Friday, November 15, 2024

Sticks and Stones

 There is a sculpture on Main Street in town that is named sticks and stones. 

A stick, some stones and a metal frame.   Who knew? 

I was reminded of the childhood saying "Sticks and stones will beak my bones but words will never hurt me."  Do you recall that one?  A children's rhyme from 1862.  

I do know that some words can hurt.  I was reminded one day by a very little girl who I had just scolded for doing something or a tear rolled down her cheek she said "You hurt my feeling"  Yes not feelings ...just feeling...apparently one feeling. When you are little you can have just one feeling. 

Far Side


  1. One thing impressed upon me when my kids were very young was how much power I have over their feelings with what I said. I could say something and instantly bring about tears. It pushed me to be more careful in how I chose my words, ones that weren't so hurtful.

  2. innocent...

  3. I still recite that phrase. It often reminds me of my childhood and an unlikely but great childhood friendship that was based on that phrase. Amazingly enough, we are still friends!

  4. Poor little girl, you hurt her feeling! Sorry kid, sometimes you are going to get your feeling hurt, especially when you do something wrong!

  5. Definitely remember that rhyme! The pain of words can last longer than from sticks and stones, though.

  6. Yes I remember that one very well. I think I hurled it at boys who made fun of me when I was a kid.

  7. Sadly, words can definitely hurt and that pain can last a long time. When I was young, my mom had nicknames for my siblings and I. They were Maggie Muggins (my sister) and Guinea pig (my brother), while my nickname was Stupid. As a young child, I took that to heart and truly believed I was stupid. As I grew older, I began trying to prove my mother wrong - I went to university, graduated with distinction, and went on to become a professional accountant. Yet, even now, there are times when that self-doubt comes back and I question my ability to learn - there is so much I don't know (and a lot I don't care to know).
    I'm glad that wee girl was able to express herself - I kept my "feeling" to myself.

    1. How horrible for you. I am glad that you went to school and got good qualifications to prove that you weren’t stupid. That’s a dreadful thing to call a child.

  8. Yes, I remember that one...sometimes I think it is just the opposite...well, words can hurt and stay with you longer than broken bones.

  9. I kind of like that sculpture! Yes, I know the saying. Words do hurt, sometimes more than sticks and stones.

  10. Interesting how you related very different things in this story.

  11. I do remember this old saying....I can remember saying it to my middle brother...He and I are best of friends now, but growing up....we would fuss and fight. I guess one feeling can hurt as bad as a bunch of feelings... I did not know that saying was that old...

  12. You're so right - words can hurt. Lack of words can hurt too. Interesting sculpture - and maybe it's real purpose is to remind us of the old saying.

  13. Sometimes, (most of the time anymore,) I just don't understand art at all. I agree with most of the commenters on here. Words definitely hurt and for much longer than a broken bone takes to heal. That little girl was good to express her feelings.
    Blessings and hugs,

  14. I know the rhyme but it is so out of date and wrong word can cut as deep as a knife and take longer to heal if they ever do

  15. I like the unusual sculptures. I try not to hurt feeling anymore. Sometimes, I do still. Some folks get feelings hurt quite easily. And a few seem to enjoy hurting others

  16. I didn't realize either, that that saying was that old. As a thin-skinned person I try to watch my words and not say hurtful things. Even in jest. GM

  17. Now, when I tell my husband he hurt my feeling(s) , he says it’s my fault for having feelings. He says he has a feeling…he was hungry once. Lol. Can’t a little…uh um…49 year old girl have feelings?

  18. LD. I always enjoyed seeing the rocks piled high by people on the North Shore. Some people were very artistic with it. I just lay my rocks out into a row. Or I gues I do paint on them.


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