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Lapis lazuli and the Great Khorasan Road

In: Palorient. 1982, Vol. 8 N1. pp. 59-69.

Rsum Les vestiges archologiques aussi bien que les donnes textuelles des 4e et 3e millnaires sont utiliss ici pour reconstituer la route commerciale du lapis-lazuli. Prenant son origine au Badakhshan, cette route traversait probablement le Kerman (Aratta), le Fars (Anshan) et le Khuzistan (Suse). La reconstitution prsente ici s'lve contre l'ide d'un contrle du commerce du lapis par des communauts septentrionales telles que Hissar et Gawra et minimise le rle de la Grande Route du Khorassan (Route de la Soie). Abstract Archaeological and textual evidence of the fourth and third millennia are used to reconstruct a trade route for lapis-lazuli. Originating in Badakhshan. this route probably traversed Kerman (Aratta). Fars (Anshan) and Khuzistan (Susa). The present reconstruction argues against control of the lapis trade by such northern communities as Hissar and Gawra. and minimizes the role of the Great Khorasan (Silk) Route.

Citer ce document / Cite this document : Majidzadeh Y. Lapis lazuli and the Great Khorasan Road. In: Palorient. 1982, Vol. 8 N1. pp. 59-69. doi : 10.3406/paleo.1982.4309


ABSTRACT. - Archaeological and textual evidence of the fourth and third millennia are used to reconstruct a trade route for lapis-lazuli. Originating in Badakhshan. this route probably traversed Kerman (Aratta). Fars (Anshan) and Khuzistan (Susa). The present reconstruction argues against control of the lapis trade by such northern communities as Hissar and Gawra. and minimizes the role of the Great Khorasan (Silk) Route. RESUME. - Les vestiges archologiques aussi bien que les donnes textuelles des 4L' et 3e millnaires sont utiliss ici pour reconstituer la route commerciale du lapis-lazuli. Prenant son origine au Badakhshan, cette route traversait probablement le Kerman (Aratta), le Fars (Anshan) et le Khuzistan (Suse). La reconstitution prsente ici s'lve contre l'ide d'un contrle du commerce du lapis par des communauts septentrionales telles que Hissar et Gawra et minimise le rle de la Grande Route du Khorassan (Route de la Soie).

The Iranian central plateau represents one of the largest prehistoric cultural regions in Iran. A very im portant feature of this region is its geographical location, because during historical times the main route connect ing Mesopotamia and western Iran to northeastern Iran, Afghanistan, and eventually China was through the central plateau. During the Islamic period, as the most important trading route of the country, it was known as the "Silk Road" or the "Great Khorasan Road". Unlike Mesopotamia, where the prehistoric cultural centers were established on the banks of the Tigris and Euphrates, the two main arteries of communi cation, in the central plateau navigable major rivers do not exist. Therefore, the establishment of a settlement depended on two important factors an area not only suitable for living, but also with a specific geographical feature which could connect that area with the other cultural centers of the plateau in the shortest and easiest way. The location of the excavated prehistoric settl ements of the central plateau along the present main routes of the region testifies that the early prehistoric people of this central highland were using more or less the same routes. Thus, the earliest residents of the plateau must be credited as the first engineers who were responsible for the establishment of the present main roads of the central plateau. In the absence of a detailed archaeological survey in the central plateau, and the lack of any extensive knowl edge of the settlement patterns during the early prehis torictime in this central highland of Iran, one may argue that the location of the already known early settlements along the present routes may be accidental and that the prehistoric peoples of the central plateau may have used a totally different route or routes which passed through other more important settlements not yet known to us. In response to this argument it should be pointed out that the geographical factors of this : 59

region do not support such an idea. The existence of large salt desert basins on one hand, and the ranges. of bare mountains within the central plateau on the other hand, has limited the habitable areas to the edges of the deserts and the foot of the mountains. Therefore, all prehistoric settlements had to be limited to the marginal fertile lands of Damghan, Semnan, Rayy, Karaj, the Qazvin plain, Saveh, Qum. and Kashan (fig. 3). A study of the central plateau would show that the present roads crossing the region are the only alternatives and that all the settlements are located within a short distance of the roads. The three major roads of the central highland have always been of great strategic value, especially in connection with long distance trade, one running in an east-west direction, connecting Afghanistan to Asia Mi nor through Khorasan, Damghan, Semnan, Ravy, the Qazvin plain (1), Zanjan, Miyaneh, Tabriz and farther northwest, into Anatolia. From Miyaneh a second branch of this route extends to northern Mesopotamia by way of the Solduz Valley and the Gorges of the Little Zab. The second route, with a southwest-northeast di rection, connected Mesopotamia to Afghanistan by way of southern Assyria, Ghasr-e-Shirin, Kermanshah, Kangavar, Hamadan, Saveh, and Rayy. From this point it joined the east-west route where it continued to Afghanistan (2). This route with its full extension was the famous "Silk Road" or the "Great Khorasan Road". The third major route, with a southnorth direction, connected the southwestern provinces of Khuzistan and Fars to Rayy and farther east to Afghanistan by way of Isfahan, Kashan, and Qum (fig. 2). (1) The traceable remains of this route in the Qazvin plain shows that it passed by Tepe Ghabristan. See SHAHMIRZADI 1979 50. (2) DYSON 1965 215: LEV1NE 1973 4 LE STRANGE 1905 9-10 and map n V. : : : :




Kashon flsfahan !_ A h w a z Yard

fjy Abba; >

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L_ FIG. 1. - Map of Iran.

FIG. 2. - The Main Roads of the Iranian Central Plateau. 60

LAPIS LAZULI AND THE GREAT KHORASAN ROAD \.< A ZVIN A I BUR Z V T iHR AN KAVIR StMNAN SAVI H ---_-.-.-_-_-.-_-. qum "::-:-:-:-::--:-kavir masuieh -i, ------- KAVIR sangfarsh . RANGE



KASHAN km.! 1 00

FIG. 3. - Iranian Central Plateau and the Great Kavir Region. It is equally interesting to see that the early prehistor ic settlements of the Qazvin plain, so far as we know, were the only cultural centres in the central plateau which were in direct contact with northern as well as southern Assyria, while Tepe Hissar was isolated from the rest of the plateau's cultural centres and could be reached only through Cheshmeh Ali. The Saveh region was the heart of this central highland with roads going out in all directions; not only was it astride the south west-northeast road, but it connected the Qazvin plain to Qum and Kashan. Therefore, a detailed survey in the area may produce significant additions to our present knowledge. Tepe Cheshmeh Ali lay on the most import ant single cross-road; it was the only gateway to the east. There the main roads from southern and northern Assyria, and from southwest and southern Iran join, with a single road continuing to the east. Sialk, in the southwestern corner of the region, like Hissar, was isolated but to a lesser extent from the rest of the central plateau, though it was connected with the rest of the Iranian central highland only through Qum and Saveh. But. due to the closeness of this site to the west central and the southwestern cultural centres, Tepe Sialk played an important role in the diffusion of some Susiana cultural elements into the more northern parts of the central plateau. Traders travelled through these roads and carried their merchandise from one region to another for mil lennia, especially during the historical periods. The main 61 question, however, remains whether or not during the prehistoric time the full extension of either one of these three major roads crossing the central plateau was in use as an established regular trading route. The first scholar to introduce the idea of the use of the full extension of one of these three routes known as the "great Khorasan Road" as early as the Ubaid 4 period was Georgina Herrmann. In connection with the earl iest lapis lazuli trade, she has proposed that during the Late Ubaid and the Uruk periods of northern Mesopotam ia, and the Jemdet Nasr, Early Dynastic, and the Akkadian periods of southern Mesopotamia, traders tra velled through this route all the way from the north, and then from the south in Mesopotamia, to Badakhshan in Afghanistan (3). On pages 53 and 54 of her lapis article she says "... We have established that Gawra appeared to hold almost a monopoly, from its initiation of the trade in Late Ubaid to the Late Uruk period of Gawra IX, when the monopoly was taken over by the south... " "When the organization of the lapis lazuli trade was in southern hands there was not only a wider distribution of lapis lazuli within Mesopotamia itself, but..." "The seizure of the lapis monopoly from Gawra had repercussions in Iran... Elam was then in a position to control the trade, importing lapis lazuli from sites in the north-east, such as Hissar, through Sialk, and exporting the stone west to Sumer and even perhaps to Egypt by sea. " :

LAPIS LAZULI AND THE GREAT KHORASAN ROAD "Early in E. D. I this flourishing trade went into total eclipse; both in Sumer and...'' "According to Sumer ian tradition it was Enmerkar of Uruk who re-opened the trade of lapis lazuli by diplomat ic bartering with the ruler of Aratla--... perhaps some where south or south-east of the Caspian. The very fact that Enmerkar knew about lapis lazuli and where to obtain it indicates a persisting tradition in Sumer and endorses the suggestion that the break in the trade was caused by events in Iran beyond the control of Sumer' s rulers. Much as they may have desired the stone it was not until Enmerkar's successful initiative that regular exchange duration." could be re-established after an interval of uncertain state of Aratta. Indeed, this is indirectly suggested by G. Herrmann herself; she says that the Elamites imported their lapis lazuli "from sites in the northeast, such as Hissar" (meaning Aratta or a site close to Aratta). Fur ther evidence that this was indeed the supposed location of ancient Aratta that led G. Herrmann in 1968 to propose that the distribution of lapis lazuli followed the line of the Great Khorasan Road is clearly based on the following statement, already quoted above "The very fact that Enmerkar knew about lapis lazuli and where to obtain it indicates a persisting tradition in Sumer ". In other words, Enmerkar knew that the place to obtain lapis lazuli was Aratta (somewhere to the south or southeast of the Caspian in all probability, Tepe Hissar), a site where the rulers of Sumer traditionally obtained their lapis lazuli. This tradition goes back, at least, to as early as the Jemdet Nasr period, since at the time of E. D. I the lapis lazuli trade "had gone into total eclipse". On the other hand, we know that nowhere in her article does G. Herrmann make any mention of a shift of direction of the lapis lazuli trade route from the Late Ubaid to the Jemdet Nasr period. That means that we can comfortably assume that in her opinion the traditio nal source for importing lapis lazuli (the place known as Aratta to Enmerkar) can go back to as early as the Gawra XIII period. With the possible location of the state of Aratta to the south or southeast of the Caspian, that is along the "Great Khorasan Road", G. Herrmann proposes that indeed the Mesopotamian lapis lazuli, for at least one thousand five hundred years (from the Late Ubaid to the end of the Akkadian periods) came through this ancient road. The discovery of the exact location of the state of Anshan in the modern province of Fars (8), however, proved that the identification of Aratta by G. Herrmann as south or southeast of the Caspian is du bious, since according to the epic of Enmerkar Anshan and Aratta were two neighboring states. Therefore, with the discovery of Anshan in the province of Fars, and the probable location of the state of Aratta as the mo dern province of Kerman (9), the route of the transship ment of lapis lazuli from Badakhshan to the southern states of Mesopotamia changes dramatically from the direction of the Great Khorasan Road on the north of the Iranian highland, to the south connecting the low land of Sumer to Badakhshan through Susa (Khuzistan), Anshan (Fars), and Aratta (Kerman). Even if one does not accept the proposed location of the state of Aratta as the modern province of Kerman, the existence of the large quantity of lapis lazuli in Shahr-i-Sokhta, of which only 10 percent had been worked into objects, while 90 percent occurred as waster flakes, indicates that the Sumerian lapis lazuli was being partly worked at Shahri-Sokhta and then shipped to Mesopotamia (10) through a route entirely different from the "Great Khorasan Road" as suggested by G. Herrmann. (8) SUMNER 1974 155-175. (9) MAJIDZADEH 1976 105-113. (10) LAMBERG-KARLOVSKY and TOS1 1973: 27. 46: TOSI and PIPERNO 1973 20-21. : 62 : : :

The earliest written sources in which the state of Aratta were mentioned belong to Enmerkar, who according to the Sumerian King List was the second king of the First Dynasty of Uruk (4). In one of the two texts which is known as "Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta" (5), the king demands the advice of the goddess Inanna in the search for gold, silver, and lapis lazuli from the state of Aratta. According to the advice of the goddess, he (Enmerkar) sends a suitable emissary with a message "via Susa, the mountain country of Anshan, and over great mountain ranges to the land of Aratta" (6), and proposes a convenient exchange for goods. But the king of Aratta rejects the proposal. But later on, since famine makes the situation in Aratta seem desper ate, he accepts the offer and Enmerkar sends loads of grain to Aratta. Although the similarity of the lapis lazuli found in Mesopotamia to that of Badakhshan is beyond any dispute, G. Herrmann's evidence in respect to the use of the Khorasan Road for lapis lazuli trade by the merchants of Ubaid, Uruk-Jemdet Nasr (Protoliterate), Early Dynastic, or Akkadian periods of either northern or southern Mesopotamia is strongly arguable. Apparently G. Herrmann's reasons for such a propos al are drawn from the fact that she has located the state of Aratta "perhaps somewhere south or south-east of the Caspian" (7), because in the first place she proposes a location for Aratta somewhere in the vicinity of Damghan (perhaps Tepe Hissar itself) and then she suggests that the Elamites imported "from sites in northeast, such as Hissar" (meaning Aratta or a site close to Aratta since Tepe Hissar is located on the southeast of the Caspian). This is because, even today, the only known site to the south or southeast of the Caspian which was occupied from before the Late Ubaid to the end of the mid-second millennium . is Tepe Hissar. Thus, it is logical to believe that by locating of Aratta somewhere to the south or southeast of the Caspian, G. Herrmann was probably thinking of Tepe Hissar or a similar site in the vicinity of Damghan as a favored location for the (3) HERRMANN 1968 21-57. (4) JACOBSEN 1939. Table 2. (5) KRAMER 1952. (6) COHEN 1973 30-31. (7) Ibid. 57. Anshan and Aratla were two important Iranian city states. The latter was mentioned for the first time in the Sumerian texts usually thought to reflect the Early Dynastic II period, dated to the first half of the third Millennium B.C. : :

LAPIS LAZULI AND THE GREAT KHORASAN ROAD The following analysis of the available material will show whether the lapis lazuli of Badakhshan reached Assyria during the L'baid 4 and Uruk periods through the "Great Khorasan Road", or under some different circumstances. Since trade forms part of the productive activities of a society participating in an exchange network, and the motivational factors operative in prehistoric exchange systems cannot be determined solely through an imagi natively constructed cost-benefit analysis (1 1 ),our first attempt would be the study of socio-economic structure and the potentialities of the productive activities of the Late Ubaid and Uruk societies of GawraXIII to IX settlements. The most important field of industrial activity, and one of the earliest specialities which emerged from the shadow of prehistory, was metallurgy (12). By Gawra XIII this technology was already being commonly practiced in Anatolia, and in Iran in the central plateau, as well as in Kerman and Khuzistan provinces (13), but the very small number of the copper objects reported from Gawra precludes the possibility of any large scale metallurgical activities in that site. The stratigraphie distribution of copper objects at Gawra is as follows Below Level XVIII 0 Level XVII 2 Levels XVI-XIV 0 Level XIII 1 Level XII 4 Level XLA 5 Level XI 9 Level X-A 3 Level X 2 Level IX 3 To this inventory, one can add a few copper beads and pendants from a tomb attributed to Level XI, and nine copper bosses and buttons from a Level XII or Level XI-A burial (14). Along with these copper objects, however, no evidence, such as fragments of slag, ore, mold, or crucible, to support the idea of the existence of some sort of metallurgical activities during the involved periods at Gawra has yet been reported. Therefore, one cannot disregard the possibility that at this stage manuf actured copper objects were being imported into Gawra rather than being produced there. This is also supported by the result of the chemical analysis of two copper adzes from Levels XII and XI to determine their cons tituent elements (15). The result of this analysis showed a sharp difference in the composition of the two adzes. The specimen from Level XII contained a considerably higher percentage of copper, while the other comprised considerable nickel inclusion, missing completely in the first one. The result of this analysis is as follows : (1 1) KOHL 1978. (12) SMITH 1974 7. (1 3) For the study of the earliest metallurgical activities in the Near East, see MAJIDZADEH 1979 82-92. (14) TOBLER 1950 212. (15) Ibid., 212. : : : 63 : Adze, Level XII Adze, Level XI Copper 95.36 % 91.80 "<, Iron 0.19 0.02 Nickel .... 3.49 Arsenic 0.05 1.36 Undetermined 4.40 3.06 This analysis indicates clearly that the copper was imported to Gawra from different regional sources, e ither in the form of raw material or manufactured ob jects. In view of the above comments, it would be more logical to admit that the copper entered Gawra in the form of manufactured items. Even if we accept the possibility of the existence of some copper workshops at Gawra, and that the metal of different components was imported from various sources as raw material and then smelted, cast, and shaped into objects in the local1 metalsmith workshops, it is clear that metal production of Gawra was very limited to an extent that could hardly fulfill the needs of its own craftsmen and arti sans. Recall both the quantity and the variety of copper tools and implements reported from Susa A, a contem porary phase in southwestern Iran (16), or Sialk HI, a phase ranging in time from the mid-Halaf to the end of the Ubaid periods in the central Iranian plateau (17). Furthermore, the majority of the Gawra copper find ings such as beads, pendants, rings, pins, buttons, and bosses are solely ornamental objects, and only a few of them, such as axes, adzes, awls, and chisels, are worki ng tools. This important observation indicates that, in comparison with the major industrial centres of the neighboring regions, during the Late Ubaid and the Uruk periods industrial activities at Gawra were limited and possibly unable to provide the needs of their own society. Another important factor, indicative of the size of the expansion of productive activities and the scale of the trading network within the agricultural societies is the amount of the pottery production. The industrial revolu tion in lowland Mesopotamia during the Protoliterate period which led to the accumulation of social surplus es, and the establishment of extensive local and long distance trading systems on one hand, and the employ mentof the fast- wheel for mass production by the potters on the other hand, was by no means a simple coincidence but absolutely correlative. In ancient times, probably the most common means for the shipment of exported commodities was by pottery vessels. Therefore, along with the expansion of the exchange network, potters employed the fast- wheel in order to be able to supply the productive centres with sufficient containers. The vast distribution of the protoliterate (Uruk-Jemdet Nasr) pottery, particularly the four-lug jars, and the bevelled-rim-bowls throughout almost the entire Middle East, is the best evidence for the degree of the expansion of the trading network during the Uruk-Jemdet Nasr periods in southern Mesopotamia and southwestern Iran. The study of the Gawra pottery shows that the (16) MECQUENEM 934 177-237. fig. 27-32 and PI. XXIII. (17) GHIRSHMAN 1939 PI. LXXXIV. LXXXV. : : 1 .. .

LAPIS LAZULI AND THE GREAT KHORASAN ROAD pottery of Level XIII, without exception, was hand made. During Levels XII-A and XII, handmade pottery appeared along with the use of the tournette, or slowwheel. In Levels XI-A, XI, and X the pottery was still handmade, while the use of tournette was less than in Level XII. It was only during Level IX that for the first time wheel-made pottery occurred (18). Apparently, the most important productive activity at Gawra was based on agriculture and animal husbandry. This is indicated by the favorable location of the site "Tepe Gawra is about 14 miles east-north-east of Ninev eh, under the lee of the snow-capped mountain which is now known as the Jebel Maghlub. In ancient times a Wadi carried water to the foot of the settlement which lay in rich agricultural and pastoral country watered by the river Khusr. This tributary of the Tigris ran into the fertile Ninevite plains, and Gawra is one of the many prehistoric sites along that thoroughfare" (19). Despite the richness of the region, however, one cannot always depend on dry farming, compared to irrigation agricul ture, which can produce permanent food surpluses. Apart from agriculture, it seems that the main indust rialactivities during the Late Ubaid and Uruk periods at Gawra was predominantly the lithic industry. This is clearly shown by the varieties of chert and obsidian implements, flakes and cores, and ground stone axes found in almost every level, and by the duplication of many types of already known clay objects in stone by the Gawra artisans (20). This simple lithic industry, however, had already enjoyed a long survival, and was being exercised in almost every contemporary village community, since the raw material was easily accessib le. The appearance of a variety of stamp seals in Le vels XIII-IX, however, favors the existence of an exten sive trading network at Gawra. But the question is whether this trade involved neighboring societies, or geographically separated societies (2 1 ). Important as the emergence of the stamp seals was, they by no means point to the establishment of a long distance exchange system, since seals and sealing systems were understood and accepted only by the trading partners in the net work. The receiver of the imported commodities was undoubtedly well acquainted with the sealing system and especially with the seals of the exchange partners of the exporting societies. Otherwise, any unauthorized person could tamper with goods simply by breaking the original sealing and replacing it with a fake one before the delivery was made. Therefore, sealing systems were effectively exercised solely within the related cultural regions, while transactions with geographically separa ted societies were made with different procedures accep table to both sides. To summarize the economic and the social structures of Gawra during the Late Ubaid and the Uruk periods, one can say that Gawra was a small religious township, : (18) (19) (20) (21) TOBLER 1950: 141. 146. 152 and 154. MALLOWAN 1970 53. TOBLER 1950 200. KOHL 1978 469. : : : 64 with an economy based mainly on agricultural product ion.Although stone cutting was a major industrial activity, the lithic work-shops apparently were only providing for internal consumption, and probably, an insignificant percentage for export purposes. Otherwise, one should expect to see that at least part of these precious stones are distributed within some of the neighboring societies as worked objects; with the excep tionof two small lapis lazuli beads a cylindrical one from a deep sounding at Nineveh (22), and the other, unstratified, from Arpachiyah (23), both probably contemporary with Gawra XIII, lapis lazuli was restrict ed only to Gawra. Due to its religious importance, Gawra was certainly a trading centre in the region, but trade mainly involved adjacent societies rather than geographically separated territories. Pilgrims came from every direction and brought their sealed offerings for the temples. A considerable number of seal impressions are reported to have been recovered from a partially cleared well, connected with the Eastern Temple at Gawra XIII (24). This may explain, to some degree, the existence of the extraordinarily rich number of seals and seal impres sionsat this site. Certainly, through the traffic of the worshippers, the residents of Gawra enjoyed certain benefits by making some transaction with the voyagers. This was probably the main source of income for part of the Gawra population. It was probably through these transactions that certain items of imported precious sto nes, which could be obtained from the neighboring regions, entered Gawra. Due to the importance of the temples, and the large amount of offerings brought by the faithful pilgrims, the wealth and the prosperity of the temple organization differed entirely from that of the society. This is well understood by the comparison between the temple buildings and the secular architecture. The study of the Gawra architecture shows a sharp contrast between temple construction and the secular buildings; the fo rmer magnificently planned, and spacious; the latter irr egular and untidy in ground plans, and small in size, "and it is difficult to discover any systematic develop ment : of town planning there is virtually none" (25). This sharp contrast which led to the appearance of class society is also apparent from the accumulation of remarkable wealth in a limited number of tombs, which was in contrast to the remaining poorly furnished or completely empty graves. The study of 55 tomb burials from Levels XIII-IX shows that except for few pieces, almost all the precious offerings such as gold, electrum, lapis lazuli, turquoise, amethyst, agate, carnelian, beryl, obsidian, marble, he matite, steatite, and serpentine were piled up around the deceased only in three burials: Tombs 109, 110, and 114, all from Level 10 (26). A dramatic contrast appears (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) BECK 1933 179. n. 2. MALLOWAN and ROSE 1935 97. TOBLER 1950 175. MALLOWAN 1970 62. TOBLER 1950 94-97. : : : :


LAPIS LAZULI AND THE GREAT KHORASAN ROAD when one sees that out of 317 graves, only a few are furnished with insignificant offerings, while the rest are either empty or accompanied with one or two beads of white paste. The richest graves are as follows Grave No. 238 was supplied with only a stone macehead; another one (No. G36-171) with a bone playing pipe or whistle, both from Level XI-A. Graves Nos. 1542 and 167 from Level XI were laid side by side, and each was furnished with a small gold piece as head ornaments. And finally, burial No. 181, in the central chamber of Level IX Temple, next to the po dium, was the richest grave burial. It contained a child and was furnished with a gold rosette, a gold dis cshaped ornament, both lying on the skull, and a set of stone gaming pieces (27). On the basis of all the criteria given above, it seems evident that 1 ) Only a small percentage of the Gawra population enjoyed a prosperous and luxurious life, with the rest unable to afford anything but a simple and plain life. 2) These prosperous citizens of Gawra, one way or another, belonged to the Temple Organization. 3) The wealth of the Temple was not obtained through commercial channels or trade ventures, but in part was brought in the form of offerings, by the faith fulpilgrims. 4) The majority of the Gawra population either were not interested in precious stones or, more probably, could not afford to possess any. 5) Despite the undisputed appearance of class so ciety, the lack of any large scale architectural complex among the secular buildings disproves the existence of any kind of state administrative organization or a po werful ruling class at Gawra. 6) Finally, Gawra was no more than a regional commercial centre, and most of all, in the absence of a truly extensive productive potentiality, in comparison with, for example, the highly developed productive acti vities and the establishment of vast trade organizations during the Protoliterate period in southern Mesopotam ia, it does not seem logical to believe that Gawra was involved in any major transactions with geographically separated societies, by sending caravans to long-distance territories in search of some semi-precious stones like lapis lazuli from Badakhshan in Afghanistan. This, howe ver, is against G. Herrmann's opinion which is that, from the time of the Late Ubaid to the end of Uruk periods, "A powerful administration would have been required to initiate and maintain this long-distance traff ic,and by that the north must have enjoyed a monopoly of the lapis lazuli trade at this time" (28). At this point, one may argue that Hermann may never have meant that Gawra organized caravans tra velling thousands of kilometers across Iran into Afghan istan to bring lapis lazuli direct to Gawra, but she merely assumed some kind of indirect trade over this : : (27) Ibid. : 116. (28) HERRMANN 1968 29. : 65 long distance culminating in northern Mesopotamia where Gawra exercised a controlling influence. For an appropriate answer, once more we shall go back to G. Herrmann a) "when the organization of lapis trade was in southern hands... " b) "Elam was then in a position to control the trade, importing lapis lazuli from sites in the northeast, such as Hissar, through Sialk, and exporting the stone west to Sumer and even perhaps to Egypt by sea." :

c) "... much as they may have desired the stone it was not until Enmerkar's successful initiative that regular exchange could be re-established. " Here, the words are clearly speaking against a simple "indirect trade" for the following reasons 1) Although trade may be understood in its widest sense as the reciprocal traffic of materials or goods directed by human agency from one place and/or indi vidual to another, here, by making the above-mentioned statements, G. Herrmann gives some specific meaning to this word she speaks of the organization of lapis lazuli; the importation of lapis lazuli from Hissar, a possible location for Aratta, to Susa by Elamites on one hand, and the export of this semi-precious stone to Sumer and even to Egypt by sea on the other hand. This points undoubtedly to a full-time and well-organized trading network system, rather than "some kind of indirect trade." 2) According to G. Herrmann, "Elamites... importing lapis lazuli from sites... such as Hissar, through Sialk," to Susa. Also, according to her "Susa appeared to have overpowered the final settlement of Sialk 111 and to have established her authority there. " This means that "... due to Elamite expansion on to the plateau", at this stage Sialk had become part of Elam's territory. Whether Elamites imported the stone directly from Hissar (a distance of about 2,000 km), or through their agents at Sialk (ca. 1 .200 km), the merchants or the ruler of Hissar, who in turn, had obtained it either directly from Badakhshan or through intermediaries, would not have handed the lapis lazuli over to Elamites for nothing, but to exchange it with some other goods. The only ques tion is what could Elam offer in exchange ? Obviously it could not have been manufactured items such as stone objects, metalwork, or ornamental pieces, since no such Elamite objects have yet been reported from His sar. Therefore, the only possible item for such bartering purposes could have been food products, such as grain. Thus in order to obtain lapis lazuli, the Elamites, the Gawrans or any other organization had to send loads of grain by means of organized caravans travelling thou sands of kilometers across the Iranian plateau. Undoubte dly, without such preparations they could never get what they wanted. This is supported very clearly by the epic of Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta (Supra). The distance between Baghdad and Badakhshan, ac cording to Le Strange, in the direction of the "Great Khorasan Road" is about 2,500 km which would have taken a caravan, directly or indirectly, over three months to cover. Thus a round trip to import lapis lazuli : : :

LAPIS LAZULI AND THE GREAT KHORASAN ROAD from Badakhshan to southern Assyria would under normal circumstances have taken a caravan of traders about seven or eight months. It is also true that these journeys were not the job of one person but of an expedition consisting of a large member of crew and guards for the security of the caravan. A full inventory of the lapis lazuli found at Gawra shows that there was very little use of this stone in that site. Of 317 graves and 55 tombs only four tomb burials yielded lapis lazuli, these being two beads and one pendant from Tomb in level 9 ; one seal from Tomb 1 10, over 450 beads, forming one or possibly two complete ornamental objects like necklaces and three gold studs with lapis lazuli in the centre from Tomb 109; and a rosette in gold with lapis lazuli in the centre, including a seal, from Tomb 114, all in Le vel X (29), and finally, one unstratified seal which is assigned to Level XIII by the excavator (30), and on the basis of stylistic analysis, to Level XI by B. Buchanan and E. Porada (31). As the inventory shows, it is only during Gawra Level 1 0 that a considerable amount of lapis lazuli has been reported from three tombs, while Level IX and Level XIII-XI have yielded only three beads and one seal respectively. In view of the fact that Gawra XIII to IX cover a period of some 500 years, a simple calcula tion will show that in comparison with, for example, the Early Dynastic period lapis lazuli was by no means a material in popular demand at Gawra, but desired by only a small group of wealthy and prosperous residents. Thus, the question would be whether or not a desire for having this semi-precious stone was worthy enough to persuade traders to organize expeditions and send them regularly on a journey of 1 500 km to Hissar, or even farther to the east to a distance of some 2,500 km to Afghanistan for a period of seven or eight months a year, for five hundred years, just to obtain a few lumps of lapis lazuli, and that, only for the satisfaction of a very small minority (about one percent) of the wealthy population of Gawra. Therefore, it makes more sense to think that instead of the monopolization of the lapis lazuli trade from its initiation of the trade in the Late Ubaid to the Late Uruk period of Gawra XIII by the "powerful administration of Gawra", this stone reached Gawra on a few occasions through some indirect inter mediaries. Lamberg-Karlovsky uses the term "Exchange" for the kind of transaction, through which we believe the Badakhshan lapis lazuli arrived in north ern Mesopotamia. His definition of an "Exchange" sys tem is a follows : "This form in the dissemination of goods differs from the above (Direct Contact Trade) by lacking a definite organization of standardized value of specific materials. Goods are passed from place to place without specific design or purpose. Thus materials from site A and their arrival at site represent an arbitrary exchange of merchandise from site to site." (32) (29) (30) (31) (32) TOBLER 1950 88-97. Ibid. : 189. HERRMANN 1968 30, n 3 33. LAMBERG-KARLOVSKY 1972: 222. : : 1. 66 Up to this point our argument could have been valid if in reality the state of Aratta was located, as G.H. has assumed, somewhere south or southeast of the Caspian. But the discovery of Anshan (Tall-i-Malyan), and the likelihood that Anshan and Aratta were two neighbor ing states, indicate that G. Herrmann's the assumed location of Aratta must now be reconsidered, and one should look for it not on the north but rather in the southern parts of the Iranian plateau. Accordingly, one can no longer accept the possibility of importing lapis lazuli from Hissar- or any other cultural centre to the west of Hissar- to Gawra, Elam, or anywhere else in Mesopotamia, because, in such intermediaries, besides some cultural contacts, one would expect to find a considerable amount of lapis lazuli, especially, since lapis would not cost as much as it did at Gawra, Elam, or Uruk, since such intermediary sites were located much closer to the source than any of those three cultural centres. In comparison with the huge amount of lapis lazuli found at Shahr-i-Sokhta II, a site which now is considered as one such intermediary along the lapis lazuli road to southern Mesopotamia, no lapis has been reported either from Hissar I or Sialk III periods. Therefore, accepting Hermann's proposal, one has either to look farther in the direction of the east, for other intermediaries, or to admit that the merchants of Gawra or Elam, instead of collecting their merchandise from Sialk or Hissar, travelled farther towards the east and obtained their desired stone directly from its source. Lapis lazuli reached Gawra during the time when northern Mesopotamia had close cultural contacts with the Iranian central plateau, namely with the contempor ary settlement, Ghabristan IV, at the Qazvin plain, the only known people in the plateau who had direct contacts with the Gawra community (33). This is sup ported by the fact that the disappearance of lapis lazuli in northern Mesopotamia was contemporary with the end of the Ghabristan culture in the Qazvin plain and the occupation of Hissar II by the Gray-Ware people of the Early Bronze Age, a city which was located farther towards the east, along the east-west route leading from Afghanistan to northern Mesopotamia. This direction, however, is somewhat different from that suggested by G. Herrmann. In her opinion, the Badakhshan lapis lazuli reached Gawra by passing through Hissar (IB) near Damghan, Sialk (III 4-5) near Kashan, and Giyan (VC) near Nahavand during Gawra XIII-XI, and Hissar (1), Sialk (III 6-7), and Giyan (VD) at the time of Gawra X-A IX, because "these sites are stratigraphically placed on the main route to the east, a route which continued to be used throughout the millennia with little variation. A late, but detailed record of it has been left by Arab geographers Road." (34) who knew it as the "Great Khorasan G. Herrmann's criteria for such a proposal is based on R.H. Dyson Jr.'s studies of the early chronology of Iran (35). A serious problem with Dyson's studies oc(33) MAJIDZADEH 1976: 113-118. (34) HERRMANN 1968 36. (35) DYSON 1965 215-256. : :

LAPIS LAZULI AND THE GREAT KHORASAN ROAD curs when the Mesopotamian prehistoric cultures are used for comparative purposes. There is a feeling among some archaeologists that, in general, the prehistoric cultures of Iran developed under the predominant i nfluence of Vlesopotamian cultures. This feeling is mainly due to the fact that in comparison with the relatively well-established cultural sequence of prehistoric Meso potamia, very little is known about the Iranian cultures. Thus, in many cases, the prehistoric cultures of Iran have been low-dated, and as a result, almost every innovation has been attributed to Mesopotamia, even if it had, in reality, occurred in Iran. This problem appears to be stronger when dealing with the prehistoric cultures of the central Iranian plateau, since we know so very little about this vast cultural region. The best evidence for such determinations can be seen in Dyson's relative chronological studies of early prehistoric Iran. In his comparison between Sialk III and Ubaid 4periods Dyson states that "...with Sialk III 4-5 many cultural innovations occur including strong influence from Meso potamia. These innovations include : (I) the introduction of the potter's wheel, known in the LJruk period of Susa and Gawra IX ; (2) the introduction of the technique of casting copper, known already in... Gawra (36)." The excavations at Tepe Ghabristan, in the Qazvin plain, however, produced enough evidence to make it possible to re-evaluate the previous datings for the various pha ses of the Middle and Late Plateau (Sialk HI) peri ods (37). A detailed comparison between the pottery decorat ion of Sialk III 4-5, which is dated by Dyson to as late as the L'ruk period, and that of the northern Mesopota mian cultures of Arpachiyah, Gawra, and Tell Halaf shows that the best, and, in some cases, identical parall elsappear in the Ubaid 3 period which overlaps the end of the Halaf period. Accordingly, the introduction of the smelting and casting of copper, and the introduct ion of potter's wheel occur in the Iranian central pla teau long before its appearance at Gawra or anywhere in Mesopotamia (38). On the basis of the Ghabristan excavations, the rela tive chronology of the Iranian central plateau in compar isonwith the Late Ubaid and the Uruk periods at Gawra seems as follows Sialk Ghabristan Hissar Gawra III 6-7 IV 6-4 1 XIII-XI IV 3-1 1 X-A-IX IV II VIII Further evidence supporting the suggested way through which lapis lazuli reached Assyria is as fo llows 1 ) A glance at the map of the region shows that the east-west route from Gawra to Rayy is about 600 km shorter than the road leading from Gawra to southern Assyria. Kermanshah, Kangavar, Hamadan. Saveh, and : : (36) Ibid. : 237. (37) MAJIDZADEH 1978 93-101. (38) MAJIDZADEH 1976. Table 5 on p. 204 1979 89-92. : : : 67 Rayy. The route known as the "Great Khorassan Road" never did go through Kashan because this city is some 550 km to the east of Kermanshah or about 400 km to the southeast of Hamadan. Furthermore, there is no direct access to connect Kermanshah or Kangavar to Kashan. In view of the geographical situation of this region, a journey to the east from Gawra by way of Sialk to Rayy would have increased the distance to about 1 ,900 km. Since the distance from Gawra to Rayy through the Qazvin plain is about 1 ,000 km, it is hard to believe that the merchants travelled from Gawra toward the east by going through Sialk; it seems unnecessary and would add another 900 km to their long journey. 2) The study of the Late Plateau (Ghabristan II, Sialk III 6-7b, Hissar 1) pottery and its comparison with the pottery of Godin VI-V, in the Kangavar Valley, and the contemporary Susiana plain cultures have shown that the gap between the destruction of SialklH 7b and the occupation of the site by the people of Sialk IV covered, if not the entire Protoliterate a-b, at least a major part of it. This is indicated by the complete absence of any Uruk elements in the pottery of Sialk III 6-7b, and the appearance of Proto-Elamite clay tablets, cylinder seals and the pottery of Susa Acropolis 18-16 (Susa Cc) (39) during the Sialk IV period, which was contemporary with the Jemdet Nasr period in Mesopotamia. This gap (contemporary with the Uruk period) is exactly the time when lapis lazuli is reported in the greatest quantity in the Late Uruk tombs of Gawra X. 3) At Hissar I and Sialk III (a time, during which, according to Herrmann, lapis lazuli was shipped into Gawra) not even one single piece of lapis lazuli has been reported. 4) Hissar I shows no cultural relations either with its eastern contemporaries or with the Zagros and northern Mesopotamian cultures such as Gawra. At this point further discussion seems to be necessary to examine the possibility of both the destruction of the Sialk III 7b settlement and the occupation of Sialk IV by ProtoElamites as a trading outpost along the Great Khorasan Road. This idea was also suggested by G. Herrmann in connection with the lapis lazuli trade of the merchants of the Susa period (40). It was on the basis of the appearance of Susa type Protoliterate pottery, clay tablets, and cylinder seals, and also the similarity be tween the painted pottery of Sialk IV and that of Su sa (41), that G. Herrmann considered the destruction of the Sialk III 7b settlement at Sialk by "t/ strong ruler of Susa, (42)" and the establishment of a trading outpost by Proto-Elamites at this site. G. Herrmann has been regarding the painted pottery of Sialk IV as a charact eristic ware of the Proto-Elamites (43). But a closer study of Sialk III pottery shows that during levels III 77b a group of wide and narrow painted bands, circling (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) WEISS and YOUNG HERRMANN 1968 LE BRETON 1957 HERRMANN 1968 Ihid. : 37. : 1957 37. 99. Tig. 13. 37. ::

: : :

3a and

LAPIS LAZULI AND THE GREAT KHORASAN ROAD horizontally around the vessels, appear together with the older motifs (44), or occasionally alone (45). This new type of decoration was to be the characteristic feature of the pottery of Sialk IV. It is usually accepted that the destruction of the final phase of Sialk III was caused by a people using this ware. In addition, unlike the small proportion of the painted pottery of Susa C, which according to Le Breton "shows no specific relation to the first style (46), it becomes the characteristic feature for the occupants of period IV at Sialk. If Sialk had been occupied by "a strong ruler of Susa", it would seem unusual that, instead of the replacement of the Sialk III pottery by the plain Proto-Elamite pottery of Susa Cb-c, a painted pottery so limited in quantity and with no background in the entire plain of Susiana should repre sent the Proto-Elamite government of Susa at Sialk. Furthermore, as discussed earlier, the destruction of Sialk HI 7b took place at least two centuries before the beginning of Susa and its painted pottery. As a result it seems more reasonable to believe that the destruction of Sialk III 7b had no connection with the Susian go vernment, and it was the painted pottery of Sialk IV which reached Susa in the course of the Proto-Elamite economic expansion into the central plateau, rather than to accept this pottery as a characteristic feature for Proto-Elamites and to regard the appearance of the identical painted pottery of Sialk as result of the occupat ion of this settlement by the Susian government. One may still argue that the use of the full extension of the Great Khorassan Road by the Proto-Elamite traders did not necessarily have to be for lapis lazuli but for other commodities. A similar theory, certainly under the influence of G. Herrmann's article, has also been presented by H. Weiss and . Young Jr., who regarded the Godin V settlement as another Susian trading outpost in connection with the lapis lazuli trade along the Great Khorasan Road (47. The excavation results at Godin V have shown that 50 % of the pottery found within the oval complex on the summit of the settlement consisted of early Protoliterate (Late Uruk, Susa Ca-b, Susa Acropolis level 17) type pottery, while in the lower part of the settlement only 20 % of the pottery was of Susa Ca-b type (48). Furthermore, the Godin V clay tablets are closely related to those of Susa Acropolis 17 (49). These two similarities have led the authors to the conclusion that "the Godin V oval inchsure on the summit of the mound was a Susian trading (44) GHIRSHMAN 1939: PI. LXXI, S.lll, S.I 771 S.120; LXXII, S. 1778, 1.1749 and S.71. (45) /bid. : PI. LXXI, S.51. (46) LE BRETON 1957 101. (47) During the season of 1973 the deep sounding at Godin Tepe yielded an architectural complex on the highest point of the settlement, which was surrounded by an oval fortified wall. This complex, which has been named "Monumental Building" by Cuyler Young, the exca vator, was the ruler's residential building, used for official purposes as well as for living quarters. On the basis of pottery and clay tablet comparison this settlement has been dated to 3200-3000 B.C., a period contemporary with Susa Acropolis 17 in Southwestern Iran and Warka IV in southern Mesopotamia. For this information, see WEISS and YOUNG 1957 3, 4, 8, 13. (48) Ibid. : 6. (49) Ibid. .11. : . : 68 post immediately supported by the local agricultural vi llage or town (50)". The reason for the occupation of Godin V and Sialk IV, according to H. Weiss and T.C. Young, and G. Herrmann respectively, was basically the control of the Great Khorasan Road. Regardless of the type of commodities which may have been passed along this route, one has to find out how many such outposts, would have been necessary for the control of this route of some 3,000 km. from Susa to Badakhshan, or about 2.000 km. to Hissar, since in G. Herrmann's opinion "Ela m was then in a position to control the trade, importing lapis lazuli from sites in the north-east, such as Tepe Hissar (meaning Aratta or a site close to Aratta since Tepe Hissar is located on the "south-east of the Caspian"), through Sialk, and exporting the stone west to Sumer and even perhaps to Egypt by sea (51)". In view of the fact that the control of this route was so vital to the Susian government that it had to establish a colonytype outpost in its very immediate neighborhood, by the peaceful occupation of the local ruler's residential and administrative palace at Godin V, or the forceful take over of Sialk after the destruction of the entire settl ement III 7b by the help of an effective military power, one would expect to find many more such outposts along this road. The archaeological evidence so far has shown no other such outposts. Although a few beveledrim bowls have been found in the Godin V contempor ary levels at Tepe Ghabristan, this site was by no means located along the Khorasan Road. Besides, on the basis of a few beveled-rim bowls, one certainly could not consider the Ghabristan IV settlement as a Susian trading outpost. On the basis of all the available ar chaeol gical evidence, at the time of Godin V period the nearest cultural centre along the Great Khorasan Road in the central plateau was Tepe Hissar, period 1, which has yielded neither any Proto-Elamite connections, nor even one single piece of lapis lazuli. Furthermore, dur ing the Sialk IV period, which according to G. Herr mann "Elam was then in a position to control the trade, importing lapis lazuli from sites in north-east, such as Hissar, through Sialk...", Tepe Hissar, the only survi ving settlement in the northeastern part of the central plateau, was already occupied by the Gurgan GrayWare culture which had no relation to the rest of the Iranian plateau or Mesopotamia. Although no major archaeological investigations have been made to study the prehistoric cultures of Khorasan, the northeast province of Iran, through which passed a major part of the Great Khorasan Road, the absence of any evidence for Proto-Elamite connect ions between Susa and Hissar, or Godin and Hissar, may very well be taken as an example for the rest of the Great Khorasan Road indicating that no outposts such as the ones at Godin or Sialk existed along this route. Even if we disregard the necessity of multiple trading outposts and accept the idea that the Susian government was able to control the entire road with only one such establishment at Godin and later at Sialk, one cannot (50) Ibid. : 14. (51) HERRMANN 1968 53. :

LAPIS LAZULI AND THE GREAT KHORASAN ROAD stop looking for traces of the Susian caravans which travelled regularly along this road and carried various commodities from one area to another. Under normal conditions, it would have taken a caravan some 70 days to go from Susa to Hissar, or 100 days to Afghanistan. A simple calculation will show that if only once a year a Susian caravan of traders journeyed towards the east, during the Godin V and then Sialk IV periods which was at least half a millennium, the Susian traders must have travelled along this route about one thousand times and camped on route between 70,000-100,000 times. Because for such long journeys an additional large number of persons at the service of the merchants and an efficient guard for the security of the entire caravan would have been necessary, obvious traces of this regular traffic should be expected. In fact no such traces have come to light along the Great Khorasan Road. Thus, in conclusion, the only probable explanation for the appearance of the Proto-Elamite cultural el ements at Godin V and at Sialk IV would be that these two cities were simply marketing centres for the Susian well-developed technology and its products, and it was through these commercial contacts that the reported Proto-Elamite pottery, clay tablets, and cylinder seals reached these centres. Furthermore, the lack of any similar situation on the rest of the central plateau indicat es that Godin and Sialk were the limits of the direct contacts of the Susian traders in the north and northeast directions, and any further possible transaction with the rest of the central plateau, for instance, with Tepe Ghabristan, were achieved indirectly. Thus, the handful of Protoliterate beveled-rim bowls at Tepe Ghabristan must have reached the Qazvin plain indirectly through Godin V, the residents of which had at this time an identical culture (52). BIBLIOGRAPHY BECK H. 1933 Beads from Nineveh, with special reference to those found in the great Pit MM. Annals of Archaeology and Anthropology 20. COHEN S. 1973 Enmerkar and the Lord of Arattu. Ph. D. dissertation. University of Pennsylvania. DYSON R.H.Jr. 1965 Problems in the relative Chronology of Iran, 6000-2000 B.C. In Chronologies in Old World Archaeology, EHRICH R.W., ed. Chicago: 215-256. GHIRSHMAN R. 1938 Fouille de Sialk, prs de Kashan, I. Muse du Louvre. Dpartement des Antiquits Orientales IV. Paris Geuthner. HERRMANN G. 968 Lapis Lazuli The early phases of its trade. Iraq 30:2157. JACOBSEN T. 939 The Sumerian King List. A S., Chicago the sity of Chicago Press. : 11 . : (52) MAJ1DZADEH 1976: 08-1 2. and fig. 3-1 7. I 1 II 1 69 The Balance of Trade in Southwestern Asia in the M idThird Millennium B.C. Current Anthropology 19. n 3 463-492. KRAMER S.N. 952 Enmerkar and the Lord ofAralta, a Sumerian Epic Tale of Iraq and Iran. Philadelphia University Museum. LAMBERG-KARLOVSKY CC. 1972 Trade Mechanisms in Indus-Mesopotamian Interrela tions. J.A.O.S. 92. 2 222-229. LAMBERG-KARLOVSKY CC. and TOSI M. 1973 Shahr i-Sokhta and Tepe Yahya Tracks on the earliest History of the Iranian Plateau. East and West 23. 1-2 21-58. LE BRETON L. 1957 The Early Periods at Susa. Mesopotamian Relations. Iraq 19 79-124. LE STRANGE G. 1905 The Lands of the Eastern Caliphate. Cambridge bridge University Press. LEVINE L.D. 1973 Geographical Studies in the Neo-Assyrian Zagros. Iran 11 1-27. MAJIDZADEH Y. 976 The Early Prehistoric Cultures of the Central Plateau of Iran : an Archaeological History of its Development dur ing the Fourth and Fifth Millennia B.C. Ph.D. Dis sertation. 1978 Correction of the Internal Chronology for the Sialk III Period on the basis of the Pottery Sequence at TepeGhabristan. Iran 16 92-101. 1979 An early Prehistoric Coppersmith Workshop at Tepe Ghabristan. Aden des Vil fnternationalen Kongresses fur Iranische Kunst und Archaeologie, Berlin. MALLOWAN MEL. 1970 The Development of Cities from al-Ubaid to the end of Uruk 5. Cambridge Ancient History I Part I, Prolego menaand Prehistory, Cambridge University Press. MALLOWAN MEL. and ROSE J.C. 1935 Excavations at Tepe Arpachiyah. Iraq 2 i-xv, 1-178. MECQUENEM R. de 1934 Fouilles de Suse 1929-1933. Mmoires de la Mission Archologique de Perse 25. Paris Geuthner. SHAHMIRZADI S. M. 1979 Implimentation by Metalsmiths of Sagzabad, Qazvin Plain, Iran. Archaeologische Mitteilungen ans Iran, Band 12 49-66. SMITH C.S. 1974 The Emergence of Man : the Metalsmiths. In KNAUTH P. and the Editors of Time Life Books New York Time Life Books. SUMNER W. 1974 Excavations at Tall i-Malyan 1971-72. Iran 12 155175. TOBLER A.J. 1950 Excavations at Tepe Gawra, II. Philadelphia University of Pennsylvania Press. TOSI M. and PIPERNO 1973 Lithic Technology behind the Ancient Lapis Lazuli Trade. Expedition, 20-21 15-23. WEISS H. and YOUNG T.C.Jr. The Merchants of Susa Godin V and Plateau Lowland Relations of the Late Fourth Millennium B.C. Iran 3 1-17. : : . : : : : .: : : : : : 1 : : KOHL P. 1978

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