Martin Nitsche
Martin Nitsche, Dr. phil., is a senior researcher at the Center for Citizenship and History Education in Aarau at the School of Education, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland. He was a visiting scholar at McGill University Montreal in the summer of 2023 and an interim professor of history didactics at the University of Cologne in the summer of 2022. His research interests include history teacher professionalization, history assessment, and teaching materials.
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Papers by Martin Nitsche
based writing tasks. lt was first examined whether the developed writing tasks stimulated the expected sub-areas of narrative competency and secondly whether further operations could be observed during the writing process. Interview analyses revealed the expected operations of narrative competency. Other activities were also identified.
In the article we present our ongoing research on the assessment of narrative competences.
We ask how material-based and open-ended tasks could be constructed to meet psychometrical and domain specific needs. Different criteria are derived from literature of history education and Psychometry. Using these, current international intervention studies in the field of historical writing are analyzed to evaluate if the authors consider common standards of test task design. The result indicates a diverse use of test tasks. It seems that no disciplinary quality criteria are commonly applied. In a final step, our test assignments and further steps which need to be taken into consideration in future studies are presented.
based writing tasks. lt was first examined whether the developed writing tasks stimulated the expected sub-areas of narrative competency and secondly whether further operations could be observed during the writing process. Interview analyses revealed the expected operations of narrative competency. Other activities were also identified.
In the article we present our ongoing research on the assessment of narrative competences.
We ask how material-based and open-ended tasks could be constructed to meet psychometrical and domain specific needs. Different criteria are derived from literature of history education and Psychometry. Using these, current international intervention studies in the field of historical writing are analyzed to evaluate if the authors consider common standards of test task design. The result indicates a diverse use of test tasks. It seems that no disciplinary quality criteria are commonly applied. In a final step, our test assignments and further steps which need to be taken into consideration in future studies are presented.
Dieser Band versammelt Studien, in deren Rahmen Geschichtsdidaktiker*innen gezielt in historische Bildungsprozesse eingegriffen haben. Er ist entlang der Schwerpunkte in quasiexperimentelle Studien, qualitative Interventionen und Grundlagen für geschichtsdidaktische Interventionen gegliedert.
Stundenplanung wird als Zusammenhang von Planungstätigkeiten begriffen. Für diese werden im Buch wissenschaftlich begründbare Handlungsoptionen aufgezeigt und Kriterien vorgestellt, die bei der Entscheidung für eine Vorgehensweise helfen. Zahlreiche Praxisbeispiele erleichtern die Anwendung. Eine exemplarische Stunde verdeutlicht am Schluss die vielfältigen Verschränkungen des Planungsprozesses.