H . H>Û? sulfide residual total bulk sam le depth H-0 . NH4-Ac ' NHj·àxD ' - NH.-OxH .- H-.o~ 1- SUri ide residual i total bulk

t!-il •~tl=' it~i;i1~~1ift!I~H~ =~i?~I~=!!EIJ.I fi l!îl ~rlttlff~~

{~5~--- l-~~6-i-~.t-i~-~~--~ -{~ --~--f:~----r ~~~-: --~:t- i---ii_~~~l-i -~-~ ~ ~ -- ~~66----i---kô-5--:---~~t--H~--+---&-~---g~-+ ~~ - ~:~ ---t-~~~-1--i~:-H ---i%}
1i!~-;-~nJ-i~ t=:~~~~~-r=~~~~tE!~f~}r~m+~t =
!-_3!~ëo~-+Ioo !,_;d:: xi-= :o.s ::L_o~---:l~!:::±'J!:::i~r ~s_>:.:. i ~~ir::ig-.:- =A2Jooo=.IY:OQ.t ~ocQi5L-+-~~
if~-t-;!a~~~~+Itl-~~ -~; tf~1=:4iT-~J-r~Jt~tr 1---aDL__ J o.9 ~~L 1 8 __ Ll!l..L1.~~=~
-~a~:i1 -~-de- -ih ~ -H;ô ! NH4-=Ac;-~--o~-o1 -NH..o;H-l H~-i Suïfide ;-rësid·ualhotaï-~ -bÜik-· ---_ !s~!~eL+déPth·-:H~o·+-NH4-Ac· I-NH~o~d ·NH~~H~;o?·+sulfidku-al+---iotai -1---b·üik--
~~;~~~ - l_ ~:l - 1 2 :~ ~ :.- i .t~ ~ - ~~ :i J
A3!Û]Ü 70 BOL 2
i~ d~ ~ :*~-~~=~~-:~:§=H~t t-:-~~b-=s'Di.~~±::.~i::;::::;~~g[f- f-:::;:_~/- 3 .7 -1}~
- ï. BOL 6 1 7 - ,. -1
-4 AJ/070 70 BOL BOL ~ BOL ' BDL BOL l 0.8 1.3 ·2. t . 3. 7

~~~= ~ · :m~-~ +-B~ ,: ~-J.- ., ~~-~.dL;

A3/49Û ___ - -
'-~ · ~ ~!di 1J : l~: ffi ~~ §B~i~~~ ~H~t
- :~=-~~-~~~---t--~==~Q -~ i-J}j-]I-- ~=-· ~~-~-=-i=i~-~~~--~~-- ~~~~~--t---~~ ~=L~-~~~~~~~-; _f~=J_---~~~-- .i.~~~~-;~:~-J~j-- 7
"A3r7oo 700 BOL ~ 2 _ __3_ 10 5 28 28 _ A3_Œ99____ : __7_99 ___BDL _ 1 __ Q.;_~ __j__ __ _!_~-i-_ E?l?!:_ __ L__o ~s _ 1• ___~- !__ _; __].;? _;__?:3 _, _.7?
A31900 , 900 BOL ----- .2 6 -:~-~-8~ -- . . J -~-- ~ 4 ~- 2~ __ ;· __ ?~ A3/900 1 900 BOL : 0.6 1 1.7 i BOL i 0.6 1.3 1.5 ' 5.7 7.8
zr (ppm, ·
- 'Sample · de th-· H:O NH4-Ac- · NH.-Oxü ' NH.-OxH H 2 0~ sulfide residual tolal . bU1k
·- s:ëjp·p~r ----~-~~----i-~-~-~=:--~-~~~=-~~--==~=~-"î=~=~=~
sam le deplh ; H:O 1 NH4-Ac 1 NH.-OxO NH.-OxH ' H 20 1

sulfide ' residual ' lot.31
·-r-- --
-bulk .

ù : ::r!;~ :- ~~ :: -E~ë>: -if~~=;~1;i_Jt :j[.~~Jf~~~-~~-~3i tti~±=~·~~-J=n =;_-;~

A3/020 20 BOL BOL 4 .5 1 , BOL , BOL 2.6 8.1 14.3 A3/020 20 BOL BOL 0.5 BOL BOL 0.6 4.4 5 .5 . 7 .6

~~:~!~ 1~0~0 ·a;~~ol •:· ~;~ ~

AJ/160 ~-j_-1 -69 BOL --~~_?-~ --(_~2) __ Bq~-~- BOL 1.7 7.8 13 .5 AJ/160 1 160 BOL ! BOL . BOL BDL 1 BOL ; 0.9 1 4 .3 5.2 7 .9
A3/190 : 190 1 BOL ! Bol - 2 .1 . BOL BOL ! BOL i 1.1 3 :?-- - -- ~--~5- A-:iiï9Q" ---~--190 i -'Bbl ..j --Bci--~ -- Bëi --!---ëbl ·--~ ---BDl-:· ,--:··-4-.2 - r·-5 _-2 ~--- 7 _-i --
AJ/Joo - -T -3()0 . -Bol -- BoL -_~j _-__4 3~ ~=-)DC- -eo__ç ~-BOL_-~~ }7 1 a 29.4 ·= A}~~-_-:=f--~~~:Q ]=~Ç>I~~[-~~-[!=~-~~~$QI _~~T"~]i?Ç_-_-=~-)~~J_ Qj[=-[_-_::[.~~-J.~~ (-~~-_;-.=_~.9~~

909 1 BOL ------r··-- :-- - -~--- - ----- ---

!i-·-- - --------
:1;;~ ~ -·-H~~ _;~~ r .~~ .L::I;-=r~t~~- ;~~~~}-_ ;.: :1.-k H;i~ ~ ~~~] -~iH~ ii=Ei~ -1:-=t~~F=!~~~=~j~tt~J~~~r: ~:-! ·:_1 ::;~ 8~-
tf~~m) ~:t~im,_:_·~-~~ ~ - -~~-t~-~ ~~-=-~_:~--=±~-~-= -=[~-= 1--~~~:~_-1=~~-~~=~~-~-~-~f~J-~ ~f!.
sample - · de ·th .. H~ NH4-Ac . NH.-o;i)-' -NH.~Ox_H_ ' H>O? sulfide residual tOÎaÎ · bulk sample · depth H?O · NH4-Ac NH.-Oxo · NH.-OxH : H20? sulfide 1 residual , total · ·buik
A3/020 20 BOL BOL 1 BOL BOL 3 , BOL _ •. _6 7 A3/020 20 BOL , BOL BOL BOL 1 BOL • BOL 0.8 0 8 1.1
A31050 so . BDL BDL BDL . BDL ,'----1 -- Bol 3 --~6 - AJIO!io-- i !;o -i aoc :· ati ·~-- sti' ~-- BDL ·-;--eoi. ~f'-e[JL ----- (l7 -0.1 ~ 12
A31070 10 , 3 BOL BOL BOL Bbl -· --2·· BOL -~ 5 ~7 A3/oi()·-~ ..7.0 c ~ ~~~ --=- -~Ql~-~L-~~qç ~-["~=8{?~~-~~---~bi ~:--_~_L_~=--~ §j__ 0 .9 1.2

:~~~: . ~~~ "T - ~~- =-:~ - -~~~~ ~--~ -~~-L +--- ~ - ·- B~L ~~ ~; ~~;_f~~~~--~-~~~~~·: : -~gt-~-~-~-~~~~---~~g~~-j--~-~~~~~=~~~~-----~g(--~~~~; -- __~:: - L~
:~;~: ~~~ 2
-:- -- ~g(-- r ~~ ~- ~tiC-- e& -- : - ~ --~~-~ --~~1~ ___ ;:~~ 2- -~ ~-~7~~~~~~~-~~-r--~~~~:i--=~& T-~~~j=~J~-~~=fJ~-=t--~~~-~~~ri-~t--~--~J==t ~~lJ-~
A3i430 430 ! ·-BbL -•- --acil ·:--~ BDL:- -· 4
3 7 BbL --·- 14 . 16 __ ~~_1_4~~ - ~-- ~}_Q_~--- ~0~ _:____B~_j_ ~q~ i___B!>_L___ j_~_~j __ ~g_~:._l ___ l ____ ~ __ _J -~ __ 1_:~ .
A31490 1.~ ___~_-__j; --~
490 8e0DLL ,· ·_BDL 8DL1~-'1._ :__~_.-___BBD()L
_ -:_ .-_~_·---_-- ·,-_-_--43___-" 5 - ;· ~flDL --9 -;--,2 -- A31490 ' 490 i BDL ' BDL i BDL 1 BDL l BDL 1 BDL : 0.8 1 0.8 : 1.5
6 r· aDL :--1-,-- ---, -.- - -~= AA_33i1?9Ü0
:9oo2BDL ~-- BDI,_j___2_ . c... ~~D_L _--1_ ? . ,_ __7___ - ·aDL ·:--ù -:-12 0.~0·:~~.~. =9io0.o0=[,_ Ï8lDDL
· ç~:_:._~e8 Dt.
0:_L-~-~11 :::-a8~DDL
Ti_ 1 - _B8DL
L-::, __1?8···QLDL: _t_ :8sDLDL:::::::~. :::_o0~_J9_T_o0 _.99. _ ; ·· 1i ._.65..
Sn (ppm) Î 1
·s'iunOie· :·-de th-· H;Q·· NH;ï:AC r NH~Q~(j·-:-NH~ChH ·:-Hi); ··-Sülfide· · -reSidual ·--toïai - iiUik
-- ~-QJPP~)~-----~ -~----~~-:~~--~ ~=T~---~~~=i~~-=--=~~---=~~~-!--=~--~~-==-~-~-
sarnple dePII1' H~o · NH4-Ac ! NH.-OxO · NH.-OxH H:·O? sulf1de residual --tOIal 1
· -bUik-

:~;~~~ ~~ :g~ :~ -ï ~~ ~ :ge :~ ~~ :~ ~~ ~~ À~~~~--C- ~~ : :~ , - :~ • :~~ . ~J - ~:~ - ~i--:- g~ . ~. ~ ~:

~l4,1l : !~, ~-: l:di=,i~ !h S:lJ;·; =-: _ i4f~l .1~-~r~iïf~I~fi!~'j1t

~~~~-=~r~~ 1::& -'-- ]~ J- ~~- 1---~.~! :~3&- i::. ~J->:J~~~=~~:: ~~:
~~~~~=i~{~_:l -; ~~o; :: ~~§::3 --~~~t-J~~-=L~flt~::]i--3gH::_i-:i~~ -~l 1
:~;~~~ - ~ ~66 ~ ~§c ,- ~§t -:-~~--t-~~-- : g~ -Hh- :-~ - : -~~ ~·-K ~- ~~~ --~- -~~~--éoh--~~-1--~~--r---~~c~H~--'--:~- ~+~u -

Table A3.1.3: Drill core A4 from Piuquenes!Andina sequence B

Table A3.1.3: Drill core A4from Piuquenes!Andina sequence B

Table A3.1.4: Drill core AS from Piuquenes!Andina sequnece B

Table A3.1.5: Sllljace sample point AS3from Piuquenes/Andina sequence B

Table A3.2.1: Drill core T 1 from Cauquenesffeniente sequence B

Table A3.2.1: Drill core T 1 from Cauquenes/Teniente sequence B

Table A3.2.2: Drill core T2 from Cauquenes!Teniente sequence B

Table A3.2.2: Drill core T2 from Cauquenes!Teniente sequence B

Table A3.2.3: Drill core T3 from Cauquenes!Teniente sequence B

Table A3.2.3: Drill core T3 from Cauquenes!Teniente sequence B

Table A3.2.4: Drill core T4 from Cauquenes!Teniente sequence. B

Table A3.2.4: Drill core T4 from Cauquenes/Teniente sequence f! .

Table A3.3.1: Drill core El from El Salvador No.l sequence B

Table A3.3.1: Drill core El from El Salvador No.! sequence B

Table A3.3.2: Drill core E2 from El Sall ,ador No./ sequence B

Table A3.3.2: Drill core E2 from El Salvador No./ sequence B

Table A3.3.3: Drill core E3 from El Salvador No. 1 sequence B

Table A3.3.3: Drill core E3 from El Sa/mdor No.l sequence B

Table A3.3.4: Drill core E4 from El Salvador No.J sequence B

Table A3.3.4: Drill core E4from El Salvador No.l sequence B


Results of bulk analyses of the drill cores Sl, S2, S3, S6, S7, SS, and S9 from
the Ojancos tailings impoundment No.2

Results of ICP-MS analyses:

Table A4.1: In a prelimary phase of the study (Dold, 1994; Dold et al., 1996), samples
from the drill cores S2, S7, and S8 were subjected to HN03, HF, HCL04, HCL bulk digestion
and analyzed with a FINNIGAN MAT SOLA® ICP-MS at the Geoscience Department of the
University of Bremen, Germany for the element Ag, Al, As, Ba, Co, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Ni, Pb,
and Zn.

Analyses performed by the laboratory of SERNAGEOMIN:

Table A4.2 : Samples from the drill cores S7, S8 , and S9 were analyzed by the laboratory
of the geological survey of Chile (SERNAGEOMIN), Santiago, Chile. For Ca, K, Mn, and Si
determination a sinteration with sadie peroxide and following attack by HCI and H202 was used
as dissolution technique. The solutions were measured by ICP-AES Jobin Yvon® JY -70. Total
sulfur was measured by a LECO® furnace . Sulfates were dissolved by HCI and determined
turbidometrically. Hg was analyzed by atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) cold vapor

Analyses performed by the X-Ray Assay Laboratories (XRAL), of Toronto, Canada.

Table A4 .3: Samples from the drill cores SI, S3, S6, and S9 were subjected to HN03, HF,
HCL04, HCL bulk digestion and analyzed with ICP-ES multi-element analysis.


Dold. B. ( 1994): Geochemische Untersuchungen einer Flotationshalde in Copia po/Region Atacama/Nordchile. - unpublished
Diplomarbeit (Teil 2) Universitat Bremen, Bremen, 91 p.
Dold, B ., Eppinger, K.J ., Kolling, M. (1996): Pyrite oxidation and the associated geochemical processes in tailings in the
Atacama desert/Chile : The intluence of men controlled water input after disuse. Clean technology for the mining
industry. Santiago. p. 417 - 427.

Table A4.1 A4.2: Results of drill cores S2, S7, S8, S9 Ojanocs bulk results

Table A4.1: Results of ICP·MS analyses, University Bremen, Germany

deplh 52-Fe 52-M g 52-Al 52-Cd 52-Co S2 -Cr S2-Cu 52-NI 52 - Pb 52 -Zn

100 1.31 3.17 380.58 217.05 2389 .51 1174 .69 15.20 62.13
2 00 19 . 17 1.19 2 .6 9 6.86 68.58 47 .68 1 .76 199.66 33.40 3 396 .41 1245.83 15 .61 54.17
3 00 12.95 1 .07 3.50 5.48 18 1 .3 7 193.09 3 .40 1 38 .03 37 . 28 2824.23 775 .78 35.89 93 .30
400 8.41 0 .96 3. 1 9 12 . 19 41 1 .58 789 .45 3 . 16 133.76 44 .2 9 3780 .20 54 7.5 1 1 29.75 381.23
490 7 . 10 0.78 4.04 12.54 653.57 991 .73 3 .05 86 .06 33. 46 7254.80 467 . 45 138 . 59 338.09
500 7 .59 1.14 5.32 17. 41 555.20 1404 . 16 7 56 88 . 49 31.09 804 1.8 3 491.17 324.05 675.7 1
6 00 9.97 0 .64 4.55 14.52 633.96 1285 .99 3 .01 57.80 25.40 2809.39 630.67 189 .09 298.96
700 10.06 O. 74 4.4 0 1 2.9 1 417 .05 1069 .49 3.17 111 .64 21 .37 5333. 07 660 . 11 91.4 0 137.42
800 10 . 13 0.78 4.57 17.42 326 .06 1 233.20 2 64 9 1. 68 20 . 71 4253.22 640 .97 125 .86 204.26

deplh 57-Fe 57-Mg 57-Al

% %
10 13.10 1.52 3 .64 3 . 19
100 13.45 0 .99 3 . 36 8.23 145 .02 1 2 1 . 15 174 .02 25.30 29 10.62 16.0 4 _52 . 31
200 9.99 0.68 2 .88 11.75 558.17 1331 .56 2 61 104 . 49 32 .55 3821 .22 649 . 10 1 50.92 387.18
300 7.05 0.65 4.99 11 .12 332.59 1219 .20 3 04 62.31 24 .66 5909 .86 436 . 11 11 3.77 158.1 9
400 8. 1 2 0 .77 5.09 16.90 1043 .32 1082 .89 5 14 107.33 24 . 7 1 5089.65 527 . 94 133.19 53 1 .88
500 8 .98 0 .91 5.53 2 1 .93 686.86 11 2 7 .60 2 74 107.29 55 .90 7200.8 1 592 .00 437.0 7 290 .02
600 1 0.27 0 .84 4 .82 1 3.81 507.26 1 297. 13 2 62 1 2 1. 94 25 . 26 4196.82 655 .57 1 78 . 4 4 1 48 .63
700 9 . 72 0.97 5 .3 4 18 .34 461.47 846.67 3 11 117 . 39 27 . 24 4195.33 626 .23 171.05 1 79 .09
800 10 .39 1 .09 5 .83 2 1.39 591.75 1206 .98 3 64 135 .65 38 .87 4771.7 4 674 .59 268 . 58 226 . 96

10 16 .43
100 1 5.40 1.36 3 .44 4 .72 105 .09 107 .58 2 ~0 266 .32 34 . 90 1688.6 1 925 . 14 1 5 . 17 56 . 17
200 8. 78 1 .20 3 .80 5.50 152 .5 8 208 .60 2 79 1 28 .39 41 . 1 3 2068. 44 490 .43 133 . 73 153. 73
300 5 .4 3 1.00 2.83 10. 66 100 . 29 205 .6 4 2 53 65.86 40 .85 3 579.46 324 .7 9 59 .05 209 . 7 0
400 6.76 0 . 91 3 . 77 22 . 37 85 4 . 21 3749 .07 9 ' 0 97 .88 49 . 1 2 5490 . 86 41 7.64 1156 . 21 123 1 .65
500 8.58 1 .00 6.06 2 4 .6 9 1 704 .8 7 920 .38 7 96 89 . 10 60 .24 6266. 11 492 .5 8 302.78 984 . 61
555 10 .58 0 . 86 4 . 14 24. 11 604 . 70 1 4 1 4 . 79 2 . 75 58.61 94 .82 2561 .1 6 605 . 78 1141 . 20 387 . 96
600 9.09 1.14 5 .5 1 23.64 412. 85 1138.37 0 87 11 6.26 60 .57 3816 . 90 534 . 87 185 . 51 1 81. 1 8
700 9.12 1.09 5 . 50 18.82 293.98 894 . 62 2 74 92 . 32 4 7 . 22 4443 .27 523. 32 220.84 1 73 .66
800 8 80 1.12 5.48 16 .21 5 14 . 36 608. 18 2 70 10 1 . 94 73 .36 4145.74 487 . 1 6 266 . 73 23 1 .77

Table A4.2: Results of analyses performed at the laboratory of SERNAGEOMIN, Santiago de Chile

1 2.6 0.5 0 . 13 36.8 1.4 1 93 0 23

200 19 .5 0 .6 0 .2 1 30 0 7 1 .36 0 64
300 8.8 2 0 .09 48 .4 1. 0 1 4 .46 0 58
400 4.1 2.2 0.18 18.1 2 . 13 4.1 1 '8
500 3 9 24 0 05 46.8 0 .69 5 .88 1 82
600 3.4 2 3 0 .06 49 .4 0.03 4 09 1 ' 8
700 4 .2 2 .4 0 .0 7 50 0 . 13 5.39 1 75
80 0 5 2.4 0 .08 46 .6 0 .02 6 .8 1 2

depth SB-CaO SB · K20 SS-M nO 58- 5102 58 - S 58- 504 58 - Hg

cm % !%! l%1 [ %] l %1 [% 1 !mg/ kg !
10 8. 7 1 .3 0 . 12 39.3 2 . 32 2 . 35 0 01
100 1 4.2 0 .5 0 . 16 38 . 1 2 .02 O . 74 0 os
20 0 1 9 .8 0 .2 1 42 1.1 1 .66 0 17
300 28 .5 0 .4 0 .27 27 . 7 0 .35 0 .6 1 ' 6
400 20 8 1.2 0 . 27 3 1 .9 0 .3 5 . 42 1 68
500 6 .3 2 .4 0.18 39 .5 1 .58 9 .2 3 89
555 7 .2 2 .5 0 . 07 35 .8 0 .67 11 . 94 3 54
600 5 .4 2 .6 0 .07 45 .2 0 .02 6.9 1 48
700 5 .6 2.5 0 .07 44 . 4 0 .02 8 .4 17
800 7.5 2.4 0 .08 40 . 7 0 .0 2 9.29 1 .8

depth S9-Ca0 59· K20

10 9.2 0 .8
100 10 .9 0.6
2 00 24.2 0.4 0.22 29.3 0.5 2.56 0 . 16
300 22.1 0.6 0.19 30.9 0 .7 2 0.68 0 . 15
400 28.8 0.6 0 26 23.9 0.29 5 .5 6 0 94
5 00 4 .8 2.4 0 . 13 42 .2 1 .58 7.01 1 32
600 6 .9 2.4 0 .0 5 4 2.8 0 .55 10.26 2 .3
700 5 .2 2 .6 0 .06 43.7 0.02 8.2 1 67
800 5. 1 2.4 0.06 42 . 4 0 .02 7 .5 1 73

Table A4.3: /CP-ES results of SI, 53, 56, and 59 perfonned by the X-Ray Assay Laboratories (XRAL) of Toronto, Canada bulk results

Sample ldent Be Na Mg Al p K Ca Sc Ti v Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn As Sr y Zr Mo Ag Cd Sb Ba La Pb
Analysis Unit ppm % % % % % % ppm % ppm ppm ppm % ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm
Detection Lim it 0.5 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0 .01 0.01 0.5 0.01 2 1 2 0 .01 1 1 0.5 0 .5 3 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 0 .2 1 5 1 0.5 2
S1/010 1.7 1.65 1.6 3.75 0.15 0.5 7 .72 8.1 0.17 103 53 1140 17 361 98 1830 32.6 57 93.9 9.2 51 3 2 6 -5 110 23.9 8
S1/100 1.9 1.83 1.19 3.3 0.12 0.23 6.81 6.1 0.15 131 53 872 19.7 172 84 2410 29.6 -3 90.4 9.6 46.6 2 2.5 7 -5 65 29 .9 8
S1/200 1.4 1.53 0.98 2.82 o. 11 0.19 12.5 5.9 0.14 115 54 1440 15.1 119 58 4270 45.7 46 86.1 10.2 41.6 9 6.8 5 8 40 27.2 16
S1/300 1 .7 1.59 0.87 3.92 0.14 1.02 7.81 8.1 0.22 122 61 984 19 .9 183 44 1790 47 .1 27 151 12.2 55 .2 4 2.4 7 6 344 27 .2 19
S1/400 0.7 1.14 0.71 2.64 0.1 0.39 17.7 6.8 0.13 84 66 1940 7.92 85 32 5140 114 125 128 8.3 36 45 8.3 2 12 417 17 .3 45
S1/500 1. 1 1.05 0.85 5.48 0.1 1 .79 4.8 10.6 0.18 125 60 1290 9.73 90 42 5610 417 462 158 13.7 44.1 121 9 .5 4 61 405 40 .6 153
S1/600 1 .6 1.1 0.92 6.21 0.11 1.96 3 .52 10.4 0.21 123 64 1150 10.4 89 52 4450 646 522 260 13 .2 58 284 29.7 6 70 359 37 .1 332
51/670-690 1.6 0.98 0.89 5.28 0.16 1.71 3.04 10.7 0.2 140 68 521 12.5 102 50 4330 169 372 161 15 .3 52 . 1 76 15 .7 3 48 1020 56 .5 147
S1/800 1.5 1.08 0.89 5.26 0.14 1.92 2 .65 10 0.21 140 49 555 12.3 119 48 4040 177 381 155 13.9 57 .4 83 15 3 57 999 53.6 120

S3/010 1.5 1.57 1.19 3 .31 0.13 0.34 9.57 6.9 0.16 105 49 1280 16.1 239 76 2390 32 .9 23 93 8.4 43 .7 3 2.7 4 -5 79 21 .2 5
S3/100 2.1 1.72 1.18 3.33 0.13 0.34 6.05 6 0.15 133 52 839 20.8 195 86 1700 36 .3 -3 79 9.6 48.7 2 1.7 7 5 98 31 .5 10
S3/200 1. 7 1.72 0.79 3.98 0.13 0.89 4.38 7.1 0.21 112 52 611 20 .3 153 34 1090 26.1 -3 156 10.8 54.3 1 0.8 6 -5 284 20 .7 4
S3/300 0.6 1.39 0.68 2.99 0.1 0.47 17.2 7.1 0 . 16 83 55 2300 8 .05 77 32 5180 701 249 173 10 .2 38.7 20 12 .8 5 41 1320 13 .2 198
S3/400 0.9 1.16 0 .76 3.78 0.11 0.96 12 .8 7.8 0.15 97 65 1530 7 .91 70 36 5880 201 157 145 10.4 40.8 75 7 .6 2 19 567 27.4 94
S3/500 1.2 1.35 1.06 6.12 0.1 1.79 2.86 11.1 0.2 129 52 1680 9.3 122 57 5980 663 469 219 11.5 55.5 203 10 .6 6 77 479 38.6 335
S3/600 1.5 1.06 0.79 5.2 0.1 1.84 2.46 8 0.17 110 47 604 11.4 92 39 3360 324 305 199 11 .7 57.1 267 22 4 44 316 42.1 285
S3/700 1.5 0.85 0.93 5.84 0.18 1 .93 2.83 10.6 0.21 138 60 526 10.6 92 47 6080 195 377 203 15 .2 54.4 126 19 3 50 584 64.4 166
S3/800 1.4 1 0.82 5.1 0.12 1.85 2.28 9.3 0.2 127 53 676 11.5 128 54 3540 259 426 167 13.8 51 .5 134 16.5 3 60 425 46.9 192

S6/010 1.5 1.68 1.19 4 .01 0.16 0 .51 9 .3 7.1 0.18 97 48 1490 14.9 199 72 1030 30 .5 26 88.7 9.4 50 .6 3 1 3 -5 122 23 . 1 2
S6/100 1.9 1 .69 1.08 3.36 0 . 13 0 .27 7.28 6.4 0 . 17 127 53 971 19.2 209 79 1850 33 .2 -3 92.2 9.9 46.1 1 2 .1 5 -5 75 27 .9 4
S6/200 1.4 1.59 0.73 3.61 0.12 0.86 8.46 6.5 0 . 18 102 54 983 16.6 137 33 1960 35 .2 -3 126 9 .4 53 . 1 4 2 .7 5 -5 267 23.1 3
S6/300 -0.5 1.19 0 .58 2 .57 0.09 0.3 20.9 6.1 0.12 68 62 2110 3.34 44 25 6480 73.1 154 128 7 .6 31.1 67 9 1 8 157 15 .4 24
S6/400 1.2 1.59 0.67 5.23 0.08 1.65 2 .03 7.8 0.15 99 47 1010 11 95 38 4550 192 115 151 10.2 60.5 185 5.5 3 19 367 46.4 84
S6/500 1.5 0.96 0.86 6.39 0.11 2.01 3.09 10.5 0.2 124 58 1220 10.1 82 50 4320 656 633 278 12 .3 48 395 27.2 5 84 182 28.9 336
S6/600 1.3 0 .79 1 .07 5.85 0.2 1.82 3.18 11.9 0.21 139 76 466 10.2 101 50 4290 152 348 172 16 .6 62.2 85 21.2 2 58 504 65 .6 164
S6/700 1.3 0.79 1.03 5.67 0.19 1.8 3.5 12.1 0.21 151 67 535 10.7 89 43 4110 210 396 155 16.7 58.2 85 17.2 3 49 675 59 .3 204

S9/010 1 .9 1.42 1 . 11 3.23 0.17 0.7 6.51 6 .8 0 .19 109 57 1130 20 .2 320 87 2600 34 7 80 .7 8 .5 54 2 1 .2 6 8 189 27 .9 8
S9/100 1.7 1 .56 1.1 3.61 0 . 14 0 .5 7.35 6 .4 0.17 1 11 46 1130 17 .2 205 66 1420 32 13 86.8 9.1 49 .2 -1 1 .7 5 -5 125 28 .2 8
S9/200 0.8 1.24 0.9 2.59 0.11 0.26 15.8 6.8 0.13 86 38 1690 8.33 86 44 2580 74 .5 93 95.3 8 .8 36 .7 10 5 2 6 100 15 .2 39
S9/300 0.9 1.56 0.86 3.23 0.1 0.42 15 7.7 0 . 17 89 57 1560 9.8 67 25 3430 73 .9 66 120 8 .8 43 4 5 .2 2 11 105 9 .5 7
S9/400 -0.5 0.9 0.63 2.61 0.1 0.42 18.2 6.8 0.11 82 78 1920 4 .41 60 35 4920 257 326 125 9.2 33 .2 31 10.1 2 28 436 23 .3 189
S9/500 1.3 1 .12 1.05 6.21 0 . 1 1.89 3.31 11.6 0.21 130 71 1130 9.63 85 46 6710 560 844 195 12 .9 54 .4 232 12.7 5 99 360 44 .1 231
S9/600 1.2 0.78 0.98 5.49 0.19 1.87 4 .67 12 0 . 19 127 72 385 9.46 67 39 3650 177 362 172 14 .2 54.5 57 17 2 73 302 50.5 363
S9/700 1.3 0.74 1 .07 5 .93 0.21 1.91 3.36 12.8 0.21 148 77 471 10 .4 100 48 3760 143 408 162 16.6 59 .4 57 21.4 2 72 580 61 .3 188
S9/800 1 .2 0 .83 1.03 5.85 0 . 23 1 .87 3 .49 13 0.22 155 81 531 11 . 1 92 47 4560 177 393 158 16 .7 59.5 94 17 .9 3 52 450 58 .9 169
SX/YYY = drill core number/depth in cm

Climatic data

Representative climatic data (the year 1995) from the Saladillo (1580 rn a.s.l) and
Lagunitas (2765 rn a.s.l.) meteorological stations nearby the Piuquenes tailings
impoundment (2100 rn a.sl.), Andina:

Table A4.1: Climatic data Saladillo 1995 ( 1580 a.s.l.)

Month F M A M J J A s 0 N D
Evaporation (mm) 10.4 8.8 8.1 6.2 4.5 2.8 2.1 3.1 4.9 6.6 8.6 9.3
Precipitation (mm) 57.9 1.1 1.2 34.9 3 1. 1 105.1 60 45.2 40.8 2.9 0 1.8
Tmax (0 C) 30.3 28 27.2 28.3 26.2 24.5 21.6 25.4 28.2 26.5 28.6 29.1
Tmin (0 C) 8.6 7.4 8.3 5.9 4 .9 0.5 -1.5 -4.2 1.5 3.2 6.4 6.7
Tmed (°C) 15.6 15.3 14.8 12.8 1 1.6 7 2.2 5.2 8.6 10.6 14. 1 17. 1

Table A4.2: Climatic data Lagunitas 1995 (2765 a. s.!.)

Month F M A M J A s 0 N D
Precipitation (mm) 67.2 0 0 0 47.3 159.4 142.9 147.1 48.6 5.8 4.7 23.3
Tmax (0 C) 19.8 19.4 18.9 19.2 16.7 14.7 14.7 12.5 15.7 17.5 17 24
Tmin (0 C) 1.6 1.2 0 -0.1 -3 -7 - 11.8 -1 1. 1 -7.2 -2.8 0 5.4
Tmed (°C) 12.8 1 1.7 11.3 9.3 7.2 2.4 -2.2 0.2 3.7 6.5 9.6 1 1.6

Representative climatic data (the year 1989) from the Parron meteorological station
nearby the Cauquenes tailings impoundment (725 rn a.sl.), Teniente:

Table A4.3: Climatic data Parron 1989 (700 111 a. s.!.)

Month J F M A M A s 0 N D
Precipitation (mm) 0 0 0 0 38.6 42.9 134.1 277 28.6 1 1.2 1.2 0
Tmax ( C)
33 32 29 26 19.8 25 26.3 21.8 25.2 30 31 31.9
Tmin (0 C) 6.6 6 2.2 -0.8 -2.4 -0.4 -4.5 -1.6 -2.8 -1.6 2 5.4


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