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This master thesis research project is focused on analyzing the text created by users that are members of specifics Brazilian telenovela online communities. Its is also focused on recognizing the motivations of these members and... more
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      Social MediaTelenovelasIntertextualityTransmedial Storytelling
O presente artigo demonstra o conteúdo gerado pelo usuário (CGU) como um elemento chave na era da convergência e da cultura participativa por ser o tipo de conteúdo criado por pessoas comuns, pela audiência. Também elucida os CGUs e as... more
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      TelenovelasIntertextualityFandomGerard Genette
Since the advent of digital media and the 2.0 environments, the way we watch television and consume audiovisual media has changed. The audience can now be also called users, users who generate content and therefore share experiences... more
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      New MediaCollective IntelligenceUser-Generated ContentSocial Media
Television (TV) has always been the focus of continuous debate around its shifting social practices, involving and challenging all established main agents, from content producers to brands, corporations, regulators and audiences (Boddy,... more
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      New MediaPopular CultureFan StudiesSocial Media
A range of mobile technologies, multiple screens, and user engagement are arising in connected formats of media usage. Connected viewing is a term that refers to these varieties of platforms for content distribution and multiple viewing... more
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      CommunicationUser Experience (UX)User-Generated ContentSocial Media
É crescente o uso de mídias na forma conectada devido à variedade de tecnologias móveis, múltiplas telas e diferentes modos de engajamento dos usuários. Connected viewing é o termo que se refere a essa variedade de plataformas de... more
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      Video GamesComunicacion SocialTICs aplicadas a la EducacionTecnologias da Informação e da Comunicação (TIC) na Educação
This paper seeks to discuss the notion of transparency as related to the Facebook News Feed filtering algorithm. It analyzes the social practices of subjects that made intensive use of the platform for entertainment ends (they use... more
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      AlgorithmsTelenovelasFacebookSocial Practice
Co-viewing refers to the practice of sitting together in front of a TV set, watching and making meaning from television content. New media amplifies the possibilities for co-viewing, by allowing people to do it virtually. This study... more
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      Social MediaTelenovela and Soap OperaFacebookMass Communication and New Media
de plataformas y tecnologías digitales en nuestras prácticas creativas cotidianas”, nos hemos propuesto abordar, desde diferentes perspectivas, el papel fundamental que juegan las narrativas digitales y la generación de datos producidos... more
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      User-Generated ContentYoutubeNarrativasUsuarios Activos
Resumo: Falamos com John Postill, professor de Comunicação na RMIT University (Melbourne, Austrália), sobre tópicos do seu novo livro: " The Rise of Nerd Politics ". Postill explica o que é a política nerd, como as práticas criativas da... more
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      Social MovementsPoliticsFree CultureCultura Libre
Hablamos con John Postill, profesor titular de Comunicación en RMIT University (Melbourne, Australia), sobre temas presentes en su nuevo libro: “The Rise of Nerd Politics” (El surgimiento de la Política Nerd). Postill nos explica qué es... more
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      Movimientos socialesCultura LibreRemixRemix Culture
Neste dossiê, “Narrativas dos usuários: os usos de plataformas e tecnologias digitais em nossas práticas cotidianas criativas”, nos propusemos abordar, a partir de diferentes perspectivas, o papel fundamental desempenhado pelas narrativas... more
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      User-Generated ContentNarrative MethodsYoutubeJornalismo
Resumo Este artigo discute as preocupações e os desafios éticos que devem ser considerados durante o estudo da prática de covisualização (televisão social) dos conteúdos audivisuais nas mídias sociais e aplicativos de mensagens... more
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      Social Research Methods and MethodologyResearch EthicsQualitative methodologyCommunication Ethics
This article discusses the ethical concerns and challenges that should be considered while studying the practice of co-viewing on social media and instant messaging applications. Co-viewing practices refer to the intertwined activities... more
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      EthicsCommunicationCase Study ResearchCommunication Ethics
Fernanda Pires has a postdoctoral Juan de la Cierva fellowship at the MEDIUM research group in the Department of Communication of Universitat Pompeu Fabra-Barcelona. She holds a PhD in Information and Knowledge Society from the Open... more
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This master thesis research project is focused on analyzing the text created by users that are members of specifics Brazilian telenovela online communities. Its is also focused on recognizing the motivations of these members and... more
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A range of mobile technologies, multiple screens, and user engagement are arising in connected formats of media usage. Connected viewing is a term that refers to these varieties of platforms for content distribution and multiple viewing... more
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      Computer ScienceVideo GamesConvergence CultureComunicacion Social
In this article, we will outline the co-design process of the Future Story Chasers storytelling game methodology. Future Story Chasers is a research project aimed at fostering the collective creation of stories based on a common fictional... more
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Co-viewing refers to the practice of sitting together in front of a TV set, watching and making meaning from television content. New media amplifies the possibilities for co-viewing, by allowing people to do it virtually. This study... more
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      Cultural StudiesPerceptionSocial MediaTelenovela and Soap Opera
This article discusses the ethical concerns and challenges that should be considered while studying the practice of co-viewing on social media and instant messaging applications. Co-viewing practices refer to the intertwined activities... more
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      EthicsCommunicationCase Study ResearchInformed Consent